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7178006 No.7178006[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your suggestions, advice, recommendations and everything else gyaru here!

>> No.7178337
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In general is gyaru brand clothing (ie.109 stuff) better quality than DreamV or even fast fashion brands such as Forever21?

>> No.7178500

It depends a lot on the brand. Liz lisa and jesus diamante for instance are pretty well structured but like most Japanese brands does have some trouble with buttons not being sewn on tight enough. Cecil Mcbee is another cute one that comes to mind that has good quality. It's not prada or gucci great but it'll last and not stretch/fade/feel itchy unlike other brands. Ma*rs, la paifait and golds infinity and ones like that however. Good grief! The lace is ichy, stiff and cheap while the fabric is shiny and easily torn. What is garment lining? I bought a brand new $120 jacket from ma*rs when I visited tokyo and it's been worn maybe six times and there's a huge fucking hole in the back where the seams have come apart just from hand washing. inb4 fatty chan I'm 5"2 and 50kg there was no extensive wear on this coat.

>> No.7178756

I only own one skirt from Liz Lisa but I was a little disappointed with it. The elastic casing on it is ripping and there was a little bit of organza on the bottom that ripped in one stop as well so I had to sew it back down. I've only been handwashing too (it's actually machine wash).

Maybe I'm just too fat for it, haha. What I noticed going around at con flea markets is that a lot of their lacy dresses are completely synthetic and my skin unfortunately hates that, which is why I've been hesitant to buy up all the stuff. I really do like their aesthetic though.

>> No.7179120
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>> No.7179164

I would put most of what I own (mostly Liz Lisa and Ank Rouge) on par with F21's nicer stuff, probably. Liz Lisa luckypack items, however, are much MUCH lower quality - but when you're paying ¥5000 for a cute bag and 3 clothing items, it's still a good deal imo. Ank Rouge has improved quite a bit in the past year or two (I have items from when they were brand-new, as well as recent items from their fall 2013 collection), but they've also had a price increase in that time.
DreamV is extremely hit or miss - some items are super nice, some not so much, so it's somewhat difficult to compare.

>> No.7180036
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I laugh, since this girl thinks she's gyaru.

>> No.7180039

any foundation tutorials?

>> No.7180055


Urgh, Kanadajin3 can go fuck herself, ugly little weasley-faced fucking cow.
I fucking hate that bitch so much.

>> No.7180057
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more like quasimodo

>> No.7180072

Whatever happened with the guy who beat her?

>> No.7180098

I would date her.

I think her being teased for being strange looking would make her kinder.

I also happen to like the look of her face, most peoples faces are so boring to me.

>> No.7180117


>I would date her

No, no you wouldn't.
As a person she's unbearable. Extremely rude, crass, brash, selfish, arrogant. The type of girl that really enjoys belittling others without being aware that they themselves are actually lacking in the intelligence department. I don't mean that as an insult, she really is actually incredibly dumb, and it's annoying to see somebody this dumb going around calling other people dumb.

She's just extremely irritating and I'm, getting sick of seeing her frying-pan-to-the-face mug all over my YT recommendations.

>> No.7180123
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My closet is 95% Liz Lisa and the rest is a mix of Ank Rouge, Amavel, DreamV, and some miscellaneous stores. My Liz Lisa items are all in pretty good condition. Some sweaters have a bit of pilling and I've had to resew some buttons here and there but it's nothing too drastic. Same goes for Ank Rouge and Amavel.

As for DreamV I have three dresses, two blouses, a bathing suit, bag, and coat. Two of the dresses have linings but the one that doesn't is so thick it really doesn't need one. The blouses are really good quality as well. The bathing suit has a LOT of lace on it which hasn't frayed or anything from me owning for a year with is really nice. The bag and the coat are also really sturdy save for a clip that broke off the bag but that was partially my fault.

I've heard to stay away from the cutesy type items they have and lean more towards the items by Mary Rose (a sub brand of DreamV I guess?). A friend of mine had this tank top and said practically all the lace fell of in the first few washes. The cutesy items are a lot cheaper so they're probably made of shitty quality.

>> No.7180230
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Bumping with Western Gals - Where are they now until this thread lives again..
Monica Tang Now

>> No.7180237
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Monica Tang Before w/ Ingvild Before

>> No.7180243
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I can't find Ingvild/Zora Now. HauteKeikk Now

>> No.7180244
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Keikk Before.

>> No.7180247
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ZhiZhi Now

>> No.7180249
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ZhiZhi Before

>> No.7180251
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Vivii Now

>> No.7180252
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Vivii Before

>> No.7180254

>being teased makes you kinder

It's like you're new to life.

Nah, man. Nah. Being teased may make you into the shy sweetheart, but it will more likely make you sad, bitter, and/or fucking crazy.

>> No.7180256

Really? All the teased girls I've ever met were insane bitches. The "popular cheerleader" type are the nicest in my opinion. Sometimes shallow, but well meaning. The teased ones have some serious agenda bullshit as far as I've experienced.

>> No.7180260

If any non-Japanese girl wore these looks, she'd get posted on Gyaru Secrets for not being "gyaru enough". Lol, that's all they seem to care about there but they obviously don't understand the style if they don't realise it's not all OTT. I'm not even gyaru and I know that.

>> No.7180262

I was teased pretty badly, and have some severe mental health problems. I went through the aggressive near-psychopathic phase. Now I'm at the, "the cat is my only true friend, everyone else wants to hurt me, oh god someone is talking to me help" phase. Trying to calm down and get my head straight, though.

Different people react differently, sure enough, but the more stress you put a person under, the more likely they are to either internalize it or lash out.

>> No.7180269
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>> No.7180280
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Dokiri before

>> No.7180283
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Dokiri After

>> No.7180286

if you go through hardship and you still can't sympathize with other people you probably were going to be a bitch no matter what

>> No.7180295
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>> No.7180302

>if other people make your life hell, and you stop liking people, you're a bitch

Not everyone is a masochist, anon. Pain avoidance is a thing.

>> No.7180363
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Holy shit, what happened to her? Haven't checked her blog in ages and now I see she doesnt even have one anymore but I see some stuff on instagram.

Did she go for the bad girl attitude?

What a shame,she was my fav gyaru. I wish she'd at least kept her blog , she had so many pretty inspiring outfits (which I wish I saved pictures of ). The one you posted is one of my favorites.

And why the hell would someone with a pretty hair color like hers would want to be a bland brunette? Seems to me she went full retard.

>> No.7180426
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Yeah the brunette hair is not a good look for her, especially since that colour seemed to make her skin glow and look more youthful and full of life. Her styling skills seems to have almost downgraded too.

>> No.7180458

So strange to see all these girls. Really makes me miss our old norwegian j-fashion community. I have most of them on FB, and it's funny to see how the "veterans" have toned down their style, and me and the other "newbies" has improved a lot. We are the "veterans" now.

