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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 88 KB, 1280x720, HorribleSubs-Kill-la-Kill-01-720p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7167930 No.7167930[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it to early for a Kill La Kill cosplay thread?

>> No.7167943
File: 1.10 MB, 320x240, tumblr_mu4mzaeYOf1rggjaao2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably; but since cosplays are already being shat out, I don't see a reason why not.

>> No.7167939

Lol. Where have you been for the last few weeks?

>> No.7167952

any source on this beautiful cute lady?

>> No.7167963


>> No.7167970

In before another Mostflogged dick fluffing contest

>> No.7167969

>Already Endless Shitgeki no Kyojin cosplays
>Cresting tidal wave of shit la shit cosplays.

Pls no

>> No.7168006


>> No.7168011

>tfw no girl will ever do the kamui suit like in OP's pic
>you will only get the normal uniform version of senketsu

>> No.7168021

wat, what's her face, tenlaid or whatever, is doing OP's suit

>> No.7168032

there is hope

>but then again its tenleid

>> No.7168034
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kill la Kill - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.34_[2013.10.25_06.19.51].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried to do the best girl yet?

>> No.7168045

I am not particularly surprised, but I am cautiously excited. She's done costumes like this before so hopefully it comes out awesomeee

>> No.7168080

seriously i need the fucking source

>> No.7168082
File: 210 KB, 479x353, 1360296320666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That gif put me in the hospital she's so adorable.

>> No.7168214

If you look up; aliceholiccosplay
She has a Facebook~

>> No.7168243
File: 44 KB, 600x600, PtOTaGj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's this person...but yeaaahh

>> No.7168248

sigh..can't even get the bra right

>> No.7168247 [DELETED] 

ugh, that material looks like trashbags

>> No.7168253

ugh that material looks like trashbags

>> No.7168253,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7168297

both material and construction are garbage. I hope her top doesn't fly up when she leans over because those straps do not look taught enough

>> No.7168537
File: 241 KB, 900x600, tumblr_mvern8oWFC1qzmpk6o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sincerely hope anyone who cosplays this version uses a shitton of fashion tape to keep it in place. This is probably wishful thinking, though

>> No.7168545

I can't get over how sasuga this Satsuki is.

>> No.7168561

A small part of me wants to do this cosplay for a laugh. The rest of me realises what a shitty idea it would be.

>> No.7168579


Fuck even i want to do this cosplay, and im a dude.

I hope there is gonna be some crossplay with this shit. Otherwise ill just have to go as the proffesor and get in shape beforehand.

>> No.7168586

How the fuck do these people pump this shit out?! I know my costumes takes months of referencing, sourcing and production before its remotely ready.

>> No.7168599

I really do want to see someone do her; so far's she's my absolute favourite.

>> No.7168719

I knew I recognized her, she was at Unplugged

>> No.7168720


I halfway want to do the professor just for those sweet shades. Too bad >wrong body type

>> No.7168724

And that's why it looks like trash (and trashbags as another anon said) it could be better if she had atleast tried to get good fabric...or whatever she's using.

>> No.7168737

The ones that are pulled out this quickly are all shit quality.

>> No.7168742 [DELETED] 

>Is it to early for a Kill La Kill cosplay thread?
There is never too early for vapid attention whores.

It's not even been out for more than a month or so, and already this is the new Yoko - aka what slutty girls who never watch anime cosplay to raise their self esteem by being groped and "eye-raped" by neckbeards & "creepers" they detest yet desire so much at the same time.

Honestly, I don't think I could respect any female cosplayer donning this outfit.

I mean it's shit and the character is shit too. There is no such thing as "I like the design" or "I like this character from a cartoon that I've seen posted on /cgl/ (pictures from it)". If you cosplay this -> vapid whore.

>> No.7168748 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 625x626, 1381653784207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>character is shit

>> No.7168753 [DELETED] 

>implying student council PSG/GL abortion show has any good characters.

>> No.7168758 [DELETED] 

>implying your opinion isn't a shit

>> No.7168762 [DELETED] 

KLK really is shit, though. Garbage-tier animation and CGI, gratuitous PLOT in lieu of an actual plot, overdone and uninteresting characters. The whole season has been awful, and the fact that this crap is considered best of the season really demonstrates that.

>> No.7168763 [DELETED] 

Wahh stop liking things that I don't like

>> No.7168772 [DELETED] 

True, except its pretty good.

>> No.7168774 [DELETED] 


KLK is a roller coaster. You are there for the cheap thrills. Not to contemplate the meaning of life. That's akin to going to a metal concert and expecting jazz.

If you're watching KLK for more than cheap thrills and bat crazy ridiculous shit, expecting some 2deep4me shit, you're the idiot, not the people enjoying the show.

The people enjoying the show know what they wanted and Trigger delivered as they know what their show is and never advertised it as more than that. The anime wasn't conjured to cater to the people who aren't into that type of show nor should it be.

TL;DR: your opinion is a shit. No one needs your approval.

>> No.7168777 [DELETED] 

>The anime wasn't conjured to cater to the people who aren't into that type of show nor should it be.

I wish more people that froth at the mouth about the show would get that. It's either, "The plot is bad! The art is bad! How can you like this?" Or, "Objectifying women! Rape jokes! How can you like this?" The way they think the show should be would completely ruin what the show is actually going for.

>> No.7168782 [DELETED] 

I've also found it a nice break from all the 'deep' stuff I've been watching lately.
Just a chance to relax and enjoy mindless violence and fanservice. It's all about fun.

>> No.7168783 [DELETED] 

I love it for the garbage tier animation. It makes me laugh way too much...

>> No.7168791

I've been plotting how to do it, but I haven't started anything yet. It's too early in the series and I want to make sure I don't end up either liking another character more, or just getting flat-out tired of the show or hating it.

I really want to use latex and EL wire, though. I'm considering looking into making the eye animated but that'll probably end up making the costume cost way more than its worth.

Yeah she's posted a preview of the wig and shoulder armour on her FB page and in the progress thread. I'm really looking forward to seeing more progress.

>> No.7168802 [DELETED] 

This is attention whoring right?

This is attention whoring.

>> No.7168805 [DELETED] 

The show is meant for animation nerds.

You apparently aren't one.

>> No.7168825


manface alert

>> No.7168924 [DELETED] 
File: 1.02 MB, 320x240, tumblr_mu431y1Eqt1rggjaao1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, she is the biggest attention whore I know.

>> No.7168934 [DELETED] 


Most cosplayers are. So what else is new?

>> No.7168943

don't tempt me, anon. i want to make that tennis ball dress so badly, but i have no clue how i'd go about it.

>> No.7168957

she has cute eyes

>> No.7168968
File: 50 KB, 600x398, Kill-la-Kill-Mako-Mankanshoku-e1379154781523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no cosplays of best character
I guess she's not edgy or sexy enough, but if I chose anyone to cosplay, it would definitely be this coconutheaded angel. Too bad her hair color and cut are both just incredibly unflattering on me, though.

>> No.7168994

i like mako, but i'd have to go as satsuki cause of my bodytype and facial features.

satsuki-while-wearing-clothes-version, though.

>> No.7169012

This costume will only be amusing on a guy. Otherwise it's just pitiful

>> No.7169073
File: 82 KB, 640x960, 1378599_10152492621231542_1139963805_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brigitte is at the extreme end of the spectrum. She's so fucking annoying to follow, but, damn, she has some good content.
Plus, she is super fun to lead on.

>> No.7169140 [DELETED] 

What the fuck...?

Kill la Kill doesn't even fucking *try* to have well-written characters. If you asked Trigger they would probably tell you themselves that Ryuko is a cheap character meant to adhere to all the stereotypes and edginess that the otaku neckbeards would like to see from Trigger. It is nothing but cheap fanservice and it tries to hide the cheapness by "~lol we are so self-aware about it~".

>> No.7169152
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Dump incoming

>> No.7169155
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>> No.7169158
File: 1.58 MB, 1959x1145, kill-la-kill-cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7169161
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>> No.7169162
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>> No.7169164
File: 11 KB, 200x200, kill_la_kill__test_shot_by_xxsnowfrostxx-d6rdwip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7169169
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>> No.7169173
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>> No.7169192 [DELETED] 
File: 452 KB, 800x1130, 440d87e2a4fff29de132fca5d9da2ab2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you an idiot? Being self-aware is owning up to it and rolling with it, it's the complete opposite of hiding from it. It's embracing it working with what you have. If that offends you, leave. No one gives a shit if it does.

