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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 263 KB, 740x494, c22011db3e6a123b5ceb0177e53b8f2dfac533c6-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7176321 No.7176321[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>7141047
Bets on who's gonna die next?

>> No.7176341
File: 51 KB, 598x405, 1380934076818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7177058
File: 120 KB, 839x466, ymir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bets on who's gonna die next?

Probably lots of no-named Survey Corps members so they can get their casualty numbers up. A red shirt should be part of the uniform!

My guess for the first character that anybody cares about is Ymir. Wouldn't it be just like Isayama to kill off someone who would provide Eren (and thus also the audience) some answers before she has a good chance to tell him anything?

>> No.7177060
File: 88 KB, 500x348, 1381197907799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That seems plausible. There was a shitstorm yesterday because fake spoilers leaked about Levi being killed in a coup sparked by the recent shitty track record of the SL. It seems too early for his death, though.

>> No.7177495
File: 249 KB, 532x740, 4299fab5da163b9ae9941861da8923eea63e4720-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I missed those.
If we're talking 'people who give us answers,' I think maybe it'd be Pastor Nick.
Then again, he was foreshadowed as important so long ago that I don't think he'd die off so quick.
I think maybe since it's the turning point of the series, we might actually get some goddamn answers. And then more questions.

>> No.7177499
File: 249 KB, 532x740, 4299fab5da163b9ae9941861da8923eea63e4720-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan fucked up my file.

>> No.7177633

They said on 2ch that Levi dies off-screen in the Rebellion.

>> No.7177638
File: 275 KB, 467x700, 1368775245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought those were confirmed fake on /a/.

>> No.7177783
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>> No.7177794
File: 35 KB, 750x750, $(KGrHqEOKowFJnw+vMzlBSb5ZmHE1g~~60_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone know the quality of these cloaks?

>> No.7178007
File: 257 KB, 493x740, 0d7761406148820bf97f7493eaa7c061b991c6fb-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7178020

The sleeves are so short it hurts me. This whole picture hurts. I hate to nitpick, but it probably would have looked better if the wig didn't look like it was rock-solid and the sleeves, dear lord, the sleeves.

>> No.7178035
File: 209 KB, 437x740, 988ba47505e200cc2aa50a6e58637f43395d99f3-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wig looks like it's just wet, and the sleeves, by the logo, look like they're just bunched up. But I looked and it doesn't seem like there's any extra pictures taken of the particular cosplay, so you can't really be sure...

>> No.7178048
File: 386 KB, 740x511, 6b3c238c108d8cf9c03554f03856caad3b9e1b44-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you pulled those sleeves down they would not reach the wrist, maybe they would go past the cuff of their shirt. Maybe.
I just noticed this is supposed to be an "in the rain" or whatever picture (I thought it was supposed to be as if they fell in a puddle at first. Oops. Wig is now excusable.)
I dunno, I get it's kind of unreasonable, but those sleeves man I just...

(and completely unrelated pic.)

>> No.7178284
File: 484 KB, 495x198, tumblr_mrpibhfT0H1qjbdd7o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered some white pants last week and was waiting to see how they fit and looked on my thighs o' plenty before I committed to some SnK cosplay.

They arrived today and they fit pretty well. I think I'll take in the waist to make sure they are snug and then I'll start on the harness.

>> No.7178409
File: 56 KB, 500x653, tumblr_mvs8sex4CS1syya2qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to know what event this took place at.

>> No.7179195

I really want to put together a SnK cosplay but I can't sew worth a damn, so I've been around on ebay and other places to find a suitable costume set. Has anyone had any good luck with some of these places so far? How is the quality of the costumes?

>> No.7179259


Looks like a school event. Maybe a school festival, or a track day - If you think SnK is big here, it's fuckhuge in Japan; It's not surprising that a school club would all shell out the 3000 yen or so for scout capes from Akiba.

>> No.7179438

Christa is mai waifu.

But there is only one good cosplayer of mai waifu.

Please don't cosplay mai waifu if you don't look like her.

>> No.7180319



fucking recovery chapter

I'm done with this

>> No.7180409

I have it. The patches are iron-on.
Other than that, it isn't shit. You feel hot fast when you wear it. I don't know shit about fabric though.

>> No.7181023
File: 303 KB, 740x552, 0e8422e09f8baf3113619f6cacfa9b40d8300cba-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing happened
>Titans confirmed humans, confirmed that they're a mutated form of titan shifters, probably failed experiments or some shit
In what world does 'getting some answers' mean 'nothing happened'? And that's ignoring the shit that's introducing a new arc-- Hange's new titans she got from Connie's village that we could get new answers from, Levi's new squad of the 104th, Erwin going slightly bonkers, etc.
Don't tell me you read it for the action or some shit.

>> No.7181029

Everyone knew that all Eotena were Terrans way before this chapter, like, during Utgard even.

>> No.7181034
File: 321 KB, 556x740, b2a4d010c46019fd6027f2718e720820608131d0-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone 'knew' but at least it's finally confirmed.
The big part is that we now know that they aren't just your average titan shifters. We got answers about their basic anatomy and it wiped out theories about being able to open a titan up and pull out a human from the neck, or the theory about Annie killing Hange's experiments so she wouldn't find the humans inside.

>> No.7181557
File: 209 KB, 500x352, tumblr_ms7vmhwhdP1sghxvlo2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7182592

This thread a shit and all of you a shit.


disgusting, don't come to /a/ anymore.

>> No.7182602

>her nose is not big enough


>> No.7182603

Bert best Shingeki

>> No.7182604

Bert best beta pussy and worst shingeki xD

>> No.7182606
File: 74 KB, 640x960, 3DPD Annie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know of a far better cosplay

>> No.7182607
File: 165 KB, 850x662, attack-on-titan-aot-shingeki-no-kyojin-jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, question, I am interested to know your opinions on the SNK uniform jacket material. P/leather, denim/"uniform material", or other? What do you think looks the best with cosplayers, what do you think is most accurate to how it looks in the anime/manga, what do you think would make the most sense, and what do you think is most historically accurate? (The last one probably matters the least, considering it's the 800s and they already have flying devices.)

>> No.7182608

Do you ever feel like you don't want to cosplay something when it has already been done a load of times before?

>> No.7182664

Fuck this girl and her annoying as shit self-promotion. I am getting really sick of being unable to go into the tumblr tags without seeing her stupid face. Also shitty shopping is shitty.

>> No.7182669

I would genuinely stay away from leather or leather-like material. Think of the environment. Space is limited, meat is a delicacy because its hard to raise animals like cows. So leather would be a limited resource too. The military uniforms would need to be made fast, in quantities and be fairly disposable considering how many of them die day to day.

