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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7177176 No.7177176[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does bullying in cosplay seem so common? Have you ever witnessed it or even participated? Why does it seem like everyone condones this behavior?

>> No.7177178
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It's an ego oriented hobby with a large demographic of female teens under the guise of anonymity.

>> No.7177187
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Because in cosplay there is a condition for failure, and if somebody is a failure I have every right to laugh at them for that. That's not bullying. That's just life. Not everybody is going to treat you like a special little snowflake and give you a medal just for participating.

I think that is why more people lean towards bought costumes, because they don't want to be picked on for looking like shit. Whats funny is that to me, if you buy the costume and don't even make an attempt to make it yourself, that's still being a failure. You gave up before you even got started.

Just start out making really simple costumes and work your way up from there, then nobody will bully you because you're not being an idiot.

>> No.7177188

>complaining about "bullying in cosplay" on 4chan

My sides!

>> No.7177192
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>Im a huge bitch and cry when no one notices my shitty cosplay at conventions made for children

>> No.7177193

Not complaining, curious what people's views are.

>> No.7177249
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Cosplayers are escapist creative. They can't actively seek attention due to their own social ineptitude/introversion, so they seek it passively by wearing home-made costumes--costumes which, as creatives, come to define their self worth.

All of this creates an emotional, socially stunted atmosphere that crumbles as soon as the first domino falls. Remember boys and girls, if their cosplay sucks, yours becomes better in relativity!

>> No.7177253

"im sorry, you must not know who i am. im joey. the cosplay elitest. and i dont have time for talk of cosplay that isnt canon. i cosplay hard. i cosplay with passion. and i cosplay correctly. this is a passion. this is a talent. and this is somthing i do not have shit-heads suggest for me to “hey dude do this” casually with no reasoning behind it."

That's it. That's who you sound like.

>> No.7177288

Why the hell do people get so butthurt when somebody tells them to make their owns hit?

>> No.7177315

Holy shit you guys realize that the majority of jap cosplayers buy their cosplay right?

Maybe not all of us care about pride or attention and just want to have fun dressing up as a character that we enjoy (isn't that the foundation for cosplay anyways?)

You tryhard srs faggots are the cancer to cosplay. Please die in a fire

>> No.7177338
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>> No.7177471

People haven't realized it but there are two reasons why people dressup

1. To be noticed and to catch people's attention.
2. To wear something different and partake in the spirit of the con.

A majority of the time the people who are bad really fall into the second catagory. These are the people who will wear random outfits, normal clothes with a single item of a character costume (Simon Jacket, Bleach robe etc), the people who wear Kimonos, Kirigumi, martial arts uniforms or just style their hair in a unique way. It is these people who don't give two shits that they get a million photos or if their pictures are reblogged on Tumblr. All they care about is wearing something quirky to fit with the general con atmosphere.

>> No.7177604

I've never seen bullying in cosplay but I have seen a lot of girls in cosplay crying. Especially at Dragoncon, I've never seen so many girls cry in just 4 days.

>> No.7177610

>Holy shit you guys realize that the majority of jap cosplayers get fucked by Goro in their cosplay right?

>> No.7177634

I've never seen bullying. I've heard meanspirited comments, and some have been directed at me. But disapproval isn't bullying. You aren't being bullied every time you're insulted.

I think a lot of the "bullying" in cosplay isn't actually bullying.

>> No.7177639


A lot of people in the con/cosplay community are bitter outcasts of society (due to social ineptitude/awkwardness) who are no better than the "casuals" they love to hate on who aren't really into geeky/nerdy shit. It's ironic because they've convinced themselves they are special even though their stupidity is on the same level as said "casuals".

>> No.7177642

Found this on Tumblr. What do you think?

Here’s a little PSA for you con goers.