Read >>7168774

>> No.7169190
File: 368 KB, 472x700, db73bb7dc92ca470b045da7ac60e56b5e96501c9-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7169206
File: 357 KB, 483x700, f68cf10adf9c24227b7f0d2eb7a738b867823edd-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7169207
File: 1.84 MB, 1971x1305, kill-la-kill-cosplay-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a cute Ryuko at MCM when I visited the UK for Comic Con. I did not have my camera however. This is the end of my KLK dump!

>> No.7169212

I'd say it's too early to say if KlK has well-written characters.

That sort of thing is usually defined by character development, and it's way too early in the anime for that.

>> No.7169219 [DELETED] 

Motherfucker. Just because you have shitty characters and you advertise the fact that you have shitty characters don't mean that your show is good.

>> No.7169241
File: 110 KB, 650x445, d3784f26522dd55a0e1e3910d526a277ee04afb0-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And just because you're offended by the show handles itself doesn't mean it's shit. You're inserting what YOU want the show to be and no one really gives a shit about what YOU want it to be. People are enjoying it because they enjoy the vision of the creators behind the show and like what the show IS, not what THEY want/wish it to be.

>> No.7169243 [DELETED] 

Really guys, this isn't /a/.
It's far too early to tell if the series is shit.

I read reviews and interviews of it so far after watching the third episode, and the main concept is to say "go to hell" with all those who stare because of your sexiness, because to be truly strong is to not care what others think of you but do what you think is right. A coming of age story.

It's super apparent in episode 3 along with the opening and ending credits of the show.

>> No.7169248

Ugh if you're gonna make a gif, at least make it in character.

Gonna be Satsuki for Katsu. Dunno yet whether I want to do her pantsuit or un-transformed Junketsu.

>> No.7169250
File: 171 KB, 665x1000, g_6g0B92AC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7169426

Give it time, Grorious nippon will produce a group that cosplays the entire beautiful family.

I am definitely exited for Mako's mom cosplays

>> No.7169527

I'm actually super excited for really nice outfits to come out of this series, even the battle outfits because damn, that's bold.

I could totally see people using flesh colored unitards for the mid drift with a little modification for the boob definition. I hope more characters make an appearance because I don't really fit anyone right now.

On the argument on "eww, how lewd" I've seen designs much more revealing than this, it is not the first, and actually a lot of popular anime like cutie honey, tank girls dominion, Lum and all that have the same atmosphere. KLK just takes those qualities and puts it on display for direct confrontation which is a pretty cool move, especially for women empowerment ( yeah I know, but it's true).

Who cares if people think you're hella lewd, too flashy and are getting all the attention? They're just projecting their insecurities onto you because they're shallow and jealous.

>> No.7169538
File: 132 KB, 570x320, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it me, or did anyone else notice that the teacher's hair changes color slightly when he "transforms"

>> No.7169794

>tfw I really like her character and design
>tfw I'm too short to cosplay her, would look like a terrible womanlet ;_;
You guys better cosplay her.

>> No.7169797
File: 19 KB, 450x470, tumblr_mudtarAkJz1qewgnbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7169814


is that jinx ?

>> No.7169864

Her name and cosplay account have been stated already, read the goddamn thread.

>> No.7170010

Why? Her cosplay is shit. There will be plenty of better Ryukos in the future.

>> No.7170016

it's probably her just self posting. In the last thread she was posted in, she got torn to threads for being a tasteless body strutter that only had a wig

>> No.7170082 [DELETED] 

I'm not offended "how it handles itself" I'm offended by the fact that it's shit on so many levels but edgy hipsters accept it because it is "lol! so random xD" and tumblr feminazis accept it because there are strong independent women dressed like strong independent women.

>> No.7170092

more pics of this one?

>> No.7170156

Is it weird that I'm bothered by the fact that a lot of the Ryuko cosplayers in this thread have such bland facial expressions in photos? She has a lot of attitude, and it's a little sad to see that being left out. But maybe that's just me being overly nit picky.

That said I am very excited to see progress work from anyone working on school council cosplays. Mostly because I'd like to see how everyone's handling the spikes situated in strange places, like on Ira's shoes and Uzu's dick spikes.

>> No.7170171 [DELETED] 

>tumblr feminazis accept it because there are strong independent women dressed like strong independent women.

Are we watching the same show? The feminazis HATE KLK.
It sounds like you have a severe case of, "Stop liking what I don't like; why can't you see why I think this show is garbage?"

>> No.7170172 [DELETED] 


Offended? Aren't those just reasons to not watch it? It's not like it's entering your home

>> No.7170183 [DELETED] 

>The feminazis HATE KLK
For all the times I've seen this said, I've NEVER seen a single complaint about KLK on Tumblr. In fact, I've seen this Powerpoint-looking presentation supposedly from there defending it and claiming the costumes are a metaphor for coming-of-age and body acceptance. From checking the tag, you see a bunch of shitty red-nose fanart and people fangirling all over it.
Can you show any actual SJW complaining about KLK, or are you just going to pull shit out of your ass because you think it "makes sense" or "fits"?

>> No.7170192 [DELETED] 

someone post the image
I don't have it and the only thing I remember from it is that when Senketsu forces himself onto Ryuko it's uncomfortably close to a rape scene

>> No.7170193

>that wig
>that bellyfat
absolutely disgusting

the girl on the left is great though

>> No.7170210 [DELETED] 

I saw that, and the scene where the teacher is stripping and getting closer and closer to her, talking about how nobody can misunderstand their relationship.

To be quite honest some of those scenes made me feel uncomfortable (because I'd feel the same in that situation, lol). But Japan is a different place so I can't exactly start running around tearing my hair out and crying about it, it's kinda pointless.

>> No.7170224
File: 164 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on my fb feed today.

>> No.7170229 [DELETED] 


? Did you just whatch snipits of the first episode? Most all anime is like that too...what are you doing here?

>> No.7170236

oh my god shut up with your vendetta she looks fine, not amazing but fine.

>> No.7170238

Wasn't the teacher thing I mentioned in the second episode?

I don't usually watch stuff that's heavily fanservicey but this show is so over the top I'm curious to see where it goes, so I've been keeping up. I wouldn't be commenting on it if I hadn't seen it for myself. But like I said, no point in crying on tumblr about it. I mean, if I get super offended I have the option to stop watching it! Imagine that.

>> No.7170258

You best be posting more.

>> No.7170277

That one looks way better than the trashbag material one. Although, not very accurate.

>> No.7170278 [DELETED] 

No, I'm current on KLK, I love the shit out of it. There was a tumblr image that dissected the first episode and the creepy rape imagery and I don't have it on hand.
>most all anime is like that too
>lol rape is okay if it's Japan
Not even SJW but why the FUCK would you say that?

>> No.7170281
File: 218 KB, 600x496, lolololl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7170301

>They even got the manface right
Glorious. Now all she needs to do is thicken those eyebrows.

>> No.7170304

oh god I hope ushijima does KLK

>> No.7170309 [DELETED] 

not rape, I don't even get where you get that from a talking uniform. I'm talking about sex culture in anime. That scene was more hilarious than offensive really. It's a piece of clothing trying to get her, come on.

>> No.7170311

that is glorious

>> No.7170315
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>> No.7170319
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Anon-kun, at least leave her fb link to us.

>> No.7170346
File: 134 KB, 450x675, 3ed6e10f616e5fca328a12ff16fd9b0e8be8738a-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the image. It's the reason why Ryuuko and Satsuki remind me of Bayonetta.

Edgy hipsters? What? You sure you're not talking about the people who consider SnK godlike because they haven't seen Berserk? Nothing about KLK is edgy or godlike. KLK is just a wild and crazy show and people like it because it's wild and crazy. It's a fun show. No one gives a shit that you don't like those kind of shows. Stick to your 2deep4me shit. I can enjoy both.

