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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 72 KB, 1116x716, Dont Fucking Cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7165716 No.7165716[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How about a feels thread?

>tfw never cosplayed before
>tfw no money
>tfw can sew for shit
>tfw never have been to a con before
>tfw the closest cons are 5+ hours away in driving
>tfw there was a local cosplay contest but I saw no advertisement for it anywhere

>> No.7165720

If you're passionate about anything, you'll end up spending time on it. Wanting =/= loving.

>> No.7165723

Except >no mone
Plus I'm a student, focusing on my studies seems most important to me.

>> No.7165728

Obviously studies are important, but if you are truly passionate or want something, you will somehow make time for it, that is true in all cases

>> No.7165730

If you love it so much, stop being a little bitch, stfu up and do it.

>> No.7165746

Yes, of course. I'll find the time eventually, hopefully by then I'll have some friends who would like to go with me, too.

>> No.7165747


>> No.7165756

It's not about finding time, you make time for it, be it sacrificing sleep, etc.

>> No.7165760

Ok, I understand now. I really want to try this, can you tell me something? Is it really as fun and sometimes autistic as they say it is? I've seen both horror stories and fairyyales about cosplaying.

>> No.7165829

I started out just like you anon, but seriously, crying about it isn't gonna fix it, start making things. It will look like shit, but youll figure out what you need to work on. Then learn it.

go to cons. Find some buddies and roadtrip. Do something constructive

>> No.7165832

>tfw put a lot of money towards cosplay
>first time making something like this before
>feel like you did an amazing job, everyone loves it, get tons of good feedback
>go to con, get showed up by someone who has the same 'theme' as you
>thought you had an original design, whoops guess not

a group of people made us go stand next to each other to take pictures. Im too beta to say no.. so I did. and yeah.. feels bad. maybe everyone else thought it looked great, but my heart hurt pretty damn badly.

>> No.7165835

You're right, anon. I need to stop being a faggot and just do it. Thanks, mate.

>> No.7165880

saturday is my first con
saturday is my first cosplay
qt gf: "hey I want to go/cosplay"
I spend much time/money on cosplay
she gets shitty hallween store costume
me: "b-but qt girlfriend... cheap hallween cos"

feels batman

>> No.7165882
File: 18 KB, 400x454, voldemort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw no qt 3.14 cosplay gf

>> No.7165932

your gf sounds like a slut and attention whore. people who wear halloween costumes to cons are fucking disgusting

>> No.7165937

It can be either. It's really fun at times but there are also cons or occasions where it does not go well or people are being annoying and the whole thing is a drag. Other times everything goes perfectly, you have an amazing weekend and smile about it for months after.

A convention could be really disorganized to the point you spend five hours waiting outside in the rain for a badge - or it could have amazing events, panels, and guests with enforced line policies that make everything work smoothly. You might meet a group of amazing people and cosplayers the second you walk through the doors, or you could catch the interest of a hambeast who stalks you the whole weekend.

For me it's always been way more of a positive than negative experience. I got bored so I quit but I know people who have been cosplaying for 10+ years and still love it. Just sort of depends.

>> No.7165981
File: 59 KB, 700x466, 1278551070307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw first time with a proper cosplay group.
>Tfw it's more popular than you could have imagined.
>Tfw someone recognizes you on the street from said group.

>GF starts going to cons with me.
>Turns into "epic maymay LOL OC XDDD" cosplayer.
>Starts a blog with articles like, "How To Get A Boyfriend/Girlfriend," or "10 Intro to Cosplay Tips," all of which are cringe-worthy.

>> No.7165983


Boyfriend and I are wearing shitty halloween store adventure time costumes to Youmacon, just to piss you off.

>> No.7166022
File: 854 KB, 285x160, 1382429085342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw organizing a lolita meet, trying really hard to make it eventful and enjoyable for everyone
>tfw everything goes wrong last minute, ending up 10 minutes late to said meet
>tfw everyone had already split up and it takes half an hour to find everyone
>tfw no one listens to me as the organizer and we don't do anything I planned, only choosing to wander
>tfw the meetup was a miserable failure

I don't know why I try anymore. They complain about boring meets, so when I tried to make something interesting and fun their ignorance and apathy just ruined it. I shouldn't have been late to my own meetup, but it was kind of flukey/freak accident that I was late in the first place.

>> No.7166024
File: 2.35 MB, 480x270, 1367598300862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you collect lots of stuff to use as bases for props (paper towel rolls, plastic boxes of various sizes, etc)
>tfw your mom is a huge neat freak and throws them all away thinking they are "garbage"

>> No.7166070

sounds like you are a shitty person and should feel bad for being such a horrible person to your boyfriend.

