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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 9 KB, 282x399, 601113_439966766076183_678692998_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7179846 No.7179846[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your own cosplay pics, rate others, comment, give advice, socialize , I am really interested in seeing if any of the known cosplayers lurk this board

>> No.7179855

> I am really interested in seeing if any of the known cosplayers lurk this board

are you new here?

>> No.7179861

yes I am infact

>> No.7179865

We don't selfpost here.

>> No.7179867

Lurk more.

>> No.7179906

Didn't we have an entire selfpost thread not too long ago?

>> No.7179935


And it was gotten rid of because people trolled or yelled at everyone saying we don't self post here

>> No.7180075

We do self post here, quite a lot. I've never seen a thread with an OP like this be successful though. You're the one looking new.
At the moment the only self-post thread going on is the JoJo pose one but it is a self post thread and people are in fact posting themselves.

>> No.7180078

>We don't selfpost here
Uh huh.

>> No.7180087

You're the new one,

>> No.7180093

there are famous cosplayers here hence why this thread is full of douche and noone posts properly according to OP

>> No.7180103


Anon is right.

We are all too bitchy for self post threads and turn them into insult threads.
So generally we don't do them since nobody but fucking attention whores bother to post their pics.

I partake in the "intense critiquing", which is why it is something I've noticed.

>> No.7180122

I see, mainly I just wanted a critique , advice thread since I was curious about what seagulls think of my first cosplay armor but okay.
Guess it is a failboat now sorry

>> No.7180225

so... no selfpost? I mean, what's the problem? Aren't we supposed to help eachother? how can we do that if no one posts theyr cosplay? Let the trolls be, mature people can selfpost and not be a attwhore/ deal with critics...

>> No.7180232

The people in this thread saying we don't do it are either new or must have gotten critiqued in a way they couldn't deal with before and have something against self post threads. I've never seen any issues with them drama wise and them seem to keep civil.

>> No.7180433


maybe we should resurrect the help thread then? That's always a safe place to self post if you're looking for critique.

>> No.7180455

We've had many self post threads in the past that have gone well. I don't know why people are getting butthurt over this one thread.

>> No.7180456
File: 439 KB, 816x1224, felixphotoedit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do threads like this fairly often. Most of the time they tend to be critique threads or just showing off what people on the board have done recently...there's really nothing wrong with that. OP if you want to post your armor feel free to.

I can start us off. I haven't made anything new since Otakon but I'm working on stuff now finally. Last cosplay I made was Cook!

>> No.7180467

reminds me of a character from a porn game

>> No.7180469

She's from Eiyuu Senki, so yeah its technically a porn game.

>> No.7180470


Is that from that one Hentai game?
I hate when people cosplay from Hentai, it's fucking weird.

>> No.7180475

I would hope you don't get offended when someone makes a perverted comment, considering that's from a porn game

>> No.7180477

Not really, I can't really help what other people might say or anything. Most people didn't know who/what I was cosplaying so no ones really said anything.

>> No.7180512
File: 241 KB, 600x800, 52112_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a huge attention whore, I am always up for a self-post thread.

>> No.7180515

Those weapons look terrible...

>> No.7180520

Thank you for your input.

>> No.7180525

They look good to me, anon. What are you on?

>> No.7180530
File: 105 KB, 400x300, TOKIO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks pretty decent, but I think you should have gone for tackier/flashier materials. Takuto's ginga bishonen outfit was modeled after Japanese boyband costumes from the 80s and they all tend to have that kind of look to them. The character designer claims to have cribbed it mostly off this outfit, for example.

>> No.7180536

Thanks. I get what you're saying about the super flashy fabrics, and how sparkly the outfit appears to be in the anime. I made a conscious decision to avoid the super tacky materials though as most Takuto cosplays I've seen that use them, end up looking pretty awful. I wanted something a little more clean looking for mine.

>> No.7180538


Yeah, I get that. I think the problem is that most people with the tackier stuff tend to have just incidentally tacky costumes (cheap materials mostly imo) as opposed to a more calculated tackiness.

At any rate, I think you did a pretty good job with the fit and whatnot. Though if you do revisit it, I'd at least take another look at the proportions of the boots (though maybe they're just sagging a bit in that picture, I can't really tell).

