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7204995 No.7204995[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

After seeing lolitas in the venting thread vent about poor lolitas in their comm, lets talk poor lolitas in your comm and their stories.

>tfw a lolita can only afford Milanno

>> No.7205023


geezus that pic.

That's not being poor, that is literally about being lazy and living in their own filth. Cleaning your house isn't about having financial stability its about having pride and not being lazy.

Also her laziness also shows on her physique, filthy house, i expected filthy fat physique.

>> No.7205025

Um... Milanno is over priced shit. If you're real poor you get off brand or lolitable items.

Lolita and other high end fashions are far beyond the reach of REAL poor people. Real poor people are just concerned with trying to not look poor (making sure they got a clean shirt) and eating.

Someone who complains about not being able to afford lolita clothes (even off brand) and is still able to waste money on crap is just stupid.

>> No.7205028

also too lazy to do some damn research.

the only way this pic would be acceptable is if the house was from after a disaster

but that would become null because you should be recuperating not fashion modelling

>> No.7205067

>If you're real poor you get off brand or lolitable items.

This. Anyway, are the girls that are "poor" in all these comms really? Or are they just in high school/college and do not have a source of income to spend on lolita? This is my comm. I'm not wealthy by any means, but because I'm older I've been able to buy a lot in the short time I've been in the fashion.

Sometimes I'm sad I didn't get into lolita until I was 25, until I remember that I can afford to spend money on brand.

>> No.7205087

Yeah not poor, just crap expendable income.
Also they're probably not minded like people like me where I only buy what I need and be an overall cheapskate to still have enough money left over to spend on lolita

What I mean by this is, I'm 19 and stuck on part time but every amount I earn is more than the min wage rates a <18 can afford, but I just keep my mind focused on "YOU WANT TO BUY THAT DRESS DONT YOU" and don't spend on typical things like going to the movies or alcohol (much) or whatever. Sure, it may make my life boring and unsociable a bit but most my fun I obtain from the interwebz anyway

However these people can't do that. So less burando to them I guess.

>> No.7205097
File: 162 KB, 755x600, 755px-Myrmecophaga_tridactyla_-Detroit_Zoo,_Michigan,_USA-8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're being unfairly harsh.
She looks young.
It's easy from your standpoint to criticize her living space because your family/guardians raised you to know better, or as you grew you learned from experience.

I had an ex friend from high school who lived in exactly that condition, if not worse.
In fact I think her father actually got one of their apartments condemned because they let a bug/roach infestation get that bad from the filth.
But was it entirely the girl's fault? No. She just had a lazy (I'm going to guess mentally challenged?) father who didn't care about hygiene. They were used to their homes being that way because that's what they knew how to live in. And honestly, even if she up and cleaned everything that wasn't going to stop her father and brother from pigging up the house again.
At that she still had more important things to worry over like her financial, mental, and social woes. Cleaning wasn't an evident priority, at least to her. And dumpy, low-quality clothes that were at least new (like OP) were welcomed in her eyes because they were more interesting than the drab, fifth generation hand-me-downs from the 80s.
It's complicated, and you really wouldn't understand until you've gotten to know some dirt-poor people like that.

>> No.7205103

an example, I know two distinctive "poor" lolita enthusiasts, always butt madding and jellying over how somehow I can afford a wardrobe of HQ lolita and they can't
But we hardly earn different. > Lolipoor 1
> owns 3DS
> new releases of iPhone just sitting around
> anime collection

Lolipoor 2
> Samsung galaxy
> plays 3DS with other lolipoor
> unadmitting alcoholic
> manga/anime collection

Lolipoor 3 (me)
> no name brand phone
> owns no gaming device (never had anyway)
> anime sux
> sizeable brand wardrobe in my first year

To succeed in lolita with minimum wage you need to put it as your spending priority (WITHOUT making your standard of living uncomfortable). If you spend it on other things then expect nothing. You got nothing to complain.

>> No.7205150

Agreed, life is all about priorities. If you have any kind of income, you can make necessary cuts to afford what you want. I honestly have little sympathy for girls who complain about money. If you really want it - fucking make it happen!

>> No.7205153

>I honestly have little sympathy for girls who complain about money.
Even moderately well-off people complain about money. Earning money for 'fun' things for yourself is a bitch and a half for anybody who hasn't had it handed to them their entire lives.
Who do you think you are?

>> No.7205154

Semipoor independant studentfag lolita here. I usually just buff up my wardrobe with 2 or 3 second hand brand pieces per year, my wardrobe isn't Cadney-style expansive but you don't see me bitching.
>started with Bodyline for basic pieces then worked up to brand instead, everything rounded out pretty nicely, but I still can't afford meets as rent and student bills come first

>> No.7205166

And if those people honestly looked at their lifestyle, they could find places to cut in order to get the things they want, even if it's not much. Even 10 dollars a week cut can earn you up to 2 Bodyline skirts in a month. At least in the US, most people eat out frequently enough that if they cut that, they could do that.

And please don't imply that I've had things handed to me - I currently work a full time job which goes completely towards living expenses, and picked up a part time job in order to fund lolita.

>> No.7205174

>And please don't imply that I've had things handed to me
Your tone suggests otherwise.

>> No.7205181

I'm very much like you anon except I also buy small things for my partner occasionally.

>> No.7205186

And your attitude suggest that you're one of those people that instead of taking matters into your own hands, you just bitch about your life instead of making things better. I understand there are some truly bad off people out there, but I'm assuming if you have enough to have an internet connection and an interest in lolita that's not the case.

>> No.7205191


You really do come off bitchy. There's plenty of things in life I'd love to afford, lolita is one of them. Sure, if I cut back on everything else, I could save up for a wardrobe. But that doesn't mean the other things in my life are less important... I just wish that there was more money to buy all the things, you know?

That said, you know you shouldn't judge others based on phones and video game systems etc, I know from experience that those things are a lot easier to get as gifts. No one wants to buy you a silly 'adult baby' or 'pedophile' skirt' for holidays/birthdays

>> No.7205195
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>And your attitude suggest that you're one of those people that instead of taking matters into your own hands
How did you come to this conclusion just because I told you that you had an awful tone?
Stop being so defensive that someone told you to have a bit more fucking empathy.

>> No.7205200

You seem like a whiny bitch. Sorry mommy didn't buy you your ~adult babby~ clothes for your birthday. She probably bought you ~slutty normalfag~ clothes right, anon?
>b-b-but muh milanoos would have been a better gift mom! why mommy why! I wanna be a roli-chan-desuuu~

Grow the fuck up. People obviously complain about money, but the ones in lolita who complain are generally ones with poor money management skills.

Also, the anon you were talking with isn't the same one who said anything about video game consoles. Learn to read.

>> No.7205201

....wow, you are a terrible cunt. I'm not even that anon.

>> No.7205207

meh. personally I am not poor but I am a senior in highschool and I just buy off-brand and secondhand brand from the money I make from my mcjob. It is really no big deal.

>> No.7205211

And why should I have more empathy? What good does it do to anyone when it comes to money matters, especially when we're talking about affording an expensive niche hobby?

>> No.7205214

>the ones in lolita who complain are generally ones with poor money management skills.

This so much. We're not talking about affording fucking food here.

>> No.7205216

>but the ones in lolita who complain are generally ones with poor money management skills.
How do you know that though? Oh right, you don't. You only say that to rationalize your condescending attitude towards those less fortunate than yourself.

Only someone that hasn't ever really struggled financially thinks "cutting back" will afford them anything they want. You can't fucking cut back on rent, utilities, and insurance. And after that, you still gotta eat so yeah you can have a person that literally cannot afford things and sometimes just want to complain and vent about not having money. You don't have to be a cunt about it and claim they're BSing you. You don't know everyone's situation.

>> No.7205220

Having empathy kinda makes you a decent human being and less of a bitch.

>> No.7205225

Not trying to be bitchy, but why are you struggling so much? I honestly want to know. This thread is supposed to be about poor lolitas and their stories.

I do have empathy for people that are truly having a hard time, but it's hard to view people interested in an expensive fashion as having a hard time. Most of the people I know that are truly struggling have different things on their minds.

>> No.7205232

What the ever loving fuck is wrong with having a bit of empathy.

>> No.7205236

different anon btw this is just bullshit watching from the sidelines. You just sound like an entitled cunt who likes to look down on others.

>> No.7205244

I'd say that people who are successful in lolita and work full or part time figure out ways to be frugal and look for the best of deals, like searching on mbok and y!j for cheap brand and buying from other lolitas in the comm so no shipping and they can always just drop it off at a meetup or locally. Swap meets usually end up in good finds too! Some people are just like I just want to get rid of this now so I'll do a discount near the end of it. Also, stalking the sales group pages and subscribing to certain brand tags on the egl-comm-sales can be very good at finding the randomness deals first. Plus, there's always group orders to split up shipping cost.

Also, if you're able to fit into most unshirred brand or fit into the standard sharing measurements, you can usually find a good deal as long as you're patient. Like if you're a classic lolita, Innocent World always have their super sales and people sell off the things that don't fit from their oddment packs. Bodyline rarely has "sales" but you just have to be choosy at buying the better looking stuff, which I feel a lot of poor and badly dressed itas choose the cheapest thing and their family can't dissuade them since everything in lolita looks ridiculous to them anyways.

>> No.7205248

OP is a master troll. Look at all these butthurt people from both sides of the argument.