>> No.7182684


I think a thick, sturdy fabric makes the most sense. Easier and cheaper to produce in amounts the military likely goes through, with wear and tear, lost equipment, deaths, etc. You don't want to be pouring leather into uniforms when the people wearing them are likely as not to get eaten, especially since there's a pretty massive investment to GET the leather in the first place. Furthermore, leather isn't as recyclable as fiber fabric, which can be repurposed. Leather ALSO requires a shitload of maintenance, or you start looking like a hobo.

Leather for boots and 3DMG harnesses, textiles for everything else.

>> No.7182686

Someone a while back mentioned twill.

>> No.7182689

Alright I've never been in these threads since I had no desire to cosplay snk but my friend wants the patches for the jacket.

Any on Taobao? I only found full cosplays.

>> No.7182830

I got results by plugging "进击的巨人徽章刺绣" into the search bar.

>> No.7182842

Leather and fake leather jackets kill me a bit inside. I don't know why they're so common.

It doesn't make sense for them to be leather for reasons already outlined, they don't look like leather, and when cosplayers use fake leather they end up looking really cheap and sit weirdly like 99% of the time because they're too shiny and stiff.

>> No.7182886
File: 446 KB, 2721x2041, 21-photos-of-people-carrying-way-too-much-stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah. I've passed up cosplay from stuff once or twice because it was done to death.

I was going to pass up AoT cosplay too cause man is it ever done to death already. But I decided I like it enough to go on ahead. It's going to be my Sunday costume. Something I can put on and be comfortable in while the con winds down. It's so common now that it would never warrent being a Saturday costume for me. Saturday is for special work intensive cosplay.

>> No.7182912
File: 48 KB, 206x357, bigmclargehuge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all the characters are overdone yet

>> No.7182941


Connie isn't cause of the shaved head.
Levi and Mikasa are WAY past the overdone point.

Get ready to see stubble bedtime Commander Handsome.

>> No.7183000

Bert and Reiner aren't really either (though I only want to see cosplays of them if the cosplayers actually match their body types).

>> No.7183018

Armin too

>> No.7183049

that's sad :(

>> No.7183197
File: 262 KB, 836x842, Reiner.Braun.full.1460988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little late to the party but does anyone have good sites for custom boots?
As a tall guy with thick legs I can't find any recommended sites with boots that will fit me so custom seems best at this point. I don't mind about price if the site has a very good reputation.

>> No.7183240

Seconding. My boyfriend wants to cosplay Bert but his feet are a us size 15.

>> No.7183245
File: 186 KB, 1224x1632, 1383980952171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7183360

Headcanon Mikasa accepted.

>> No.7183373

Why don't you two just commission someone or make them yourself? Websites aren't always your best bet.

>> No.7183378
File: 178 KB, 247x465, Screen shot 2013-10-05 at 10.06.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if she had maneuver gear, pic related

>> No.7183386
File: 803 KB, 884x550, Shingeki_no_Kyojin_characters_(anime).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do so many cosplayers use white pants when they're clearly a really light grey? Compare them to the white shirts on Erwin, Mikasa, Krista, Annie, etc.

I agree with this except for the boots. The "sash/skirt/etc" thing and the boots should both be made from roughly the same fabric. And from all that was already said by anons, I don't think leather would've been used for any of the uniforms on any part except for the harnesses. Try maybe, microsuede or something? I think that'd look nice.

>> No.7185005
File: 331 KB, 570x740, 49da70a299120815848025a3d1b3cf543d9f6f36-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7185706

that shade of grey fabric doesn't exists where I live and I can't find it online.

>> No.7186410

>clearly a really light grey?

I was considering this too.
I cannot decide if I want to dye my pants the light gray or will they just look dingy in real life.

>> No.7186593

For what it's worth you could keep them white and tint them in photos?

>> No.7186623

This, using dye is not great

>> No.7186713

It's a nice idea.
Can't do that for every photo that gets taken. Besides, altering things like that feels like a lie when if I felt it should be gray then I should make the effort to dye them.

Not worried about that. I've dyed a few things in my time. I'm good enough at it.

I just worry that the gray will look dingy/dirty IRL or next to other SnK cosplayers who do white pants.

I know one thing, light colored anything sounds like a bad idea in the SnK military. Blood would get on everything.

>> No.7186732

We have this same problem with the SnK group I'm part of. We can't get together to make and compare and we're...well there's all shapes and sizes in the group. It's hard enough finding white trousers that suit everyone's ...budget let alone grey.

So we've just opted to tint the photos from the shoot we're doing because that way everyone can have it both ways.

>> No.7188246

>tfw just cosplaying me as a soldier in the stationary guard

why you gotta be bert or what ever? Its like star trek, just be a red shirt

>> No.7188261


Since NO ONE in the entire series looks anything close to me (6ft tall caramel colored girl with fluffy hair) I'm just going as me in uniform.

Since the entire world is supposed to be walled up in SnK I'm sure someone there looks like me. So I'll be random soldier #214950.

>> No.7188369

Anyone else see that tumblr post pointing out that Mikasa's scarf is actually black in the manga? What do you guys think when it comes to cosplaying her now then?

>> No.7188387

There are no blacks in Eren's walled city. Aryans only.

>> No.7188598
File: 221 KB, 1095x730, shingeki_no_kyojin_by_pugoffka_sama-d6twulq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7188918

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the horses were photoshopped in.

>> No.7188920


It's dark grey, not black, and either way is correct. As if we haven't seen anime and manga variants of characters before, sheesh. Just make sure you stick to one source - for manga Mikasa, have the wrist mark, etc.

>> No.7188929


Assuming his face hasn't been shopped to fuck, that guy actually looks really good for Levi. That whole sharp features, high forehead thing. Unf.

>> No.7188946
File: 679 KB, 350x262, tumblr_inline_mw4vxaypjP1so0vn4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7188969
File: 193 KB, 366x600, tumblr_muguao5fBQ1sv86u9o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks when my favorite character is Bert and I'm Levi sized.

>> No.7189153

/r/ing ricos? I need inspiration for a cosplay I may or may not do.

>> No.7189165
File: 65 KB, 292x299, ccc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High forehead
>Sharp features
??? I think you're getting his actual appearance mixed up with your headcanons, bud. He has a pretty average forehead and a babyface.

>> No.7189168

I've actually never seen a manga variation of Mikasa, now that I think of it...

>> No.7189181

Yeah but how many people would actually recognize it? I can imagine people thinking "oh I'm so special because I read the manga look at my black scarf" now and other people thinking they just look wrong.

>> No.7189191

>in a manga
>greyscaled art

This is the same person who told everyone you're supposed to undo a chinese takeout box and use it as a plate, isn't it?

>> No.7189413
File: 234 KB, 823x1200, h001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that too at first. But then I went back to the colored parts.

>> No.7189420
File: 178 KB, 500x718, tumblr_inline_mw3owirV8g1s56005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the post did have colored examples. Go look up cover art, it's certainly not red.

>> No.7189517

So I'm considering doing a Levi cosplay for an upcoming convention and have been doing some research on the design of his costume. Is it just me and or does it seem like a lot of the Levi cosplayers out there usually tend to be female??