Do not criticize someones cosplay because of their age
Do not shame someone in cosplay because of their weight
Do not point out a cosplayers flaw, scars, birthmark, makeup smudge
Do not blame a cosplayer for their insecurities
Do not slap a cosplayers ass without consent
Do not cat call any cosplayers
Do not be racist to cosplayers
Do not judge cosplayers because of gender

>> No.7177643

Or you can not be a fuck stick.
You don't need to treat a shit cosplayer as a special snowflake. Or like absolute shit. Nobody said you had to compliment them and give medals. You just say nothing, ignore them, or don't get in contact with them in the first place, is it that hard for you?

>> No.7177644

lololol tumblr

honestly if my makeup had gotten fucked up, i would want someone to tell me

>> No.7177645

Interesting topic now that I have a con in less than a week and intend to wear my still unworn Homestuck cosplay.

Would you go out of your way to bully a lone Homestuck cosplay attendee?

>> No.7177654

In general I don't think there is any reason to be an asshole to someone you don't know, or just because you don't like how they look. You shouldn't be racist or sexist or assault people, that's just general knowledge.

But constructive criticism, like pointing out inaccuracies or issues with the makeup is not being an asshole. And neither is saying "I feel they would suit the character much better if they were older" or, "I wish they were thinner because the costume is so well done". No that's just being honest.

>> No.7177652

No I wouldn't bully you, but I would probably avoid you just in case because I don't know you personally and I want to avoid the Homestcuks that give the fandom a bad name.

>> No.7177658

i wouldn't, but there's always that one asshole

>> No.7177663

>But constructive criticism, like pointing out inaccuracies or issues with the makeup is not being an asshole.

A friend of mine is an art teacher at the elementary level. She has already started teaching kids about criticism and constructive comments, because we both discovered that classmates of ours *at the university level* could not take criticism on their work without feeling it was a personal insult. We had more than one person break down either in tears or a temper tantrum during critiques on work in fucking fundamentals courses, where you're meant to learn the basics and be able to take a bit of guidance on what you're doing wrong. So she's making it part of her job to ensure that at least *her* students won't get to turn into 18 year old babies when face with less-than-glowing praise at every turn.

>> No.7177667

Somehow cosplayers tend to be the nicest people I've met. Most people at cons seem to be really kind, I have witnessed some talking behind backs (hambeasts running around not-so-discreetly talking to eachother about other people's "fail" costumes) but all in all everyone seems to be nicer than given credit for. Or maybe it's just the cons I attend.

>> No.7177665

>not pointing out smudged make up

I would like to know if my make up is smudged...
Then again, I do check it every now and then.

>> No.7177670


Cons are littered with insecure fucktards who are in desperate need a validation in any shape or form. If they don't do it in person, they'll go home and be keyboard warriors about it and do it online if your images are posted anywhere. They need some way to feel better about their own worthless lives, lol.

Haters only hate when they themselves feel/are inadequate. People about something and who do something with themselves don't have time for that petty shit.

>> No.7177682

I agree. >>7177642 , here.

I just thought that it was funny that construction criticisms were being lumped in the same list as racism and sexual harassment.

>> No.7177743

That's all cool, likewise.

That's basically the worst I'm hoping for! Confrontation in person is all I'm anxious over, I can settle with whatever may hit the web, I'll be in contouring face paint and arm sleeves so its not likely someone would be able to hunt me down even though I'd be one of the most boring fucks there. Would just hate to start sobbing over water based paint.

Yeah these where my earliest experiences too! People seemed much easier to strike a conversation with as you bumped into them at the stalls, and honestly never had that experience outside of conventions the same again. Provided these times I wasn't in costume.

>> No.7177749

A lot of the people who cosplay werent very popular in highschool, ive noticed. Because of that, they get bitchy and competitive the moment theyre given attention.

There's tons of REALLY nice cosplayers who dont fall into that category though. Ive met some really genuine, amazing people at cons.

>> No.7177760

Has there been any actual cases of bullying? I can't imagine people wanting to openly talk about it, I can only think of the JJ & Mostflogged incident at Anime Boston.

