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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7166298 No.7166298[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Saw this girl today walking around at my school.
Good fucking lord. I'm not even a lolita and I knew she looked bad. She didn't have a wig on and her hair was frizzy and everywhere. Plus her dress didn't look like it fit her at all. I wanted to take a picture, but I was embarrassed just looking at her.

Have you guys ever seen people in cosplay or lolita walking around your school?

>> No.7166303

deja vu wtf

>> No.7166305

I've seen cosplayers on campus, probably running to or from an event. It was usually on Fridays that cons began, probably hitting up classes before heading out or something.

Lolitas? Once or twice, and it wasn't any ott sweet shit.

>> No.7166307

I have the occasional people that aren't in full cosplay, but insist on wearing their cat ears and tails to school.
I'm so glad I don't tell people that I cosplay.

>> No.7166312

I wear lolita to school, but I don't wear wigs and have decent hair. Plus, I lean more towards gothic, so it's easier to tone it down where necessary and not look like an idiot.

>> No.7166326

I wear lolita to college very occasionally, and I know that another girl there is also a lolita, though we never talk. She's in my comm but I don't think she's gone to any recent meets as I've never met her.

There is also a girl who wears a Lost Prophets hoody and a hideous, cheap wig that looks like it might be a Sephiroth cosplay wig. It's always a huge cloud of tangles at the back.

>> No.7166334
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>people actually caring about what others wear to school
I can see if it's an everyday thing yeah, but tbqh I don't remember the ridiculous shit people wore in high school or in my undergrad based on a day-to-day basis. Unless I really think about specific instances, for the most part I don't remember because it's so damn unimportant.
Not to say you shouldn't care about your own appearance for your sake, but overall no1curr.
Pic unrelated.

>> No.7166338

what school is this? lilke high school?

>> No.7166342

naw. I used to be in her comm. She is in college.

>> No.7166350

I saw a girl that looked a lot like her at Anime USA. She was in a onesie footie pajama outfit, a giant bonnet, a big fucking binkie, and some accessories....

>> No.7166362
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What sheltered life do you live where some pink haired bitch in a bonnet is the weirdest thing you've ever seen at a college?

>> No.7166365

>Had friends who turned into furfags and wore tails to school and in public.
>Younger classmates wearing vocaloid matryoshka make up and hoodies in school.


>> No.7166367
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>> No.7166378

>wore tails to school and in public
That's about as much as I've seen at my college as far as different. And the Hot Topic regulars.

>> No.7166386
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>> No.7166404
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You don't have to share a community with her...

>> No.7166407

They edited her face to hide most of the pimples. Just imagine that rough, greasy, bumpy plucked-chicken texture with caked on makeup.

>> No.7166408

christ, that one. Imagine having to try to logic a secret santa gift for that mess. All I had was pictures of that coord.

>> No.7166411
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thank god...
I-Im so sorry anon... you have to see her at every meet...

>> No.7166424

I wear lolita to college sometimes. Once I saw two girls wearing shitty what I think was miku cosplay with horrible tatted wigs

>> No.7166436

Fortunately she rarely comes to a meet, but she does often say she'll come to meets that she ends up not showing up for. And this isn't just like, "Oh she looks so bad I can't be seen near her", no, she has no tact when she talks and brings up really horrible subjects.

>> No.7166435

the unicorn one I can only assume

>> No.7166438

jesus, like what subjects?

>> No.7166444

Doesn't this girl have a tumblr? I thought she was posted here a while back in a really ill fitting dress, I want to see more

>> No.7166447
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>rough, greasy, bumpy plucked-chicken texture with caked on makeup.
Thank you for the visual.

>> No.7166478


>> No.7166646

Seeing someone on campus is actually how I started lolita. She was really good though, so that definitely helped.

My campus actually has a lot of lolitas now, which sucks because I'm currently studying abroad and can't dress up with them :(

>> No.7166702

Only one time have I seen a lolita in public. Not exactly at school but in a college town. It was in Tucson, Arizona about a year ago now maybe. She was kind of a fatty, walking up Oracle in her $5 see through dress which I think she was wearing a hoop skirt with rather than a petti, long uncombed wig and flimsy ass "parasol". I assumed she was going for ott sweet but god it was awful. It's too bad I was in the car at the time or I would've gotten a pic.

