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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 31 KB, 526x518, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7184272 No.7184272[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm entering the work force soon, and I want to tailor my lolita pieces so they are work appropriate and low key. Can we have a coordinate thread for work appropriate loli? Obviously some employment won't be as open minded as others, so I'd be interested in seeing what you seagulls where to work (if you can) and what coordinates you would create for a work environment. Here's one I threw together rather quickly. I wanted to add accessories but was worried about overdoing it. Advice? Have you ever worn lolita to work?

>> No.7184281

Lolita is never work appropriate.

/end thread

>> No.7184287

What job are you getting

>> No.7184289
File: 253 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mvat0lAIDj1qecu65o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seconding since I'm trying to now gear my wardrobe more towards a toned down approach appropriate for work. Unfortunately I'd only be dumping fanny rosie so other examples would be awesome as well.

>> No.7184293
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>> No.7184302
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>> No.7184306
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>> No.7184313
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I should mention I'm going more for business/professional casual more than anything, and even then I think it's a bit much for my tastes. Not too many of these outfits are probably suitable for a setting where you're expected to dress extremely smartly, like a job interview.

>> No.7184316
File: 70 KB, 612x612, f08dcfbe124211e3984322000a1fcb7e_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be applying for a library assistant position. I'm leaning more towards grays and browns and a-ligned skirts.

This isn't an outfit I'd wear to a first interview, just something I pulled together that I felt looked semi-professional while still lolita. Concrit is certainly welcome!

>> No.7184320

Oh honey...no...

>> No.7184328


I really like the A-line skirt with the subtle poof - it's not out there but it's there to indicate a hint of a silhouette. What I would do is try to get a jacket or cardigan to cover, and wear a less frilly shirt. I'd change the knee socks to plain black tights, but again I'm conservative and I never wear patterned tights to work. You could probably get away with the knee socks once you get the job though. You really do look like a cute librarian though if that's what you're looking for, haha.

They're all just opinionated suggestions though. Best of luck with the interview! My friend was a library assistant - said it was a really chill job once she got in.

>> No.7184354

No to what specifically?

There is a blazer that matches the skirt by Meta, but I haven't been able to get my hands on it. I feel like it would provide a much more professional look.

Thank you for the concrit, I will take it all into consideration when I'm searching for new pieces!

>> No.7184360
File: 18 KB, 320x432, blazer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the blazer on lolibrary. If only I could find it IRL.

>> No.7184439

I don't want to sound mean, but I think you should do something more with your hair, such as bangs, or small and subtle hair clips or flower combs. Skip knee highs for printed tights in dark colours. Invest in a couple of blazers and outerwear, and wear some classic accessories. Right now you look kinda like a granny instead of a classy lady, just because it needs to be work appropriate doesn't mean it have to be bland and boring.

>> No.7184446

dont wear those socks ever again

>> No.7184807
File: 31 KB, 320x574, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I tried again. Sorry for the webcam quality, I didn't have anyone around to snap a picture for me. Anyways, I switched blouses for something a little less frilly and changed the knee socks to white tights. I also added pearl accessories (headband, necklace, bracelets) though those are difficult to see because of the picture quality. I also changed my hair into a braid instead of a bun and tried (with mixed success) for a faux bangs look. Any better?

>> No.7184823

This is really cute and still looks professional.

>> No.7184837


>> No.7184867

is it really practical to be climbing ladders to reach the top shelves, arranging piles of dusty books in your prettiest clothing...?

>> No.7184894

This is lovely and fits the classy atmosphere most libraries have perfectly.

>> No.7184898

That's not what she'd be doing.

>> No.7184908

So much better, goodness. I adore when people take concrit so well. You look lovely.

>> No.7184909

10/10 would go to library to see you

>> No.7185006

Much less fumpy.

>> No.7185092

In terms of a co-ord, this is much more solid. However, I think dark colours are more professional. The white blouse, braid, white tights, black shoes, and grey skirt all together say school girl uniform to me. If you live in a country where school uniforms aren't standard, though, it might be fine.

I personally find this sort of thing light labour and wouldn't find such a casual co-ord bothersome at work. Short heels can be very comfortable and dust is no big deal - it doesn't stain after all.

>> No.7185132

This truth. Stop fooling yourselves.

>> No.7185137

exactly what i picture a classy librarian to wear. much better!

>> No.7185258

Don't know why you keep insisting on wearing flats, if you are wearing the same shoes in both pictures.

>> No.7185266
File: 2.93 MB, 533x300, she is so moe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gat dayum, now THAT'S some improvement!

>> No.7185267

use gray/black tights instead of white, it will look more serious and professional. Overall pretty good.

>> No.7185272

Thats so much cuter! You just went from frumpy grandma to cute librarian

>> No.7185276

If you're supposed to dress professionally, you can't do it with lolita. Sorry but it's too 'young' and 'girlie'

like you could get away with a loli blazer and blouse, but not a full co-ord with a full skirt

>> No.7185281

Those aren't flats, at least in the first picture. Her heel is raised off the ground.

>> No.7185290

If you keep it toned down and classic, not sweet, I think it can work very well in some environments and look more mature. It really depends on the job and what type of work you'll be doing, however.

