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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7168399 No.7168399[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is in autosage >>7151019

Looks like IW might have added some more stock for their sale? Colorways that were sold out before on some items are now available.

Also, for anyone shipping international from the US, something I learned recently: USPS offers free tracking/"delivery confirmation" to some countries (such as the UK, Australia)...but only if you buy postage online. As far as I can tell it's not available at actual post offices, but it's a hell of a lot cheaper than shelling out for priority mail in order to get tracking.

>> No.7168403

Anybody know of any offbrand/indie brand taobao shops participating in the shopping carnival sales (11/11)? I'm trying to expand my wardrobe and I don't want to kick myself for missing anything.

>> No.7168407

I haven't seen any in particular, but I'd keep an eye on the shop weibo blogs. They'll probably announce there if anything happens.

>> No.7168432

I've never owned any brand shoes and is planning to get some, and I'd like to ask if they're comfortable as they are, or should I size up and pad them?

>> No.7168524

I just bought my first dress, the girl who sold it to me said there was no flaws. Ups on receiving it, I've noticed a few marks. One quite yellow spot on the sleeve. And what appears to be a small make-up stain on the front. The neck area is a bit yellowed also, I know the dress is a few years old. I'm not 100% sure the dress was cleaned before sold to me either, as it has little bits of dust and things under some parts of the frills.
Is this normal?
Is there anyway I can get the yellowing out?
My dress says dryclean only.

>> No.7168538

For an item that claimed to have 'no flaws', and I think you should contact the seller about the staining if you're bothered.
What kind of material is it? Is it delicate/printed? If it is cotton and solid/ on the lining, you can try getting it out by spot cleaning it with a little cold water and gentle detergent very carefully.
I would suggest taking it to the dry cleaners if the fabric or print is delicate, as water might ruin the fabric or make the print run.
This is how I would do it, but I think there are some guides on how to clean lolita clothing if you google them.

>> No.7168547

It is cotton and solid. I looked up some cleaning tags on egl, and will try the oxycleen method. I just wasn't sure how it would effect the original colour, as I am not even 100% sure what it is. Right now the whole thing looks cream or beige. But the stock photos make it look ivory.
Thanks for your advice, I might contact the seller, I know she wasn't the first owner. But still a little miffed that she said that after I asked her directly.

>> No.7168549

Why is it that people who lie about the condition and are shitty sellers get polite buyers like you, but sellers who try to be really friendly/make regular contact/try to list any flaws get shitty and flakey buyers who always complain?

>> No.7168559

Is it an MM or IW piece? Their ivory turns out to be beige/cream sometimes irl. I know some MM pieces can survive cold soak + spot cleaning, it will just have a "worn" feel to it, but the colour wouldn't change too drastically unless it's a dark color.

>> No.7168578

Depends on the brand you're looking at. ETC and JetJ are pretty true to size, some Meta are a little bigger than listed measurements. Can't comment on other brands. The width of your feet will most likely also affect the fit.

>> No.7168581

Thank you. She really wasn't that bad. She did make regular contact, and kept me updated with everything. When I asked her, just for clarification, if there were any flaws, she made me feel like I was accusing her of lying or something. The spot on the neck and sleeve are pretty obvioUs to any Lolita. The yellowing on the neck I understand, is from wear. But if it was me selling a dress, I'de be making sure that baby sparkled before being shipped out!


Yes it is an MM piece. I might also try giving it a soak. Thanks so much!

>> No.7168588

I'd leave negative feedback if she's refusing to acknowledge/help with the stains. Make sure you take pictures.

>> No.7168589

Will do. Thank you!

Polite sage.

>> No.7168593

Is there a list somewhere (or could we make one?) that has all the Mary Magadalene, Victorian Maiden, Moi Meme Moitie (and any other 'smaller' sized brands) pieces that fit a more average lolita/non Japanese build? I.e. Bust 88-94, Waist 66-72.

>> No.7168600

No. Thousands of dresses have been released over the years, no one is going to check to see which are slightly larger than usual for you. What a stupid question. Just use your common sense.

>> No.7168605


Anon it's not just me but very many. There has been countless posts regarding Moi Meme Moitie dresses and their size/bigger dresses. It was discussed in the Moitie thread just last week. Even if it was just for Moitie, if there was some kind of list, it'd be so helpful and easy to guide people to instead of the same questions that are always asked.

>> No.7168613

Exactly. People have already discussed it. What more do you want? I actually posted most of the advice in regards to which Moitie dresses will fit bigger frames. Like I said before, it's all about using your common sense. Look at the cut of the dress. Look to see if it has shirring/gathering. That will tell you if there's a chance of it fitting or not. No one's going to compile a list for you of all dresses that will fit you ever. If you want a list so badly, make one yourself.

>> No.7168631

I am more than happy to create one anon and I don't mean to annoy you at all. I was more so looking to see if someone created one in the past or if not, what dresses (by the 'smaller' sized brands) do people know/would suggest that are slightly bigger than the normal size for that brand. Thanks for inspiring me anon. I'll go check the archive and have a look at the measurements on lolilibrary and hellolace.

If anyone has any suggestions for the list I'd be happy to include them.

Thank you.

>> No.7168673

How much do you upsize your main pieces? I'm looking to order my first dress and I'm not sure how much 'wiggle room' to give myself for movement. I have a 67cm waist and an 85cm bust, for example - how many cm up from that should I order for to ensure that it's comfortable and that I'm not stretching out the dress?

>> No.7168711

No one has done it before, mostly because the need for it isn't the main need of the comm. Also, protip, a lot more Meta is large sized. If I were you, I would suggest to the lolibrary team to add larger size or something as a tag.

>> No.7168775
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>> No.7168821
File: 71 KB, 300x400, mary_op_marylou_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone see how much the Mary Lou Op in Navy went for on the auctions? I was thinking about bidding on it, then I completely forgot about it, like the idiot I am.

>> No.7168829


>> No.7168836

Anons who own Bisque Doll, do you find the online measurements to be accurate (88 bust, 68 waist?)

>> No.7168853

I have a pair of Chantilly heels and they're very comfy (they're lightly padded on the inside and they're made of actual leather, which IMO is comfier than fake leather) and true to size. I'd recommend them to anyone.

>> No.7168873

Unless it's a really unique design you can't find elsewhere, I'd suggest not buying brand shoes at all. They are literally the same quality and materials bodyline or something uses. You're paying for the name in this case.

>> No.7168913

I own both brand, bodyline, and offbrand shoes, and my brand shoes are by far the best of the bunch. Generally my bodyline shoes are the worst quality out of all the shoes I own.

>> No.7168948

you're too nice. I'd ask for a partial refund or open a dispute. don't want no stank dress.

>> No.7168977

Is there such a thing as ribbon that doesn't look cheap?

>> No.7169006

Thanks anon, and I know that Meta has larger sizes. I personally fit into a lot of brand, Btssb, AATP, AP, Meta, I.W, Putumayo, mostly unshirred as well. I just wanted to create a list of the smaller sized brands that would fit the average lolita. Thanks for your help though anon.

>> No.7169016

20,000 yen, if this is the one you're talking about:


>> No.7169136

I know it's a little early but in my comm we just got matched with girls for a secret santa thing. The girl I got matched with likes classic and paired with the fact that I'm still a bit of a noob and I'm also mainly into sweet and gothic, I don't really know what to get her that would be nice? In the form we had to fill out, she said her wardrobe was lacking in mostly hats and tights. Because I'm not very familiar/well-versed in the aesthetic I'm not quite sure what to get. Should I just search for things from places like MM/VM/JetJ/IW?

>> No.7169202

Stalk her on social networking sites to get an idea of what she has in her wardrobe first! There are loads of places where you can buy tights depending on what matches with her wardrobe
JetJ do tights but idk about the others, you'd probably have more luck with indie brands or Grimorie. I'd shy away from hats because they are hard to get right without being tried on first.
If you are totally lost then go with Grimorie tights because she can easily resell them if they don't work with anything in her wardrobe!

>> No.7169374
File: 355 KB, 718x721, tumblr_mvgqyiMLdI1r4b7tuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F+F came out with this. I wish they had a better reputation, because I'm absolutely in love with the print. Not a fan of the trim but I can take it off easily. I'm just worried it'll come out blurry or the dress will be weirdly gathered or something.

>> No.7169383

Aww shit. Thanks anon.

