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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 774 KB, 2592x1728, IMG_6110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7164273 No.7164273[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite cosplays of MCM Oct 2013

>> No.7164274
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>> No.7164276
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>> No.7164279
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>> No.7164280
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>> No.7164282
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>> No.7164424

Dat white balance

>> No.7164426

Not making excuses for the quality but I quite like it.

>> No.7164449

Lauren Harries?

>> No.7164519

Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos, but there were some really cool cosplays.

My favourite was this one Mr. Bean, he got the faces absolutely dead on, and the voice too, he was so in character.

Also, although I don't like the show, I loved all the shitgeki no kyojin girls. Knee-high anything is my fetish, and the tight trousers and short leather jackets don't hurt either.

>> No.7164539

Went there today, it was aight. But it totally made me want to dress up for summer. No idea what the hell to go as though. It needs to be relatively simple, because my arts'n'crafts skills are shit tier. Maybe Tristepin from wakfu.

>> No.7164546
File: 1.64 MB, 2000x2733, finn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most accurate Finn cosplay ever.
also dat lsp.

>> No.7164548

Looks like a slut. None of the Fionnas I saw were juicy enough, it made me sad.

>> No.7164551

Maybe this is a chance to make your arts and crafts skills better? Then the con after the next will be EVEN BETTER. Staying shitty at things is no fun at all.

>> No.7164553

>the right has killer boobs
>the left has a sexy quirky face and nice feet
>the middle is an annoying looking (but spot on) chipmunk

>> No.7164566

Being the Finn's older sister... you are correct. very annoying chipmunk.

>> No.7164569

was he as nervous as he looked in the picture

>> No.7164576

I don't want to do a cool costume shittily.

>> No.7164577

Not at all, I just think his face just does that, he was less nervous than I was for sure

>> No.7164578

its not his face look at his arms and body language

>> No.7164589

cool a thread. completely missed every. single. meet up, but I'll take a big fat dump accordingly.

>> No.7164593

Any one got any links to people's folders?

Went on Saturday, only entered the centre at 1.30 to be told there was a 2 hour queue.
>followed some audacious people who'd split the fence, and just walked in without wristbands, saving 10paaand and 2hrs
Deal with it

>> No.7164594

You're missing the point.

>> No.7164598

What's the point then? I'm not thinking anything super-duper simple, I'd still need to make stuff. I'm thinking amazing bagman, black bolt, or pushing my abilities a bit, 90s cyclops. I would like to do red son batman, but I think I'd have to buy too much stuff.

>> No.7164600
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can someone tell me who these characters are? I'm a casual

>> No.7164603
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ladies, ladies, ladies, jay and silent bob are in the hizzle!

>> No.7164607
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for every one lulu there were maybe 8 attack on titan cosplayers

>> No.7164610
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if you were there you no doubt saw these two, of which i found it impossible to take solo photos

>> No.7164612

dragon age 2

>> No.7164619
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and these two 4u

>> No.7164625
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>> No.7164626

Anyone got a photo of Finn with a B-MO? I'm sure I'll find some on Tumblr but there's no harm asking here. Got stopped so fucking much in that cosplay.

I talked to the Ice Queen in the main hall, she was on her own then... but that Sweet Tooth was amazing too.

>> No.7164640
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a couple of edeas around too

>> No.7164643
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these last two were shit pics

>> No.7164651
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ff again. auron. didn't see any squalls actually

>> No.7164661
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im just going to post a few more and start on stitching some others and developing my film.

>> No.7164666
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the dr who's were cheaper than dirt as well

>> No.7164670
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alright, these were some of today's. i'll be putting the rest of them from fri/sat/today on my tumblr/da/whatevz and post a link when i'm done. I'll leave you with an underwhelming piece of shit photo of 'thoughtful formal deadpool'.

>> No.7164705

Too many cheap deadpools this time around.

>> No.7164710

The mr. bean is my friend, I'll pass on your compliments!

>> No.7164733

There was this cute Ymir cosplay that was really accurate. Also, a great Mikasa and Eren pair were around.

>> No.7164753

It's entirely the fault of my own pop culture preferences, but I am always so buttmad at 'comic-con's. Because they really aren't comic-cons at all, they're massively dominated by weeb shit and films and tv.

>> No.7164770

Just got back now.

How do I go about getting one of these cute cosplayers as my gf?

>> No.7164779

I saw one Reno. One. A few years ago, and you couldn't move for fucking Renos. This time it was Shingeki no Kyojin and Deadpool. Everywhere.