>> No.7205250

>This thread is supposed to be about poor lolitas and their stories.
No, this thread is about lolitas shitting on and complaining about poor lolitas like in the vent thread.
>lolitas in the venting thread vent about poor lolitas
>lolitas in your comm and their stories
Obviously not addressing the poor lolitas themselves. Basically this thread is just an Ita Thread: Poorfag version. Really tasteless, imo.

Also, I'm not particularly struggling that much now but I have in the past, when working two jobs to support my family. I can relate to those that complain at times about wanting to buy something and not being able to afford it. I still can.

>but it's hard to view people interested in an expensive fashion as having a hard time.
Again, you don't know these people personally, so you have no room to judge their intent or lifestyle. You can't just proclaim lolita to be richfags only, get out you poor, penniless plebs. If that's not the height of elitist snobbery, then I don't know what is.

>> No.7205260

You know, maybe I do like to look down on people. I guess I have my entire life, it makes me so glad to have found an outlet for my snobbery after graduating college.

>> No.7205263

Anon, it isn't necessarily true that the lolitas who complain about money are the ones with poor money management skills nor the reason poor lolitas are poor is due to lack of money management skills. I grew up poor, have been poor and my family are poor. The reason I can and have afforded lolita and other things is due to my good money management skills. I actually have quite a nice little wardrobe despite only being in the fashion for a year, and being young.

>> No.7205267

i think she should really be spending on other things tbh..

>> No.7205273

I'm a poor lolita. I literally make less than 1000 USD a year, and I still manage to afford decent dresses.

You can buy cute clothes from Taobao that will be better quality + cheaper than milanoo.

(Granted, I do live at home still.)

I'm trying to move out, but that needs to wait until my boyfriend gets his car fixed so he can get a job. He helps me buy dresses too. It's all a matter of saving a little bit of each paycheck. Maybe $10 of each check, give it two or three months, new dress.

Once I move out though, there won't be any new clothes for a while. Not until we get our budgeting figured.

Buying from milanoo because you're "poor" is just an excuse for being retarded.

>> No.7205276


In that case, affording lolita isn't good money management. It's terrible money management. Get a real job.

>> No.7205279

I go to school. I don't have time for a real job.

I work a shitty McJob.

I just went everywhere in my town looking for new employment but nobody is hiring that can work around my school schedule.

>> No.7205282

Rather than arguing shit about how you can tell if someones really poor or border line or someshit lets tell some poor lolita stories.

Heres one of mine. Just to give a bit of context, when we organise meets we always put up general prices things so everyone has a decent idea of what costs a meet may have, and can budget accordingly. (EG if we are going out for food a menu/price list, if to a museaum admission prices.)

One member of the comm always shows up, says they can't afford the thing/event/meal, crys about it, then says they can't afford a bus/train home.

But then, she buys multiple brand dresses/accessories and even at these meets buys loads of snacks. When confronted on them she cries saying they were nessecary or she needed the dress.

>> No.7205284

>responding to the bait

>> No.7205289

I would just... remove her from the comm group.

And not invite her to anything.

That's not being poor.

That's being a cunt.

>> No.7205301

Just wondering...is she fat?

I'm trying to get a picture of this situation in my head, and I find it odd that you mention she buys loads of snacks.

>> No.7205303

please tell me you forgot a 0 and mean less than 10,000 a year?

>> No.7205304

nope it's still not acceptable but I'm sorry for your friend

this picture is famous btw

>> No.7205307

you are so entitled it's astonishing

>> No.7205310
File: 1.99 MB, 295x216, ooh yikes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes without real groceries for 2 weeks for that fucking dream dress
>ketchup and butter in the fridge

>> No.7205319

Thanks for your valuable input.

>> No.7205326

>sorry that she's in a shitty situation
>but neener neener shit's still unacceptable xDD
Fool, nobody was ever saying it was.

>> No.7205354

How is that entitled sounding?
If anything "Boohoo I want these things but I'm too poor, let me just cry and complain about it" sounds way more entitled than "Boohoo I want these things, so I'm going to work for it."
Working kind of automatically entitles you to some sort of payout, if that's what you sign up for. That's why people get paid for jobs. Being entitled to something is only bad when you expect to get something for nothing in return.

>> No.7205359

>implying people can just pull a good, well-paying job out of their ass
>that can not only support their needs but also provide occasional wants
I have a job, so inb4 lazy poor cunt, but I hope you're not that stupid, anon. You can't be. I refuse to believe that.

Not only is it hard to get a job, it's really hard to get a good one. Not everyone is lacking in lolita because they won't 'fucking work for it'.

>> No.7205362

>that's, not is*
It's nearly 2 am, forgive me.

>> No.7205373


I mentioned the buying snacks thing because she claims she cant afford a bus but can afford all these other things? Propbably should have been relevant she always complains about her poverty etc. Hence you know, poor lolita story.

(Yes she is very obese.)

>> No.7205375

nobody's implying you can pull a good well paying job out of their ass. If you look at successful people, they work their asses off in order to get where they want. Instead of crying about it on 4chan, why don't you get out there and do something about it? You poorfags are the ones who sound entitled, expecting a well paying job to land at your feet without working for it.

This is why I look down on you.

>> No.7205379

>(Yes she is very obese.)

LOL called it. I feel as if I am very familiar with this type of bitchy whalechan behavior, I can spot them a mile away.

>> No.7205387

The don't into lolita.
Expecting brand and pettis to fly from the sky as you shed your tears is entitled.
>implying even trying will always yield nothing
>implying if you can't immediately pull it out of your ass then don't even bother trying
>implying you're not lazy if you believe that
That's stupid. Don't expect to get a six digit salary out of nowhere, but it is not impossible to get a decent job. It's just difficult. Getting a salty cunt because other people get it done but you just can't for one reason or another isn't going to do much.
Or you could be that super poorfag percentage completely incapable of making enough to support living plus hobbies and it's beyond your control. In which case, it'd probably be in your best interest to invest in a cheaper hobby.

>> No.7205397

>Expecting brand and pettis to fly from the sky as you shed your tears

>> No.7205405

>If you look at successful people, they work their asses off in order to get where they want.
What about the ones who haven't worked for shit and their parents have money out of the ass? The child benefits off the success of the parent. Have you never heard of a trust fund baby or inheritance money?

>not saying there's anything at all wrong with these things either, just making a point that not everyone has worked hard for their money.

>> No.7205415

I have heard of them, but I don't think that's success. That's just being born rich and having a privileged life because of circumstances, although I suppose it can come across that way from an outsider's stand point.

>> No.7205416

>look down on me
I have a job? That makes decent money? I'm just trying to point out that you seem to have no idea how reality works for less fortunate people.

Because I've been there, at one point. It took me years and years and tons of student debt to get to where I am today, but not everyone has the resources to do even that much.

You guys should look at statistics sometime, it might help that unbelievably ignorant outlook you've got, and maybe take a step or two to the left, so to speak.
>i'm not sjwing, I'm just pointing out that the 'poor people don't work hard' mindset has been debunk at least infinite times, how do I statistics and academic literature

>> No.7205419

>implying most people that are middle class now weren't born middle class and that the ones who haven't worked are a minority, and that most middle class people worked for it and didn't benefit from their middle class parents
>being that fucking dumb, how do I into lack of intergenrational mobility
Okay, you rused me. 9/10

>> No.7205421

>If you have any kind of income, you can make necessary cuts to afford what you want.
It must be really nice to live such a sheltered life that you can actually believe that. As hard as it may be to wrap your head around, there is a massive amount of people who work hard and save like crazy and can barely afford to live (Hell, in a lot of cases, they can't even afford to really do that) so "making cuts" to their budget isn't an option since there's nothing they can sacrifice for the sake of fancy dresses or anything frivolous for that matter. Even a Bodyline dress a month is too much for many people to afford.

This doesn't just apply to poor people either. Most college students would be slamming their face against the desk at your comment. At least the ones who don't qualify for decent financial aid and have to come up with ten to twenty grand or more to pay out of pocket every year on top of money for books, or god help you if you're an art student and have to buy creative supplies. So yeah, please get off your ignorant high horse and accept the fact that there are people who genuinely cannot afford to buy lolita.

That being said, though, I feel very strongly that people need to not bitch about not being able to afford lolita when in the company of other lolitas unless they're all good friends and in a situation where it's not inappropriate. One of the biggest reasons I don't bother going to meet-ups is because every single one I've been to, there's always been at least one person (usually several) who felt the need to comment on how they would never be able to afford whatever dress I was wearing and it makes me very uncomfortable.

>> No.7205422

>implying these people didn't grow up middle class and they actually know what hard work is/understand what it's like to not be middle class
>implying they're not just spoiled little brats who got help from mommy and daddy, but 'worked hard' at school (they didn't have to pay for) so they clearly deserve their money

Oh, you, /cgl/

>> No.7205426

No. I work at Arby's for $7.35/hour.

If I'm lucky I get 25 hours a week, worked there two years as of Tuesday. They have to work around my class schedule, so instead of putting me on nights, they just don't give me hours on days when I have class.

I'm actually dropping out next semester and looking for more full-time employment. Places'll be hiring mid-summer for when the students come back, so I should be able to find something then.

Last year I made $600-something, but I was a noobie. I have somewhere around $900 this year so far.

My income tax refund was $160.

