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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 119 KB, 491x740, tumblr_mvp3zzXpoK1r85zjyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7183663 No.7183663[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread:

Let's discuss:
> Are there any DR / SDR2 cosplays you're working on?
> What are some cosplays you'd like to see more of?

Me, I'm going to cosplay as Naegi at... some point. I don't have a group to do cosplays with though so. But I've got ideas. And, I want to see some well done humanized Monobear cosplays. Doesn't seem like anyone's been satisfied with any of them so far, so it'd be interesting to see what would count as a good Monobear.

>> No.7183676
File: 123 KB, 1024x684, tumblr_mveub95oZc1qcnxpqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7183678
File: 47 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mvwy6eQm9i1qegi5no1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7183691
File: 618 KB, 900x600, tumblr_mvhzccW2g31qb9t8xo4_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7183694
File: 645 KB, 900x600, tumblr_mvhzccW2g31qb9t8xo6_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7183720
File: 348 KB, 1024x731, 72457-3005ab7df1fbfde1c929de82a0e9fc30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently working on a monobear gijinka,
its definitely going to be a challenge
but I have a few ideas that will hopefully come together nicely.

Hoping to see some nice Leons and Oowadas
maybe some cute genderbents?

>> No.7183724
File: 718 KB, 900x600, tumblr_mvhzccW2g31qb9t8xo5_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7183764

Which costume do you think is easier, Mukuro as Junko or Junko herself?

>> No.7183772

It's the exact same costume minus freckles. Do you feel like adding bra, hairclips, and maybe a crown?

>> No.7183787

It's easier to do Junko's tie unless you order custom fabric for the pattern on Mukuro's. On the other hand, Junko has the extra bow, choker, and red bra details that Mukuro doesn't. So it's basically the same amount of effort, and I think it just depends on which of those things you'd rather deal with.

>> No.7184154

The setting and photography looks pretty decent. The cosplays, not so much.

>> No.7184277
File: 98 KB, 719x960, 1452151_676307315720924_413410365_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7184285
File: 79 KB, 800x600, 1396001_676309002387422_2035339122_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7184297
File: 45 KB, 800x600, 1460171_676309522387370_1882254518_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7184410
File: 246 KB, 1280x956, tumblr_mvtjauR0Xg1qdk0o9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7184426
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_muu9s36b3Q1qfx1i7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7184454

Honestly, I have seen more people completely fuck up Junko's tie than Mukuro. For Mukuro's tie you just need to print a bunch of those pixel designs on iron on paper and iron them on.

>> No.7184527

>dat facebook url files
having fun being a vendetta, anon?

>> No.7184568

this is the most cute celestia ever
i wish she was my bestfriend
oh w8 huehuehue

>> No.7184572
File: 92 KB, 640x960, junk33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only complain i have about this Junko is ...
>why the tie around the neck?

>> No.7184574
File: 1.32 MB, 1024x768, dangan_ronpa_cosplay_byakuya_togami_genocider_syo_by_dat_baka-d6qjxt7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7184575
File: 71 KB, 800x800, 1460269_534305966657001_1353947281_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a Chihiro cosplay for next month, but I'm nervous because I wasn't able to get skirt fabric in the right color-- my stuff's more chocolate brown than his more desaturated brown, any fabric I found in the right color wasn't the right weight for it.
There are a lot of small details like that that'll be a bit off in color but the skirt is my biggest worry at the moment, I don't have the time or money to get new fabric before the con either.

>> No.7184587
File: 319 KB, 493x740, eba6fed97728d25b1c97a5d25cb576af4f60c5b5-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously all of the sudden this threads have flooded with vendettas, just get over it and move on, and what i can see is that most of these girls are the same from other threads, geez, Some girls don't even look half-bad. Some little touches here and there, but they don't look THAT bad.

Anyways, I'm working on a Chihiro and Mukuro cosplay and I was thinking of using a petticoat for that poofyness on Chihiros skirt and might even make some bloomers since cannon-wise he wears some cute little bloomers.
I was also going to ask where to get a good vest for Mukuro? Maybe a second-hand shop?

>> No.7184593

Posting pictures =/= vendetta.
Posting pictures with insults = vendetta.

Seriously there was no comments on those photos. Are you honestly calling vendetta based solely on the quality of photos posted?
>being this new

>> No.7184597

are you doing her military vest?? check out a military surplus store! if not that you could check out thrift stores and probably find something!

>> No.7184602

No red in her bra, no choker, her buttons are black instead of red, skirt pattern is wrong, bangs aren't great, no buttons, no little design on her upper left sleeve.

She's really hot though and has a great face for Junko. There are so many missing details though I have to wonder if the cosplayer ran out of time or what.

>> No.7184606

she actually did ran out of time
saw her wip on twitter and facebook

>> No.7184608

>I ran out of time


>> No.7184612

um no haha im not her
i just follow her work

no fix fo me hunny

>> No.7184613

Yea the military vest! Thanks anon, I think there some military surplus stores around my town so I might check in there.

You're right but some just save their friends pictures and post it in this board so other people can insult them and it does looks pretty suspicious that it actually is a facebook file name, and not new, i mostly just lurk in this board for help.

>> No.7184614

Sure you do.

>> No.7184618
File: 46 KB, 500x479, tumblr_msw6leBN5P1qzcv7no1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to marry her
is that wrong?

>> No.7184620


Dat nose contouring. Is this a guy?

>> No.7184622
File: 246 KB, 740x420, 6ef6ff65559477731ff898630a2e0fd1dc05c4d1-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7184623

More pics of her?

>> No.7184625
File: 195 KB, 497x750, junko24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7184643
File: 66 KB, 960x641, 1393768_532297953524469_315533289_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7184644

>being this new
pfft are you new to the DR threads, anon? Why do you think the same (shitty) cosplayers everyone hates keep getting posted in here?

>> No.7184664

Who exactly? If I recall correctly we really don't have any infamously shitty cosplayers? This thread is nothing like the Homestuck one where everyone knows shitty cosplayers by name, ie urchin tier and stuff
I think you guys are freaking out over nothing. I don't recognize any of the shitty cosplayers in this thread nor do I care.

>> No.7184668


maybe they mean people like that ricrac sayaka with the ask blog, or period blood leon

>> No.7184675

i'm sorry to say but they are THAT bad

>> No.7184687

>Horrible make up
>Horrible wig
>Horrible cosplay

>> No.7184688

There's a difference between a vendetta where the person makes personal attacks or unnecessary critique almost every time someone is posted, and someone who quietly posts someone's photos repeatedly hoping they'll get flamed.

You have to admit these threads take bait of both kinds pretty easily.

>> No.7184689

I have no words for thi

>> No.7184693


>> No.7184695
File: 312 KB, 1280x857, chihiro4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, but it gets annoying after a while seeing the same people posted because LEL I HATE HER SO IM GOING TO POST HERE SO HE/SHE GETS FLAMED XDD EPIC TROLL, but hey it's /cgl/, i don't know what else to expect.

