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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7176342 No.7176342 [Reply] [Original]

Horror stories, go!

>> No.7176348

I hate her face. Now I'm going to have to look at it on cgl for the next week unless I hide this thread. Shit.

>> No.7176358


It looks like shes aged a million years.

>> No.7176369

I once went to a convention and someone looked at me.

What a fucking disgusting creep eww

>> No.7176380

>It looks like shes aged a million years.

redheads (I think she is a natural redhead, she just dyes it redder) have thin damage prone skin. They really have to slather on the sunscreen and stay out of direct sunlight. They have very little melanin to protect them.

If hey don't take care they show age: wrinkles, spots, red tints, blotches show up in full force on pale skin.

>> No.7176389


omg this one time a guy came up and talked to me.

Fucking weirdo omg

>> No.7176392

I was dressed as Morrigan and a guy came up and asked me if he could take a picture of my butt.
I told him no and he apologized and left without making a fuss.

Then I went and got security and had him kicked out. :)

>> No.7176393

For those of you that know me, I'm Mexican and like typical Mexicans I grew up in a gated community.

No, not THAT kind.

A trailer park community. The kind with big adobe walls built around them.

It was kind of a rough neighborhood so we weren't really like...allowed to leave on our own and shit like that. Plus there was crime going on in the park itself. Some girls parents were murdered. Some kid actually killed two other people.


With all that as pre-story I was hanging out with a friend when apparently some HUGE thing happened and a bunch of people came in through the gate.

It had been a while, but it wasn't the first time a group of people came back being chased.

Some of them were fucked up too. Bloody clothes err'where.

But normally when people came in it's either a rival gang running after them or sometimes cops. But THIS day, we received a grim reminder.

Needless to say our adobe walls got fucked up.

>> No.7176394

Chubby dude at otakon held the door open for me. hope the creep dies in a fire.

>> No.7176395


What a male chauvinist cis gendered pig

>> No.7176398

A girl was shy and tried asking me out and ran away because she got too anxious.

Fucking bitch I hope she kills herself.

>> No.7176562 [DELETED] 

If you were dressed as Morrigina, why didn't he ask to see a picture of your tits? They would have been pretty much bare in that costume anyway.

>> No.7176565

If you were dressed as Morrigan, why didn't he ask to see a picture of your tits? They would have been pretty much bare in that costume anyway.

>> No.7176682

eek! Thats a horrid picture of her

>> No.7176822

Probably because you don't have to ask a girl to turn around to get a picture of her tits. You just ask for a regular photo and the tits are right there.

>> No.7176832

Before Con:
>Staffer of favorite local con is coming on to me, thinks I'm cute
>Is awkward as fuck about it, does stuff like sending me messages on tumblr about how she wants to lick me
>she's the worst kind of skinnyfat, also one of those annoying Ren Fest Pagans
>Not worried about her at the con, since I figured she'd be to busy to be too annoying

At Con:
>See her at Badge Pickup Night on Thursday, she freaks out and is all "HEY YOU~"
>Follows me around for a while, gets sort of annoying
>Start being annoying to make her leave me alone (keep asking "IS THE CON STARTED YETTTTTTT" like a child on a long car trip and other stuff like that)
>Eventually she grabs my face like she's about to kiss me or something and leans in
>"You're lucky you're cute" while having a stern look on her face
>Later while I'm trying to frantically locate an out of town friend who got lost, she comes up from behind out of nowhere and kicks me in the ass really hard
>"teehee because I could"
>she genuinely thought that was being cute
>Later walk into a room she's checking with my friend who happens to be a girl
>she gets excited to see me
>goes straight up as neutral as possible when she sees the friend
>we're not even holding hands or anything, just walking together
>never see her the rest of the weekend
>find a voicemail message Sunday morning from some random phone number giving me an awkward and reluctant "fuck you"
>area code is from where staffer is from, might be her, might be a friend just fucking around.

>> No.7176851

I think you're in the wrong thread spic

>> No.7176964

Faking being annoying is what sealed the deal for her

>> No.7177490

Actually I was the one acting really annoying to get her to leave me alone.

>> No.7177521

I think that's what Enver means. If it's not, that's what I think.
Annoying people like it when you act 'lolz so randumb' with them. You thought you were being the most annoying thing in the world. To her, it was funny, cute, endearing, and on her level.

