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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 171 KB, 539x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7218092 No.7218092 [Reply] [Original]

Admit it- there's something you desperately want to see in lolita or cosplay that you know wouldn't fly with anyone else. It's confession time kids.

I'll kick it off with Street Lolita. Dolled up Jordans, puffy sleeve hoodies, frilly snapbacks. It would be sick, but it's just a dream.

>> No.7218099

You must be black

>> No.7218103

That sounds awful.

>> No.7218175

Gave it some thought and actually I'd love it.

>> No.7218174


Just do it?
Really, whos to stop you?

>> No.7218177
File: 41 KB, 634x630, poop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see a kawaii turd print.

>> No.7218236

kanker op

>> No.7218292

I want a Chthulu print with creepy as fuck accessories. Evil wizard lolita.

>> No.7218313


I would wear the shit outta street lolita.

>> No.7218316

I second this!

>> No.7218319

I'm actually kinda digging it as well, minus the snapbacks. Had to look up what those are, and they seem to be baseball hats. I mean, maybe if you did them in a sorta fairy kei style, like in that one Swizzlix thread... Hm.

>> No.7218324

Correction, Swirlix. I'm not good with the newer Pokemon.

>> No.7218415
File: 37 KB, 213x344, WXP14A_M[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a room with stuff like this. Blacklights, the bed, massive speakers...I already have a poster.

The problem is that it would be hideous and overwhelming.

>> No.7218418

Honestly wouldn't that work better(and fucking awesome) with fairy kei?

>> No.7218423

I want more science in my lolita, specifically molecule prints.

>> No.7218426


Prints to match some of these yesssss

>> No.7218434


That already is a thing. Rouge Aerie I think?

>> No.7218439

Wow, I thought I was the only one! I thought of the exact same name, Street Lolita (or streetlita). I'm slowly building up the courage to try it. My only problem is figuring out how to make the snapback cute enough. I'm planning on making my coord sweet.

>> No.7218457

That'd be really cool to see done well.
I can see someone attempting it poorly in a desperate cry to be a special snowflake.
Honestly it sounds like a Kyary thing, though. Maybe she'll do it. She could do it well.

>> No.7218458

No, this is not the job for Kyary.

>> No.7218461

Maybe Lady Gaga.

>> No.7218465

Why celebrities? Why not just a regular lolita?

>> No.7218496
File: 18 KB, 224x224, escherhorses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Optical Illusions. it's the next 'painting print' trend. Some Escher ones are already prints.

>> No.7218502

This. Kyary's about shock value wackiness only.

>> No.7218505

This please!

>> No.7218508

Science or lolita is a thing I desperately want. Molecules, atoms and compounds, cute chemistry themed prints (like flasks, test tubes and the like). More space lolita too, to bring in the physics side of things. I've only seen a couple of space lolita things I like but I'll be damned if I could find them again because I didn;t save the link...

>> No.7218556

Oh yes I want it.

>> No.7218582
File: 343 KB, 1280x1440, jojo pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one mentioned a cosplay one yet. I hope people will attempt fabulous JoJo inspired/parody designs of existing characters from other series.

I agree with this. I kind of want something towards anatomy and medicine too. I think this wouldn't look good in reality, but I kind of want prints of the Merck Manual/Gray's Anatomy. Or maybe a print with viruses

>> No.7218855
File: 391 KB, 500x401, tumblr_ll82n3ssVL1qacdq3o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man that would be sweet. AP DID make lolita sneakers after all.

>> No.7218858

I think they'd be too detailed in reality, but I too want medical prints. I'm thinking neuroanatomy and close ups of different cell types.

>> No.7218883

I want legitimate ero-loli to become a thing.

Completely lace loli dresses so you can see through the body, short skirt lengths for classy booty showing. I want to to edge on pornographic but still be classy enough to be like "Yeah, I can see Dita Von Teese rocking this shit"

>> No.7218893

Yeah, Rouge Aerie has a Cthulu print sailor dress.

"Nightmare Rises"


I want a dress covered in physics equations.

Like how they have prints that look like parchment with letters written on them. I want equations. And force diagrams. Oh shit.

>> No.7218909

Cosplay; I want to see a quadruped costume that doesn't look super unnatural. I don't know how it would work, and I don't care,

>> No.7218929

Most Lolita's have trouble with being classy as is, no way in hell can they pull off ero on top of that

>> No.7218942
File: 117 KB, 656x960, 1238998_314847978660246_1633411975_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are lolita peignoirs at the moment, but people use them to go over their dresses for the most part.

>> No.7218945

Same, man. Same.

>> No.7218972


Fucking perverts always ruining trends by via of sexualization

>> No.7218979


>> No.7218982

Shit, this gives me an excuse to wear sneakers with (street) lolita!

>> No.7218984

Source on that image/where you can buy that from?

>> No.7218988

"Via" means "by way of". As in Via Appia(the Appian Way).
You don't say "by via", dingus.

>> No.7218991

Facebook 4oclockbylindafriesen
That's Linda herself, if I recall correctly. No direct link because 4chan thinks it's spam.