>> No.7184697
File: 1.25 MB, 807x1200, you_stink_by_happyhaha-d6qrvsy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we please move on and keep posting some more Dangan Ronpa?

>> No.7184705

seems like you know this person and if you do you should confront her, that way you'll stop whining

>> No.7184708
File: 184 KB, 1024x683, junko_enoshima_by_digitalhikari-d6m7u8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know anyone from these threads...

>> No.7184718

i've been away from the threads for far to long, so i must ask - period blood leon?

>> No.7184725

so why do you even care?

>> No.7184729
File: 86 KB, 543x960, 577485_676370512381271_1296110315_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7185644

Anyone have a good wig suggestion for Naegi?

>> No.7185647
File: 324 KB, 736x981, tumblr_mvz0abxJMt1rjz028o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a serious lack of quality Pekoyamas.

>> No.7185655

In before Cifera.

>> No.7185696

That's because she's the Fukawa of DR2: people think it looks simple but it's apparently really easy to fuck up. It doesn't help that Pekoyama's high braids are much more complicated than Fukawa's low braids.
Cifera, clovache/barfingprince, and cardboardhoard are all great Pekoyamas IMO.

>> No.7185701

this reminds me, ARE there any good fukawas? I feel like I've never seen one that's blown me away

>> No.7185709


A Leon cosplayer posted now and then whose contouring/freckle makeup makes them look like they smeared period blood all over their face

>> No.7185716

oh my god,
i need to see this

>> No.7185726

As someone who cosplays Naegi and is currently revamping their cosplay, one off of ebay or taobao like would be your best bet. 4chan isn't allowing for me to post my links, but look up "makoto naegi wig" and they're in the first five results anyway. Anyway, I just find the wigs from Arda or Matchwigs to have really gross colors in lighter brown. However, if you're interested in dying one, that changes the playing field entirely.

>> No.7185744
File: 238 KB, 480x640, tumblr_movj0gHKih1qehgvto4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be him.

>> No.7185773

the fucking quality and filter makes it so you can't tell whats what gdi

>> No.7185796
File: 100 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7185800


there goes my period blood leon

watch him as he goes

>> No.7185826
File: 835 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mvvfsmhY6C1rofay7o5_1280 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7185833


>> No.7185836

oh my.
now i see it

>> No.7185839

those posts are barely related

>> No.7185846


Are you the Fukawa in >>7184729 and >>7184297 and the person who was screaming vendetta at the beginning of this thread over Facebook file names

>> No.7185856
File: 275 KB, 740x528, 2013-08-25-601965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to start re-doing and fixing some things on my Sonia cosplay and I'm considering re-styling my wig too.. It's pretty long and completely straight and I was thinking about waving it a bit? I've seen people curling their Sonia wigs and such and mine would probably look a lot better if it wasn't just straight?

Do you have any recommendations regarding the details on her kneesocks? Should I just paint them on?

As for the symbol on her bow and the badge on her dress, I can't seem to find good refs. If anyone has them, could you please share?
Thank you in advance!

>> No.7185914
File: 485 KB, 1200x1651, 71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7186078

same cow

>> No.7186203

Anything like this for Hanamura?

>> No.7186217
File: 480 KB, 1200x1651, 41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7186321
File: 125 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mw31z4vDee1r8ypluo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his face structure is perfect but dat blotchyness thought

>> No.7186323
File: 118 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mw2lo7zW2I1qmf2s5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7186325
File: 667 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mw2lo7zW2I1qmf2s5o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7186333

Get better quality makeup.

>> No.7186335

1000/10, best monobear I've ever seen.

>> No.7186349
File: 442 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mw35n30mZW1sue1a0o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no words...

>> No.7186381
File: 196 KB, 1024x1534, sdr2___mutual_killing_by_kura_rin-d6tu0xb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7186397
File: 50 KB, 600x400, super_dangan_ronpa_2___nagito_komaeda_by_archiekwa-d6szz4q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7186404

Thank you so much!

>> No.7186452
File: 29 KB, 500x392, 13837492910005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7186519


also his hair is going to give me nightmares

>> No.7186586

newfag here, what tone of pink do you think it's ideal for a Junko wig?

>> No.7187169

imo junko's hair looks like the apricot color crayons used to come in! I'm not sure how hard it is to find in a wig though

>> No.7187249
File: 37 KB, 200x300, 5dd23b251ba59b6a82712149812831d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just my personal opinion but I really like EpicCosplay's peach blonde for Junko's hair color.

>> No.7187262

hey /cgl/, another newfag here. i was wondering- i live in the uk and i want to cosplay nanami. are there any online wig stores that are based in the uk or ship cheaply/quickly to the uk and stock nanami (or similar) wigs for a good price (under £25 pounds)? also, am i correct in thinking her hair colour is light pink-grey? thanks in advance!

>> No.7187272

I like their peach blonde too but a friend and I are making matching wigs for Junkuro and Junko and we aren't sure if we should buy from ec which would probably end up being three wigs each and hella expensive or buying wigs meant for junko from ebay which would end up being two wigs each at most and probably cheaper? Either way its going to take a lot of styling and we're fine with that as Celes and Ibuki cosplayers lmao I'm just wary of spending 100 dollars on a Junko wig which is a miiiiighty possibility if we buy from ec.
Different anon btw

>> No.7187568
File: 85 KB, 500x667, 86999-742cc8e433e2becd424cd6c967193a06 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.7187572

I told you not to post this, Jenny.

>> No.7187581
File: 59 KB, 500x500, 86999-1a5513d5e741eeee2a45acf823a1e44a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's jenny

>> No.7187617

they were probably going for something like this
at 0:23

>> No.7187680
File: 447 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mw4625tfCi1qfaojxo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7187722

does anyone have a vector of the symbol on sonia's bow?

>> No.7187882

I'm pretty sure cifera made one

>> No.7187900


aren't the scans in >>7185914 fairly high resolution anyway?



>> No.7187929
File: 212 KB, 493x740, tumblr_mvxbz7H8Xc1qkkp9ko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7187937
File: 104 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mw422nBGFO1qageneo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7187939
File: 611 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mrb04lVYhq1qkkp9ko1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7187946

that ahoge is perfect

>> No.7188011

Proof that taking a good photo with good cosplay and a shit monobear is always hilarious.

>> No.7188420
File: 38 KB, 300x300, phone strap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7188490
File: 52 KB, 320x240, cartridgepleats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone in one of the past DR threads suggested cartridge pleats instead of box pleats for Chihiro, and I'm tempted to go with this but I'm not 100% sure about it. I need to make up my mind before I go and buy fabric though since I need different amounts for box pleats compared to cartridge pleats.
(They also suggested organ pleats but I don't like the look of those as much?)

Pic related, I suppose.

>> No.7188492
File: 91 KB, 960x639, 1385238_10202248711968106_444467003_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to mention in my last post that I'm looking for opinions, though I suppose that much is probably clear.