>> No.7169392
File: 168 KB, 660x990, V00010_07[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah they are weird because i really want to like this but its F+F

also the sparkly blouse is amazing

>> No.7169423

How bad is F&F? I really like some of their blouses (the ones that aren't disgustingly shiny) but I'm wary because of what I've heard. I know they're not Milanoo bad, but how bad are they, really?

>> No.7169430

MM measurements are pretty solid in general, plus maybe a cm or two of fabric give.

Yes, if you look at ribbon used on a lot of brand dresses they usually use either a nice thick double-faced matte satin ribbon or Petersham ribbon. Petersham is not the same as grosgrain, though that's the most common substitute.

>> No.7169445


Aside from a few basics (e.g. blouses, some coats) F+F worn always seemed a little costumey to me. People are not really too fond of the fabrics or the fit either, and it always fits slightly oddly from the worn pictures that I see. Their basics seem pretty good though as far as I can tell, but what do I know, I'm just a taobao whore heh.

>> No.7169627

If the "garment measurement" is given, 4-5cm below that is good. However many lolita dresses have shirring for ease of wear, so as long as you're in the range that the shirring fits you're fine.

Really? I find my offbrand shoes to be the nicest, if you compare both price and quality - for the same price as brand shoes they are far and away better in terms of quality and comfort (full leather, padded for comfort, etc.) Of course bodyline shoes aren't great, but they are also at an entirely different price point in comparison.

Floral lace tights in a colour she has in her wardrobe?

F+F has mixed reviews because they're damn inconsistent.
Their fixed size stuff is on par with bodyline (dresses are unlined unless stated, fabrics used are the cheapest they can get away with, construction is okay but nothing to write home about) but 30-50% more expensive for most items, and their patterning can be a bit off although it's not usually too noticeable from fit.
Custom orders are a bit of russian roulette - you can get amazing items, but also shit that not only is nowhere near the measurements you gave them but also nothing like the stock photo.

A distant acquaintance of mine owns bisque doll - her bust is 93cm, so it must have some wiggle room since she seems to wear it without issues (although I'm not close enough to ask if she has a minimiser on)

>> No.7169818
File: 497 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20131031_140444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what these are or what set they may belong to?
sans the terrible phone can quality, these are an ivory color with glitter OTKs from BTSSB as written on the sole. they have from what i distinguish as trump motifs, roses, "Baby", and a lolita clad on it so its suspected its alice in wonderland themed

help me loli-tectives

>> No.7169934

Is there a budget limit for the secret santa? I'm going to agree with others though in stalking her wardrobe to see what colors go best before you buy her anything wearable! Tights and beret type hats are good casual classic items. You could also go for something not wearable- such as a sachet she could place in her closet or a hatbox in a cute floral pattern that she could put accessories and/or future hats in?

>> No.7170116

Who's planning on ordering Haenuli's new print? I'm indecisive since the skirts look way too long. I'm short (5 feet!) with a 74cm waist, so I'm pretty leery about it.

>> No.7170130

How do you know your friend's exact bust measurement if you're not "close" with her?

>> No.7170137

Doesn't anyone think it's complete bullshit that you pay $200+ for a dress that water can NEVER touch or the print is totally fucked? What if it rains? What if you spill your drink? Something that expensive shouldn't run, that's not the mark of a high quality piece.

Brands = paying for a name for a product that's most likely made in the same warehouses as bodyline.

>> No.7170144

Um, most expensive fabrics are more sensitive and need to be dry cleaned or steamed only. Such as silk, velvet, real chiffon. I agree that the prints shouldn't run and that it is a flaw, but in general, expensive clothing needs more care. You sound very ignorant.

>> No.7170147

i need to see this sales post, judging by her typos.

>> No.7170148

uh, I specifically said prints, not any of those other fabrics. You sound like you can't read.

>> No.7170155 [DELETED] 

Ok I'm ordering with JeJ for the first time using Tenso as my forwarding address. Using a guide online, do I put the shipping or billing address in the top section, and then the opposite for the bottom? Thanks!

>> No.7170166

You were also complaining about general maintenance of delicate clothing, making it relevant.

>> No.7170169

I understand where you're coming from, but I think that in some ways beautiful things are delicate, and in order to keep the prints vivid it is necessary to take extra care of them and to make them last longer, especially those that are in darker colours.
Also some prints are on delicate fabric, such as Dream Sky and Holy Lantern, so I guess sometimes its not so much about the print but about the fabric? Don't forget the glitters and gold detailings that might come off / be damaged when its completely soaked.
Plus, the price take into account the price of the fabric, design and construction. Regardless of the 'printing method', brand will almost always have better fabric choices than bodyline.
I agree that its rather inconvenient, and I guess in some ways the brands are trying to keep the price low as colourfasting fabric with complex prints and details might increase the cost of production.

>> No.7170205

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.7170228

Obviously you've never seen the prices or care tags of designer clothes

>> No.7170231

I've owned at minimum 50 brand prints and have handwashed them all with no problems

>> No.7170237

A lot of prints can be washed. It's just a handful of them that can't.

>> No.7170262


Yes, definitely accurate. Also, it has quite narrow shoulders and arm holes.

>> No.7170275

See >>7170228

You seem utterly clueless about what expensive clothing should and shouldn't be.

>> No.7170404
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I'll just leave this here. I don't have enough money to buy it, but maybe someone else can have their dream dress.


>> No.7170409
File: 69 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-10-31 at 18.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think?

>> No.7170411

are you cosplaying an ita zombie miku?

>> No.7170412

>Brands = paying for a name for a product that's most likely made in the same warehouses as bodyline.

Or, you know, you're paying for something unique that you can't buy elsewhere. People do buy taobao and offbrand if they make things you can't find elsewhere, that's an integral part of lolita, the uniqueness.

>> No.7170415

Just a zombie transvestite.

>> No.7170467

How much do clobbaonline usually charge for shipping to the UK, for example if I was to buy from Infanta? Any ideas?

>> No.7170508

Does anybody steam their lolita pieces? I was wondering what kind of effect it has and how clean it leaves them.

>> No.7170521

From my experience with steaming clothes in general, it doesn't clean, it's just a more effective and less damaging way of ironing. Remember that things that should be washed in cold water, like wool, should also not be steamed as it will shrink. Similarly, it can also set stains.

>> No.7170527


Could we all agree that if you don't know what you're talking about, you shouldn't recommend someone not purchase from a seamstress or shop?

>> No.7170551

Sorry OP, I paraphrased your comment for the post. Also, I almost died when she said brands have a 1 year warranty on items or some garbage.

>> No.7170673

She's said weird stuff about brand before. I think she also recommended that people complain to Baby about something, even though Baby has a record of blacklisting people even if it's not their fault.

>> No.7170675


>IW world sale
>no money
>All the good shit will be gone before next paycheck

Oh well, there's always next Summer and Fall I suppose...

>> No.7170676



You mean the fuzzy shot of the catwalk dress that appears to be made of a shantung or taffeta giving it a distinctive texture across the corset bodice?

I don't get this chick, she JUST commented on a newbie post saying that even if something isn't 'lolita' you can still dress it up in a lolita way and it's 'lolita' to her. Yet then she comes into these indie brands saying that this shit isn't lolita. Like, wtf, best troll ever?


like did she literally have to google 'what is it called when someone sews two pieces of fabric together'? And get 'seaming' from wikipedia? Totes a technical term i've heard from my tailoring teacher

>> No.7170822

How do you guys go about washing your petticoats? Are they something that you can toss in the washer or should they be handwashed?

>> No.7170835

i would recommend doing a gentle handwash at most, if it's really necessary. a regular washing machine might be too aggressive for the netting material.

>> No.7170845
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>mfw username
dis bitch. "i'm not familiar with this brand but let me tell you how it probably totally is". and what is this one year warranty? at most i think it's 30 days from THEM shipping it out, and it's for obvious flaws in manufacture.

>> No.7170853


You can wash it in a machine if you have a mesh laundry bag. You can get them at the dollar store.

>> No.7170864

Ok, so I've just seen a sales post for Drained Cherry JSK for only 220USD, problem is she says it's a B item. The only flaw is that the print doesn't have the AP logo next to the cherry stems, how legit is this? I know B items show up occasionally for cheap, but just asking if anyone else knows about this specific flaw (or another like it) happening. I don't want to buy a replica by accident because the brand forgetting the print their own logo is a bit strange.

