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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.78 MB, 1287x2048, IMG_94472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7191355 No.7191355[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/~! I just recently finished my Jinx from League Of Legends cosplay, and I was hoping to get some feedback on it! I'll post the 4 pictures I have at the moment.

If anyone is curious, btw, my cosplay name is Zerggiee Cosplay!

>> No.7191364

no one cares

>> No.7191376
File: 52 KB, 500x171, faceit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tattoo is in the wrong arm

top lel

>> No.7191384


Where are the guns at?

>> No.7191391

Looks like a common rave slut to me

>> No.7191417

The wig is wrong
The shorts are wrong
The sock is wrong
The shoes are wrong
The tattoos are both wrong and on the wrong arm
Take out that fucking piercing, it makes you look like a Pixel Vixen whore.
The gun looks like you made it out of graham crackers and icing
The armbands are wrong

Overall, this cosplay is shitty.
Rather than rush to get your cosplay done as fast as possible, why not spend time trying to make it look good?

Is this a vendetta post?
The cosplay is so bad that it smells like a vendetta post.

>> No.7191663


>> No.7191701

no, your fagget asian fagtog sucks, post processed this pic like he did nothing to it

>> No.7191722

That wig is terrible, looks like you didn't even attempt the slicked down side and the bang that sticks out in the front. Also, those braids are really messy and frizzy and need to be redone.

You also might not want to post your own name at the top because it makes it sound like you're fishing for likes rather for asking for actual critique.

>> No.7191747

I think it's really good...

>> No.7191760


stop talking about urself like that on cgl, fag

>> No.7191761
File: 42 KB, 480x720, jinx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl made a shitstorm about how you should look at various sources to see that Jinx lipstick is red.

Which color is it after all?

>> No.7191774

Besides everything other people said...

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE. If you know shit about the character you're cosplaying because you don't play the game, at least research. I hate so much attention whores that make cosplays from popular characters to gain fame.

>> No.7191776

I entered to her page and she's crying over criticism. Girl, what were you expecting posting your costume here? Even if it's 100% accurate and you're the most perfect cosplayer, people will always have something to say.

>> No.7191783

You've hidden your vendetta well, OP.

>> No.7191789


If OP still reads this, I'm sure you're not a horrible person. /cgl/ is just extremely critical about quality costumes.

>> No.7191845

Zerggiee, two things:

One - those aren't small imperfections. They're huge ones.

Two - you literally asked us for feedback.
Well, you got feedback.
Feedback isn't always going to be a bunch of compliments, because unlike Facebook, we are more honest than we are nice.

You didn't make a good costume
Your fishbones is too big, by the way, on top of everything posted >>7191417
And you generally need to fix your entire costume

I don't think we are being unfair.
We are just giving you feedback like you wanted.

>> No.7191848

She's retarded
It's the same pink she uses throughout her costume

>> No.7191854

Well guys, I have spoken with Iron Stylus and he told me jinx's make up is pink.
That was about 3 weeks ago

>> No.7191870
File: 505 KB, 492x697, 1381391_579237758796253_705721259_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asks for feedback
>cries when it isn't asspats about how great it is
If you didn't want honesty, why post on 4chan? I'm so tempted to comment on your status, but I don't feel like whiteknights. Jesus, this isn't even bad. I guess next time you go fishing for compliments you'll just stick to Facebook, huh?

>> No.7191883
File: 10 KB, 413x180, 575856934295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't. Why would you ask for feedback and critique if you just want to be told how "adorable" you look? And sweetie this is far from a shitstorm. don't flatter yourself. It's just people giving you concrit. If you just wanted compliments on your mediocre cosplay, stay on Facebook.

>> No.7191884

Now I feel kinda sorry for OP... but really, /cgl/ isn't the best place to promo your cosplays

>> No.7191888

that gun looks like a fucking legit DILDO......

>> No.7191889

your costume looks bad and you should feel bad

>> No.7191890

Well maybe if you actually cared about the character, and not just about how you look, you would have noticed the small imperfections and we wouldn't be harassing you.

>> No.7191893

theres so many bad things about this photo

>> No.7191896

I'd feel sorry if she wanted concrit and some said "u look gay lol" because that's not helpful. But she got very specific pointers (>>7191417 >>7191722) on how to make this better. But she just wanted a sea of compliments and that's not going to happen.

>> No.7191910
File: 616 KB, 1363x830, udvXz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a shooped in sock.

>> No.7191925

Yes. The other photo has shooped tattoos. Are they the same person?

In any case, concerning the sock, I doubt she even used PS. It's looks like MS Paint.

