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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7183455 No.7183455 [Reply] [Original]

Can you give me advice for dating a popular cosplayer? I'm dating a girl for a few months who's pretty well known in our area, and starting to get serious. I don't know her past relationships, but I've heard a lot of stories about cosplay community romance drama in general.

I also cosplay, but not well known. She posts some skimpy costumes and it bothers me, but I haven't said anything about it yet. I'm not sure how to bring it up without sounding controlling.

Suggestions on how to avoid drama, or examples of cosplay relationships that worked out, or ones that didn't work out and why?

>> No.7183461

Are you dating a seagull?


>> No.7183471


Break-up with her and find another (better) chick. Assuming you've already smashed her at least once.

Why would you want a relationship with a popular cosplayer? Shit like that is asking for drama. Befriending is no problem. Hell even casual dating is fine. Same with hooking up. But full out relationship? Fuck that. Why torture yourself?

>> No.7183475

If she stopped doing skimpy costumes she'd stop being popular. Sorry but thats how it is.

>> No.7183477

you shouldnt tell her not to post skimpy costumes because that really is controlling. thats basically telling her she isnt allowed to cosplay certain characters when she really has every right to if she wants to and feels comfortable with it.

>> No.7183480

>dating don
good luck op

>> No.7183644

Non-famous cosplayer dating famous cosplayer SOMETIMES works if non-famous has no balls. Famous cosplayer dating famous cosplayer NEVER works. I can think of so many examples.

So stay non-famous op and don't say shit to challenge her and you can keep hitting that. You'll be a pussy but lots of guys will be jelly.

>> No.7183649

I specifically looked for a boyfriend who had nothing to do with cosplay at all and he's amazing. Life is amazing.

There's just too much drama and all the people are crazy...I don't know why anyone would do that to themselves.

>> No.7183759

OP here she's not a seagull or I wouldn't post this. I'm not famous and not going to be so I guess that's fine but don't want to be seen as hanger on either.

Can you tell me specific examples of things going wrong? All I ever hear is vague threats of drama but no one says what actually happens. Do well known cosplayer girls usually date other cosplayers, like Adella, IK, etc? (Okay, I don't know many famous cosplayers.)

>> No.7183771
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>You'll be a pussy but a lot of guys will be jelly

But there is nothing to be jelly about. There are girls that visit your local mall that look just as good if not better than most popular cosplay "idols" and are fair game, without the bloated catty ego coupled by a legion of white knights defending her honor hoping for a chance to nail her. Not to mention she's probably partaking in more worthwhile endeavors to make into a career/name for herself.

Cosplay popularity is akin to Hollywood popularity minus the big money. Meaning it's all of the bad and none of the good.

Most dudes who are in relationships with popular or famous cosplayers are on a leash and have no say in anything.

>> No.7183792


Examples aren't needed, it's common sense. With popularity, ego follows. A woman with an ego WILL try to whip you. Specially if you aren't of status yourself. You said you aren't a famous cosplayer so you must have something else going for you if you expect her to respect you while in a relationship. If you DON'T have anything going for you that demands her respect, prepare to get whipped.

>> No.7184244

famous cosplayers think theyre the shit and deserve better than whoever theyre with, so they cheat or treat them like crap. there are lots of examples

since you mentioned ichigokitty - sozokureed is a guy in my area who serially dates famous cosplayers and it always ends in drama. he was doing both ichigokitty and windofthestars at the same time a couple of years back before they realized it and both dumped him

dont know details about adella but probably more of the same. the only way to escape is like the girl above says - date noncosplay people. if your girlfriend is posting sexy pics of herself, guys will go after her and sooner or later one of them will be hotter than you and get to fuck her

or maybe youll get lucky never know

>> No.7184836

I dated a pretty famous cosplayer for several years and it ended badly. Not only was it a shitty breakup but most of the people I thought were my friends in our local community ended up going with her and I almost totally lost my place in the scene.