>> No.7166081

Want to cosplay
No friends to cosplay with
Never made any friends at any con
All interesting characters are female only
No idea what to cosplay
Too old to cosplay anyways

>> No.7166103
File: 45 KB, 640x480, sadmayl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 28A and can only cosplay lolis

>> No.7166115

Cutlets. Stuff your bra.

>> No.7166122

>tfw you finally lose the extra weight but realize it will never make you short enough for AP.

>> No.7166125

>tfw 5'1" and still not short enough for Holy Lantern
What are these? Clothes for ants?!?!

>> No.7166139

I hear you girlyfriend, I recently organized a big meet (probably the biggest non-con meetup we'd had all year) and I swear to god it's like herding cats. Lolitas are some of the most disorganized people on the planet.

>> No.7166153

FFS, you don't need to cosplay to enjoy cosplay. You can be a photographer, videographer, etc. Just like how you don't need to be a doctor to enter the health industry.

>> No.7166154

wtf, you were ten minutes late and no one waited? rude bitches. we've had people be up to AN HOUR (ugh) late for meets and we still waited around just so they wouldn't get lost.
yeah, organizing lolita meets is awful, especially with facebook. 7 confirmed and 12 maybes.

>> No.7166155

Wtf how short is Holy Lantern?

>> No.7166163

>tfw not enough hours at job, broke alla time
>tfw plan to start making loli skirts/accessories for extra cash
>tfw not enough hours at job to build up a little capital to make fabric investment after paying bills
>tfw trapped in ourobourous of poverty

>> No.7166176

You're not stuck in poverty... you're not trying hard enough. Try harder for the things you want.

>> No.7166181

you can't "try" to get more hours. it's common for jobs to keep people from getting enough hours to support themselves. building up capital is way harder when you're living paycheck to paycheck or are stuck at a job without enough hours.

>> No.7166187

>can afford internet tho

>> No.7166188

You didn't intend to respond to me, right? If you did, I don't understand how you get what you're saying.

>> No.7166200

Living paycheck to paycheck? You can't expect sunshine and rainbows if you want to build up capital. Make money doing something useful on the side. Sacrifice sleep to study and learn new skills. Everyone I know who complains about paycheck to paycheck is lazy. You can build up capital if you really tried. You're just fucking lazy. You will never get further in life if you're lazy. It's hard but nothing is going to happen if you don't start.

>> No.7166201

I posted that and I didn't get on it fast enough but a 5'5 friend of mine did and it's a shirt on her. on me it would baaaarely cover my ass.

>> No.7166276

That feel when you are working on a project, get pumped, buy supplies, start production, 30hrs in and everything has gone to shit. Feeling defeated and wasting money. It hurts.

>> No.7166299

Back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.7166311

>tfw you have every annoying buyer stereotype on lse/comm sales in one week

>"will this fit me?"
>"I can't say, please compare the measurements provided to your own."
>"I'm a US size S petite, will it fit?"
>not from US, no idea what size S petite fits
>repeat measurements advice
>"what are they in inches?"
>provide inches measurements, increasingly annoyed
>"it's way too big! I never find anything that fits!"

>"how much is this in (another currency)?"
>"please use xe.com or google to check that, as I don't want to be responsible for inaccurate quotes."
>"I don't know how to use those, can't you just tell me?"
>"okay, fine. ____ (in that currency) plus international shipping."
>"would you take half including shipping?"

>selling dress with hairbow, do not want to split set
>say that I will not split set directly on the image of the set
>"hi. I just want the dress, how much is just the JSK?"
>"it's (same price as listed), I'm not splitting the set."
>"but I don't want the bow, I already have the bonnet. How much for just the JSK?"
>"I'm not splitting the set."

>"this is so beautiful!"
>"thank you, do you want to buy it?"
>"no, I can't afford it. It's just so pretty though!"

I wish there were more reliable consignment sellers in the community so I wouldn't have to deal with this bullshit every time I want to sell something.

>> No.7166320

>would you take half including shipping
Holy fucking shit, I can feel your rage as if it were my own.

>> No.7166351

You won't learn unless you fail.

>> No.7166356

>paid shoot in a week
>I've never done anything like it before
>I'm far from being a professional, and I'm also chubby and socially awkward
>worried that pictures will turn out horrible and the photographer and other cosplayers will rip me apart

>> No.7166360

>tfw I ran out of my ADD meds
>tfw the doctor is over half an hour away
>tfw I'm trying to work on my cosplay without meds
>tfw all you have to show after a day you chose to devote to cosplay is 1/8th of an armature for a weapon, because you keep getting fucking distracted/frustrated

Oh god, help me. Why can't my doctor just send the prescription to CVS without giving me a checkup? Fucking controlled substances.

>> No.7166369

>tfw costume fits well, you can breathe in it and run around,squat, sit down, whatever in it, it looks good, etc.
>get to con next day
>suddenly its really tight

wtf nigga

>> No.7166372

Getting close to your period maybe? Unless u a dude.