>> No.7191945
File: 1.93 MB, 337x354, Jinx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7191946

Oh man. Thanks OP, I'm working on a jinx cosplay to be finished in march, and you and all the other thousand shitty rushed jinx cosplays are giving me so much motivation to really go all out with it.

One thing I really don't understand though is why not a single one has bothered to even try to style the bangs? Yeah it's difficult to get right, but a solid effort would look a million times better than flat unstyled bangs. That shit is just completely inaccurate.

>> No.7191956

Sorry but, although cosplay counts, if the model is SHIT or fat, i wont even pay attention to your 100% accurate costume

>> No.7191961

Except if anon is going all out on her costume, it won't be shit and she's probably not fat. Just putting 2 and 2 together.

>> No.7191966

Hah, don't worry I'm not ugly or fat. I actually chose to cosplay jinx partially because my body type is exactly like hers, and also because I main adc on league so I was super pumped when she came out.

>> No.7191977
File: 67 KB, 640x960, jinxcosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Cosplay Tip: (this was all thanks to a talk i had with a girl bout my jinx lipstick color not being right - and i thought it was important to help you all league fans/cosplayers a bit~)

When you want to cosplay a League of Legends character you must: see the splash art, the art concept and the model in game.
In case of Jinx, her Zap seems blue, but it's actually green/turqoise, also her lipstick is red but it seems pink. As in Slay Belle Katarina, her hair is not red/orange but light blond. << This happens because the environment/background of the skin has lights/shadows and that makes some details not really accurate~
Also you can only cosplay from the Splash Art, Art concept, Model in Game or mix them all in one~ - so hope you enjoyed this Cosplay Tip ^^

>> No.7191997
File: 2.07 MB, 2646x1472, slay belle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh.. really?
Because Katarina's hair looks pretty orange to me.

>> No.7191999

Dear lord she's hideous. Red lipstick makes 0 sense with her color scheme so even if it was clearly red (which it clearly isn't), I wouldn't do it.

>> No.7192004
File: 120 KB, 1440x608, league_of_legends_music__get_jinxed_35_by_xxxaimanexxx-d6prstz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In general I agree with that advice, but that color is just wrong.

>> No.7192006

This looks like someone tried to make some kind of special snowflake Jinx-Joker crossover.

>> No.7192007

There's a girl who doesn't know how to put on makeup.

>> No.7192009

Looks too old

>> No.7192012

>looking at the thumbnail and reading the comments above me
>"Gosh that don't look too bad, the red lipstick is a little wonky but what do I know, I don't even like Leag-"
>open the thumbnail
That is the worst application of smokey eye I have ever seen.

>> No.7192015


While you are right about all the art being different depending on what you look at, you're pretty wrong.

In the splash art, it's pink
In the game model, it's pink
In the video, it's pink
All different shades, but still pink.

In the highly-filtered teaser preview that has a light sepia tone set on it, it looks kind of red.
Kind of.
But that image is so filtered that you shouldn't be using it for reference anyway.

>> No.7192016

I think anon might just be colorblind

>> No.7192022
File: 93 KB, 604x324, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait no
It's pink here too , looking again.

Where the fuck is anyone getting red from

>> No.7192023

looks more like shark color to me

>> No.7192026
File: 74 KB, 499x324, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did 4chan do to my post

>> No.7192040

I think they're quoting someone, hence the greentext at the start.

>> No.7192046

Whoever it is, they are colorblind

>> No.7192049

Placing bets on how fast she deletes the most recent post on her fishing for sympathy post

>> No.7192053

LoL cosplays tend to be shit.
I'm convinced the only reason why any of these girls bother is so they can get their daily dose of beta orbiter for being nurd gurlz.

>> No.7192060

man, how come we can vandetta train this idiot but when we try to have some real fun with NMJ or Jnig we get the ban hammer? boooo mods

>> No.7192067

is being a jackass, I'll elaborate
>The wig is wrong
the styling of the wig needs to have the entirety of the hair hanging in the front be on the right side of her face (our left)
>The shorts are wrong
No they aren't, they're fine. They just match the concept art not the in-game model
>The sock is wrong
It's too bright and it doesn't go anywhere near high enough.
>The shoes are wrong
Yeah, but unless you're a cobbler, you're not going to get those shoes right.
>The tattoos are both wrong and on the wrong arm
You do seem to have switched the arms around. Also you seem to have not finished the tats.
>Take out that fucking piercing, it makes you look like a Pixel Vixen whore.
Didn't even notice it until I enlarged it, but in general you should take off any jewelry. THe only exception is wedding rings or other personal symbolic jewelry.
>The gun looks like you made it out of graham crackers and icing
Can't even see the gun
>The armbands are wrong
They should be latex, vinyl, something. And all black.
>Overall, this cosplay is shitty.
Overall, this cosplay is average.
>Rather than rush to get your cosplay done as fast as possible, why not spend time trying to make it look good?
This post is just retarded, and it assumes that the reasons for the errors are rushing
>Is this a vendetta post?
>The cosplay is so bad that it smells like a vendetta post.
Could be, but I doubt it

>> No.7192065

The person herself posted this asking for feedback and then got it.