>> No.7205427

>I do have empathy for people that are truly having a hard time, but it's hard to view people interested in an expensive fashion as having a hard time. Most of the people I know that are truly struggling have different things on their minds.
I disagree with pretty much everything you've been saying this entire time except for this. This so fucking hard. I feel bad for people who struggle to pay there bills, but I do not feel bad for people who simply can't afford dresses that cost $100+ on the lower end.

>> No.7205429

The conservifags in this thread need to step outside their suburb for a second and get a reality check, and the libruuulfags need to stop defending every action of poor people. You all look like fucking idiots.

>> No.7205434


>> No.7205436

Edit: I also have really bad shoulder problems, so it limits what sort of jobs I can get. I was going to do early morning stocking for a store in town, but I'd have to repeatedly lift boxes that weigh 25+lbs and lift somewhat heavy objects above my head.

I worked one summer as a painter for $14/hour, 40 hours a week, which was beautiful and fantastic, but by the end of the summer I was close to needing surgery for my shoulders.

I'm hoping to score a position at a bookstore, that would be my ideal job at this point.

>> No.7205435

>implying being middle class automatically means you don't work hard or never have
>implying that post only applies to spoiled middle class kids

Are you being serious or am I just falling for the bait?

>> No.7205439

seriously, do they give you one day a week or something?
fuck that place. get a different job anywhere else, even waitressing, and quit.
stay in school, it only gets harder if you drop out and decide to go back later. and you'll still have whatever loans you took out the first time.

>> No.7205441

>implying middle class people have to work as hard as lower or working class people to become middle class
u wot m8

It's easier to maintain class than to attain it. If you have access to more resources, you don't have to work as hard and go through as much stress.
>sage for sjwing, good job OP

>> No.7205442

okay i see that's partially your plan. what about data entry?

>> No.7205446
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>middle class people
>working hard

>> No.7205448 [DELETED] 

I don't understand this mentality. Like brand is great, but it's not THAT GREAT. I wear lolita, work two shit jobs, ride the bus and go to school, and while I'm not raking in the cash, I have enough money to pay rent, feed myself and if I don't have to spend money on school stuff I save it up and spend it on lolita. With this lifestyle, I can buy a dress once a month or buy a few couple. I fund other lolita purchases by knitting doll clothes and selling them. And if I want a brand item, I just sell a couple of my offbrand items. Sure, my wardrobe is made of taobao and bodyline, but I dress well and I'm happy, I'm not frothing at the mouth the brand.

I'd rather be dressed in my favorite style and be able to hang with my friends then buy brand and then whine when I can't afford to go to a meet.

>> No.7205449

My mom works at the college, so tuition is (thankfully) free for me. I only owe ~ $1000 right now. I don't know what I want to do, which is why I'm dropping out. I don't want to waste time taking classes for the purpose of taking classes.

Unfortunately, I did try waitressing once, and... it did not end well.

This week I had 2 three-hour shifts (one which I took from a co worker), 2 five-hour shifts, and an eight-hour shift.

Literally nowhere in my town is hiring right now, which really blows. I've driven to every. Single. Business.

TBH, there's not much in the area in terms of office jobs, or I'd have gotten one already. The closest places are 15-20 miles away, and I can't afford to drive that far every day. My parents don't have much money right now, so I can't ask them for help. I should be going to physical therapy 3x a week, but neither I nor my parents can afford even the copay for that.

I might actually look into jobs at the university, because then when I go back I'll be guaranteed free tuition.

>> No.7205451

American wages seem so bad :( I'm 19 and in a lower end job ((pay wise) it's actually quite a good/high end company) and I get $19.00 an hour.

>> No.7205455

Jesus fucking christ. I'm 19. What do you do / what country are you in?

Oh, and, once taxes are taken out, it's actually closer to $5.00 / hour.

>> No.7205460

I don't understand this mentality. Like brand is great, but it's not THAT GREAT. I wear lolita, work two minimum wage jobs, ride the bus and go to school, and while I'm not raking in the cash, I have enough money to pay rent, feed myself and if I don't have to spend money on school stuff I save it up and spend it on lolita. With this lifestyle, I can buy a dress once a month or buy an entire outfit every few months. I fund smaller lolita purchases by knitting doll clothes and selling them. And if I want a brand item, I just sell a few of my offbrand items. Sure, my wardrobe is made of taobao and bodyline, but I dress well and I'm happy, I'm not frothing at the mouth for brand.

I'd rather be dressed in my favorite style and be able to hang with my friends then buy brand and then whine when I can't afford to go to a meet. It's called...priorities.

>> No.7205456

We should just up the minimum wages like Canada, I think it's around 10.25 there.

>> No.7205458


>> No.7205461


I'd be peachy with $9/hr.

Which, there was discussion a little while ago to raise the federal minimum wage, but it was probably shot down by the entitled republicans in senate.

>> No.7205469

Do you not understand economics? If you raise the min wage it leads to inflation. What do you think businesses are going to do to make your extra pay?

>> No.7205468

American wages are generally terrible. It's why so many people are fighting just for a minimum wage of $10.

>> No.7205472

Isn't it about 11 dollars an hour that would ensure basic necessities are taken care of at a full time, minimum wage position in North America? I'm pretty sure it was something like that.

>> No.7205470

My family is middle class and my step father works as a chef for over 60 hours a week, sometimes 90. Clearly since we're middle class, though, he doesn't know what hard work is.

>It's easier to maintain class than to attain it. If you have access to more resources, you don't have to work as hard and go through as much stress.
Not disagreeing with this, but that still doesn't mean you automatically don't work extremely hard or never had. Believe it or not, poor people aren't the only ones who know what hard work and stress are like.

>> No.7205474

If this idea is so foreign to you, I suggest getting off the internet and meeting some actually middle class people as opposed to just listening to what Tumblr tells you.

>> No.7205475

yes! definitely see what you can do on campus. even if it's something like the campus cafeteria, you usually get at least one free meal per shift. this may depend on your school though.

>> No.7205476
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We nationalize the businesses, of course. Then we won't have to deal with people like you.

Looks like you need a bit of re-education.

>> No.7205478

Minimum wage is supposed to be the amount of money that an individual can LIVE OFF OF working 40 hours a week. Currently, nobody can live off of 40 hours a week at $7.25. You clearly have never worked for minimum wage.

It would have to be around $10.50/hour to be able to live off of it.

Minimum wage rises because of inflation. Because people can't live on the old minimum wage anymore. People couldn't live on $7.25/hour when it was fucking passed, let alone now.


>> No.7205477

> it's hard to view people interested in an expensive fashion as having a hard time

Wut. So if you have an interest in something, that means you can probably afford it and are fine financially? What the fuck are you talking about? I have an interest in genuine rococo fashion but sure as hell can't afford to buy any. Some people living in poverty really like racing cars, but that doesn't mean that they can afford them.

>> No.7205480

accounting for the inflation that has occurred anyway, minimum wage should be around $14 in the USA.

>> No.7205481

So you wouldn't be middle class if he worked normal hours? That sucks for him, and for you guys. You're entitled to a decent life and wage like everyone else.
I unfortunately went to a school full of entitled bastard middle class suburban children, I've seen enough of them to ensure that I won't ever move to the suburubs, despite being about able to afford to do so now.
>not tumblr, actually, social work major, but good guess anon

>> No.7205485

I only just turned 19, I am a store person in a department store. I'm Australian. I think it's $18 something after tax. The job before that I got paid $12.50 after tax an hour, which is lower than when I first started working at 16.

The best job (money wise) I had I earnt $22 an hour including tax, and health insurance for my partner and I. I was 18 at the time.

>> No.7205483

Yeah, minimum wage has not risen to reflect inflation as is.
>and we're the ones that don't understand economics

>> No.7205486

Oh my god.

Can I just

Not be in America anymore?


I don't give a shit what the rednecks say, America is a shit country.

I'm going traveling with my SO in a few years (he has family in Seoul and in southern France that we'll be staying with) and I'm hoping we find somewhere else to live. I don't want to be here when everything collapses.

>> No.7205487

North America in general has shitty wages because the words 'welfare state' don't even mean the same thing here as they do in Europe, and the word socialist is like a cuss word.

>> No.7205490


Yea I know a few people in a diff comm that whine about being poor, buy shit tons of cakes and shit at every meet and complain that they cant afford brand, but can afford $130 dresses off of ebay. Mention offbrand shops and get yelled at for being elitist/rich.

Also as you could guess.... also whalechans.

>> No.7205491

america is like any country. it has its good points and bad.

>> No.7205494

So much entitlement and martyr complex in this thread. Shit like this is why despite strongly supporting policies to help poor people, I avoid associating with them at all costs.

captcha: labor istomee

>> No.7205495

America hasa lot more bad than good, though.

>> No.7205498

Well aren't you just a special little snowflake, anon.

>> No.7205499
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>> No.7205501

>implying threads about race, HEIGHT, weight and brand/nonbrand don't end up the exact same way

Class, race, and physical attributes are a great way to start a shitstorm with lolitas.

>> No.7205503

Are you referring to people being posted about, or people posting?

Also, another thing I just remembered.

My friend, the one who scoffs at me for spending $30 on a dress.

She works with me, also.

She's a horrible worker.

She gets wo work, doesn't do her job right, whines the entire time, and always begs to go home early.

But SHE gets 27-35 hours a week.