>> No.7166389

Were you trying it on with an empty stomach and did you eat/drink much day of the con?

>> No.7166395

period - probably, i don't remember.

i had breakfast that morning and not much else during the rest of the con. i tried it on a few hours after lunch but i had snacks. i thought it was an empty stomach too.

>> No.7166397

>be in huge communities, cosplay and lolita
>really enjoy self
>have to move away
>trapped in a place with no damn public transportation and jackshit in my area
>keep trying to plan to go to cons and it keeps falling through
>cry a bit seeing the pictures of my friends having fun at con


>> No.7166400

Man, I don't know how to feel when I'm 5'9 wearing AP, and people that are much much shorter than me feel like their dresses are too short for them.

It all fits and covers everything fine, but I guess I do show a lot of leg (that goes for normalfag clothes too, which are usually shorter than loli stuff anyway). I wear tights to make up for it.

Mind you, sounds like Holy Lantern must be ridiculous if it's lude on somebody that is only 5'1.

>> No.7166403

I mean lewd*.

>> No.7166416
File: 468 KB, 170x197, r.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw spend tons of time (and a decent chunk of change) on a costume
>tfw your first costume with all the details down to a T, nicely sewn everything
>tfw your costume is a big hit at the convention and your post of it on /cgl/ got manny compliments
>tfw it brings you out of your cosplay slump and now you want to work even harder even more

Thanks for always keeping me motivated to try my best and work hard, /cgl/. Even greater things are yet to come thanks to all your help and encouragement (or discouragement of bad things, as it sometimes seems.)

>>7165716 I reiterate what everyone else has said, OP. You gotta start somewhere. Work hard. And for goodness' sake, plan ahead and use those craft store coupons!

>> No.7166417

*many compliments.
My goodness. No compliments on my typing, though.


>> No.7166418

>tfw I know what I need to do in order to make good cosplays and be a good lolita, but I either don't have the money or the skills to do it.

>> No.7166419

Sage goes in the email field, js. Typing it out does nothing.

>> No.7166430

(moot discontinued showing the Heaven ID for sages awhile ago. Sages are now gone unnoticed when done correctly.)

It's okay, anon. Thanks, though.

>> No.7166434

oh fuck. I've been off-line for too long. Sorry.

>> No.7166468

>tfw you live in a lovely old house with lots of history to it
>tfw the wiring in the house is almost as old as it is, so to iron anything, you have to turn off every other fucking electronic appliance or item in the joint just so you don't blow a fuse

>> No.7166505

>tfw husband fucked up and is in jail for the next ten days
>tfw looking at lolita is the only thing that makes me feel better

>> No.7166525

because they have to check to make sure the levels you're getting are enough/not too much. have you tried drinking something caffeinated? seriously. i had a friend do student teaching and one of the students struggled with either ADD or ADHD, and adding caffeine via soda trigged something chemically in his brain that calmed him down somewhat.
what the hell did he do?

>> No.7166529

>first gf excacerbates my goth / goth lolita fetish.
> dresses up for me and have amazing sex
>cheats on me
Now I have nobody to dote on
>tfw no qtgoth gf

>> No.7166537

>tfw really short (5'0) but want to cosplay taller characters like Commander Shepard

On the flipside

>tfw short enough to do loli characters

On another note...

>tfw when boobs are too big for loli so bind required the whole time

>> No.7166541

>tfw usually too depressed to work on anything
>tfw finally are and realize you've left your sewing machine at your mom's in another state
>tfw no cosplay friends in your area

>> No.7166544

Violation of probation for driving without a license. Which he never would have fucking gotten pulled over if he knew how to fucking drive. I swear, the idiot can't go more than 6 months without some kind of traffic violation. I think it's time to move somewhere like NYC where you don't even need a car.

I mean, clearly he's in the wrong, but all this shit ended up happening in some backwoods county that could otherwise be known as hell on earth. I'm sure if this happened in a bigger town, we would have gotten off a little easier, considering we hired a fucking lawyer and everything.

I'm just so god damn lonely. I can't even visit him in person in jail to touch him without a good reason, I'd have to view him publicly on some little video monitor.

>> No.7166567
File: 42 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw black
>tfw you will never have a good cosplay
>tfw you will never cosplay your favourite character and be praised

>> No.7166570

all these feels are also my feels
>tfw hips are too big to crossplay
>tfw face is too round and girly to crossplay
>tfw hardly any short busty characters

>> No.7166591
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, qb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw almost finished with first cosplay.
>tfw it's a gijinka.
>Why did I choose I gijinka?
>I am so afraid I'm going to look like a special snowflake.
>But I already invested the money.
Pic related.

