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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7162043 No.7162043 [Reply] [Original]

anything interesting happen to you at a con?
did you see anything that made you chuckle or gag?

this isn't a thread for horror stories, but just general things that stand out in your head when you think of a con you attended.

>> No.7162047

I'll start:

>be at con parkinglot
>neckbeard in a MLP fursuit steps out of car, puts rainbow dash head on
>his mother steps out of car and helps zip it up

>see luffy cosplayer
>dont care about onepeice at all
>this motherfucker walks around just like luffy for the entire duration of the con
>A+ effort would laugh again

and another
>be in dealers room
>check out sailor moon pins
>some fatty comes right next to me and I am shoved out of the way and knocked completely by her enormous gut as she eyes the sailor moon pins like they're a fresh steak
>can't even look at the small artist table anymore she is taking up 3/4ths of the area up

>> No.7162065

>Last day of con
>Walking, just feeling tired maybe a little light headed but not ill
>Vomit out of nowhere
>Luckily i'm in the corner/less traveled area
>Race to bathroom
>Spend next 30 mins there
>Quickily walk out when feeling better and went home too embarrassed to tell staff
I spent the next week regretting that I didn't tell them. I think it was combination bad food, lots of germs floating around and lots of walking.

>> No.7162072

>dressed as fairly obscure character, white clothing + hat/mask that obscures face
>hear "hey kkk" while walking
>kind of glance around, confused and keep walking
>mfw realize they probably meant me afterwards

inane and not all that interesting, but still makes me laugh a bit when i think about it

>> No.7162145


>> No.7162154

>Last day of Otakon
>Friend and I utterly exhausted
>Get in long-ass starbucks line that looked like it would take an hour
>Girl and guy comes up to us with two frappuccinos asking if we want them since they ordered extra by accident
>the exact drinks we were in line to get
>they weren't drugged
>glorious caffeinated remainder of con

>> No.7162163

>at tokonatsu
>friend is cosplaying blue engie
>she wanders off for a while, we're just chilling outside the tent
>she comes back with a red spy behind her
>oh, you made a TF2 friend?
>that guy behind you?
>she turns around and SCREAMS
>red spy puts his knife away and merry skips off

Apparently he was matching her footsteps all the way from the other side of the campsite. 10/10 for being in character, she's not easily shaken so she found it hilarious when she got over the shock.

>> No.7162528

I thought /cgl/ would have more stories..

>> No.7162570

I tripped over a midget once

>> No.7162583
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>> No.7162596
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>Otakon 2013
>Cosplaying as Naked Snake complete with Cardboard Box
>Bling out my box for the dance by duct taping a bunch of glow sticks on it and transform it into the rave box
>Proceed to go to the rave and start thrashing like mad
>Dance circle forms around me
>I start raving like mad and just as the music stops I try to do a break fall
>Fuck it up and my head hits the ground hard
>Immediately my head starts fogging up and being a trained medical professional knew that I had a serious head injury
>Leave rave with my friends and proceed to go to the fountain exits
>Black out before I make it there
>Next thing I remember some staff member is holding my neck and asking me who I was and if I know where I was
>Check my watch and realized that 20 minutes have elapsed
>Take an ambulance to the emergency room and everything checked out okay
>Found out from my friends that during those missing 20 minutes I took out my knife, OC spray, and kubotan from my pockets and gave them to my brother and told him to bring them to the hotel
>I then apparently walked up to a staff member and calmly told her that I had a serious head injury and I needed medical attention

I thought this event was pretty fucking cool because it showed that I was pretty damn competent during a dangerous situation.

>> No.7162610

but was the rave worth it

>> No.7162611

>at AAC this year with my fiance and 5 month old
>I'm Gendo, He's shinji, and she's Unit 01
>I'm sitting in a chair playing with my kid, she's off to the side
>she took the helmet off because it was crazy hot inside there
>2 girls walk over and begin admiring my son and my cosplays
>oooooh, sooo cuuuuute
>he's a baby shiiiinjiii-kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun
>be generic female cosplayers when they encounter a decently attractive male with a baby
>fawn for about 10 minutes
>fiance just standing there, casually walking back and forth, keeping her eye on us
>one of the girls turns to her
>smiles and asks super nicely
>"oh, sorry, do you want a piece of them too?"
>I start laughing, girl looks at me confused, then back to fiance
>My fiance replies "he's my kid"
>first girl gets all red in the face and apologizes, we tell her it's okay and let her hold the baby
>generally a good time

Honestly, that was my favourite con. Doing a group cosplay with a baby is like instant attention, plus the little guy loved seeing all the people, he didn't cry at all despite the noise.

>> No.7162615

please post a pic

>> No.7162619

of what, the cosplay?

