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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7179971 No.7179971[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

(sorry for the posts and deletes, I kept fucking up the trip)

I've kept my power level hidden my entire life, /cgl/. Nobody outside of my family and a few close friends know of my inner weeaboo. But I... I want to go to an anime convention. And I want to cosplay as something. Anything.

The only anime convention offered in my state (Kentucky) is called Sukoshikon. Should I just show up solo next year in an outfit? Is it socially acceptable to not cosplay at all? Do guys commonly cosplay at these sorts of things, or is it normally left with just the girls? I'm not bad at social interaction with complete strangers, but I'm not sure what the "normalcy" of cons consist of.

pls help

>> No.7179975

Relax and enjoy the experience.

No matter how awkward you are, there are a plethora of individuals that will make you seem like a social butterfly at conventions

>> No.7179977

>No matter how awkward you are, there are a plethora of individuals that will make you seem like a social butterfly at conventions

This. So hard.

>> No.7179978

Guys and girls cosplay. It's not weird not to either. It's multitudes funner if you do go with a cosplay though.

>> No.7179983

Alright, thanks for the feedback so far. Another question- I've been lurking for the past few hours to get a feel for this board's culture and there seems to be a general consensus that its "bad" to buy your costume over making it yourself. I've worked with mechanical tools my whole life, not sewing machines. If I posted a picture of myself in a store-bought costume on /cgl/ would that be taboo?

>> No.7179985

Store bought is fine. The trouble comes when you go claiming it as your own creation or entering cosplay contests with the store bought costume.

Just have fun with it.

>> No.7179991


The people who get mad at individuals that "buy" costumes are either really damaged / miserable human beings that find comfort in unsubstantiated elitism or normal people that get upset at those who buy costumes and claim it as their own work.

As long as you buy and give credit to the maker, you should be okay to those who are worth a damn in the community.

Don't do store bought, find a commissioner and do it ahead of time.

Also, most cosplayers in asia commission / buy their costumes and noone over there gives a flying fuck.

>> No.7179997


What are the best commissioners to purchase costumes from, and where do their prices range? Money isn't an issue for me so long as a shirt doesn't go up to around $1,000 or so. I've read the sticky and the only information I've gathered from it is that Milanoo is bad to purchase from (an explanation as to why would be terrific).

>> No.7180017


cosplay . com has reviews for commissioners

Find a few that have a high frequency of reviews / samples / high grades

>> No.7180027


Alright, thank you so much! I feel a lot more comfortable browsing this board now and planning for my first convention!

Final question, though- is it common for /cgl/ to meet-up at specific cons? Like, would it be considered shit-posting if I made a thread asking, "Who here will be at [insert con] on [insert date]? Let's meet at [insert place]."

>> No.7180026

Basically there's no guarantee anything you order from Milanoo will actually look like the picture, and as evidenced by the multitude of people that have ordered from there and gotten what look like cheap halloween costume rejects, save your money and stay the fuck away.

On commissioning, the only commissioner I know is mehdiaraiise (google will pull up her etsy. I've never ordered anything from her myself, but I see her works in progress, and she's quite good, and trustworthy besides. Just contact her to talk about prices and such). If you want to do some hands on to make a cosplay but aren't sure how to go about it, one thing you can try is get a pre-made costume from a place that has a good reputation (I recommend Cosmonde, it's an ebay store) and make modifications to it yourself to make it more accurate, style a wig, etc. This suggestion might get hate, but if you're just looking to have some fun and get your toes wet, it's a pretty good solution to partially making a cosplay while not completely relying on someone else to do everything for you. Another option is to choose a character that has a simple enough cosplay you can piece it together with pre-made clothes (L from Deathnote being a popular example).

>> No.7180031


Do guys typically wear wigs with their costumes? I have permed hair and don't really want to get it cut off just for one day at a convention.

>> No.7180040


Cgl meetups are 30% normalfags, 40% aspies / awkwards, and 30% tryhards / bitches/ assholes/ people looking to just get laid.

Same shit except the latter two are much more prevalent on this board.

>> No.7180041
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>> No.7180042

Yesyesyesyes wear a wig. Besides not having to cut your hair, chances are high it will look better (because it won't "wilt" throughout the day like human hairstyles will), and then you aren't stuck with having to cut/style/color your hair every time you want to cosplay a character. Source: cosplaying guy that has worn many wigs, in and out of costume. Just make sure to get a high quality wig that doesn't look like shit.