Maybe some Arizona lolis are reading this and know who I'm talking about?

>> No.7166706

It's actually not that shocking that lolita is some of the weirdest shit around. A lot of the alt fashions you'd expect to see around seem to have died out for the most part/only exist on the internet. I don't even see scene kids in public anymore let alone lolitas.

>> No.7166711

This weekend I saw two lolitas in Target. (I'm a lolita, too, but I was out of uniform because I was running errands.) I think they saw the recognition in my face or something, because they smiled at me. One of them was a chubby girl in OTT sweet with really unflattering wig and the other was wearing a shitty replica (I was several yards away and I could tell it was a replica -- that's how bad it was). I wonder if they knew as we exchanged glances that I was thinking very negative thoughts about them.

>> No.7166719 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7166805

You've seen her too? I've seen her hanging around in the goth community and at folklife/hempfest, always wearing some weird fantasy garb or raver shit. Aparently she's into lolita now

>> No.7166823

Yeah no problem.

>> No.7166849

I have chased a lolita I saw walking around school down.

Like a fucking gazelle

>> No.7166855

if I saw a lolita I would do the same thing

>> No.7166857
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What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.7166867

It's their natural instinct. The fight for burando.

>> No.7166883

I just wanted to compliment her. I guess it helps that I was wearing lolita that day, too, so it's not nearly as creepy.

>> No.7166920

No, it's still creepy.

>> No.7167037

accurate. its what most lolitas look like in reality.

>> No.7167052

because lolita friend thats why.
I wouldn't chase down op, but someone well dressed? hell yeah

>> No.7167087

>Younger classmates wearing vocaloid matryoshka make up and hoodies in school.
This is pretty okay, makeup aside. The hoodies from Matryoshka are adorable.

>> No.7167342

>completely missing the point

>> No.7167343

What kind of college do you go to that attracts this sort of people? Is this sort of thing common at community college?
The most outrageous dressers on my campus are the fashion students, and they usually dress quite well.

>> No.7167347

Not in school but I live in Flushing, NY and I see a ton of itas walking around main street. I guess they think Chinatown is close enough to glorious nippon.

>> No.7167490

are you sure it was actually a lolita? I haven't heard/seen anything about them lately, but a while back there were some prostitutes in the tucson area that would walk around in clothes like that with like cowboy boots and umbrellas as parasols

>> No.7167497

Is this the fat nasty thing from quebec or the other fat nasty thing?

>> No.7167504

There is this girl at my uni that wears lolita and mori. I've wanted to talk to her several times, but she seems very shy (I see her eating alone all the time). How do you wear lolita and still be shy?

>> No.7167514

>How do you wear lolita and still be shy?
Becaus you think it's nice? In my case atleast lolita tends to cause people to back off.

>> No.7167517


the lolita comm in tuscon is very small, I think there are about four or five of them, so if she was a lolita she was not in the community, two or three of them own heaps of brand, so she wouldn't be in the comm

>> No.7167519


I feel weirdly tranquil if I wear lolita alone to do errands or shop. Like I'm in my own frilly world or something. It helps in my area that people are discreet and don't exactly scream shit at me, so it helps the atmosphere.

>> No.7167545

There's one lolita that I know of at my university, I actually think I recognized her face from /cgl/ when I first met her, but she's not an ita or drama-magnet or anything. She dresses very well.
There's also another girl who I think wears mori - if not, she at least has a Liz Lisa bag so I know she's interested in J-fashion.

Tbh I'm just getting into the fashion and I'm scared to mess up or wear my dresses petti-less in their presence, else they'll probably get the wrong idea.

>> No.7167562

I've been thinking about dressing up in lolita one day to class.

Unfortunately, the classes I have are on Tuesdays and Thursdays and they're all day.

>> No.7167565

I'm horridly shy and I still wear lolita whenever I can. It's very calming to be wearing something modest and covering, but still pretty...