>> No.7162623

Not that anon but yes

>> No.7162628
File: 74 KB, 540x960, cosplay AAC 2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a more professional picture, here's the one that Anime Boston tweeted:


>> No.7162654

>at FanExpo
>male catwoman walks by in bodysuit and stilettos
>strangely aroused
>confusion abounds

>> No.7162659

>fiance and 5 month old

Did you know that conceiving a child out of wedlock is a sin?

>> No.7162666

Kill yourself.

>> No.7162733
File: 51 KB, 960x720, Dance Central02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wandering around CTcon in cosplay
>meet a Spider-Man, start talking
>end up playing Dance Central with him for the next 2 hours

Doing normal things in cosplay is just a lot more fun for some reason

>> No.7162754


>> No.7162808

>>at AAC this year with my fiance and 5 month old

But how can you two have a baby without being married first?

>> No.7162835

he fucked her. with the mask. in cosplay.
the baby came out naturally looking like shinji, clothes and all.

>> No.7163074

I love that helmet
what did you make it out of, I was considering an evengelion cosplay myself

>> No.7163085

you forgot to take your name off

>> No.7163098

my bad

>> No.7163183

I made it out of cardstock and glue. It's a x4 scaled up version of a papercraft I made a while ago. As you can see, the head is a bit comically oversized, so I would suggest scaling it down to 3.5 or 3.8.

Here's the instructions link, the download for the actual papercraft should be somewhere around there:


>> No.7163294

laughed harder than i should have.

>> No.7163785

>outside hotel room
>socializing in the hallway with other congoers
>black guy on floor-he's drunk as hell
>he moves around by worming it
>starts worming over to a girl in a school gym uniform
"ayo baby, that's real nice"
>she walks away
>he looks at me, starts worming over to me
>ignore him
>look down
>drunken black guy staring up my skirt
"baby why you gotta wear bloomers tho-u probably gots a nice booty"

never forget wormy, the drunken negro

>> No.7163792
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Ha, what? Let me be clear on this, he was worming, as if in pic related?

>> No.7163830

I had a fan once.

>first time wearing Steampunk Flash
>SDCC 11?
>walking to bathroom
>walk by two guys
>one black modest-nerd
>one neckbeard
>black dude compliments my costume
>makes quick chat since he can see I clearly had to to go the bathroom
>neckbeard "are you steampunk iron man"
>"steampunk flash"
>"OH. Well you look like if Tony Stark went back in time and became the Flash and - launches into a fanfic"
>this shit is detailed, he must write a lot
>trying to be polite and not just walk off on him cause he was so excited
>black guy has OBVIOUS second hand embarrassment and keeps looking at me in an apologetic way
>neckbeard wraps up, I say something about his story then beeline for bathroom
>come out, they're gone

Fast forward
>wondercon 12
>steampunk flash
>let me tell you guys, that helmet gets fucking hot
>friend/handler goes to get food
>stop by trash can (tables full), take off helmet and start downing water
>neckbeard walks up to me
>"i saw you at comic con!"
>"yeah i remember you, whats up dude?"
>he just stares at me in response
>I have no idea what to say
>he eventually starts backtracking and walking away
>still staring
Fast Forward
>SDCC 12
>first at /cgl/ meet up
>take off helmet to chill
>neckbeard walks up to me
>"i saw you at SDCC and wonder con!"
>remember last time
>"so how are you?"
>this guy must have had therapy, he's interacting and making conversation well
>asks if he can try on helmet
>look at his hair
>"no, it was sized to me, I don't think it would fit."
>says more stuff, meanders off
>haven't seen him since

I miss him.

>> No.7163834

exactly. and for short movements he would just wriggle on the floor like a snake.

>> No.7163871

>Fanime 2011
>cosplaying Hatsune Miku, complete with giant leek
>Walking around convention center with friends
>hear "OMG MIKU"
>turn around, see girl who looks about 10 years old
>politely say hi
>girl seems to think I actually am Miku, says "miku, you're the best vocaloid out of all of them!"
>Play along, even sing for her (thank god I take singing lessons)
>eventually girl's mother drags her away
>As they're leaving she looks over her shoulder and whispers "thank you"

>> No.7163880
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>> No.7163944
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>At Onicon in Galveston TX this weekend
>Get this lovely lasses picture
>Hope she'll be at the singles party Saturday night
>Spike a 40C (104F) fever and have to rush back to Houston to see my doctor.
>Never even got her name
I missed my one chance at happiness.

>> No.7164034

>be me
>Anime Iowa 2013
>saturday night
>portable studio-quality speaker is sitting out there and people are plugging their smartphones into it to play music
>get a turn
>plug phone in and play this
>got entire joint jumping
>best con ever

>> No.7164510

...not sure if selfpost or trolling.

>> No.7164699


>> No.7164999
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← Please leave all complaints in this area.

>> No.7165028

>anime expo 2013
>see skimpy cosplay
>look at cosplayer's face, haha must be guy crossplaying for the laughs
>see guy's legs
>really nice, long legs
>walks in 5 inch heels better than i do
>not sure if crossplay anymore

>> No.7165217

this thread is lacking.
seriously, even if you think your stories are insignificant, I want to hear them.