>> No.7177537

I sorta got that after I posted, I'm still tired from the con this weekend.

And you're probably right, even though she seemed bothered by me shouting that it was her fault that the con didn't start.

>> No.7177952

Can we have more than one actual story please?

>> No.7177968

...?? what?

uhh...wrong thread?

>> No.7178002


There are no good pictures of her.

>> No.7178013

I always find it strange how girls complain about creeps and yet do the same thing but worse. If you don't return a girls feelings, she ends up hating you like it's somehow your fault that you didn't find her attractive.

>> No.7178026

This is so wrong I don't know where to begin. I know plenty of gingers that take great care of their skin. She has never been seen wit ha sun burn so it is not that. She drinks, and smokes that will do more damage than people realize.

>> No.7178043

I know plenty of women who are the same age as her and look much younger. One of them is a ginger with freckles and all. With all of her money you would have thought she would get a little touch up once in a while. She looks a lot like a smoker.

>> No.7178102

I feel I should have made it more obvious for you guys to get anything.

>> No.7178129

Women aren't a hivemind, virgin. The girls who complain about creeps and the girls who creep are not the same people. Don't whine about hypocrisy in a group when the sample size is half the fucking human race.

>> No.7178150
File: 245 KB, 436x359, 1376507964359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an bitch.
When a man asks to take a picture of your ass it is a compliment.
When you say no and he leave calmly then it is respect for your choice.
When you get him kicked out anyway you're a bitch.

>> No.7178155

>Really thinks that someone who says 'he left without a fuss then I called the goddamn cops' is anything other than a troll
Really? And you're replying to someone who posted yesterday. Sit in the corner and think about what you've done.

>> No.7178162

I'm sorry I usually go on boards where threads don't last a day. Didn't really think about it.
Also, it had occurred to me that it may be a troll but then I realized that some women are like that and decided to post anyways.

>> No.7178173

I while back I was at a con, cosplaying Shirou from Fate/ Stay Night with a group. I nudged the Saber, a close friend of mine and said "Lemme get dat ass bby", and playing along she was like "Get lost." Some woman whipped her head around and said "This is why I hate men."
I don't think she realized that I'm a girl.
Sorry thing, don't got any "a guy touched my arm and i called the police" stories.

>> No.7178178

*Sorry for the short thing

>> No.7178181
File: 13 KB, 300x198, im+a+hater....+but+i+actually+see+this+point+of+_7dda6ad59347d6010b1770346dd62103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite sure how the dude's virginity factors in, but whatever. Still, a hell of a valid point.

>> No.7178195

When in doubt, don't post. Not to mention you just pointed out that you are new here. If you spend some time waiting, watching, and following when-in-doubt-don't-post, you'll be able to pick up on the subtleties in what we say around here. That particular post is a very classic troll, pretty much every thread. Because there are some women like that, and it's a parody of how ridiculous they are.

If you can't resist the urge to post, assume they're joking, which either means you're going along with it or underhandedly jabbing at them that their way of doing things is so ridiculous that no one could possibly be serious.

Example: "Yeah, man, girls who do that are just such bitches. Appreciating choice work is a compliment, why can't these bitches take a compliment? I bet that some cunt would actually call security even if he was polite about his rejection. Women!"

"uh xcus me asshole that actually hppnd to me n it made me rly uncomfortable dnt cll me b*tch" Then you can chew her out: "WOW, really? I thought you were kidding! You can't be serious. You really called fucking security? Wow, die in a fire."

This has been a Public Service Announcement by Drunk Anon who should probably shut up
Polite sage

>> No.7178203

It's always the lonely virgin guys who go on about women like the entire gender is in on some conspiracy. I used to be like that years ago and know people who never left that phase.

>> No.7178263

You win.
I give up.
You won.

>> No.7178285

i actually met her at comic con this year and she looks very different in person i was surprised, maybe it's the short hair.

>> No.7179795
File: 71 KB, 600x597, whygodwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw you will never smell her asshole.

>> No.7180861

mexicans dont live in gated communities fuckin fibber. ahahha

>> No.7180865

Did you even read more than the first couple of sentences?