>> No.7189535

that's the truth, mainly because of his fanbase and the fact that 5 foot 3 males are a rarity.

>> No.7189566


I'm about 5'8, not sure if that counts.

>> No.7189582


>tfw I all ready have a pair of light grey pants in my closet

Fuckin score

>> No.7189905

Holy shit this is blowing my mind. I read the manga before watching the anime but after seeing promo art for it and I guess I must have been imagining a red tinge to it the entire time.

>> No.7191030

Her fringe is on the wrong side.

>> No.7194809
File: 1.37 MB, 260x195, tumblr_mvt5nopFfv1sizlu1o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know this dumb fucking trend moved into Shingekyo too.

>> No.7196480


what trend?

>> No.7196483

I'm guessing the trend of making stupid gifs of being scared.

>> No.7196493

wow that was pointless

>> No.7196785

Wear platform boots that make you 6'3"

>> No.7196807
File: 224 KB, 700x433, tumblr_mtlb9qTs2o1sv86u9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon >>7196483 got it. I should have clarified in my original post.

>> No.7196848
File: 652 KB, 245x138, the PJ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks for the clarification. I hadn't seen it before cause I don't tumblr.

>> No.7196852
File: 39 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know this isn't a great Reiner wig, but does anyone have it? I was thinking about it for someone else, and I just wondered what the quality was like.

>> No.7197052
File: 179 KB, 1024x683, shingeki_no_kyojin_cosplay___rivaille_and_ervin_by_jiosan-d6u0tng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this shoop or make up? Or make up and shoop?

>> No.7197054
File: 107 KB, 600x906, the_only_thing_we_re_allowed_to_do____by_ginga_bishounen-d6tcaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7197137
File: 193 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mtrfi1XXrl1qdf1guo1_r2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The person said they were doing some other gif but then they heard lightening or something and jumped.

Probably both, but at least shoop. It's hilarious the amount of blurriness at their cheeks.

>> No.7197142

>The person said they were doing some other gif but then they heard lightening or something and jumped.
Do people still believe that stupid lie? That's what all of them say.

>> No.7198831
File: 787 KB, 768x1024, expedition_in_the_fall_by_grimkidisadollboy-d6ucj3p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7198837

Any type of platforms would look ridiculous, even though I've seen it done in SnK cosplays.
I'd rather just have a solo photoshoot and cheat with camera angles

>> No.7198844

What the fuck. This is hurting my eyes.

And that immense amount of shop isn't helping either.

>> No.7198846
File: 242 KB, 500x600, tumblr_mnni41YnWH1qcsub6o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7198849
File: 270 KB, 710x1124, __conspiring___by_yamatotaichou-d6u0air.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and recreated ....

>> No.7198860
File: 244 KB, 533x742, snk_5_by_franwing-d6ui6wz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7198864
File: 196 KB, 533x800, snk_4_by_franwing-d6ui5uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7198881
File: 378 KB, 514x768, b_e_r_t_o_l_t_h_o_o_v_e_r_by_yamatotaichou-d6uk9zb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't ever remember Bertholdt being cute but I'm in favor of it.
I don't like his jacket though the wig is nice.

>> No.7198904

they're horrible actors

>> No.7198953
File: 49 KB, 600x655, BY9K4ioCYAAyv9J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

popular but shooped to high heaven oi.

>> No.7198960

What are you talking about, Bertholdt's fucking adorable

>> No.7198968
File: 25 KB, 500x334, BTDJ2VCCMAArx6n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never thought so. He just looked average long face dude to me.

Jean, I have a little crush on. Can't really pinpoint why.

>> No.7198969

Me too, anon. I have no idea why I find Jean attractive, I just do.

also, that cosplayer's hair is perfect.

>> No.7198979

It's the eyes and the kicked puppy look, it just gets to me.

Jean is really attractive too, tho

>> No.7199008

C'mon, stop with those self posts. The quality is not really high.

>> No.7199018
File: 856 KB, 400x227, jean blush.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Jean is the #1 Shingeki.

>> No.7199025


those are not self post. I posted them cause I was looking through dA and saw them there.


are all my post and all from dA

>> No.7199034
File: 41 KB, 432x640, 1385133_229206317245698_970250970_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know what's going on here.

>> No.7199081
File: 388 KB, 1446x882, 561007kunikufan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7199086

So I was at a con the other day and saw someone wearing a leather visual kei looking outfit with the Survey Corps logo on it. My best guess was they were cosplaying Levi, but is there anything in the fandom (like a fanart) where someone might get that idea or were they just making up a cosplay? It was an awesome vk/military outfit, but I was a bit confused as to why it had to be Shingeki, too. Sorry, didn't get a chance to snap a pic.

And I'm interested in the fabric discussion. After seeing the opinions on the thread, I do think I'll make the jacket out of twill. I agree that leather or animal based fabrics would be too precious for use soldiers, given the death rate.

For the Survey Corps cloak, I've considered twill, homespun cotton (for a rougher look), linen (but it wrinkles so easily!), wool gabardine, and raw silk (because I like the texture, though that might be too "expensive" in terms of logistics for a soldier). I'm not opposed to dyeing fabric to get the color I want, but what would y'all suggest for the cloak? I'd like something with a good drape, but can't decide if I would want to have matching fabrics with the jacket (twill) or go for a different look. The cloaks are just part of the uniform right, they're not for warmth are they?

>> No.7199111
File: 102 KB, 300x488, cloak comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cloak Talk!
I ended up going with a double knit fabric thanks to its nice heft and how matte it is. Drapes like a dream, and doesn't look too similar to the twill that my jacket is made out of (i see you share my concerns). I had also considered microseude. Go with a bottomweight wool is you can afford it, though!

>> No.7199139

I think the jackets are cotton/twill/khaki since the would already be using a lot of leather for their boots. Also leather jackets are meant for keeping warm by keeping body heat in. They already have cloaks for that and leather would just have them overheat, especially in combat.

>> No.7199142


I really wanted microseude for the jacket itself but honestly can't justify the look with the logistical accuracy of it. After looking at the gabardine wool, I'm really considering it. Though, would the diagonal lines and texture of the gabardine be too close to twill? Or will the textures come through as different enough. I don't want to break the bank on my uniform, but I am willing to sink in the cash to make it look nice. Though, I'm planning to use real leather for the straps and such, so where I can economize elsewhere, that would be nice.

This may sound dumb, but when you sewed your cloak, did you just use a circle skirt and attach a hood, or did you use a cloak pattern? I've considered using a pattern and adapting it to be "double breasted" so it doesn't just attach/part in the middle and comes over on each side, but I'm curious about how people are fashioning them.

>> No.7199332
File: 73 KB, 612x351, neighbitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best things you will see all week. I'm not into all the gay wank parings all over this fandom but damn if this AMV isn't well done.