While I show up, come in on call when needed, do what I'm told, and do what's expected of me without being told, and generally stay quiet about going home unless I really don't feel well, and I get fucking 20.

I brought it up to four managers, and they all agreed. The one who makes the schedule ignored me.

>> No.7205507

I mean, this is really more of a discussion than a shitstorm.

There was a bit of fuzzy area back farther.

>> No.7205509

I'm not exactly a particularly patriotic person, but it drives me crazy when people say shit like this. It really proves a strong ignorance of the rest of the world. The more you learn about other countries, yes even many of the amazing European ones every wannabe intellectual jizzes their pants over, the more your realize how lucky you are to live here and how small our flaws really are in comparison to most of the world's. I can only think of four countries in the entire world I would choose to live in over the USA.

>> No.7205517

Also I feel the same, but with my own country.Are some of them Australian and Canada?

>> No.7205519

I'm referring to the people posting.

I know that feel. I work my ass off, do what I'm told, always come in when called unless I really can't, yet get less than ten hours a week. This week, I only have three. That was when I decided it's time to find a new job.

>> No.7205524

If you truly believe that, how about educating yourself about other countries? Things are put in a lot better perspective when you realize how lucky you are to have things like accessible clean water or your clitoris intact.

>> No.7205528

Did I say I wanted to live in a fucking third world/developing country?

>> No.7205529

Not that anon, but I agree with the sentiment. And the majority of the time I've listened to a 'gawd, I hate my country!' rant- American, European, whatever- it's some weeb with dreams of living in glorious, superior nihon.
I wouldn't mind living in Canada, though.

Sage because not really talking about money anymore, I guess.

>> No.7205531

Yeah, the four places I would be totally okay moving to are Australia, Canada, England, or Sweden. I would sacrifice a toddler to a demon to live in Australia.

>> No.7205533

Even technologically advanced countries can still have horrendous equal rights issues.

>> No.7205537
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Have fun going to Seoul. Not only will no one accept you there if you're not Korean, not only will they openly mock you in the streets, upcharge prices, but you can be asked to leave for being white, you can be refused service for being white.

And if you're a woman, I hope you don't want things like respect.

Also, I hope you don't want free time, Korea works more than any country in the world. It's all about them dollar bills, which you need, since you'll be ridiculed for not looking like a idol~~ and using all your waking moments to buy things. I hope you enjoy being old and washed up by the age of 25 in Korean society. Ajumma! Also, minimum wage there is the equivilant of 5 USD an hour. Good thing they work twice as much a year as the average American, because how else could they afford fruit?

But at least it's not America!!!!!!

but at least it's not america!!

>> No.7205541

Sounds a lot like glorious Nippon. Or pretty much any other Asian country, really.

>> No.7205549

We'll be staying there for about a year, with his uncle who's lived there more than ten years.

I'll be working with his aunt, who has her own small business.

We aren't just hauling ass somewhere else for the sake of it. We have plans in place.

We're also staying in France for 2-3 months with his grandmother. We'll also probably hop around to a few other places to be touristy while we're in Europe.

You say that I seem ignorant of other places, but holy fuck, you just sound like an asshole.

>> No.7205551

I like the USA compared to the other countries I've lived in; Japan, Corea and the P.I.
There are many freedoms I have here in the USA that aren't in other places. Maybe I'm not one for being forced in many social situations and levels of self sacrifice as social norm, and individuality given up for homogenous life.

But if you think the USA is a horrible place maybe you should leave. See the world and find what you like. But honestly if you don't like the USA, maybe you should think about giving up your citizenship.

>> No.7205556


I'm sure that the country will magically be a better place for you. After all, anything is better than America!!

>> No.7205557

>You say that I seem ignorant of other places, but holy fuck, you just sound like an asshole.
They're saying that because clearly you ARE ignorant if you think you're better off living in Seoul than the US. They are not being an asshole, they are informing you of why you're just plain wrong. Unless, of course, such a society appeals to you.

>> No.7205565

I never said I'd be better off living there. I said that hopefully while we're traveling we'd find a place to settle down.

I never assumed or hoped to live anywhere in asia, because I'm aware of the xenophobia and generalized racism that happens pretty much everywhere there, not to mention the language and cultural differences.

You are inferring incorrectly.

>> No.7205562

What the hell I never experienced any this when I lived in seoul. Sure the people there are a bit rude, but not that much worst than america.

>> No.7205563


Oh, you know what else is very fun? Korea, due to water pollution, has a problem with balding. It's increasing in the late 20s-early 40s group. Everyone I knew lost a ton of hair transitioning from the US to Korea, one girl actually went patchy. As far as I know, research on this has been cockblocked by the government because they don't want people to know about their poor health regulations.

balding is so kawaii. i guess at least bonnets are kind of in now?

>> No.7205573

>implying their grandparents or great grandparents weren't poor as shit, and worked their way up to make a better life for their family
>implying 'old money' is anywhere near as common as the above situation

Cry more and continue being poor, obviously your family did just the same.

>> No.7205578

What exactly constitutes being "poor," anyway?

What is the monetary value of being poor?

>> No.7205579

>post about not wanting to live in the US anymore and hoping to find a different country to live in while traveling
>Seoul one of only two places mentioned

No one could possibly interpret your initial post as implying Seoul is better than the US. Totally a crazy conclusion to jump to.

>> No.7205586

You know, I'd like to know that too. I sure know a lot of 'poor' girls with iPhones.

>> No.7205589

I'm not saying that it couldn't ,be, but to immediately assume and be a cunt about it? There was a 50/50 chance I was talking about either, and it was immediately assumed I meant I wanted to live in Korea.

>I'm going traveling with my SO in a few years (he has family in Seoul and in southern France that we'll be staying with) and I'm hoping we find somewhere else to live. I don't want to be here when everything collapses.
>hoping we find somewhere else to live.

"Wow anon, you think you want to live in Seoul?"

"No, I was thinking more something in Europe."

Rather than,

>> No.7205593


I still have a slider phone from 7th grade.

I did have a smartphone for a little while, but I couldn't afford the plan, so I dropped it.

I know people who can barely pay the bills, but they bought themselves 2 flat screens (both 40"+) a PS3, a whole CD rack of games, and a new laptop within a year. These are grown-ass friends of my mother, who live with / support three other people and a cat in a dingy center city apartment.

>> No.7205595


>make an ignorant statement
>mad that it was assumed you're ignorant

>b-b-but i might not have been!!

>> No.7205596

So, saying that I'd like to find somewhere to settle down while traveling is ignorant?

Because really

That's all I said.

>> No.7205602


This pisses me off beyond measure. I have a friend on FB who is always begging because he has no food etc.- someone bring me food, someone buy my shit. Even though he lives at home, works full time with benefits, he is a drag queen, spends hundreds of dollars on top-of-the-line makeup and the pay after the last time he was begging for money, he went out and bought a $2000 TV and is looking for a couch, etc. to redo his room at his parents' house.

Now he posts about stealing things from walmart. 2cool4school

>> No.7205605

>thinks the comments in reply were bad enough to warrant the word "cunt"
>being this new to /cgl/
Honey, if you really think they were that harsh, then go back to Tumblr. I'm actually incredibly surprised you weren't met with more hostility.

>> No.7205608

/cgl/ is tumblr now, remember? we can't be mean and hurt any ~special snowflake~ feelings.

>> No.7205610

>used the word cunt in the first place
>go back to tumblr

Now now, we all know the Tumblr feminists would rip them a new asshole for that.

>> No.7205611

>Oh my god.

>Can I just

>Not be in America anymore?


>I don't give a shit what the rednecks say, America is a shit country.

Yup. All you did was express the desire to travel. You didn't make a single ignorant comment in the entire post.

How old are you, out of curiosity?

>> No.7205618

That's my country. I'm this anon here >>7205517 and here >>7205485

>> No.7205619

Kind of ironic that she thinks everyone was being so damn mean to her then she uses a word as extreme as cunt when it's not even in the least bit deserved. So, not only is she thin skinned, she's a hypocrite, too.

>> No.7205629

Different anon. My step sister is like that. She's on disability, I believe? She gets some kind of government check at the beginning of the month, and she has three children and a lazy bum of a bf to feed, as well as herself. She spends every single check within three days of getting it.

New game consoles for her kids, junk food to last them about one week, smartphones, ipods, games, horses even. Which was annoying because we have to pay to feed them on top of the horses we already had.

Then since she lives on our property, when she runs out of food she takes ours (I mean I understand the kids have to eat and if they asked then okay but they clean our fridge out entirely while we're gone) and steals things to pawn off. We've lost horse tack, she gutted a car for parts to sell, a huge collection of dvds went missing... Puppies of ours have even been stolen and presumably given away or sold off.

And that money just goes towards more shit they don't need. It's annoying as fuck.

>> No.7205630

>be child of single parent who immigrated from third world country with nearly nothing
>pretty much whole family
>parents worked up to (lower)middle class eventually
>blood sweat and tears would be an understatement
>all of us are on our own now
>university(scholarships and grants, parents paid for nothing) and supporting ourselves, minimal complaints
You can do it, poor anons.

>stay in school
/end thread

>> No.7205631

IDK what to say anon. I'm sure this type of behavior is not exclusive to whalechans, but there does seem to be a strong correlation.

>> No.7205635

I'm 19.

You're taking that entirely out of context as well.