Of course

>> No.7170350

Im actually happy people are rushing to do her battle outfit, its helping me figure out what to do/not to do. The only thing thats still got me stumped is the boob mechanics.

sage for no contribution

>> No.7170414 [DELETED] 

>The feminazis HATE KLK.
0/10, stopped reading right there. SRS/Tumblr/all the decadent trash out there thinks that Ryuko is a great well written three dimensional character because she dresses like a whore, and hence, she's a strong independent woman, and hence - how can that not be quality writing lol

>> No.7170634
File: 269 KB, 1920x1080, 1381436966646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My penis can't wait for quality life-fiber synchronized cosplay.

>> No.7170637

what a fucking surprise

>> No.7170639

Way too conservative.

Cosplayers have to take the philosophical lessons of the series to heart.

>> No.7170650

The hilt on her scissor is backwards though.

>> No.7170658

not really.

i really have a creeping suspicion that most of the loud "feminists" dont have much actual reading/education under their belt.

learning about feminism from tumblr is like learning about atheism on youtube

>> No.7170659

Actually it's not backwards, just tilted at a wrong angle.

>> No.7170667

There is a huge sect of extremist(idiot) tumblrfeminists who think that being promiscuous and overly sexual is super empowering even though their reasoning goes against almost 5000 other things they're promoting.

>> No.7170758

so any chance of this being banned at cons since its so revealing and to also save us from having to look potential hambeast versions of KLK

>> No.7170760

I highly doubt it. Its not much more revealing than yoko.

>> No.7170764

It's extremely confusing when you have women who (imo correctly) believe sexual liberation empowers women and women who believe sexual liberation is a covert weapon created by the male patriarchy, and they all fall under this all-encompassing banner of "FEMINISM" where everybody has their own idea of what feminism is and what feminism is not.

>> No.7170831

>that sailor moon

>> No.7170841

Its weird

I cant tell if her face is plain ugly or pretty in a weird stoic noble way

Its a face that keeps you looking at it at least, most people are just like"yeah shes pretty" and then youre done

>> No.7170872
File: 695 KB, 480x720, 1393915_454665227978245_1085116660_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot glued together cosplays the series

>> No.7171084 [DELETED] 

She has a public cosplay page.


>> No.7171086


>> No.7171097
File: 429 KB, 426x457, ryuko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The costume looks like hot glued piece scraps and the red streak looks like a piece of paper.. Odd though since most of her cosplays are decent.

cropped the non-cosplayer out of the photo so ignore the black hand.

>> No.7171105

If she's going to cover up so much, she should just cosplay a different character or the uniform version.

>> No.7171207

I wonder how she made the cuff for the blood-giving glove, or whatever you'd call it. Anyone have any idea?

>> No.7171208 [DELETED] 

>gurren lagann

kill la kill is a tribute to animu in the same way gurren lagann is a tribute to mecha

>> No.7171296 [DELETED] 

Yours is.

Pretty sure that only SRS/Tumblrfemnazikommandos would bother to whiteknight this trash.

I mean, at least on /a/ it makes sense because some desperate men consider the female MC their waifu and shit like that. But even they deep down know that the writing is shit and it's a GP at most.

>> No.7171301 [DELETED] 

wahh, stop liking what I don't like

>> No.7171305

yep, confirmed everything I said

>you: "it's alright to be a minor-attracted person! stop bully"
>me: "no fuck off you creep"
>you: "[trashy buzzwords]"

>> No.7171313

don't feed the troll guys

>> No.7171315
File: 33 KB, 480x720, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

less griping and more photos.
Don't ruin this for me guys with all your stupid /a/ bullshit

>> No.7171316
File: 25 KB, 283x358, Big McLargehuge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for all those tiny men trying to pull off Ira

And by tiny I mean sub-6"

>> No.7171319 [DELETED] 


>your green text needs grammar and makes no sense

>> No.7171322
File: 215 KB, 1024x824, kill_la_kill__ryuko__scissor_blade_by_ceruleandraco-d6np3vh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm super hyped for this show because I love the animation team and writers. I saw that the scissor blade was being sold, does anyone know about their quality or if the maker has a good rep?

In the last episode her blade could transform into regular size so I hope to also see stuff like that

>> No.7171325

they look pretty good, I'm not sure about the material, I think it's wood though.

I'd spray paint it again to give it a more glossy sheen though, so matte looking

>> No.7171342 [DELETED] 

>cosplaying an anime after 5 episodes

>> No.7171349


I've seen his stuff up close and I'd say it's pretty good quality. I believe he uses wood as the base so it's a little more sturdy but can be heavy if you have weak child arms.

>> No.7171363 [DELETED] 

Not to sound like a rapist, but don't you think this pushes things a bit too far? Her battle suit I mean.

I don't want to use the magic words "asking for it" but it's so tasteless and pornified. You can't wander into a con and expect men to not be a bit touchy. Not even at "adult entertainment" conventions do the women wear stuff like this.

>> No.7171366 [DELETED] 

Can you believe there are people who liked PSG because it supposedly 'showed a female character who wasn't afraid to be sexual'?

A fucking stupid reason for liking a show if ever there was one and it's not even a positive anyway.

>> No.7171368 [DELETED] 


This isn't the 80s anymore, I see where you're coming from but most tumblr feminists, jezebel/feministing feminists of the Valenti/Gawker media type are basically just sluts who don't want to be called sluts. That's modern feminism in a nutshell, sluts who don't want to be called sluts.

>> No.7171371 [DELETED] 

It's fucking garbage.
Honestly, my main problem with people criticizing/praising anime is that they don't take into consideration the huge cultural differences that Japan has with the western world. The same idiots complain about lack of "diverse" body types(aka lack of fat people) and then complain about how awful oversexed, big titted girls with (actual personalities) are hurting the image of women, and then go around praising garbage like PSG where the character is literally just about sex and being a slut, no personality, no attractive qualities, just pure sex. These idiots are ridiculous.

>> No.7171372 [DELETED] 

I agree. I would never wear something like this, even if I was crazy fit, because it's just begging to get creeped on.
Then these girls are going to complain about how all the gross men creeped on them and treated them like sluts/sexual objects. Oh wait....

These designs are good for exaggerated cartoons - NOT REAL LIFE.

>> No.7171373 [DELETED] 

>>Giving them that much credibility
They're just children acting out.

>> No.7171374 [DELETED] 


They're children with the influence (thanks to social media manufactured outrage) to cost people their jobs and their edgyness makes them attractive to young girls because everyone still labors under this delusional we're some incredibly conservative, repressed society when all you have to do is turn on your TV or look at your average advert or music video to see otherwise.

>> No.7171379 [DELETED] 

Like >>7171368 said, there's no consistency because intersectionality basically turned feminism into another offshoot of racial tribalism and alongside that, mainstream feminism just became about behaving like this caricature of what a man is.

>> No.7171385 [DELETED] 

neckbeards detected

yeah you can expect people to be creepy about it but that's not the fault of the cosplayer

>> No.7171389 [DELETED] 

Pretty much yeah. I used to consider myself a feminist...then an old school feminist, now I'm egalitarian because I refuse to be grouped in with things like slut walks or with people obsessed with the destruction of femininity. I obviously want all people to be treated the same, but it's embarrassing when women try to excuse themselves for emotional reasons. I don't want to be ashamed of my own gender but I am.

>> No.7171393 [DELETED] 

It's not the fault of the cosplayer, but it is a risk, and by your own actions you invite more possibility. I'm not going to defend men for being perverts, but I try to take caution at cons with how I present myself since the risk of perverts is always there. Obviously I shouldn't have to do this, but I don't want sexual attention, and until that risk is gone, I prefer to keep myself safe.

>> No.7171401 [DELETED] 

You need to learn the distinction between risk assessment and ascribing liability for something to someone.

>> No.7171404 [DELETED] 

>I don't want to be ashamed of my own gender but I am.

You're not the only one.

This is why I have no female friends.

>> No.7171407 [DELETED] 

I know that feel, anon.

>> No.7171409 [DELETED] 

neckbeards please

just stop

>> No.7171412 [DELETED] 

I know you're trying to troll, but atleast come up with a convincing bait. This one is more worn out than my 5 year old converse.