>> No.7164780 [DELETED] 
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Anyone there today happen to pass by a rather sexy looking horse in a suit? GOD HATES HUG ENABLERS

>> No.7164786
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A pretty decent day, I did get mounted once or twice but that's to be expected when wearing a horse mask and suit. Too many free hug signs. GOD HATES HUG ENABLERS.

Also dat Bender cosplay

>> No.7164790

When I see these threads it makes me realize how many cosplays I miss seeing, being stuck behind my table in comic village all day. So many never even pass through.

>> No.7164801

What is the deal with the free hugs shit? I just don't get it. Autism?

There was a great Roberto too.

>> No.7164810

I'd settle with the autism theory. Well, apart from this one hot girl who was giving them out.

Apparently wearing a sign saying "God hates huge enablers" gets you more hugs than wearing a "free hugs" sign..

>> No.7164823

cadence, dashing and twilight were really great, friendly group too. Not many ponies this year. Not sure if that's a good thing or not…

>> No.7164826

I was a pony, only 3 people recognised what I went as, so I'm assuming I didnt do very well :|

>> No.7164834

I was Sakura on the Saturday, Saw some nice costumes, Almost ended on the floor about 4 times because people stopped dead.

>> No.7164839

Does anyone have a pic of the mortal kombat group on saturday? (we were mainly outside..) I was one of the two Sonyas :)

>> No.7164844

What was with that Carmilla cosplayer and that fucking huge train on her dress? It seems really inconsiderate to wear a costume like that when there's over 30,000 people crammed into the Excel. At least carry your train around in the crowded areas.

>> No.7164897

Oh, that's what she was. Yeah, it was impressive the first time I saw it, in a little clear area, but after that, it seemed fucking obnoxious, making everyone avoid treading on it.

>> No.7165081

There were some really fucking good costumes this time around.
Shame I didn't use my camera because of my cosplay.

>> No.7165116

I know it is late for britfags but BAMPU for pics!

>> No.7165597

I have a few to sort through so I'll upload them maybe tomorrow. I was in my planned costume for say about an hour in total as I realized literally no one knew what it was and then changed into another one.

>> No.7165669

Who were you dressed as?

>> No.7165673

Photos and composition are fine quality. It's just that this makes everything look liek it was shot in the hinterlands and that everyone was wearing purple makeup. I wouldn't have uploaded these till I'd at least shoved a filter on them in photoshop (or fixed the balance assuming the photographer is shooting RAW).

It's just one little thing to fix and it seems stupid to not do it to otherwise good photos.

>> No.7165761

Anyone got photos of that guy who was climbing on the statue on Saturday?

>> No.7165775


I do indeed! Editing today, I'll post it here for you.

>> No.7165803
File: 401 KB, 853x1280, IMG_0341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here he is.

>> No.7165807

Every expo ever in a nutshell:


I took 2 photos at the start of the day then gave up since the crowds were so bad. There's nothing worse that people clogging up the halls trying take pictures. Is it really that had to ask people to move into a less shitty place or just not take the picture? God I hate crowds.

>> No.7165968

That's awesome. Can I repost with credit?

>> No.7165979

I have some stall/items for sale photos if anyone's interested.

>> No.7166007

What no more photo's?

>> No.7166098

Saw Kharn and the Chaos cultists posing in the main lobby, also caught a nice Crash bandicoot in the market area

Anyone get any photos?

>> No.7166114

A bunch of people probably got stuck in London with the storm, so expect more photos tomorrow/later in the week.

>> No.7166129
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I got a few to share. Unfortunately, I'm a shite photographer.

>> No.7166137
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Papers, please. This guy had a 'Entry Denied' stamp just like the one in game, it was awesome.

>> No.7166145
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It's obvious I'm a master of lighting the subject, right?

>> No.7166227

Oh hey that's me, glad you liked it!
I'm surprised people recognized it.

>> No.7166229

Did anyone get any pics of the Pink Knight from Castle Crashers with Seras and Hinata? an odd selection but my phone ran out of battery :'(

>> No.7166232

No shoes?

>> No.7166248

Oh my gosh! I love the amount of detail put into it, even though you didn't think it would be recognised

>> No.7166253

Fuck off back to Canada Niknaxs. No one gives a shit.

>> No.7166262
File: 102 KB, 720x960, 1380279_10151968170153658_412687102_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best cosplay of the weekend hands down he gets better every time.

>> No.7166295
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Was that you I was with?