Jean Kirschtein: Gay or European?


>> No.7199437
File: 284 KB, 740x494, 06f988fe77e74f1840a5b40c0c073fd974c5d4c1-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't /a/.

>> No.7199537

I'd cum on her face if someone squashed her against a tree

>> No.7199561

I would do everything in my power to talk you out of making your jacket from microsuede, but sounds like you've already done that yourself. Gadardine WOULD be similar to your twill, and might be too thin. Your results/opinions may very, though, so compare swatches, give it a crush test, and see what you think. In the end a wool blend might be better for your purposes. Hit the stores, keep an open mind, look for your color and your weight, and you might be surprised.

Not a dumb question at all! Personally I was working with/around a large irregularly cut remnant, so instead of using a circle skirt pattern my cloak is made of four gores and a square hood. You can see the back seam leading up to my patch. Check SCA websites and see if anyone has caplet patterns if you need a jumping off point (but you sound like you know what you're doing).

>> No.7199591
File: 195 KB, 1024x682, ravioli_cleaning_service_by_alkun00-d6ixn5u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7199595
File: 116 KB, 776x1029, cosplay_dakimakura__levi_and_eren_by_pollypwnz-d6qu0b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is up with cosplayers from this series having the shoppiest of shoped photos

>> No.7199597
File: 496 KB, 806x572, BUmqmfjCEAAyAo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People from other shows cosplay SnK too.

>> No.7199601
File: 239 KB, 900x600, attack_on_titan_by_vicissijuice-d67a9k0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7199602

>open shirts
>all that shop
>still no muscle
The fuck?

>> No.7199620
File: 274 KB, 900x600, cf02a7c579e64c0ca05b6a7b7e4da3a1-d6ohuhj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7199626
File: 245 KB, 1080x739, attack_on_titan__we_are_the_hunters_by_behindinfinity-d6scvln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rather like this one. I like what they were going for.

>> No.7200195

that's revolting.

>> No.7200199


No, I haven't actually. I was considering it, but nothing has actually been sewn and definitely after consider the world of AoT, I know that animal products for jackets is entirely implausible and unrealistic. This is all just planning.

Thanks for the advice on the pattern. I'm an intermediate sewer but not afraid to play around with fabric and drafting my own pattern, but I'll definitely look into SCA and other resources. Would you recommend the square hood? I may go for more of a 3/4 or 1/2 circle skirt instead of a full circle so it's not SO voluminous.

>> No.7200256

Does anyone have the link to Pattern Anon's jacket?

>> No.7200317
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>> No.7200364
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>> No.7200377
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Have some of my pmx group pics

>> No.7200386
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>> No.7200411
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>> No.7200531
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>> No.7200536

it's on her storenvy ofthreadandmind

>> No.7200538
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>> No.7200659
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>> No.7200692

I read the manga starting from last year and I'd still have a hard time not thinking the scarf is red. It just looks better red to me.

>> No.7200698

Agreed. There are lifts that make you a few inches taller that you put inside your shoes , so it's hidden. That's better than inaccurate footwear

>> No.7200701

That jean is hot! But Berty is adorable because he's super awkward and beta.

>> No.7200752

Except he's not. Everyone's just projecting that on him. He's the one who sympathizes with the trainees the least, he just wants them all to die and suffers internally when Reiner is friends with them.

>> No.7200851

What would be suggested as the best fabric for the brown skirt thing that goes under the 3DMG harness?
I was thinking either leather or suede in the same colour as my boots.

>> No.7200859

Leather or pleather that match your boots.

>> No.7200861
File: 255 KB, 555x740, Bertholt-FubarShingeki-no-Kyojin-PiccanHS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the other anon you were answering to but that's one of the reasons I like Bert so much. It's painful for me to watch him suffer in silence but at the same time, can't get enough.
I don't really get why so many people think he's moe and sweet because no, not really. But that's exactly why I love him.

>> No.7200864

This. Bert is a sweaty creepy asshole with severe self-esteem issues that I can't get enough of.

>> No.7201003
File: 4 KB, 452x169, sew_hood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My hood is a rectangle folded over hamburger style with a slightly concave seam along one side. See attached, but imagine it's one piece instead of two. It's very deep and lets me actually pull it over my head, since I wanted my hood to be functional. Then it was just stitched to the top seam of my cape, add a button, and voila. :)

>> No.7201036

Not related , but that jacket is awesome. I really have this thing where my eye twitches when I see the jackets made of pleather or vinyl considering ... No just no. It's like those people might as well wear a sigh that states " I have not read the manga "

>> No.7201060

Yes, thank you. I never understood why so many cosplayers do it, I think most are just trying to mimick Reika?? I really don't get it

>> No.7201071

I don't know who Reika is (assuming some popular desu Asian cosplayer ). But to me it seems like such a newbie move.

>> No.7201079
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>> No.7201282
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>> No.7201343
File: 75 KB, 398x208, bert2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel like you're missing a lot of the point of Bert's character, though. He didn't get attached like Reiner and Annie did, but he's still human: he felt sorry for what he did to Eren, when Jean and Connie and the others reminded him of the fun they had he cried and said it wasn't all fake, and he's shown that he at least cares tremendously about Reiner and Annie.
He was the best at staying detached, and as a result still cared far more for his comrade Annie than he did for the others, but I don't think he's unsympathetic or an asshole.
He just... Remembered what he was supposed to be doing more than the other two did.

>> No.7201347
File: 144 KB, 490x740, 0c1b5a313225e57a95a251bc96379ae652625c59-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, that was longer than I expected it to be. Shoulda saged.
Sorry, Bert's just a cutie to me.

>> No.7201384

I'm the anon from the second post and I am aware of all that. I was just commenting on how many people make Bert this moe blob of a character which is not Bert at all. He is adorable to me personally too but lets face it, the boy has a whole lot of issues.
He was indeed the best at getting detached and after all he IS human and DID feel sorry for what he did but did you see how fast tables turned when Armin pulled his strings? He threatened to kill them all right there and then, didn't he. Honestly, I'm not sure that it just proves that he cares for Annie. For me personally, it showed that all his pleads and tears and words of regret just moments before weren't THAT true, as it seemed that deep there, he always knew he couldn't trust the others. He's a monster in their eyes and they'd give him monster treatment, as Armin describes the tortures Annie is supposedly going through (which aren't true because she's sealed in the crystal and Armin's just manipulating Bert but he doesn't know that).
Maybe I'm seeing too much into it but I think there was a big part of Bert that feared being submitted to those tortures too (coward like he said himself), rather than just caring for Annie.
I'm probably not even explaining myself well because my english is shit but there are just so many issues with Bertholdt that I sometimes mess my train of thought trying to explain, sorry about that

>> No.7201398
File: 51 KB, 636x960, b93c08905650b4e00778477428b1d66d-d6qltax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, that was long and messy

I wish the patches were.. actual patches, he has a cutie face

>> No.7201407
File: 118 KB, 960x640, img_093g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


save it for /a/ yall. Back to cosplay.