That was referring to the fact that I recieve around $5 an hour while there are people the same age and younger earning more than 4 times more than me in Australia. It wasn't meant anywhere near as seriously as you seem to be taking it.

The entire post was in the context of wages. It had nothing to do with my later posts.

>> No.7205641

Holy shit, why don't you kick her out? That's fucking ridiculous.

I would lay down the fucking law, and tell her if she doesn't like it, she can leave.

>> No.7205644

Damn right. Hard work, determination and smart financial choices get you much further than feeling sorry for yourself.

Presumably doormat parents? Since anon said it was a stepsister, probably not much she can do but get out herself.

>> No.7205649

Given that shit tons of people think that way and you made no indication you were joking at all, can you really blame people for thinking you were being serious?

I figured you were about that age.

>> No.7205655


Sorry, i know some poor people, and i know people who lived on farms, and the pigs lived in a cleaner enviroment than that house is in.

Also you only confirmed what that anon said. It has nothing to do with beeing poor, its beeing lazy about cleaning and not giving a fuck if you live in your own filth.

>> No.7205662

There is a small group of girls in my comm who recently tried to propose a rule against brand being worn to meets so that those who couldn't afford it didn't feel left out. The exception to this would be anime conventions since those are special occasions. Needless to say, everyone found their request ridiculous, but this is still why I think there needs to be more 18+ communities.

>> No.7205663

I think it depends in which country you live however there is the poverty line or Tax-Free Threshold (earn under this amount and you don't have to pay/you get a full refund at the end of the year).

>> No.7205664


There are a brother and sister i know. And they arent rich but not dirt poor either.

But still, the brother is a lazy ass that never did anything. While the sister whenever she wanted anything, worked for it, and saved up money.

You can always save money somewhere.

>> No.7205667

Oh if only I could, anon. You ever been around a mexican family? Family means a lot to them. Like, a looooot. My step mother will not kick her out, firstly because she favors her over me/my dad (I am not mexican and she is racist, always talking about how white people are so bad and her skin is the best skin, etc), secondly because that is her youngest actual daughter and she is her "baby". She babies those kids, too.
I can't do shit to correct them for being turds because good ol' abuela steps in and tells me they don't do anything wrong. And she wonders why they act so bad.

She owns the land, she's the head of the house (again, dad is white so he has no input in family decisions, he has been told this by her and some of her sons as well), she decides who stays or goes, and she doesn't seem to understand that she is hurting her daughter by not being stricter.

Basically, yeah. My dad has been turned into a doormat by cray cray over there, and she is a doormat with her wonderful angels.

>> No.7205677

Now you sound like the uneducated one.
>if it isn't America, it must be a barbaric third world shit hole

Ah, 'murikans

>> No.7205685

That's edgy.

>> No.7205689

She also offered to hire me as their personal tutor to home school them full time, while I was in a break period between high school and college. The youngest was in 4th grade at the time. She did not care that I would be giving up my education to work with them. In fact, she somehow thought I owed it to her.

>> No.7205690
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This thread makes me fucking sick.
Should've been quarantined to the vent thread.
I really didn't want to fucking know that a bunch of people in my hobbies were no better than some of the ignorant bitches from my high school.

>> No.7205693

Get out of there. Get out now.

>> No.7205694

>he posts about stealing things from walmart.
Give it to the police or something.

>> No.7205698

Workin on it. I feel bad though, I want to see my dad still but I want to avoid her as much as possible.

>> No.7205704

Just call or email your dad and ask to meet up for lunch or something now and again.

My boyfriend left his dad's when he was 16 (it was filthy, I was in the house after they cleaned and it was still disgusting, and his stepmom was awful, and his step siblings were even worse) and now his dad takes us out to eat once a month or so to catch up.

Things were wonky at first, but eventually it simmered down and now everything is alright.

>> No.7205703

I'm always so perplexed by families that allow their kids to be deadbeats to the point of practically encouraging it. My mom is one of those super stereotypical strict Christian black mothers with zero tolerance for any bullshit when it comes to her kids. She's always been so clear that the moment I turned 18, my options were go to college or find my own place to live.

>> No.7205708

not gonna lie this sounds like some WEEB 2.0 shit right here. dreaming of that sweet sweet japan land. but now its korea. fucking kpop

>> No.7205711

That's not even close to what I was saying. I was just pointing out that they're lucky to live here because the vast majority of the anti-America edgy tryhard brigade genuinely don't realize how much worse many other countries are. I have come across a very unsettling number of people who honestly think America is the worst country you could possibly live in because they are that ignorant to the rest of the world.

>> No.7205712

yeah koreaboos (and britaboos, etc) are just as bad, any kinda of totally unrealistic culture-obsession is

>> No.7205714

Lots of different reasons. Maybe they had an abusive parent and don't want to treat their kids that way (and do the opposite). Or maybe they just had it rough and want to give them everything they never had but always wanted as kids, but don't realize or want to admit they're spoiling them. They could also want to be their kid's friend instead of just being a parent. Or possibly they just don't understand that boundaries are something kids need. Sometimes they're simply lazy fucks themselves.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

>> No.7205723

This actually reminds me of something funny that I've noticed happening recently:

So apparently when meeting an Asian, guessing or asking them "what kind of Asian" they are is mandatory. I've never seen this happen with white people.

A few years ago when Japan was the premiere "popular" Asian country, everyone would guess that I was Japanese.

Now that Korea is rising to the forefront of Asian Country Popularity, everyone thinks I look Korean. Everyone. Even other Asians.

Not an intentional humblebrag, but a guy once said to me "You're not Korean?! But you're so pretty!"

>MFW you gon get slapped

>> No.7205724

I assume you mean crazy Anglophiles? Those are perhaps my least favorite of the country fetishists as one of my greatest passions is English history and they tend to know jack shit about it despite turning their love of England into one of their defining personality traits. One once tried to say England's monarchy was always very good to its people throughout history. As I corrected them on this ridiculously false statement, it came to light that they had never heard of Henry the 8th. All my aneurysm.

>> No.7205721

Oh man my friend is like that. It's annoying as fuck.
>"America is the worst place ever!"
>"Then move to a different country if you hate it here so much."
>"But other countries are too expensive/have problems x and y/don't like foreigners!"

>> No.7205728
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>One once tried to say England's monarchy was always very good to its people throughout history

>> No.7205732

how serious is the relationship? youre basically putting off your education years to work min wage jobs in countries where youll be horrendously isolated due to language and culture barriers

>> No.7205734

>I've never seen this happen with white people.
Eh, sometimes people ask if you're part irish or european or native american, that kinda stuff. And it's not even where you are from at that point but like ancestors and "oh I'm 1/16th irish lol". But people don't really ask about it a lot, unless you have some interesting features I guess.

>> No.7205735

>turning their love of England into one of their defining personality traits.
>tried to say England's monarchy was always very good to its people throughout history.
>never heard of Henry the 8th.


>> No.7205736

Yeah that's pretty much my impression.
I mean I've never seen anyone ask "What kind of white are you?" as a talking point when meeting someone. Or they ask about ancestry or heritage (those terms) maybe, not "what kind of".

>> No.7205738

I have a similar story. I had a friend who was half Taiwanese. She was very, very obviously not full Asian, though. During her weeaboo phase she insisted that the Japanese exchange students at our school told her that she looked full Japanese. Whenever she brought this up and I said I disagreed, she always said "well, they're actually FROM Japan, so obviously their opinion is more valid". It drove me fucking crazy. If those kids really said that, it was to make her feel better as she had an extreme complex about wanting to be the ~*~kawaii Asian girl~*~, but was very far from that image. When she got into K-Pop, her knew thing was saying how people always thought she was Korean.

I actually find Asian weeaboos much more insufferable than ones of other races for some reason.

>> No.7205748

Oh lord, as absolutely cliche as it sounds, we're absolutely perfect together.

Honestly, we've been together for two years so far, but we've never fought over anything. We've gone on smaller trips together already to visit family, a month here or there.

>inb4 stupid kid doesn't know what she's doing

I'd been wanting to travel around at some point, but didn't have any way or anyone to help me do so myself, so it also presented an opportunity that I wanted anyway. We aren't going for another two or three years though, so we'll be (hopefully) five years strong at that point.

I have no idea what I want to do with my education, I was sort of pushed into it. I figured once I tried a bunch of different things, I could figure it out.

>> No.7205749

Yeah. Then again, I've never heard it with black people either. "What kind of black are you?" Sounds like something that would get you punched.

I guess part of it is that the main three countries people think of when they think of asians are china, korea, and japan. And there are differences in looks as well as their aesthetics. So maybe people are trying to be nice? Or they have that "can't tell asians apart" thing going on.

>> No.7205750
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even at only 6 hours a week, that's still more than 1000 dollars a year....I don't understand your math anon

>> No.7205754

>I actually find Asian weeaboos much more insufferable than ones of other races for some reason.

Probably because they're sort of self-hating of their own ethnicity. BLOOD TRAITORS.

I swear to god though that other people actually do think I'm Korean/Japanese instead of my actual ethnicity. I don't want to be mistaken for them =__=;; It's actually sort of annoying to me, especially stuff like that last comment...like they expected the kind of Asian I am to be ugly or something.

>> No.7205756


Well, I don't know, I'm going by what my tax papers told me.

So, I probably just overestimated my hours.

Because, I'm usually sent early / sent on break because they're too slow. Which boggles my mind, because we are right on a major highway.