>> No.7166300
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Another pic of cosplay

>> No.7166304


>> No.7166317

Holy shit the cosplay this year was shockingly shite. So much half assed work everywhere.

>> No.7166330
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>> No.7166333


nice tits
*unzips dick*

>> No.7166339

Oh god, I saw her near the curry / takoyaki area (and I thought opening up more halls was to avoid this queuing for food through the middle of other crowds shit?). That was a splat waiting to happen.

>> No.7166370

that scarecrow mask is sorta awful.

>> No.7166387

Apparently not? it was towards the end of the day so I'm guessing she just got tired feets

>> No.7166454

Dolly from Killer is Dead. I changed into Celty for most of Sunday and Mari for Saturday. I'll upload some photos when I am feeling less sick, thanks con flu.

>> No.7166527
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Found this.

>> No.7166543
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Really loved this Stanley from The Stanley Parable

>> No.7166993

There was, it was difficult finding the gems with it being so busy.

>> No.7167068

Fuck off, Liam.

>> No.7167069
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Found this Jak group which I was quite impressed with.

>> No.7167072
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Also an adorable Malon.

>> No.7167073
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Allegretto and Polka from Eternal Sonata.

>> No.7167074
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An finally Eggman with the official Sonic.

>> No.7167075
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Best group

>> No.7167080

This is the first Polka I've seen with almost accurate hair as frayed as it looks. Just wish her parasol was blue.

>> No.7167079

Nice costume, but holy shit that make up on Polka...

>> No.7167096

Them 2 tone tights on Felicia. One of my pet peeves those kind of tights.

>> No.7167098

Morrigan's brilliant but that Felicia is really, really awful.
>dat wig
>dem tights
>dat fur
shit even Yaya was better than that mess

>> No.7167104

no one cares about your vendetta

>> No.7167111
File: 27 KB, 241x424, Darkstalkers-felicia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice self post. Did you even use reference pictures?

>> No.7167113

I remember her posting about needing the tail, ears and paws stat on CI. This cosplay was rushed. Probably explains the inaccuracies.

>> No.7167114

Honestly, it's a pretty poor Felicia. The wig could stand to be bigger/fuller, as Felicia's hair is crazy big. That cosplayer's wig looks pretty flat in comparison. Almost like straight out of the bag, no styling whatsoever. The tights are I suppose nitpicking a little, but dancers tights don't have that darker portion at the top and would have given a much more seamless blend. The fur does look pretty cheap in quality but it's not a huge dealbreaker.

>> No.7167116

If that is the case, then I don't see why it's a 'vendetta' to point out that it's not a good cosplay. A bad cosplay, rushed or not, is still a bad cosplay.

>> No.7167129

you sound fat/ugly9

>> No.7167135

I made that cosplay in a total of about two hours, it's 10% £4/m fur from fabricland and 90% superglue. Who cares. I had fun and got attention that's all that matters.

>> No.7167137

why is her hair made of that

>> No.7167142

one does not simply tell Liam to fuck off, how you doing buddy?

>> No.7167154
File: 2.87 MB, 2448x3264, 20131026_104434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll dump some of my pics
Here's my Castle Crasher Pink Knight cosplay!

>> No.7167157
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>> No.7167161
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>> No.7167163
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>> No.7167164
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>> No.7167170
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>> No.7167176
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>> No.7167178
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>> No.7167182
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>> No.7167183
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>> No.7167186
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>> No.7167187

there was some nice ass action going on :^)

>> No.7167189
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>> No.7167192
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>> No.7167197
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>> No.7167205
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and this is my last.
I can be arsed to upload anymore atm

>> No.7167232

Damn, somebody's insecure. Sorry but your cosplay is total shit. I just hope you weren't bitchy to your friend for having a much better costume, if you're this insecure you probably were, though.

>> No.7167237
File: 56 KB, 876x876, I give up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with expo.
Fuck the over priced hotels.
Fuck paying premium prices for trashy food and drink.
Fuck being herded around like cattle in a slaughter house.
Fuck the overcrowding.
Fuck the stupid pricks who block the hall ways.
Fuck obnoxiously huge props and costumes.
Fuck the over priced/fake merch.
Fuck the sweat clouds.
Fuck being pushed into/glomped by the guy who can't remember the last time they washed.
Fuck meme sprouting cunts.
Fuck getting suck in between a group of homestucks and the guy with a boom box while in line.
Fuck queuing for an entire day for a 10 minute demo.
Fuck assholes who don't understand personal space.
Fuck the same dull Scenery in every photo.
Fuck waiting well over an hour for pizza.
Fuck The Fox bar.
Fuck the drunken 13-16 year olds by the steps who think the sound of glass smashing is "Boss as fuck".
Fuck those guys who think going on the pull at an expo is a good idea.
Fuck that guy who wastes an EMT crew's time after climbing the statue.
Fuck The Excel center.
Fuck MCM.