>> No.7180471

I suggest reading her blog and watching her channel. She's not kind at all.
She claims she knows everything about Japan and once you correct her she goes into a full-blown, bratty

>Nope! I'm right, you're wrong. I've been living here for 2 years, you're not even Japanese. 私はギャルです!カナダから来ました!分からか?やっぱりーぃ、日本人じゃない! If you're Japanese you could read that! What? I made a mistake?
>deletes comment
>private messages the person who dared to question her just to insult them

She's constantly bragging about these imaginary men who are constantly calling her hot, a son and father apparently kept asking where she lived and if she'd go on a date with them, she got married to a Japanese guy she barely knew to get a visa then divorced him, etc.

I tried to like her at first, I really did. Her horrible attitude didn't help.

>> No.7180484

fucking lol'd. I want a Japanese-off with this egotistical bitch because I would take great joy in making her cry.

>> No.7180489

Non-Jap here, what did she say and what's that apparent retardation that she wrote?

>> No.7180495

>I'm a gal! I came from Canada! Understund? (instead of wakaruka, it says wakaraka ) I knew ittt, you're not Japanese!

>> No.7180497

She's actually had Japanese women try to gently tell her she's wrong, but then they were told their Japanese sucked compared to hers.

>> No.7180503

Any sort of advice for contouring for pale skin? I've tried different shades of brown but it still looks too dark. Also what about contouring noses where there's barely any surface area on the bridge? Just contour on the sides or?

>> No.7180507

kanadajin has a very long thread on PULL

>> No.7180511


her life is a little crazy but she's my idol, I wish I could dress and look like her

>> No.7180550
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I think a lot of the other formerly 'big' gaijin gals that haven't toned themselves down just don't have much of an online presence these days. pic very related.

That being said, this canada chick is a lulzcow in the making. I like this video of hers especially.


>> No.7180592

>SKINNY in Japan
>Huh, maybe this will be interesting and give some insight
>15 minutes of this girl talking about being skinny shamed abloobloobloo mememe

>> No.7180702

I seriously dislike all this spoiled brats that live in japan and they make it a big deal by just posting food photos or shit that they have purchased.

>> No.7180715
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Vivii? It's Viivi.

>> No.7180726

She started to leave that mori look (which i loved on her) and started too look really meh, pretty average looking. After that, her borhter died in a car accident and after a few months, she re-opened her blog but only for finish readers and for obvious reasons, her fanbase went lower and lower.

>> No.7180766
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She was my favorite gaijin gal back in the day. She transformed into a boring, typical party girl. Does anyone have any of her outfit pics saved? I only have pic attached

>> No.7180876

Does anyone have the link to her actual blog?

>> No.7180882

What have you used? I use a light bronzer. I also don't slather it on, and skip blush.

>> No.7180883

wasn't her boyfriend this tryhard ~edgy gyaruo with the fivehead?

>> No.7180925

My best advice is keep looking for a light shade of beige/brown that works for your skin. Maybe even try a mixed pallet of bronzer. For the nose I'd recommend starting a light thin line on both sides of the top edges of your nose and blending down lightly. Add a little white on the top down to the tip of your nose to enhance the effect. Just keep practicing! Watch tutorials on youtube to help get a visual as well. I hope I helped!

>> No.7181214

quick question. Is she like she seems to be? I mean, spoiled brat who only hangs out with "cool" and not ugly (but they are) people? basically, like all gyarus?sure lusxpe

>> No.7181252

>>7180882 I've only tried matte eyeshadow. I'll try the bronzer and see how that looks, thank you!
>>7180925 I'll definitely look into some palettes, especially since they're versatile. I may have to get a different brush for nose stuff haha. That's really helpful thanks~

>> No.7181423


why would you point out you're not from japan and in the next sentence go AHA YOU'RE NOT JAPANESE, I KNEW IT ??? the logic doesn't follow. it sounds like she's just spouting off sentences she learnt from a textbook. also,

>attempted to use "wakaru" ("wakara," really?)

she could at least try to be consistent, she sounds ridiculous.

>> No.7181427

to clarify, i have no idea if she does live in japan, but if she does she doesn't do a very good job of talking like it

>> No.7181457

>She's constantly bragging about these imaginary men who are constantly calling her hot,
I don't know about Japan, but in America you'll get catcalled in pretty much every city if your BMI is 18 or under and you don't have a really REALLY jacked face. They're just horny fuckers, it's not something to treat like a trophy.

>> No.7181462

It's really rare for anyone to comment about anything to you in Japan.

>> No.7181471
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except obnoxious host boys on streets trying to make a buck from gaijin bitches

>> No.7181474

That is true, but I'm sure that she'd be all over them.

>> No.7181476

Not really true. I got "oh, you're so cute!" or "your _insert random item here_ is so cute!," and "oh, you're so good at japanese!" all the goddamn time, but comments like that rarely mean anything.
japanese people compliment you out of habit and custom.
i tried to like kanadajin, but she honestly comes off as a stupid and arrogant foreigner/person in general.

>> No.7181610
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My eyebrows are very similar to pic related, maybe slightly thicker but more sparse.
I want them to match a honey blonde wig I got recently (on what's possible, if it is), how do I do it?
Already asked on makeup thread but got no responses.

>> No.7181614

Forgot to add, I'd really prefer not to pluck or bleach

>> No.7181662

The only way I can think to do it is to cover your eyebrows totally (google drag queen tutorials of this, where they use wax or glue and then foundation) and then draw some blonde ones on top.

Cosplayers sometimes paint their eyebrows but pale colours on dark eyebrows is so obvious that you'd look really weird doing it for everyday fashion.

>> No.7181693
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Thought on those methods before but as you mention I'm afraid it would look a bit too weird/fake for everyday. Will try it and see how it goes, thanks for your reply.

After some googl'ing I found about eyebrow mascaras (dolly wink and etude make some), has anyone tried them on dark hair? how's the coverage?

>> No.7183612

favorite still active gaijin gyaru blogs? the only blogs i keep up with are mitsu and a few picture tumblrs

>> No.7184549
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What magazines feature tan models? pic related

>> No.7184562

Soul Sister and Egg usually.

>> No.7184732

Jelly Happie Nuts and Blenda

>> No.7184986

Apparently, she's pregnant...

>> No.7185029


>Black Face collection

Ganguro is back!

>> No.7185034

Really? I follow her on tumblr and I haven't heard anything. Then again I haven't logged on in a while.

>> No.7186053
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She was so rude all the time and would stretch her images in really awkward ways to try and look thinner.

>> No.7186099

My hair is naturally thin and I don't believe I could ever get it even near as voluminous as necessary for gyaru, so I guess wigs all day everyday is my only resolve.

What's a good place to get nice wigs for gyaru?

>> No.7186138

yeah, I want proof on this too.

>> No.7186163

So which person out of the half of Kabukicho she's slept with is the father? Also I imagine she has a multiple of STI

>> No.7186191

What happened to Ashley and Sheina?

>> No.7186209

Shiena is going to fashion school, good on her for finally doing something with her life besides chasing after ugly hosts. Although her taste level is questionable, and she's still stuck in 1997 gal.
Ashley is still living illegally and working in the sex industry.