>> No.7165342

>Mechacon in NOLA.
>Large room of buys fighting with foam katanas.
>There's an area where they fight.
>Watch guy dressed up as Ichigo (His hair was the wrong colour. Looked Candy Apple Red.) get in the arena.
>Proceed to watch guy dressed as Michael Jackson block his every swing and knock him out in a matter of seconds.
>As MJ holds his hand out to shake, he says "Welcome to the Space Jam".

>> No.7165375

is putting arms around a mom/gf wrong when they are with their bfs? I'm from /fit/ so the whole alpha shit is ingrained in me and I am just use to putting arm around girl when taking a picture.

>chun-li girl with ryu guy I think bf
>ask her if I can take pic with them
>take one with the dude first
>when girl get's next to me put arm around her waist instinctively and hold her
>see bf see my hand
>don't really think anything of it

My first con so I don't know if it's wrong or not.

>> No.7165378

It's not okay to touch people without their permission regardless of whether they're with someone or not.

Despite that, at least put your hand on her shoulder instead of her waist. That's inappropriate.

>> No.7165391

Jesus fuck really.
How much were you molested to find THAT inappropriate?

>> No.7165395

Not going to lie when a little kid gets really excited about your costume and wants a photo is probably on of the best things at con.

>> No.7165399

>Only mildly.
Call the cops people have different opinions on when and how they like to be touched!

>> No.7165429

>Call the cops people have different opinions on when and how they like to be touched!
So I don't think you should be telling people what's inappropriate or not in regards to not you.

>> No.7165472

>ACB 2013
>first ever con, didn't cosplay, didn't think I had the body for it (/fit/ as fark)
>had a great time
>taking the MBTA home, headphones on
>see the most beautiful girl ever 11/10
>she's in cosplay I don't recognize
>wanted to say something, anything
>battle in my mind whither or not to ask to take a picture
>this song comes up on shuffle
>stars aligned
>still beta'd out.

>> No.7165494

It's fine as long as you're not a creep about it. Regardless of if she's with someone or not. Shoulder or waist is fine. Just no butt, or head-into-cleavage if you're short and she's tall.
She needs to be open to the situation if she's in costume/had any sort of experience taking a photo with someone. So if she doesn't want you to touch her, she will prolly step back (or act like a sandycunt Tumblrfag, see: >>7165375 ) and it'll be clear and hopefully you will pick up that signal.

Kudos to you for trying to educate yourself, though.
Polite sage.

>> No.7165500

I hate having my waist touched by strangers. Around the shoulders is fine if it's loose, not if they're pulling me in.

>> No.7165520
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So a few friends and I were having a private shoot with one of my friends as the photographer. We were on the middle side of a back staircase, which was normally used for photoshoots at this con.

Some kid sees me with a camera and comes down and asks for a photo. We thought that meant she wanted to take a photo... No, she wanted US to take a photo of HER. So, in the hopes of making this weeby little shit go away, I took a quick picture and told her where I would post my pictures.

She decided to continue talking to us about her costume (I don't know what she was) and about cosplay, then made a Homestuck reference and said she had another pose idea. And with that she laid down on the steps and looked like a fat whale that just washed ashore. One of the girls in my shoot is into homestuck and actually had to turn away because she was seriously going to die of laughter and I aimed the camera and pretended to take a picture because... well, it wasn't pretty.

And then I think she high-fived us or said something, but she quickly just said she had to go and ran downstairs. So the rest of us just exchanged very confused looks and burst out laughing after she was gone. I've never had anyone interrupt a photoshoot like that before, and never again since.

>> No.7165522

There's someone out there for everyone.

>> No.7165538

.......the character looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it

>> No.7165551

>just got back from Oni-con 2013
>friend I kinda have a crush likes to cosplay and goes to cons
>hang out during con
>she heads into rave with a friend I don't know
>another friend she came with asks me to go get her
>head into rave
>get a tense bad feeling
>find friend quickly, and see her from a distance
>she's dancing with that friend, and it looks like she kisses him
>not sure, but even so
>saw it coming

>> No.7165556

What are you, 12?
Fuck off back to /r9k/

>> No.7165559

>being an asshole for no reason
>should've seen the asshole coming

>> No.7165560

must be hard being you, all perfect n' shit

>> No.7165579
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Only just been to my first con, and by myself so nothing really interesting... but I'll share.

Go to Oni-Con on Friday in a Wolverine costume jacket from Hot-Topic. Buy Edward Elric's jacket in the dealer room, go to a hall way and try it on. Look nothing like Ed, none of my other clothes match what he wears. As soon as I put it on some chick dressed as Deidara I kept seeing asks for a picture "Omg one of my fav characters". lolwut.

