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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7168768 No.7168768[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So... what kind of hobbies do you have?

>> No.7168781

"I sometimes sew, and I'm interested in, uh, alternative fashion."

>> No.7168808

"I sew"

>"oh, what do you sew?"

"I.. uh... sew costumes"


"uh... kinda"


"well it isn't exactly for plays, more like conventions"


"have you ever heard of comic-con?"

>"Isn't that like the place where are the crazy nerds go?"


I am just the worst at hair salons, I have no idea how to talk to them. I just want them to massage my scalp more and talk about how THEIR day went and what THEY like to do. Too bad that is the opposite of what they are supposed to do.

>> No.7168812

i get very untalkative hair salon people, either that or they can tell I don't want to talk even when I try to keep a conversation afloat.

>> No.7168817

I go to Chinese hair places, so I can't talk to them. It's pretty chill.

>> No.7168824

"I make costumes as a hobby"

"Oh do you wear them?"

"Yeah. Usually at costuming events or at Halloween. Sometimes I compete with them "

"Oh that's neat"

Don't spaghetti, don't be a weeb and most people find it somewhat interesting. More interesting than stamp collecting anyway.

>> No.7168861

"So, do you have a girlfriend?"


>mfw gay

I seriously think they ask this question to find out if you're homo.

>> No.7168871

>Taking days off for upcoming con
>Boss is a massive gamer nerd
>Too embarrassed to mention anime despite knowing that he'd think that stuff is pretty fun
>"I'm going to a movie convention to meet other movie nerds and dress up as movie characters from Hollywood, be back in a few days!!"
>Talking to people about how I met my boyfriend
>"We met at a movie convention"
>Talking about hentai panels
>"It was this uhm erotic panel where they talked about the porn industry. At a movie convention, so weird!!"

nobody has found me out yet

>> No.7168878

Your coverups are weirder than the truth.

>> No.7168879

I started using them cause it sounded so casual and smart in my head.
Then I realised how bad it was but then it was too late to reveal the truth. Better stick to my story and play it cool.

>> No.7170122 [DELETED] 


>> No.7170730

I actually prefer them talking rather than me being forced to talk. And over any talking, I prefer silence. I want to enjoy my scalp massage.

>> No.7170739
File: 431 KB, 640x360, 4464 - animated_gif blinking forehead k-on k-on! k-on!! moe tainaka_ritsu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like to sew and create stuff
>Oh, what kind of stuff do you sew?
Mostly costumes
>For like ren fairs?
More for comicbook conventions are stuff
>ooooh thats cool, once i saw on TV blahblahnlah fat guy in sailor moon costume blahblahlbah

its not that hard to make your hobby seem less weird. i always say "comicons" because people know what that is, vs "anime convention"

>> No.7170752

Anon, that's pathetic, just tell the truth.

>> No.7171241
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It says here your hobbies/interests are "lolita fashion"?

>> No.7171272

The amount of people that look at me blankly when I say 'comcon' is ludicrous. I don't understand how they can avoid American media so well.

>> No.7171277

"Comcon" would confuse them, even I'd give you a blank stare if you said your hobby revolves around that. "Comic-con" would be easier.

Anyway, my mom is super talkative and shit and tells them everything about my "weird little annie-may things and conventions and green wigs" so I don't have to do a thing.

>> No.7171284

Dammit. My typing is terrible today.

The amount of people that look at me blankly when I say 'comic-con' is ludicrous. I don't understand how they can avoid American media so well.

>> No.7171307

Okay. Now that, I do find a bit strange. Comic-Con even has commercials where I live.

>> No.7171309

Don't get commercials here but the news occasionally does an items on it and it's always getting talked about in sit-coms and movies like Big Bang Theory.

>> No.7171337 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 529x644, womenlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just say the usual, grills.

>sucking cocks
>getting wasted and sleep with random people
>cheating on my boyfriend

>> No.7171358
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I own a lot of books and I like to read. It's kind of weird, shopping for books (especially really pretty hardcover editions) gives me a bit of a rush even though some of them I never get to read until much later. It's almost like buying lolita dresses for me, except much cheaper and it usually has intellectual value.
When I get out of my house I want my own room that I would dub my personal study. No electronics in there. Just a typewriter, books, and lots of atmosphere so I can think about things.
Poetry is awesome too (especially beat) but unfortunately I don't live in a cultured area and poetry readings aren't exactly common.

I used to like casual gaming a lot (N64, gamecube, PS2, gameboy) but a few years ago I started to feel really fucking alienated from the gaming scene because I don't keep up with buying new consoles/games, and I'm not a huge PC gamer. I kind of feel like you have to take it to an extreme to make any friends.

Oh I recently got into snakes too. I adopted a pet snake from a friend and I've been enjoying learning about them and looking at videos/pics of their behaviors and morphs. Although I feel really weird saying that animals are my hobby?