>> No.7186639

Also wondering this. Bonus points if affordable.

>> No.7186650
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I kind of want to do a metalhead/gothic gal look. Maybe with a bit of oraora tossed in there for good measure (I like dark, simple hair. Also athletic wear for days when I'm feeling super casual).

I was thinking a deep tan + gal makeup and nails +dia belts to go with my wardrobe already full of loads of black, studs spikes, denim and graphic tees with wolves, skeletons, zombies dragons, unicorns and bands on them.

I doubt the community at large would appreciate that though so I'll just keep it to myself.

>> No.7186659
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Does this count as B-Gyaru?

>> No.7186669

That hairstyle would look good in b-gyaru I think. I can't get a good look at the girl's makeup, though so I can't tell.

>> No.7189581
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I guess I like the 1997 gal aesthetic because I usually like the way she looks. I think her and Ashley are just really into kuronbo now.

>> No.7189611
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As long as everything on your head looks gyaru, they won't care much.

>> No.7190299
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Yeah they'd freaking hate that. or at least the lj comm would. tumblr seems more accepting to different styles. but i think that's because the lj comm sort of reflexively shits on everything.

>> No.7190451

How common is it for Japanese gals to wear wigs? Just curious. A lot of them seem to utilize extensions fairly frequently while Western girls prefer wigs. or so it seems.

>> No.7190907
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I want sparkly talons

why do I have to be a homosex

>> No.7191029
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Japanese gals seem to favor half-wigs and add on wig pieces [like bangs, buns, and rope wigs] more than full wigs but wigs of all kinds are definitely popular

>> No.7191836

I've thought as much, but I've been told before that the gyaru comm doesn't like gothic gyaru and has something against all black coordinates.

Good point. Tumblr is kind of one giant hugbox and the LJ groups are the total opposite. I don't know why I'm very worried, anyway. I don't plan on having much of an online presence since I'm a teacher by day and thus have to be really careful.

>> No.7191880
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What LJ comm? Aren't they all pretty much dead?

>> No.7191906
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The secrets comm is pretty much the only one that's even remotely alive and kicking. Most of the decent gals have moved on to tumblr or just don't post very often.

>> No.7191988

>What things (makeup, outfit, etc) are typically required to be considered Gyaru?

Any tips for someone wanting to get into the fashion?

>> No.7192029

The only thing I'm having trouble with, is like, you put all this makeup on, but where do you go?
I'm not saying it's stupid, I'm just honestly curious?

>> No.7192033

Out? This isn't an abnormal amount of makeup, ya know.

>> No.7192042

I dress up every day even if I'm just running errands. It just really depends on the type of person you are. Some people only wear makeup for special events, but others make their life the event. Mundane things can be more fun too if you get dolled up, your confidence and mood raises too!

>> No.7192068

Here's some more common mistakes newbie (and even some stubborn members of the lj groups make)

>>Mai hair iz already blonde! No need 2 dye it!

Don't fall into this trap. Not all shades of blonde and brown are created equal when it comes to gyaru. Look at hair colors in magazines and imitate those. 90% of western gals I've seen look best with light brown to black hair, anyway. But the principle still stands. If you want to have blonde in your hair, I suggest highlights. Depending on your skintone--and the style you want to wear--you make look good in that silver color that's so popular.

>>Tanning is on its way out. I dun need to tan lol!

This is just my opinion but there's a difference between being pale and being pasty. If your skin looks like it's never seen the sun before, I suggest getting a slight tan just to give yourself a bit of color. This is ESPECIALLY important if you're going to be wearing skimpy clothes. I recommend using one of those gradual tanners that are really subtle. Jergens makes a good one and one of the lotions in their line supposedly has a firming complex. You'll still be pale, just not blindingly so. Again, a lot of people feel differently, but this is just my opinion.

>>Hurr hurr u need to copy the mags exactly to b gal!

Yes and no. Certainly study the magazines since that's one of the best and quickest ways to learn. But understand that not everything is going to apply to you. We had a great discussion about the tendency towards over-contouring in the western comms last time one of these threads popped up.

Know enough about your facial features to know what looks best on your eye/face shape. Take that information and apply it to gyaru makeup. Same goes for body type and clothing. What looks good on an 80 lb. model with very little curves may not look the same on you. Sometimes I think that street snaps provide me with better inspiration than models as there is a wider range of body types.

>> No.7192073

ah thank you! that's what i wanted to know

>> No.7192098
File: 29 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mdj3x05d6o1r0ozmho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In general, I have found that Western gyaru look best with the following:

-Light to dark brown/black hair and a handful of other shades
-A slight tan
-Minimal/subtle contouring of the face. Usually contouring the nose slightly between the eyes and brows & a bit of a highlight is enough.
-Naturally shaped brows that aren't over-arched and thin. That, a long with the over-contouring can really make some girls look haggard.
-Pale nudy lips with a high gloss. I have a hard time finding nude lipsticks--either they're too orange for me or not 'nudy' enough. I've personally found Dolly Wink looks best on me.

Again, this is all just my opinion.

Also, I would say the most important thing is the makeup. Particularly the eyes. Circle lenses and falsies (preferably upper and lower, but some gals have only been known to wear upper lashes on casual days) help the most in making you look gyaru. Spiky, cute lashes and long feathery ones are the most popular now.

Hair is next. A lot of Western gyaru default to big curls and lots of volume. If you have a difficult hair type (my friend has really frizzy hair that doesn't hold curl or product) or are having trouble mastering the hair, wear a wig until you get it down pat.

Clothes, imho are the least important. So long as they are trendy and attention-grabbing in one way or another (ie. super girly, flashy d.ia. style, super sophisticated, or rock-inspired),the style itself doesn't matter quite as much.

Don't be afraid to post here. If you're not comfortable posting your whole face, you can just post your eye/nose/whatever you're asking about. Asking about products and doing one of those collages like in the Lolita coord thread helps, too.

Let me know if you have any more questions!

>> No.7192107

Exactly. Though how dramatic my makeup is depends on what I'm doing. I'm not going to go all-out to go to Target, grab some Taco Bell and then go home to watch Mob Wives. I save the OTT stuff for when I'm with friends.

>> No.7192395
File: 30 KB, 500x464, tumblr_mak2edX4BM1rztsp2o1_5002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arrgh I found an ebay store that looks like it sells good gyaru lash dupes, but it looks highly suspect.


>> No.7192489

Why not just use press ons and double sided tape? My job won't let me have long nails so that's what I do.

>> No.7192690

really the only thing that looks 'suspect' is that she uses other brand's stockphotos but if they're supposed to be dupes that wouldn't bother me much. that's a good price for 10 lashes so its worth a shot.

so many gals swear by bulk lash orders on ebay. I'm curious which stores they use and what they buy because all the ones I've seen look like utter shit.