It's probably because there's a Burger King across the street as well as a smaller family restaurant.

>> No.7205757

This made me laugh and choke on my water. 10/10

>> No.7205760

>Or they have that "can't tell asians apart" thing going on.

I think it's more this, and that they have fear of accidentally offending us somehow by saying the wrong type of Asian so they try to find out.

It literally almost always goes down like this

>> No.7205758

ive heard people ask africans which country they were from due to the accent, but not hood blacks. theyre obviously from the hood

>> No.7205761

>but we've never fought over anything
Just you wait. It will happen. It's not a bad thing, people do fight and they hopefully resolve it and move on. But it's important to know how he is in different situations, you know?

Sometimes people can change entirely or just act a bit out of character when put under stress, and it's nice to know how they get.

Glad to know you've found someone incredibly compatible though. Congrats.

>> No.7205766

Yeah I mean I can understand asking because of an accent, but I'm US-born, English is my main language and I speak it with no foreign accent.

I would get asking if an Asian had a noticeable Asian accent because then they're obviously *from* whatever country it is, but...

>> No.7205769

>Honestly, we've been together for two years so far, but we've never fought over anything.
Not exaggerating, literally every time a person has bragged about how they and their SO never fight, that relationship ended up in ruins. This is actually a bad thing because eventually, there is going to be some conflict in a serious long term relationship and the longer you go without having experience in getting through arguments, the more shit will hit the fan when the inevitable time comes where you do fight. The couples that last the longest are the ones who have the most experience in diffusing heated situations with one another.

>> No.7205776

Part of that is also because most black people in the US are decided from slaves, so they actually have no idea what part of Africa they're ancestors are even from.

>> No.7205779

That was amazing. And yeah I've seen that happen, it makes me cringe so hard. I mean, they're curious and I guess mean well but geez.

>> No.7205780

I always feel weird when I get asked this, especially if it's from a complete stranger. Like they want to know so they know which ones to put in camps or something.

>> No.7205781

Are you in Australia?

>> No.7205785

? Diff anon. I never fight with my SO either (three years) besides stupid shit (recently about the importance of fashion in history and if the concept of the bikini was invented before the term was) but we just don't have very much to argue about. People always tell me that "if you don't fight then you're not getting your feelings out!" but I don't think getting your feelings out have to be done by fighting. If I have a problem then I just tell him.

>> No.7205791

The extra-hilarious thing for me is, somehow once people guess the "popular" Asians (Korean, Japanese), they go off to the Southeast Asians--Burmese, Thai, Singaporean. Avoiding the one really, really obvious GIANT country. This happens more often than you would believe.

I really don't get it. Are they afraid they'll seem racist if they say Chinese or something? Because I mean, statistically speaking you have the highest chance of being right if you just guess Chinese...

And if they're a non-Asian, then upon finding out what I am they'll definitely try to talk to me in broken Chinese. That parody video is so accurate my sides are still fly into orbit after watching it 7x.

>> No.7205795

>Like they want to know so they know which ones to put in camps or something.

10/10 anon, top lel.

>> No.7205798

I'm a darker asian and I remember in my childhood, all my classmates thought I was like Disney Pocahontas' descendant or something, I was pretty flattered when they told me later on in life ahaha. ahh racial profiling.

>> No.7205799

I hate to admit it, but I grew up in a situation where the house was filthy and disgusting and the adults did NOTHING to fix it because they expected my grandmother to do all the cleaning, and then when my grandmother passed they tried to make me do all the cleaning. When you're living in a house with multiple people, especially family, and they do nothing to help and expect you to do everything, you just kind of give up and live in the filth. It's incredibly taxing to try to keep up, when you've got animals tearing up the walls, pissing on everything. just.... it's not fun. You end up letting the rest of the house rot and you desperately try to cling onto what little bit you have that's not filthy and fight to make sure it's not ruined.

>> No.7205801

a professor had a few mins to kill before class so he showed this video. im the only asian there and i almost died from embarassment

>> No.7205803

Huh. I actually experience the same thing. I mean, I look really fucking Korean, but after people ask, "Korean? Japanese?" they go, "....Japanese-Korean mix?" I mean, they could even say Taiwanese and be kind of right, but...

>> No.7205804

It should be the other way around because white people totally do this.

>> No.7205809

LOL well I have to say I've never gotten "Korean-Japanese mix".

Apparently I look REALLY Korean to people though, even to other Koreans. Even my boyfriend (Chinese) insists that I look really Korean. Which confuses me a lot because I go to a university with a lot of Korea-born Koreans and I don't think I look like them at all.

>> No.7205808

Not the anon you're talking to but I was one of those girls who would do the same shit.
>"Oh me and my bf never fight because we're so perfect for each other!"

People warned me and I ignored them. It took us a few years but I guess that's when we got past that honeymoon phase where the other person has no faults and everything is neat.
Our first fight was about how he'd come home from work stressed and would be snippy with me for no reason at all. In response, i'd get upset and insecure. And instead of bringing it up, I left it and it built up over a few days - we argued and resolved it. Now he's learned not to pull that shit with me, and I learned what to do to when he is feeling that way. And how to respond if he ever does it again.

Generally we're pretty good about resolving issues, we both hate being passive aggressive and drawing things out longer than we need to. But at least now we know how to deal with each other.

I do wish I'd listened now. But maybe it's one of those things that most people choose to learn the hard way.

>> No.7205810

I get that.


I mean, we disagree. We've come close to fighting. But one of us always backs down and admits that we fucked up somewhere. I guess we both try to think objectively when things get tense. We don't have like, explosive coupley fights that leave us pissed at each other for days. We always come to a compromise or come up with a solution within an hour or two.

If I have to be honest, I''m usually the one causing it, because I'm too anxious and I always assume the worst. He's gotten really good at tactfully telling me to shit up because I'm being retarded.

>> No.7205812


This is exactly it.

He was raised knowing to just tell someone if something's wrong, and I was raised with people who never did that, so I know it's retarded not to.

We just talk everything out, and the worst that happens is I get kind of upset sometimes.

>> No.7205814

>shit up



>> No.7205816

Well, I've got mad mono-lid, which I assume is the reason the first guess is Korean.

Actually, one time, when I was little (around kindergartener age) my parents put me in an after-school, and this school had both Korean and Chinese lessons. And when they saw me, they just put me in the Korean classes, and I couldn't understand jack shit they said to me, but no one figured out I wasn't supposed to be there until after the math classes finished.

>> No.7205818

I think it's because of people they've known being racist as shit and calling all asians chinese. My grandmother was like this with a friend of mine, thank god not in front of her.

>"Anon, I really enjoyed visiting with that little chinese friend of yours!"
>"Grandma she is japanese, japan is not in china"

One time in the parking lot of a store she bragged to me about how she could tell this one passing Asian man was Vietnamese because he was short and dark skinned, "not like that chinese girl", and his eyes were different.

She kind of means well I think, but I don't know, it's like she wants to stick with the whole ignorance thing.

So they've probably had to deal with people like that and don't want to be embarrassing or insensitive or seem ignorant, I guess.

>> No.7205820

If minimum wage is increased, it should be fucking mandatory that everyone else's hourly wages are raised as well. Do you understand what happens to me when minimum wage goes up? I make ten dollars an hour. So now I'm making minimum wage too, even after several raises and many positive reviews, and years if experience on the job. Raising minimum wage is bullshit. Now my job is worth less, and I'm struggling to pay the higher food, housing, and product prices whereas before I was able to have a little extra due to my own hard work. Raising minimum wage is a joke. How about focusing on technology, creating more skilled jobs, and encouraging people to become trained for these jobs?

>> No.7205821

Yes I am.

>> No.7205822

>encouraging people to become trained for these jobs

>> No.7205826

>We don't have like, explosive coupley fights that leave us pissed at each other for days.

The best way to make it happen is by denying that it ever will. Just watch out for it and be aware of what's going on when it does happen.

There is no way you can be with someone for years and never ever have one of those fights.

>> No.7205827

Yeah, I just feel that the government has cut so much spending on education, year after year, when it should be a top priority. And I don't even mean the regular school to college thing. Like, just trade schools to teach people valuable skills should be important too.

>> No.7205828

Those are some nice ideals, but encouraging doesn't mean they will do it. Also, focusing on technology is practically focusing on reducing working hands and having robots take over their jobs without pay.

>> No.7205830

Anon I get asked almost every day/people guess what country I'm from. Are you British? American? Canadian? European? French? French canadian? Some strange scandanivanian country? Someone once stopped me in the middle of the street to ask me the last one. Normally it's the accent but it's also based on the way I look.

>> No.7205831

I have a natural double lid lol so that can't be the reason why I get told I look Korean.
A lot of native Koreans (I want to say the majority) who don't have natural double lids usually get the surgery done anyway.

And that is pretty hilarious that no one thought to try to talk to you first.

Their strategic avoidance of suggesting that an Asian person might be Chinese is a bit much though...I mean they go to Southeast Asians after "Japanese" and I *really* don't look Southeast Asian, lol. They could guess Chinese after they've exhausted the other East Asians, but they don't.