>> No.7170954

How come every time I try to sell something worth over $80, I have people always asking me to mark down the packages' value under $30. Bitch, my country has high customs too. I'm not fucking myself over if something goes wrong and the package is lost, fuck that.

>tfw I've been trying to sell the same jacket for almost two weeks now only to have this happen with every potential buyer

>> No.7170963

At least half of their items are non print replicas, too. They're pretty dodgy and everything has a tendency to look costumey. Not worth the price at all.

>> No.7170971

Let's be real, the quality of Taobao brands typically can't compare, anyway.

>> No.7171164

To brand? KL has consistently gorgeous quality, fully lined, crystal clear prints, high quality lace and zippers, perfect stitching every time. I own 3 of their printed items and 1 non-print and they're the best quality dresses I own. AP comes a close second, as their prints don't run, and they usually have pockets. However the construction of the garment and the quality of the lace isn't as complex or luxurious, although it is solid. KL puts more attention into matching prints at seams than AP does too. Baby and AaTP cost double that of KL, and can be horrendous at times. Unlined, half-lined, the zippers aren't as smooth, and their prints are infamous for running in the slightest drizzle of cold water.

However Kidsyoyo and Chess Story are consistently ugly and shoddy quality. Their prints are tacky as fuck, especially Chess Story, and have bad quality printing. I liked their black Wedding d'amour, but as soon as I got it I sold it right away. The fabric was very thin, like old cotton sheets, and the print was just as faded. It looked like it had been worn for years and cleaned with bleach, the black parts were so clearly grey against the true black lace it was sad. The stock pictures were shooped to hell and back. Kidsyoyo is also better off making replicas, as their Snow White is the only good thing to come out of them for years.

>> No.7171165

I just wish KL doesn't have such a long production time..

>> No.7171166

Baby/AatP zippers are the worst! I'm so close to getting the ones on mine professionally replaced because I'm so sick of getting home after a meet up and being stuck inside my dress. Or rushing to get ready for a meet and not being able to zip up the dress. Actually on the subject of AatP, learn how to cut your goddamn plastic boning so it doesn't split!

>> No.7171184

I'm holding a giveaway for a bunch of lolita shoes, and only 4 people have reblogged it jesus christ I am so horrible at this

>> No.7171186

What's your giveaway post look like? Is it eyecatching and interesting? Do you have enough followers who will see it and reblog it to get that signal boost?

>> No.7171187

It's kinda simple. I made a graphic for it, but the shoes could be better photographed. I don't have enough followers, hence the giveaway in the first place, so I'm kind of stuck. What should I do?

>> No.7171191

You want to take some nice photos of the shoes. Think of a giveaway post like a sales post in many ways. You want to make people want your shoes. Did you tag it properly? Remember that only the first four or five tags are relevant for tag searches.

>> No.7171248

that sounds really weird, but i dont think there is a replica of drained cherry? i would ask her for a picture of the brand tag in the dress.

>> No.7171873

Has anyone been having problems with Closet Child lately? The last 2 times I've ordered from them I've been charged multiple times for each order. Apparently the money "didn't transfer from my bank account" when it obviously did because the money wasn't there anymore. I wound up losing $150 for a few weeks but I contacted paypal and got it back. (I got charged 4 times for the first order and twice for the second.) I want to order from them again but I don't want to go through all the trouble of dealing with my bank and paypal

>> No.7172242

where can i find the dream sky dress from ap to buy?

>> No.7172246

you sound new

>> No.7172249

it's all sold out, you're going to need to check auctions http://www.mbok.jp/_l?_CODE=%82%A0&_SRC=sideNavi_sr&r=fc&gq=1&mem=1&q=Dream+Sky

>> No.7172253

Fucking hell, does anyone know how Lady Sloth ships? She gave me a track number but idk

>> No.7172254

I have never done money transfer through bank, but when you choose to use Paypal you are supposed to click the big red button (with I believe it's yellow writing?) after you place the order and pay IMMEDIATELY. And then they contact you later confirming they've received payment. Using Paypal seems the easiest way to pay. It's really straightforward with their new system.

>> No.7172261

This is a replica of a blazer from I think MM. As >>7170963 says, a great deal of their items are non-print replicas or knockoffs.

Their blouses (apart from some dodgy lace, but you can tell which ones) are pretty decent, as are some of their more basic skirts, but I agree with the anons that noted they have some slightly wonky fit sometimes. Usually sleeves and collars, in my experience, but the bodices have always fit me fine. But I fit their standard size, so I don't get the blouses custom made. That said F+F is not as good of quality for price as many taobao brands.

>> No.7172633
File: 61 KB, 600x450, 137556_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the general consensus on this dress? It's baby's Alice and the looking glass op. Secondly, how much does it go for normally on Japanese auction sites? I'm about to purchase it but I don't want to make a mistake.

>> No.7172647


>> No.7172654

that doesn't answer my question at all. I know it's there, that's why I'm asking.

>> No.7172669

I don't see how you can fuck yourself over, if the package is lost and you can claim money you can give refund how much they wanted the customs value to be.

>> No.7172671

UGH my grammar is fucked. *you can give a partial refund to the buyer equal to the value they requested the value to be on the customs form.

It tends to be that the buyer not the seller screws themselves over if the package goes missing and the package was marked down.

>> No.7172683
File: 53 KB, 340x255, lv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would APs soft tulle petticoat work with most dresses or would organdy be a better bet?
I think the discription says to layer? so maybe not

>> No.7172699

organdy, I think. That one would probably be best for their empire waist stuff.

>> No.7172714
File: 970 KB, 500x281, 5hegwr4y.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put a sale order in with IW last night, but one of the items was marked as "few left" so I'm nervous about that...
Also by the time they get back to me the sale will probably be over so I don't think I'll be able to replace it if it's sold out.

Anybody else having sale order woes?

>> No.7172748

Does anyone know a good commissioner? For JSKs specifically? Non-print. I have a design buzzing around my head that I want brought to life.

>> No.7172847

can anyone recommend a cute pink lipstick? Every single one I buy is either too shiny or doesn't show at all...looking for a cute bubblegum kind of color that'd work with sweet/casual/otome

>> No.7172868

Maybe NYX's round lipstick in Strawberry Milk? It goes on kind of matte, but looks pretty good if you top it with a shiny gloss.

>> No.7172885

the one i wanted was gone by the time they got to me. sorry anon. may you have better luck than i did.

>> No.7173297
File: 32 KB, 360x420, 120240170019 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im considering buying this dress. I imagine the picture is just photographed badly? I know how most of us feel about raschel lace but I find this endearing, are there any worn pictures of Meta's raschel dresses??

>> No.7173307
File: 77 KB, 312x469, 87877_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a worn picture, but this is an IRL picture of one of their LP raschel mini sleeve ops if that helps?

>> No.7173327


Diff anon, but wow, that picture makes me wince. Are there any pictures worn to redeem the uh, scary first impression? I'm trying to remain open minded here.

>> No.7173346

So AP USA has some anniversary lucky packs up. Anyone think that lucky packs are NOT a good deal? I've heard it said they're a good deal for someone building their wardrobe, but I hesitate the drop the money on something where I might need to buy new shoes and other things to coord with it, when I could spend the similar amount of money on something I know I can coord, even if it's not precious burando.

I also have really bad luck.

>> No.7173372

I'm not the same anon that originally asked about how to wash shit jfc

>> No.7173375

Their happy packs (like the ones that you actually know what's going inside the packs) seem like a pretty good deal. Most of the time you pretty much get a full outfit; just supply the shoes. And even if you end up selling the main piece, blouses are always good to have.

Lucky packs though I would be more hesitant. What sucks is that they are be of any color so it might be hard to work into your wardrobe.

>> No.7173488

Antaina and a couple more taobao shops offer custom sizing for a small extra fee. Shoe clips are also good for dressing up plain heels.

>> No.7173454

Do you all know of any place where I could find large-sized, cute shoes? I'm about 28cm size and most of the shops I've seen stop at 27.5 or it was this place that had rocking horses only. I just don't want to wear my plain heels with my outfits. Am I screwed?

>> No.7173468

it seems like it might just be the fancy paper dolls jsk plus headbow and not an actual "lucky pack" per se.

if you are interested in that dress, $200 probably isn't a bad price, but otherwise i don't really see why you'd go for it.