>> No.7167570

i'm not a shy person myself but I feel fucktons more personable when i'm wearing it. I'll approach cute guys when i'm all dolled up that i normally wouldn't. I don't know why.
I enjoy acting...so maybe it's because it isn't 100% me that they're seeing so I feel more...protected?
Kind of hard to explain.
>transactions cockage
thanks captcha

>> No.7167576

You're calling her shy when you won't talk to her? Go chat her up in your sociable muggle clothing.

>> No.7167621

I feel even more nervous around men when in lolita, admittedly. But I'm not attracted to men, so that's not a tremendous issue. I guess I don't get more confident, but rather more calm and grounded.

>> No.7167636

me too anon, I feel quite self-conscious approaching people dressed normally in a hoodie and jeans or something, but even in casual (cutsew+skirt) and full-on (frilly blouse, print jsk, TPs) loli wear I'll find myself starting conversations with people I sit next to and stuff.

>> No.7167641

I've been wearing the same hoody for 3 years now lol.

>> No.7167648


>> No.7167763

I think OP was referring more to the fact that she looked like a bad lolita, and not "weird".

>> No.7167771

Because you feel nice, I am extremely shy. You should go to talk to that girl and tell her you like her coord/outfit though, I bet it would make her feel really good.

>> No.7167802
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oh honey that was not what I meant but keep trying

>> No.7167872

I went to community college and the uniform was pajamas and uggs.
Weirdest thing I ever saw was some crazy Jesus guy who carried a cross around but he got expelled after a month or so for vandalizing the art building.

>> No.7167882

I'm about five years younger than her, but she latched onto me because we live in the same area when I was in high school. She was extremely mentally abusive, horribly rude and mean, and played the "If you don't be my friend, I'll kill myself" game on thirteen year old me. Her mom ended up taking me to lunch and bribing me until I confessed to all the weird shit her daughter did.

All of those things aside, she smells like bird shit, has no intonation in her voice, and writes terrible erotica. She's in school to be a mortician, the last I heard.

>> No.7167900

Yeah, the girl in OP has severe mental health issues so the basis of this whole thread isn't actually all that surprising.

And OP, you go to a shit school.

>> No.7167910

Still going strong in my city.

>> No.7168104

I feel like fashion students don't dress particularly outrageously. In my year, besides me, there's one other lolita, and everyone else is either boho/Berkley, or if they're Asian, they wear drapey asymmetrical monotones. And there's another lolita in the year below us, as well, but I know of two others, one an illustration major, and one graphic design, I think.

>> No.7168952

No no, it was definitely meant to be a sweet lolita. It's just that everything she had on could have easily come to $20 in total it looked that cheap.

I only lived there for a year and a half, so I don't really know about the prostitutes other than to stay away from miracle mile.

>> No.7168963

Are you me? I also have classes Tuesday and Thursday all day. I like lolita but I'm not sure if I want to wear it to class. It's not the length of time that bothers me though as I dress nice anyway, it's more about avoiding weeaboos.

>> No.7168995

No. She's in the Seattle comm? Nononono.

>> No.7169002

There is a girl who wears fairy kei and a few gals in my uni, I never really understood the attraction of wearing lolita to university/school/whatever it just gets in the way and is impractical? I don't want my expensive clothing damaged either

>> No.7169033

Don't worry too much. She rarely shows up to stuff because of pain when walking or something.

>> No.7169625

At least I'm not the only one in this predicament. I would have to deal with not only crazy weeaboos, but also my classmates cause I'm a guy. ;_;

Being in grad school, you're around the same group of people in all of your classes.

>> No.7169693

>because everything weird must come from a ~*~community college~*~
Maybe you just had a really boring campus or you didn't crawl out of your dorms enough to actually see people.