>> No.7201415
File: 78 KB, 454x740, c2f00de4ad68270ae55bcc36601d3e0bb879dfdc-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I agree with the part about him not being a moeblob, I disagree with the rest.
The reason Armin did it was because he knows he'd freak out about Annie being harmed. He's been implied multiple times (not just by delusional Reiner) to have a crush on her, and before Armin even opened his mouth, he came up with his idea remembering how often Bert looked over at her and clearly seemed to like her.
Being scared might be some of it, but he would have had no reason to lash out, seeing as he still had the upper-hand. The distraction about Annie is what made him lose Eren and made the battle go downhill for him.
It proved that his interest in her was more than just Reiner making shit up in his head-- he values her life over the lives of his other friends, who he still managed to view as the enemy when told they were torturing a comrade. He clearly cared about them before, but it was more of the reminder that they're the enemy that made him threaten to 'KILL ALL OF YOU!'

>> No.7201440

I honestly never really saw why he'd like Annie, I either need to re-read the whole thing or I really don't know. They hardly interacted at all and the one time they did, she cut him off and made a point that she had nothing to do with him. I actually always thought Bert didn't quite trust Annie and neither does she (but well, it's Annie).
She's always keeps away and parted ways with them by leaving for the Military Police even if the plan changed when Reiner decided for the Scouting Legion. Bert's look there seemed more like an "why are you leaving and we're not sticking together, what will be of the plan".
He also did look pretty damn disappointed/beat down when Reiner accused him of "always staring".
Idk, Annie was always the outsider and she feels like sort of a "replacement" of Berik since he was part of the original trio. I suppose that's just speculation though, only more chapters will tell

>> No.7201447
File: 477 KB, 750x573, shingeki_no_kyojin__hello_little_armin_by_green_makakas-d6s8qed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*She always
Ugh, forgot picture again

>> No.7201452

>>many people make Bert this moe blob of a character which is not Bert at all


Bert is one of my favorites and it annoys the living Christ out of me when people make him all a kawaii desu.

They do the same thing with Armin. I remember everyone was losing their shit on tumblr when Armin manipulated Bert like he did. Half of them were surprised and talking about Armin 'snapping and going crazy' and the other half felt like the creator made Armin act out of character and were buttmad. When in reality, it's just that he's not the moe He-Man they depict him to be in fan works.He's a goddamn tactician. Manipulating the enemy and playing headgames are sort of his bread and butter.

Incidentally, which character do you guys think the fandom has fucked up the hardest in terms of how they're portrayed?

>> No.7201457


I can't stand Ereri shippers and their non-con, sadistic and abusive fics. Ugh

>> No.7201464

Pretty sure Bertbert isn't into Annie. I mean seriously, our only witness to that is a crazy man. It's not like we can consider Reiner a reliable witness.

I think Bert reacted that badly to what Armin said about Annie because... Reiner liked humans, Annie liked humans, but Bert never trusted them. He felt alienated by Reiner and Annie betraying their cause in order to befriend humans. So when Armin says they're torturing Annie, the one who went out of her way to be pals with Eren and spare Armin, Bert goes berserk not out of any sense of affection for Annie but out of... it confirms everything Bertolt has thought of humanity, that they will never forgive shifters, even if you thought you were one of them like Annie did or even if you tried to help them, like Reiner did. So yeah, Bert thinks his keeping a distance from humanity is finally justified in the worst way possible and lashes out.

At least that's my messy take on it.

>> No.7201473

Okay, that's sorta what I was trying to say but much better and simply explained, thank you!

>> No.7201561
File: 227 KB, 493x740, e9223de95d2c5eb4e95c650acc1a47273db22ba5-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think both of you are wrong. I thought the same before Armin's 'she's being tortured' claim. Not to mention, the fact Bert blushed when Reiner scolded him and the fact Reiner was already back to his normal self when talking about it seems to make it solid.
But anyway, onto Armin. I'd say it was just because he didn't trust humans. But he clearly thought of the same instance that Reiner did that made Reiner think he had a crush on Annie. If it weren't for the fact he was thinking about that, maybe 'oh it was just because there was no other way around it' would work. Then again, he was clearly crying and sobbing when all the others were harassing him about lying all those years. I don't think that was an act.
td;lr: Bert's not a moeblob, but he's not an asshole who lacks human feelings for his comrades, whether they're shifters or not.

>Which character do you guys think the fandom has fucked up the hardest in terms of how they're portrayed.
Hitch the Bitch. I have no idea where that idea of her sucking cocks to get to the Military Police came from.

>> No.7201583

I'll just throw this in


>> No.7201690

oh my god i had no idea it was erwin

>> No.7201865

flag on ground! shameful display

>> No.7202373

Eren and Ymir have darker skin. In fact, their main names are from Turkey.

>> No.7202380

Do Levi then please. Love me some shorty guys.

>> No.7202382

always spotting spanish cosplayers selfposting lol.

>> No.7202554

Sorry but Ymir as a name has very Nordic roots

>> No.7202570


Hey guys, Turkey and the Nords have the same endo-european roots with basically the same origin of language. The Nords were just a classification of some of those people being blonde haired and blue eyed, kind of like the aryan race.

>> No.7202625


Another guy here planning to do Levi although I'm 5'8 which is average height I believe for most men in the states but I swear some people still think that's short for a guy.

>> No.7203512


Anyone have a review of the pattern? Is it decent quality? Easy to follow. I've got experience reading the store-bought ones and downloadable ones from Burda. Is it anything similar to those? How does it fit once made?

>> No.7203529

there are photos right on her storenvy?

it's a good pattern, she released the sewing instructions with it too.

>> No.7203542

You're going to be awkward as fuck as a tall Levi. He's done to death anyway.

>> No.7203554

I saw a 6'5" Levi. And a teeny Hange. I was so confused.

>> No.7203582

So anyone planning to do a SnK group for an upcoming con soon?
I'm going to be doing one for Naka kon but that's still roughly 4 months away.

>> No.7203610

i have a group planning all of the 104th squad for ax, but seeing as it's so far away, the chances of it breaking up are pretty high...

>> No.7203630

being from turkey does not mean you're black

>> No.7203694
File: 177 KB, 318x371, Eren_Jaeger_-_Anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They might have the same roots, but they are arguably two different ethnic/cultural backgrounds. The name 'Ymir' is actually from Norse mythology. Nordic legends say that he was basically a primeval being/giant that the Gods fashioned the earth from his flesh. That being said, Ymir herself is definitely not Nordic-looking in the least. I'm curious if there will be any ties to her namesake in the SNK storyline.

Also, I'm not sure where you're getting that Eren has darker skin from. He's a bit more olive-toned, but I wouldn't say that he's significantly darker than most of the other cast members or anything. Could be the abundance of excessively pale cast members that make it seem that way. I personally think Bertholdt looks darker than Eren is. He could still have Turkish heritage, though. A girl in one of my classes was from Turkey and had very similar coloring to him.