Have a Junko as an apology.

>> No.7188870
File: 167 KB, 1200x1843, 78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've used organ pleats on a cloak before, and they would be quite good for getting the big skirt rolls that Chihiro has. If you use cartridge pleats, you run the risk of them being too deep and looking like gathers, or too shallow and lacking the fullness of the skirt. I'd say go for a width somewhere inbetween the two, a medium-heavy fabric and a petticoat to get the right shape.

>> No.7189022
File: 1001 KB, 250x250, tumblr_mw4j73Wx6Z1rbzse9o3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7189034
File: 480 KB, 1280x1920, an oompa loompa cosplaying kirigiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7189043

Hooker makeup aside, not too bad.

>> No.7189045

I've never been so annoyed by a lack of colored contacts in my life. They could have at least shooped them better.

>> No.7189061
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, hagakure apparently.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7189066
File: 328 KB, 1600x1074, dangan_ronpa__kyouko_kirigiri_by_nymstark-d6g6ogn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7189068

This isn't even a cosplay.

>> No.7189073

I have honestly been waiting for this to be posted.

>> No.7189136
File: 44 KB, 720x478, 1017031_402340116532784_204369180_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon! Looks like I have some experimenting to do with the fabric once I get it, then.

>> No.7189167

Lmao they said it was a Hagakure makeup test what the fuck

>> No.7189195

What makeup, their webcam quality is so shit I can barely even see anything on their face aside from the eyeliner 'beard' on their chin, the drawn on eyebags and the ridiculous amount of black on their lower eyelid.
Is that what passes for makeup nowadays?

>> No.7189464
File: 93 KB, 900x600, tumblr_mw6kvn3jo71sanqhqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7189485

Oh no...

>> No.7189492
File: 139 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mw6l00Kw0O1rotzwro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7189498
File: 162 KB, 427x640, http%3A%2F%2F24.media.tumblr.com%2F8abdf5200786a2362479ac94c5f811b2%2Ftumblr_mw6kx7tpaZ1rp9mqqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The photography looks amazing but the cosplays are so..... mediocre.

>> No.7189504
File: 90 KB, 900x600, run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7189515

I'm going through the flickr gallery of the photographer and the Kuzuryuu is wearing a fucking burger king crown

>> No.7189521
File: 794 KB, 400x259, tumblr_mthzkiunc81qhvmp5o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gonna share?

>> No.7189534
File: 78 KB, 500x333, 10829895843_51c9c2e27f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a splendid idea for a photoshoot

>> No.7189536
File: 178 KB, 764x744, 1342725109201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was at this and i just wanted to yell at them when i saw this and im surprised the photographer did nothing about it.

>> No.7189537

I. I don't understand.

>> No.7189541

is that the same sonia with the nose ring?

i like her cosplays but her nose ring is SO distracting

>> No.7189543


eh... her cosplays really aren't that great. fairly poor construction, bad fit. but she has a very cute face (which is, as you note, unfortunately marred by that awful nose ring).

>> No.7189558

I was almost in this and with BK Kuzu I'm kinda glad I wasn't
The photographer didn't say ANYTHING?

>> No.7189572
File: 103 KB, 600x900, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2Fa52b78f2c3287363ae082b120a5e7a85%2Ftumblr_mw6mww1ZJp1qcggf6o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7189573

I've worked with this photographer before and she does take nice photos. But, I just felt as though I was just money to her. My wig ended up a frizzy mess because she had me laying on the floor before she took solo shots of my costume and the lighting she was using just made it look ten times worse. I wouldn't work with her again to be honest.

>> No.7189574
File: 25 KB, 500x405, tumblr_m7yix8xQYz1rx9u0zo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she barely knew anything about dangan ronpa really. she only knew chihiro and monobear. i guess its not that bad but that kuzuryuu made me so upset anyways. i almost snatched it off their head.

>> No.7189591
File: 119 KB, 600x900, 10829662206_cc0b10e02f_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7189600
File: 163 KB, 900x600, 10829929683_81de72819a_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all on their Flickr.

>> No.7189598


link the full set?

>> No.7189602
File: 93 KB, 600x900, 10829593215_358c56e06b_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy.

>> No.7189604
File: 109 KB, 600x900, 10829741024_9b5c585a51_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7189605

>processing a photo where the person is in the middle of blinking

This photographer is terrible and lazy. She probably mass-processed every single photo with 1 click in Lightroom.

>> No.7189609
File: 81 KB, 600x900, 10829895153_fd570c8efd_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7189614
File: 76 KB, 600x900, 10829750364_4061c3bfdd_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just terrible. Did half of this group even try?

>> No.7189618

That Sonia is atrocious holy shit.

>> No.7189619
File: 70 KB, 600x900, 10829571535_594acc28f2_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7189622

This photo is cute. I wish Hiyoko's pigtails were... better

>> No.7189625
File: 110 KB, 354x373, are you a library book because im checking you out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7189628
File: 119 KB, 600x900, 10829751404_0d0afe5fc6_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7189629
File: 31 KB, 400x268, 1373871585284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that supposed to be ishimaru...

>> No.7189633
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>> No.7189640
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>> No.7189641


oh nooo...oooohh nooooooo

i almost want to blame the photographer more so than the cosplayers

>> No.7189643
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>> No.7189644
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that file name

>> No.7189646

wtf is this wig

>> No.7189649

I don't know about that a lot of the cosplayers are pretty mediocre. I bet it was their first shoot outside of shitty gathering shoots and they didn't know any better.

>> No.7189651
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>> No.7189653
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>> No.7189655
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Their Nanami, Mikan, and Nidai are okay. And they're average at best.

>> No.7189657
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>> No.7189658
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Are you sure about that Nidai.

>> No.7189661

Wow. She got the proportions and fit of the dress all wrong. I expected better from yaexrae. This just looks like very mediocre work. It's bizarre, that's not like her at all.

What the goddamn fuck. This is fucking terrifying.

>> No.7189662
File: 103 KB, 900x600, chinanam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, my bad. Didn't see any up close shots, but from afar it looks just barely scratching the surface of decent. Also, Mukuro is good too. My bad.

>> No.7189710

Nanami's hair is parted instead of having bangs I cannot believe the level of mediocre in this group

>> No.7189721

I think the word you're looking for is trash.

>> No.7189724

Did they not take any dr1 photos?

>> No.7189732

it was both dr1 and sdr2

>> No.7189735
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>> No.7189738


I am so, so tired of this Junko.

>> No.7189742

She is everywhere. All over the place. With her cotton-candy yellow-blonde pigtails, her soccer mom red lipstick, and her ski-jump nose.
She is overhyped Junko. Expect her.

>> No.7189837

Ok but why are we complaining about her when we've already done that and her cosplay itself looks pretty good (at least in my opinion)? The rest of the group is what we need to focus on. Naegi's face. Leon's hair. Whatever is going on with that Asahina. That unfortunate Togami. And the most despair inducing Monobear ever.