>> No.7166602

>tfw black
>tfw I hate negroes who hate themselves
Just cosplay, fuckface.

>> No.7166609

You can't really blame them, though; black cosplayers can get a lot of hate when they cosplay light-skinned characters. I would encourage them to cosplay, too, but you have to admit that it makes sense they're apprehensive.

>> No.7166613

I know. I guess I'm just projecting. It's sadder/more frustrating when your own people say stuff like that but you're right I can't blame them for internalized hate.

>> No.7166615

Nothing wrong with cosplaying a gijinka, anon. Just have fun.

>> No.7166617

>tfw sick of whiny lazy bitches who think being a good cosplayer is something that will fall into their lap or something they can buy
>tfw top costumers started off making things by sourcing scraps and garbage

>> No.7166630

Thanks, that's reassuring. I guess most of the gijinka hate is directed at chicks cosplaying Pikachu in a bikini, anyway.

>> No.7166642

Pretty much. No one minds a thoughtful gijinka cosplay.

>> No.7166667 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 184x191, Billy_Mays_is_dead?!?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to cross dress as mami-san and in a rule 63 group of Modoka Crossplayers
>Too ashamed to do it
>Parents would think I'm gay

>> No.7166683
File: 80 KB, 184x191, Billy_Mays_is_dead?!?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to dress up as mami-san
>I'm a guy
> Hear horror stories of cosplayers also
>Parents would think I'm weird

>> No.7166701
File: 179 KB, 421x423, 1377202557978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not sure if it'd look weird if i bought some clothes for the cosplay instead of sewing them myself

>> No.7166737
File: 87 KB, 455x750, tumblr_mvcqr7Qy1c1qghl44o1_r2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you sure? I thought octavekitten (or however you spell her name) is above average height and it's above the knee sure, but not at her asshole

>> No.7166754

She's also thin, however. So if anon or anon's friend aren't on the thinner side of things, that shortens the dress quite a bit. Particularly around the bust.

>> No.7166756

geez if she's fat enough to be lilke 4 inches shorter AND pull the dress up 5 inches she shouldn't be wearing it

i think Ocktavekitten is like 5'8ish

>> No.7167230

I drink about half of a pot of coffee every morning (about three mugs, it's a big pot). It does help me calm down, but only for a few hours. I also end up with a bad case of the coffee poos.

Might be worth it during con season to continue drinking throughout the day.

>> No.7168043

I dunno, man. It doesn't take a lot of extra boobage to shorten lolita dresses. They're just not designed for large cup sizes OR large ribcages OR the fat. Even with shirring.

My bust is 32". My friend's is 35". We're the same height and own the same IW JSK. Fits me fine, fits her like a babydoll.

>> No.7168072

Yeah I get that, but whoever just threw out that blanket statement that it was just super short is obviously either fat or has some big boobs, which should have been mentioned, since it obviously looks fine on a taller girl who is relatively average weight and bust.

i read what they said and just thought it was even shorter than like the dream sky JSK just by default, but it sounds like that person is just chubs or has big tits instead

>> No.7168070

No fucking sympathy from me.

>> No.7168117

Not that I was looking for your sympathy, but last time I checked those fuck ups are his. Why the hell do people decide to judge the spouse for the sins of their partner?

>> No.7168776

>let sister borrow PVC costume to lend to bf's mom
>Her bf's mom is pretty slender, smaller than me. trust my sister to no end so I ok it.
>Find out it was actually for sister's bf's mother's friend
>FB search the woman, she's a fatty
>I haven't even worn it since I gained a bit of weight and did not want to warp it.

Now I'm just waiting for it to come back hoping that it isn't ruined beyond repair. I feel like an idiot for trusting my sister. I didn't make it but it was pretty expensive to purchase. I can't tell if I'm more mad at my sister or mad at myself for trusting her.

>> No.7168793
File: 36 KB, 490x490, 1366346991186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm right with you OP

>tfw you have friend/coworker with no responsibilities
>makes money, has all expenses paid for by parents
>goes to cons whenever he pleases
>buys expensive cameras, fabrics, equipment
>"are you going anon? Oh, that's too bad"
>won't stop telling me how much fun it was
>constantly puts all the pictures he took on my FB wall

>> No.7168800

Uh, if it's ruined, get her to pay for it. Her fault for lying.

>> No.7168804

you are right. But I'm still just very upset that she lied. I wouldn't trust anyone else with my costumes besides her and now that this happened I can't trust her either
feels bad man

>> No.7168815

The dress is a lot shorter than most lolita dresses, you can't dispute that.

>> No.7169473

>tfw pictures of my bed wearing my coords are pretty popular on tumblr
>tfw pictures of me wearing them are not

>> No.7169501
File: 32 KB, 480x360, suffering_gorilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too worn out to finish a cosplay and have to save it for another con
I keep telling myself it's for the best, but I still feel like shit.