>> No.7192070

It's a maroonish color.
Like a shade more red than the darker stripe on her bikini top

>> No.7192072

>dat flamingo
holy crap he's genius

>> No.7192075

I think the inference is that it is clearly not orange, but a golden blond.

>> No.7192080
File: 56 KB, 1200x800, FZnPXXX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better jinx cosplay :3

>> No.7192083

I saw this one before, definitely better than OP.

>> No.7192084

With Jinx I think cosplayers should invest in a good lace front and then add long wefts in for the braids. Arda is coming out with a new long lace front with a widows peak that would suit this character well. Just wait for it to come out in her shade of blue or just request it until they order it. Because of how Jinx's hair is, pulled back with visible hair line, a lace front is the only way I can see this looking good but then again this is just my opinion.

I don't even play LoL but she is a cute character and its a shame to see her done with cheap ebay wigs.

>> No.7192086

While I think her cosplay is gonna be amazing, I don't like the materials she used for the striped pink.

One has some kinda shine to it, the other doesn't, and it's just really awkward...

But I am excited for her wig. It's the wrong color, but the styling is perfect.

>> No.7192092


I don't think they're being a jackass

But not a jackass

The shoes do exist for her too
People just search for the wrong kind of shoes

>> No.7192097

Silly anon, that's her VA. You can't get more Jinx than that.

>> No.7192104

No it isn't read the fucking video description and the fucking VA credits vs the name of the account. idiot.

>> No.7192105

Oh! I didn't know that, I won't lie. I've never seen her VA before.

>> No.7192106

Who do I believe? Which is it? Either way; she still looks way too old for Jinx!

>> No.7192121

why is her body like

>> No.7192138
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, jinx_splash_11 (4) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your cosplay is stupidly inaccurate.
Sorry I just love Jinx and the sudden surge of bad cosplays from people that don't even play the game are wrecking my head.

The tattoos are on the wrong side of your body and are almost unnoticeable
The wig isn't even styled right and as I've seen in the other shots on your facebook page, is messy as hell
You have no 'X' bandage on your knee
Your pink sock is too short
Your guns are crafted really sloppily and Fishbones isn't even the right colour
Your shorts don't even have stripes on them

I'm sorry but your cosplay just isn't good.
I'm not gonna be all negative though, cos you can be a cute jinx because you are pretty but you just gotta fix everything up and focus more on sorting out the details first instead of doing photoshoots with an inaccurate cosplay.
Just spend some time fixing It up and then go again, ok?
Also in the shoots focus less on sexy and more on crazy. Jinx is nuts.

>> No.7192365


To be honest if you disregard the errors in the costume itself, she didn't do a bad job on the makeup, has the perfect body for the character, and could have the perfect face if she worked on making more bug-eyed crazy faces and less "bedroom eyes".

If she fixed all the minor imperfections, bought a different pair of boots (Demonia Combat 208 are pretty close, but she'd have to add grooves to the platforms and add leather to extend them). remade the gun with better (stiffer) materials, and worked on making crazy eyes, she could eventually make a perfect Jinx.

>> No.7192392

No it isn't

>> No.7192405

>Arda is coming out with a new long lace front with a widows peak
source pls

>> No.7192413
File: 166 KB, 640x960, jinx5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm embarrassed to look at OP's picture...

>> No.7192445

I never realized just how beta some of the people who like cosplay pages are, Jesus Christ. That last comment holy fuck

>> No.7192454


I'm embarrassed to look at that one.... lay off the fucking shoop jfc.

>> No.7192463


Dat flamingo... mind blown.

10/10 costume.

>> No.7192490


Because that isn't her VA, her VA is a tiny Chinese lady.

>> No.7192496

Jeeeeeeezus who the hell cares about complete accuracy anymore? Especially in a LoL costume where every source art you find is slightly different. The character is still recognizable - so who the hell cares if it's 100% accurate? You guys need something to do.

>> No.7192500
File: 9 KB, 284x177, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This post reeks of neckbeard fedora.
This is your hugbox Facebook boy, begone before we release the bees.