>> No.7205832
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What's even worse is when you're around federal/state minimum wage but you live in an area that doesn't reflect the cost of living IN THAT AREA. California is terrible for this. I live in Orange county and my old job, trying to find anything close by was ridiculous. It wasn't even the nicest area but because it was near Tustin/Irvine, rent was through the roof. You couldn't find a one bedroom apartment(with my water and trash included) for anything less then 1K, but yet you could go out to Hesperia/Victorville and find three bedroom houses for 1K a month. It was disgusting seeing places side by side in Santa Ana, and one was charging an extra $150 a month then the one next to it, and didn't even allow tenants to own a pet bird.

>> No.7205833

If you worked ~2.6 hours a week, you would make under 1000 a year lol. maybe you go a bunch of weeks without working at all or something. Either that or you should check your pay stubs because you're really getting gypped.

>> No.7205834

I'm fairly certain that minimum wage increases come with regulations regarding other employees' raises being maintained.

But even if it doesn't, it's kind of selfish to think that way. I understand being upset about it, but there are people who are living on the streets while working a full time job at min wage, because they don't have the training to get a better job, and they obviously don't have the money to go to school, so what can you really expect?

It's actually impossible for me to move out of my parents' house right now, even if I worked my full 40 hours a week. I can't get a better paying job, because I don't have a higher education, and I'm now putting extra strain on my parents, because my job can barely afford my car and gas.

You already earn enough money to get by. But there are millions of people who don't. Are you really going to tell millions of people that they don't deserve to be able to live off the wages that they work their asses off for?

If people can get paid better for jobs, government assistance would be less necessary, and there would be more money to put towards education anyway.

>> No.7205835

What I mean is building technology like better cars, electronics, renewable energy, and things that can be marketed and sold to create money and jobs for the economy. And really, I do believe that if public schools had more funding, used properly, that more kids would choose to pursue the higher education route. And to make higher education and trade schools available to more people would ultimately help everyone. I myself know of more than a few people who would like to get certified in a certain trade, but the courses are pretty pricey for low income people.

>> No.7205836

>Their strategic avoidance of suggesting that an Asian person might be Chinese is a bit much though...I mean they go to Southeast Asians after "Japanese" and I *really* don't look Southeast Asian, lol. They could guess Chinese after they've exhausted the other East Asians, but they don't.
Yeah at that point they're being ridiculous.

>> No.7205837

Maybe you look like a Korean after surgery then? Which could be pretty complimentary, I guess, haha.

>> No.7205838

>cars and electronics

which are mainly built by machines in factories.

>> No.7205839

I understand what you're saying, but I make a dollar didn't more than minimum wage. I'm barely scraping by as it is. Unfortunately it's hard to maintain altruistic thoughts when you can barely afford rent and groceries.

>> No.7205841

Machines which need to be maintained by people. But hey, do you have better ideas? If you do, I'd love to hear(not trying to sound sarcastic here)

>> No.7205842

I guess so, haha.

A lot of people also seem to be under the impression that Koreans are the best looking East Asian (see /soc/ and their "Asian Tier" graphic for example) which is part of the reason I find it kind of offensive when people act so surprised that I'm Chinese/Not Korean.

I feel like the majority of people who think "Koreans are ultimate Asian qt3.14" must have only ever seen Kpop stars and dolled up "Ulzzangs".

I must admit their fashion scene is pretty awesome though, I find it so fun and fresh.

>> No.7205843

Oh, and where I live, my raises aren't maintained. They stay the same. It's happened to me multiple times.

>> No.7205844


>If people can get paid better for jobs, government assistance would be less necessary, and there would be more money to put towards education anyway.

The same applies to technological research.

But, now imagine how terrible it'd be if you made $3 less, for the same amount of work, simply because company policy and shitty managers won't allow for a raise.

Even the managers at Arby's barely make $8/hour. The higher ups are salaried, and get $1500 bonuses every year. Meanwhile the employees are scratching our asses tryong to make ends meet.

But if you go over 40 hours in a week, you get bitched out, because they have to pay you extra for that.

>> No.7205857
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I would comment on this post, but I'm one of those ignorant lolitas who is probably going to come off as an entitled bitch because my parents are paying for my education and i usually blow my $250/month that my parents send me for whatever on lolita ;'(
Born middle class, in college, gonna stay middle class.
Cry more because you weren't born in the top 10% ;(

>poor people born poor, they wear poor people clothing, they see pretty expensive lolita clothing, they wish to immitate a life they will never lead, they buy a shitty dress and think its extravagant, afford a meet with their eternal minimum wage and highschool dropout status, and they get mocked by highnosed lolitas like me because they look like shit ;'( not gonna say its right, it aint fair, but its life.

>> No.7205861

Nah you're not coming off as an entitled bitch. You're coming off as a cunty braggart. Don't take your sweet deal for granted because it could be gone in an instant.

>> No.7205875


> in uni
> 2000+/month on lolita
> new car
> plan on cashing in on a million within the next 6 months

>> No.7205876

>middle class
>top 10%

>> No.7205878

You see, if minimum wage gets raised, I WILL be doing the same amount of work, still with just as shitty policies(because retail companies that pay only a few dollars more than minimum wage have the same shitty policies as most fast food) for three dollars less, pretty much. Now, you have more people working minimum wage, due to the increase, and more people struggling. I did do fast food for a while, I know how it is, but raising minimum wage isnt the answer, unless it's a flat raise for everyone imo.

>> No.7205881

Wow, you sound really insecure. Mocking people you already view as lesser to make yourself feel better? If you didn't feel threatened in some way, or so insecure with yourself, you wouldn't even need to do something like that.

Anon, there's something very wrong with you. Think about putting aside some of that money for a therapist.

>> No.7205887

>Poor person, born poor
> Learnt to be frugal
> Finds good bargains, doesn't mind secondhand
> Been in lolita one year, first dress was brand, own rare prints and dream dresses.
> Not minimum wage job
> Did well at school
> Got into uni course in a bigger and wealthier city.
> Had compliments by older, wiser and more experienced lolitas.

>> No.7205886

Congrats. Ah, that must be awesome.

>> No.7205888

*Had received compliments from

>> No.7205891

If braggy and uneducated anon lives in the US, that's 60%. 1/3 of the US population is middle class, iirc. The numbers are going down, though. Her social class isn't as inclusive as she thinks. Good thing she's in school.

>>7205875 sounds possibly like upper class, though.

>> No.7205892

I'm not that anon, but to be in the top 10% you need to be making about $120,000 a year. In a household where both parents are working it's a lot easier to be almost at this level. True luxury though is if only one family member is the breadwinner while the other spouse stays at home.

I'm not speaking for that anon, but money can build serious insecurity it can get the better of people. I've seen many acquaintances of my parents put on a facade of still being ritzy when they're in financial crisis. There's a perceived etiquette to keep up with and everything. That is, if you care about how others perceive you of course.

>> No.7205893

*meant to say up to 60%, since I guess it depends

>> No.7205896


Lol anon you think wealth distribution is linear? So educated

>> No.7205899

Support your side with evidence then, oh enlightened one.

Belittling others, questioning something they've said and leaving it at that isn't how you make intelligent conversation.

>> No.7205900

I'm not both anons I'm just>>7205892 and no I don't believe wealth is linear. Though I don't believe I've stated anything to the point where one could assume that. If I did I apologize for sounding so short cited, it was not my intent.

>> No.7205909

>money can build serious insecurity it can get the better of people. I've seen many acquaintances of my parents put on a facade of still being ritzy when they're in financial crisis. There's a perceived etiquette to keep up with and everything.

That sounds tiring. I'd hate to be around a bunch of insecure people all the time, they tend to be very petty or jealous over trivial things. Having needs taken care of and getting things I want would be amazing, but I'm not sure it would be worth it. Ah, not to say that all upper class people are that way. I've known my fair share of poor and middle class people that were crazy insecure.

>> No.7205921

No no, it's "teaboo"

>> No.7205922
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closer to top 4% but whatever, yeah

I'd rather be insecure and have money than be assured of myself and poor.

>> No.7205925

What a sad life.

>> No.7205935

In my country (UK), you're officially in 'relative poverty' (ie, compared to other people in the cuntry) of you can't afford a TV or the internet.

'Absolute poverty' (globally recognised state of poverty) is when you live on less that $1 a day.

>> No.7205938

Also what this anon said.
The personal allowance threshold in the UK is £9,000pa. My mother earns about £5,900pa (pro rata; she's too ill to work full-time), but our benefits topped us up to about £17,000. Now that I've moved out, I think she's down to about £12,000, which is slightly under full time minimum wage.

>> No.7205950

This. It's humanly impossible to make so little money. Even working a job twice another last year, I still made close to $11,000

>> No.7205951

That's because they are the highest condensed area for plastic surgery in the world. I actually find most Koreans really unattractive and plastic looking.

>> No.7205952

Ride won't last forever.

>> No.7205954

Well, this just depresses me

>> No.7205956

Ugh meant I usually only worked twice a month. (Like only two weeks versus four weeks out of the month)

>> No.7205962

Smartphones aren't actually that expensive nowadays. By upgrading to a smartphone I actually got a massive reduction on the plan and the phone was free.

>> No.7205975

Yeah same. I'm paying 30 a month and didnt have to pay a cent for the phone. Of course, we're binded to that company for two years or so.

>> No.7205993

dude, change your locks. it's people like your stepsister who help demonize welfare and government assistance programs.

>> No.7205996

hahahahahahahahahahahah what?