>> No.7192793
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>> No.7192908

I have a question:
I don't entirely understand gyaru. Aside from the makeup, most of you gals (who aren't hime gyarus, b-gyarus, or any of the other more outlandish styles) seem to be in relatively normal clothes. Is gyaru more about makeup than clothing?
I can understand gyaru in the context of Japan, where most people can't wear what they like on a daily basis, but in countries where most of us have a much less strict dress code, the subculture doesn't make much sense to me.
I guess what I'm asking is: what's the real aim of gyaru? (Aim meaning the look or ideal you're going for, like how lolita supposedly aims for elegance.)
I mean no disrespect. I'm just curious.

>> No.7192962

>>Is gyaru more about makeup than clothing?
I would definitely argue that this is the case. Though that doesn't mean you should just ignore your clothes. You should still try to look trendy and eye-catching; even some of the plainest gal coordinates I see are a level above the casual wear where I live.

>>in countries where most of us have a much less strict dress code
There's no way that gyaru would fly in most jobs in the US. I don't know about other places. So for us it has to be toned down while we're at work (if we can get away with it, many can't) or done on our own time. I even had to tone it down while I was going to classes in college because a lot of the professors judged students on their looks and I was afraid my grades would suffer. Even though I made high grades and did well, I was still the 'bimbo'.

Besides, the 'subculture' might change from place to place because cultural influences are going to impact how a person views the style. Even within the substyles of gyaru in Japan, the subculture differs slightly. I'm having a hard time articulating this point, so let me know if it's confusing.

>>what's the real aim of gyaru? (Aim meaning the look or ideal you're going for, like how lolita supposedly aims for elegance.)
It varies depending on who you ask (I would assume the same goes for Lolita). In Japan, gyaru started as a rebellion against the Japanese ideal of beauty. Since the West has different ideals, the 'meaning' behind the style changes. One of the reasons I like it is because it's femininity hyper-exaggerated to a ridiculous extreme. And of course for some people, they don't have any aim in mind, they just like the way it looks. Clothes don't really have to have some deep meaning.

>> No.7192974

>Is gyaru more about makeup than clothing?
Yes and no. You need both to be gyaru, and it's more important in gyaru than lolita to have makeup, but the clothing is more about how you style it than just the brands.

>what's the real aim of gyaru?
To me the "look" is sexy-cute but in a particularly girly and eye-catching way because of makeup/hair.

>> No.7193047

Where do y'all normally purchase fake nails? I've seen some tutorials on youtube but are there any premade ones available on taobao that are of the almond or talon type?

>> No.7193246

etsy has a lot of places. I've heard good things about KawaiiClaws and ohimenail.

Talking of gyaru brands, do you guys go in for it? They're more accessible now and there's always the second hand market, but since gal is so trend-oriented, I'm wondering if it will be worth it to drop that much money on something that will be 'out' next season.

>> No.7193294

The second hand market isn't nearly as good as lolita, but I think there's a decent market for "big" brands like Liz Lisa, Ank Rouge, D.I.A, MA*RS, etc.

It becomes harder to sell the longer you wait after it's released, but it's not impossible.

I mainly buy Liz Lisa stuff and to minimize my expenses, I wait for Time Sales and try not to buy shoes very often which makes shipping more expensive.

>> No.7193326

Good point.

Mainly, I was interested in getting a few D.I.A belts and tops. So I'll have to rely on the secondhand market since it's tough to get them anywhere else. Then of course there's always DreamV. They seem to be aimed at a younger audience in Japan, but it's easier for most of us to get, so I'll try that.

I'm mainly trying to figure out what I want to spend my money on. I want a bunch of cosmetics, skincare, clothes and shoes because there are a lot of good sales on right now, but I'm on a very tight budget.

>> No.7193774
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>> No.7193817

Don't buy Ballet lashes is the only thing I can tell you. They look like shit and are super chepa.

>> No.7194312
File: 56 KB, 480x710, tumblr_mw5dacDki51qc8nnvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some of your favorite circle lenses fellow gals?

>> No.7194328

I'm sorry, but Japanese girls are really ugly when they tan their skin. They look like Filipinos or some shit.

>> No.7194379

That sure is some nice bait you have there.

>> No.7194440

Dueba gossip brown (because they look like Sayoko Ozaki's Twinkle Eye and I can't get that anywhere but in Japan)

GEO mimi brown/green

Candy Magic Brown

>> No.7194759
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She has her own photos on most of the products if you look. And the brand Toyoepin has been reviewed by several gals and they say it's good. I would go for it. They're a pricier than most bulk lashes, but probably better quality.

Also curious about where other gals buy their lashes in bulk. My lash habit is getting to be expensive. I can't seem to find any good ardell demi pixies or diamond lash glamorous/angel eye dupes. Not any of the legendary 10 for a dollar ones, anyway. I've also really been into feathery lashes like pic related for my casual days.

I love the Princess Mimi series. The only color I haven't owned yet is the grey. I'm always wary of blue and grey lenses because I'm worried they won't blend with my eyes naturally. The brown and pink were alright and the almond brown was super, SUPER natural. I'm also a huge fan of the max pure pinks.

Currently, I'm down to my pair of Geo super nudy browns.

I want to place a circle lens order to get my second pair of those two soon. I'm probably going to place an order getting some new ones in the near future.

>> No.7194787

>>the brown and pink
meant green instead of pink, obviously.

>> No.7194790

EOS Max Pure series
EOS New Adult series
I.Fairy Kirei Brown
GnG Blossom series
EOS Fairy series
Beucon Vibrant Match
Neo Queen Series
I. Fairy Super Crystal Brown

>> No.7195025
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>> No.7195135
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>> No.7195177
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She looks like Diane Keaton in Annie Hall, except her eyes are melting and her voice isn't nearly as pleasant to hear.

>> No.7195272

Anyone seen the shitstorm a-brewin' on gyaru-coordinates?

>> No.7195531

Anyone know where I can get lashes like what this girl is wearing?

No! I'll have to check it out. Gyaru comm drama + cheap ramen and gatorade is my ultimate hangover cure on saturdays.

>> No.7197018
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>> No.7197101

Her life might seem like that but she's a NEET. In Finland you get pampered a lot when you're unemployed and her parents fund her lifestyle as well. It's really not anything to look up to.

>> No.7197654

she has a job tho

>> No.7197963
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>> No.7198525
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I want to go for the sayoko ozaki look, can I get circle lenses recommendations?
Any color is okay, I'd prefer if they gave some enlargement and were natural enough to not freak out too much normalfags (like some pairs that are really yellow or orange with weird patterns) but still managed to have a good color change in very dark eyes.
Any suggestion is appreciated really, newbie on lenses

>> No.7199120

Just a little curious because I've been picking up old Liz Lisa items that are no longer in the online store and was surprised that a free size dress was actually...kind of big on me? I'm typically a U.S. small in most things and I'd figured my measurements were on the high end for Liz Lisa's free size stuff. On taobao I just size up one usually. Can anyone tell me their experience with sizes there?