>> No.7173473

Meta's raschel lace stuff looks like shit in photographs but has a really lovely drape in person. It's actually a kind of cord lace, much nicer than your standard raschel.

>> No.7173642

I steam my clothes quite a bit, but it's not really cleaning, just good for getting wrinkles out. Steam will set stains in, and it's pretty useless for removing odours, so for blouses I usually spritz areas like the underarms with diluted vodka before steaming. I've not tried this on any printed items though.

Blouses always go in the washing machine. I wouldn't buy a blouse that isn't machine washable.

On a side note, I left my IW blouse in the tumble dryer for three hours, and it seems to be okay, yay! Does anyone know how shirred dresses stand up to tumble drying? I want to try one of those home dry cleaning things, but I don't want to damage the elastic.

>> No.7173710
File: 621 KB, 440x247, 1380861627811.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright so I've been using FromJapan to buy me a few of lil things from mbok but I'm just about fed up.
I've given these guys more than 18hrs to do two seperate bids on this headband i've been dying to get for ages (being lucky that the headband even came up again for a second chance) and they didnt get them either times, that and another piece i cant remember r/n.

These two items I want now have a few days until they close, however even hoping they do bid on the item for me asside, their rates for more pricier items are kinda retarded, considering I originally used them just to order some small accessories in the first place.
I feel like I'm dumping cash at them for no reason with all these non-refundable deposits or whatever these partial refunds from not even doing my bids are.

TLDR; does anyone else know a reliable mbok bidder that'll actually do my bids within a minimum of 18 hrs, and doesnt have obtuse commission rates for auctions over 5,000 yen? And as an added bonus, not like Japonica and rely on tedious email order forms? (fromjapan's only redeeming quality of having website submitted forms and recorded postages per account...)

>> No.7173711

The key word was "typically". Although, from what I've seen, KL doesn't seem to be better than brand in terms of quality.

>> No.7173724


Except when the cunt of a buyer files a PP claim to get the entire sum back.

>> No.7173729

I have a pair of meta shoes. OMG they are the heaviest things I've ever worn! I find that my ankles actually get tired from the added weight

>> No.7173733

If you are willing to splurge a bit, I absolutely adore Dior's clear to pink lipstick. Sorry I don't know the exact name, but they make it in a lip plumper and a lipstick. Both are amazing

>> No.7173770

>doesn't own any KL
>previous anon does
>compares it thoroughly to brand they own
Nope, never mind, your experience with stock photos is obviously much more accurate.

>> No.7173785

I've seen it in person, I just don't own anything. And their stock pictures make their stuff look better than it actually is. Aside from MC which seems to be of higher quality than their other pieces. But you obviously know what I'm saying better than I do.

I have read complaints about their quality before on here by other people who own their pieces. It's a shame really because they have some great designs. But judging by how popular they are, the quality will probably improve.

>> No.7173797

I had a list somewhere of all the MM from Lolibrary that listed a waist of 68cm+, with a special note for anything shirred or 70cm+, but I don't know if it survived my last computer reformat. If I find it, I can post it. I was in the process of looking for MM dresses on the auction sites, and I got sick of having to run to Lolibrary all the time to see if it would fit or not.

>> No.7173800

After years of pondering, I've decided that I need a wig. I did have one before but it was bad quality which kept me from trying again. Soo, does anyone have any recommendations for a decent seller? My budget is around $35. Any links that would help would be greatly appreciated.

My apologies - I know that this is a redundant question.

>> No.7173806

I steam my stuff all the time, but mostly in place of ironing or febreeze. It takes the wrinkles out, and helps to defunk a little, but I don't think it's a good replacement for dry cleaning or machine washing (for pieces that can handle it).

>> No.7173812

I've heard that L-email are good.

>> No.7173814

You've obviously never heard of those designer dry-clean-only bathing suits have you? -That- is complete and utter bullshit; an occasional color bleed from brand lolita dresses, not so much. Most prints made after 2010 or so don't really have issues with running, and for those that do, it's usually a case of simple dye transfer that happens because excess dye on the print hasn't fully set. A synthetic dye fixative treatment like Synthropol, or a quick run through a cold water wash with some vinegar will usually clear that up right away. We had a great thread on this topic a few months back.

Also, at least in BABY's case, the work is done in-house in Japan. Not all brands ship off to China, and even for those who do, the quality is still waaay higher than Bodyline. I like my Bodyline, but it really doesn't compare to my brand.

>> No.7173864

chibi_tenshi maybe, she bidded v.quickly for me.

>> No.7173865

Yes that's a problem. I've never actually seen what a paypal claim looks like so I don't know if you can do partial refunds. :S

>> No.7173881

Does petticoat color matter? I'm getting in a dark black/blue dress soon, and I've convinced myself that I should get a black petti. And yet, I know I could get more use out of a white petti, and I'd like to save my money, but... so, just wondering, as long as it's worn correctly, will petticoat colors really make a huge difference?

>> No.7173882

Not really, no. It's nice if your petti goes with your outfit, but it's not necessary at all as long as the shape's right for the dress.

>> No.7173885

Not really, but if you have light-colored dresses, make sure the fabric is either thick enough so you can't see the petticoat through it if it's a darker color!

>> No.7173891

The soft tulle petti from ap says its shorter then the organdy one.. does this mean that if my soft tulle petti sticks out from a skirt.. that the skirt needs a shorter petti or would the organdy petti give poof but not stick out

>> No.7173896
File: 14 KB, 236x314, a4fe752f960be02dd6582b6af22b34f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anybody have photos of misako aoki in this hairstyle of hers, from multiple angles? taking them to my haidresser next week.

>> No.7173902

to add, a photo of her back showing where the hair ends would be really helpful.

>> No.7173983

Does anyone know of a good SS for Y!Japan auctions? I love Chibi_Tenshi's service, but she isn't able to bid past 4999 yen on there.
On the auction I'm going for, it looks like the seller doesn't want to sell to known SS.

>> No.7173992

I used Crescent Shop a long time ago (I think its called Nippon something?) but that was like 5-6 years ago, I can't remember if it was real time auctioning. However they may be known as a SS.. Sorry I can't help you out there.

>> No.7173994

just looks like full bangs with her hair pinned/tucked behind her ears

>> No.7174010

I haven't had trouble using From Japan on YJA

>> No.7174019


she has a blunt cut all around with a straight across bangs and NO FACE FRAMING (make sure you emphasize that or your stylist will do it anyways)

>> No.7174021

Are you thinking of Noppin?

>> No.7174023

Yea that's it. They're a bit pricey on the shopping service fees and they don't mark down packages, so you will have to pay customs.

>> No.7174022

post it here, i'll reblog. I want some shoes.

>> No.7174072

Does anyone have a magic mirror at home where you look pretty good, but when you get pictures back you look like a fat cow?

>> No.7174074

If you're comfortable ordering from taobao, gkyouko.taobao is pretty nice. I have a wig from there that everyone compliments for its natural look.

>> No.7174078
File: 50 KB, 420x238, snow_white_mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I always leave the house thinking I look fine and then I look like ass in photos.
Part it is this phenomenon where you're used to seeing your face as a mirror image, so seeing it "flipped" from what you're used to is jarring.

>> No.7174112

I think we own the same mirror. It sucks photographing badly. For some reason in photos my eyes look so much more sunken in than they look in person? I put on lots of concealer but it doesn't seem to help in photos all the time.

>> No.7174159

Not if you follow paypal's rules and ship with tracking they can't because you've got proof it was sent.

Bitches that refuse to mark down when it's the buyer who is going to suffer anyway are just cunts

>> No.7174256


Alright, I went back and I've seen that I've misread "hats" for "hair accessories". Still slightly unsure but I think that opens things up a little bit more? Also no, I don't think there's a max but I remember the minimum being around twenty. I have no qualms spending more than that as I'm sure I'm going to drop at least 40 haha. Are there any taobao stores you might recommend for nice classic hair accessories? Is floral just the best general classic motif to look for when trying to find tights?

>> No.7174315

Oh I see. Thank you both.

>> No.7174397
File: 38 KB, 250x333, iw_jsk_arabesquerose_worn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the name of the socks that match I.W Arabesque Rose jsk? I'd just like to clarify is this blouse http://lolibrary.org/apparel/rose-lace-pintuck-blouse the same blouse as pic related?