>> No.7218993
File: 153 KB, 960x638, 1380429_332690136876030_691509401_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That dress is by 4 o'clock! (4oclockbylindafriesen on Facebook)

>> No.7218996


Yeah go call the cops on me faggot

>> No.7219000
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>> No.7219002
File: 149 KB, 1024x768, hessed2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to see some lolita influenced by Napoleonic military uniforms

not that I dont have a military uniform fetish or anything

>> No.7219027

I swear I've seen a goth loli ensemble that had death hussar elements (minus the symbol).
Still, it's been done and I'm sure some accessories are available commercially. Or did you have a specific uniform in mind?

>> No.7219031
File: 187 KB, 1219x1600, hussar_uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem jackets

>> No.7219090
File: 819 KB, 1768x2672, 1380697759967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I uhhh really like the black prussian hussars and pic related

I'm not going to lie this picture fueled a lot of my interest in the whole uniform thing. Though the more I get into it the more I appreciate the uniforms from a design/aesthetic point of view but nevermind like this thread is one thing but incorporating male military uniforms into lolita just screams crossplaying ita I can't handle it. I actually really dislike boystyle anyway.

>you will never be a fair maiden crying over your qt cavalry officer bf while he is off on campaign

>> No.7219112

It wouldn't be complete without a sword anyway. The pristine white shoulder belt that goes with the scabbard looks so fabulous.

>> No.7219119
File: 15 KB, 250x334, tumblr_ltdorjBQOq1qi4m13o1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconded, there has to be more military loli !

>> No.7219125


I think that print is cool, but I don't so much like the sailor element in it. I know it works well for C'thulhu and all, but it feels like it's sort of mixing aesthetics. If I got it, I'd feel obligated to sailor it up rather than focus on my eldritch abomination.

>> No.7219127

eugh there is always more room for military lolita

i wish there was just a brand that produced only military lolita because hot damn i never get tired of it.

>> No.7219135

Military lolita is a thing I would love to see more.

I also want more fantasy lolita that does not involve unicorns or mermaids. I want prints of dragons and fairies. And for gothic lolita I want ghost-like dresses. Also more historical periods like ancient rome/egypt or medieval inspired dresses.

>> No.7219154

I mean, Excentrique always looks vaguely military, I think

>> No.7219172

Lace on the brim, and a color to suit your coord? Maybe a tiny bow on the back...

>> No.7219174
File: 55 KB, 400x533, 131117call[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


damn I've never heard about this brand before but I'm loving what I'm seeing pic related

>> No.7219193
File: 46 KB, 651x197, muhintegrals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hnnnnnnngg seconding the idea of a Physics dress. I want to make a Calculus inspired one with lots of integrals (pic stolen from /sci/ haha), too. Maybe a border print? Wasn't there an anon who made a mock-up of a science dress in one of the "prints you want to see" threads?

>> No.7219220

I just wish we called it "frillitary."

>> No.7219230
File: 42 KB, 437x580, MAR028_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is even possible knowing that Japan considers it a sign of luck.

>> No.7219250
File: 19 KB, 250x184, ek20070320wha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only the Kin no Unko though.

Golden poop dresses aww yiss

>> No.7219265

Wish granted. While you're at it, could you rename lolita? Tired of this pedophile shiet.

>> No.7219285

This thread is where itas are born.

>> No.7219400

Oh my gosh yes

>> No.7219415

Viking Kei.

>> No.7219418


>> No.7219417

sounds korean. or american vietnamese

>> No.7219505


Lots of fur and leather. Maybe it would be like lolitas male equivalent for Mori girls?

>> No.7219533

This video would be fun as fuck to remake with a bunch of shiro lolitas/jfashionistas. (Lor would not be invited.)
military shiro(soldier), country shiro(cowboy), fairy kei shiro+hat(construction worker), mori girl shiro that vaguely looks like felipe rose(as the red indian-none of that white girl indian shit), and maybe shiro visual kei for the biker or something.God damn that would be fun, but it'll never happen. Plus I can't dance at all so i'm out by default.Still, a girl can dream.
Disclaimer: im a huge faggot

>> No.7219535

*shiro mori girl

>> No.7220297
File: 368 KB, 300x169, yayyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be sooo down for this

>> No.7220317

Final Fantasy IX lolita. Maybe it sounds stupid, but I can imagine Alexandria or Burmecia on a skirt or something.

>> No.7220344
File: 49 KB, 585x482, oat tee p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better board tan cosplays. Like ones that are close to the designs. Why hasn't anyone cosplayed as this yet?

>> No.7220348
File: 201 KB, 600x589, cgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crap wrong pic.

>> No.7220404

I seriously though that was a pinball machine at first glance.

>> No.7220732

So I had a dream I made a Ferengi lolita and wore it to a sci-fi con and was trying to pawn off DOL replicas to people for high prices.

I actually really kind of want to do this now.

>> No.7221306

Ferengi lolita? So you went naked?.. Or was it more of a Regency jacket+gobelin vest+necklace with a bar of latinum kind of thing? Dang, now I want to do it...