>> No.7177779
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i just bully everyone
can't discriminate when it comes to hate

>> No.7177824

you're so worried about bullying but you have threads dedicated to making fun of ugly and fat cosplayers and cosplayers that are TOO popular and fat neckbeards.

>> No.7177833

also it's kind of difficult to believe a pretty blonde girl is being bullied. Especially by the likes of the 3 girls in the back.

It's not that a pretty blonde cannot be bullied, it's more of the social acceptance and confidence that a young pretty blonde woman achieves just by maintaining her good looks. This is as bad as the security commercials that feature white thieves. When statistically most thieves/homeinvaders are black and hispanic teenagers.

>> No.7177859

My theory is it's so prevalent because the "popular" cosplayers were some of the biggest losers in high school so they want to relive those years as being a top dog in another circuit. So in turn they bully, harass, and look down on those they see as lower than them if their costumes don't fit their delicate sensitivities. They treat conventions like high school weekend and be the Queen Bee for a few days.

Really though. Some of you in this hobby are stupid as fuck and need to grow up.

>> No.7177862

Even beautiful women have their insecurities.

>> No.7177864

>Especially by the likes of the 3 girls in the back.

Are you blind? There's only one black girl in that photo. Sounds an awful lot like /pol/ in here all of a sudden.

>> No.7177867

Race wasn't even part of that argument.

>> No.7177885

Because your average cosplayer is a teenage girl who's been harassed a lot before and now has the tables turned.

That said, I've always wanted to go to a con in a varsity jacket, grab people and demand their lunch money.

>> No.7177893

Tumblr seems to think anything that isn't glowing praise must be people harassing everyone.

>> No.7177911

They will never survive university without this. I've had moments where a prof tore a paper to shreds and just broke down, but you take a break, put on your big girl pants, and look at what they said to fix and then you fix it and usually you learn more from fixing it than from writing something perfect the first time. Same goes for cosplay, half the time n00bs don't know how to do it right so it looks like shit, but if you tell them the right way, they have the opportunity to grow. But mostly they just seem to flounce off to tumblr to whine about being bullied.

>> No.7177934

one of them is just barely black, and the other one is fat.

Who gets bullied in school?

blonde girls or fat girls?

>> No.7177945

If you're a fat blonde, you'll get bullied.

>> No.7178082

Funny story. I was an art major, so I was used to critiques. Go into my acting class. Crazy ass bitch of an instructor had us make commentary about flyers that one of the graphic design classes made for a show we were doing. Well, I critiqued it as I'm used to (Something like the font falls into the background and the contrast could be upped a little, but it's an interesting piece) Teacher went off on me, HOW DARE YOU SAY NEGATIVE THINGS ABOUT THIS PERSON'S ARTISTRY. She was a crazy bitch.

Most of the "bullying" I've gotten over the years has been from neckbeard man-children because I was fat and cosplaying the characters of their wettest dreams, and ruining it for them. I got a sick sort of pleasure from that knowledge.

>> No.7178126

>race mentioned once
>Sounds an awful lot like /pol/
Your unwillingness to acknowledge race and /pol/itical incorrectness as distinct subjects is part of why its so hard to have a mature dialogue about race.

>> No.7178138
File: 2 KB, 119x125, 1381110640150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started browsing here two days ago. My gf wants me to go to some Renaissance festival or something and wanted us to make outfits together. Came here (since it seemed like the closest thing to what she wants) to see if it was something I wanted to get into aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnddd

>Do not be racist to cosplayers
im out...

>> No.7178149

I was "bullied" at a convention once, I guess. Some person cosplaying the same character as me came up while I was talking with her friend (just talking, mind you) and started laughing because my buttons were too shiny or some shit. Even her friend was like "da fuq"

Though this person also didn't understand the concept of a paradox when I brought it up, so her IQ is probably on the lower end.

>> No.7178154

I encourage my friends and cosplayers in my community to always treat other cosplayers with respect and remember everyone's just human. it doesn't always work.

I think the anti vendetta etc
rules on this board are good.

