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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7189115 No.7189115[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Most of the lolitas I know know are much, much more into anime and manga than the serious cosplayers I know.

I am so confused by this. Is this normal or am I in the Twilight Zone?

>> No.7189132

Lolita here. I personally hate animu and mango.

>> No.7189144

even japanese lolitas refrain from watching and reading anime and manga because its somehow viewed as bad.

>> No.7189284

It's mostly because of how inaccurately most anime and manga tend to portray lolita.

Semi-on topic; what's with actual lolitas who know what they're doing worshiping Anarchy Stocking? She wears maybe two outfits in the entire series that aren't completely ita and they're ruined by her hair. I would expect newbies to adore her, but it's mostly girls with total understanding of the fashion.

>> No.7189293

It can be viewed as bad because of the skewed perspective common anime and manga give of lolita to the general public. Ita shit like raschel lace and cat ears, or blouseless etc. are still very prevalent. However, lolitas tend to be pretty hikki from what I can tell. Cosplayers are often more preoccupied with creating their costumes to enjoy more source material whilst lolitas have more free time to play games or watch anime since our hardest job is waiting for packages and sniping bids.

Saying this as an ex-cosplayer and current lolita. I stopped cosplaying for school reasons, and picked up lolita because I'm more financially independent now. It's super hard to watch and enjoy animu while sewing/crafting because you can't enjoy the animation properly. I found myself watching mostly formulaic crime shows or listening to audio books, and never got much time to play games at all. Now as a lolita and cosplayer-on-hiatus, I have time to enjoy more animu and mango, and have picked up quite a few games as well. My 70 hours in Persona 4 would otherwise have been spent crying over hand beading a dress or something.

>> No.7189297

Stocking's just a badass, and really she's quite oldschool. It's nice to have a character (somewhat) accurately represent lolitas in popular anime who isn't completely ita, and her personality is similar to the mentality of the general lolita community. Catty, bitchy, loves sweets, and self-obsessed. I can relate.

>> No.7189301

There are tons of other, better, representations of lolitas in anime. Stocking is probably the worst one out there.

>> No.7189308

Of 5 or 6 lolitas I know personally, none are that interested in manga or anime besides the odd thing they've seen

I on the other hand have never finished a single anime. However I've read numerous works of Junji Ito. Maybe if I had more time in my life I'd expand but eh

>> No.7189311

Back in the day a lot of the itas came over by way of anime cosplay and couldn't wrap their heads around the idea that lolita is a fashion, not a cheap Halloween costume. Cosplay's also grown a lot since then, back then looking kind of shitty was normal.

>> No.7189343

Lolita here, and I'm a giant fucking weaboo no lie. But I wouldn't be caught dead in some of the shit the "lolitas" wear in anime.

>> No.7189348
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This. Half the reason I quit cosplay was because it cut way too much into my time to actually watch anime and read manga. With lolita, there's not a lot of effort that goes into it once you know what you're doing other than the hunt for a sold out piece or whatever random things you take on to make extra money for it.

With cosplay...
>Spend roughly $300 for everything necessary for a costume
>Put ~100 hours worth of blood, sweat, and tears into constructing it... all being said very literally
>Hate finished product
>Never wear it other than for a few hours at a con

With lolita...
>Spend roughly $300 on a dress
>Wait for it to arrive

People are too quick to refer to old school as ita these days. Some of her outfits were ita, especially her default one, but most were totally acceptable. Or maybe I'm just remembering the series wrong, it has been a while. I just remember that the sweet outfit she wore on her date with the ghost was absolutely fine.

If you seriously think this, you have obviously barely seen any anime. Hell, even out of the super mainstream series everyone and their mother have heard of, I can think of numerous significantly worse examples of an anime lolita than Stocking. Pic beyond related.

>> No.7189351

I was a huge ass weeb about 10 years ago, before weeb was a term. I barely pay attention to anime and the last manga I picked up was an old used Star Trek anthrology. Stopped buying manga eons ago when I realized I spent hundreds on books and could get nothing for them. Though I do attend conventions pretty regularly. I enjoy the con scene. I'm just severely out of the loop when it comes to the source material. I've always been more into J-rpgs anyway

>> No.7189353

Although, I will add that I do agree that stocking isn't the best example. I'm just arguing that she is far, far, far from the worst.