>> No.7166528

it's a hard knock life

>> No.7166546

oh my god, same thing happened to me. Instead, it was a girl that kept walking up to me and being upset about people NOT taking her photo of her "rave" outfit (which was a few strands of cyberlox tied up into pigtails and pieces of bejeweled crap glued to her face).

>> No.7168224

Hey, shut up. She was super cute when she smiled. The picture doesn't do her justice, but it shows her power level is higher than the average con goer.

>> No.7168227

I was there this year too. The average power level was staggeringly low.

>> No.7169939

>feeling kinda ill, wearing Hisoka with a corset on so midriff is very restricted
>end up throwing up in bathrooms
>Nice lady with American accent gets very concerned about me and we talk a bit
>Next day she recognizes me in another costume and gives me a hug asking how I am
>find out that nice American lady is Kim Rhodes and I was hugged by the Mum from Suite Life

>> No.7169972
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> first con in a few years
> just moved to new state to study, no friends
> voulenteer for cons maid cafe, thinking a good idea to make friends
> cafe is a big hit, many customers, very busy weekend
> last day of con is my birthday
> appart of performance group
> after performance, other maid makes whole cafe sing and wish me happy birthday
> so shy
> get requested for many photos with customers after
> con ends
> asked to walk up to the office to get some papers with another maid
> come back to surprise party for me and other maid ( her birthday was the week before)
> eat cake, pocky, crapes, and ramune
> shit is cash
> free laser tag after
> stack it, hit my head almost concussion
> awesome day made so many good friends

This also turns into a bit of a stalker/horror story if anyone is interested.

>> No.7169985

>at a vendor looking at figures, merch, etc
>turn my head slightly to the left
>unexpectedly get a whiff of the guy next to me
>smells just as awful as durian

>> No.7170104
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So many small stories from Anime Revolution 2013.

>Cosplaying Free with a friend - swim uniform + jackets.
>Heading down hotel elevator to meet up with the rest of the group.
>Random, middle-aged guy in elevator with us.
>"What team are you guys with?"
>"The Iwatobi Twerk Team."

>Walking around with said Free cosplay friend.
>Sasha cosplayer asks for a picture with us.
>Stands in the middle, grabs both of us by the waist and pulls us in.
>Right as the picture's about to be taken, I feel her hand go down to my ass.
>She thanks us and skips off.
>Both of us just stand there for a second.
>Turn to friend.
>"Did she do that to you, too?"
>Nods slowly.

>Find out Jnig is at the convention.
>Brought a speedo that's getting a bit too small.
>Decide if I run into her, I'll have her sign it.
>Day 1 goes by - no Jnig.
>Walking around city with friends after the con.
>We bump into Jnig, of all people.
>Mention I wanted her to sign my speedo.
>"Sure, I'd totally sign your panties!"
>Day 2. Find Jnig right before she leaves the con to board a plane.
>I now have video of Jnig signing and complimenting my ass.

>Con ends.
>Everything that could go wrong, does.
>Stuck in a foreign country.
That was another adventure altogether.

>> No.7170129

>be in Juliet Starling costume, from Lollipop Chainsaw
>chubby guy in a rainbow dash onepiece walks up to me
>ponyguy says "your costume is awesome"
>he then starts nodding slowly while repeatingly mumbling 'awesome'
>I have no idea how to handle this situation.
>spaghetti starts growing around us as time passes.
>nope the fuck out of there and never look back

I still get shivers from thinking back on that.

>> No.7170132
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Now that is awesome. Reaction and following alike (although a tad creepy.)

I... wait WHAT? Dude, that's just baller

Post that shit.
(also I have this friend who is obsessed with Jnig. Sent her a lock of his hair because of the joke on her facebook page.

>mfw he keeps telling me "she didn't send me a reply yet, but that's because she's busy.

>> No.7170138

>cosplaying Heather from SH3
>sitting on a bench by myself, friends are off getting food
>"happy birthday Heather"
>perfect creepy voice
>shit my pants

He turned out to be a pretty cool dude, but damn it just kind of surprised/scared me haha

weirdly enough I got the most attention in that costume more than any others, despite how simple it was.

I had a guy toss a rose at me in that cosplay, as well.

>> No.7170151

oni-con was kinda weird. apparently some half-dead chick washed up on the beach during the homestuck meetup? i didn't go to said homestuck meetup because i'm still too scared to cosplay homestuck tho. i guess i have a story

>at onicon
>friends and i are dressed as sailor scouts.
>be the only one slightly versed in the way of cons
>friend sees a sephiroth and is a huge fan of final fantasy and shit idk
>she asks me to take a picture
>he starts drooling. like legitimately drooling.

i don't think she noticed but dear god. it was our first real con and they kinda didn't get the whole neckbeard thing? low powerlevels

>> No.7170152

also might i add, being a resident of south east texas, i don't know what the fuck all those people were doing at the beach. that place is legitimately disgusting and if you go further down there is still hurricane debris.