>> No.7171414 [DELETED] 

>being this paranoid about someone not being your particular kind of feminist

I thought you people thought the entire world was against you. Now you're claiming it's unbelievable someone here doesn't believe in it? Make your mind up.

>> No.7171437

But this time it makes sense.

>> No.7171448 [DELETED] 
File: 218 KB, 600x554, 201310-25-55-d0173055_16355023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tell me how it feels to have shit taste? Have you had it since birth or did you grow to enjoy the taste of shit as you got older? Must be rough.


The only reason some dudes hate sluts are because those sluts won't fuck said dudes. Sluts = easy sex and are perfectly fine with me. No one is asking for a relationship in that scenario so who give a shit if the girl IS a slut? You're not wifing the chick.

>> No.7171451 [DELETED] 

If you're not wifing the chick and don't care about her beyond sex, why are you bitching about people call her a slut?

Something doesn't add up here.

>> No.7171455 [DELETED] 


"I'm not like most girls."

-most girls

>> No.7171456 [DELETED] 

I'm >>7171371 and I don't think you actually even read what I wrote, I was talking about the feminist population getting angry over lack of diverse characters or getting offended at over sexualized characters regardless of their personalities, and yet when characters with very little personality have the same traits(but I guess with smaller boobs) they see them as empowering, as if only men draw charactrs with tits. It's like tits automatically destroy the characters' legitimacy even when characters like panty are boring.

>> No.7171458 [DELETED] 


Panty is a massive whore too.

>> No.7171464 [DELETED] 

Would you do it in Cairo?

>> No.7171462 [DELETED] 

>You can't wander into a con and expect men to not be a bit touchy.

Actually you can. But you can't complain if they ogle.

>> No.7171465 [DELETED] 

Neither of you have actually seen PSG, have you?
Panty in the last 2 episodes is fucking amazing.

>> No.7171468 [DELETED] 

Exactly. Think of the differences between panty and the sorceress from Dragon Crown. That kind of character is tons more empowering than panty, panty is basically just a caricature of the gyaru community, dumb, blonde and slutty. I guess that's why feminists like her, she's more "realistic" in that she's like they are.

>> No.7171469 [DELETED] 

Doesn't change the fact she's a slut and that people actually like her for that exact reason.

>> No.7171474 [DELETED] 

I have seen the last episodes, and she was only "amazing" because she lost her angel powers. It doesn't change the fact that even then she is not a compelling character and her only power is sex.

>> No.7171479 [DELETED] 

Pretty much this, but are we really arguing about this? PSG was a comedy with basically all of the characters being sexed up caricatures of different aspects of sex, bondage and Japanese subculture and the idea that any kind of role model would come from that is ridiculous.

>> No.7171487 [DELETED] 


I'm saying there is nothing wrong with being a slut since you should only be in it for the sex when it comes to sluts. The only people who REALLY dislike/have a problem with sluts are the dudes she won't fuck and hambeasts because they get no action.


Well that's because the girls who like Panty and Stocking aren't as honest as Panty and Stocking's characterizations and most are hypocrites by nature. The girls who idolize Panty are slutty bitches in denial while the girls who idolize Stocking are catty bitches in denial. Meanwhile, Panty is a character who KNOWS she's a slutty bitch and doesn't give a fuck. Same goes with Stocking and being the catty bitch she is. Panty and Stocking do have character, it's just their characterization is crude as hell (because of their honesty) and represent what most women are but remain to be in denial about. Panty and Stocking don't give a shit about the negatives. Real women do, hence their hypocrisy and denial when they are called out on it. That's why feminists are jokes and don't know what they want. 3rd wave has been the most useless wave of the movement. It needs to just die already.

>> No.7171490 [DELETED] 

I want Anita Sarkeesian to review Kill La Kill. It would be fucking hilarious.

>> No.7171550 [DELETED] 

You probably like SNK, don't you.

>> No.7171566 [DELETED] 

Not him/her/it but SNK is the best anime of the year compared to this trashy Reddit-tier "tongue-in-cheek" wannabe anime.

>> No.7171567


It's not very accurate, honestly. I'm making my own and I was comparing this one to the references, and some of the details are pretty off. Definitely not worth $200 or whatever he's charging for it.

>> No.7171569 [DELETED] 

She can't. Her boyfriend writes all the things she says and this is way too tough to handle. How is he supposed to know who to side with?

>> No.7171640 [DELETED] 

Seagulls don't know what "bait" means and don't use it to say "this is bait". Obvious neckbear is obvious.

You aren't a feminist if you dislike the right of women to wear what they want which is what Kill La Kill represents.

>> No.7171649

I think decent may be stretching it. Her make is terrible yet she has thousands of likes. I think the only reason she's never been posted in bad cosplay threads is because she's genuinely not an asshole in comparison to the other cosplayers in Toronto.

>> No.7171650

I don't think it's worth the money he's charging it for but it seems pretty accurate to the series and that's pretty refreshing taking into mind the amount of bad ones we've already seen cosplayers using.

>> No.7171653 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 633x106, anita bf pacific rim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is he supposed to know who to side with?

I think he'd say it was misogynist.

>> No.7171654
File: 12 KB, 403x403, 1369983468917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh my god
>so amazing

>> No.7171666 [DELETED] 


If anything KLK is Reddit repellent.

>> No.7171732 [DELETED] 

What? Why? Because she doesn't dress like a strong independent woman and because she isn't "the girl" that's "won" by "the guy" at the end?

>> No.7171769 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure i believe that "her boyfriend writes everything" claim

what I do know is that WHOEVER IS writing it is a damn hack.

that destructoid interview where she claimed the one female character in bastion didnt have a name (she does, its Zia) article has that info for fuck) made that abundantly clear to me.

she has a weird binary definition of if a game is sexist when that sort of judgement absolutely requires nuance
Tits alone dont make something sexist
it is a goddamn shame she has got the attention she has.

>> No.7171774 [DELETED] 


Someone dug up a video from years ago of her doing a presentation to college students where she literally says "I don't like videogames, I don't play videogames."

>> No.7171824
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kill la Kill - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.45_[2013.11.01_22.49.37].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryuko and Satsuki are overrated

>> No.7171828 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 568x568, 1377846189565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7171842 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, UnderwaterFag.

>> No.7172059

I want to like this but for some reason I am really not digging the shiny red detailing. Everything else is nice though, definitely better than garbage-bag ryuko earlier in the thread.

>> No.7172066


What details seem missing? compared to the ref image, it looks pretty spot on besides the sheen.

>had to wade through all the crappy arguing.

>> No.7172074 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 500x274, plsgo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tumblr pls go

>> No.7172276 [DELETED] 

Anon, please learn to read.

>> No.7172594 [DELETED] 

You are the tumblr.

>> No.7172600 [DELETED] 

oh sorry, I meant to reply to the other anon

>> No.7172624
File: 70 KB, 544x816, 01237575327543275432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7172638

Opened it looking for something to bitch about but really there's nothing. Wig is well styled, costume is pretty perfectly made, everything is clean and she has make-up on. Isn't exactly anime proportions but eh can't be helped. Scissorblade should be a shinier finish, suspenders taped to underboob, and maybe some horsehair braid in the skirt would make it perfect.

10/10 for craftsmanship

>> No.7172639


>> No.7172643

That's actually pretty good. Source? And where the fuck was this taken, the Vatican??

>> No.7172641

fuck. source please. google did nothing.

>> No.7172644

From a con in Barcelona, just today.

>> No.7172652

Wow, that's really damn good. The outfit looks exactly how it should do.

>> No.7172657

Nice, everything looks clean and well-done.

>> No.7172891

>Honestly, I don't think I could respect any female cosplayer donning this outfit.
>implying they should care

>> No.7172893

>I don't like this therefor it is shit because my opinion is simply fact
Get over yourself.

>> No.7172902

I would love to cosplay as Aikuro Mikisugi
But I feel I'm too short and dont have the right figure

>> No.7172904 [DELETED] 

>I don't want to be ashamed of my own gender but I am.
>This is why I have no female friends
Oh stop it. Women like you make me want to slam my face in a wall. I went through the whole "I'm too good for my gender, so I'm going to only have male friends!" phase long ago and let me tell you, they come with just as many problems as female friends, just different ones.