>> No.7180920
File: 952 KB, 800x1170, syl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that looks great o,o
Me doing sylvanas, constructive criticism is so wanted please

>> No.7181100
File: 212 KB, 534x800, Glow Crotch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always love seeing your star swords.
I don't see anything wrong with it, a lot of girls cosplay from DMMd. Just cause it's porn doesn't mean they got off on watching/playing it.

Speaking of getting off on things, self post of my Hisoka cosplay, this edit seems appropriate.

>> No.7181455

>I always love seeing your star swords.

Thank you.
Also, I am in absolute awe over your wig. it looks amazing and I am incredibly jealous of how well done the hairline is.

>> No.7181473
File: 73 KB, 757x475, Sylvanas_model_comparition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need some spoopy makeup. Either you need to look more elven or you need to look undead.

>> No.7181556
File: 404 KB, 410x528, yey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, seems like you guys can help me here.
I made this costume 1,5 years ago, I lost some weight and I wanted to make this costume again, this time better, for a presentation.
I need critics and help improving it, things you liked in this one and that I could use again on my new one.
I wasn't really good sewing at the time, but I think now that I have more exp I can do it right!

>> No.7181584
File: 169 KB, 687x860, JAK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplayed jak a couple of weeks ago. I don't usually get a lot of things done myself, so I was pretty happy with it.
Remaking parts and wearing again for Dark Jak next year. Awful jump pose, I know

>> No.7181630

Awesome, I'm planing this for next year, though I was going to aim for the Jak 3 version. Might I ask what wig you're using?

>> No.7181632
File: 246 KB, 492x900, 67149-42fb44b098ce97f02da737e3cae6381a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since you cosplayed from porn it's time for sex yes? yes.

also I'm a demon summoning nurse.

>> No.7181640

You are really awesome, I saw you around geddon. Really good Jak cosplay.
Thank you, I really enjoy doing wigs but getting this one to defy gravity in the correct ways and stay there was a pain and a half (thank god for glue). Aside from a bit of make up to get things looking right once it was on, I didn't modify the wigs hairline from when it arrived in the mail from Arda.

>> No.7181683

I think it was this one here http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w17-3002725204.48.v5Hvxk&id=4183626684

Combed back with a lot of pva glue(its quite thick) and the green is sharpie

>> No.7181684
File: 100 KB, 570x791, 995184ghjg_10151610289822100_2052185658_nSORTASHOPPED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like that. Played a game once, and it was pretty fun. (Years ago though)

I find this very cute.

And I find this lighting.... Not great.
Anyways, here's my camwhoring attempt. Haven't got anything new since back in September because starting school.

>> No.7181724

I must ask, because I'm making the same character right now, but how id the hat constructed?

>> No.7181814

I saw this on dA and I have to know, why did you use high heels for Hisoka?

>> No.7181818

He wears them in heavens arena. He doesn't actually wear then during Yorkshin but being short on both money and time before the con I went with low ones in a similar style as the flat ones he wears with that outfit. I'll modify some flats before I get a proper shoot done for the costume.

>> No.7181925

only with u bby gurl


I bought a costume hat and modified it. I think its out of this felty...stiff material, so I could take off the really bad trim that was on it and cut it down. The trim I added is just glued on. I searched ebay for "Napoleon Hat"

>> No.7182365

if you're one of those neckreepbeards from other boards and want 'pictures of qt 3.14 4chan grills' then just use the tripfag google doc and jerk off over that...

>> No.7182379

We self post in critique threads, general self post threads and progress threads. All other occasions you go into it with huge risks

>> No.7182381

You were the one who mentioned posting in the Jojo thread right?

>> No.7182405
File: 100 KB, 702x960, 996620_345092758960953_513747559_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your armor work, but my issue is it all looks too CLEAN. Bloody/dirty it up a little. Make it look like its been worn around for quests and such.Other than that, it looks great!

Nice work! You look great.

Because I post my Moxxi and regular Harley around online a lot, have this... monstrosity. Its the "Hooray for Harleywood" Harley Quinn from a one shot comic ages ago.

>> No.7182455

Na, I mean, I have posted in it but my first post in this thread was my self post.

