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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7190211 No.7190211[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Shit tier British Cosplay thread.

To start us off.

>> No.7190214

>Shit tier British Cosplay
You mean every British cosplay?

>> No.7190216

This particular one just spoke to me on epic shit tier levels

>> No.7190217

You're playing with forces beyond your reach mate, the storm of shit cosplay be brewing. Jusy gimme a minute.

>> No.7190220

To be honest there are way worse Morrigans out there, this one just stands out because Kara's so hideously ugly and there was a much better and hotter Morrigan walking around at the same con.

>> No.7190222
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Also is that her nipple?

>> No.7190226
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>> No.7190232

Going by UK Morrigans only, this is the worst.
listing the things wrong
the corset is fitting wrongly and does even have the heart cut out of the front
she's relying on "invisible straps" to hold it up
the big and small wings are just terrible.
wig is the wrong colour and barely styled
the sleeves are too bright
and the bats on the tights look like they've been badly drawn on with sharpie

>> No.7190233

what is that meant to be?

>> No.7190234

I've definitely seen worse ones at Anime League stuff. I don't disagree that it's a bad cosplay but I just don't think it's shit terrible enough to start a thread like this with.

>> No.7190236
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>> No.7190243

sum iori yagami going on there

>> No.7190244
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dat weaboo squint

>> No.7190246
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>> No.7190249
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>> No.7190251
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>> No.7190258

those breasts are epic

OP is small bosomed

>> No.7190426

If you think this is shit tier, then you have not even begun to experience what shit tier truly is. I know this because when I looked, I knew who she was trying to cosplay straight away, and that's a lot more than I can say for other cosplay's I've seen

>> No.7190441
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I wouldn't call this shit tier.

>> No.7190842


>> No.7191528

Nothing shit tier about this thread.

Medium talent full of ugly people. If you really find the need to involve yourself with ugly people I hear
is a good place

>> No.7191943

Is this the British Shit tier?
Shit, as a Belgiumfag I've seen much worse, but then again: Belgium.

>> No.7192145


thats noth shit tier on any world so your just jelly whale r8 m8

>> No.7192151

I know the girl in OP's picture, she does Zelda pretty well with her boyfriend as Link

>> No.7192155
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What is she even supposed to be cosplaying?
generic weeaboo #4?

>> No.7192166

>pink hair
>yellow dress
>attempted shy expression
It's Fluttershy.

>> No.7192174

all this shit looks like mexican cosplay pics

>> No.7192259

I thought it might have been that vocaloid chick with the pink hair, but >>7192166 might be right

>> No.7192264

Yeah, my first thought was JBF Luka but then I realised the dress was yellow.

>> No.7192262

It's fluttershy. You can see the cutie mark under her hand on the apron.

>> No.7192272

She posted this picture in a dress up game thread, it's humanized fluttershy

>> No.7192545
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May as well post a few

>she does Zelda pretty well

>> No.7192563
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>> No.7192564

personal vendetta? hue hue hue

>> No.7192579
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I can't even imagine to begin how much the Disney cosplay group got irritated with his store bought "sexy Alice costume".

>> No.7192581
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>> No.7192680
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This guy was really good

>> No.7195668

I think wrong picture, mate. This is Twilight Sparkle.

>> No.7195920
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not quite

>> No.7196038


>> No.7196927


You need research and evidence to support your claim of it being a fact.

>> No.7196949

>Where do I start
>Broken horn?!
>dat hoop skirt hanging out

think I chipped my desk with my 3head hitting it so many times

>> No.7197227
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>> No.7197342
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why why why does she insist on wearing a hoopskirt with this variation of Zelda? I can understand wearing such a large hoopskirt for 4 Swords or the Oracle version, but there is really no need for it for it for Ocarina...
It's quite a good cosplay (I've seen a lot lot worse) but the hoopskirt really bothers me.

>> No.7197410

I would have put a light petti or a smaller hoop skirt under it.

>> No.7197406

The only thing that bothers me about this is her makeup and that's easily fixed.

>> No.7197412

I should have also said that at least she followed the pattern as much as she could rather than doing a Yaya or Jessica Nigri and having her breasts exposed.

>> No.7197438

Same. Something that helps create the shape of the skirt, but still allows the skirt to drape over and hang like it does in the reference.

As I said, it's a good cosplay, and a lot of work has gone into it. I really like it bar the hoopskirt.
Yes I'm being pathetic but it's just this one detail that throws off what is otherwise a darn good attempt at this cosplay.

>> No.7197452


>> No.7197457

doesn't EVERYONE rely on invisible straps jeez
at least call it for what it is, the girl isn't that pretty and that's what you really hate about it

>> No.7197495

Other than the wig I don't understand why this is here
Other than this girl being a bit chubby I don't understand why this is here either
And again with the wig, OP must reaaaaally hate Vocaloid.

>> No.7197523

I want to see Logseux's shit-tier GLaDOS

>> No.7197559

if you don't understand why at least the first two are here then you're in the wrong place

>> No.7197565

>doesn't EVERYONE rely on invisible straps
i think it's more the fact that the point of invisible straps is to be invisible and not cutting a sleeve into your skin

>> No.7197592

Ah I see what they mean now, sometimes it's hard dealing with large boobs so things like that don't bother me that much. I'm more concerned with the lack of boning.

>> No.7197813

It was worse in person, I promise you.

I thought it was alright.

>> No.7197877


>> No.7197895
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>this is the worst

>> No.7197906


>> No.7197942

I think that's the least of the issues here

>> No.7197970

You can't say it's alright and not post a picture. No one apart from those at the convention saw it

>> No.7197973
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Both of you are wrong, this is the worst.

>> No.7197976

I don't have any photos of it.

>> No.7197977

>posting an unfinished cosplay
that don't count

>> No.7197975

mmm delicious spoony, too bad she never wore this out.

>> No.7197982


If spoony had finished this she would have ended up being one of the better ones out there, sans the ratty wig.

>> No.7198010

It's funny how nobody does

>> No.7198015
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Talking about a different "cosplay" he did, which is here

>> No.7198041

I saw a couple in the the thread after the con, but that was a while ago.

I don't see a problem, 10/10 spot on

>> No.7198079

I recall monitoring the thread. No one posted any. I think there is a slightly blurred crop of her face which could probably be from a group photo but it was literally of her wig. That was posted by Blue. He won't cough up any more.

It's a shame that someone who was such a dick to the community managed to weedle her way out of being ridiculed

>> No.7198091

Really? I honestly thought there were a couple. Huh. Must be mistaken.
It wasn't anything special anyway, but it wasn't bad.

>> No.7198120

Just checked the archives, nothing. I don't understand how someone the community deemed as very attractive, who bullshitted about cosplay somehow managed to avoid having any photos being taken of her whatsoever

>> No.7198403

I think this is pretty cute. That's a good wig for fluttershy, I wonder where she got it.
I like the makeup. It's intense, but fluttershy's got those big droopy eyelashy eyes goin on, and I think this captures it pretty well. Good for showing up in pictures. People can be too makeup shy sometimes, since they're going by everyday makeup rules rather than theater and photography rules.

>> No.7198494

I love this.

>> No.7198520

I love it too, she should have continued

>> No.7198583

i once saw a fat woman cosplaying inuyasha in a costume 3 sizes too small, with a piece of shag carpet as the "hair" and purple mardi gras with paper "fangs" twisted on. i'm pretty sure that's the worst cosplay i'll ever see. I wish i had a pic but this was a million yrs ago before every cellphone had a camera (if the fact that it was an inuyasha cosplay didn't give that away)

>> No.7198592

mardi gras beads*