>> No.7189853

Chihiro looks fine
Celes looks fine
Mukuro looks great
Monobear is boring
Togami looks fine
Sayaka looks fine
Leon needs to fix their wig
Aoi looks great
Yamada needs to fix their wig and tie but props to them for cosplaying him
Junko looks good but I don't like her wig color
Naegi's pose, expression and wig ruin it for me
Fukawa needs to fix their wig
Kirigiri looks great
Hagakure didn't try

>> No.7189892 [DELETED] 

What do you suggest, anon? More wefting possibly? I started doing canon ponytails, but I didn't like it that much and it fell apart on the way to the con.

I've been wanting to change the wig, but I was so preoccupied before the con. I was a last minute step in for Fukawa. I offered since ours dropped like a half hour before the shoot since she unfortunately couldn't get her costume done in time. I wasn't planning on doing another shoot until I got and redid another wig.

>> No.7189899

What do you suggest, anon? More wefting possibly? I started doing canon ponytails, but I didn't like it that much and it fell apart on the way to the con.

I've been wanting to change the wig, but I was so preoccupied before the con. I was a last minute step in for Fukawa. I offered since ours dropped like a half hour before the shoot since she unfortunately couldn't get her costume done in time. I wasn't planning on doing another shoot until I got and styled another wig.

>> No.7189901

I'd suggest foamcore or something? The ones you have just look kind of... boring, really. And the bangs are off, too. You look kind of like a little 1990s Britney Spears music video schoolgirl stuck in a Saionji costume, to be honest, but fixing the wig should fix that. Do you have a friend who's good with wigs? Because both of these leave something to be desired... I don't mean to discourage you but fix those wigs girl!
Also may I suggest cleaning up your Fukawa collar? It looks a bit sloppy from what I see in this photo. I can see the tie where I really shuldnt be able to see it.
Tl; dr: fix the bangs on Saionji and add some volume to the pigtails. I don't know if wefting will cut it? And definitely definitely wear tour obi higher up next time. Its a bit sad nobody told you to fix it (and a bit ironic, pfft) and work on Fukawa too! You have a good face for her and I'm glad you're redoing the wig.

>> No.7189918

Also your pigtails should be higher up and your bows are missing details

>> No.7189922

>celes/togami look fine
>aoi looks great
are you okay anon
celes's drills look like shit, and togami's wig looks like it's about to take flight
aoi's ponytail and shorts are shit

>> No.7189947

Chihiro wasn't 200 lbs last I checked.

>> No.7189950

Saionji anon, what base wig did you use? It's perfect for another cosplay I'm considering.

>> No.7190003

Looks like a chibi from arda

>> No.7190169
File: 161 KB, 1280x960, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2Fa379fc91c2d7003af8baac3eac07f82f%2Ftumblr_mw6404wfX61sultbto6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7190212
File: 110 KB, 900x600, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2Fc0a7650ca00741b69e3b9d411068f5fc%2Ftumblr_mw6t0p8sz81r25wxeo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7190231

this photographer so fucking lazy, the fukawa is blinking and she probably just ignored it instead of taking more shots. and the fucking naegi ruins this shot so much with the fucking grin.

>> No.7190261

Chihiros jacket looks badly fitted over the chest and they need to iron the lumpy front seams before taking photos in it.
Celes has the fringe wrong and their drills just look sad
Mukuro is okay, not great but okay
That Togami makes me sad, for a start his wig looks ginger, could be an unfortunate buying accident but also shouldn't be parted in the middle and the tie... he just didn't even try did he?
Asahina needs to fix the sides of their wig but I like her shoes
Junko also needs a tartan skirt and smooth her wig, it should be poofy not frizzy.
Kirigiri has the tie wrong and her shirt collar is wrong.
Naegis zip is sewn on wrong and shouldn't be sticking out the bottom like that.

The whole group is mediocre and the photographer should really be telling them it's okay to stop and smooth their clothing and fix wigs because if they're doing a proper shoot they should be trying to look their best.

>> No.7190303

Nanami is nothing special, she gets points for making her costume but it's really unflattering on her and that wig is awful
Mikan is... okay, she needs to straighten out her bandages and she has a wonky apron. Wig is also too sleek and flat. Very cute face for the character though.
Hinata is very mediocre. The wig looks globbed up with product
Kamukura is laughable, they look like a wannabe goth girl
Komaeda... no. God no
Kuzuryuu is in a really ill fitted suit, points for shaving their head though
Junko is just not good. So sick of this Junko.
Hiyoko is nothing special. She's in the (inaccurate) ebay costume for one thing, then on the other hand her wig sucks, so there's not much good going on here
Nidai... Sorry, but this is a character who will never be appropriate for female to male crossplay.
Mahiru is pretty good, lovely jumper construction, but I really wish she'd use more makeup- she always has such a washed out pallor. I also think there's too much contrast in her jumper and socks, and both need to be a more olive shade than the sage she has
Gundam has got a girly baby face which doesn't suit him at all, and the wig/makeup work are pretty bad
Monobear, god no.
Teruteru, what is that weird Jewish Afro going on there
Monomi is okay, but I'm partial to fat girl monomis anyway
Sonia is fucking terrible and should feel ashamed of showing up to a photoshoot looking like that. She didn't even try. It looks like she bought everything at Target and called it a day. Ugh.
Togami is good. I like him. Would cuddle.

>> No.7190353

I find it very cute that the Yamada and Togami are the same person.

>> No.7190453

I find the Yamada and Twogami very cute and some of the only redeeming qualities of the shoot.

>> No.7190572
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>> No.7190577
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I feel like I will never truly appreciate these cosplays because they're trying to portray twins and they're completely different races. It doesn't matter how good the cosplays are, it just... looks bad. Both white or both asian, fine. But one white girl and one asian girl... it just looks weird. It's unfortunate.

>> No.7190587

They're both good enough that this doesn't bother me at all. I'd rather look at great cosplayers who don't match perfectly than all the disasters that regularly get posted in here.

>> No.7190592

The problem is that while their cosplays are great, somehow I feel even MORE disappointed that their races don't match up/they look absolutely nothing like twins than just a plain old bad Junko/Junkuro cosplay. Bad Junkos are a dime a dozen, nobody even cares about them any more. But to see two well made cosplays on two cosplayers who don't match up at all is kind of a tragedy.

>> No.7190598

I think you should chill out.

>> No.7190608

I understand, I kinda feel the same way, but I feel looking alike is like an extra thing. Two different races? STill great cosplay! Look alike? WOW YOU DID IT!

>> No.7190609


good cosplayers get scrutinized more closely, and rightfully so

get over it

>> No.7190636

Are you new to this thread?

>> No.7190633
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>> No.7190637

No, in fact, I've been here since the beginning. I'm just sick of it.

>> No.7190639


Well that's really too bad because this thread's tendency to be harsher on good cosplayers is never, ever going to change

>> No.7190645

Okey dokey then. Have fun! Oh wait, you don't have fun anymore; that isn't allowed.