I'm about to check measurements on some of the stuff on the site itself, but IDK, /cgl/ers always have a ton of info for me when it comes to fit, cuts, and size in general.

>> No.7199166

I like the ladies in the gal community. I don't like the little kid clothes and shittons of make up.
I do like some of the coords, especially that cool sexy Kozue Akimoto esque look. For the cool sexy chicks, I'd BFF you and probably date you if you were well read and cultured.

>> No.7201114

I would suggest any circle lens with 3 tones in the name. The brown colorways for those usually have some gold/yellow tones in it but enough 'normal' brown so that it doesn't look super unnatural. Same goes for the hazel and 'honey' colorways.

I think I remember talking with you before? Either that or someone else who really likes Kozue Akimoto. My style is a bit different, but I really like her look.

>> No.7201181


A number of Liz Lisa items seems meant to be worn loosely, or has a fair amount of stretch in it. It really does depend on the specific item though.

I'm a western size (M) and should be out of Liz Lisa's size range, but when I bought their lucky packs, 5 out of the 6 items I received were either loose, stretchy, or both, and I could wear them. The cardigans weren't even tight, I guess they were going for the oversized look. I think I stretched one of the cutsews nearly to the max, but they were still comfortable to wear.

The sixth item was a pair of cotton shorts. The design clearly isn't even skin tight, but there was no stretch in them. Those were definitely too small for me.

>> No.7201184

Okay, this is the cutest, most perfect western gyaru I have ever set my eyes on.
Guys, how do I become her?

>> No.7201190

Silence of the Lambs style.

>> No.7201437
File: 334 KB, 1200x1600, 415690_283524295097199_1180716015_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knew what worked for her and what didn't, basically. She wears romantic, girly styles exceptionally well so she really played that up.

So first you should figure out what style works best for your looks/current lifestyle and really work on mastering it. Look at the way girls who wear that style present themselves, right down to their hair, circle lenses and lashes. Then, I would recommend stocking up on some essentials clothes and makeup wise. Use a shopping service to buy cheap auctions or do some shopping on DreamV. Taobao is always an option, too. Use these to buy up recognizable items from that style. Once you have enough of that, start integrating clothes from 'normal' stores into your wardrobe.

Pic un-related.

>> No.7201519

I was being somewhat vague, but I already own himekaji-inspired clothing, heck, my whole wardrobe is full of them. I just can't pull it off like she can.

But the main thing I was asking about was her face/hair/the whole cutesy vibe going on.

>> No.7201527

I want to get a few pairs of circle lenses (two, maybe three), but am having trouble deciding. Suggestions?

-Geo Bambi Almond
-Geo Bambi Seasame Grey
-Geo Bambi Apple Green
-Geo Bambi Chocolate Brown
-Geo Super Angel Brown
-Vassen Kirei Brown
-G&G Max Gold Black
-G&G Diamond Black (or brown)
-G&G Max Pure Pink

Those are the ones I'm thinking of getting. I've owned all the Geo lenses before as well as the Max Pure/Gold lenses and liked them enough to re-buy them, but on the other hand want to try something new.

>> No.7201744
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>> No.7201808

For the most part, Liz Lisa is a Japanese size M, like most "one size" stores in Japan, which I would say is roughly equivalent to a US Juniors/teens S-M. Anything with shirring/stretch (which is a good percentage of items) can fit larger, and as >>7201181 said, baggy/loose items are trendy right now, so the range is even greater.
I'm a US Juniors XS and most things from them are too big - those that aren't are still loose and would fit an S for sure.

>> No.7201987

Oh I forgot to mention that my eyes are dark brown if that makes a difference.

>> No.7202084

I love the bambi series! They are my go-to "cute/dolly" lenses. Especially the almond and grey! I like to stalk my favorite models and figure out what lenses they wear~

>> No.7202104

The Bambi series are gorgeous . Especially the light /honey brown.

>> No.7202372
File: 247 KB, 500x667, tumblr_lzgua0uzUB1r01bxro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing she did that a lot of western gals who do the same style don't do , is actually style her hair.

>> No.7202374
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>> No.7202376
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>> No.7202378
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>> No.7202379
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>> No.7202383
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>> No.7202385
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>> No.7202609

>>I like to stalk my favorite models and figure out what lenses they wear

Ditto! Lately, I really like Sakurina as well as various kuro/oraora gyaru; especially those that have a heavy rock or even goth influence.

They tend to wear more dramatic circle lenses, but I just adore how much the bambi almond ones look like my own eyes.

>> No.7202676

She was so wonderful.. I went to the same high school with her and she was very pretty every day! Even with just plain jeans and t-shirt, she always had pretty accessories. She was an insporation for me.

>> No.7202765
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>> No.7202992
File: 91 KB, 480x640, tumblr_m6r4fo6FlS1rpqmyho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love gal style like this quite a lot (and from the looks I'm not the only one here). But is it just me or do the western gals who dress like this get ripped a new one? That one American gal who has 'glee' in her name comes to mind.

>> No.7203200
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>> No.7203230

That's cute as fuck

>> No.7203619
File: 73 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mnk5t2aeYH1st54z3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they just aren't used to seeing it possibly? It could be that this kind of goth/gyaru hybrid is not popular in the Western comm. Mode gyaru had the same trouble. They seem to like kuronbo, agejo-ish styles and Liz Lisa inspired looks most. Also, I would ignore the people on gal secrets since 90% of them are just a bunch of people going "OMG U RNT GAL!!11".

I agree! My ideal style is something like this, I think. Or maybe a bit cooler/sexier like pic related. Either way, I really like the goth/gyaru hybrid.

PS. Any advice on what to wear to a concert? I'm going to see Red Fang soon and want to look cute, but also practical. I'm definitely wearing my engineer boots because even though the venue is inside, I'm going to be standing a lot.

>> No.7204292
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>>gyaru who listens to metal

>> No.7204319
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I think I've narrowed it down to the Max Gold Black, the Diamond Blacks, the Super Angel Browns and the Bambi Almonds.

I already have the Super Nudy lenses in brown, so I'm thinking of getting rid of one or both of the brown ones here. On the one hand, the Bambi Almonds are my most natural pair, but on the other, the Super Angels are like what Sakurina wears.

>> No.7204553
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>> No.7204595

It's because she's both a moron and has nothing going for her in life so she defaults on "well i live in japan and speak japanese SO I'M BETTER THAN YOU!!" even though she can't do either well.

From what I recall she married a Japanese guy she barely new to get a visa and then they divorced. She was also dating some other she met at a host club (she worked at one for a while) and he was seriously abusive. She posted an audio file of him beating the shit out of her and then deleted in the next day. It's still on weibo if you go look for it.

Beyond that she used to go to some horseshit international language school (which is why her japanese is awful, because those schools teach out of Japanese textbooks written by Americans) and then got a job working at similar one teaching english.

>> No.7204622

From her videos, I think she learned Japanese from podcasts and just living there?

She went to an international school after in order to get a student visa and didn't like it because they were teaching "wrong" Japanese or something (her skills were too SUPERIOR for the class!). She made a video complaining about it.