It seems reasonable since lots of characters have first and last names from two separate nationalities. (Marco for example is Italian/Spanish in origin and Bodt appears to be Germanic. Jean is a French name, but his name also sounds like it might be from a German-speaking group.)

>> No.7203743

Eren just looks Italian or Spanish to me. But northern rather than southern.

>> No.7203754

I think it's canonically confirmed he's from turkey on his moms side...
But also, who actually gives a fuck ? His last name is German, and these characters aren't real, so can we not get into a race war? Please? Maybe? This isn't tumblr.

>> No.7203765

>race war
>pointing out that someone could look like they're from a certain nationality
I didn't call him a spic, anon. Unbunch your panties.

>> No.7203771


Were you at A-fest? Because there was totally a short Hanji and really tall cleaning Levi.

>> No.7203782

Lol at people giving a fuck about the race of a 2d non existent character

>> No.7203792

Tell that to the influx of black Marcos on tumblr.

>> No.7203815

I'm afraid to ask.

>> No.7203817
File: 36 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? How would that even be a topic? Ever?

>> No.7203856

I don't really get the race argument anyway. They've been holed up in those wall for more than 100 years. You'd think they'd be so cross bred nationally by now no one would even care

>> No.7204006

Haha. This! Even Mikasa is mixed. I assumed everyone else was as well.

>> No.7204281
File: 1.57 MB, 998x749, 32168546854684784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only time there's a male character who's my height and isn't a trap or shotacon, and he's done to death with really bad cosplays. Hopefully by the time I've actually worked out and gotten muscles, he'll have become less popular.

>> No.7204284

Fuck!! I've been seeing really good Levi cosplayers, so this horrific one caught me off guard. Why do people cosplay from SNK if they aren't in shape?

>> No.7204288


>> No.7204295

everyone will die

out of the main trio the last person to die will be reiner

>> No.7204300

also next people to die will be connie and hanji, I don't remember if it was in that order or vice-versa

>> No.7204304

Sad to say, I think Sasha will die next. He was planning on killing her off in a previous chapter and I'm guessing he still plans to have her die, just at a later time.

I also predict that we're going to find out that a.) Reiner, Bert and Annie are being commanded by Eren's dad and Monkey Trouble is also somehow involved or b.) The three of them had some information that made their motives (though not their actions necessarily) somewhat justifiable.

>> No.7204343

Who is Deerman ?

>> No.7204389

(citation needed)

>> No.7204423

If they kill mai potatofu, I will drop the series.

Until the next issue, where I'll start reading again, but be very annoyed about it.

>> No.7204434
File: 99 KB, 640x960, snkshoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7204611

are you kidding? they should've killed her already but the editor prevented isayama from doing so because of figure sales

>> No.7204656
File: 70 KB, 960x638, tumblr_muik7tK2V01rq62gio3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually a lot of this bad cosplay can be remedied with clothing that FITS.

>wig needs to be trimmed up
>cosplayer should bind more
>jacket is too big, take it in
>make an actual ascot and wear it properly
>shirt is too big, take it in
>pants are too big, take them in

nothing about this cosplay is well done but the screen print on the back. That's saying a lot cause I'm pretty nice about stuff like this and will let things slide. But nothing here is done properly.
I'd love to meet them and spend an afternoon fixing them up. They'd fucking love their cosplay afterwards and wonder how they had done it so bad when it's so easy to fix.

>> No.7204665

I honestly let out a laugh at Irvin's face, it's hilarious

>> No.7204666


That Irvin face is priceless.

>> No.7204669
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>> No.7204671
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>> No.7204672
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>> No.7204673


From the thumbnail, it looked like he was using a urinal.

>> No.7204675
File: 286 KB, 600x900, tumblr_murhs2pPOI1r2q8gpo8_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>7204673 From the thumbnail, it looked like he was using a urinal.

this will now be how I forever see this picture.

>> No.7204676
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>> No.7204679
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>> No.7204681
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>> No.7204690

Absolutely despise the overabundance of makeup in Shingeki cosplays. SERIOUSLY. Even when I can appreciate a well made costume it ruins the entire thing to see a face caked in makeup with overly emphasised and sharp features and eyeliner + mascara.

>> No.7204719
File: 94 KB, 1024x728, levi__eren_by_tovarish_n-d6k7tvi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seems most of us don't like it.
Some make up to help you have the character's features is ok.
The heavy contouring looks way too fake to be part of an otherwise real looking costume.

I don't know what's causing it either. I mean Japanese faces are known to do it so they look more western for characters that are clearly not asian. That makes some sense cause they have a lot of features to change up (little nose for big nose, single eyelid to double, soft eyebrows to prominent ones, round chin to defined chin) but if you are already western looking chill on the make up.

>> No.7204749


I do somewhat agree with this. A lot of these types of cosplayers go a little overboard on the make-up, especially when it comes to Levi. I always figured Levi had bags under his eyes due to probably not getting enough sleep and just generally being stressed out. These cosplayers tend to make him look like a damn emo. It's like the L Death Note phenomena all over again.

>> No.7206330
File: 74 KB, 310x310, tumblr_mwok7obFcU1rir2yno1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More convincing than 4/5 Levi makeup jobs.

>> No.7206341
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1394100_1424601717762076_1526122622_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7206340

Levi looks so damn pissed off. I love it

Irvin's face though haha

>> No.7206370
File: 75 KB, 400x265, 1380682715960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I complained about this once, particularly how Levi cosplayers fuck with their eyebrows and give themselves lines between them so they look annoyed. A Levi cosplayer replied they do it because 'it's easier than making that face all day!'
It's the anime-onlies who think he has one emotion, and are too lazy to use their expressions themselves. And apparently thinking that if they want to go to a con and cosplay, they literally have to look in character every second they're there.

>> No.7206384

At the same time however, a Levi cosplayer that did that at our con was way more popular than any of the other plain Levi's just because of the makeup technique.

>> No.7207126

a ,man who is also deer

>> No.7207152

Be very careful when trying to dye pants grey. Many Shingeki cosplayers have completely fucked up their pants because grey dye is often purple-based.

>> No.7207181


Lesbihonest though, Levi has an emotional range of annoyed to apathetic, at least outwardly. Even when Eren grew an arm and the rest of the team was freaking out, his expression was somewhere between "what the hell?" and "Goddamnit kid". He's not a very expressive dude.

>> No.7207218

Eren is still light-skinned...?

>> No.7207229

>Incidentally, which character do you guys think the fandom has fucked up the hardest in terms of how they're portrayed?

Everyone. I've never seen a fandom mischaracterize a cast as hard as the shingek one does.