>> No.7206000

this is what i get for not reading the rest of the thread. i hope you are able to get a good job and move out.
i think people expect that couples either have knock-down fights or build it up inside. couples don't have to have screaming fits to have an argument. but it sounds like you and your sweetheart are able to resolve things like adults and that's awesome.

>> No.7206002

yes! this exactly. if we encouraged equality in education, especially in inner-city locations, and if we put a maximum earnings cap on CEOs, i think we could start to improve the quality of life for millions.

>> No.7206004

I agree with your statement, but its a different story to it. Yes, some of the reasons why they go under the knife is for beauty, but a lot of the reason why they do it is for social reasons. The east is a very judgemental society that often puts a lot of emphasis on appearance (explains the clothes and surgery and body image). Maybe too much since major life factors can be decided on it. If I had better qualifications than other job seekers, there is a chance I could not get hired because I look not smart, or ugly, even if my CV says otherwise. Add to that a cheap and really good health system (my teeth cleaning was 10 bucks and im a foreigner) a lot of the optional choices can be very appealing.

Its a shame really for many of these people are okay looking, but its turning out to be a real life Gattaca, minus the baby gene choosing.

from a Korean whos fortunate to live in the U.S.

>> No.7206008

As if the bodyline threads weren't clear indication that /cgl/ has a handful of poorfags... This thread sure put you guys on the map!

>> No.7206012

That's not really a different story. The reason is still for beauty, but it's so they look beautiful to others rather than themselves.

This is what happens when matriarchy, it's not as amazing and ~superficiality free~ as femineminists wish.

>> No.7206025

Yeah I know its not different, but im just providing a few more details to people who dont know about korean life. Overpopulation, no decent jobs unless you know english, and minimum wage at 4 bucks an hour at your mcdonalds...
At least the beats in kpop entertain me.

>> No.7206036

I'm sort of envious.
I don't like my nose at all, but if I were to rectify it through surgery, people would give me funny looks.

>> No.7206087

It's pretty easy to find $10/hour jobs but it's doing caregiving or nursing assistant (which u need to be certified so u get it covered in high school if ur offers it as a class or pay out of pocket). Another place downtown pays $10 per hour for people to do a phone captioning service for hard of hearing and they're always hiring bc people quit this soul sucking job (although it's easy). Also if you can't afford a Bachelor's degree, at least try to get an associate degree or diploma so you get into working class or easily find a job paying above minimum wage.

>> No.7206105

>This is what happens when matriarchy
...except we're definitely not in a matriarchy at all? Or are you another subtle misogynist shill from r9k?

>> No.7206112
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>> No.7206113

Tumblr leave.

>> No.7206118

>maximum earnings cap on CEOs
No, we just need to start qualifying all money made by corporations as taxable. That would solve quite a few problems, while still allowing CEOs and companies to make a sizeable profit.
>but m-muh trickle down capitalism

>> No.7206122

ooh, that works too.

>> No.7206135

I'm currently unemployed, in school, and make money only through sewing commissions. When i did have a job, I saved for several months to get one basic black jsk. Everything else, including both lolita and non-lolita clothing, is thrifted or home made from fabric I got in swaps. My boyfriend and I dont rely on food stamps and manage to afford mortgage on our own house and still have some fun money.

Theres several girls in my comm though that frequently state how poor they are, that they cant afford bus fare, entrance fees, or to buy something to eat at meets. They talk about their food stamps cards, bills that they cant pay, how they cant afford this and that for their kids.... All while also talking about their new dresses, getting their hair and nails done, talking about trips theyve taken or how they went drinking the night before.

I understand saving up for something special when you're poor. I really do. But for fucks sake if you have a kid, shape the fuck up and keep savings for important shit like Christmas (which you KNOW is coming) and emergencies. Dont buy a bunch of dresses in October and then spam Facebook that you cant fucking afford a few toys for your kid on Christmas and you need donations.

>> No.7206141

Spoken like someone so full of female privilege they don't even realize how powerful they are.

>> No.7206143

6/10, I was rused.

>> No.7206146

Thank god, I was afraid you were one of those people who actually pretend our lives aren't completely run by women.

>> No.7206152
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>> No.7206158

>women can't even walk without men in some shithole countries and if a boy flirts with her she has to die
>women are so powerful and have control over everything and everyone guise

>> No.7206171


Do you make more money working commissions than going to minimum-wage slave route? I work as a part-time waiter and the good-looking girls at my restaurant always pull more tips than I do. Maybe you could consider doing that for the days you don't have sewing work?

>> No.7206175

>women have less power in shithole countries
>therefore they have no power in civilized countries

On a more serious note, the fashion industry, which promotes the various beauty standards to the public, is almost entirely controlled by women and gay men. There's little patriarchy there.

>> No.7206183
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>On a more serious note, the fashion industry, which promotes the various beauty standards to the public, is almost entirely controlled by women and gay men. There's little patriarchy there.

Bullshit. GQ magazine does a fine job towing the line between masculinity and being fashionable. The only source of apparel in my day-to-day wear I can honestly say does stem from women is hairspray.

>> No.7206184
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The only girl power I've seen is in the form of shitty T-shirts but okay.

>> No.7206191

cgl: so easy to troll they fall for even outright-stated bait.

>> No.7206201

Even if that was true, doesn't being controlled by gay men still qualify as patriarcy? They're still men after all, even if they're gay.

>> No.7206204

they have very different taste in women then straight males

>> No.7206205


My ex lived in malaysia. Back when we were together, I used to think about moving over there. But in the end, I decided against it because a) shitty laws against Chinese, b) shitty traditions and customs, c) his family despite accepting me was a little weird, and I would still like a little distance from in-laws.

I also considered Singapore, but again, traditions, living in the person equivalent of a sardine can, and the horror stories I hear from my friends about schooling and raising children have turned me off. And I'm Chinese so I'd probably fit in better in those places than you would in Korea.

Anyways it doesn't matter now because my parents hated him and basically drove us apart, but that's basically my thought experiment.

Anyways, my point is that you really need to think about these things and seriously think about living in an entirely different society if you want to move. America has its downs, but it also has its ups, and it's very hard to get used to entirely different situations.

>> No.7206206

South Korea is most certainly a matriarchy.

>> No.7206207

No, that would be like saying it's patriarchal to be controlled by male feminists. It's the ideology that poisons, not the genders themselves.

>> No.7206220

Even though I am a lolita not from wealth I still find a way to buy brand. How? Patience, hard work and saving! I come from a lower class family and both my parents on are on disability. I am currently unemployed, but I work/volunteer in a charity shop with no pay as I hunt for a new job. I currently live with my parents to aide them with their disabilities but thanks to medical advancements my step father may soon be able to get back to working (within a year) and I will be fine for leaving home.

I have always been a "poor" lolita, but it shocks many people when they see me head to toe in brand when I explain I come from a poor family. Any money I do earn from odd jobs I save and have done for years after leaving college, so after long periods of time (like a year) I have £300-£400 savings just waiting for me. I use this on sites like egl_comm_sale, Closet child and mbok and buy full co-ord sets.

I don't go to many meets anymore as I prefer to go to larger events like hyper japan with more people but when I do go to meets people never assume I'm a poor lolita. In fact I have be labeled a brand whore by ita's in those comms a few times because I dislike replicas (my opinion, the quality just isn't as good) but after I explain my routs they seem shocked.

It just angers me about how much hard work I put into getting lolita clothing, mainly BTSSB, which we all know ain't hard to get second hand and cheep and then to see some hell bunny wearing idiot call me a whore for it. For me, hard work gives you great rewards and lolita is my thing.

>> No.7206266

I make considerably less than I did as a minimum wage part timer. It is enough to cover supplies for more crafts (I also do needlepoint and monogramming) and some stuff I need for school. Once I can switch to a three-day course instead of a five day, I'm gonna be back to working retail probably. Having school Tues-Sat and 9-5 makes it incredibly hard to find a job.

>> No.7206285

>implying that Korea is anything but a heavily male runned system like all Asian countries


>> No.7206301

>being this baited
Come on guys, it's obviously a /pol/ack. Why are you guys falling for it?

>> No.7206305

We did it, seagulls. Went from class wank to gender wank. Who's going to start the race war?

>> No.7206315


>> No.7206327

Also it must be stated that when I did work places that tipped, I did not make as much as the small cute girls. I am on the terrifyingly large/broad side, to where people have assumed me to be trans. Im cute, I guess, until I'm actually looming over someone.

>> No.7206342

We're sort of walking a thin line there since Turks and others buggered us in the starfish for half a millennium and all. At least when it comes to southern Slavs, the rest are whiter than the Harlem Shake.

Hope that does it for the race debate.

>> No.7206359


You're all descended from Genghis Khan, anyways.

>> No.7206396
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This thread needs to be annihilated ASAP

>> No.7206476

News flash: everyone is.

>> No.7206504

Dude, no, not with your shoulder! Boxes of books and high shelves? Unless you can get a cashier-only position I'd consider a library instead.

>> No.7208653

My parent's have been married for close to forty years and they never fight about anything. Disagreements? Sure. But they are fucking adults, so they discuss their problems instead of screaming about things and acting like passive aggressive teenagers afterwards. My boyfriend's parents are the same way. I hope my boyfriend and I will be the same way. You can 'diffuse' heated situations by not letting them get heated in the first place and just talking about shit like intelligent people who respect each other. There's a big difference between not fighting and avoiding conflict completely.