Thank you.

>> No.7174513

Where can I find scans of the GLBs?

>> No.7174518


they don't have all of them, but they have up to the end of 2011.

>> No.7174526

jmagazinescans is gone, none of the dl links work anymore. They moved to a forum recently

>> No.7174811

Can anyone give me any pointers for shopping for off-brand boystyle trousers?

I want to be warmer in the winter but still look elegant, so I'm considering aristocrat and boy style as an alternative.

I tend to look best in jeans with clingier legs, but somehow I don't see that working.

>> No.7175014
File: 7 KB, 182x276, these things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look for jodhpurs?

oh god yes. I actually take self timer shots before I go out just to see how my outfit looks.

because I've bought stuff off her before, and she listed her bust measurement.

>> No.7175046
File: 339 KB, 500x668, -33881476-500-668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intrigued anon here.

So what is the opinion of lolitas about Kyary Pamyu Pamyu? Do you like her? What do you think of her way of showing the word 'kawaii' to the world? What do you think of her videos and how she dresses?

>> No.7175048

I love her! She's absolutely adorable and I love her music.
However, I hate that she's considered the ~queen~ of creepycute and everyone worships her, despite only knowing Pon Pon Pon.

>> No.7175073 [DELETED] 

I assume the poster means the spill-over above and under the corset. A properly worn corset or girdle wouldn't show that, only retards in off the rack corsets look stiff and lumpy. >>7175046

>> No.7175079

I think she's kind of boring, all of her crazy outfits and music is produced for her, so she's honestly not very creative or interesting on her own any more

>> No.7175086

I like her music, mostly because she is produced by Yasutaka Nakata, who also produced Perfume (whom I also love). Not a fan of her latest music video, but some of them are totally addictive. Going to her 2nd Asia tour concert in April, so excite.

Also her fashion is a bit too weird for me, it's cute to look at but people just see it as a stage persona like Nicki Minaj. She's standard pretty, and I like seeing her in KERA though. I'd also much rather someone say "You look like Kyary!" than "You look like Lady Gaga/Nicki Minaj".

>> No.7175089

I like her hair and wigs but I feel the same way abotu Lady gaga

I like some of her music, but I can't stand the fake persona's that they pretend aren't just fake persona's to make them marketable

>> No.7175122
File: 45 KB, 500x583, pmf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever heard of this Peppermint Fox brand? They released some pretty cute library book themed stuff just now but profiles and websites associated with them haven't been up for very long so I can't find out much about them, their quality, etc.

>> No.7175125

It looks like they've only recently set up shop. The girls behind Peppermint Fox have been making accessories for a while though. Unfortunately I can't vouch for the quality of the garment but I own a couple of their accessories which are gorgeous and well-made. It looks like they take great care and pride in their work and know their shit when it comes to lolita. I don't think it will turn out badly.

I'm actually trying to reserve a skirt at the moment but Paypal is giving me crap. I had to verify my account again because they thought I was doing something dodgy.

>> No.7175147
File: 16 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mobvv3JHud1qb54aoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any information on this Moitie blouse? Like measurements?

>> No.7175153

I like her but some of her outfits are not cute at all to me, and just ugly and weird, she is very hit and miss, sometimes it's terrible and sometimes it is genius.. I like her music, though.

>> No.7175155

They previously made jewellery and things as Hologram World/High Treason (they've done a few cons around Australia). Their accessories are really nice so I'm looking forward to their clothing stuff

>> No.7175156

Wow this looks really nice, and pretty fairly priced, too

>> No.7175159

Ah wait, I take that back
>To reserve a pre-order spot, a deposit of $100 will be due at time of order. The remaining balance + postage will be due on completion of the dress, and you will be invoiced when this time comes.

Any idea on what the full price is?

>> No.7175160

>Please note that the full price of the Hidden Library dress is $185. This listing is a deposit for the pre-order.
still pretty good considering its AUD most indie brands are like 220+ these days

>> No.7175161

The description says $185.

>> No.7175163

Thanks apparently I am blind, and yeah that is still good.

>> No.7175175
File: 233 KB, 321x518, tumblr_mhkdj2XYWO1s50e7yo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like she has some side pieces

>> No.7175203

I bought that blouse from ODIP (that's their picture) and later sold it. It's not very accommodating at all.

>> No.7175213

Would you know where I could find some stock information? I tried lolibrary but nothing.

>> No.7175229

Does anyone know or could help out?

>> No.7175239

I never found the stock picture. What do you want to know?

>> No.7175240

My hairdresser is Asian, I'm Asian, I've been to him a few times, as long as I show photos I'll be good...no photos of misako from the side and back? I thought some seagulls might have a trove of misako pictures in their hard drive.

>> No.7175252

I was excited when I saw this but then I also saw how fucking big the measurements are - even for the skirt, so I sadly have to pass on this.
The overall quality looks really nice though, I will keep an eye on this shop nevertheless.

>> No.7175302

>Bitches that refuse to mark down

It's illegal. I don't see how someone's a cunt because they don't want to do something illegal, no matter how slim the possibilities of you getting in trouble are. Some countrie's customs (e.g. Germany ) have previously asked people for proof of payment invoices so they know what's on the custom form is the true value. I'm from the UK, but even I can sympathise with sellers who'd rather not get involved in that.

>> No.7175303

Seriously. And if the item gets lost, then you're only eligible to get back what you claimed it's worth.

>> No.7175306

That's an excellent idea! Thanks for the advice. Especially since I plan on wearing knee-high boots most of the time with it anyway. As long as whatever pants I chose aren't super low rise (I think that would look awkward if I tucked my shirt in), they should be okay, right?

I guess because I haven't seen that many pairs of 'skinny leg' trousers in boystyle I was a bit unsure that it was alright/passable. This is so outside my Lolita comfort zone. Haha

>> No.7175315

The velvet (?) corset lacing on my Cathedral Print JSK has gotten all squished and gross looking from being tied for too long. Does anyone know how I can get it flat again? I don't think ironing it would be a good idea...

>> No.7175317

Is there any lifestyle gothic lolita blog I can follow?
Like princess portal,just in dark?

>> No.7175318

Does anyone know if ODIP does 1 month payment plans?

>> No.7175333

Adding on to the long line of questions, I'm 10cm too big at the waist for most name brand sizes. Is there anything I can do, other than going on a diet(I never lose weight in my waist for some reason, just my chest/legs)?

>> No.7175387

Shapewear might help a bit.


>> No.7175430

Use a steamer. Or maybe the steam from an iron.

>> No.7175472



Lol enjoy been scalped.

>> No.7175493

So long as the rest of your outfit is on point I think you could get away with regular skinny jeans tbh. So long as they're made of cotton, twill, or a similar material. Anything but denim or materials that look like denim really. Have you considered aristocrat? It's pretty warm and you can get inexpensive aristo-friendly skirts on etsy under the "renn faire skirt" category.

>> No.7175561

Have you tried cutting wheat? You might just be in a constant state of being bloated and therefore can never lose inches off waist, I gave up wheat for a week and lost an inch of my waist by sitting on my ass on 4chan. I did still eat carbs though, just reasonable portions of things like rice and potatoes, I need to do it again but being able to fit into unshitted brand is not enough motivation for my lazy ass,

>> No.7175602

Try adding in some cardio into your routines. Sometimes a diet works for people, other times it doesn't. I'm an apple shape myself and I lost weight the most in my waist area (though it's still too big for partial shirred and skirts without full shirring). Some people lose more in areas than others, but if you keep at it, you'll see a difference.

Shapewear isn't going to take 10cm off your measurements. Corsetry might help a little bit, but it's not going to be a 10cm reduction. It took me roughly 30lbs to lose 10-14cm off everything and I'm still not there yet, and I'm not even sure if my waist is going to go much below 31-30" according to my weight loss goals due to there not being enough distance between my hips and end of of my ribs to get a small waist.

>> No.7175606

Just contact him. He gives you a shipping estimate before you commit to buying anyway.

>> No.7175612 [DELETED] 


So is everyone pronouncing hime wrong in this video then? They say it pretty clearly as "he-may" 5 times within the first 10 seconds. Our Japanese major better go teach them how to speak their own language.

>> No.7175637

And don't forget to lift!