>> No.7172909

I agree with the shit-tier animation but the action scene are amazing and it's just fun to watch. And I don't recall KLK using CGI.

>> No.7172911 [DELETED] 

>abloobloobloo be nice guys i wanna be fweinz

>> No.7172914 [DELETED] 

I take it you're not like most girls?

>> No.7172920 [DELETED] 

I was with you, until the end when you just had to have that special snowflake "not like most girls" line. You are not the only girl who thinks this way. You are far from unique.

>> No.7172925

We had a nice thread until the english shitposters started replying to their own posts.

>> No.7172938 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 462x382, 1292446118016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7172939 [DELETED] 

oh and where are you from?

>> No.7172947 [DELETED] 

>implying that meant ashamed of women and not just feminists
It's pretty clear who they're ashamed of within the female gender, and that's not everyone.

>> No.7172949

That's what I was thinking.

>> No.7172953 [DELETED] 

Then she should have said she was ashamed of feminazis instead of her "own gender".

>> No.7172955
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>> No.7172960
File: 57 KB, 566x850, BWh3NdeCYAAUV01.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't.

>> No.7172958
File: 286 KB, 1280x1280, 53743957742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7172962
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>> No.7172966
File: 231 KB, 900x1161, 5435739503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7172971 [DELETED] 

The problem with female "friendships" is that they rarely get the chance to be something more than Facebook-tier (like "oh this the girl I've been with in XYZ / that I know from ZYX" et cetera, et cetera). Most females always have someone to rely on, and even if they don't, they're always under the protection of the patriarchy they detest so much (pretty much every single male will come to her whiteknight help in need if she asks for it, unless she's a gross landwhale). Males, on the other hand, are much more expendable. So if two males bond in friendship, it usually happens to be deep loyalty to one another. They know they have to value it since there's no safety nets once you lose your bros, you got no one to turn to - you're dead meat (unless you're one of the desirable minorities in Western / Northern Europe, then you can rely on papa state to handle your shit). If two females stop being friends - nothing of value was lost between them, really. But if two bros stop being bros, then you know something got reel fucked up.

Hence, it is only natural that even females value their male friends more (although every single one of them wants to get inside them - that's scientifically proved) because they're way more loyal and dedicated than a female friend ever would be, who has no incentive to do any those "things that bros do" as she can just find new friends and/or bitch about you behind your back (with her other female "friends") for asking her for whatever it is you need.

>> No.7172974
File: 171 KB, 730x1094, 454323942374239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7172980 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 480x360, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fedora: the post.

>> No.7172992

yesss, these two are adorable

>> No.7173000 [DELETED] 

Jokes on you, I'm a girl. >>7171389

>> No.7173005 [DELETED] 

It's pretty clear that was the implication though, unless you're trying to find fault in it.

>> No.7173012

oh gooood that mako. ;___; i want to pajamas-version cosplay with her...

>> No.7173038 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 300x470, stock-photo-pretty-portrait-of-a-teenage-girl-wearing-a-black-hat-or-fedora-with-white-background-61903399[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better than u
>enlightened with superior social know-how
>purposefully separates self from perceived image of "other girls"

yeah no, that anon was right. you're just an innie-fedora instead of an outie-fedora. kind sage.

>> No.7173053 [DELETED] 

My experience has been quite the opposite.

Perhaps you should start making friends with females who are similar to how you perceive males and that might change your experiences.

>> No.7173084 [DELETED] 

>poster says something uncomfortable/unagreeable

It's like I'm REALLY reading Tumblr!

>> No.7173085 [DELETED] 

So you ARE a manchild?

>> No.7173092 [DELETED] 

Do you tend to use the term "internalized misogyny" a lot whenever a girl takes a stance on gender issues that deviates from your cookie-cutter femme expectations of her

>> No.7173102

they're cute but all i see is the three pikmin stylishly walking away in the background

>> No.7173105

Now I cannot unsee.

>> No.7173106
File: 115 KB, 241x400, 1383070399625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually very impressive considering they're the first ones I've seen

>> No.7173115 [DELETED] 

You got it mixed up again fedora kun

>> No.7173122 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 405x391, 1375267009178 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly if you're not a modern feminist, you have to be a fedora wearing sperg.

>> No.7173129 [DELETED] 

Glad you finally got that. Now back to >>>/r9k/, neckbeard-chan.

>> No.7173130 [DELETED] 

If you want to argue with yourself just scream in a mirror.

>> No.7173131 [DELETED] 

but I dont have any in my mom's basement

>> No.7173143 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 352x240, femalefedoraneckbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7173145

Platform shoes
Some core and abs workouts

There, problem solved.

>> No.7173152 [DELETED] 
File: 2.38 MB, 345x263, 1383167151163.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That craftsmanship, embarrassing. She should also use some whitening cream to clean up that dirty skin, you know, to be accurate.

>> No.7173158 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 320x240, 6a474f40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fem fedora
Hory shit, they exist!

>> No.7173161
File: 88 KB, 250x239, 1374737471603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Platform shoes

>> No.7173176 [DELETED] 

4/10 supr edgy bra

>> No.7173194 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 994x768, white_perfect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super edgy

>> No.7173199 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 590x328, so_bronze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super edgy
Sorry, it's supr.

>> No.7173215 [DELETED] 

Yes, you are.

>> No.7173258 [DELETED] 


Casper Matoi? I guess that could work. I prefer Caramel more though. Not into ghosts.

>> No.7173260 [DELETED] 

A Kill La Kill thread derailed by malefems telling other girls their feminism isn't feminist enough using Redditperbole - the future is now

>> No.7173283 [DELETED] 

>malefems telling other girls their feminism isn't feminist enough using Redditperbole

I can't understand this SRSspeak.

>> No.7173288 [DELETED] 

translation: goodbye /pol/.

>> No.7173289 [DELETED] 

>Calling-out Reddit-based "argument" tactics about gender outrage

I'm about the furthest thing from SRS in the world broheim, maybe all I want is a pic-filled thread about my flashy fanservice anime without MUH GENDER derails, because fuck it if I couldn't enjoy Madoka threads because of this same shit

>Everything that isn't my opinion is /pol/
>goodbye /pol/

Goodbye yourself

>> No.7173311 [DELETED] 

>using SRS
>not /pol/
Don't kid yourself.

>> No.7173315 [DELETED] 

SRS is the cancer that is trying to kill 4chan. Everyone knows about it now, not just /pol/

>> No.7173320 [DELETED] 

Yes, everyone knows what SRS is because you can't help but yell about it offboard in every unrelated thread. This is not /pol/, calling every opinion you don't like "SRSspeak" contributes to nothing. I'm really not liking this spillover. Why does every thread have to have arguments about Tumblr and feminism to stay active?
>inb4 JIDF

>> No.7173486
File: 50 KB, 604x538, 13834175610001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7173492
File: 29 KB, 680x383, tsutsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some /fit/ guys better step up to do some Tsumugu.

>> No.7173451 [DELETED] 

>Hence, it is only natural that even females value their male friends more (although every single one of them wants to get inside them - that's scientifically proved) because they're way more loyal and dedicated than a female friend ever would be
My experience with male friends is that the majority will act like you're their best friend then cut contact with you the moment they realize they're never going to get into your pants. So very loyal.

That being said, one of my best friends in the world for five years is a heterosexual male and he is very respectful of the fact I don't want any sort of sexual or romantic relationship.

>If two females stop being friends - nothing of value was lost between them, really. But if two bros stop being bros, then you know something got reel fucked up.
Right, that's why four out of five of my exes' best friends have tried getting with me the moment it was apparent we were having problems. Only in one of those cases did they even wait until we were broken up. I can think of at least six other occurrences off the top of my head of this happening with other people I know, too. A good portion of epic seeming bromances falter the moment an at least moderately attractive girl comes into the picture.

Not to say that doesn't happen with girls, too. It's just that I've seen it personally a lot less and that has never happened in one of my friendships.

>> No.7173452

that wig is so fucking bad. she didn't even try.

>> No.7173453

I remember about three years ago when MF was one of my favorite cosplayers. Now it seems that she's turned into an attention whore with the most intense "me first!" complex I've seen in the cosplay world.

>> No.7173463

Its over before it could even begin.