Cooking used to be something I loved doing back when I had time for it. But now the thought of cooking just depresses me because I don't have time for it, and all I want to do is cook unhealthy things when I get the chance.

>oh and ofc lolita, cosplaying, and animu are my hobbies as well

>> No.7173286
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>> No.7173291

to put that on a resume/form is suicide I don't want to imagine anyone writing that

either way the more I think about it putting on weird clothes is probably one hell of a shit hobby to normal fags... and that not being the interesting part, no, the hours of online window shopping is.

>> No.7173293

I thought the point of this thread was to explain our freakiness

>> No.7173295
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>> No.7173296

I think it's better to make yourself sound as normalfagish as possible and then stick your more 'freaky' hobbies like cosplay and lolita at the end so people won't dwell on them.

>> No.7175182

hobbies: lolita and gyaru fashion> going to cute cafes dressed nicely
thinking about trying to make felt toys for fun

>> No.7175185

I usually try to formulate it as "interested in alternative japanese street fashion and culture" since I don't wear lolita exclusively. Still wouldn't put it on an actual work resume, though.

>> No.7175191

why would you EVER put your interests or hobbies on a resume
they have NO LEGAL RIGHT to ask for that shit

>> No.7175195

If you have hobbies or interests related to the field in which you're applying, then it'd be silly not to include that information if it could give you an edge. Obviously, this is incredibly situational and is going to matter a lot more if you're trying to get into a specific field rather than applying at Taco Bell, but it can certainly make a difference.

It's also entirely possible to put too much on a resume, it's just a very fine line. My sister is the HR director for a major company, "resume horror stories" is one of her favorite topics when drinking.

>> No.7175200

Believe it or not
some people work in fields
that are actually related to their hobbies.

But hey you don't have a LEGAL OBLIGATION to do and earn above bare minimum in your workplace.

>> No.7176364

History of monarchies. I especially like reading about the Russian monarchs.

Cooking. I like making tasty things.

>> No.7176372
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>Anyway, my mom is super talkative and shit and tells them everything about my "weird little annie-may things and conventions and green wigs" so I don't have to do a thing.

Shit, you too? I love my mom but boy does she know how to make a gal sound like a weeb.

>> No.7176371

cooking. i cheat on /cgl/ with /ck/. it's funny though because most threads are people arguing about knives or alcohol or posting picture recipes for ramen. still love it.

>> No.7176383

I feel like I relate to her more than I should

>> No.7176386
File: 370 KB, 1275x1650, brony-resume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to hear some of those horror stories if you have any. Anything like pic related?

>> No.7176399

When I get my license my dream is to have a salon dedicated to nerds or something. We can help cosplayers with their make up and wig styling needs while pampering Lolitas before their meets.

>> No.7176400

I wish something like this existed.

>> No.7176401

The closest I get is saying that I do "costuming". I just don't want to be lumped with the steadily increasing persona of cosplay being a hobby full of insane, young attention whores.

>> No.7176408

like similar to a blow dry bar with makeup services, but wig styling too? there's one similar to that in my neighborhood and it's called a "finishing salon." they just do styling and makeup though. going there before a lolita meet this weekend because I cannot into hair styling to save my life.
if there was one that catered to seagull interests i would go all. the. time. make this happen, anon-chan.

>> No.7176411
File: 50 KB, 480x640, 118139992_912d488ef7_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.7176415

Sort of, yes. I just think it would be so awesome to have a salon where you can walk in or call ahead and say "I have to make it to my meet by blah o'clock" or sit and chat about the things that REALLY interest you. It SUCKS feeling like I can't tell all of the girls in my school that the outfit I wore for our Halloween creative look contest was my first loli outfit. We go to salons to feel refreshed and relaxed. You can't get that if you feel like you'll be judged.
A little less maid-ish, but sort of. Lol.

>> No.7176420

I literally cracked up seeing this in the catalog. This is probably why I've avoided getting my hair cut for so long and I usually just trim my own bangs and have my mother in law trim the rest every 6-8 weeks. I personally hate awkward small talk and those kinds of situations.

I usually vaugely list my hobbies on applications where it's asked for. Usually like "sewing, costume design, fashion design, etc" and it looks pretty normal.

I do a lot of work for conventions (staffed probably every department at some point in time, department head, illustration / graphic design, website management), enough that it looks good on resumes, but I try to list it in a professional type of manner. So it usually looks good on paper.

>> No.7176576

it totally would be awesome. the world needs more nerdy, nonjudgmental salons. i'm actually a little concerned because i might have to go to the salon in my coord to make the meet on time. :( I really don't want to be judged. maybe I should just go in my blouse and some shorts so I can change into the rest of my coord later?

what was your halloween outfit if you don't mind my asking?

>> No.7176677

oh and dressing up in frilly dresses

no no! Not at the same time

>> No.7179554
File: 263 KB, 980x735, Chibi Bookmark - Gamagori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to draw~