>> No.7189354

Pretty much. It might look cute in a drawing but that doesn't mean it looks good in real life. Nor is it always 'Lolita'

>> No.7189358

I have seen and read hundreds of series and only own, like six total volumes of manga. I only plan on paying for my absolute favorites... well, someday anyway. I don't care about many otaku it pisses off, I am content with my free downloads. You can't download a dress for free, so that's where the money goes.

>> No.7189362

Back in the days of dial-up, you bought that shit. I don't even know of anyone who scanned full volumes and posted them online back in the early 2000's. Otherwise you'd be reading it for weeks. I think the last thing I seriously bought was maybe like 2005.

>> No.7189408

I think it's because English manga is so ridiculously overpriced and scarcely + slowly translated. I'm bilingual and 90% of my manga is in Chinese, which is sad because my English-only husband can't read any of it. English manga is literally 3 times more expensive than Chinese manga, and is published a year or two slower depending on the popularity of the series. I probably have about 20-30 series', with the longest being 17 volumes. It's a much smaller expense than lolita (20 volumes for the price of 1 brand dress) so it doesn't really compare. I honestly feel bad for y'all who can't afford it because the English ones are so jacked up in price.

>> No.7189415

I want to point out how funny I find it when lolitas claim to hate anime given that's how almost all of them first discover the fashion anyway. In every case where someone I know has claimed otherwise, a quick check of their past accounts proves this to be bullshit. No one likes admitted to their weeaboo and/or ita phase, but almost all of us have had one.

>> No.7189432

I had dial-up, but I didn't start getting really, really into anime and manga until 2006, so there was still a lot of series available online for free, it just took a long ass time to download. Back then I did actually buy manga, though. I used to have about 200 volumes, but I sold them. I still have more to sell, then I'll only have less than ten left.
Wow, I had no idea it was marked up that much. There's only a few series I care to own, but they're all over ten volumes, meaning it will be $100+ each for all of them. I love them enough to spend the money, but that's not happening until I acquire the last three of the dresses on my "must have" list.

>> No.7189443

English manga is starting to speed up now at least. I heard Shonen Jump releases english translations of their popular series the same day as it comes out in Japan now.

>> No.7189487

Ok ifwinterends, because you are the end-all source

>> No.7189513

A lot of anime is also released pretty instantly these days. SnK is on Hulu just a few days after the Japanese release.
How come I see references to this person all the time? Who is she?

>> No.7189676

She's this massive bitch who's been trolling the comments on EGL posts for the past few months. She's been posted on GTFO a number of times if you want specific examples.

>> No.7189699

no, youre just ignorant,.

>> No.7189707

Wow, I didn't even know GTFO was still active. I never go on LJ for anything other then the sales comm anymore. I'm going to go look her up, it's been a while since I read any entertaining drama.

>> No.7191095

I feel the same way, in addition to being slowly published and overpriced, the quality is poor, but used to be absolute shit. Most of the older translations are literally just printed scanlations. Paying for that shit is like paying for YouTube vids burned onto a DVDR. Even now, publishers don't always properly clean up the pages, and they love to put their own tacky ass clashing logos all over the covers. The actual quality of the books generally isn't as good as the Japanese releases. It's all around an inferior product for a premium price. Sales are down, what did they expect?

>> No.7191148

Tokyopop was the biggest offender for churning out shit-quality books, but they're long gone now.
Currently some of the smaller publishers are stepping up the quality to appeal to more of a collector's market (particularly with titles aimed at grown-ups). Those Gundam: The Origin books are freaking gorgeous. There's also the massive hardcover releases of Thermae Romae, Heart of Thomas, and others.
And some of of the paperback releases I've seen have better paper and larger trim size than Japanese releases.
Of course the mainstream teenager stuff like Shonen Jump titles aren't going to get premium collector-quality treatment and they'll have the big ass Viz logo all over, but I can appreciate that some publishers are trying to make their physical releases worth the extra money.

tl;dr English manga quality got really bad for a while during the bubble but now it's leveling out.

>> No.7191225

I have maybe 6 close lolita friends who are not into anima/manga/general Japan obsession. I think you need to meet more people.

Sweet lolitas in my experience tend to be the weebs though. Especially the ones from larger cities.

>> No.7191244

Lolita here. I personally love animanga and don't really give a shit about what other people think. My fashion tastes don't dictate my other interests.

>> No.7191367

I know some girls in my comm who like anime and it's another thing to talk about at meetups besides lolita. It's also fun to know about series when you go to anime conventions and try to id cosplay!