>> No.7178216

These weren't just my early experiences, I've been cosplaying and going to cons for 7 years now and there hasn't been any dramatic changes in people's behavior that I've noticed...

>> No.7179562

What happened with JJ and mostflogged?

>> No.7179579


both fake lesbians

two fake lesbians getting together = disaster

>> No.7179581

people dressing up in costumes looking for attention are fucking retards and should be laughed at an shunned by the sane people that still exist today

>> No.7179794
File: 61 KB, 533x349, mel-gibson-signs-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello, I'm a fucking huge cunt and I laugh at others to feel better about myself

You must be very popular, I can tell.

>> No.7179810

MF and her boyfriend made flyers about JJ being a prostitute and spread them around anime boston a few years ago with her phone number on them. Actually, I've heard multiple stories about MF doing horrible things to people.

>> No.7179819


If that rumor is true, that's fucking disgusting behavior

>> No.7179824

Tenleid, how are the Toronto circlejerkers in relation to what you said?

>> No.7179842

It's not a rumor, I remember pictures of the flyers being posted here. But I have no idea if it was archived or anything.

>> No.7179859


uhhh... if that's true and there's documentation, then she can easily be fucked for libel from a legal standpoint.

>> No.7179873
File: 90 KB, 800x600, tumblr_mupnxoCgWk1rx9mz6o1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do not be mean
>do not expect people to take responsibilities for their own actions
>do not think poorly of people
>making cosplayers feel uncomfortable is as bad as rape and racism
>everyone gets a prize

Obviously I think the post is horseshit. Just because it's cos"play" doesn't mean it should be fun. Earn your happiness or stay home.

Oh, and I found the account of the girl who wrote this (pic related).

> Sup, My name is Tori. I'm a Cosplayer.
> I'm very shy but once you speak to me and get to know me I'll open up like girls legs do when they see me. c;
>Tori|Bisexual|Single|Cosplayer <3

>> No.7179878

>Most of the "bullying" I've gotten over the years has been from neckbeard man-children because I was fat and cosplaying the characters of their wettest dreams, and ruining it for them. I got a sick sort of pleasure from that knowledge.
Some of my most treasured memories come from tormenting neckbeard manchildren. Honestly, it's a victimless crime.

>> No.7179942

It happened in 2009? 2010? So that's doubtful. I can't find anything on it now.

>> No.7180001
File: 67 KB, 706x599, 706px-What_the_fuck_am_I_reading_Finn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I've seen 20 people I follow do
>Before the con: Cosplaying is for FUN don't take everything so seriously GOD
>After the con: NO ONE TOOK PICTURES OF ME AT ALL WHAT THE FUCK like I know it's for fun but what the fuck I looked SO much better than everyone else. I obviously tried harder??? It's not fucking fair that just because some other chick is skinnier everyone thinks SHE'S their headcanon cosplayer. I'm so fucking done. I am as close to canon as anyone will get. This is fucking bullshit.

mfw I don't unfollow them and keep looking at their retarded self-centered posts

>> No.7180008

yeah ok
>Do not point out a cosplayers makeup smudge
fucking why would you do that they're going to take pictures all day with their eyeliner smudged or whatever because you were too pussy to let them know so they could fix it

>> No.7180552
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>Found this on Tumblr. What do you think?

Stop reading after I saw "Tumblr"

Anyway, the bullying of the cosplay community.
Have you guys not yet understand that the majority of the cosplay scene is made up of geeks and nerds with pent-up anger issues and passive-aggressive issues coming from years or being bullied during middle and high school. So once they found their own little nirvana where it's okay to be weird and goofy and silly (conventions), the drive, pride, and passion of cosplaying, and attaining popularity that the once never had kinda made a few egos inflate. Along with forming cliques, rumor spreading, the fact many people don't know how to act in social situations beyond cosplaying and hanging out with fellow nerds, and autism, the bullying within this scene just came natural.

That's really just my theory on it.
Pic unrelated.