>> No.7173586

what the fuck is wrong with her face

>> No.7173594

all dat eye makeup

>> No.7173595 [DELETED] 


Guarantee you the most they wanted to do was really just fuck you and nothing else. In which case, isn't really anything special since men don't discriminate as much as women do when it comes to sex partners. You were their friend's ex. Your ex probably already fucked you to the point of not being THAT excited by the act anymore. Why would he give a shit if you fucked anyone else if he's already had you plenty?

The saying goes "There is no better pussy than new pussy". Men get tired of having sex with the same chick very easily because the novelty dissipates when it's basically on lock via relationship. Only insensible dudes let a woman destroy a developed friendship between guys.

>> No.7173606

sweet jesus what a waifu

>> No.7173665 [DELETED] 

>My experience with male friends is that the majority will act like you're their best friend then cut contact with you the moment they realize they're never going to get into your pants. So very loyal.

That's your fault though. The problem is that every single male friend you have thinks that he has a chance with you and interprets every compliment you tell him, every smile, every wink as "dude she's totally into me!".

And when he finally confesses and you give him the good old fashioned "I'm sorry but I only like you as a friend :(" then you're pretty much telling him "you are a loser and I only tolerated you because I wanted some shit from you". You have to actually show them that you do, indeed, value them as friends for real, somehow. If you don't do that, it is to be expected that they will drop you once they get humiliated, for there was no other reason to be your friend to begin with.

(written by another grill admitting that, no less)

>> No.7173696


Well, if this aint a 10/10 cosplay. Surprisingly well made after all the trashbag attempts

>> No.7173727

this looks much better in person I promise. she was at youmacon, not sure why he didn't mention that. I'd post my own pics but I'm still here and they're on my camera

>> No.7173745

I love looking into Mostflogged's dead cold cowlike eyes

>> No.7173748 [DELETED] 

>That being said, one of my best friends in the world for five years is a heterosexual male
>and he is very respectful of the fact I don't want any sort of sexual or romantic relationship.

Yeah, sure.

>> No.7173788 [DELETED] 

>black people

>> No.7173791 [DELETED] 

>That's your fault though. The problem is that every single male friend you have thinks that he has a chance with you and interprets every compliment you tell him, every smile, every wink as "dude she's totally into me!".

...No. That's the dudes own fault for being delusional.

>> No.7173793 [DELETED] 

The cosplayer pictures ITT really look pathetic.

It's depressing that there's actually people who tell them it looks good just because they want to see their used up tits.

>> No.7173801 [DELETED] 

You didn't read past that obviously. It is your fault because they think that when you friendzone them you're also telling them that they're pathetic losers and that you don't really value them as friends -- which is probably true, otherwise they wouldn't abandon you the moment they realize thier semen will not be put inside you.

>> No.7173911 [DELETED] 


No, it's her fault for believing men and women can be legitimate friends. What are she 12?

If sex isn't involved, the "friendship" basically isn't worth anything for the dude.

>> No.7173912 [DELETED] 

ITT: Why I have seen men as morally inferior to women for years.

>> No.7173913 [DELETED] 

>not reading my mind

>> No.7173915 [DELETED] 

jesus fucking christ fuck off no one gives a shit fucking waddle back to r9k where you belong

>> No.7173919 [DELETED] 

>imply girl isn't cute and the costume is just terrible quality.
>Prefers Casper the Friendly Matoi

>> No.7173920 [DELETED] 

you can fuck off too

>> No.7173924 [DELETED] 


top kek

>> No.7173925 [DELETED] 

>Men morally inferior
>Women kill their children at rates higher more than men


>> No.7173927 [DELETED] 

So if you see someone as a friend then that means you don't treat them like a friend...

>> No.7173928 [DELETED] 

[citation needed]

>> No.7173929 [DELETED] 

Babby daddies aren't around their kids to have a chance to kill them.
Considering the male crime statistics, I wouldn't be too proud.

>> No.7173930 [DELETED] 

implying anyone gives a shit about children

>> No.7173933 [DELETED] 


I'm sure you really, truly value your beta orbiters as people.

>> No.7173936 [DELETED] 


They're implying the friendship is one sided.

>> No.7174013

Holy shit this thread just got purged like crazy.

Thanks, janitor!

>> No.7174250
File: 67 KB, 544x816, 1452247_427881994000738_463907770_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7174260

>all the negative comments about cosplayers were removed too
thank god!

>> No.7174263
File: 39 KB, 470x314, BACK IN TIME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7174301

I just want to open a brand new mayo bottle and squirt it all overrr

>> No.7174307

This is pretty well done.

>> No.7174312
File: 842 KB, 1060x1600, 10633703676_689acb2667_h[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different angle

>> No.7174317

Nipple covers

>> No.7174324

For a costume like this, I can excuse that. It all looks incredibly well-crafted, though a few threads could be trimmed around the suspenders - but now I'm being nit-picky.

>> No.7174349
File: 372 KB, 1280x1280, 34543634245239423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7174367

that girl needs to learn to closed mouth smile. and is that derpyhooves in the middle

>> No.7174502

>looks much better in person
So you're telling me that "in person" the 3rd grader quality scissor blade, loose suspenders, incorrect garter straps, obviously cut up shirt, and silver bits that looks like they were cut out of cardstock by someone with palsy all just magical perfect themselves?

Are you the girl in the pic trying to defend your cosplay?

>> No.7174509
File: 199 KB, 1024x768, 1311019038550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>core and abs workouts
>not cardio and weightlifting
Let me guess, this is for "toning"?

>> No.7174512

Still can't get behind that shiny red and the clunky-looking shoulder pieces. The craftsmanship's good, for sure, but I feel like it could be executed a little more, I don't know. gracefully?

Also is it me or does her navel look huge?
And the shape shes in makes me feel a little better about my own because I want to attempt this costume. I mean that she's not anime-proportioned and you guys aren't tearing her apart like I'm used to cgl doing.

>> No.7174521

>Also is it me or does her navel look huge?

congratulations on totally invalidating any critique you may have

>> No.7174529

Oh no.
I think it's just the photo though, or my eyes are getting that bad.

>> No.7174566
File: 127 KB, 720x960, tumblr_mvo0bztgsq1rggkkwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean like, are you seriously criticizing someone's navel right now? is this what cgl has come to?

>> No.7174567


Her navel? Really?

She's not being torn apart because her craftsmanship is impeccable. If your cosplay is any poorer in construction than hers, you'll be thrown to the hounds.

>> No.7174601


She's way too short to cosplay as Ryuko.

>> No.7174603

Ryuko's shoulder things get bigger like that when she evolved into booster jet back Ryuko

>> No.7174608

>>ITT: Jealous girls also trying to cosplay the same character

>> No.7174624

There have been a lot of compliments for the good costume.

>> No.7174630

The navel thing was just an observation, not criticizing it. It just looks off to me. Ah well. Next time I'll keep things to myself.
Either way it is nice construction, still not liking the shiny red, but that's personal preference,

>> No.7174636

And seeing other photos I see it's just the lighting or something that makes the 'contemptuous' navel look off to me. My bad. Let us move on.

>> No.7174641

I generally like it except for the wig's shape and wedge heels.

>> No.7174792
File: 2.23 MB, 4128x2322, 20131102_181117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Met this guy at nekocon. Total bro and the el wires were sick

>> No.7174895
File: 107 KB, 538x868, 1454564_10151738053597686_1298072543_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7175233

stop fishing for compliments, you attention whore. you even have posted the same photo twice in hopes for receiving more comments wtf. and worse you gave yourself most of the compliments here which is pathetic.
is receiving a lot of likes something new for you?
it is not a big deal. you are not worldwide famous girl.
spanish cosplayers always selfposting. although nebulaluben is really worldwide known at least.

>> No.7175251
File: 159 KB, 250x375, tumblr_mvk3e4GP6M1rcsv0jo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was literally the only picture i'd posted in this thread, i'm in the uk and have no idea who that girl is, sit the fuck down fatty

>> No.7175263
File: 30 KB, 432x288, no more tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks kinda old for Inumata.