>one kind of friend is our sailor venus
>all of our costumes are bought but she bought like a thirty dollar one so it was super shitty
>skirt was very short
>neckbeards ahoy
>one of them wanted me to take a picture of them
>he specified that she needed to be kissing him on the cheek
>every picture i took was too blurry so we had to keep taking it?
>every picture. like five pictures

>> No.7170222

>her power level is higher than the average con goer.
>not pretty much the plebbest, most popular anime this season
Only KLK and SNK are more popular

>> No.7170225

>This also turns into a bit of a stalker/horror story if anyone is interested.
Of course we are

>> No.7170246

>first con, first time cosplaying
>couple cosplay, Holo and Lawrence
>People are asking for a lot of pictures so we feel a little bit overwhelmed
>Go to a panel
>Halfway through the panel: "Hey anon, hand me my phone."
>"I don't have the bag, get it yourself"
>oh fuck where is the bag??? we forgot it in the parking lot taking pictures
>run out of panel
>dash through the hotel
>Someone yells "Holo!!"
>I yell back that we lost a bag but we'll be back
>Bag is exactly where we left it contents intact
>Go back to hotel but we can't find the girl that yelled after me

Dear girl who is a Spice and Wolf fan, I'm sorry we had to dash away. Let's take pictures together next year ;______;

also, same con

>Evil Laughter Contest
>Panel is starting, doors are closed
>Last minute participant bursts through the door
>dressed as some kind of steampunky evil scientist
>asks if there is room in the contest
>exactly one spot left, contest person tells him he's very lucky
>he calmly takes sunglasses out of his pocket, puts them on and does a swag pose

It was really funny. He did a dramatic monologue before his evil laugh too.

>> No.7170355

I don't follow or keep up with Jnig, so I wouldn't know that joke.
I just thought it'd be something kind of stupid / funny since she happened to be there.
Anyway, here you go.

>> No.7170368
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Alrighty then.

> apart of the maid cafe experience, you can pay to have a photo with you favourite maid
>get popular after maid announces my birthday
> awkward Naruto cosplayer requests photo
> asks what pose he would like to do for the photo
> met with blank stare
> spaghetti
> photos get posted to cafe sponsors fb
> photo over, all is well
> nek yr
> don't voulenteer for cafe
> come in the afternoon for quiet Friday
> find friends, they tell me about some creep demanding the new cafe girls to my wearabouts
> wat
> ask what his looks like
> 'oh he's dressed in some shitty Naruto cosplay'
> mfw look up fb pic
> 'oh shit anon, that's him,'
> nek minnit
> awkward silent ensues, hear shuffling behind me
> this is it, isn't it
> slow turn in horror
> there hi is
> asks me if I was the maid from last year
> stutter 'y-yes'
> 'oh it's your birthday on Monday, isn't it?'
> 'a-ahuh'
> proceeds to open backpack, pulls out bag and hands it to me
> stares
> I open it, it's a gold and diamond necklace
> 'ahh thanks but I don't think I can't take this from you'
> 'but it's your birthday. It's your present'
> ' I'de feel bad'
> ' it's for you'
> pockets full of spaghetti
> friend finally comes to my rescue, leave
> follows me around for the rest of con, always just on the outskirts of my vision
> random asks for photo, creeper after corners my friend and I
> friend tells him we have to leave
> ' do you want me to walk you there?'
> friend 'no thanks we know our way'
> 'are you uncomfortable with me stalking you'
Yes. He said the word stalking.
> me ' yes, yes I am'
> 'oh, okay'
> leave, feel kind of bad, but glad creeping is over
Or so I thought.
Pic related

>> No.7170381
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I haven't been to a con, but every year the place I work holds a Halloween thing for kids, and everyone dresses up, and I have a few cute stories with the kids...

>Co-worker goes to grab coffee, has to get through a horde of little kids
>Says, "Hey there, midget Spiderman!" to one kid
>Kid yells that that was the last thing co-worker will every say
>Co-worker challenges tiny Spiderman to a duel
>MFW Co-worker came back with kids attached to his back and legs

I could not stop laughing. My co-worker's this big tall black guy, and he was just covered in little kids trying to attack him, and he just acted like he was going to go back to work like nothing was going on. I think my ovaries burst.

>Just wearing a silver long nose mask and black face paint underneath
>Put all the hair under the hat
>Still wearing frumpy apron and black uniform
>Got hit on by more customers than ever before
>Feels like a butter-face

>> No.7170387

> week or two passes, and he somehow finds and adds me on fb
> don't respond
> literally everyday he resents the request
> continues of for about two weeks
> start receiving messages from him in my other
Word for word this is what he says, each line is a new day passing
> 'hi anon'
> 'why won't you add me...?
> '?'
> ' I'm the one who gave you the necklace at con...for your birthday'
> 'add me on Facebook'
> '?'
> ' anon?'
> ' you are the most beautiful person I've met'
Finally I get sick of him spamming me, and I also do feel bad for ignoring him.
> message him back telling him I appreciate him giving me the necklace, I would like to give it back to him because I don't feel right. Flattered that he likes me, but after the stunt on the Friday and all this I don't feel comfortable adding him.
He replies with this..
> ' Sorry, it was not my intention to make you and your friends feel very uncomfortable... in the process i realized and hesitated while with you and your friend... as for the necklace keep it, it's me trying to express that you are special... it's a positive jewelry... it keeps you positive through thoughts... so positive will overcome negative... '