>> No.7205093
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Except for the domestic abuse part, obviously

>> No.7205130

How can I get the look of any of those girls in the OP? I'm not asian, but I'm really just admiring how beautiful their makeup and hair are. Especially the top right two.

>> No.7205237

Yeah, which is pretty new. Besides, I wont believe anyone if they told me that she pays EVERYTHING from her luxurious life with her actual sallary. She's just a nail stylist

>> No.7205983

-Nicely styled hair even if it's something basic
-Falsies (gals are partial to certain types)
-Trimmed down brows that are filled in with a gel/powder similar to your hair color
-Subtle contouring and highlighting--whatever fits your face/nose shape best
-Glossy, opaque lip color. Usually nudes and naturals, but some other shades are gal-appropriate as well.

>> No.7206040

I don't know how anyone could afford an apt in Kamppi and all the renovations out of a nailist's salary. I get that she gets sponsored a lot, but I don't think she's as popular as Xiaxue to get so much free shit, even here

>> No.7206064
File: 82 KB, 480x480, tumblr_mu9ftuuHNR1sylapmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's on everyone's shopping list? Aside from the circle lenses I've already mentioned, I'm looking for

1. A few pairs of black skinny jeans
2. Winter boots (a pair like pic related, fur boots and/or Lita knockoffs)
3. Winter shirts. Cool long graphic tees with motifs like skeletons, dark fantasy themes, wolves, dragons and unicorns or sexy black shirts
4. A BHA serum and a retinol serum
5. Maybe some lashes.

Obviously, I'm trying to prune it down since that's a lot and I'm on a budget. Lol

>> No.7206157

lol that sounds gross no offense metal is more of a guy thing I thought anyway
and those kind of shirts are stupid and for kids most are real baggy and hide ur shape
unless it's like avenge sevenfold or bring me the horizon or something I guess

also to all that's saying it I don't think u can be goth and gyaru at the same time
just my opinion ok


anyone else here annoyed by how boring recent gal is getting? I look at mags and they just look like normal girls to me lol what happened to GET WILD BE SEXY they don't look like that these days at all except for kuronba gals
but dia and mars style is rare now a days lol

>> No.7206218
File: 40 KB, 500x364, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think you could link the audio file please? Weibo turned out to be really hard for me to navigate. I'm just really curious to hear it, even if it makes me sound like a bad person for asking.

>> No.7206316
File: 101 KB, 478x640, tumblr_mmjaqytcJk1qjvtopo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually kuronbo if I remember correctly. Common mistake, though.

>> No.7206334

Am I the only one who sometimes gets preoccupied with weightloss/being thin? Kind of a silly question, I know.

I'm told I'm on the smaller side of average, but I can't help but think about losing x amount of weight/fat even in and out of gyaru. To make matters worse, it seems like the harder I try, the less successful I am. I do about 120 minutes of cardio a week and lift weights for about 30 minutes twice a week on top of that. But my biggest downfall is sweets and carbs.

I don't want to be anywhere near Yumachi or Yun (pic related) level, but I'd like to be skinny. Tanning will make me look thinner too, right?

>> No.7206336
File: 82 KB, 500x721, yun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my pic

>> No.7206348

Those gals have amazing figures, so I can understand wanting to obtain it. I try my hardest not to eat at night. I eat a lot of apples and drink coffee black. It's a slow process, but I'm hoping all my substitutes and yoga does the trick

>> No.7206366

Give up sweets and carbs, duh. You said it yoself, grill.
If you don't want to, then deal with being the way you are now.

>> No.7206389

Why are you typing like you're texting? Are you 14?

>> No.7206403

People who think giving up carbs is the way to lose weight need to impale themselves.
You need carbs to exercise in the first place, giving them up is in no way healthy.

>> No.7206456

no I belive it's kuronbo sweetie ok

I don't know why you would want to have a shape like that lol
yeah I may be a bit chub but at least I have curves and a steady man ok
I would rather have boobs and a butt than be a stick with no shape at all

no I'm in my twenties I just type this way when I'm not writing for school or work ok
it's not like u can't understand what I'm saying

>> No.7206464

Wow, that is so infuriating. Why do you say "ok" so much?

>> No.7206471


Because they're from Tumblr.

>> No.7206473

Everyone is allowed to work out for the body they want. You may think curvy hips and such are hot but I don't. I'd rather have a nice slim, lean figure and fit better in the clothes I like from Japan.

>> No.7206486

I don't know why anyone would want to be Jabba the Hutt's twin, so I guess opinions are different, 'ok'?

>> No.7206598

Yeah some of them look pretty good, but I think some of them are a bit too thin for me. It looks good on Yumachi and the like, but I think I'd look best as a skinny/fit/ so I'm trying to build some muscle definition.

I've cut down on both of them significantly, but I'll still fall off the wagon every now and then. I only try to give myself dessert once a week, but I'll occasionally have dark chocolate kisses more than I should. Those are really the only sweets I keep in the house. Otherwise I'm too tempted.

I have a hard time avoiding temptation, too. Like today my neighbor made some biscuits and gave me some before I went to work so I couldn't resist having one with sugar free jam and one with tupelo honey instead of my usual oatmeal. Then I forgot and had a sandwich for lunch. It was wheat bread, but still. I spent the rest of the day frustrated and mad at myself.

I think that's my other problem. I obsess too much and am really hard on myself when I don't meet my expectations. Sometimes I feel like I'm setting myself up for failure in a way.

Agree. I want to cut back and make better choices, but since I work out a decent amount, I definitely don't want to eliminate them entirely.

Actually, from what I understand, lifting weights is a good way to get 'curvier' so to speak. There was a before and after picture of this girl who started weight lifting and it had her measurements/weight/etc. for both pictures. Her weight was lower and her waist was smaller, but her boobs and hips seemed to have grown. She looked way shaplier.

>> No.7206610
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>> No.7206624


How do you guys feel about the way Yumachi and company styled these gaijin gals?

>> No.7206628
File: 587 KB, 395x581, ew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you actually watched her videos, you would see that he was her boyfriend in canada. then they didnt know where to move in together, so she just went back home with him

pic unrelated. some other gaijin gyaru

>> No.7206642

who is the girl in the pic? it's not kanadajin3

>> No.7206645

I meant its kuronba my mistake u got me saying it now but seriously though its kuronba if you search that a lot more stuff comes up

like I said I just have my own way of typing ok
and I don't have a tumblr account just facebook but I look at stuff from there from time to time

well my bf doesn't complain lol i just think curves are sexier and so suit gal more like I said even though I'm a little chub I can fit some things from gal brands and dream v
waist is usually fine but my boobs are usually to big even when I was normal weight

lol I didn't say I was fat ok just a little chub I'm just being honest about myself and how I am
fat is just as ng as too skinny there is a limit

ok but just make sure you don't lift too heavy because that will probably make u bulky

I seen this already too be honest I didn't really like the way they look after no lens and no contour if they posted like that just on themselves I would say their make needs work but it's weird Yumachi did that

>> No.7206780
File: 99 KB, 500x500, tumblr_migfc1Lzyr1qjvtopo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her name is Ashley. She was big in the gaijin gal scene and somewhat of a lulzcow (she liked about being halffu, shopped herself among other things). Despite all that though I actually really like her and her friend Shiena.