>> No.7169511

That's always how it goes for me too, anon. Dressform or hanger coordinates of mine are also always more popular than worn.

>> No.7169835

>want to go to local fandom meetups
>everyone looks like they're in high school
>in my 20's
>tfw I just want a cosplay buddy who is around my age

>> No.7169866
File: 918 KB, 195x179, 1366768183137.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw order contacts for cosplay and they get held up in the post so they won't reach you on time for the con

>> No.7170139
File: 474 KB, 517x1498, Vincent_full_body_transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I bought Vincent Brooks shirt
>searched all over for the right color pants
>bought a wig
>Shaved correctly
>Still can't pull off the look/No one recognizes it.
(still have to find a way to craft that sweater.)

>> No.7170141

Can't model the hair, because I have no idea how to!

>> No.7170157

>shit cosplayer
>physically unattractive
>always drawn to cosplaying young, girly pretty boy type characters
>not getting any younger
>tfw in a few years I'll be way too old to pull off the characters I like even if I do somehow improve my cosplaying ability
>tfw it's just a remind that every day I get another day older and another day closer to dying

>> No.7170165

>literally no friends
>go to cons by myself
>lonely as fuck
>too autistic to talk to anyone other than superficial small talk
>always assume that two people holding a conversation are friends that came to the con together
>feel weird trying force myself into a social situation with people who may or may not be really close friends in real life
>go to room early and play video games
>cry myself to sleep
You guys said cons are supposed to be fun. Why am I not having any fun.

>> No.7170173
File: 531 KB, 826x670, 1374098371343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a list of 100+ characters I want to cosplay
>not getting ass up and do something about it
>add new characters weekly

>> No.7170178
File: 23 KB, 500x673, 1374414816404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'10" and 38E
>tfw 80% of my planned cosplays are male
>tfw I still haven't found a good way of getting rid of boobs

(can anybody recommend me good binders or something? Might as well visit the help thread now)

>> No.7170218

>tfw your husband takes your only good wig cap without asking so now you can't wear a costume to give kids candy.

>> No.7170241
File: 1.75 MB, 200x267, 33515625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we please have more good feels, friends?

>tfw finding good thrift clothes
>tfw modifying them to great thrift clothes
>tfw look amazing
>tfw sold thrift electronics and made net profit

>> No.7170247
File: 38 KB, 389x399, 13618449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw find lots of cute couple cosplay ideas
>No bf
>Have a shit ton of ideas for groups
>Only friends that cosplay only cosplay "Tumblr fandom xD SO RANDUM" shit and outright refuse to at least humor any group ideas I bring up

>> No.7170250
File: 67 KB, 400x300, Ovechkin dot tumblr dot com 062410 [16].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom and dad aren't home. M-maybe tonight I could be your bf onee-chan.

>> No.7170280
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, ami_sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work on cosplay really hard up to the last minute
>take to convention
>everyone loves it, shitloads of cameras being snapped your way, kids are amazed, people talking about you afterwards
>tfw you never find a single photo of it online

>> No.7170292

You gotta ask for their websites when you get your picture taken, Anon.

>> No.7170310

>that feel when I had to sell my dream dress because it made me look pregnant and I needed the money
>that feel when I splurged and paid almost $600 and only got $450 for it
>that feel when 6 months later it sells for $850 on auction with at least a dozen bids

It still hurts that I had to sell it, but the pain would have been easier to deal with if I hadn't lost money selling it. Where were all those buyers willing to pay over $600 when I sold it? I want to buy it back again but there's no way I'm going to buy it for over $500. And now everyone wants it so fat chance of that happening.

>> No.7170338
File: 6 KB, 200x200, thumb-sad_sitting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw potential bf liked the jessica nigri facebook page

>> No.7170341

That post and your picture made me laugh. I'm sorry, anon. Maybe get his attention by dressing up? You probably will look better than her as long as you stay away from the orange tan and raccoon eyes. But you know, that's if you still like him.

>> No.7170344

haha thank you
but I think I wont approach him, I just dont want that kind of boyfriend
asians, chubbies, prepubescent children, no problem
but american trash tier affection... no thanks

>> No.7170347

>want to cosplay but chubby/skinnyfat
>want to cosplay guys but too short and not toned enough
>want to cosplay cute girls but short characters are almost all DFC so might as well cosplay a guy
>a lot of characters you like also tend to be DFC
I just want to wear a costume and look cute and not ridiculous. I thought about just going with mascot suits since as long as the costume is crafted well enough, it's impossible to look awful in those.

>> No.7170352

My cosplay ideas list I write in Open Office is on its third page, I feel ya.