>> No.7167239

lighten up m8

>> No.7167245
File: 20 KB, 543x383, Fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7167250

>going to Fox's
don't say we didn't warn you

>> No.7167253

It's where the majority of my friends were.

>> No.7167261

i didn't even go in this year. i started queueing with some friends and after 20 minutes we just queried why we were actually going in there and jumped out of the queue. perhaps we've grown out of it

>> No.7167289

>not just jumping a tiny metal fence/going inbetween and saving queue and entry fee
>6.6" master race


>> No.7167290

It was being guarded.

>> No.7167352
File: 60 KB, 720x480, darkstalkerstv-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether it's hair, fur placement or paws, nobody has nailed a Felicia outfit. Even the cartoon failed.

How would you do the hair anyway? Some have just about managed it like Yaya, but I don't have a clue.

>> No.7167393
File: 351 KB, 533x800, IMG_4526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping some photos.
Sunday cosplays only as I was cosplaying sat, sry.

>> No.7167394
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>> No.7167395
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>> No.7167398
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>> No.7167400
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>> No.7167416

Very nice... but ruined by his hair

>> No.7167539

yeh i thought that his costume was outstanding and it was let down a little bit coz he didnt make a back to his helmet . . . well mask?

>> No.7167548

Probably using a couple of wigs to get the volume, or wefts. I'd definitely base it off a hime/beehive type wig though, to get that nice volume at the top, then I would lightly curl and tease to create the volume at the sides. Possibly add in some inserts to bump out those areas too, but would depend on how it's going and how big you want it to be. I've never styled a Felicia wig before, purely because it's not a character that I want to cosplay, but that's how I would personally do the wig to get that style/volume.

>> No.7167549

He could've at least used a wig cap

>> No.7167550

Really with a character that has so little to work with costume wise the wig should be the priority right?

It's like that costumes one showcase aspect.

>> No.7167558

Well, I think since the costume is always going to have to be made inaccurately due to being a real life person in a family friendly setting, it would be nice to have focused on getting the wig as accurate as possible. Felicia definitely has a very particular hairstyle that defines her look. That being said, I know it's not an easy hairstyle to pull off. It's just a shame that the cosplayer seemed to wear the wig straight out of the bag, even to the point that the long bangs were just clipped back instead of being cut and styled.

>> No.7167568

You haven't grown out of it. No one every does. What your feelings actually are is that there hasn't been a good release of any exception anime's besides Attack on the Titan which to me appears to be too over popular for me to want to watch.

Point is that the poor releases of new anime and so fourth have affected the quality that the event could have built on to be newer and better than the last events in May.

I was hoping to stick around longer on the Sunday, but I didn't as the event itself wasn't particularly that great and I had brought everything I wanted on the Friday and Saturday was just some drinking and partying.

As for merchandise I was really hoping they would have Breaking Bad Blu-Ray box sets, and Game of Throne series Blu-Rays and books. Unfortunately they only had minor swag for that such as printed bag and t-shirts...

>> No.7167582

I don't think current anime releases has anything to do with the quality of MCM. Also, Western Bluray box sets? You know there's this webesite called Amazon. You should look into it.

>> No.7167603

This kid has a got a good sister/mother.. Brother, maybe? I can't tell, good pair anyway.

>> No.7167608

I understand a little I guess. The only thing I can really say 'fuck' to, is
Fuck going on saturday.
Even just lurking outside with my camera would make it worthwhile, and I'd have breathing room. Friday and sunday were fine.

>> No.7167611

With what you mentioned for anime releases that would appear to seem true at first, but when you notice the cosplays are either getting a bit old or the cosplay of newer animes aren't liked that much since the anime isn't liked that much either you would start to see the point.

As for Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad I'm not that dumb, and I do know of ebay and other places too. I was really hoping to get it all at once at the event.

>> No.7167618

I would like to say you are being overly negative and try to mention good stuff to you, but I do agree with most of your points. I was hoping this event would improve these points, but it feels mostly the same as the last event.

>> No.7167633

I don't agree. Felicia has massive paws and claws to match, apparent in the sprites and official art. Get these wrong and the costume is generic cute catgirl.