>> No.7170025
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Not in grad school but I know that feel. Half my Chinese class is weeaboos and there's only one class so all of those weeaboos will move onto the next course with me. -_-

Gonna go off topic here, but why the fuck do weeaboos even take Chinese? Is it just "close enough" for them even though China and Japan are miles apart culturally? There's this one girl who has brought up to my professor(who is from China) multiple times that she's going to take Japanese and "will learning Chinese effect my ability to speak Japanese?" to which my prof. had to explain to a grown ass person what 2 different languages are and that Japanese is not relevant to this class. UGH

>> No.7170039

>why don't a person's fashion tastes dictate their personality?

contrary to popular belief not every lolita is an attention whore

>> No.7170040

1. be shy
2. dress in lolita

easy 2 step guide to being shy and lolita please credit if you use thanks

>> No.7170057
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try being in an actual japanese class... you will think that after 2 years studying the weabooos will quit and leave. Truth is there are the same stubborn shits minus the dumb whores trying to be kawaii.
Imagine my japanese teacher face everytime someone says "is it true that in Japan.... i saw it on anime"
I just feel the shame of Occident.

I really admire the patience of that poor woman.

>> No.7170065

Why does she dress so bad... not even into lolita but god damn this is horrible

>> No.7170068

Well, learning Chinese won't help your Japanese speaking skills, because these languages are very different phonetically, but the many characters (kanji) are the same. (That's why japanese people can recognize some characters in the Chinese text, for example, or Chinese can read some street signs and such in Japan). So it might help a little.

>> No.7170074

Actually, learning Chinese makes Japanese much easier to learn. Some words the Chinese and Japanese both share, such as the word 'prepare'; in Chinese its jun bei, in Japanese its jun bi. Or 'telephone', in Chinese its deenwa, in Japanese its denwa.

>> No.7170077
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That's expected of a Japanese class. Doesn't make it okay, but it's expected. Your professor is a real trooper, to be sure.

I still feel bad for my Chinese professor though, having dumb asses constantly offending you, asking you about a different country entirely as though it's the same thing. Working to instill a "China and it's language is important to the future" attitude rather than "this is Asian so it'll go great with my anime and shitty cosplays".

We have to go to a legit Chinese restaurant and order and stuff in Chinese at the end of the semester and I am just dreading the inevitable "WHERE'S THE SUSHI/RAMEN ON THIS MENU?" "ITADAKIMASU" "~*OISHI DESU NE!!!!*~"

>> No.7170084

It's actually diànhuà and zhǔnbèi, so not pronounced so similarly, and the characters are only the same for those who write with traditional Chinese. Most Mandarin speakers only know simplified and will probably not understand.

Mandarin is the standard version taught so it isn't going to do you much good for Japanese if your teacher doesn't teach you traditional characters also, which most don't.

>> No.7170423
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Mikasa decided to come to class today

>> No.7170429

This isn't true.

>> No.7170433

i dont see what the problem with this is

>> No.7170434

It's halloween...

>> No.7170435

I have issues with the potato that anon used to take the photo.

>> No.7170437

In high school, I wore a shitty eBay bought sailor uniform on Halloween, but on that day this underclassman who I hated also cosplayed and I was so embarrassed that I never did it again.

I haven't been on campus that much today, but all I've seen so far is some chick with a trilby and a long black trench with buckles.

>> No.7170442

there's nothing wrong with it
it's a galaxy S3, the picture is bad because I suck

>> No.7170476

My university has its own newspaper. Over the summer, one issue had a fat sweet loli on the cover. The article had something to do with being fat and not dressing the way you want to.

Anyway I just wanted to say that that girl looks like the one in the magazine cover.
Maybe OP and I go to the same school..

>> No.7170495
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Saw a girl yesterday at my school.
>Pleather corset, shelf boobs hanging out of the top
>plastic steampunk goggles on head
>long shiny satin skirt
>giant chunky goth boots

She was sitting alone waiting for people to talk to her. Not doing work like other people sitting around, just waiting. When I was leaving class(3 hours later), there were some fedoras lingering in her personal space. Jesus fuck, who has the time to sit around on campus and not even do any work or go to class. Do these people have jobs?

>> No.7170529

Well, if you don't have Japanese as an option as a course, you turn to Chinese. Also, aren't like the fastest scanlations like in Chinese? Also, the kanji are the same but will prob have different pronunciation?