I'm familiar with that situation and that's not actually accurate, WotS was several years before that two-timing situation with him and the other girl involved was a different relatively high-profile cosplayer.

>> No.7184876

Is she well-known like Yaya/Jnig/Miyu/Adella/PikminLink kind of well-known? Or just relatively known in your area? I really doubt she's as efamous as the names I just listed. Because if we haven't heard of her she's probably not famous enough for you to be worried.

>> No.7184910

I've been with my BF for 4 years now (5 this wednesday!). Our relationship was a secret for almost 1 year because I'm a bit well know in our country and have some neckbeard fans, so he was afraid about my popularity if people knew it. But one day we talked about it and we stopped with that crazy shit, so next con people knew we were dating.

Now we're a team and he have a really fanbase too. Of course, I do some skimpy cosplays because I love those designs, but I always talk with him about my costumes because I don't want him to be angry with me. Talking and being sincere is always a must.

Sometimes I works as boothbabe and he gets jealous of people (you know, guys being creppy, they're allowed to hug and touch me when posing for photos) but I do the same when he is surrounded by pretty girls. As always talking about it is the best thing you can do.
There be always people who wants to frustate your relationship but if your it is serious and you believe and trust your SO (it's the base for any relationship!) they can't do anything.

>> No.7185178


Is your BF a cosplayer or is he well known with a fanbase due to another trade of his?


She doesn't have to be as popular as those listed to have a bloated ego. She just has to be well known and liked in the relative area. That's all that's required.

>> No.7185371

Locally known not really outside my area but got invited to judge at a couple of nearby small cons. Thanks for the examples I'll talk to her about my worries.

>> No.7185379
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>can you give me advice for dating a popular cosplayer


>> No.7185446
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Depends, sounds like the person your dating is 100% committed to the con scene and ranks anything involving cosplay as a top life priority.

If you feel the same way about cons and cosplay than go for it but expect drama, its unavoidable. It comes with the territory.

All I will say is that if the person you are looking at dating goes through a new relationship every month or 2 than you shouldn't really expect this last. A hopper is likely to have major underlying commitment/relationship issues that will lead to shitty drama and a shitty break up.

If cosplaying and cons are not one of your top 3 priorities than don't date this person. You will get very frustrated with their refusal to further themselves, pursue other things, or even talk about something other than cosplay.

best of luck

>> No.7185493

OP dat photo is so sweet I'm melting awww.

>> No.7185516

It's the same across the board for me:
-DJs, Musicians, Performers
-Cosplayers, Models, "famous" Bloggers
-Anyone largely in the public eye where their appearance is a priority

All of them are undateable. Their priorities revolve around how they look to other people and how they can profit/gain from that, and you will always come second, no matter what. The relationships are doomed to fail unless they are 'quitting' and if they are really popular they probably won't.

>> No.7185556

>Not one positive post in this thread

Well. Is it really that bad, or are people exaggerating? I mean, every person is different, just because you know some more or less famous cosplayer bitches doesn't mean everyone is like that.

...am I right?

>> No.7185639


The set of seagulls and people with positive experiences does not intersect.

>> No.7185659

get out before it's too late

>> No.7185665


There are good ones but they all left since this board went to shit.

>> No.7185888
File: 183 KB, 580x777, Every+man+women+and+child+should+own+a+Nicolas+Cage+_5014553a708d01ece9269b124dff933c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mean its hard to come up with examples because so few people keep cosplaying past 25.

So yes I've known cosplayers that have long term relationships and even get married, but then they get a little older and leave the con scene.

Did the marriage/relationship last? Who knows?

>> No.7187783

Aside from dating what about having popular cosplay friends? Like friends who are really famous state-wise and becoming their bestie? I befriended 2 famous cosplayers and I grew really close to them quick without realizing how popular they were. But after becoming close and seeing how they talk about people I realized they were a little crazy too late. Advise?

>> No.7190760

I was once a friend with a pretty famous cosplayer.

>> No.7190974


Is the advice in that line

>> No.7190990
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