>> No.7206792
File: 20 KB, 320x426, tumblr_mjnhmbaZgc1qmzqsto1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jfc my fingers are so cold I can barely type

I forgot to add that she eventually stopped participating in the online communities so much and started doing her own thing. The fact that she and Shiena were posted on gyaru secrets every week (and I'm talking like, half the secrets were about them) might have something to do with it. It got to where they couldn't post anything anywhere without some kind of drama/flamewar starting. If I remember correctly, that is. So I think they got fed up and just quit bothering. It's a shame because they had great style and provided some entertainment on an otherwise boring online community.

>> No.7206838

She looks so odd to me. Definitely not suited for the look she's going for because of her facial features. She looks too mature.

>> No.7206842
File: 74 KB, 400x360, gaijin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gaijin gal

>> No.7206850
File: 466 KB, 500x730, hair3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i see. thank you!

>> No.7206868

Yeah you're definitely underage, bye.

>> No.7206994
File: 58 KB, 250x333, tumblr_mg3036Ac9L1qb2uqko1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>dat typing style
>>dat excessive use of ok
>>dat general stupidity

The gal troll is back! My fondest dreams have come true.

>> No.7206997
File: 32 KB, 240x320, tumblr_mmk1zs0zm11ql5pe3o7_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add pic not related of course. She's just a gaijin gal that I think is really cute. This isn't her, either.

Someone DID remember her from another comm and post a picture of her, though. I'd put her in her mid 20s. She was super mediocre.

>> No.7207093
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>> No.7207099
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>ok but just make sure you don't lift too heavy because that will probably make u bulky

>> No.7207108

You aren't 20. GTFO.

>> No.7207135

You're either underage, English is your very poorly learned second language, or you're retarded.

Those are your options.

>> No.7207526
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>> No.7207529

D. All of the above.

>> No.7207538

>no I'm in my twenties I just type this way when I'm not writing for school or work ok
>it's not like u can't understand what I'm saying

You need to brush up on this site's rules, tumblrfag.

>2. If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography. Keep /pol/ in /pol/. In essence: Don't shitpost.

>6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

Also: http://www.4chan.org/rules#cgl

>> No.7207550

S/he's been here before? It sounds as if there's a story behind this

>> No.7207560
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Oh god, all this baiting and so many fish biting.

Anyway, getting back on topic.
Regarding a sweet/romantic gyaru, what would you guys consider to be the basics?
I know generally skirts/dresses/frilly tops are the to-go, but do you guys have/had a specific list when you first embarked on this style?
Pic somewhat related

>> No.7207575

Damn it, how can someone look so stylish while being in a picture by accident while doing something as mundane as waiting at your hair stylist?

>> No.7207710

Is it winter where you are? If so, here are my seasonal essentials:
-Light/pastel denim, khakis/other neutral or pale colored pants are a good investment for more casual days.
-Warm stockings to pair with your out of season skirts and shorts to make them last a bit longer.
-A girly coat would be a must, too.
-Cute style-appropriate shoes. Other items seem more easily found than shoes for romantic gyaru.

Otherwise, stock up on floral motifs, crochet items, pieces with cotton lace, ruffle-y basics (be they tops or shorts) and slouchy boyfriend-style tops with a feminine twist. My friend is really into the romantic gyaru look and she's always on the lookout for all the thing I listed. I also like to stock up on makeup so I'm not suddenly out of anything since I have a tendency not to pay attention to those things.

Also, no matter what style of gyaru you wear, it's important to pay attention to seasonal trends. Some stuff that's big for this winter are

-Tartan prints
-Punk stylings
-Pieces inspired by business-wear (pencil skirts, blazers, suits, etc.)
-Oversized outerwear
-Pink. Dusty rose and berry pinks are the biggest parts of this trend.
-Menswear-inspired pieces
-Church-themed clothing (think big yolk collars, religious iconography, crosses and rosaries)

Layering also seems big.

Ugh I know. It sickens me, too.

>> No.7207737
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Thanks, I was wondering if everyone else buys the same things as I do and apparently they do...

My problem is like this, I have all the items you listed(except for maybe gyaru-specific shoes) in ridiculous numbers, but every single time that I put on clothes I end up looking like a normal girl with a skirt and OTT makeup for errands.

What am I doing wrong?
Pic related, pretty much what I end up looking as.

>> No.7207741

needs more accessories.

>> No.7207748

That's not me, though, it's just a pic I used to illustrate what my outfits look like, but I usually wear plenty of accessories, especially bracelets and arm candy.

>> No.7207876

gals who live in really cold areas, how do you dress during winter?
Last winter, Finland was cold as a witch's tits and all that could warm me up was a thick shearling coat that made me look like a ghost of ancestors past. Can you even wear gal in that weather?

Also, /r/ing mode/onee coords with no high heels.

>> No.7207879

Can you link an actual example of what you wear then? You're making us give advice on pictures that 1. don't show how YOU coordinate the clothes 2. what YOU may be doing wrong. Using another person's picture can't help us evaluate you.

To me, if you're going for a romantic/sweet look, an outfit like that is too mature and mode. Romantic and Sweet sort of rely on 'cute' .

>> No.7207884
File: 81 KB, 500x600, ar1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep your makeup OTT and maybe do your hair to match in big, elegant curls with lots of volume. Or some kind of cute updo depending on how casual you are.

Also, there are ways you can make your outfit more girly/romantic depending on how you style it.

The pieces in the coordinate you posted (I know it's not you in the picture, I'm just using it for example's sake) is comprised of pieces that are all very basic. They're good foundation pieces on their own, but again, plain. One or two items like that are okay in an outfit, but if all of them are like that, nothing stands out.

Think of it this way: the devil's in the details. Romantic gal brands (and Taobao/DreamV knockoffs if it comes to that) often release similar pieces but they're peppered with little details that make it more girly and eye catching. The top might have a lacy yolk collar and the jacket may have cute, decorative buttons or the skirt might be trimmed in embroidery and crochet lace. It's fancy touches like that that really push the romance factor too. Textures (a crochet or cable knit cardigan, shorts with tiered ruffles of lace, that sort of thing) can make an outfit more visually interesting as well.

Also, don't be afraid play with a lighter color palette (again, just going off the example you showed me). That also makes things look girly-er, sweeter and more romantic.

>> No.7207890
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It doesn't get very cold where I live, but I tend to wear skinny jeans+knee high or taller boots and long sleeve tees. I really layer to keep warm. When I'm outside, I wear a warm, fur-trimmed/lined jacket, a slouchy beanie, an infinity scarf and fingerless gloves. All in black of course. I love monochrome in general, but I think it looks especially chic with winterwear.