>> No.7192503

So basically your cosplays are all shitty?

>> No.7192509

I wouldn't go so far as to say she has the perfect Jinx body when she doesn't.

Jinx is one of those super scrawny lanky girls.
OP is not
OP isn't fat, but OP isn't scrawny. Which is good, OP has a normal body.

>> No.7192518
File: 619 KB, 312x259, 1383769139243.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


clearly doesn't care about quality and invalidates himself with his own comment... but are you incapable of adult communication?

I haven't seen a post so over saturated in buzzwords and tumblr-speak in a long time.

>> No.7192524


You think hugbox is a Tumblr-speak?
You must be new here.

>> No.7192533

Wait, so hugbox is not a buzzword anymore?

Oh, that's right. It still is.

>You must be new here.
Nope. Try speaking beyond memes/buzzwords/shitposting.

>> No.7192538

aww, he's like a little steve buscemi lol

>> No.7192554

can someone post more jinx cosplays? bad, good, WIP, whatever

>> No.7192560
File: 303 KB, 2048x1409, 1401491_477260795720658_1663420981_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7192577

their facebook

>> No.7192582
File: 26 KB, 500x750, 1469785_664493903581903_1667995332_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Arda's facebook. I keep trying to post the link but I keep getting the "Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again."

Looks like they added more colors due to popular demand and the color aqua has been added to the list. I'm sure this was done with Jinx in mind. They plan to have this out sometime in mid-December.

>> No.7192584
File: 24 KB, 500x750, 1451574_663827596981867_581415136_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called Tauriel and here is the list of colors it should be available in soon.

Light Blonde (013)
Dark Copper Red (015)
Dark Ash Blonde (029)
Spanish Brown (050)
Raven (052)
Silver (063)
Black (064)
Aqua (072A)
Natural Black (080)
Light Grey (107)
Electric Blue (AR006)
Apple Red (AR012)
Warm Light Brown (AR015)
Titanium Blonde (AR017)
Magenta (AR026)
Plum (AR029)
Crimson (AR030)

>> No.7192587

costume is bad but she's pretty

>> No.7192603

her face matches it perfectly. too big of tits tho. fine for me, but still

>> No.7192618
File: 47 KB, 433x577, tumblr_g7dr5oYlsq1s79seoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found on tumblr

>> No.7192620

I don't know how gals could cosplay from this game which sexualize females in such ways. They are only enabling this kind of dev attitude to keep adding this kind of shit

>> No.7192625


>> No.7192642

Aw but its so short. I think I'd rather make the widows peak myself then have to sew in huge wefts

>> No.7192709

When I do something, I try to do it right. It shows that I care about what I'm doing. Why do it if you don't give a fuck?

>> No.7192726

O.o Yeah this is just bad, hope mine turns out better

>> No.7192730


>> No.7192731

She's still the best Jinx so far. Loved the video she made in character

>> No.7192762
File: 132 KB, 640x960, 1395793_603568813033519_1383462442_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7192764

Those are some nice props.

>> No.7192766

Is that a joke

>> No.7192773
File: 182 KB, 1365x2048, glory_s_jinx_by_xlestatx72-d6sdxug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill post some from deviantart

Glory's Jinx

>> No.7192775


Her wig reminds me of a mad scientist

I don't like it

>> No.7192776
File: 94 KB, 640x960, jinx_league_of_legends_death_by_axeltakahashiviii-d6u3ylm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jinx death

>> No.7192780
File: 113 KB, 636x960, jinx_cosplay_lol_by_axeltakahashiviii-d6t58w0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jinx cosplay

>> No.7192781

Jinx test run

>> No.7192786
File: 65 KB, 509x823, jinx_cosplay_test_run_1_by_illohxc-d6sh2or.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.7192789
File: 105 KB, 1024x683, get_jinxed___by_lexistrife-d6sx4cr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get Jinxed

>> No.7192792
File: 1.03 MB, 591x828, jinx_wip_by_keisscene-d6tcyzq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jinx WIP

>> No.7192798
File: 78 KB, 720x480, 1391946_598543296869404_555961907_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jinx cosplay

>> No.7192800
File: 36 KB, 720x480, 1383301_594763703914030_431268861_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same girl

>> No.7192802
File: 83 KB, 960x640, jinx_lol_cosplay_by_axeltakahashiviii-d6u3ys0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jinx lol cosplay

>> No.7192807
File: 51 KB, 546x720, 558038_397236357076509_957703498_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one

>> No.7192831
File: 161 KB, 1200x875, 905290_477170082396396_1808035283_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7192844

Best one.