Whatever, ignore him. But now that I've responded, his messages get sent to my inbox

> two weeks past
> 'do you have plans in the near future? Is there a movie you want to see?
> bf finally steps in, tells him to leave me alone
> 'take care of her for me!!'
> bf tells him I was never his responsibility, he takes care of me
>' thanks... She is gold or in another way diamond...'

So creepy

Months past

Day before con
> tries to add me again
> 'I might see you this weekend beautiful...'

Please! Just leave me alone (;_;)

>> No.7170389

>be at con, first time really trying to cosplay properly, homemade costume
>girls try to take my picture subtly
>they drop their cameras in the effort as it's really busy
>pause, ask them if they want a proper photo
>they were so grateful and wouldn't stop thanking me
loved it

>> No.7170391
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>Meet someone for 2 minutes.
>Buy them an expensive as fuck necklace for them a year later.
>No guarantee they'll even remember you.
Holy shit.
Thanks for sharing, Anon.

>> No.7170419

Why don't you just leave? This board is not your personal blog.

>> No.7170420

We were a bit tired so we sat at some chairs right outside the karaoke room. Others thought we were checking badges so we played that up for a little while.

>> No.7170531
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Went to a small local con in its first year also my first con not bad for a con considering the population of the city is under 100k although there wasnt much to do other than Dealer's room, Magic tourney and watch D. Piddy goof around
>Be in line for Sam De La Rosa wearing Scott Pilgrim shirt guy wearing BLOPS2 shirt says that was a really good comic
>The movie was good too
>mfw I forgot what shirt I was wearing...AGAIN!

Also later on in the day in the dealers room
>Be near Tavros cosplayer constant feeling that you are about to get hit by one of those giant motherfucking horns

Considering some of the things I wanted to buy there I probably should've got a room instead of just going for the day

>> No.7170575

Fuck, Heather is my favorite SH character. Do you have pics?

>> No.7170576

>Post about con-experience in a thread about con-experiences
>"Not your personal blog" response
wait....... wut

>> No.7170588

Most of my experience with other con goers has me convinced the majority of them are entry level shonen fans, fat bl loving fujoshi, grimdark emo kids, and "lolsorandum" adventure time/homestuck fans. It's one of the popular shows this season, but at least it's a show this season. I didn't see anybody else there as a character this season.

>> No.7170662
File: 61 KB, 448x604, shme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cosplay was pretty shit and the hair was wrong but w/e it was years ago haha

I forgot my wrist bands in this pic and had stickers on my face from my friends, but here ya go

>> No.7170663

Haha, I love the expression. That's pretty good. I always wanted to go as a Pyramid Head, but that seems like a shit ton of work.

>> No.7171135

>Chilling in line at Waicon
>Sudden loud shrieking from somewhere behind
>Slowly turn around still spooked
>Some Perth Vlogger is wandering around with 2 guys filming him
>Several fans have charged him and started talking and losing their shit
>Hear him say something like "Woah I totally wasn't expecting to see any fans here!"
>In front of the two cameras
>Facing them
I chortled.

>> No.7171175

>be me at awa couple years back
>walking around in some of out of the way hallway with bad lighting.
>something caught my eye turn," OH SHIT SLENDERMAN!" he was standing in a gap in the side of a wall doesn't move doesn't say anthing
>10/10 good scare compliment him
> no response again , maybe its fake I thought. Nah I walked away
>come that way 3 hours later. ITS STILL THERE
>it has to be fake. Walk up it laughing about the fake getting me earlier
>walk up about a foot away from it to poke it.
>doesn't say anything
>20/10 slenda
also saw him lurking behind bushs and trees at night time in the park. Really made my con since this was before everyone was slenderfagging. He was the first I ever saw.

>> No.7171181

You call yourself an attractive male at all?
You're goofy looking, son.
I got my hopes up.

>> No.7171192

It's not wrong as long as you ask... personally I hate being touched in the waist, shoulders are ok.

>> No.7171343
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>decently attractive

>> No.7171345
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>dat post number

>> No.7171352

oh man that would be amazing to witness

>> No.7171354

only if your a pussy

>> No.7172361

>anime expo
>keep to myself usually
>this year got a room with a buddy i met at ax2010
>he nabs us tickets to the maide cafe (Fuck yeah)
>no food at the cafe (wot)
>fanime cafe had (sandwhiches served by hotel staff...)
but besides the downpoint of the food
>playing games with maids
>end up having to sing im a little tea pot on the stage in front of crowd
>realized after i messed up when to put up my handle and spout
oh gwarsh im still blushing

>> No.7172413

oh shit i'm in 808 to, how was oni-con?

