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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7221166 No.7221166[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


One of the organisers of the clusterfuck that was Austen and the Abbey has posted this essay on the TPC page.

More caps to follow.

>> No.7221168 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7221172

Is this going to be drama? Or is this bitch "stepping down" because it's too hard to make a few phonecalls/co-organise shit.

lel, pick three.

>> No.7221177
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>> No.7221179
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>> No.7221184
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>> No.7221188

I really feel for this girl. She was clearly trying her very best to give something back to the community, and was falsely led to believe that the organiser knew what he was doing. I sincerely hope nobody shits on her for this post. It is entirely clear with whom the fault lies, and it is not her.

>> No.7221192

If you read this, and if you read the stuff on the various gtfo posts about the event, it's pretty clear Francesco was the one who dun goofed and Keren got unfairly dragged down with him.

>> No.7221197
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Can someone post some back story? Ex: event info, who was supposed to be there, what happened in general? Im a tad confused reading this is all.

>> No.7221203

I'm really glad Keren has the brand donations and not that Francisco. She's a hell of a lot more responsible than him.

>> No.7221205


>dude called Francesco announces Austen and the Abbey lolita event in the UK
>regency themed, promises A LOT of fancy shit
>brand shopping and fashion shows
>regency ball and tours of stately homes
>horse and carriage rides
>butler cafe and three course dinner
>generally exceedingly fancy plans
>looks absolutely great on paper
>constant annoyingly flamboyant posts about event are grating though

>event rolls around
>it's an absolute clusterfuck
>horse and carriage rides cancelled
>not enough hotel rooms or taxis
>butler cafe was shit, only served one course of cold, shitty food
>half the billed events didn't actually happen
>members of the public wander in without tickets, or can buy tickets for HALF THE PRICE of the lolitas

Hope that explains it all

>> No.7221207

Yeah, she's definitely a lot more sensible than fran. I bet if she had been in charge of the event, or had had a better team to help her plan it, it would actually have gone really well. She was the driving force behind getting the brands to sell at the event, which was really the only good thing about it.

>> No.7221215

Oh great MORE A&TA drama. Where's my popcorn.

>> No.7221221

Yeah but who in their right mind would have trusted him in the first place? It was obviously going to turn to shit when it was first announced. Guess she was too trusting.

>> No.7221228
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Ive figured out who was running this event guise

>> No.7221227

What the actual shit. I sort of glanced at some Francesco drama closer to summer but didn't think much of it... damn, that's craptastic.

>> No.7221247

Her latest event is this weekend, sales as expected are struggling.

This apology/long list of excuses would be more sincere if it clearly wasn't timed to bump sales for her latest event.

She hadn't even bothered to post it to the Austen page which backs my point up

>> No.7221252

I suppose this begs the question. How would /cgl/ do something like this "correctly"?

How should you run a lolita event?

Really, what went wrong with this one? Is there a point here about always having back-up plans?

>how make lolita go all according to keikaku*
*keikaku means plan

>> No.7221261

We've had good events in the UK before but this was just a clusterfuck of shit. Deliver what you promise and don't give everyone food poisoning is a good start

>> No.7221263

Latest event? What's this?

>> No.7221274

Milkteamilk day

>> No.7221291

I've not heard of this at all. Any details?

>> No.7221297

FACEBOOK dot com forward slash events forward slash 637457599630536

>> No.7221303

GTFO drama catchup

>> No.7221352


>> No.7221365

I would normally cynically agree but it seems like there was still some tension between the aata organizers and tpc that has been recently resolved? She posted her new event on the tpc page so it seems like she felt it was just up in the air too long... I feel bad for her, it seems like she got duped.

>> No.7221369

Lmfao! The tension was from aata towards tpc!!! I feel for keren but the only reason she has done this now is because of her new event.

>> No.7221371

I thought that was all Fran having some issue with Frock On? Was Keren behind that as well?

>> No.7221413

Keren knew.

>> No.7221443

Woah woah I wasn't pointing any fingers or suggesting anything of that sort I just said there seemed to be tension that is now resolved or she wouldn't have posted her event or even made this big post.

I heard Fran said some horrible stuff in public and it was a bit of scene? I don't know anything else apart from that, or anything involving her. Like I said, seems like she just got duped and ended up taking the blame for everything and so feels like she has to be the one to step up and say all this.

>> No.7221466

it's still like sketch like she said something like she didn't want to do this but someone talked her into it? i bet she's just worried that her new event isn't doing well rather than worried about the old one or she would have posted at the time

>> No.7221473

It might be related to both. Maybe she was wondering why her event wasn't doing as well as it should have been, and a friend mentioned it might have something to do with A&tA. Then she gets worried that people are thinking badly of her and putting her in the same boat as Francesco. So her friend encourages her to clear the air and tell her side, since Francesco has already said his piece. So yeah, it might not have been just about the new event. We don't know because we're not Keren or whoever talked her into it.

>> No.7221480

Is Keren also behind the new lolita shop Teatime Treasures?

>> No.7221491

meh reading the gtfo it doesn't look like she's completely innocent. She must have known about the carriage rides (cancelled quietly before the event) people waiting for hours, paper cups at a £15 tea party and that Japanica thieving public get in cheap shit. why post the week before her new event not 5 months ago?

>> No.7221494

That's exactly why otherwise she would have posted it on the Austen event page, you know, so people who actually went see the apology

Yes she is, but she also keeps her involvement quiet

>> No.7221495


>> No.7221500

I don't think she would have posted on the event page since a lot of people probably left it (is the event page still there? I can't find it on fb). TPC is the place where you'll be able to reach pretty much everyone you need to.