Pic only semi-related. Looks like it was taken in cold weather, but I imagine those girls froze their little butts off.

>> No.7207948
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Anyone have any examples of a non fitted/slightly baggy shirt being worn cutely? I have a lot of band tees that I think would work great for rock gyaru coordinates, but since they're designed to be 'unisex' they aren't exactly form-fitting.

>> No.7207998

yeah nah I had icicles on my nose hairs and eyelashes last winter, no way anyone here can pull this off
Even bought those fleece lined leggings, but no cigar

>> No.7208022
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aha I can imagine! When I visit family that's a little farther north, I try to layer fleece lined leggings/longjohns under my skinny jeans, but sometimes it looks awkward. I highly doubt it would stand up to Finland's cold.

Finland has such a big gyaru community and I've often wondered how they manage to do it during winter. I once saw a picture of Pin wearing nothing but shorts, platform boots (I think) and an Alba Rosa coat when there was snow on the ground.

Hopefully you will figure out a way! I think as long as your hair and makeup are on point, you can get a way with a bit more clothing-wise.

>> No.7208213
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>> No.7208751
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Not everything has to be form-fitting. There are plenty of ora ora and rokku gyaru who wear non-fitted shirts. Some of them wear baggy clothes, period. If you're worried, just see to it that the rest of your outfit is sexy. Wear them with leg-hugging skinny jeans and cool heels.

In fact, I think it looks better sometimes if you chose one or the other: loose top and tight pants or loose pants and tight top. It depends on what you want to accent.

You also have the option of cutting the neck out and/or layering a button up shirt, sweater or jacket over them.

>> No.7208752
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Lightning claws?

>> No.7208756
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Ahah I don't play warhammer, but I'm familiar with it. That's what I thought when I first saw them, too. I love how utterly ridiculous and impractical gal nails can get. I wouldn't want them on a full time basis, though.

>> No.7208866

I like how this post basically encompasses the mentality of the entire western gyaru community.

>lol ur style sounds gross & fug totes un-gyaru don't even try it
>gosh I wonder why gyaru is so boring these days it's like nobody ever tries anything different

are you even listening to yourself

>> No.7209391

People say she's gone, but I still see her on FB and tumblr. Unless we all choose to ignore that. Apparently she's preggers now or has a kid.

>> No.7209648

what's her tumblr? I like how she looks and her makeup is nice.

>> No.7210483

I hear her saying it like that guy from southpark, mkaaay

>> No.7210484


>> No.7210578
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>>whole wheat and biscuits on the same day
>>dark chocolate kisses

Girl, if that's what 'falling off the wagon' is for you, then you are fine. It's one thing to have dessert a couple of times a week and then and eat bread-y foods twice in the same day.

If you were eating like three bagels at once and having huge bowls of ice cream or big slices of cake every other night, then maybe that's cause for concern. Just keep cutting back and making substitutions and working hard


>> No.7210678

I recently got diagnosed with the beetus, but before that I used to eat almost exclusively starchy, bready and sweet foods. Thank god for this dumb vegan trend, I'd kill myself if I had to cut sweets out. Ever since the diagnosis I've switched to raw vegan sweets, so if you want some recipes I can link them.

>> No.7210685

Thanks for the advice! I prefer to show off either my waist/boobs or legs too. I think I have better legs though (I'm sort of a dfc so I don't have anything to 'show off', really) so I usually wind up wearing skinny jeans and a looser top.

Not that same Anon but yes please!

For those wondering about the idiot in here I found this on Gyaru secrets from about a month ago:

"There was this gal who used to make threads on 4chan that basically complained about the number of Lolitas that were showing an interest in gal fashion and how they weren't 'supposed' to be gal or something. At least, that was the main crux of her argument, iirc. She would also bitch about Lolita in general sometimes.

Her posts were hard to follow and almost incoherent at some points, she used really heavy chatspeak, no punctuation and ended almost every sentence with 'ok'.

It was discovered that she was one of those "EW LESBOS GROCE LOL BUT I LUV GAY BOIS!" types of girls. She seriously had something against lesbians and kept insisting that they needed to gtfo gal, so people would post pictures of gyaru posed in sexual ways (a few times straight up porn) to piss her off. It was hilarious.

Based on information she gave us, she is apparently from somewhere in the deep south and in her early/mid twenties. In the last thread she posted, it was discovered that one of the reasons that she was so butthurt towards the Lolita community is because she self-posted in a Lolita myspace group, was given concrit and flounced hard. Then someone, somehow posted her picture (or someone who they suspected to be her) and it was revealed that she was a mediocre wannabe and thoroughly unfortunate. I'm assuming it actually WAS her because she freaked out, deleted the thread and hasn't been seen or heard from since.

It was comedic gold while it lasted."

I think I remember this now.

>> No.7210693

>http://www.sweetlyraw.com/ this lady posts exclusively vegan sweets, I tried a lot of them and they're all really good!

Here you go! Also note that a lot of these aren't low cal or low carb at all, but they're a lot healthier :)

>> No.7210865
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Ahhh thank you!!

I'm not necessarily looking for low cal/carb options, just healthier alternatives to my usual treats.

>> No.7211254
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Okay so far I think I've learnt that:
Hime-Gyaru: is himegyaru, got it.
Hime-Kaji: A toned down look, less costumey.
Hime-Lolita: a princessy lolita look, less gyaru-centric.

Can i refer to both Himegyaru and Himelolita by just 'Hime'? Or is that uninformed and are the two definitely only to be referred to as separate things?

Am I missing anything else?

>> No.7211296

This is just me, but I think Hime should not lump together both Himegyaru and Himelolita, since Hime is a style on its own, which is quite different(more revealing) from Himelolita.

>> No.7211300

This, I think himeloli is different than himegyaru.

>> No.7212376
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>> No.7212869
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I'd probably use brown tones, but this seems helpful

>> No.7213752

one of my friends wants to be a teacher and she dresses gyaru in her free time but fairly tame when she's at work. I'm worried this will impact her reputation? like I feel like most parents would rather find out their kid's teacher is a loli or goth in their free time rather than gal since gyaru tends to have a bad rep as being slutty and easy because of how sexualized it is.

>> No.7213780

Uh okay?
She's an adult. I'm sure she will be fine

>> No.7213781

She's not in Japan, so it should be fine.

>> No.7213820

I guess you're right but I dunno. a lot of people seem to think girls who use or wear lots of 'fakery' are air-headed and not to be taken seriously. of course my friend is smart and good at what she does but I'm worried that if someone finds out they won't be able to look past her appearance and judge her wrongly.

with goth or lolita (though maybe the more subdued styles and not sweet) people are more apt to think 'oh she's really eccentric but otherwise intelligent and competent' but with gyaru people will probably say 'why is this woman a teacher?'. she's already had a few people outside of teaching judge her like this and she's just subbing until she gets certified. No one at the schools she works with of course, but people who we met and she's said to them she wants to teach.