>> No.7190648
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>> No.7190651


>being this autistic

>> No.7190670
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>> No.7190672

>This thread

It's /cgl/ and the internet in general.

>> No.7190689


True that.

>> No.7190691
File: 987 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mw0z0h2zPZ1r4rcs8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that cher

>> No.7190698
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>> No.7190702


>> No.7190707
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>not knowing what autism is

>> No.7190714

can we not

>> No.7190718
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Everyone stop and talk about this Kirigiri taking a photo with a Girls Password Journal

>> No.7190723

That's an ipad???

>> No.7190736
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Thank you

>> No.7190740
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>> No.7190854
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>> No.7190893
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We need to talk about something else. Time to go through the tag.

>> No.7190897
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>> No.7190901
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>> No.7190942

i think i would have stopping looking through the tag as soon as i encountered that.

>> No.7191087

What are those supposed to be? Dog ears? Pigtails??? The world will never know.

>> No.7191268

I honestly could not find foam in that size for the life of me. I had tried stuffing a pair of hose and putting a wire in it, which had the shape, but the hair just would not stick. (And honestly, I haven't even seen her canon ponytails done very well, so I have no idea on how to translate that into a wig.) I'll keep looking into things, though! I had wanted to do at least do the curls, but the bangs curl would have looked funny without the side ones (which I need to keep down because of dark hair, but I still found shots where the photographer hadn't informed me of my hair showing underneath.) Oh, it doesn't discourage me! I'd like advice! I'm still a fairly new cosplayer (only a year this January) so advice is always helpful!
Oh no! I just noticed that! I have buttons to snap on the inside of the shirt to hold it down. I must have rushed too much (I was told a half-hour before the shoot the original Fukawa wasn't able to show.) and didn't snap it down. I'm surprised I wasn't told about that either. I've been thinking about remaking her outfit as well (I made it in two weeks back in late May, early June with broadcloth [and the color isn't even right] and I'm still learning the ropes as it is.) and cutting this one up for Another Episode Syo, though I'm hesitant because I haven't even played it.
The sleeves were sewn a bit low and I couldn't get the obi up more. (I might have to make a few alterations. I bought it from TaoBao to be honest because of pressure from my mother.) Ah, thank you! I appreciate it!

Ah, I had tried, but the wig is a little difficult to work with. I'll try to get them higher next time! I'd forgotten last minute that the bows were missing the kitties and it was too late by the time I remembered.

It's a Chibi from Arda in Ash Blonde. Be warned though, it is really, really thick. Not only that, I had someone else fixing the ponytails correctly on me and they swore that they were uneven. Good luck though!

>> No.7191280

no fun allowed! doesn't matter how good their cosplays are.....no fun allowed! change your race so everyone on /cgl/ can be happy, girls! that's a wrap for today!

>> No.7191313

Don't you think you're overreacting a bit? It's pretty normal to think people who look nothing like each other cosplaying together as twins looks weird. The cosplayers themselves weren't insulted in any way.

>> No.7191315


This. I don't understand why >>7191280 and >>7190645 are getting so butthurt over this, unless they're one of the cosplayers pictured.

>> No.7191314

Your tumblr is showing.

>> No.7191516
File: 114 KB, 500x667, hiyoko_saionji___sdr2_by_glaciee-d6cxo66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this Hiyoko did a good job. Plus she didn't even use foam, so there's other materials you can use. I think she used newspaper and something else?
Your cosplay would just look s lot more impressive if you tried. There was an anon here a while ago who was selfposting their wig progress which looked amazing.. does anyone have those pictures?

>> No.7191529
File: 136 KB, 401x600, 134584395285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have shit taste, anon.

>> No.7191531
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>> No.7191532
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>> No.7191534


The ones you're posting aren't that fantastic, though... Each of them have different details done wrong.

>> No.7191571

different anon, they might have some details done wrong, but they all have something in common; they're a lot better than the one you posted.

>> No.7191575


I didn't post that one.

>> No.7191576

another here- agreed, I'm not familiar enough with Hiyoko's costume (if you could point out the missing parts that would be great since I'm planning to do her myself), but the wigs certainly look great.

>> No.7191586

Thanks. I try.

>> No.7191708
File: 368 KB, 1280x754, tumblr_mw94ycVWKr1spvb8ko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat wig
>dat face
not sure if coloured bangs are photoshopped or actually wefted in

>> No.7191712

I think she'd actually look pretty good if her wig were less messy and had a lot more volume, at least going on what I can see here.

>> No.7191716


Not terrible, but the chunky fringe is really killing it for me.

>> No.7191719
File: 65 KB, 672x960, 1454836_683410135003149_675228291_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw her at the con and they were wefted in.

Have a Celestia from the same convention.

>> No.7191744

Her wig looks awful, it's like her colored fringe was cemented on. wrong colours too.

there's also 3 lines on the seifuku, ibuki only has two and no piercings??? Did this girl even try?

this is really nothing good.

>> No.7191751

She has at least one of the facial piercings? It does look like she's probably missing the big spiky ear piercings, though.

>> No.7191756


It just looks like her lip. I see no piercings.

>> No.7191765
File: 193 KB, 700x1200, costume410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its because thats a bodyline seifuku I own one too

>> No.7191802

I have no problem with the fact that she used a bought seifuku, what i don't understand is why didn't she alter it? Or add in the other little symbols on it...

>> No.7191817

Ugh. I own one of these, too. I kind of regret buying it because the construction is so bad. The skirt isn't even sewn into a skirt. Someone pleated a rectangle and then overlapped the ends so it looks like a skirt. There are four buttons on the waistband that keep it together. The bow isn't even sewn together. The stripes are cheap, shiny ribbon and the fabric got stained by my detergent when I tried to wash it.

I got what I paid for though for under $50.

>> No.7191822

Chalking that up to lack of attention to detail? need more pictures to judge, it just looks like a nice shot with mediocre cosplay imo

>> No.7191823

the fact the jacket is really messed up ruins how cute she is for me.

>> No.7191875


it was in that heated moment that kuzuryuu realized he had in fact, left the stove on.

>> No.7191881

.... The answer is no. I know like half of them (mildly) and at least one girl was making her costume in the hotel room (not even on a sewing machine).

I can't stop snickering at people talking about elemental. She's a horrid two faced bitch and a solidly mediocre photographer who charges too much. (a staggering 80$ per person)

>> No.7191902

Fuck you mobile. I dropped my quote.

I was replying to the 'did they even try' post.

>> No.7191929

80 dollars per person? Are you fucking kidding me? It's SO fucking obvious that she mass-processes her photos. She's basically being paid to show up, point and shoot (since she definitely doesn't give a fuck about posing her models correctly or telling them when they should adjust things), and one-click in Lightroom.
Fuck this photographer. I don't know if she really has a shitty personality or not like you said but it's completely disgusting to charge $80 for this lazy, effortless garbage.