>> No.7170358

>Have been consistently losing weight for the past few years
>Now I've plateaued out and losing anymore than a few pounds seems impossible
>taking 6 classes and working so I have an assload of school work all the time and no time to work on costumes or go to cons
>tfw I'll never cosplay the skinny characters I want to.

Hopefully when I get out of college (next Spring) things will become a little easier.

>> No.7170560

>tfw want to meticulously make a costume to the detail with maximum accuracy and craftsmanship
>tfw fat and ugly


>> No.7170574

>tfw planned a lot of couples cosplays with gf
>tfw she left you
I didn't ask for this

>> No.7171376

I will most likely never pull off an accurate cosplay or have a gf because of a rather large deformity that I can't get rid of without surgery that could leave me severely crippled.

>> No.7171590

Because people are too dumb to get rid of partners who are fuck ups and don't deserve to be repeatedly forgiven.

>> No.7171644
File: 12 KB, 444x460, tfw not white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not white

>> No.7171657

>mfw better at LARP cosplay or something along those lines.

>mfw excellent at western cosplay, but eastern is so difficult, because I'm not weeaboo enough to find something that suits me or that I'd legitimately be a fan of

Comic Con? Nope! Cant think of a character

Anime Con? Nope! Can't think of a character

Blizzcon? Not enough of a fan or willing to travel for one thing.

LARP, medieval, fantasy, elven, or your own made-up character? Easy street, but not many conventions for the related. Only ugly dorks in the woods many states away.

>> No.7171710

But when you've been married for 3, together for 8, it's not that simple. Besides, marriage is supposed to be for life, it's not like he killed a man and is away for a good portion/the rest of his life.

Anon, I hope you never get married though, clearly you don't have the commitment for it. And yes, I am holier than though.

>> No.7171733

He's a shitty driver, it doesn't seem like divorce material to me.

>> No.7171737

I've been with my current boyfriend for nearly 3 years, a long way off from marriage. Previous relationship was 4 years long. Think I know a thing or two about commitment.

>> No.7171739

>tfw worked hard and lost a lot of weight
>tfw suddenly depressed, want nothing but to eat cheese, bread, and candy
>tfw period comes ahead of schedule, severe bloating
>tfw don't want to measure yourself for armor when you're a bloated fucking sow
>tfw the con is looming and you're lagging behind in construction

>> No.7171938

And I'm assuming he left you once he figured out what an unforgiving cunt you are.

>> No.7171950

Not really, quite the opposite actually but I don't want to bore people with the details. The bf I have now is a lot more mature.

>> No.7172068

Glad to hear you have a more mature boyfriend now, and I hope he never fucks up like my husband, cause it really does suck. I don't want to sling anymore shit, it just pissed me off that people exist out there that would let someone go over something as relatively trivial as that. Yeah, it's kind of a serious thing, but it's not like I'm staying with someone who mistreats me - that really is inexcusable. Nobody's perfect, and a shitty driving record is not that big a deal.

>> No.7172565

What kind?

>> No.7172586

>take friends to their first con
>excited to share my hobby with people for once instead of going alone
>work my ass off on my costume for months
>they have store bought easy mode costumes because it's their first time
>figure it'd be a good way to introduce them to the hobby without them making any commitments effort or finance wise
>my costume is a hit
>instead of being happy for me my one friend throws a huge tantrum
>snarky mean remarks everytime someone asks for my pictures
>actually asks photographers 'don't you want MY picture too?
>tears apart other girls in the same costume as her
>says I deliberately did it to outshine her
>comes home and has the gall to try and make me design a Pokemon Gijinka that will 'make everyone want to take my picture next year'
>throws a fit when I refuse

tldr that feel when you try to share your hobby with a friend and they turn into a raging drama queen jelly filled twat because their store bought costume wasn't as popular as your armour you spent 3 months on.

>> No.7172611

man, find better friends that actually like to make shit

I made most of my cosplay friends at cons though. It's easier since they're already into the fandom and know what they're doing

>> No.7172615
File: 47 KB, 500x672, 1379206021445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my friends who were way better than me introduced me to cosplay and I looked up to them instead of trying to outshine them
My friends and I had sewing parties together and they taught me things.

>> No.7172618

tfw you always thought f was for face and now finally understand the expression

>> No.7172621

I know this feel. Honestly though, if you go and have fun and try not to worry too much, your pictures will be 1000x better. Tell the photographer that you'd love advice on posing, etc because you're new -- if they're good, they'll know how to pose you in a way that flatters you. You'll be great!

>> No.7172630

this was me with my ex-bf. I'm cosplaying one of the characters by myself anyway because fuck him.