>> No.7170581

I have severe anxiety and my therapist is suspecting a panic disorder as well. It took me three months to make a doctor's appointment for birth control because I was so nervous and afraid to call in to the clinic and I wear lolita every day. It sort of sets you apart from other people, like being in your own world. I feel more confident in lolita and friendly. It's one of the few ways I can be brave enough to run non essential errands alone.

>> No.7170617

So you go to KSU.

>> No.7170623
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>go to shit school
>make fun of girl with severe mental health issues to make myself feel better

>> No.7170747

Wait what? I go to KSU and I've never seen any of this crap

>> No.7171384

It is true. You could offer a reason why it's not if you want anyone to believe you.

>> No.7171416

Kanji are only the same if you are taught traditional characters. If you are taught simplified characters then you won't be able to read them. If you're taking Chinese in uni you're most likely to learn Mandarin using simplified characters which will not help you for reading Japanese.

Mandarin using simplified is the most commonly taught and is also the most commonly used, most of mainland China uses this version.

If you're taught Taiwanese Mandarin, you'll learn traditional characters. If you're taught Cantonese(which isn't commonly taught, at least not in the U.S.) you'll use traditional characters also.

>> No.7171438

>who has the time to sit around on campus and not even do any work or go to class
In my experience, fedoras and overgrown mallgoths are either in the sciences where the pretentiousness eventually gets beaten out of them by hard work and all-nighters, or in some field that allows them to bullshit around for a few years before realizing they have no future. One of the worst fedoras I know went on to major in philosophy where he only had one hour of class a week and bluffed his way through most of the reading. Consequently, he had a lot of time to sit around being pretentious. The few things he did manage to learn only made him worse.
I know it's not fair, but whenever I see some asshole just hanging around doing nothing for hours I assume they're "studying" philosophy.

>> No.7174944

So after reading this thread again, I think I'm going to dress up in lolita tomorrow for class.

I wonder if anyone is going to spot me on Ohio State's campus...

>> No.7174958

While I've certainly never dressed like that or fished for attention that way on campus, I will say that some geeks are really nerds at heart who never have to study very much until they get to their harder classes in their major.

I do know a group of guys who sit around on campus 3-4 hours a day between classes and just sit around playing yugioh and arguing over geek trivia. They have jobs, but those are mostly either weekend or night time jobs and they primarily do their studying later in the evening.

I have seen people like the girl you're talking about though. One used to wear umbreon ears and party city wigs to school. I wore a costume for a costume contest on campus and she started complaining to me about how everyone had better wigs than her all the time. She was only on campus for a couple semesters and then just disappeared, never to be heard from again, other than the occasional facebook status about her bjd collection or her money woes.

>> No.7174961

I've been wanting to wear lolita to class for a while, but working 25 hours a week on top of classes has made it difficult.
I wish there was even a single other lolita on my campus. I feel like there should be more considering how many people go to my uni, but then again the midwest is a pretty sad, boring place.

>> No.7174988

Our school is different but we also have a group of dudes just playing Yugioh.
There is exactly one ita running around the campus and she hangs out with the group that has cats ears and is into furry.
There's also an extremely competitive bitch that runs the Anime and Cosplay clubs but thankfully I'm able to avoid her.

>> No.7175011

do you live in a large midwestern city by any chance?

>> No.7175038

At my school, whenever I go down to the Honors College to do work in between classes or eat, there is, without fail, a group of guys loudly arguing while playing Magic the Gathering. They're all in harder classes, too, so I really don't understand how they get the grades to keep their status.

There's a cosplay club as well, but it's really cool and only dresses up on campus for things like running tables, awareness events, advertising, dressing Disney or Pokemon for kids that come to big campus-wide events.

However, there is one guy that sometimes wears a fursuit on campus and another girl that wears a pikachu hoodie with pikachu ears fairly regularly.

>> No.7175067

The dudes that play Yugioh are really smart and at the same time not complete jerks. A little awkward yeah but not like most of the people in the clubs who backstab/pick fights.

The ita girl is also rude as far as I can tell. She talks badly of other girls, mostly hipsters or girls who wear that kind of clothing. I have no idea why.

There's a gang of furries who don't dress up but they do talk about their kinks and fetishes to whoever is listening.

