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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7190575 No.7190575[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

can we get a washington thread going?

>con season is over - which con was best?
>local cosplayers
>local lolitas
>local drama

>> No.7190590

Emerald City Comic Con - too fucking crowded but always a fun con to attend

Sakura con - should-give-a-fuck-con-but-dont

PAX - also fucking crowded but also the most entertaining con of the year

GeekGirlCon - good and chill - small

Aki-con - underagedrinking.jpeg

overall a good con year - no complaints as far as venue/con goes I just have come to realize I hate people

>> No.7190619

Emerald City Comic Con - DGAF

Sakura con - Sorta fun, nice to be in the lolita fashion show. Not all that great since SC dropped the ball on getting a lolita guest so not much to do that was relevant to my interest and poor shopping.

PAX - Got bored very fast. Standing in line to play games you can't even save hardly seems worth it. Swag has also gone down greatly in the past few years.

GeekGirlCon - DGAF

Aki-con - DGAF

Overall, happy I went to two cons elsewhere in the country.

>> No.7190848

does anyone know that crazy bitch who lied about having cancer a couple years ago? not naming any names but I'd love to bond over stories about her.

>> No.7190857

wait what?

stories please

>> No.7190875

OKAY so a few years ago my friend and I would go to local meetups.

I remember the very first one I went to there was this girl in a wig there - she seemed nice enough from afar but the second you got 15 feet from her you head her loud and raspy voice as she yelled some stupid meme at her friends that stood a foot away.
She used to hang with this one group that was pretty chill - they were fun and nice to everyone but you could tell they tolerated her because a. her energy and b. they felt sorry for her

BUT ANYWAYS as I went to more and more events and made more friends, I started to hear stories about this girl. Nothing too serious just that she made up a lot of stuff and thought she was a much better cosplayer than she really was.
Eventually we became facebook friends and thats when the signs started to really show.
Stories about how her sister "totally destroyed her aqua birth by sleep armor that she spent over 100 hours on by leaving it out in the rain"
or "my parents got a restraining order against my cousin who is the only cousin who is nice to me"
I remember she threw a full on fake fit over that one at an event during one summer. All her friends just stood their confused and tried to comfort her while she whaled onto her phone.

Many incidents like this and everyone was just eating her shit up.

more to come I'll continue when I get onto a computer

>> No.7190885

wait is this that roxel cosplayer that we used to post about years ago?
yes plz I need more

>> No.7190890

All cons this year were drunk cons and I have no regrets.

OH MEL......

>> No.7190926

okay so to continue my story

after awhile her lies started getting more and more dramatic - I witnessed many myself first hand and many more from friends/acquaintances in the community.

Her original group slowly began to ditch her and I think to react to this she started really telling the big lies to get attention. A few specific stories stick out to me in my memory..

The first one I witnessed first hand and still can't believe that she has "friends" after making up this bullshit.
So one day she posts this long ass post on facebook about having cancer and how shes really scared and going into chemo soon and literally EVERYONE fell at her feet in sympathy
Then for about 6 months she milks the storty for all its worth - lying about chemo and surgeries and about how its spreading and how scared she is.
The kicker is that she said the cancer type was Mesothelioma which developes over YEARS of asbestos exposure. She made no mention of moving so there was no way she got it from her home.
The best part was through all of this she went to EVERY SINGLE EVENT and was as lively and loud as ever - the only thing that changed was she got off by all of a sudden getting serious and saying things like "my surgery is next week this might be my last cosplay event ever"

will continue soon - I need a rant break

>> No.7190931

Emerald City Comic Con - crowded, but always fun.

Sakura con - awesome for the most part. Was pissed that no lolita brands had booths. (H. Naoto was there, but the items offered were shoddy quality for the high price and none of the stuff offer was loli-able)

PAX - Crowded and loud. Aside trying the Oculus Rift (if you were lucky enough to be there for the 15-minute intervals when they opened a line up), the gaming area was a bit boring. Great variety of panels offered. Couldn't make Monday due to exhaustion. Learned of the dickwolves comments after the fact, and cringed. Now hesitant to go back until they hire a PR team to cure the foot-in-mouth disease.

GeekGirlCon - small and short, a breath of fresh air. Also a lot of panels dedicated to queer geekdom; several of my rainbow friends LOVED that aspect.

Aki-con - saw photos of buckets from the previous year, nope-d right out of it.

>> No.7190934
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contribooting more...

this is from a couple years ago

>> No.7190955

agreed - Aki con was a no go for me because the only plus is partying with friends which I can do for free on a normal weekend.

this is fucking gold
so pathetic

>> No.7191032
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But seriously, I hate people who fake disease or self-diagnose themselves to garner attention. It makes life worse for the decent people who actually have those problems.

>> No.7191042

>shoddy quality for the high price
No, it's good quality, but it's suppose to look like shit.

You were a fool for using the Oculus Rift in the main hall. There's was one in the Indie area that only only had like a 15 minute line. You got to be a tree, but you also got to be a griffon.

>> No.7191063

She wouldn't happen to be korean, would she?

>> No.7191067

Jesus, I moved from Washington two years ago and we are still talking about her. Met her once and she seemed crazy. It was like the only costume she even had.
I think the deathnote guy was crazier though. He made me leave the meetup early because I was cringing so hard.

>> No.7191071

Just a question, is this girl short and stout, and is her wig a horrible bob-cut with a red-almost-orange color?

