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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7197265 No.7197265[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys drink at cons?

At this point I can't imagine enjoying one while sober.

>> No.7197302

My con doesn't allow it within con grounds.

>> No.7197303

Sounds like somebody's an amateur at sneaking in drinks. Get a water bottle and fill it with vodka, drink half a bottle of coke and fill the other half with rum.

>> No.7197309

>drinking Vitamin Water at con
>"valle you smell like wine"
>stupid booze smell

>> No.7197310

Absolutely. Unfortunately, all of my friends are light-weights or hardly drink. Being buzzed at noon is fun, but day-drinking alone sucks.

>> No.7197313

My husband did the rum and coke thing without telling me, and I gave the bottle to my son to drink. He took a sip and then my daughter started yelling that it smelled like beer (they think all alcohol is beer). I'm confused and I grab it and take a swig myself as my husband comes back into the car (we were in the car about to drive to the con). My daughter is still yelling while I assess the situation and my husband says "Oh shit, did you give them some of that coke?"
He got lectured.

>> No.7197322

That sucks. One time I did the rum and coke thing and my younger brother (ok he's 18, it's not like he's little) grabbed it while saying "hey can I have some?" I told him no and he drank it before I could say why he shouldn't. He stared at me and gave it back, then walked off.

>> No.7197324

The real trick to it is to put it rum and coke in a moxy bottle, no one will ask for that.

>> No.7198296

I have social anxiety so it helps calm it down. Plus talking to people is a breeze if I get a little intoxicated.

>> No.7198320

Hell yeah. It's how I got through asking for pictures at Youmacon.

>> No.7198331

At the hotel room if someone will drink with me.

I'd probably do something really stupid if I was drunk with so many people around me.

>> No.7201369

I'm planning on getting a bit buzzed for my next con because I'll be 21 but mostly because I get more talkative and social. I'm really shy at cons and I don't have as much fun as I used to because of it.

>> No.7201376

No, and I tend to try and avoid drunk people at all costs.
I'm severely emetophobic, although I'm looking into therapy for it.

>> No.7201391

You're safe with me anon, I haven't thrown up in a decade.

>> No.7201394


>> No.7201433

how is that not fun? make an ass out of yourself, you dont know them. and even so, its never as bad as you imagine. let loose you fagt

>> No.7201441

I drunk at a con once because I knew I was going to be alone that day. I stumbled around smiling and took about 30 photos with various cosplays and had a blast.

When I'm sober I barely ask for any - it's a very different experience overall.

>> No.7201470

Yes, normally I only get buzzed to make it easier to make friends and interact, however sometimes I get properly drunk and go the con raves, they are actually really fun once you're drunk enough to not mind the music.
I don't do the whole sneaking booze in, I just drink in my hotel room and go hit the con after.

>> No.7201480

Just make sure to never use a faygo bottle, I did once and got swarmed by a group of annoying homestucks who wouldn't believe I'm not one of them. I just wanted to save money by buying cheap soda to mix with my alcohol.

>> No.7201512

I spent most of Youmacon drunk and woke up Sunday morning with a girl's phone number in my pocket.

I am also a girl. I don't know what happened, but it was probably awesome.

>> No.7201547

Onsite hotel, duh.

>> No.7201549

One time my friends and i tried drinking before a con dance but we danced it all off and had to keep running back to the hotel for more. It's hard to stay drunk while dancing. I'd have fun hanging out just drinking or having a room party or something, but I suck at meeting people at cons.

>> No.7201555

>talking to people is a breeze if I get a little intoxicated.
know that feel SO much. I feel like being a bit tipsy helps me let my actual self shine through, where i'd be way too shy to talk to people otherwise. I don't know why I've never thought of drinking at a con

>> No.7206154

No. There's no point at spending money to go to a convention if you're not even going to remember most of it.

>> No.7206181

>Do you guys drink at cons?
Yes, it's an absolute requirement to do so at all the UK cons just to drown out how awful everything else is

>> No.7206192


Because a few beers or a couple shots = completely black out shit faced wasted. OK. Lighten up.

>> No.7206195

Whenever I can, it helps me become more open and friendly.

>> No.7206212

While the cons in Florida suck ass, I haven't been able to get drunk due to me not being able to handle alcohol. I throw up from it very easily. I do get intoxicated in other ways, but not during the con.

>> No.7206221
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I tried to think if I could know you since I hangout with a lot of Florida con stoners/boozehounds, but I can't think of anyone who partakes in drugs but not booze.

>> No.7206226

I've definitely been around drunk people while partying. If you know a certain loud jew, I'm good friends with him. I don't mean that in a bad way, I just don't want to mention names or anything.

>> No.7206232

>"mommy wont give me permission"

Also, sounds like OP's got some issues.

>> No.7206561
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Aw. Personally, I don't feel the need to drink to have fun so I don't do it. I also don't want to drink in front of my younger brother, whom I bring to cons with me. I don't mind if others do it as long as they're not behaving inappropriately. Know your limits, people.

Aw. Personally, I don't feel the need to drink to have fun so I don't do it. I also don't want to drink in front of my younger brother, whom I bring to cons with me. If you drink though, I'm fine with it as long as you aren't piss drunk. Aw. Personally, I don't feel the need to drink to have fun so I don't do it. I also don't want to drink in front of my younger brother, whom I bring to cons with me. If you drink though, I'm fine with it as long as you aren't behaving inappropriately.

>> No.7206569
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>> No.7206576

I think drinking at cons out in the Midwest conventions is a requirement. ACEN, anime St. Louis, Anime Nebraskon, A&G Ohio, just so many drunk folks at those cons.

>> No.7206579


>> No.7206595

Man, UK cons seem so much easier. You don't need to disguise your alcohol, you can drink it openly from the bottle and it's totally fine. In fact, it's almost encouraged to do so.

>> No.7206643

Ugh, I knew something was off with my post.

>> No.7206656

There's a really nice rather large spot between buzzed and black out wasted. You'd know if you ever drank, anon.

>> No.7206724

I drink often at cons but I often enact a no-drinking-before-6-o'clock rule since I tend to get really slow when I'm drunk. It makes it really hard to focus or walk long distances during the day, and there's always plenty I want to do and see. Some days I'm so busy I don't drink at all.

Though a couple times I did drink before 6 and I was okay since I didn't have very much. I also tend to get a massive headache if I drink for a long period of time, mostly because I get dehydrated easily and I can't chug water fast enough while drinking to keep my buzz going. I get sooo full. So if I start drinking in the afternoon I won't be able to do it at night, which is the best time to drink.

Room parties at night are the best. Get drunk and socialize with other socially awkward cosplayers and nerd out. Then go for a night on the town/con in blissful drunkenness. I have so many memories of doing so many crazy things. Cosplaying while drunk is awesome. I wish more people would get into character while drunk though.