The bitchy girl I mentioned before is the worst though since she just goes about starting crap on purpose before falling back on her looks or how "different" she is to get by.

A couple of people wore cat ears or armbands or hoodies but they didn't stay long I dunno.

>> No.7175276

No, it's a rather small city, really. Much smaller than its dilapidated neighbor.

>> No.7175284

if you play magic, you should know that people who understand the rules well enough to argue them must be pretty intelligent.

i swear learning more than the basics of MTG is about equivalent to memorizing a biology textbook.

makes it not fun

>> No.7175286


Yeah my friend plays Magic the Gathering and he's one of the most hardworking people I know. He works hard and plays hard, that's how he maintains his grades. TL;DR: don't judge someone by their hobbies. Just as frat boys can do incredibly well in med school, people who seemingly have no life aside from their nerdy hobbies might actually excel in their courses.

>tfw I'm not one of those people....

>> No.7175392
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Remember when having nerdy hobbies pretty much always meant that you were also intelligent? Too many people with no skills or positive attributes migrated to the nerdy hobbies.
>feels old man

>the midwest is a pretty sad, boring place.

>> No.7175475

Oh no, I'm not saying they're dumb or bad people - in fact, a couple of them are my friends. I just literally have no idea how someone can maintain a 3.5 gpa with advanced biomedical engineering courses without dedicating every waking moment to them, and have room in their brain to know a complicated game's rules so well on the daily.
I only say this because for most people in the honors program, we also have jobs and are the campus leaders in student orgs, so hobbies are a luxury.

>> No.7175477

I live in Holland Michigan. Saw a girl down the street from me wearing Moitie. I've never seen another good lolita in West Michigan so I freaked out. Too bad she got in a car and drove away before I could say I loved her dress.

>> No.7175535

Holland is conservative and Dutch as hell, but I know some cool, quirky people from there.

>> No.7175658
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Welp I am off to class now. Wish me luck!

>> No.7175663

you really ought to do something about those eyebrows

>> No.7175668

Agreed on the brows, but damn do you have some nice legs. (From what I can see.)

>> No.7175678

You could try not making that awful bitchface. There's nothing wrong with a smile.

>> No.7175717

Aw Butthead, you look so fetching in your pretty co-ord.

>> No.7175716

I agree with the other anon about the brows. Pluck them into a neater shape, trim them down and fill them in with a lighter brow powder/mascara. A light, golden brown or a milktea shade would suit that wig very well. The wig itself goes with your coloring nicely. I would suggest that the next one you buy have chin length layers to frame your face. It would soften your features/jaw.

Contouring/highlighting your face to soften it and applying blusher to the tops of your cheek bones rather than the apples would also help.

Might I suggest checking out gossmakeupartist's channel on youtube. He has lots of good tips and tutorials that are really handy. It really helped me hone my skills.

EIther way, you've come to the right board. I know a lot of Lolitas who are great at makeup, but some cosplayers I've met are amazing. You wouldn't believe how much they can change their features.

Also, did I mention I really like your coord? I like the way you brought out the red and your shoes are really cute. Simple, casual stuff like this is my favorite.

>> No.7175739


Aw man, I was just in Holland (and Saugatuck/Douglas) last week and really wanted to wear lolita but it was so cold and shitty that I changed my mind. But feels good to know there's more lolitas in the area!

>> No.7175763

What the fuck kind of college are you attending where weirdly dressed special snowflakes aren't half the population?

>> No.7176315

You should be wearing suits since you're a man, not little girls dresses.

>> No.7176547

Yeah, I'm slowly trying to get my girlfriends to wear lolita with me. I have them obsessed with wigs now, I guess that's a step.

>> No.7176553
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Holy shit! Another lolita in the area? Yeah, it's been shitty and windy, if I didn't have to work and go to school I would hibernate indoors with some sweatpants and the xbox.

>> No.7176624

We have a rather nice community in MI. You should try a meet some time.

>> No.7177039
File: 48 KB, 290x387, 1305862096437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been to a meet up before, I'm part of the MI frillitia but it's hard getting out to the other side of the state to see you ladies! I'm not the tea party sort really, I'd just love to chill and have a beer with some of the girls.