>> No.7182473

Your armour looks too clean, and too flat - I think you should experiment with thick foam. You can layer it in a similar way to what you've used there, but it'll give you more depth.

>> No.7182476


>> No.7182825
File: 89 KB, 500x667, americaaaaaaafukyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw man I feel like such a newbie dweeb

I've only made like, three cosplays I don't completely regret so have my Miss America.

>> No.7182928
File: 766 KB, 441x717, chow2_fb_rs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still love how totally coordinated this outfit is. Everything is so put-together and that's a quality you don't see often enough in cosplay.
That looks really well-tailored.
I agree thus-far that the armor is pretty and well-constructed, but not weathered enough. You could also neaten up the bottom of your wig so it's not so blunt-cut and choppy.
Take my money and do all my wig styling forever.
I don't have a reference, so I don't know how the costume is supposed to look. But the material you used looks kind of...cheap? Use something thicker that drapes nicer when you remake it.
This costume still makes me so happy.
That wig is too cute! Did you curl it yourself?
I love that you did an alternate version of a very popular character. The fabric is such gorgeous colors.

I know all I ever post is the red mage, but I don't have any new photos of anything else. Hopefully I can finish two new things on time for ALA so I can stop reposting this one and blinding everybody with my redness.

>> No.7183971

so if i'm a fat cosplayer and post a picture of myself hoping for critiques on my cosplay, i'm only going to get told to leave and that i only look horrible because of my weight, correct?

>> No.7183980

That looks so good!
Now I want to do a red mage cosplay.
Or play some FFTA.

>> No.7184043

You might but if you're completely aware that you're fat a lot of people aren't going to care about that. Now post your cosplay.

>> No.7184111

You may get some dickhead comments, but so long as your cosplay is well constructed, and appropriate for your body type, then you will get some decent feedback. Of course, that goes for everyone, regardless of weight. If your costume is shit, and doesn't fit you, you will be crapped all over.

>> No.7184411
File: 86 KB, 478x720, rebranc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would post chibiusa but it was poorly made and i dont have any full body shots

>> No.7184441
File: 114 KB, 640x960, 1368001763454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's a really simple and overdone design, but I needed to do something really simple. I have made quite a few crap costumes due to lack of skill and/or research and I'd like to not do that anymore if I can help it. Even though this is the most basic costume I have, I feel the best about it out of any other one I've done because I finally have confidence in my construction.

My goal is to move up to more difficult things after I step up my quality a bit more.

>> No.7184552

I think I just saw you on my facebook

>> No.7184558 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 436x666, haruko tomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing new since tomo, but critiques are always welcome

>> No.7184560

What kind of body paint did you use? Looks really nice and even. /assuming you're not actually some ghostly pale color.

>> No.7184580
File: 85 KB, 436x666, haruko tomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing new since tomo, but critiques always welcome

Do you can a clearer picture maybe? Its hard to see any issues, but it looks like your side seams are puckering/could be finished better, but it might just be the odd picture
This brought me more joy than it should have
the skirts could use some starch & ironing
beautiful work on the body suit & Piccadilly, the glitter on the fabric looks a bit odd, maybe go back & even out the distribution so it looks more uniform?
Not bad for a newbie, add some buttons to the side of the shorts, & what did you use for the flag effect on the shoulders? It looks like duct tape, kinda cheapens it a bit.
this looks fabulous, great work on the staff
Nice even body paint--also well done w/ what looks like matt vinyl

>> No.7184585

Oops, just realized you do already have buttons, just ignore meh

>> No.7184632

how do you get such nice bodies ;_;

>> No.7184633


>> No.7184692


>skirts could use starch, and ironing

What would that do for it?

>> No.7184849

I do have buttons on the shorts, but I need to move them down so you can see all three.

I actually used thin Vinyl, because the paint was a lost cause. What would you suggest I use?

>> No.7184904

Definitely needs some pantyhose, but other than that it looks pretty good.

>> No.7184914

Is that Todd in the background?

>> No.7185018

i used krylon, then translucent powder, then sealing spray, then more powder, then hairspray, and then more powder.


well-angled photos


>> No.7185027

when isn't he

>> No.7185060
File: 914 KB, 720x1080, walking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this. I don't know the side comic this came from but everything just looks so clean!