>> No.7175298

ok this is AWESOME

>> No.7175397
File: 321 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_9161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7175398
File: 266 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_9233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7175399

I'm glad people are cosplaying these new characters, but the Jakuzure has some strange fitting going on. Her hat's pretty good though~ Inumuta is just a turtleneck with the cuffs stretch stitched onto it... The hip pockets look fantastic though!

>> No.7175524


Craftsmanship of the costume is far from the best but at least the girl is gorgeous.

>> No.7175564

How are people doing the form-fitting top that goes under the armor on the Ryuko battle pieces? I'm guessing cannibalizing zentai suits?
Or they're really good at sewing form-fitting spandex/vinyl.

>> No.7175624

I can't believe Shadow the Hedgehog is a fucking mahou shoujo

>> No.7175698

I'm looking at the black stars on these uniforms, and I'm wondering if careful fabric painting might be a visually cleaner option for getting them on there? Or maybe something like an iron on transfer?

>> No.7175811

I... what?

Jesus fuck, I can smell the dickcheese jelly all the way from over here.

>> No.7175826


Kill La Kill's new opening sequence.

>> No.7175832

That was pretty funny anon, thanks for this.

>> No.7175875
File: 167 KB, 800x1129, 39557698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7175881

Best version.

>> No.7175951

Why not applique with very tiny satin stitch to enclose the raw edges? I always find that gives the cleanest look.

>> No.7175953

dude, she pops up on the first page of google search. Calm yo tits

>> No.7176025

Her fucking teeth need help. Gurl, see an orthodontist.

>> No.7176213
File: 179 KB, 799x533, detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unresized star detail if you were curious. no I don't know them, just took the picture.

>> No.7176269
File: 177 KB, 993x612, nonon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How difficult would you say Jakuzure's outfit would be for someone with very basic sewing knowledge?
This would be my first time making a cosplay from scratch, and I don't want to bite off more than I could chew, I just love her character.

>> No.7176292

>love her character
She hasn't even had an episode dedicated to her yet, let alone have her appear on the screen over 5 minutes. How can you love her character when it hasn't been established yet?

>> No.7176299

I guess it would be more correct to say I love her concept. I think her design and personality are adorable. She's definitely one of my favorites.
Regardless, all I want to know is if its more difficult than it seems.

>> No.7176304
File: 26 KB, 300x662, full body front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it'd be a little too difficult, especially with the puff sleeves + collar + whatever's going on with the pleated skirt.

In that vein, any more experienced seamstresses have a good idea about what to do for Satsuki's knife pleated skirt-dress-thing design? I don't want to add a seam at the waist, but the only other way I could think of doing it would be to cut slits in the skirt and sew in triangular "pleat" pieces which I feel like would look terrible. Am I overthinking this?

>> No.7176314
File: 36 KB, 600x800, BXERkC7CAAEEIaA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm working on it now and I'd been thinking about doing the gores thing like you describe for like, fake pleats, but the more I look at it… Junketsu doesn't have /any/ seams on it (no shoulder seams even), so I don't think adding the waist seam is a terrible choice? If you iron it well it probably won't even be very visible.

I guess the other option is to make the bottom sort of a circle skirt shape and try to iron in pleats, but in my experiments with that it doesn't work so well when you get to the center front area.

Here's the small-scale test of the gores approach I did, if you're curious (I was too lazy to get the iron out so it doesn't look as nice as it probably could). I think it could work, but it seems a little needlessly tedious?

>> No.7176340

>make the bottom sort of a circle skirt shape and try to iron in pleats

Yeah, I thought about that, I suppose you could sew the top 1-2" down to get it to stay, but honestly I just picture a lot of weird bunching/folding.

Thanks a bunch for sharing that -- it does look good, but it also looks like a massive pain. I'll have to ruminate on just how much hair I want to lose over this costume.

>> No.7176349


Well, I think I decided to just go with the waist seam approach for now since the con I wanted to wear the costume is in a few days now (lost track of time, lol) and it seems like the fastest option. So if you're curious to see how that works out I'll probably be posting photos in the progress thread over the next few days.

>> No.7176362

Best of luck! Can't wait to see it.

>> No.7176416

It's not too difficult if you're good with pointing out the basic shapes and can follow a pattern. The dress is an illusion, as mentioned, the skirt should be made separate from the top then attached to account for the pleats. You can see examples in mostly Cheerleader uniforms.

You can probably sculpt the skull from sculpey and the wings from craft foam or real feathers.

>> No.7176422

also for the puffy fury part on top, I saw a tutorial here somewhere that straightens out yarn by combing and straight ironing it to make it look like real fur.

>> No.7176452

I plan on cannibalizing a zentai suit personally.

>> No.7176710


>> No.7176734

I was actually considering applique, but I wondered if I could get away with a different method that looked just as nice since I've never done applique before. Ah well, better start practicing I guess.

Thank you! I honestly can't tell if the edges are raised, or if my eyes are fucking with me. It's been a long day.

>> No.7176750

Sorry man, there's really no way around not having seams in that design to accommodate for the pleats. You can make it two pieces before sewing it together, a top portion and a bottom "skirt" portion with the pleats. Another anon already mentioned it, but you'll want to take a look at how cheerleader's uniforms are put together because that's pretty much what's going on in her design. If you have the right fabric and you take the time to keep everything clean, a seam at the waist won't be a big deal.

>> No.7176994

>Thank you! I honestly can't tell if the edges are raised, or if my eyes are fucking with me. It's been a long day.
The stars just looks like a thick piece of black material. Neoprene? rubber?

>> No.7177004


Looks like craft foam to me. It's kind of a neat effect.

>> No.7177006

It's craft foam

>> No.7177057

Thank you all for your help! I think i'm going to give it a try

>> No.7177318

He's like 23ish. I went to school with him.

>> No.7178207
File: 1.01 MB, 1008x1024, kill_la_kill_cosplay_anime_poster_by_inushio-d6ssb2m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one takes the cake if you ask me.

>> No.7178208
File: 704 KB, 1024x710, kill_la_kill_by_inushio-d6ssagv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7178210
File: 1.14 MB, 1024x696, ploblem___by_inushio-d6ssapl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7178221


Ah, yes. I too love excess photoshop, poorly made cosplay, and a greasy looking wig that looks like it was tinted with spray paint.

>> No.7178230

that wig looks disgusting

>> No.7178377
File: 2.34 MB, 400x225, no stop posting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disgusting wig
>fuck-awful pleating
>photoshopping that was done in microsoft paint

>taking any cakes

>> No.7178383

wtf is wrong with her wig?

>> No.7178385

looks like way too much hair spray making it crunchy and gross.

>> No.7178470

That's why it takes the cake.

It takes the hilaribad cake.

>> No.7178766
File: 289 KB, 500x281, NO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shooping is so ridiculous and bad it crossed the line back over into sort of cool looking

dat wig tho.

>> No.7179197

bitch never even seen the cake

>> No.7179583

Barcelona's Saló del Manga. She's Onirica (last year Summit Spanish representative).

>> No.7180162

I think the wig looks fine, it kinda suits the theme of the show if you ask me, as does the over-the-top photoshopping too.

>> No.7180259
File: 155 KB, 400x418, tumblr_mvf0j5sYr81s5i0xeo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For any guys interested in cosplaying it, lol

>> No.7180261


Lazy design.

>> No.7180292

10/10 would torture my bf till he cosplays it

>> No.7180315

Looks really shit, it's like something Voldemort's ex-boyfriend / DerpQueen's brother would come up with within 5 minutes if he wanted some more easy lays with underage girls.

>> No.7180316

Pants? Man that should have been a banana hammock.

>> No.7181404

This show is really gonna push the envelope for what people are going to wear during cons. We're gonna see "slutty version of Ryuko" and I don't even know what that would look like but they'll be so naked that full nudity will seem modest and wholesome in comparison.

>> No.7181703
File: 36 KB, 480x722, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7181704
File: 46 KB, 228x566, 03576834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my thoughts exactly.

>> No.7181709


She's what they used to call a "handsome" woman. Not pretty, but as she gets older she'll get that rich victorian dowager look to her.

>> No.7181711

it's like I'm looking directly at the sun

>> No.7181720
File: 121 KB, 719x1111, ultimate_hentai_kamen_by_pmsuyom-d5m1smj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He would totally look like Hentai Kamen wearing some big ass pauldrons.