>> No.7172661
File: 68 KB, 608x471, 1323308331204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take friend to their first con
>I'm in cosplay but they're not
>getting stopped for loads of photos of me
>can see he's rather annoyed
>he finds friend he's not seen in 3 years from America who was also visiting
>let him go off with her around the con while I walk round and get bombarded by cameras
>all is good

>> No.7172690

She's usually a pretty cool person but something about cosplaying woke a sleeping monster within her. I think she saw all my nice pictures and nice compliments over the last couple years and expected she'd get the same kind of treatment.
She's determined to get more popular than me now, she says it like she's joking but I know she's serious. Part of me wants to just downgrade and wear something simple around her so she can have her little 'victory' and maybe go back to normal..

You are so..so lucky and I'm extremely jelly. I have yet to meet a single nice person in this hobby.

>> No.7172693

>I have yet to meet a single nice person in this hobby
Seriously? I've met more nice people than nasty ones, personally. The nasty ones are always really awful, though.

>> No.7172696

Online I meet nice people, just not in real life. Some seem nice at first but a lot of people use this hobby as a stepping stone for like modelling or getting famous so they're very nasty behind your back and fake to your face.

Or they're really young and I just dont' feel good hanging around 16 year olds..

>> No.7172700

It all depends what fandom you're in. My fandom is really chill and everyone helps eachother out so I don't have that problem, only with some of the people in multiple fandoms that happen to be really popular ones.

>> No.7172703

I made pretty much all my cosplay friends back in 2004, so that may be why.

>> No.7172742

No, I don't think that's what that word means. Were you thinking of 'parasite'?

>> No.7172745

>tfw my boyfriend works really, really hard on his cosplays (neglects basic needs)
>tfw people are bitching online about him winning the costume contest every year
>tfw you snap and tell them to either step their game up or stop whining
>tfw you regret it, because you know if he ever gets any popularity, it will bite him on the ass later

>> No.7172759

>have a young face
>an obviously womanly body (thin waist, huge hips/breasts)
>all I like are loli characters
>no amount of binding can hide the rest of my figure

>> No.7172762

You shouldn't be complaining :3

>> No.7172764
File: 101 KB, 573x941, 54e92e26eb8f25180187a7230682209c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I've ever wanted out of life was to be the little girl

>> No.7172763

I have the same issue, only instead of loli characters, I like androgynous ones.

>> No.7172771

Same for me, except I'm tall and have huge thighs/hips/butt. The only characters I could cosplay are sexed up pseudo lolis but I'm too tall even for them!

>> No.7172786
File: 162 KB, 333x382, h874902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikuru Asahina?

>> No.7172795
File: 665 KB, 600x740, Mami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7172796
File: 114 KB, 736x1000, Vegeta-July2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw everyone trying to lose weight while I'm eating every 2 hours to gain weight

>> No.7172798

That'll actually speed up your metabolism.

>> No.7172800

While we're complaining about body types
>wide shoulders
>round face with no jaw definition
>small waist, wide hips
I can't cosplay lolis because of my shoulders, but I can't crossplay because of my face and hips... what am I even supposed to do ;__;

>> No.7172801

This, so much. Also, when I love a male character and binding makes me look like Johnny Bravo.

>> No.7172802
File: 519 KB, 972x1397, Hokuto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>140 lbs 6ft
>Surgery restricts me from working out
>Pretty boyish face

I can't go for any uber masculine characters. I'm stuck with bishes.

I want to go as Kenshiro

>> No.7172803

Calories in> Calories used to gain weight isn't it?

>> No.7172814


If you eat constant meals your body is reading it as "constant energy incoming, keep burning it."

If you eat LESS meals your body will be like "put this in storage to burn later."

>> No.7172817
File: 40 KB, 500x338, Grey_Fullbuster_Challenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw trying to do the Grey Fullbuster Challenge
>tfw I'll never achieve it before the next con

>> No.7172823


Muscle suit? You could airbrush a nice one to match your skintone.

>> No.7172828

(Good) muscle suits costs hundreds of dollars. I was looking at a shirt one and it was like $600.

I can't find the website now because fucking Halloween season keeps bringing up costumes.

>> No.7172829

Found it.


>> No.7172864
File: 23 KB, 239x582, reis hips dont lie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I want to cosplay but too self conscious because:
>a) afraid of normal people and family judging me
>b) afraid of a grad school seeing a pic of me so I won't be admitted to grad school
>c) be short tan Asian girl that can't cosplay fabulous characters like Jojo characters
>tfw no /cgl/ friend in real life who will teach me their ways with makeup and doll me up
>tfw no fabulous Rei bf

>> No.7172878
File: 89 KB, 254x254, 3152465752412334568732135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw dark skin
>get body into shape and lose over thirty pounds to not be the fat dark cosplayer
>cosplay tan characters with darker or well fitting hair colors to not look as strange
>still hear side comments about being too dark for the cosplay
>even close friends bringing up that I'm too dark like I don't already know
>tell them I don't care and that I'll cosplay what I want cause I like the characters and that's what matters
>tfw I actually still care