>> No.7185295

Classic lolita doesn't look young and foofy, mostly sweet (and I suppose hime) look like that. Classic is more mature and elegant, and if you take off some accessories, it can very well work for a professional workplace.

>> No.7185308

A lolita working in a library? So classy! I like it.
Can't offer you any intense critique, OP, but just wanted to say that >>7184807 this outfit is cute and whenever I think of libraries as fancy and academic and the like, something like this comes to mind. Hit the nail on the head.

>>7184316 I also love the colors and the skirt on this, but everything else I'm not too keen on. What everyone else says and ditch the socks for some black tights.

Keep to the duller, more muted colors for a professional look, and avoid any extreme poofy skirts. I think also, always wear tights, or stockings at least that go under your skirt. Showing your legs with knee-highs seems a little unprofessional. All of this for work-work, as opposed to interview-work. Stick to a pencil skirt and blazer for interviews.
Looks good, OP.

>> No.7185309


I've seen people dress frillier at my workplace than some of these photos. I think I'm good.

If you're in some high power environment though, it might be harder. And of course, practicality>fashion, especially in dirty jobs.

>> No.7185357

Jesus Christ at all the same fag in this thread. She went from one boring outfit to another.

>> No.7185369

She's wearing lolita at her fucking job; is she supposed to have a giant head eating bow, three pettis, and some rocking horse shoes? She made a very noticeable improvement. Stop being bitter.

>> No.7185425

Jane Marple and ETC are great brands for quirky but still office appropriate jobs. Don't be afraid to add color or patterns to your wardrobe. I would avoid using a lot of white (especially white tights) because they can come off as boarding school uniform or even worse, Easter Sunday.

>> No.7185428


Not to mention they blacken too easily.

I've gone through too many white tights that have come out moldy looking because of shoes/weather/general shenanigans.

>> No.7185435

Lolno. Stay sandy, anon.

>> No.7185525

I'm in love with you, library-chan.

>> No.7185951
File: 29 KB, 532x452, Untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little over the top for a place of work, but I'm having fun adding blazers to lolita outfits. I've never used them in coordinates before.

>> No.7186619

You aren't supposed to be posting here.

>> No.7186689

Lol, is she a member of that comm that bans members from posting here? If so, why are you here?

>> No.7186710

Wow, they sound like no fun.

>> No.7186913

You look adorable, OP, and quite professional. I think it's a very good idea, and you will make a good impression because it's clear that you thought about your outfit and you have a unique sense of style.

>> No.7186928

Maybe it's Spoony? I don't really remember too clearly what she looks like. Or Logseux? ...Are they the same person? I'm terrible with remembering tripfag drama.

>> No.7187059

Isn't that the Georgia community? There's some other community in europe who bans members form posting/talking about each other on 4chan too iirc.

>> No.7187268
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could this work?

>> No.7187281

I wouldn't wear the shoes and the cardi to work, but the rest seems great.

>> No.7187344

cardi is a bit loud and the shoes are a bit too sweet so i'd opt for something plainer. the blouse already has a lot of attention on it. The bow will be too big if you have thin hair.

>> No.7187914
File: 10 KB, 350x537, Naturalizer_Sweet_Pump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I agree, the shoes are a bit much for a work setting. Plain pumps, or pumps with very simple embellishments, would work better. If you're on your feet a lot at work, a low-to-mid range heel will be better for your toes and knees.

This is the Naturalizer Sweet Pump, which you can get on Amazon or at Nordstrom for around $80.

If you need supreme comfort and can afford to splurge $200-$400 on shoes, look into Ron White shoes.

>> No.7187928
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Gibson by American Duchess in black might be better.

>> No.7187989

Greetings, fellow wearer-of-lolita-at-the-workplace! I work at a cushy desk job in the entertainment industry, though, so...

One's ability to wear lolita fashion really depends on the workplace, and the type of work you'll be doing. I'd imagine it would be more difficult if I were, for example, a hair stylist: even if the salon I worked at encouraged alternative fashion, hair would get EVERYWHERE and I'd be constantly cleaning my clothes.

In general, I stick to wearing only classic to work. Solids -- sometimes muted plaids -- are the way to go for clothes, accessories should be minimal, and wear opaque tights. The idea is to look classy. A friend likes to put blazers in her work coords to add sharpness.

>> No.7188205
File: 462 KB, 944x754, Very Office Appropriate Coord, Heather and Bright Purple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going a little more secretary here

>> No.7188207
File: 119 KB, 789x443, Work Appropriate Classic Marroon Rose Blazer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm, secretary blouses

>> No.7188216

I don't know what kind of office you're working in for that to be considered work appropriate...

>> No.7188264

Yeah this really isn't work wear. Those shoes and that skirt are loud and are going to look unprofessional in any workplace.

>> No.7188316


Try using dark tights instead. Unfortunately the white tights give an immature impression.

>> No.7188331

I would change out those odd sock things for plain black tights, lose the blouse and put a black blazer over the top. The trouble with shirt under dress is that it still tends to look a little schoolgirl pinafore, especially when the dress is already a little unusual.

>> No.7188674
File: 283 KB, 759x508, work appropriate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, never thought I'd see this again. One of the first collages I ever did.