>tfw you have too many exams to go

>> No.7172415
File: 73 KB, 233x200, 1376905519689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be on my way to supanova
>valley train station food court filled with cosplayers
>seen funny looking dude in female looking cosplay
>ask who he is dressed as and why
>tells me he isn't dressed up this is how he always dresses

>> No.7172431

It's the valley, anything goes.

>> No.7172439

I dream of this happening to me in my Reira or Nana cosplay, I learnt to sing some of their songs just in case ;w;

>> No.7172442

Not singing, but once a little girl found me in my Zelda: OoT Link costume. She was showing off her ocarina, so I whipped mine out and played the Lost Woods theme with her. It was pretty cute.

>> No.7172445
File: 406 KB, 435x700, 1334998394792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I don't post often, but when I do, it's a book.

For two Anime Bostons in a row, I brought massive boxes of Fun Dip and threw them to random weaboos. I had a lot of fun and the groups would typically pounce on them without hesitation.

> third time
> totally forget to buy Fun Dip in time
> regardless, having fun doing other things
> walking around and suddenly someone offers me Fun Dip
> her and her friend have giant boxes of Fun Dip and are taking up my role
> feels good to start a relatively good trend

I talked to them later, found out they saw someone with Fun DIp and when they asked where she got it, she said a random guy yelled out "Fun Dip!" and threw it at her when she made eye contact. That was me.

They said they also had another friend with a third box, but when they said, "Spread some love; give this Fun Dip to random people," he ended up getting off of the elevator holding nothing.

> "Hey, Bro... where did the box go?"
> "You told me to give it to some random people."
> "Open the box. Hand out individual packets to multiple people."
> "Oh... Shit. I guess I messed that up."

That was just one interesting con memory, but I usually make it my goal to be the guy these threads are focused on. Many con stories and fun times.

> AB 2013 - Twister in an elevator for 30 - 45 minutes
> Katsucon 2013 - bomb the "How to Wear Skimpy Outfits While Still Being Modest" panel and get props from that Jessie girl running it
> Connecticon 2013 - at the rave, me and two other friends tear the shirt off of one of our other friends with our mouths while security just stands there awkwardly, then proceed to jump across the breakdance pit while doing a standing 69
> even more funny stories from other years

>> No.7172446
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you sound like a faggot and I hate you beyond explanation I have no idea why though

>> No.7172456
File: 29 KB, 500x368, spider emblem has six legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I probably come off as a dick with what's posted, but I have fun and just about everyone else around me does too, so I don't mind. Hilarious image, though, bro.

>> No.7172519

>Go alone to fan expo
>a couple hours in a guy with terrible social skills attaches himself to me. can't shake him without being a cuntbag
>he's harmless, flirts awkwardly but I keep tellinghim I have a boyfriend so we're only hanging out as friends
>constantly lies to me, tells me about all these way cool intricate awesome cosplays he has ..just not here an dno pictures of them
>has a successful comic book that will be made into a movie in the near future, wants to hire me to cosplay the main female
>says he made the metal gauntlet he's wearing when I know for a fact they're sold in the dealers hall
>follows me upstairs where I meet two Commander Shepards
>start talking with them, having a good time, they're very nice, we're talking Mass Effect
>my new friend is getting extremely jealous and pissy
>keep's saying 'lets go, let's go downstairs I don't like it up here come on'
>commander Shepard gives me a look of utter pity and actually says 'I should go..' before walking away
>Tell new friend i'm going to go home now as i'm tired, i'm going to wait for my boyfriend
>let him wait with me, figure it'll be good for him to see my boyfriend in person and know i'm not lying
>when I introduce him to my boyfriend he proceeds to surprise hug me and kiss me on the cheek before dashing away

>> No.7172521

>I have no idea why though
Because fun dip fucking sucks?

>> No.7172566

Seriously? That girl is one of the cutest I've seen here

>> No.7172573

guy in yellow looks like a cross between cyclops and...a henchmen of the monarchs

>> No.7172587
File: 43 KB, 386x346, 1371045133908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck could you put up with that shit?

>> No.7172601
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>> No.7172617
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underage detected pls go

>> No.7172698

> Otakon 2013
> Cosplaying from Tales of the Abyss with friend, wandering around the con around midnight
> Go to game room and ogle pachinko machines, when we're approached by a Kirito cosplayer
> He compliments us and we talk about Tales of
> Mentions he printed out Magic Carta cards and asks us if we want to play
> Play magic carta for almost an hour, guy is super nice and fun

I know it only makes sense if you've played Tales of Graces, but it was really fun to play a Tales mini game while in Tales cosplay.