>> No.7172887

>losing weight just for con
>decide to get /fit/
>realize have to buy certain food to help me get the body for cosplay (kamina from ttgl)
>poor and shit
>can't sew to save my life
>can't cosplay as kamina
M-mabey next time ;_____;

>> No.7173941
File: 1021 KB, 450x253, tumblr_mtwhi95YPz1stb6fao1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no fabulous Rei bf

>I feel the feel

>> No.7173990

>too poor to buy lolita on a regular basis
>too afraid to buy lolita when i have the money for fear of being judged or fucking up

>> No.7174016
File: 1.46 MB, 301x250, 7t5837658467.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sorta cute, cosplays made well, but can't take a good picture to save my life
>live in Arizona
>AZ and CA cons p much every two months
>make more friends every event
>satisfied with social life
Having a shitty face sucks but w/e people like me

>> No.7174190

Are you me?

>considered "red bone" in the black community
>collar bone length wavy/curly (3c/4a) hair
>been fat all my life
>lose 50lbs
>now fairly slim, but still nice figure
>large breasts (30G), small waist, med-wide hips
>only likes shy, loli-esque characters
>all the dark characters dress like sloots and have abrasive personalities
>I don't want to cosplay characters I don't like, but I don't want to take the plunge and cosplay out of my skintone
>also, no way to hide my non-loliu body
>forever stuck with characters I don't like

>> No.7174215

>collar bone length wavy/curly (3c/4a) hair
>all the dark characters dress like sloots
>no way to hide my non-loli body

We're the same person, its been decided.

>> No.7174688

You know you can get breast reduction surgery right?

My mother got that

>> No.7174697

Why not look into binders? You might not be able to completely hide your breasts, but you might at least reduce enough that it'll be okay.

>> No.7174704

>My favorite con of the year was coming up
>I'd dropped out of school the past semester for medical reasons
>no money, no job
>owe everyone and everything money
>work the convention to pay for a ticket and make some side cash
>my grandpa had open heart surgery, was recovering when I attended
>my dog was dying (died two days after the con)
>my friends are upset they're not spending time having fun, and rather, stuck at the booth with me
>still going to be short on rent
>break down Saturday night and then the following morning in the bathroom
>my favorite con became one of my worst experiences
>tfw worst friend ever

I feel so bad for my friends. I couldn't have been fun to be around that weekend. We look forward to this convention every year and I more than likely ruined it for them. ;_;

>> No.7174743

I don't think anon wants to get surgery for cosplay.

>> No.7174747

I don't think people will mind you cosplaying outside of your race if the construction of your costume is good.

>> No.7174769


It's easy to say that, but the reality is you'll still get a ton of side comments about a black Asuna or an Indian Miku.

>> No.7174817

If you like Pokemon, try cosplaying as some of the trainers from X/Y. They're cute, especially the dark skinned furisode girl.

>> No.7174997

Yeah, I'm the original anon and I don't have 5k+ to splurge just so I can cosplay my favorite anime lolis. I could maybe get my insurance to cover it, but it's a really long process here (I'm talking a year+ and I still have to pay for certain parts).

I've tried, but even with binders I just look like I have pecs. That's fine for characters with coverings like jackets (like Neptune from Neptunia), but I'll never be able to cosplay Shinobu from Bakemonogatari.

Say that to the black cosplayer who did Sailor Venus. Her construction and figure was amazing and she still got shit on by a lot of people.

Oh, I haven't gotten that yet (friend bought it for my birthday but lives two hours away and hasn't gotten a good day off, yet), but I didn't even know there were trainers with darker skin in there. Thank you so much, anon!

>> No.7176126
File: 83 KB, 828x495, best furisode girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem! Sorry for the spoilers, but this is how the furisode girl that I was talking about looks like. I think she's the cutest out of them all! ;_;
There are also trainers with darker skin in Pokemon Black/White too like Iris. But no one likes Iris.

>> No.7176444

Oh my god, thank you anon. She's perfect.

>> No.7176472

>tfw move to the other side of the country, far from all cosplay friends
>tfw seeing all their plans together
>tfw no one asks you to join


>> No.7176496

>tfw moved to hawaii
>tfw one con all fucking year
>tfw friends want you to come to cons
>tfw no tits so can't slutty cosplay for "donations"

>> No.7176614 [DELETED] 

>anon, it's just a dre-
the dress has to be at least...3 TIMES LONGER THAN THIS.

>> No.7176617

>anon, it's just a dre-

>> No.7176618

>I'm interested in joining the con, how would you guys feel if I came as well?

They probably assume you dont want to spend the money travelling maybe?

>> No.7179962

tfw made about 3 really nice, complicated costumes, and next 2 attempts at complicated things fuck up completely and demoted myself while I re-learn not to be a fuck up.