>> No.7191962

It was actually $25 per person for 3 hours please and thank

>> No.7191976

Still about $20 too much for this quality tbh.

>> No.7191979

I am even lazier, and I have lightroom 5.0

who wants photos? I can haz tape down shutter on auto mode and play angry birds then

add lightroom signature/ half ass post and charge you all

you probably don't have to pay me since I am too lazy to chase you down for the money

>> No.7191985

I take pictures for FREE, why does a fat bich like her get paid $80 for shittier work and I work for free doing better work

>> No.7191987

This. $25 is still atrocious for the garbage she delivered. It's not like the cosplayers were any good in the first place but if I was in that group and saw how it turned out I would be REALLY upset.

>> No.7191989

they would rather pay a girl like them $80 for shit pictures

rather than have a sweaty socially awkward neckbeard poetentially fapping to their pics as he processes them

>> No.7191990

And if that's true then she made $750 off the DR and DR2 group combined. Holy fuck. That is so disgusting and shameless. The cosplayers deserve some blame too, though. I don't know how they collectively failed to realize that paying that much for a group shoot with a really really mediocre photographer is a COMPLETE RIP OFF.
Retards. Retards everywhere.

>> No.7191995

FYI im a skinny asian male with good fashion sense, lmao

>> No.7192002

I'm never doing a large group because of this. I rather have a tiny group with mid to high tier cosplays instead of this shit that elemental pulled.

>> No.7192074

She's missing a lot though from what I can tell. Ibuki has accessories on each arm, on the arm we can see she should have a scrunchie and some rings which she doesn't. The wig is missing a lot and could have been done so much better. She's missing the spiked earrings and I can't see if she got the mouth peircings right. And this isn't even all of the costume! As another anon said the costume is apparently from bodyline and is pretty innacurate with the wrong number of stripes but I guess props to her for going navy instead of black. Any fullbody shots where her other arm isn't being obscured?
From what I can see though I'm not impressed.

>> No.7192099

I'm actually pretty disappointed things turned out as they did. I dropped out the day of the shoot because my costume wasn't finished. The peko and I both dropped out together and tbh once we reached the shoot we were pretty glad we did (especially when kuzuryuu tried talking to us... I shudder to remember. My peko was basically begging someone to save her from the awkward encounter)
I have some good friends in this shoot and at first I was so excited to be in it! Just because it was elemental and I'd seen some of her homestuck shoots and they'd turned out gorgeous. However I'm pretty positive her shoots will only turn out well if the models are really self aware and experienced in shooting etc. I personally have been in photoshoots before and practice posing and everything beforehand but I feel really bad that a bunch of kids who'd never been in a shoot quite like that before paid so much for what they got. She didn't even tell them to adjust their wigs or take off their burger king crowns and from what I heard didn't really help with posing either. Its pretty disappointing to know I'd waited so long to do a shoot with her only to find out... all this.
I just feel bad for all the kids seeing how their photos turned out because a lot of them seem unhappy and it just makes me feel bad that's how their first shoot ended up :/

>> No.7192103

that hiyoko here. Thanks for the compliment, although i dont reccomend doing the newspaper and duct tape method that i tried because it made it so heavy i couldnt handle the headache after 4 hours.

>> No.7192119

Oh shit! That's not good. You'd think newspaper would be light though? I've been wanting to take a swing at saionji but I won't do it unless its the canon pigtails... do you think you could just piece together some foam then carve it to the right shape?
I think either way having two giant hair bananas attached to your head is gonna get annoying eventually isn't it...
Also do you have any advice for gluing hair to things? I won't use hot glue but it seems to be the only thing that actually freaking holds. You seem to have some experience there, is it ok to ask?

>> No.7192240

Yeah I thought so too! but I guess it was the duct tape that made it so heavy. I think using foam is your best bet. I would buy a bunch of sheets of foam, glue them together, and carve the pigtail shape. I think at Michael's they even sell blocks of styrofoam. As for glueing the hair, I covered my base in fabric and that seemed to help the hair stick with Got2b ultra glued gel. After drying if there's any pieces of gelled hair that unstick, if you're really careful, you can use a little bit of hot glue to hold it down. Just be really careful not to fry the hair when you do that haha. I hope this helped a bit anon!

>> No.7192241

holy fuck, i feel like i know who you are. did you shoot for any groups at otakon, or?

>> No.7192312
File: 224 KB, 1280x854, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2Fcd6248ff5924354b3aa69ef9e99e77d8%2Ftumblr_ms7mzhh2cA1r3xpy3o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7192313

yeah.... you dodged a bullet there

>> No.7192326

Is that the Saionji anon that was here a while back posting progress? Because her cosplay itself seems to have turned out fabulous, i just wish she used a little more makeup to brighten her face up a little bit. some more noticeable false lashes and some makeup would have worked some wonders.

>> No.7192334
File: 34 KB, 604x453, tumblr_mw0goj8F5Q1shmtlfo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7192351

real talk tho; i s2g i think i know that ibuki from elementary school, does anyone have her name?

>> No.7192398

yeah i had a friend tell me this was a good opportunity for great pictures (i got only like, 4 that i liked out of it) but with all the 15 year olds, i felt really out of place, in age and skill, not gonna lie. i really wanted to help her organize stuff but she was pretty bitch. so i just sat in the back waiting for my turn, get some good shots, then bounce. im really glad i didnt have to pay for it because someone dropped and offered me their spot with it paid already. it wasnt worth the cost at all.

>> No.7192475

nice nipples komaeda

>> No.7192505

Unless you're the Mahiru or Togami, you don't have any skill and fit right in with those 15 year olds. If you were he Mahiru or Togami, carry on.

>> No.7192527

haha ACTUALLY.... i am the twogami (and the same anon) hi

>> No.7192539

Then carry on sir. You are fabulous and your cosplays make me happy.

>> No.7192571

oh hahaha thanks! im glad you enjoy them!

>> No.7192583

Sarah. But she goes by Mai now I think.

>> No.7192594

She's ibukimioda on tumblr if you wanna check.

>> No.7192624

I was also at this shoot, and did the same. I can't hold anything against the kids though, because once I got there it was pretty obvious that most were very young and just wanted to have some fun without being really serious. I mostly just wanted my dead shot lol.

>> No.7192653

Which one were you

>> No.7192672


>> No.7192705

well shit i guess it wasn't who i thought it was (the face is strikingly similar, but the chick i knew was always super stick thin)
thank you anyway!

>> No.7192760
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>> No.7192883
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>> No.7192891
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>> No.7192904

i almost thought this was a mispost but i saw the hinata tie and now im confused.

>> No.7192946


>> No.7192982
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>> No.7192986
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>> No.7192991
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>> No.7192996

Do they need to find the bathroom or something?

>> No.7193007
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>> No.7193102

Oh... that looked a lot better fron the thumbnail

>> No.7193112

Did she.. use acrylic paint on the bangs?

>> No.7193118
File: 66 KB, 448x750, tumblr_inline_mmwgotr1591qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say acrylic paint?