>> No.7175823

Just bust and waist measurements. I'm interested in buying this blouse

>> No.7175825

they do 6 week plans with a 30% deposit

>> No.7176418

Oh my jesus, those lips

>observed raimech
That's one way of putting it, captcha

>> No.7176603

Bust would be around 34 inches, absolute max is 35. Waist max would be about 27, maybe 28.

>> No.7176613

Do some exercise.

>> No.7176621

can anyone please help me?

i sold a girl a dress and she left me positive feedback almost a month ago. now she opened a claim saying the dress isn't in the condition it was stated in and wants a refund.

i freaked out but after snooping through her fb, she's worn the damn dress i sold her! will this help me with my case??

>> No.7176726

I just recently (seriously) got into lolita, and am building a nice wardrobe, and I want to start taking outfit pics of myself when I'm ready as kind of a confidence thing. The only issue is that I'm moving out of my parents' soon, to a small house that isn't good for pictures. Like... a good portion of our furniture is used and broken, and our floors are old, stained concrete, and I'll have three young adult male roommates if that gives you any idea about the typical state of the house as far as cleanliness goes. Our backyard leads directly into a cemetery, so no open space. Should I try to find a local location to take photos at; maybe get one of my roommates to take them (as awkward as it would be to ask, considering none of them even know about my wardrobe)? Or perhaps try to find a not-too-expensive camera with a timer?

>> No.7176735


How about going to a meet and having one of the other lolitas take it?

>> No.7176739

>tfw you find out a girl whose existence you barely register considers you an 'enemy loli' and is talking mad shit about you on Twitter
Holy fuck, the people in this community.

>> No.7176742

my comm has a reputation for being drama central but it's actually pretty boring
its reputation drives away nice potential lolis from the comm and it makes me sad.

>> No.7176754

Lay down a sheet on the floor and hang one behind you for a simple & easy backdrop?

>> No.7176792

Yeah that could work, but I don't think my local comm has many meetups anymore, and there used to be a lot of drama in it in the past so I'm a bit nervous about attending a meet anyways haha. Definitely gonna, just... yknow. Butterflies.

That's a good suggestion, thanks! Now I just need to be a full-body mirror hehe

>> No.7176796

... *buy a full body mirror. I do not need to be one.

>> No.7176850

Whichever option you choose, a camera with self-timer is MUCH better than mirror selfies.

That's freaking suspicious. You could call paypal yourself and see what evidence they require to refute her claim? Unfortunately they are very buyer-biased in this situation.

>> No.7176858

Full body mirrors are easy enough to get. Even having the kind you hang on a door helps. I live in a tiny apartment with my husband and I have the mirror attached to the closet door.

>> No.7176909

Try googling for "home photo studio", you'll find lots of tips for putting together a good home studio set-up, often for cheap. I definitely recommend getting a camera with a self-timer if you can afford it. Even better if you can find one that can work with a wireless remote - they're not very expensive and will make taking self-photos way easier, since you won't have to be constantly running back and forth to the camera to reset for every single shot. One of the keys to getting good outfit shots is to take lots of photos - the more photos you have, the more likely you are to have a couple of really good ones to pick from. If you just take 2-3 photos, it's almost guarenteed you'll be blinking or making a weird face in every single one of them. Plus, taking selfies at home will give you a better idea of what poses work well for you, so you'll feel more comfortable when it gets around to photo-taking time at meets!

The big things to consider for taking photos are 1/ light and 2/ background. You're going to need a space where you can set up the camera far enough away from you to take a full-body shot. Natural light is ideal, but unreliable. I have a couple of clamp lights with regular bulbs (not the energy-saving ones, those fool your eyes but not the camera, so your photos will turn out dark and grainy if you rely on them) that I use just when I'm taking outfit shots. A white background is good because it bounces light, which gives more brightness and helps to soften your image. That said, you could also get some cool curtains/fabric that would compliment your style, and add a distinctive element to your photos. Also: while I don't recommend taking photos with gravestones, a cemetery is a pretty awesome resource to have so close, since it's likely to have nice benches, trees and greenery that would make for good photo settings.

>> No.7176914

Well normally, yes. But this product is hard to find, normally goes for retail but is listed below on ODIP.

>> No.7176915


>> No.7176992


> normally goes for retail
>but is listed below on ODIP

Fucking hell, is Marie feeling okay?

I'd buy it quick anon, before Marie spots that comment and raises the price accordingly.

>> No.7177031

I suspect she damaged the dress after she worn it and she's trying to scam you out of your money. Why would she leave feedback and then claim a month later?

Hopefully this will help in your case, make sure you print screen the feedback, the link on your sales page, the picture of her wearing it e.t.c

>> No.7177142
File: 98 KB, 330x495, DR00052_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i get an opinion on this dress? i'm trying to build a classic lolita wardrobe and i think this looks nice, but i'd like a second opinion.

>> No.7177145

this looks kind of sloppy in stock pics, and it will look worse in person. F+F is pretty hit or miss, I'd say skip this piece. why not pick up some IW oddment stuff that's on the comm sales for cheap?

>> No.7177147

You need to contact paypal, show them the evidence you have and discuss with them what you need to do. Show them the positive feedback from when it was left, with the date clearly shown. Show them the photos of her wearing the dress, with the date shown clearly (obviously after the feedback was left and before the date of the paypal claim).

>> No.7177183

Why not try to buy the original?
hellolace dot net/wardrobe/baby-the-stars-shine-bright/op/11/

>> No.7177273
File: 123 KB, 765x900, 8089_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know if this particular IW blouse has a name?

>> No.7177280
File: 167 KB, 800x1200, h007-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone own this bodyline coat? I really want it, but I'm a little thrown by the colour of the tan one, it looks slightly pink (which is actually pretty cute)

>> No.7177308

Have you guys ever encountered issues with people deliberately damaging clothes or claiming false damage in order to get a refund?

It's not happened to me personally, but a friend told me that when she sold some stuff on ebay, one buyer had complained about holes in the cardigan she'd purchased (even though it was in perfect condition when it was sent.)
The buyer opened a dispute and eventually managed to get a full refund and keep the cardigan.

I'm really concerned about stuff like this happening to me, as apparently they tend to side with the buyer. It's worse with expensive items, as I've known for people to buy upon impulse then regret it later. How do you get around it?

>> No.7177376

thank you for all the advice!! sorry for my bad english

I messaged her on facebook and asked where she got the dress. she didn't realize it was me and admitted to buying it secondhand one months ago. I got screenshots connecting her to the facebook email to her paypal email. she is harassing me through emails about demanding refund so I pushed the claim to a dispute with proof. I hope I can get her to stop giving me grief...

>> No.7177418

Not me personally, my boyfriend's sister in law has had to remake accounts a few times from ebay because she constantly would have people bullshitting that items were damaged when they were perfectly fine, and she would get angry at them because people wouldn't send items back for a refund anyway.

Checking feedback is usually a good start. Sending items tracked, if people demand they want things untracked say they will have to send the payment as a 'personal payment' so they can't file a chargeback if they want to pretend an item has gone missing. Apart from that I don't know. It's how maikodolly fucked a load of people over and got away with it (well not exactly but similar thing, filed chargebacks on a lot of people).

>> No.7177423

You should also message the egl mods about this, show them the fact you have feedback and now they've filed a chargeback, or else the user could continue to scam others instead of being banned.

>> No.7177419


Good luck and please keep us updated, as the outcome of this would be interesting for us all to hear.

May I also ask that you identify the girl afterwards? For the sake of protecting you fellow seagulls, the bitch must be named and shamed.

>> No.7177469

I just purchased one of my dream dresses holy fucking shit.

>> No.7177470

Congratulations! What dress was it?

>> No.7177526

I have that petticoat and it's not at all as poofy as the stock photo. I sewed about 5 yards of tulle to the lining, though, and that made it much better.

>> No.7177588

Do people not check the measurements on things they are intending to buy? I waited like two weeks to sell a skirt to a girl in my local comm (since that's when she'd have the money) to find out today that its not going to fit her. Girl is like 6 inches over the max measurement.

>> No.7177595

Thanks! Westminster Choir in black, it was up on the comm sales and I managed to snatch it in time. This is actually my first dream dress ever that I managed to acquire so I'm really excited.

>> No.7177598

I think people tend not to measure regularly, so when there are changes (even significant changes), they don't consider it and just go on their old measurements.