>> No.7221501

Makes no sense. If I played a part in a big shit fear of an event and was gonna apologise, I would at the very least cross post it on TPC and the Austen page

>> No.7221510

Maybe, but badmouthing Francesco's event on his own event page where he's the admin just seems like it will cause more issues than it would solve.

>> No.7221515

Probably but if it really bothered you how crummy peoples experience of Austen was would it matter what fran did?

>> No.7221523

Is he even still in the UK community? Francesco drama please he seems hilarious

>> No.7221529

It's more likely he'll delete the post. At least on TPC's page he has no power to do that.

>> No.7221536

Then you cross post, to anticipate the deletion. At least shows that you genuinely care about the shit time we had rather than clearing your name the week before another event you're putting on

>> No.7221538

why is this even an issue? Everyone on the A&A group is in the TPC group.

>> No.7221539


pretty sure that francesco is the kind of douchebag who'd try to sue or sometihng dumb like that

>> No.7221551

So is there a thinly veiled accusation of money getting stolen in these caps? That's what I'm reading

>I don't know how the money problems happened, I had everything planned and looked at the paypal regularly

>> No.7222690

I was thinking the same thing
The timing is way too coincidental and to be honest it's not her history of involvement with a disastrous event that is to blame for poor sales it's the event itself not appealing to the target audience.
Inviting a no name Japanese band to perform in the UK just isn't a safe financial investment! I'd have probably gone just for the heck of it if the tickets were £5-7 but at £20/26 I could go and see a popular band that I actually liked

>> No.7222709

You're right Kyary tickets were £20. I think I would have bothered if I thought it would be fun but it doesn't look well organised at all

>> No.7222756

I feel like its a bit of a weird event? Kind of like a mini-convention with a concert at the end. Either would have been fine on their own and kept the cost of tickets down. We'll see how it goes - if it sucks then she'll have to stop and if its good then I guess it will restore peoples' faith in her and she might get better sales next time.

>> No.7222839

I think that's all she can do, I kind of feel bad for her

>> No.7222870

I've only met her briefly in events but I could tell from before the event happened that it was gonna be a clusterfuck cause I know Fran. I'm inclined to believe her cause this is the shit he pulls. He is shady as fuck and always tries to dress up the most mundane things in florid language to pass them as lolita or elegant or aristocratic or whatever. As soon as he started organizing it and describing it, the moment he was talking about elegant settings and tea parties, I could picture this being some plastic cup and PG tips affair. I feel sorry for her cause it seemed that she had no idea what she was getting into from the start and just trusted him.

>> No.7222875

He's never been really into it. He only appears every now and then to film something and either sucks up to people so they can be in his project or ignores them or blanks them, no one knows why.

>> No.7222883

Most people start small and then gradually they try to make events bigger. You don't start by promising regency style weekends in the countryside with horse carriages....

>> No.7222982

What I can't understand way why anyone believed him? That sounds like a good idea! Have £40-£100!

>> No.7223321

Well the 'flowery' language for AATA put me off, it just read as a little suspicious.. And it was pricing system was hella confusing.

>> No.7224064


>> No.7224065

Same lolitas are quick to throw money at keren and eat up her "poor me" post.

>> No.7224087

People seem to forget that if something sounds too good to be true it usually is. Also, I think it was because it seemed to be in competition with frock on people expected a high quality event.
But as for planning these kind of things... Location, firstly should have good transport links and be appropriate so your guests don't feel uncomfortable when they get there. You need to have a good team that will actually keep things to schedule and follow through with plans and work well together and you need to, most importantly, know the limits of your ability and of your team so you can plan an event of suitable size. Those are the super basic things I think - know the needs of your audience, know your team, know your limits.

>> No.7224112

I talked to Keren a fair bit over the weekend and she apparently doesn't read /cgl/ so I can say this without fearing a giant backlash: apparently Francesco was a TOTAL cunt to her. Constantly accusing her of trying to 'steal his event' because she was trying to fix his fuckups, saying she was only pretending to be his friend and had her own agenda for the event, changing shit behind her back. She and several others said that they think it's because he has a serious problem with women, he seems to think all women are out to get him because he's a brolita. If you do read this Keren, you probably know who I am. I know you told me not to tell anyone but I really think you should be honest about what a shit Fran was if you want people to stop associating you with him.

Also, from what I know, the debt from the event was solely dumped on Keren and her family, I got the impression that Fran didn't help with that at all. They were like six grand out of pocket or something horrific.

>> No.7224121

While that's probably true she did get into the competitiveness of aata vs frock on which was so stupid. Also if she had access to the figures how did she let the event go £6000 over budget? And if it didn't and fran ran away with £6000 why the hell wasn't more fuss made?

>> No.7224130

I have absolutely no idea man, I'm just sharing what I know because it's relevant and I thought people would find it interesting that he was shitty even to her.

>> No.7224146

>the 'flowery' language for AATA put me off
Same here, the only people that type like that are fifteen and discovering the classics, or grown children too far up their own asses to interact with reality.

>> No.7224294

I know she does read cgl. Maybe not anymore, but definitely when the Austen shit was happening

>> No.7224306

She posted on fb a few weeks ago too about how she went on cgl for the first time and we are all meanies etc. etc.

>> No.7224310

Yeah I saw that and laughed.

I didn't understand the unprovoked blatant lie, she saw all the drama from here, btb and gtfo when it was all happening

>> No.7226515
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