>> No.7177051

I would be down for this come my 21st birthday.
Also, considering it's difficult for me to find the time between school and work to get to meets that are only 45 minutes to an hour away, I feel your pain. I can't imagine having to drive hours for a meet.

>> No.7178948

OT, but what does 'Dutch' mean in this context? I ask because I'm a Dutch person from the Netherlands (the one in Europe, that is) and we're not very conservative at all. In some ways we're your Republican party's liberal nightmare. Sure there are some more conservative areas where dressing oddly will get you disapproving stares, but our country actually has a huge and thriving lolita community.

I guess a century ago we were a lot more conservative and puritan-ish, and the colonists just held on to that way of thinking. It's interesting to think about, that when I would move to an American community that considers itself 'Dutch' I would not have anything in common with them.

>> No.7179227

Grand Rapids area anon here. I'm surprised there seem to be a lot of you nearby, I've never actually seen a lolita around here.

This area of Michigan has a high Dutch population, a lot of businesses are owned by Dutch families. Van Andel being the big one, if I'm not mistaken they are known for funding the Republican party. But I'm originally from up state so I don't know that much about the area yet.

>> No.7179291


I'm actually a Chicago loli who was up on vacation. I used to have a second house in Douglas and lived up there on and off my whole life. I go back whenever I can. I thought all the lolitas were upstate!

>> No.7179417

disgusting man face

>> No.7179512

I just meant that there are a ton of Dutch people there (there is also Tulip time and all that), and it's also a very conservative area.
I didn't intend to imply a correlation/causation.

>> No.7179851

I go to an art college so naturally I see a lot of interesting things - cosplayers and people wearing j-fashions.
I've seen homestuck, night vale and other tumblr trends (massive flower crowns, faun makeup).
I've seen two lolitas at school, one which I met while I was also wearing lolita (aka best feeling ever).
I've also seen other j-fashions, visual kei, taobao stuff and a girl who looks like Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's number one fan.

>> No.7179862

There's this one girl at my school that looks so cute starting from her shoes, but once you keep looking up she's a train wreck.
She's obviously wearing lolita-esque clothing, but her face, her hair and her accessories are just sad.
She has this unflattering hime cut with super wide side....things.... And she wears this hideous, shiny maxipad headpiece with this shitty ass lace on it. Sometimes she also wears these cheap, black lace cat ears. (I think Bodyline sells them)
Shit's atrocious.

>> No.7179955

Once as I was leaving a building from one of my classes this homestuck passed by and I recognized the shirt or sweater and while I only got a glance of them I'm pretty sure they were gross as there was something off with their appearance.

>> No.7180138
File: 70 KB, 225x225, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was at Kennesaw State for a day and I saw a Zorro cosplayer walk by.

Later I saw a TERRIBLE lolita.
I'm not even a loli but I knew she looked a mess. Frazzled mint wig, skirt a lace monster and riding up in back. The bodice barely fit and the skirt was too short on her because of it. I don't remember what the socks and tights she had on looked like but they were stretched really bad and her shoes looked scuffed and mismatched.
It was so hard not to run after her and say "Hey girl, I know what you are trying for. Lets go get you some new stuff"

I hate seeing people that want to do something cool and fun and just fuck it up sideways like that.

Pic related. I think she was going for something like this but it was messy in every way it could be.

>> No.7180148


that actually looks fun. I kinda wish an Armin was in there with her.

>> No.7180490

Holy shit, we need a Grand Rapids meet up!

>> No.7181168

Get out.

>> No.7181171

I wear lolita to uni every day, but I've not seen another one. Then again, my uni has less than 1000 students, so it's not all that surprising. There might be some lolitas on the Acting courses, but they wouldn't be allowed to wear it to class so I wouldn't know.

I did once see a girl in Chinatown wearing Moitie. I freaked out a little to myself, but I didn't approach her because she looked like she was on a date or something and I didn't want to interrupt. I also used to see Homosucks at college quite a bit, although they were just in themed t-shirts/hoodies rather than full cosplay, so they weren't too embarrassing.