>> No.7192907

I really like the wig but I don't think the Electric Blue would suit Jinx's hair color and their Teal would be a lot better, so its disappointing that its not going to be available in that color. I plan to cosplay Jinx (shes my favourite adc) but not until next year. Not sure what the best way to go about making the wig, I'm guessing ventilating a lace front to get the proper hair line.

>> No.7193327

>No plasma weapon
>Wrong socks color
>Wig too short
>Wrong boots
>Wrong leg belts
>No buckle in hip's belt
>Arm belts haven't buckles, miss one belt
>No grid on black's top
>Black material she used is shit and mate, should be leather or something
>No tattoos (I only see one)

So sorry but big NO. Her face and attitude are pretty similar to Jinx, but her costume is shit. At least her Pow Pow is pretty

>> No.7193461

Go with aqua, it matches pretty close and maybe even better than the teal.

>> No.7193483

I like them
has potential but wrong colors

>> No.7193516

don't be a female deadpool

>> No.7193801

I totally missed that. It's a very nice color for sure and something ill definitely be looking into, thank you!

>> No.7193816

I think she's hte best Jinx so far.

Tbh, I don't understand you. They are perfect

>> No.7193825

So, Jinx like the flat girls' answer to Yoko or something then right?

>> No.7193848

That face is so shooped my actual face hurts

>> No.7194721

This girl is a total bitch.
She sends guys from a LoL FB group to troll other LoL cosplayers.

She's full of hate scumbag

>> No.7194752
File: 63 KB, 246x335, Screenshot (254) - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come everyone is giving her striped shorts? in all my game model refs they just look plain pink. unless the art is just inconsistent

>> No.7194757

I like that genki. I always wanted to make a professor genki cosplay...

>> No.7194859

Post a picture of some of those pms, otherwise, you're just a little fat lying little bitch (:

>> No.7194935
File: 151 KB, 683x622, 7889G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi glory, nice to see you selfposting

The post says:

I don't always post, but I've been here for 8 months.
For the ones that don't know me I do cosplay.

I came to make a request to you, I don't know if you want, but there is a girl that I'm tired of, she was my friend and in the end my cosplays and lol gave her cancer.

Yesterday I uploaded a photo of my jinx cosplay

And this girl, just to break me in the balls that I don't have and knowing that she doesn't know shit about the game, posts this:

I don't know if you want to troll her or something, but it would make me really happy hahaha
Thank you and see you in the barbecue

>> No.7194971

They leave out some stuff in the game model because it's hard to make on the model, or it isnt seen as much.

So the splash art is always different from the game models.

Splash art and video both have striped shorts.

>> No.7194999

What a huge cuntmeister.

>> No.7195020

why do you have her in your friend list and post this? kinda bitchy.

>> No.7195050

>saying an anonymous person is bitchy

who cares?

>> No.7195051
File: 546 KB, 1280x544, tumblr_mudj86y8le1r29x9fo7_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ^
There is always a lot of differences between the splah and the in game model for champs. Like Sivs new splash doesnt look anything like how she looks in game. In Jinxs splash the shorts are striped like her top and they are in the video as well. In the model they don't have the bullets in her tattoos either just the smoke cloud. Personally I prefer the striped shorts compared to the just pink ones.

>> No.7196802

eurgh. that is an unholy amount of shoop.

>> No.7197161

so how would one go about obtaining a wig of Jinx's length and color? i found one of the perfect length but its more of an ice blue (similar to OPs), but dyeing is out of the question.

>> No.7197327

Why does everyone love this shitty design so much. Why. It's terrible character design. She looks like an OC made by a 13 year old Hot Topic obsessed deviantart user.

>> No.7197343

Why can't you dye it? There's not exactly a plethora of long wigs out there, so you're unlikely to find one in the exact shade.

>> No.7197348

they may be afraid of potentially fucking up the wig

>> No.7197358

I liked her until they nerfed her first patch and I don't get freelo anymore. Changed my mind about cosplaying her just for that.

>> No.7197367

mte. this is one of the most boring, least inspired designs in the entire game. is it just because people love the "psycho" characters?

>> No.7197381

Pff. What do you know about character design, anon?

Tell us specifically why it's bad. I'm not satisfied with the reasons you gave. Does it not convey her personality properly? Is utility entirely sacrificed for aesthetic, or the other way around? Did the designer not do enough research and use things incorrectly? Is it inappropriate for the intended audience?

Break it down and use your expertise instead of sounding like a 13 year old deviantart user yourself.

>> No.7197408

Mmmm, dat butthurt. Just accept that you want to cosplay this terrible design for the attention and move on, anon-chan.