As far as clothes go, there is the nun outfit option.

>> No.7167656

That costume was beautiful but it made me so sad to see it getting all dirty and trodden on. If it were my cosplay, I would have been holding onto that train all day.

>> No.7167658

I didn't wait too long to get served at Fox, either for drinks or food. Other people waiting were considerate whenever I went. It was better than Saturday night in May.

It was packed though, and it looked like many got caught by the bag and ID checks at the door which I don't think they cared about before.

Why did Manga book up so much space for their party though? Did they forget to invite anyone?

>> No.7167661

I hear ya, I'm pretty much done at this point too. I decided not to pay their bullshit ticket prices and buy on the day. Took me 2 hours to get from outside to the show floor. The only appeal for me is meeting guests and getting their signatures for my collection. Also staying with friends you haven't seen in ages is a blast.

>> No.7167662

What was with that Manga entertainment school disco?

>> No.7167678

What kind of camera do you use?

>> No.7167730

Ungst, I would wreck that Morticia and Wednesday.

>> No.7167736

Dat Smug ass mostly accurate Varys. Even makes up for that shite John Snow.

>> No.7167737

Inaccurate or not, that Felicia is still much better than the one I saw at Aki-Con this weekend with the entirety of her nipples hanging out. Why didn't anyone stop her?

>> No.7167867

Who is the Morrigan?

>> No.7167888

Loved that Zangief, hairy as fuck.

>> No.7167897

That Felicia is better than like 95% of Felicias.

>> No.7167925

So it turns out extra skimpy costumes don't get you kicked out of a convention after all. Even in the US, which is supposed to have nudie laws or something.

>> No.7168614

Found her CI, as well as the Felicia


>> No.7168622

Really? I'm not seeing that at all, the wig is just so bad. Even the fatties tend to at least have a poofy wig.

>> No.7168624

Just did a quick google in case I just have weird worse-tinted memories of all the Felicias I've seen and I've gotta say, yeah, it's one of the worst. Doesn't she promote herself as a pro cosplayer? Embarrassing.

>> No.7168676

That Morticia is probably one of the best I've seen, she *actually* looks like her

>> No.7168929
File: 681 KB, 640x1098, chiichannyasthegrudgedeviantart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7168938
File: 87 KB, 720x960, 1385593_495020097272306_2086916833_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7168941
File: 77 KB, 640x960, 1382192_10202337410585750_726810846_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7168964

Best Robotnik

>> No.7168992

This is the exact face I imagine she pulls every time she pops out of the brush to ruin my shit.

>> No.7169036


I'm sure this guy is a troll rather than a real cosplayer, he must be.

>> No.7169043

NOPE he real

>> No.7169071

Seriously? I saw him around the place here and there, I can't believe he thinks that looks good. It looks like he spray painted a tracksuit yellow.

>> No.7169078

This was by far his best costume.

>> No.7169175

Jesus, it's so fucking terrible. What were his others? All Sonic stuff?

>> No.7169186

Sonic, Shadow and Silver.

>> No.7169193

type Goldragon1993 into facebook and that his fanpage

>> No.7169210

There's plenty of good anime coming out, it's just that the people at anime conventions generally don't care about it.

>> No.7169261

He has a fanpage? Does he think people actually like his cosplays. I chuckled at his thinking it was a joking one and not serious.

>> No.7169747

I heard/read somewhere that she used a drag queen wig for that costume.

>> No.7169931


>> No.7171936

anymore photos?

>> No.7172251

i thought that deedee was a guy but now i'm seeing the breasts and i'm very confused...

>> No.7172629

How could you miss the breasts...?

>> No.7172650

Come here let me give you a yosh, you...

>> No.7172910

anyone got any of me? went as Homura on saturday, got asked for photos a few times, havent seen any around...

>> No.7173467

Did you go to the meguca meet?

>> No.7173680

nah, i only heard about it after it happened from someone who went to it

>> No.7175268

I have a really bad feeling that the UK con scene is on its last legs.

>> No.7175273

But then are cons almost everywhere but the US and Japan falling out?

>> No.7175277

That doesn't change anything.There's no changing of the guard happening and the only new big con (Gemu) sucks. SPEAKING OF GEMU, youtuber guests are out numbering actual members.

>> No.7177226

I took a picture of you!

>> No.7177980
File: 194 KB, 800x600, Some fucking people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nice.

>> No.7180002

could you post it ^^ i took a load with peeps

>> No.7180377
File: 686 KB, 2073x2764, PxuUjyc - Imgur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