>> No.7177787

Personally, I don't really check because most things I buy have at least a bit of shirring and I'm a little below average in size. If I did buy something off of someone and it didn't fit then it's obviously my fault.

In the past when I've sold things people didn't really give much of a damn about measurements either but it's not like they weren't clearly listed.

>> No.7177813

I don't know why I get annoyed by this tbh
I sold a dress to a girl once despite giving her measurements (after copying pasting despite the fact you could just search the fucking measurements on Lolibrary AND the Bodyline store), she bought it all excited, then found out later she was a size and a half larger than an M, and selling the dress for more than I charged for it anyway.

The fuck.

>> No.7177843
File: 66 KB, 515x515, il_570xN202568838-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to start making deco sweet type stuff (rings, necklaces, maybe even bags, like saya cafe) but I have no idea where to start. Any advice for a newbie? I've seen some horrendous creations and I don't want to end up with any.

>> No.7177904

tbh I wouldn't bother unless you're doing it for a personal hobby. the market is way over saturated and these things don't seem to sell even when made by somebody with a high skill level

>> No.7177912

I was gonna say this too. But really though, unless you have something extremely original to bring to the table, I wouldn't sell anything online unless it was purely just hobby based.

As a matter of fact, that kind of stuff goes for pretty much everything you do online. Don't even start a fucking tumblr unless it's for YOU.

>> No.7177913

agreed. make some stuff for yourself and if you think you have a very high skill level, sell.

>> No.7177936

I ordered a JSK from the Innocent World sale two days ago and am still waiting for a confirmation/payment email.
I know they're having a sale so they're probably busy, but all the "how to order from IW" and the reviews for the online shop say they got their confirmation email within 24 hours.

Is this normal? Should I email them?
Am I just being paranoid? I've never ordered from the IW site before so :T

Thanks in advance!

>> No.7177938

You should get an automated response immediately, but the quote for shipping takes longer. Check your spam folder to make sure it didn't get lost.

>> No.7177959

Oh, yeah I got the automated response immediately but I haven't gotten the payment or shipping email.
Forgot to specify, sorry.

>> No.7178032

I was planning to do it for a personal hobby, not to sell. I really want to deco some of the items I have at home, like my mobile and some trinket boxes I have. I'm not sure how easy the stuff sticks, or how it comes off, nor where to buy it.

>> No.7178039

They are incredibly slow during sales. Expect to wait at least a week for your invoice, probably longer. Last time I ordered during a sale it took a month before my items shipped.
They will get back to you, but it will be a while. They only have one person handling overseas orders on a part-time basis so they're swamped during sales.

>> No.7178046

You're fine, then. You won't likely hear back for about a week or more, like >>7178039 said. Their site specifies not to email again unless it has been 7 days, otherwise they get even more clogged up. You'll be fine, though.

I had to wait nearly a month for invoicing during their summer sales and still got the items I wanted.

>> No.7178083

Ah, that's good to hear. Now I can stop being paranoid haha

Thanks to both of you!

>> No.7178098

It's like how people magically expect us to know their measurements when they make general WTB posts.

>> No.7178104

If you mess something up, just wipe off the silicone with a paper towel. Water doesn't do anything, but paper towels and q-tips (several) will get the gunk out and you can try again. Tweezers help. Practice your piping on wax paper and junk objects before moving onto real things. The shiny silicone (Silicone II) looks WAY better than the hard matte silicone. When I see people using that kind of silicone on their stuff, it just sort of breaks the sale for me.

Make sure your surface is rough and sanded before adding the silicone. It can peel off shiny smooth surfaces.

>> No.7178179

If I don't see measurements, I assume someone is somewhere within "average" nonshirred brand measurement range, like a 23-28 inch waist and maybe 32-38 inch bust or so.

>> No.7178194

And when someone posts a WTB with a ridiculously low budget, I assume they are a whale

>> No.7178198

and what do you consider ridiculously low?

>> No.7178247
File: 41 KB, 600x450, 1376980_297921060348673_2027289082_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy this bunny cutsew from Baby -apparently- but I cant find it on hellolace and its driving me crazy. Please help.

>> No.7178256

That's such a shitty replica that I didn't even realise what it was supposed to be a replica of.

>> No.7178257

I think you'd notice a 6 inch increase in your waist size... I regularly measure my waist and notice when it gets half an inch bigger/smaller.

>> No.7178261

It's from Baby, you're obviously very new if you think they're trying to scam you.

>> No.7178262

I'm having some trouble with a buyer claiming damage on an item and I messaged a mod almost 4 days ago but didn't hear back. After 2 days, I messaged another but I didn't hear back again. The messages contain no direct links so it shouldn't have gone to their suspicious messages folder. And both mods are supposed to be online 5-7 days a week. Is this normal?

>> No.7178266

Does this sound familiar?

>'hi i'm a plus size girl looking for a cheap sweet loli dress brand preferred and I love AP but bodyline is fine, budget is $40 shipped so don't show me anything too expensive. has to fit 44" bust 40" waist'

>> No.7178268

Yeah thats fine, but I want to find it, I didnt say someone was trying to scam me but since I cant find it on the Baby wardrobe I thought I was mistaken, thats all.

You dont happen to have the link?

>> No.7178271

I personally think it's in the price range of a JSK or OP for around $60. They also normally post that they need it in like a week or something and give either too many details or none. In the less well moderated sales groups on FB, there are loads of posts like WTB: new sweet JSK must fit bust: 130cm waist: 100cm for $60 for party next week

Anyone looking for that cheap of a JSK knows to order from Bodyline or plan ahead.

>> No.7178286

It's likely over 5 years old, Lolibrary & Hello Lace don't have everything brands have ever made. It is for certain a Baby cutsew, though

>> No.7178290

yeah I figured it was an old one, maybe '01, its a shame I cant seem to find it tho.

>> No.7178378

Can anyone speak for how true to size Innocent World's shoes run? I'm a US 6 or 23.5 cm but I'm wondering if I ought to size up to an M/24cm to be safe, considering hosiery/socks...

>> No.7178595

How has your experience been with the accuracy of the measurements for Alterir Boz Roland Jackets? I'm planning on getting one but I'm not sure if I should get the lady's or men's version. Thank you.

>> No.7178700
File: 73 KB, 400x533, tumblr_m8xnlpUU7h1qe3vwio1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a Roland jacket, too! (Ideally, I'd have several colors eventually...) Seconding this request.

Also, I have another question: I'm not that into prints so my goal is to built up a super-elegant kuro wardrobe that mainly consists of skirts and vests/jackets/bustiers for "daily" wear and JSKs/OPs for special occasions. I'd like a bunch of black skirts that can stand up to regular washing on cold on the gentle cycle. I've heard as far as brands go, Innocent World is my best bet since they often use Poly-blends. Is that true? If not, who would be better? (Not many of the stores I frequent seem to be selling what I'm looking for right now, anyway.)

>> No.7178704

Welp, if anyone wants to read a wall of text rant from a butthurt person I found the post:

>> No.7178708

I don't think this is real:
>"Please note, Gaijin Gyaru is just a rip off of the real thing! You can never be Gyaru because you can never be Japanese! To you it will always be just about clothes, hair and make-up! The real meaning behind ‘being gyaru’ will never apply to you, EVER!"

>> No.7178750
File: 1.03 MB, 3264x1840, 2013-11-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frillgulls, talk me down from this because maybe this isn't as bad as I think and I'm just being disappointed.

I custom ordered a bolero from Lady Sloth, and while the fit is perfect she got the color all wrong. I asked for a lavender color matching the color on my DDC and it's wayyy off. I sent her a pic but for some reason she never emailed me a fabric sample before she shipped it out.

It's more like a purple-pink. Sorry for the grainy pic, but you get the idea. I guess it might be salvageable? I have no idea how to coord with this or even if it's possible. I just feel like I've had such bad luck with foreign sellers lately and I'm desperate for advice.

>> No.7178759

Sorry, the bolero color is the color I think of when I think "lavender." Your dress looks like sax to me.

That's shitty that you sent her a pic but she never got back to you before she shipped it, though. Maybe you could e-mail her back and get a fixed version?

>> No.7178764
File: 149 KB, 500x466, tumblr_mvu1p2rINc1ra4bino1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got info on Sakizo tights? The new ones seem to be up for reservation on Alice-books, but I was specifically looking for someone who owns previous collabs. How do they fit? I really want them but the height measurement ends at 165 and I'm 3cm taller, with a short torso.