Here's a recent shot of my forest!Annie (from Gunnerkrigg Court). I'm actually walking so the skirt is bunched up weirdly/riding up, oh well. This is the first cosplay I sewed in its entirety.

>> No.7185086
File: 542 KB, 800x1200, bondageyokosmall2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops late to the party, but i cosplayed bondage yoko and lack any photos that show the full costume

stop you're blocking that hot chick in the naruto coat

ive said it before but im still blown away by the construction of this. your bunny suit is easily the best ive ever seen out of vinyl.

>> No.7185148


Hey Tenleid, I shot you an email sometime last week regarding commissions and I never got a response back.

Saging myself for offtopic post

>> No.7186152
File: 1.09 MB, 800x1200, buggingme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The photoshop on your face needs weork.
Also, your armpit looks like it has a sharp bone jutting into it, you should look into getting that fixed.
The boobshop isn't working for me, either.
The photoshop on the arm on the left side of the picture is super distracting.

Just a quick photoshop of everything that's bugging me about this.

>> No.7186165

99.5% of what you circled wasn't edited at all? its actually originally a blurry, low light picture which is why things probably look so weird
my shoes are really heavy 6 foot heels, the way i had my feet tucked in are whats causing the dip in the blanket on each side

i thought it was common knowledge i have an almost buttchin so i dont know what you circled there, same with the hair/shadow by my eye??

the weird bone youre seeing is just really awkward lighting (bright ass light coming from the lamp and a window at a different angle)

the only editing i did on this was took out my lip piercing, and someone else did the boobs for me because the angle sucked and im not very good at editing? you took all this time to point out """obviously photoshopped""" parts and didn't noticed the bad editing of the phone in the background? (which is a testament of my photoshop skills)

>> No.7186173
File: 950 KB, 800x1200, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7187938
File: 609 KB, 412x549, glitterrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, thank you! I had been meaning to do it for a while and finally got around to it a month ago.

Thanks! Yeah I was really pleased with how vibrant the fabric was.

Ugh, yeah. If I wear this costume again I need to figure out how to keep the glitter on better. I was trailing glitter EVERYWHERE I went, and by the end of the day maybe 1/3rd of the glitter was still on my costume. I did it pretty rushed, but I couldn't find a good method of getting the glitter on. I ended up just mixing regular clear school glue and water and painting it all on. This is what it looked like before I put it on.
Also, you look fantastic! I love with the "simpler" cosplays get all of the little details down.

Thank you! Heh, its a silly/fun little read if you're into the goofier side of batman.

>> No.7187971

Really? It's an old photo. I didn't know that any of my fb friends were on /cgl/ anymore. Cool!

>> No.7189063
File: 651 KB, 800x1075, blackknight-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's... gorgeous! I would make the pants a little longer and make a little better facial makeup (the eyebrows and bears look weird) but really great work!!

Here's my Black Knight cosplay from Monty Python. Used EVA foam first time for the helmet but I didn't have time to do the zweihänder so went with an basic sword. Also the crest in shirt is hand-painted (that bastard took a long time to paint)
If you ask about the chainmail, they used knitted sweaters which they sprayed gray/metallic in the movie.

>> No.7189076

omg I genuinely love you.

>> No.7189327
File: 140 KB, 232x730, taigaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing new from me yet. Queen Ashe should be done by the end of the month. I don't think I've posted my Taiga cosplay? It was done a year ago but I've posted all my other recent cosplays.

You're always so cute!

This feel tho. Love your costume! Would like to see a better pic of it since the lighting makes it really difficult to see.

Wowza! Love it.

This is beautiful

Absolutely amazing

Oh wow I love this so much. Really looks amazing.

Your red mage is amazing though! Still looking forward to seeing other cosplays!

Love it! You embody her really well.

Dat everything. Seriously perfect.

I don't know the source but I really like it!

Ahhh that's so great!! The painting on the shirt looks amazing and really clean!

>> No.7189427
File: 48 KB, 478x720, 1396057_10151895190697107_244997615_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look chubs as fuck in this costume cause I am chubs as fuck, but I loved being Koto.

>> No.7189510

Nice seeing some YuYu Hakusho cosplay.