Let us never forget the acrylic paint Gundam wig. RIP the $50+ spent on this lacefront wig.

>> No.7193132

Dat Mikans <3

>> No.7193220

please tell me you have pictures of what it looks like after the paints dried i need to see this in all its glory

>> No.7193254


I've shot with Elemental before, and she got so impatient when we were adjusting our wigs and stuff. It was ridiculous. She passive snarked me for adjusting my wig at one point.

Our shoot looked fine (but far from fantastic), but I think that's because everyone was an experienced cosplayer, and the group was smaller. I feel awful for these guys, though.

>> No.7193280

Can I /r/ great Asahina Aoi's? I'm working on a cosplay of her and would like some inspiration...

>> No.7193281

Are we not going to talk about this
Where did you find this anon where was this taken why does tanakas wig look like that what

>> No.7193283

thanks a lot for the advice! (my friend showed me the link) I've been really experimenting with make up since then. Also an anon way back then also advised me to put on fake make up for photoshoots, which I'll remember to do in the future.

>> No.7193289

put on more makeup* fuck

>> No.7193339

>pleated a rectangle
>overlapped the ends
Bitch that's how pleated skirts are made, wtf do you mean?

>> No.7193383

Maybe it's like a minimum of 80$, like that's one person for two hours or something? Fuck I don't know, I just remember the number 80 being involved and being horrified. I do think there's a 'discount' for large groups.

She's basically only nice to you if you're paying her and thinks she's hot shit, in my experience.

>> No.7193398

Fuck I can't believe I dropped quote again are you serious.

I went and dug up her pricing, which was not even close to where I last saw it and actually super hard to find? Which makes no goddamn sense, but okay...

Apparently one person is 30$ for 30 minutes, an hour is 40$. 50$ for 2 people for an hour. A group of 3-6 is 20$ per person and more people varies with each shoot.

Guess I must've got the 80 for what someone said they paid? Still too fucking much, though. I've had friends take pics of me for free that were 10 times better at least, and they have the decency to tell me my wig looks funny.

>> No.7193465

Woah I'm late to the Elemental party but is this a new thing? Her DR photos are terrible compared to her older work. Has she been like this lately around people she isn't friends with? Not that that's an acceptable or professional way to work but I still know a lot of friends and "well-known" cosplayers that have had shoots from her and they've looked pretty good to me and they were happy with the results.

Sorry I sound really shocked but damn, she's always had a good rep here in Toronto. Sad to see her work looks like this now.

>> No.7193524

I reached into the far pits of hell to find this the first time, and now I've reached into the far pits again.

>> No.7193679
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>> No.7193986
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>> No.7194036
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>> No.7194037

Yeah I think that's the problem. Her photos used to seem really dynamic taken from cool angles etc etc plus most the shoots I've seen have been with, as you said, well known cosplayers with experience. I think a lot of things factored into this shoot turning out like it did? I watched for a few minutes before leaving because bk Kuzu lmao but the part I watched was individual shots right? It seemed like she just took head shots then fullbody and then literally rushed the models in and out when she was done. This approach just seems so boring and mechanical and it shows. I was in the fb group for the group since I was supposed to be in it and it seemed like the cosplayers were just talking amongst eachother and not communicating with everyone and I find that so unfortunate. Any time Elemental posted it was either about money or time tbqh. There were no photo suggestions, no convos with the photographer unless it involved payment.... I'm in a few other groups for Ohayo and there's two diff groups and two different photographers and in one of them group members are posting fanart inspirations etc for the photographer whos unfamiliar with dr to see, and that's hella rad! And in the other I feel like there's still a lot of communication plus the photographer knows dr and has been in shoots for it herself. The elemental shoot however.... this group seems like a large scale repeat of the acen group she shot, complete with everyone laying down dead and the boring static angles with headshots and full body and the harsh lighting from behind...... just this time it was with a ton of teenagers who didn't know what they were doing.
I've said it before and I'll say it again..... while I'm glad two of my good friends got shots they liked of their cosplays, everyone else just seems so dissatisfied and I'm so glad me and my boyfriend didn't pay all that money for this shoot.

>> No.7194062

Yeah, as a fairly new cosplayer (just under a year), I was really disappointed. I had fun at the shoot, but when it came to shots afterwards, no. It makes me worry about doing future shoots. I'm not experienced with this and I had no clue that I should be constantly on the lookout for mishaps in my costumes.

The photographer new nearly nothing about the series and still insisted on poses that were out of character. (I quietly corrected her, but she ushered me to do it the way she had planned.) Not only that, it felt really disrespectful and rude the way she addressed the cosplayers by on the spot nicknames. It was pretty uncomfortable. She didn't even know who the coordinator of the group was and called another cosplayer by their name. (incorrectly at that) She rushed everything, and said she went over time a bit, but at that price, what's the big deal? We were originally supposed to have six hours, but after not receiving payments beforehand, cut it back to three. (And it appeared she didn't have many shoots that weekend as it was, so I'm not sure why she couldn't go over a bit when she was getting paid so much.) Overall, I was really disappointed and maybe it's for the better I learned early on not to shoot with Elemental and to be hyper aware of my appearance during a shoot.

>> No.7194067

Christ. I was in a large DR2 group photoshoot during the summer and we all paid $6 each, and even though the photographer didn't know the series, we were all happy with the pictures. I am so sorry that you guys got ripped off so colossally with such a bad and unpleasant photographer.

>> No.7194095

Even if you are new, why wouldn't you want to make sure you straighten yourself a little before a picture? I'm an experienced cosplayer, and while most photogs will allow you to come up with your own pose and adjust from there, there are going to be some who will supply poses for you because what you think looks good actually is awful on film. On the spot nicknames are normal. It seems more the coordinator's fault for not reaching out to the photographer and laying out what they wanted out of the shoot. 6 hours is also a ridiculously long time for a shoot.

I don't know this particular photog at all, but I don't think it's entirely their fault this shoot turned out the way it did. You can't expect to rely 100% on the photog - the model has to do some of the work too. I DO agree that the price per person is way too much. I think the photog would be better off if they set a base price with like...$5 per additional person. Also the quality of these images in general are surprising considering the work I have seen from their Homestuck shoots.

>> No.7194096
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I was talking to the Chiaki, and she said this about Elemental:
[4:19:00 PM] [REDACTED]: there wasnt any communication on the facebook page thing either
[4:19:13 PM] [REDACTED]: elemental aka amanda would ask about time/$$$$ and thats it
[4:19:24 PM] [REDACTED]: nobody discussed photo ideas or anything

>> No.7194107

Yup yup yup. Thats what the fb group was like! Now granted the people in the shoot probably coulda spoken up about photos but I didn't really see any point in suggesting stuff because I didn't want to manhandle someone else's shoot you know?
Also what >>7194095 says is true.... you really just always have to be hyper aware. Always fixing your wig, checking your cosplay.... lmao I was in a private shoot at otakon and didn't realize my knee brace had fallen down my leg until halfway through the shoot! Its completely necessary to be really aware of your looks at all times in cosplay, whether you're just walking around the convention center or in a photoshoot, because its embarrassing to see you fucked up!
The shoot was going to be six hours long because it was going to be a 3 hour dr shoot, a break, and then a 3 hour sdr2 shoot. But apparently we had to prepay most the money for that?
Idk whatever. It probably still wouldn't have made much of a difference even then, she probably still would have rushed the poor kids.