>> No.7197411

See >>7193825

>> No.7197418

Anon, I am indifferent towards this character.

A character design does not become bad because you personally do not like it. They can be subjectively bad for many reasons. Next time maybe you shouldn't bring up something you know nothing about. Sure, you are entitled to your opinion, but certainly not an uneducated one.

>> No.7197432

Okay, anon-chan. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.7197434

Yup. That's why I'm cosplaying Lulu.

>> No.7197443

Just passed by the thread and saw this argument.
>>7197418 was the clear winner, when somebody asks you logical, pointed questions and all you can give is a non-response, you know you've lost the argument.

>> No.7197456

'Just passed by the thread'


>> No.7197480

Should I have said scrolled? I was looking for a different thread and scrolled by, and while skimming text noticed the argument.

>> No.7197489

Thank you for your concern, but please don't give this anon attention. I stopped replying after >>7197418 because this is obviously an illogical person.

The best thing to do is leave them to stew alone.

>> No.7197501

Oh look everyone is cosplaying Tank Girl again.

>> No.7197556


Fucking sweet. Perfect Jessie wig base, here I come!

>> No.7197676


I actually like the design
And the champion is extremely fun to play

>> No.7197725
File: 169 KB, 1200x1600, 28-TTB-01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of getting this wig for my Jinx, but this thread is making me doubt it a bit. Obviously it will need heavy styling, taking ti out of the pigtails, the bangs, etc. But is the color okay?

>> No.7197732


If you want to get that, I guess

>> No.7197749

It's from Epiccosplay which is where I was told to look for very long wigs. I can't tell if it's going to be shiny or not so I came for feedback.
Thanks for the sarcastic help.

>> No.7197759

Her eye makeup looks like some Ashley level shit

>> No.7197756

Have you looked at arda?

>> No.7197765

A penis has entered her anus

>> No.7197777

I have, but the color I think is the best for Jinx (Teal) doesn't come in long styles and I'm not very experienced with wefts, so I'd rather a long wig I can just braid.

>> No.7198420

God, why do people do the myspace angle if they aren't fat or trying to look like an anime. Her face looks so much more suited for Jinx in that final picture. She has a beautiful long neck, but doing the myspace angle makes her look like a fatty whose chin is sprouting out of her collarbone.
Also people who take webcam pictures and stare at their reflection instead of looking into the camera.... ugh.
She does it in tons of her pictures to. Holds up some expensive Canon in a mirror and stares at the preview screen instead of the goddamn mirror

Why the fuck do people do this

>> No.7198424

It makes her look derp as fuck. Like her teeth and shit and the way she's holding her face, it seems like it's to try to hide her cheekbones but damn she looks almost retarded.

>> No.7198431

It's such a shame, too, since that last picture shows how pretty she really is
I hope she sees this so that she can take better pictures. Her deviant art is just filled with dudes cumming their pants over her, no one giving real critique. I bet that she would do better with views and whatever if she just stopped with the retarded faces.

She also does that japanese fishlip thing in her other pictures.

>> No.7198438

She does look really nice in that last pic, I can tell she'd be really pretty if she stopped well, trying to be cute. DA is bad for getting critiques anyways. I posted something really shitty as a joke just to see and got tons of compliments. It is really too bad.

>> No.7198579

>that makeup
>that nail polish

omg...does she have palsy? did she do her make-up in the dark?? what the actual fuck.

>> No.7198584

wig needs a LOT of work

>> No.7198595

This thread and these cosplays remind me why I don't identify as female playing vidya. Attention whores like this give fans a bad name, and sweet jesus if you really loved Jinx and played then you would know basic details and get them right.

>> No.7198593

i think the color is a bit too dark, her hair is more light blue than teal

>> No.7198940
File: 914 KB, 446x791, 2013111813561185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No decent cosplays in my country. this makes me want to cry...

>> No.7199182

its sad that this isnt the worst one posted to this thread

>> No.7199195


The bullets are a bit too big, she should have just used AA batteries instead and make a zoomed out picture, noone would have noticed.

>> No.7199219

I think she's cosplaying
>>7195051 Jinx's MV version, bullets are bigger. >>7192789 and >>7192792 have bigger bullets too.

>> No.7199469

She kind of has the perfect body for Jinx, though.

>> No.7199524

My reasons? She's hot, and she's voiced by the VA of Peacock from Skullgirls.
You are very hot. :)

>> No.7199586
File: 1.03 MB, 611x862, 20131118223804505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like a man. I think is the worst one.