>> No.7191291

yes on both accounts

>> No.7191302

oh man you mean the fucking weird guy that would go to meetups alone and scream death note references?

he has a girlfriend now and likes to crossdress HORRIBLY

>> No.7191316

I remember he used to have boners all the time with his awfully fitted pants

fuck I dont miss gasukans

>> No.7191337

That would be him all right.
I did meet one really good friend at gasucon but that really is the only good memory of it I have.

>> No.7191407

Kyary at the Showbox
Anyone going?


>> No.7191475
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I just moved up here from SoCal to go to UW so I'm really excited about meeting the community up here. I have been going to SakuraCon for the past few years so at least I already know what to except. I really hope I get to meet all you lovlies.
Would this happen to be him in pic related? I went to one gasukan and I was completely baffled by him. He just sort of would sit places and pose even though nobody was taking his photo...

>> No.7191487

koreans are the worst kind of people.

>> No.7191489
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>> No.7191498



>> No.7192136

are those still around?
I tried going to gasukan once or twice. Back in 2011? it was fun tried going in 2012 and everyone seemed disgruntled or not really talking to each other.

>> No.7192304

yeah theyre still around but its all underage weeb fags now

>> No.7192552



>> No.7192568

email or gtfo

>> No.7192578

come at me oniichan

>> No.7193009

Every Sakuracon I've been to, there's a /cgl/ meet up and I hover around the area it is, recognize a couple tripfags, think about talking to you guys, assume you'll hate me, get scared and leave.

I wonder if this year will be different. Probably not.

Everyone just seems to know each other so well. :( I don't know if I can just jump in and be like, "HEY YOU HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ME OR MET ME I NEVER SELFPOST MY COSPLAYS OR COORDS BECAUSE THEY ARE BAD HELLO"

>> No.7193016

tbh a lot of the trips kinda sux except for a few who are really cool

hang out with them theyre awesome

and tbh im not even sure ill go to the meetup next year

>> No.7193033
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Weee, I'm going

>> No.7194325

>tfw oniichan doesnt come at me

>> No.7194355

Only went to Pax this year, kind of got a VIP treatment though since I was friends with one of the bigger companies.

Pax catering sucks, btw.

I got tickets for ECCC already, looking forward to that, it'll be my first time.

I haven't attended Sakura-con since 2008, but thinking about going again.

>> No.7195801

Oh, yeah, I forgot about the Indie hall one. I liked the exploratory factor, but actually ended up feeling motion sickness from it.

>> No.7196570


>> No.7196574

I need more Washington cosplay connections. I think about 0 sane cosplayers live in south puget sound.

>> No.7198033

What about Kumoricon? Or is that oregon territory

>> No.7198046

0 sane cosplayers live on the peninsula as well

>> No.7198267

its in vancouver so its techinically washington but the one i went to was hella terribad

if you go, dont buy a badge

>> No.7198276

Few sane cosplayers in Downtown.
Most are pretty stuck up.

>> No.7198475

>if you go, dont buy a badge
What? You can get in without one? I've only gone to PAX and Sakuracon. I've been thinking about trying out Kumoricon since PAX tickets are such a bitch. What's bad about it?

>> No.7198549

dont bother going into the building. everyone hangs out at the park anyway
dealers hall was shit and so was the AA
not worth the badge

>> No.7198560

>dont bother going into the building. everyone hangs out at the park anyway
>Implying I have friends to hang out with
I guess I should just not bother going, then. No good panels?

>> No.7198572

I JUST MOVED UP HERE (near Bothell)

I had no idea there'd be so many people from WA on /cgl/

>> No.7198899

on the peninsula, what downtown I'm confused, I mean I agree but not sure we're on the same page..
No really, it's like a huge ass hangout and its worth it to just GO and not buy a badge if your friend lives near Vancouver. Trust me you have to be retarded or plain ass crazy to NOT make friends at Kumori

>> No.7199646

eh if you dont have to travel far, i would go


>> No.7199654


This, everyone hangs out in the park and has a good time out there. I bought a day pass to get into the rave thing for funsies.

>> No.7199919

I'm not talking about the peninsula, I'm just commenting that we also have stuck up people.

>> No.7200059

Gotcha, it kind of makes me sad but I guess that just means more incentive to go to cons since my actual friends are there.

>> No.7200339
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I only went to Sak this year but it was pretty great overall. Though a drunk guy tried to pick a fight with me on the street and I couldn't go to the con on Sunday because medical reasons.

>> No.7201656

>Trust me you have to be retarded or plain ass crazy to NOT make friends at Kumori
I already know that I'm retarded and crazy, anon. You don't have to remind me.

>> No.7207376


>> No.7207387

253 represent.

>> No.7207610

Emerald City Comic Con - pretty fun

Sakura con - Every year I keep finding more things to do! panels were great, rave is fucking awesome, retro gaming room! The only thing is finding a hotel thats less than $100 a night.

PAX - too crowded, wait lines and lame games, skipped this year and went to Kumoricon instead.

GeekGirlCon - DGAF

Aki-con - DGAF

Kumoricon - really fun, small and intimate, stupid panels but less douchey frat/sorority people and a beautiful park where everyone hangs out at. Since its held Labor Day weekend, it's like the perfect weather outside and has DELICIOUS CHEAP FOOD CARTS!

>> No.7208456

Nice, I'm in Bothell myself. Are you a lolita or cosplayer (or both of course)?

>> No.7208487

Renaissance is 137 for a double, its not too bad once you split it.

I didn't know Sak had a rave though, and to think I was going to kumoricon for theirs.