>> No.7181952

Do you have a fucking problem with that, neckbeard misogynist?

>> No.7182137

>mad slut

>> No.7182161

Is sluts like you that ruin our image. Then we have male idiots who have misconceptions and behave inappropriately.

>> No.7182612
File: 151 KB, 640x1001, 45223423470292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7182858
File: 102 KB, 720x1080, gaaaaaaaaaaaay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this ok guys

I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep the fabric on the area next to his crotch/thighs or just keep it as the red bands for this throwback to some weird bondage shit but it ended up looking 2lewd4me

>> No.7182865


Man-thong or bust

>> No.7182870
File: 2.05 MB, 2230x1546, 1382090385267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No middle strap, keep the same basic design as the original but somehow have it fit a dick

>> No.7183395
File: 540 KB, 631x1024, 10761199354_71835bc81f_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New cosplay from AFA 2013. It's pretty gud.

>> No.7183408



Too good

>> No.7183427

im on it. although my brother can pull it off more than i can since he is slightly darker.

need to make some prop spool grenades and a sewing gun

>> No.7183437
File: 101 KB, 720x1080, 9tcb6d2o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Not going full borat
>>fix'd for reality

>> No.7183462

pig faced.

>> No.7183467

banana hammock is the only option

>> No.7183922

I like this one a lot.

>> No.7183944

Apparently, a fat old "aunty" reported a Kill la Kill cosplayer to the police because the outfit is too "revealing" during AFA on the 9th Nov.

well, fuck Singapore

>> No.7184022


Wow that looks pretty damn good in that photo.


>being this autistic

Kill yourself.

>> No.7184036

>having standards this low

Kill yourself.

>> No.7184794

The police didn't do much, just took down random identity numbers and left slightly amused.
The cosplayer was in tears though.

Funnily enough, nobody can find any photograph of her in the battle costume that had riled the hag.

>> No.7184842
File: 240 KB, 1365x2048, 1402818_565310386857577_368221620_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one

>> No.7185120


Makeup is a little ehhh for my taste and the wig looks a bit too messy with the lights on it like that but I still really like this cosplay.

>> No.7185402

That's not a great angle for her. I love love love the details on the sleeves/gloves though.

>> No.7185677

how would one approach a genderbent version of Ryuko's outfit? I've been kicking the idea around for a while and kind of wanna have a go at it

>> No.7185703

Why not just tell the anon to make it easier on him, you stupid cunt?

Aliceholic Cosplay

>> No.7185757

There are rumours of an old hag who goes around her neighbourhood with a cane, she smacks girls who wear too shorts, I wonder if it's the same woman
Sage for not kill la kill

>> No.7186245

A basic one would be same upper body one and probably a banana hammock, like others have suggested. I dunno about adding a skirt since I think that's kinda stupid on guys. Maybe like shorts or just skinny pants/leggings with random cutouts (thighs, ass chaps, whatever you want)

>> No.7187289
File: 1.65 MB, 640x360, 1381437103571.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No real person will ever get the outfit 100% right, so you're incorrect on that matter.

Image related in that it will never be successfully replicated by 3D pig disgusting, assuming any of the aforementioned had the courage to try.

>> No.7187304

>dat Sailor Moon Pie

>> No.7187317
File: 30 KB, 345x337, 72483815815e2b8401d2c0cf6db614b06585aca70f290bb2f6fcaaaaee123ec5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7187392

Is anyone in here working on stuff for ALA? I was thinking about passing out ribbons, but I don't want to be stuck with a ton of leftovers.

>> No.7187410
File: 67 KB, 640x640, d7d1a616493411e384041243d2856edf_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Supposedly this is the one.

>> No.7187413
File: 80 KB, 960x615, 8671_10151773103607098_1070301577_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's a picture of the incident.

>> No.7187431

this is beautiful

>> No.7187436

This is a really nice cosume, it looks really well made. I just want to tone down her eye makeup a bit - and for god's sake people, line your waterline.

>> No.7187437
File: 1.83 MB, 275x154, 1382136480179.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really REALLY hate that wig. It's disgusting.

>> No.7187453

Damn she's hot.

>> No.7187467

did she get in actual trouble? Art ehre laws in singapore? her nips seem quite sheltered, i dont see the problem.
plus shes hot and this is a con were talking about...

>> No.7187465

Ugh she looks like she's about to cry.. I really feel sorry for her. I like her costume and her wig from what I can see.

>> No.7187485

She didn't get in trouble, she just got to experience some auntie giving her shit and all the negative attention and probably had what was supposed to be a fun day ruined.

She was not the most revealing cosplayer there.

>> No.7187514


sorry i'm not from singapore
can someone please explain to me what the everlasting fuck 'auntie' means in this context?

>> No.7187528

Old hag.

>> No.7187530

A middle-aged woman to whom you have no blood relation to.

>> No.7187950
File: 252 KB, 1024x1536, ryuko_matoi___kill_la_kill_by_hidrico-d6tw7t5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this gem on DeviantART.

>> No.7187959

Same girl? Her wig got wrecked

>> No.7188359
File: 15 KB, 500x419, 1356313355992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the best face / body for her (then again, who really does?), and her costume / prop are both A+.
But fuck, that wig turned into a goddamn mess.

>> No.7188367

>coconut head in a seifuku

>> No.7188410

Thanks so happy you are, please post pictures when you're done.

>> No.7188732
File: 171 KB, 2048x1366, 738397_759402210753511_712353584_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a better shot of her.

>> No.7188752

That is fucking shitty craftsmanship

>> No.7188761
File: 54 KB, 380x401, AB lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I want to see more of it.

>> No.7188763

... Is her nipple flashing?

>> No.7188766

Looks to be some form of adhesive.

>> No.7188767

It's a nipple cover.

>> No.7188769


Jesus that craftsmanship is pretty asstastic.

Give her >>7187950 's costume and we've got perfection. She is a lot cuter than that other chick.

>> No.7188771

Kill yourself for having such low standers.

>> No.7188772

I have high sitters though.

>> No.7188774

>She is a lot cuter than that other chick.
Nice shittaste.

>> No.7188777


well this one has the nipple flashing

>> No.7188779
File: 546 KB, 500x281, 1343718196467.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this fucking costumes are shit,but what do you expect from a new shitty anime.
can't wait till it dies.

>> No.7188781

You dumb fucking shit you can see she has on nude pasties.

>> No.7188785

Someone got out of the wrong side of the bed today.

>> No.7188787

Could be more accurate but oh damn, that body, and it the outfit looks well constructed, too! I love the boots.

>> No.7188789

What body shes skinny as fuck,and nothing there look wise.

>> No.7188795


>confirmed for pig fetish.

Didn't know bestiality was hip nowadays.

>> No.7188801

Stay mad, obese neckbeard.

>> No.7188893

That wig though.

>> No.7188917

It will never die, this is the West's new favorite anime after Attack on Titan died (no season 2) since it delivers with everything the west wants from a cartoon (that should be aimed at little girls) - a main character who dresses like a strong independent woman, so that all girls grow up to be strong independent women like her. It shows how amazing and progressive our society is when we unquestionably accept such amazing strong and independent clothes on a strong independent woman.

>> No.7188928

People really believe this?

>> No.7188930
File: 481 KB, 639x719, 1301473393717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did I rustle your Spaniard jimmies anon?

you can clearly see it didn't do much to those nipples

>> No.7188949

Believe what? Are you saying that she isn't a strong independent woman? Do you want me to redirect you to /r9k/?

>> No.7191678

found on crunchyroll this morning. not fantastic, but not bad http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2013/11/13-1/incredible-elite-four-kill-la-kill-cosplay

>> No.7191944

Nice photos can't cover up how shitty those costumes are

>> No.7192109
File: 86 KB, 640x640, af465f3c492c11e3a58b0e76d35d513f_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck fat soccermoms and everything they stand for.

>> No.7192114
File: 78 KB, 600x496, 90715431tw1ea5k46w7c2j20go0dsjt8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7192852
File: 921 KB, 1350x900, kill_la_kill___ryuko_matoi__01__by_beethy-d6u8nf9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one I found on DeviantART.