>> No.7200028

I fucking hate Glory so much. She's full of herself, always talking about "wanting to be the most famous cosplayer from latinoamerica", telling every hour she wants to be popular, bullying people who cosplays the same characters as her, asking people (her fans) to buy things to her (like her last post asking her minions for buying her worbla "because she can't afford it" and that she's pretty.

Holy shit girl, you're only ~famous~ because you whored yourself as shit. You only did your Sakizou cosplay because you knew Yaya would wear hers. She was telling everybody she's friends of Yaya and basically that they was BFF, only because Glory did a Sakizou costume to take photos with Mrs. Bobbies.

>> No.7200098

Bitches like these are the reason I only cosplay with my friend and don't befriend anyone under the age of 25. She sounds like a drama queen fishing for compliments and hugs .

>> No.7200112

i refuse to believe thats NOT a man

>> No.7200118

I feel so much better about my tits now.

>> No.7200133

You don't have to be a cobbler to buy a shoe base and customize it. I've seen it done like with Noise from dramatical murder .

I wouldn't be bothered by a nose piercing since its so small .

>> No.7200146

These people are most likely new gen cosplayers who crave the attention from basement dwellers at cons and other social introverts.

>> No.7200370

Holy shit I've never seen a woman this flat. I know I sound bitchy as all get out by saying this but she really could pass for a man. No shape and her face isn't very feminine either.

>> No.7200435

Is that a man?

If not, it's literally the perfect body for jinx but most terrifying face.

I can see her nipples
His nipples??

>> No.7200437


Jinx doesn't have a good body
Nobody should want that body

>> No.7200470
File: 1.25 MB, 1429x605, Jinx Skull Throw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So on Jinx's left leg, is she wearing a sheer stocking or a garter? I can't tell.

>tfw I want that body
That DFC

>> No.7200475


>> No.7200697
File: 119 KB, 960x437, 995234_621283401246156_992214056_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The LoL cosplay community is disappointing over here. Chicks cosplaying LoL champions just for fame. So gamergirls.

>> No.7200718


Dat annie... please no.

>> No.7200757

Are those dutch cosplayers? I think I recognize some

>> No.7200760
File: 108 KB, 500x376, tumblr_mjelkaHgn01s0bxpxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay Lulu because she's my main and favorite champion (also very modest cosplay)
>be a girl
>Everyone assumes I'm an attention whore and don't even play the game

Well fuck you too, neckbeards

>> No.7200763

I actually had this guy coming up to me "testing" my knowledge of LoL

Well I'm so sorry I don't recognize progamers as I really don't care about the ranked Leagues

>> No.7200794

yep. It was at nishicon a few weeks ago.
I smell a butthurt. Actually I know slme of them and for so far I know the fiora in the middle is a decent-ish player.
the Jinx only chose to cosplay her because she saw the "get jinxed" video.
Plus, her cosplay is crappy as fuck and rushed in order to become the first jinx cosplayer in NL

>> No.7200801

Ah yes, hung out a bit with Jax, Vlad and Twiste Fate at an other Dutch con, really nice guys.

>> No.7200829


nor does anyone else. seriously they though you where an attention whore cause you cosplayed Lulu

I....i just dont get it anyomore

>> No.7200831

I wish I could cosplay Phantom Lancer.

>I'm actually a shit player of both games.

>> No.7200894


Straight from this girl cosplay page

>Next time someone criticizes my Jinx cosplay because of my boobs, im terribly sry but ill have to be unpolite and tell you to go fuck a horse.
>First, i hate people who criticize my cosplays w/o a plausible critic,like: "Your nida spear is kinda disproportional","Where is your Zap holster?","Doesn't Jinx have 3 grenades? You only have 1","Jinx doesnt have big boobs".
>What i have to say it's: When youre able to make a Spear,a Weapon,a Grenade,Jinx's Zap talk to me,cuz i bet you cant do it so shut it and save your dumb comments for yourself. Ik what im worth
>Second there r so many bad cosplays all around and you say they're good. That only proves your stupidity! You dont know whats well done or poorly done and you throw stupid comments.
>If you want to say smth say it,but not in an arrogant way like you are so pro,cuz till now i wasnt amazed by what u did if u did smth. So plz mind ur words.

>> No.7200921


>"people are noticing that my cosplay is shitpiss caca poopie and i'm getting mad about it!!!"

>> No.7200922

At least you play(ed) the games

>> No.7200928
File: 1.44 MB, 941x613, 20131119160821825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how you feel...

>> No.7200936
File: 163 KB, 800x1000, jinx__league_of_legends__2_by_helimatra-d6uqdhp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7200958

>Lulu cosplay
Please post? Lulu is my favourite champ.