>> No.7180047


What constitutes a try-hard from /cgl/'s perspective? I'm guessing /a/ and this board somewhat inter-lap, so... Narutards and other edge-core costumes?

Also, con sex is a thing?


Finally, another dude! How can I tell what a high-quality wig is? Is it possible to purchase wigs with short hairstyles? Where do you recommend I make such purchases?

>> No.7180056

For short hairstyles and consistent quality, I would recommend Arda wigs (for long wigs epic cosplay). They're a bit more expensive than say ebay, but they're high quality and realistic. I wouldn't reccomend fucking around with ebay wigs until you have a lot of wigs, and have read enough reviews that you know what to look for. It's kind of like milanoo, your lucks either good or complete shit. I had to re-dye and entire wig because The one I ordered was red, but the one I got was orange. And get a wig cap. Always get a wig cap.

>> No.7180061


you worry way to much


>> No.7180074


It's more or less a fear that I end up as the next (male) Pixy on /cgl/. I only got my scoop of the drama through /fit/ and /a/ back in the day, but man was that harsh to view.

>> No.7180084

(same male anon) Nah man, I wouldn't worry too much. Put your best effort into it, and if you end up being put on /cgl/ for some reason, just let it pass without saying anything or defending yourself (sounds stupid, I know). The most drama I see comes from cosplayers that get put in a bad cosplay/lolita thread, then actively try to defend themselves and it usually turns into one big clusterfuck. Ignore it, and it will go away faster. People get posted on here for petty reasons as well, so getting posted on /cgl/ =/= terrible cosplay necessarily. Just something to keep in mind.

>> No.7180086

/Everything/ that applies to females in cosplay also applies to males. Don't be one of those assholes.

>> No.7180089


I'm sorry if I came across as one. I'm not very familiar with the cosplay world or /cgl/'s board culture so I'm just trying to iron the kinks in my personality before I start regularly posting on here.

>> No.7180090


Well this board is definitely drastically different from the rest of 4chan in the sense that the anonymity of its users is (partially) lost. Sharing pictures of yourself for criticism is definitely a hurdle to jump through for many people.

>> No.7180092

Learn basic makeup skills too, if you don't know them already. You will look washed out in pics without some form of basic makeup (concealer, little bit of eyeliner, possible bronzer for shading) especially if there's harsh lighting. Previous anon was telling the truth, that kind of thing applies to guys and girls.

>> No.7180095


I have no idea about anything make-up related so I'll just jump through that hurdle as soon as I sort the rest of my issues out.

>> No.7180096

Meh. not everyone necessarily does, and you can still edit out your face if you like. A lot of the pics on here aren't necessarily of the people who submitted them.

>> No.7180097

Two words. Youtube tutorials.

>> No.7180105


I'll be honest, I don't think make-up is right for me. But thanks for all of your help, everyone!

>> No.7180110

I was about to say Ikasucon is in Kentucky but I keep forgetting it moved to Indiana a few years back.

Anyways OP, just go and have a fun time. Costumes aren't necessary, and if you want to go in one, just have fun. Don't stress out if you don't have the EXACT colour wig a character wears or anything. People will just be exited that you're dressed like the character and want to share hobbies.

>> No.7180137

>Should I just show up solo next year in an outfit?

Are you capable of doing this alone?

>Is it socially acceptable to not cosplay at all?
Of course. You can have plenty of fun not cosplaying. Try to make friends, ask people with awesome costumes how they made it. Take a video camera - it helps to get their responses on tape. Most cosplayers are happy to share how they made it.

>Do guys commonly cosplay at these sorts of things, or is it normally left with just the girls?

Guys and girls both cosplay. Guys sometimes will have fangirls all over them. Not really a bad thing.

>I'm not bad at social interaction with complete strangers, but I'm not sure what the "normalcy" of cons consist of.

Cosplay within your skill level. Do something simple without props. You'll have plenty to haul around with a backpack and camera(s).

Ask if you can take a picture or video. I once had a memorable encounter on video with a group of girls doing characters from Slayers and I handed them my talk Luna plushie and they had a ball with it.