>> No.7178775
File: 73 KB, 280x373, 108006_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the 'sax' version, heh. When I think of sax I think of blue. But yeah, it's not like I didn't send her a visual reference. So I'm kind of at a loss.

>> No.7178791

That dress is definitely not sax.

>> No.7178806

It looks like she might have tried to match the pink on the dress.

>> No.7178876
File: 277 KB, 317x445, frm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone is auctioning off fragrant rose memories, I know it's an auction and people can bid whatever the hell they want and I know it's a lot of girls' dream dress, but accepting BIN offers over $1000? I'm not one to cry 'scalper' but woah, slow down there girl.

How much would you be willing to pay for your dream dress?

>> No.7178906

I used to own the men's and the lady's version. For the lady's version, the waist measurements are accurate, but I'd say you shouldn't be over 88 cm in the bust area if you still want to be able to breath in this jacket. The men's version is a bit more forgiving in the bust area but otherwise true to measurements. It was way to big for me though (my measurements for reference: bust 86 cm, waist 64 cm, shoulders 37 cm), but the lady's version fit like a glove.

>> No.7178919

Don't think she's trying to scalp, I'm guessing she's probably just trying to stop all the PM offers she's apparently getting flooded with. (At least that's how it comes off to me). It still seems somewhat poor in taste to even mention numbers high as that though.

She's getting a good price anyway though - I ddn't know they could sell for so high though, I only remember seeing them for retail or less in DSes.

>> No.7178969

How did the arms fit in the lady version? I'm about your measurements but the sleeves are always short on me. I'm about 5'7''

>> No.7179062

AP's colors vary all over the place. I think it may have worked better if you had mentioned that it's more the blue side of lavender. Unless she has the dress there's no way of telling if the fabric is going to match or not.

>> No.7179093

Sending a picture would have been no good. Unless you both were using calibrated monitors and you matched the colour on your screen perfectly to your JSK then it was likely colours wouldn't match. Next time ask for a irl sample so you can see in person... Or find fabric that matches colourwise and then her the sample.

>> No.7179261

Make sure they're not on hiatus? About half the mods are...

>> No.7179365

Thank you very much anon :)

My bust fluctuates but it's between 90-92cm, my waist is 67cm. Should I go with the mens? Or look for a womens version with a bigger bust. Like this one http://www.boz.ne.jp/product/detail/BZ2130.html or this one http://www.boz.ne.jp/product/detail/BZ2314.html..

>> No.7179536
File: 85 KB, 426x640, 1106OP587_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordered off of Closet Child for the first time... A little bit nervous. I've ordered off mbok, yahoo japan auctions, comm-sales, etc. Basically everything except Closet Child.

Also, just curious, how long does it usually take for them to ship out their items?

>> No.7179567

1-2 weeks.

>> No.7179575

>I'd like a bunch of black skirts that can stand up to regular washing on cold on the gentle cycle. I've heard as far as brands go, Innocent World is my best bet since they often use Poly-blends.

that sounds right. I know for sure that baby and aatp won't as most of their black stuff runs like hell. other than that, possibly meta.

taobao and bodyline are also good options for daily stuff

>> No.7179596

Wait did you mean how long it takes for them to get to me? If they take 1-2 weeks just to ship the items out that's a bit excessive...

>> No.7179598

Are Ick's JSKs really "ick"?


>> No.7179599

No I meant how long it takes to ship. They tend to get backlogged so sometimes it can take up to 2 weeks, possibly longer for some when closet child used to do reservations online. My order took about a week to ship 2 months ago.

>> No.7179621

Did anyone who ordered from Japonica recently get the wrong pair of socks? I seem to have gotten someone else's that were definitely not the ones I bid on. (AP's Sweet Jam otks in white - http://hellolace.net/wardrobe/angelic-pretty/type/socks/item/53/ )
I was supposed to get Baby's Sweet Dot otks in sax from this auction - http://www.mbok.jp/item/item_418854586.html

If by any chance you got my socks, please email me with a proof pic and your mailing address and I'll respond with the same so we can get them into the right hands.

>> No.7179633

Holy crap, thanks for letting me know. Guess I'll just have to sit pretty till it gets here (and try not to worry too much.)

>> No.7179648

she's only had positive reviews before, so I doubt it. I have a dress from her and it's about on par with my non-print AP jsks. she uses lots of material for her skirts and the lining and seams on mine are all finished/serged/etc. I have two pairs of bloomers from her too and they're both comfy and look fine. this might just be a case of wrong measurements from the OP and/or a just a shoddy job from Ick but all my stuff from her has been good so I don't know what prompted this lapse in quality.

>> No.7179751
File: 52 KB, 145x144, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like a fucking idiot.
I bought an IW dress and I literally cannot for the life of me remember the name of it. I tried to look for it on hello lace but the IW section seems to not have been updated lately.
The dress has also been taken off the website.

Help my brainfart? Pic related is the only picture I could find, and was the thumbnail on my facebook.

Queen's... cherub... seraphim... something idk?
The print has Innocent World on a big banner across the front with a queen on a throne and a bunch of angels around her. There's also a lot of drapery/tassel details in the print.

>> No.7179754
File: 49 KB, 250x333, StoryofQueenandAngelsJSK-beige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story of Queen and Angels

>> No.7179757

I had a really bad experience with her similar to what that girl had.
When I got my item (a skirt) there were loose strings and a few areas with crooked seams/stitching. It really just felt like it had been made in a hurry.
A girl in my comm is an amazing seamstress, though, and she helped me fix it.

>> No.7179762

THANK YOU sorry for being an idiot

>> No.7179854

So - question about CP pettis. I'm 4-5 cm above their size range of 62-78 cm for the waistband of their bell shaped petti. Should I order a larger custom size, or will that fit me fine, since it's elasticized?

>> No.7179883

Why do people think it's okay to get pissy when comm members politely request that they leave their baby at home, especially when it's for a big, fancy meet?

>> No.7179888

Why the fuck would anyone ever bring a baby to a meetup? That's just asking for trouble.

>> No.7179893

Also she had planned on breast feeding it.
I'm totally cool with breast feeding in general, but doing it at a lolita meet up and "hiding it really well" is not cool.

>> No.7179904

how would you even manage it through all the frills?

>> No.7179913

That's what I was thinking.
I can imagine the secondhand sales post for a custom made piece going something like:
"Custom made jsk with convenient booby flap for all you expecting and new mothers ;) "

>> No.7179915

I ... what >>7179904 said.
I wouldn't be bothered by breast feeding in general, but how the hell is she going to manage it through all the clothes? Lolita isn't exactly the most booby-accessible clothing out there to begin with, but trying to get a baby in there to feed is ridiculous.

>> No.7179934


Caps? She's saying someone was really rude, which I guess woud make it somewhat understandable if she's upset, but this flouncing is ridiculous. Not to mention that lolita and babies logically just don't mix.

>> No.7179943

I'm imagining some horrible wa-qi-lolita frankendress with crossover bust.

>> No.7179945

Someone said "No babies," which maybe is what she is referring to.
I have caps but not of the entire thread/conversation. I only took screenshots of babby-related posts and those around it.

>> No.7179947

Whoever thinks it's okay to bring a baby to a meetup is fucking nuts!

>> No.7179964

To be honest, I'm mostly kind of peeved with the whole "well I'll just get my OTHER FRIENDS to go with me, and we'll sit at our own table~" message.
I understand that it sucks to not be able to go to meets. I never get to go to meets or cons because I take classes, work 25 hours a week, and don't have a car at college. However, these are choices I've made, much like the choice to have a baby is one she has made, so she shouldn't act like this when her baby makes it so that she can't attend a meet up.

>> No.7179967


That's the thing. That does seem a bit abrupt and rude. But at the same time she does have to realize that she's the odd one out here and nobody has to make concessions for her. Its such a mix of wrongness happening here.

>> No.7179989

>even weirder sallopette design
>built in shaw for in public nursing
>detachable apron
>floral crown nursing hat for baby

>> No.7180018

New Thread >>7180015

>> No.7180212

what is kl?

>> No.7180213


Are people seriously offering $1000 for it? I swear it only went for 20000 yen or less on auction.

>> No.7180216

Krad Lanrete.