>> No.7207288

I've been practicing with my makeup for Levi, and the effect I'm going for with putting some shading between my brows is more like scowl lines/wrinkles from him punching his eyebrows constantly and less about not having to hold a scowl for pictures.

>> No.7207750
File: 29 KB, 163x164, ishingeki_no_kyojin037_029-eng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you anime-only? The anime fucked up his character to make him look perpetually constipated, but in the manga--aka for real--he has a pretty wide range of emotion. His default is less 'goddamn everyone' and '...whatever.' Pic related. Less irritated and more just neutral.
He even smiles a little more in the manga than the anime. So really, it's just like how everyone thinks Hange's a crazy freak that giggles and doesn't take battle seriously, or that Armin is a moeblob that smiles all the time. It's the anime fucking up their personalities.

Why, though? He physically does not have them. It's not like he's Auruo. It'd be one thing if people could pull it off well, but I've never seen it look anything but like shit.

>> No.7207756
File: 43 KB, 160x162, fimg0v20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and more* '...whatever.'
Another picture of reference.

>> No.7207987


No, I'm manga only, and Levi is really just not facially expressive. He expresses his emotions through body language and tone. He fidgets, rambles, swears, drums his fingers, but his expression doesn't change much. I think he thinks he's doing a good job at hiding his feelings.

Also, apathetic means neutral, uncaring.

>> No.7208025

Levi just has a bad case of resting bitchface.

>> No.7208095
File: 1.23 MB, 1193x876, emotionssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's no Hange, but clearly you haven't been paying attention. Or you're lying about being manga-only.
Or maybe you're just mixing up 'not easily fazed' with 'not expressive.' I think it's more that he's seen so much shit, he tends to have a fairly neutral face. But he IS expressive. Maybe next to Eren and Hange it doesn't seem like much, but you can't just say he's not facially expressive. Actually, I'd say he's more facially expressive than in tone or body language. His body language hardly changes other than to clench his fists occasionally, and his tone is nearly always informal and sarcastic.
Look, I was nice enough to make a picture for you, complete with smiling Levi, irritated Levi, angry Levi, disgusted Levi, surprised Levi, and more.

>> No.7208123


Okay, clearly you're slightly insane, so I'm just going to back away slowly. Have fun with the shrine in your closet.

>> No.7208133
File: 171 KB, 493x740, 4fa1aa16e328fb57cfdbfaf0aaa49c8a72e15806-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Because I read the manga and can process facial expressions, I'm obsessed?
It took me like five minutes to pull a simple picture together for you as an example. Calm yourself.

>> No.7208138

Exactly where in the images is he smiling?

>> No.7208141

All the way on the right, second to bottom.
And all the way on left on the bottom.
I think he smiles when he talks to the Military Police(or maybe it was the Garrison) about 'not getting them a hot date with a titan' but I can't find that scene, so whatever.
Bottom line: He's not the most expressive guy in the universe, but it's not like he has NO expressions.

>> No.7208172

Person interprets how the original author draws the character and they're insane? You better get out of 4chan while you still have a chance. Or at least never go anywhere near /co/ or /a/

>> No.7208326

>Why though

For a sense of realism? The kind of life Levi lives would age someone pretty fast.
I went to school for makeup so I at least have some knowledge and the tools to try and make it work. I mean if it comes out looking like garbage then I won't bother, but so far I've only gotten the chance to try makeup for him with my contour pallet. I'd like to mix in some of my alcohol-based makeup for realistic eyebags and skin-wear.

>> No.7208570


Levi explicitly looks younger than he actually is, though. His age hasn't been stated, but according to the author he is fairly old for a member of the survey corps.

>> No.7208793

wonder how old is fairly old given that we have been following 15 yr olds around.

I hope he's around 25 or something. Erwin looks like he should be 30-32

>> No.7208891
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Wonder how long it will be till I see someone wearing these as pants to a con.

>> No.7208893
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>> No.7208894
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>> No.7208936

I believe isayama said he was around 34? It was a fan event though so it's not 'official'. I know people around that age who regularly get mistaken for students, but then again they aren't fighting titans all day...

>> No.7208939

eren and ymir look arabic though.
mikasa looks nothing close to oriental, wtf.

>> No.7208982

No, they look anime.



>> No.7208993

>I hope he's around 25 or something
Impossible, given his past as a thug in the undergrounds. He must be between 30-35.

>> No.7209113



>> No.7209210

>He must be between 30-35.

I'm even more in favor of that. I just didn't want "surprizingly old" to end up being 19.
You know how anime is. They think the wise sage character is 24.

>> No.7209270
File: 1.52 MB, 365x205, tumblr_mwkwjdwuua1shak7qo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy the fun people are having with their costumes...

>> No.7209272
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>> No.7209291


>> No.7209293

Different person, but I've always thought of Levi's expression as, "I've seen some things." Quietly trying to hide the fact that he still isn't used to how horrifying the world really is?
I haven't been paying much attention though.

>> No.7210356
File: 56 KB, 422x750, tumblr_mwm5fbBbEa1qzym5qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Standee cosplay for the holidays

>> No.7210385

I love that cosplay group! They are so funny.

>> No.7210387

I do think the same. Also he is the only character who shows compassion and worry for others withouth losing his temper or going crazy.
I do think he is kind of a veiled male tsundere character. Cold outside but oh so warm inside.

>> No.7210543
File: 179 KB, 409x356, raviolli stewart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't be able to unsee it

>> No.7210598

.... I fucking hate you.

>> No.7210714


Huh...she actually looks more attractive like that.

>> No.7212125
File: 95 KB, 537x698, mikasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mikasa figure is going to be released next year its on amiami so its official i guess. So is it canon that the uniform jacket is leather?


Also Reika is making her US debut at anime matsuri 2014. lol she's going to "represent the japanese cosplay community" The website is using her overly shooped levi cosplay photos. So im pretty sure that's what she's gonna wear. All i really want to see is how good (or horrible) her makeup will look in person. looks like im going next year!

>> No.7212127

holy fuck

>> No.7212128

Something Kirsten Stewart could possibly pull off
>mfw we're supposed to believe she's good looking enough to be snow white

Her acting is terrible, granted I've only seen 4 movies(plus the twilight saga) of hers, I can think of one where I thought she suited the character she was cast as or did a good job with.
Though maybe she was fine for the bitchy sister in Zathura or w.e

>> No.7212196

>Actually a lot of this bad cosplay can be remedied with clothing that FITS.
Clothing that fits doesn't help much if you weight 250 pounds at 5'6

>> No.7212203


>So is it canon that the uniform jacket is leather?

Only thing that is canon is how much the manufacturer isn't paying attention to the story.

It makes zero sense for the jackets to be leather.

>> No.7212550

lol does that mean we should start doing suede scarves for her too?

>> No.7214265
File: 2.65 MB, 3072x2304, IMG_2860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally put most of this together. It's got two fans on the side that run on batteries. Yeah it's not 100% accurate but whatever, artistic liberties etc. etc. Still have to add some bolts on the top, the exhaust port, some touch ups, and the mounting part for my belt and it should be done.