>> No.7200961

>Cosplayers doing popular / trendy new characters for attention instead of because they enjoy them
Oh gee golly do they really?

>> No.7200966

Why aren't more of you talking about this? This girl posted her terrible WIP and then got buttmad that someone else posted their terrible WIP and asked her friends to troll her. Glory obviously posted this to get back at Zerggiee for making the same costume as her. This is some Rosanna Rocha level of bullshit.

>> No.7200981

ignoring the man on the right, the girl on the left has a really good Jinx face.

>> No.7201087

I'm sorry, I'd rather not selfpost here but I'm sure you'll find lots of nice Lulus on deviantart :)

>> No.7201136

>actually play league regularly
>still only cosplay it to network with people

I met my idoru I regret nothing

>> No.7201143

You mean Phantom Cancer, right?
I'd love to see one well done.

>> No.7201162

It would look like a giant furry with weapons hahaha

>> No.7201271 [DELETED] 

In her country everybody hatas Glory and her cosplayer friends for doing that kind of bitchy thingd

>> No.7201272

In her country everybody hates Glory and her cosplayer friends for doing that kind of bitchy things

>> No.7201300

Does this glory have a fb page?

>> No.7201302

im from her country and she has lots of fans. only other cosplayers hate her.

>> No.7201322

Hi Glory!
Nice to see you here!

>> No.7201329

>wanted to cosplay storm spirit


>> No.7201331

Nice try
Actually very few people like her, anyone with a facebook can tell that much

>> No.7201370

This fucking feel tho. So far I haven't had any problems while cosplaying league and everyone has been really nice and made a lot of awesome friends and league buddies but I'm scared come next year when I cosplay Jinx with our group at Sakura Con that I'm going to get the 'oh you're just doing it for attention'. I'm hoping the Jinx hype will have died down by then especially with the new champs coming out. A lot of people seemed to be excited for Ao Shin (even though he still wont be out for a while) so hopefully that will take away from it. Also I totally agree that you should post a pic of your cosplay!

>> No.7201378

hahahaaha hi glory

>> No.7201666
File: 59 KB, 720x960, 1378392_345741228896188_23005352_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont get it why everybody cosplays her. EVERY COSER in my country cosplayed her like even before she came in the game. They dont even play league sigh they are just whoring for attention and all cosplays were quite bad.

>except this girl she has the face imho and shes the cutest coser

>> No.7201768


It's a weird double standard cause I've never played LoL but if I were to cosplay as a male champion no one would question if I played the game or not...

>> No.7201953

To avoid stuff like that I always ask them for their summoner names, I love the expression they make
when they dont even know whats a summoner name.
And not all chicks cosplay lol for attention, but if they go with a badge showing their SN they will be tagged as Attention Whores too.

>> No.7201969

Dunno, anytime I see a guy cosplaying from something I know, I almost always ask them a question about the series. If they know their stuff, great, fellow fan!

...If they don't know anything about the character they're dressed up as, I try and stuff that spaghetti back in my pockets. Not as much of a double standard as you might think.

>> No.7201989

Wait why is showing your username an attention whore thing?

>> No.7202036

yeah...I happen to have the same username for everything so I usually put it on my badge so people might know who I am (not many do which I'm not surprised)

>> No.7202059

Same. I also don't like people knowing my name.

>> No.7202069

It is sadly a double standard . I grew up with XMen and batman comics , but because of the super popularity , I'd probably get questioned on how much I know if I put on a comic related shirt versus a guy people just assume is make, therefore can never be a poser.

I laugh because some dude made a post in here last night about wanting to cosplay at an anime con even though he hated anime . It goes both ways. I don't automatically assume anyone is a poser, but they exist on both sides .

>> No.7202072

Is male* up there . Damn autocorrect .

I'm just glad I never got into the avengers . That fandom kills me inside.

>> No.7202409

or maybe they just enjoy the game...

>> No.7202432


>> No.7202434

Because surely LoL is the only game that does this.
Also, plenty of modest female characters in the game

>> No.7202458

I was at PAX Aus and someone actually asked them about designing female characters and why they all tended to be the same sort of build.

They answered with something along the lines "it's hard to make female characters recognisable as female"

I lost quite a bit of respect for them that day. Still, cosplaying VI next year, idgaf

>> No.7202492

Wow. Just wow. That's called lazy ass shit right there.
When men say this, I wonder if they ever had interactions with women at all in person.

>> No.7202573

Why do you care about proving yourself to assholes? If they're being an asshole and think you're a poser so what?

>> No.7202573,1 [INTERNAL] 

You nailed the tits.