>> No.7194354

Okay here's some stuff I wish I had known when I first started out about doing proper shoots;

The thing is, what you need to do next time is take a hand mirror and a wig brush with you and YOU need to make sure your wig isn't frizzing and your costume looks right.

If you do another proper shoot aim to go to somewhere with a decent sized mirror before it so you can make sure everything like shirts for example are tucked in and your wig looks neat. a big window you can see your reflection in will do at a pinch.

Also talk to both your photographer and co-ordinator and tell them that if you're starting to get wig fuzz or have a double chin or your costume isn't right that you want to know. I know photographers who feel uncomfortable feeling like they're critisizing but as this thread testifies it'll reflect better on both parties if the shots /you are paying for/ come out their best.
I did a shoot as Vriska from Homestuck and had to tell my photographer that I wanted to know if my fringe was out of place or the wires in my robo arm were sticking out and it made the whole thing far nicer.

If I didn't shoot with people who were willing to outright say "hey that's not flattering and your wig needs a smooth down" I wouldn't get photos I actually like.

Know some poses you want to do and practice them, make sure they're flattering and don't make your costume bunch up weird or anything.

Communication between you is key and if they don't seem willing to communicate and do you both justice find somebody who will.

>> No.7194449
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>> No.7194507
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>> No.7194536
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>> No.7194543

Jesus christ.

>> No.7194544

I'm still not convinced that there isn't a porno with this cosplayer in it

>> No.7194549

If there is, I hope there's a mask of terrible photoshop like that hovering over her face throughout the entire video.

>> No.7194573
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>> No.7194589

She looks like she's 10 years old... I'd have liked to see her do Saionji instead.

>> No.7194592
File: 241 KB, 1024x1536, books_and_despair_by_innocently_creating-d6t3g5h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7194596


How can someone look 10 years old and 40 years old at the same time

>> No.7194700

>asian cosplayer
Gee I wonder

>> No.7194782

as a cosplayer, its a good thing to make photographer friends. ive never had to pay a dime and i get the photos that i love because they know exactly what i want, what angles are flattering, what to fix, and how to edit them.

ive never truly understood why people would pay for photoshoots when you can get photos just as good, if not better, for free from your friends.

just make photographer friends basically. if you get involved in your local cosplay community enough, youre bound to make photographer friends. not only will you get photos you like, but the photoshoot is a lot more comfortable and light hearted.

>> No.7194847
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Wanna see Heaven's Junko wip?

>> No.7194853


Just terrible, as expected.
Has this stupid cunt ever returned the thousands of dollars she stole from dozens of commissionees?

>> No.7194938

Aha, nope. She never did.

>> No.7194942

Someone dig up that call out post and get it to start circulating again.

>> No.7194950

shes using the money to buy herself figurines and wigs
lmao im on the verge of posting her personal info because what shes doing is just fucked up

>> No.7194954


You should. At this point, maybe doxing her is the only way to get her to be honest.

>> No.7194961

I just can't fathom doing that.... especially on the large scale that she did! And then not even paying people back even after she got called out... and still making cosplays for herself... girl you need to lay off the conventions and get on giving those poor people their money back. Can't she get in legal trouble for that???

>> No.7194973

It's because she's disgustingly shameless. Even after being called out on Tumblr, even after thousands of people saw that post, she still took no responsibility whatsoever. If I had been her, I would have been so humiliated I would have just quit cosplay and never, ever shown my face at a con ever again. The sheer fact that she continues to not only make cosplay but attend cons and act like everything is normal is just appalling. Heaven is god-tier garbage.

>> No.7194983

Why the hat?

>> No.7194992

That's what I said about BK Kuzuryuu

>> No.7195009

Please don't remind me about burger king kuzuryuu. it makes me upset.

>> No.7195026
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tw: bk kuzu

>> No.7195033


what cracks me up is the deadly serious look on his face. like. he looks so fucking serious and solemn... and then there's that burger king cardboard hat.

>> No.7195059

>ot for the advice! (my friend showed me the link) I've been really experimenting with make up since then. Also an anon way back then also advised me to put on fake make up for photoshoots, which I'll remember to do in the future.
Are you still potentially going to Sakuracon? I think you mentioned it awhile back...

>> No.7195071


Here's their tumblr cosplay tag. Enjoy.Though it's mainly not Dangan Ronpa.

>> No.7195089

True despair Is knowing BK Kuzu plans on being Sakura Oogami... never have I resented someone for cosplaying a certain character but having someone so obnoxious cosplaying the queen of Dangan Ronpa is truly the most despair inducing event in all of mankind

>> No.7195093

Isn't it for one of the Ohayocon groups too?

>> No.7195108

Yes..... one I'm in... true despair
thankfully they know they make me uncomfortable (or at least I think they know?) And they're in the dr1 group when I'm in the dr2 one.... but still.
I helped make a Sakura costume for a friend of mine who pulls it off pretty well... I just regret not inviting him sooner :(

>> No.7195124

I'm in the same group but for the DR portion and thankfully my character isn't shipped with them, and the character that I'm usually shipped with is my best friend. But I feel like they are going to be all over me because they were like that on tumblr while I was making my costume for this shoot.

>> No.7195132

If they bring any joke props to the shoot I'm going to snatch them away from them.

>> No.7195172

Thank you. That's what I meant when I mentioned how long I'd been cosplaying. I still don't know what to watch out for and it just slipped my mind because of low common sense to watch out like that. I really appreciate the advice because I'd like to do private shoots and continue doing group ones with friends and stuff, but I honestly don't know all I should watch out for. At least next time, I'll know some things to watch out for. Thank you.

>> No.7195179

Is that a construction paper tongue? And cardboard scissors?

>> No.7195326
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>> No.7195367

I'm kinda shocked. I shot with Elemental in the past. Our group was about 10 people. It was $40 up front for 2 people and $5 per person after that. This was for an hour shoot.

Maybe her rates go up by the hour?

Either way, these photos are just so plain. I'm guessing she was freaking out about making sure she got everyone photos in 3 hours.


>> No.7195469

This looks like it was taken in the basement of a serial killer

>> No.7195516
File: 165 KB, 1280x853, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Christ what is this makeup.

>> No.7195620

Looks like standard asian cosplay makeup to me. >>7193679 This is them too right?

>> No.7195864

New thread >>7195858

>> No.7198570
File: 14 KB, 510x264, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw that cosplay in real life and I'm pretty sure she used acrylic paint for the bangs.