>> No.7216860

would arda's Westley wig work well as a base for Levi? I don't have much wig experience so opinions would be helpful

>> No.7217505

It looks like it'll be a decent base, just be prepared for a lot of cutting.

>> No.7217519

I'll be at Anime Matsuri, anon!
I'm actually a little excited to see Reika.

>> No.7217604

I wouldn't mind wearing them out casually if they didn't have the fake boot part (it would've been nice with straps/white pants all the way down + wearing your own boots instead). As they are, they look terrible.

>> No.7217698

I usually don't come here, but a customer dressed as Mikasa came into my work today. Recognizable, but didn't really look out of place, aside from the big ass insignia of the scouting legion on the back of the jacket. She didn't have them straps and such though, of if she didn't I didn't really notice them.

Working retail on black Friday sucks, but she did make me smile. Well, maybe my smile turned into a shit eating grin and freaked her out, since she didn't seem too chatty. Or maybe she thought I was being sarcastic with the "I like your jacket" comment.

>> No.7218604


That's a fun little story.

Did she do the wig and scarf too?

>> No.7218931

Anyone read chapter 0 of the manga yet?

>> No.7219043


reading it now.
gonna stop for a sec to make some tea and then read the rest.

>> No.7219556


Reading it now. Interesting that the 3DMG goes back that far, at least in some form, but the art is really atrocious. Not that it's evolved into anything spectacular, but this is REALLY painful to look at.

To keep this on track, I scored the perfect fabric for my Survey Corps cloak locally on Black Friday. Snagged a dark green "woolen" blend. Any suggestions for the lining? I considered just lining it with the same fabric, but I wonder if that will make it too heavy?

>> No.7220253


You'll make it too hot.

Line it in some same color light cotton.

>> No.7220262
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>> No.7220266 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7220270
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>> No.7220278
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>> No.7220290
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>> No.7220291
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>> No.7220294
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No idea what con this was or what they were actually doing a Walk Off for, but it's pretty darn funny and if you like Levi then you'll think it's sexy.

>> No.7220385

Haha, this was for the Cos&Effect Walk Off! It was pretty amazing.

>> No.7220513


Who else was in it? I see Amon from Korra in there.

>> No.7220514
File: 421 KB, 1008x1258, il_fullxfull.523128318_9z25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone making a full set of the Garrison patches?
I keep only finding scouting legion sets.

>> No.7221765
File: 298 KB, 480x640, picture of me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im really indecisive and wanted to know which snk character i should cosplay as. im sorry if i look weird in this pic, i dont like smiling when i put up face refs, i feel too self conscious about it.

>> No.7221772

cosplay someone who;s underage and doesn't have a girlfriend

>> No.7221787


Hmm, I can't really think of anyone in particular. If all else fails, you could always dress as some random Survey Corps soldier.

>> No.7221822


That's what I was thinking, especially since I live in Texas (though I've resigned myself to always being hot at cons here). I got 3 yards of the wool, and it might be 60" wide, haven't checked yet. Think that's enough for just one, or could I get 2 cloaks out of that?

>> No.7221875
File: 970 KB, 500x200, tumblr_mrsh23daZO1s989wqo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How big are you? Cause you might be able to get 2 out of it depending on construction.

Are you going for full circle or side/back seams

>> No.7222121
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>> No.7222128
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>> No.7222134
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>> No.7222136
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>> No.7222721

Where would you guys recommend buying boots?

>> No.7223240
File: 128 KB, 800x800, DSC_141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ebay chinese sellers seem to have cornered the market on it.

>> No.7223526


Probably full circle but in order to not get too much volume, I was thinking of using a 1/2 circle skirt pattern. Maybe 3/4 circle. I just don't want it to look like I've got a skirt on my head and have too much of the ruffly drape a full circle skirt can give. But I really don't want a back seam, I feel like a seamed cloak isn't as refined and would be a bit flat.

I am 5'1", female, usually wear size 4/6 US depending.

Also, in terms of the Survey Corps symbol on the back, I've been thinking. I know on the general uniform, it's patches, and that makes sense because you'd need to be able to change out the symbols once you actually select which division you want to be in (unless you just get a new uniform, correct me if my theory is wrong here). But on the Survey Corps cloak, it would probably be printed/painted or embroidered on, right? I really dislike the idea of using a giant patch on the back, so I've been thinking of applique-ing it on. I don't feel like DIY screenprinting would give me the quality I'm looking for, but applique wouldn't be bad if done right and carefully (I have done this before with satin stitch on my machine, sewed the letters for my Iwatobi swim jacket on this way).

So I guess my other question in all of that is, when to use a patch and when not to, and if not using a patch, what technique?

Thanks for the advice thus far!

>> No.7223530

Okay these are actually kind of cute. link to a seller?

>> No.7223532


Also check out in "brown" http://www.amazon.com/Hot-Fashion-Rider-82-Womens-Riding/dp/B008G7R0DO/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1386126098&sr=8-4&keywords=over+the+knee+boots

In the reviews people have been using these for SnK cosplay, so it seems decent. Not real leather, but none of the cosplay boots will be either.

>> No.7223795


not quite knee high ... based on images from the show they really should be knee highs

but overall they look pretty close

>> No.7223798


Agree I'm going random myself anon

I picture it as putting myself directly into the show

saving money on wigs and touch up make up assuming my skin holds up

>> No.7223819
File: 95 KB, 800x800, DSC_155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okay these are actually kind of cute. link to a seller?

Here you go:



>> No.7225733

Has anyone here ordered a jacket from DenDen Style? Because I'm an idiot and had the cash to spare at the time, I bought one back in August and paid a shitload for shipping only for the jacket to never actually come. I asked for the tracking number a while back and they said they'd send it but I never got that either.

I understand things are tough in the Phillipines right now, but they deleted everything from their shop and though I sent them another message, I'm worried that I'm never going to get my money back. I was just curious to see if anyone else bought from them and actually received their jacket.

>> No.7225960


On a short girl like me, I think they'd be over the knee, right?

>> No.7226258

How are people keeping their thigh straps from moving around and falling down.

>> No.7226637

I know she has nothing to do with them, but try messaging Jin (aka behindinfinity) for updates on the store?
She has recommended them to others (as that's where her groups' jackets are from) so I'm guessing she's semi-close to the people behind the store. It could be worth a shot.

>> No.7227167
File: 67 KB, 480x740, tumblr_mx7ewohjiB1so71oio2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is up with the make up I keep seeing?

Wait wait, I can answer my own question. They are trying to look more western. That makes sense...

>> No.7227229
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>> No.7227230
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>> No.7227233
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and just for shits and giggles.

This is kinda what I see when people cake on the make up.

>> No.7227372

That's actually a really good idea, thank you. I think that's the best shot I have right now since the store isn't responding to me.