>> No.7172794
File: 1.63 MB, 1520x855, b63835af4198645f5bfe7e6c21eed759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anime Expo
>just get off of working in the vendor room all day, taking the bus back to hotel with bros.
>start fucking around cracking jokes and singing on the bus with buddies and coworkers, a bunch of other faceless randoms join in on the fun.

That certainly made my night, I had enough energy afterwards to actually go out because of that.

>Fanime con
>Working in the vendor room all day pushing collectable trading figures to customers like a motherfucker.
>At this point i had developed a sort of general idea about what was in the box but made no promises, usually trying to guess the figure inside the box for shits and giggs.
>a Rise Kujikawa cosplayer and her boyfriend walk up to the booth and find the phone charm trading figures.
>begs me to find her a Rise charm since she was cosplaying as the character.
>Easily find that shit out of the stack since the charms were wrapped in plastic rather than boxed (the twin tails), sale pretty much guaranteed.
>she opens the bag and shits her self squealing "I'm Horny" out loud for everyone in the aisle to hear, her boyfriend is totally embarrassed and trying to play off (to minimal effect) the huge blush he has on his face.
>me and my coworker cant stop laughing knowing we just made this random dude's night.

>> No.7172807

>still telling this story
Didn't learn the first time, did you sport?

>> No.7172875

>last day of con
>decide to wear my naruto cosplay for shits an giggle
>see group of people in akatsuki cosplay (one of each character of course)
>take pic of them
>walk of
>Here some shout "NARUUUUTTO"
>look behind
>see akatsuki people chasing me
>realize I'm in my naruto cosplay OHSHIT.jpeg
>run as fast as I can
>get tackled down
>pile on top of me
>people come an take pictures
>talking to one of the guys
>say hes sorry and stuff and he always wanted to that and stuff
>seemed like a bro so I was cool
>Have miso ramen soup with them later on
It was fun as hell

>> No.7172918
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>some half-dead chick washed up on the beach during the homestuck meetup

>> No.7172922

>Rise squealing "I'm horny!"
Raise your hand if you're about to go do something naughty right now.

>> No.7173080

Got a few from various conventions.

>volunteering in the art room
>job is to help people making bids, make sure no one walks off with art
>signs on every table and wall say 'Don't Touch the Art'
>end up having to tell someone not to touch the damn art every ten minutes anyway
>everyone looks surprised or upset when I come over to tell them to drop something

>watching attendees outside hanging out
>this guy in a banana suit is dancing to some music
>literally sit there and watch banana guy for an hour, he never stops dancing
>go out for lunch, check back in two hours later
>banana guy is still dancing nonstop
>swear he didn't even have a badge, he just hung out and danced all weekend

>sitting in hotel lobby watching mine and friend's luggage while friend checks in
>random guy with camera comes over and asks for a photo
>totally confused, not wearing a costume, wig, or even makeup
>"I'm not in costume.."
>guy says that's okay, snaps a picture and just walks off

>later that weekend, friend and I are wandering around
>both of us in jeans and t-shirts, normal as fuck
>another guy wanders up, asks for photo
>we just shrug and stand there, let him take one and then just go on with our night
>never had that happen at any other convention, much less twice

>> No.7173175

If it makes it easier for you, she looked pretty spot on for what I'd imagine Rise would look like IRL.

>> No.7173341

>be at con
>decide to ask for hugs from people
>ask to hug a beta as fuck looking yosuke from P4
>he looks a mixture of confused, terrified, and happy, but opens his arms up anyway
>smiles awkwardly as I wave goodbye
I'm sorry for scaring you yosuke ;_;

>> No.7173576

What con was that at?

>> No.7173582

Anime Blues Con

>> No.7173593

Ahh, okay, I thought you were at Comikaze today, my bad.

>> No.7173628 [DELETED] 


haha nice


i cant believe it

pure dedication



lol haha







super nice

wow haha

>> No.7173630

Kill yourself

>> No.7173632

misoginy on /cgl/ really? like really?

>> No.7173637

inject air into your vein and jump off a bridge

>> No.7173668

That's pretty cool.
Thanks for that story

>> No.7173698
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oh man I would have just blasted that cunt in the face I cant stand people like that

>> No.7173700

fuck oath some cunt threw it at me some faces would be getting punched

>> No.7173702
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your the worst kind of person
your bad and you should feel bad

>> No.7173741

>not using the Survival Viewer to heal yourself with a bandage and a cigar

Step up.

>> No.7173757
File: 15 KB, 252x252, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok here we go. Just happened at youmacon yesterday

>be on people mover heading back to hotel
>friend is in a steampunk Lolita dress and wife is in sweet Lolita proper
>weird dude next to friend starts talking to her and she does not seem to mind
>let it be
>not two minutes later starts talking how he only has $60 left for the con and nothing to eat
>wife mentions mcdonalds is in the hotel along with other cheap options that even $30 could carry him for the weekend
>awkward laugh has he sighs "ya"
>I start conversation with wife and friend on what to do for dinner
>we start talking about the pizza place in the hotel
>kid interrupts saying "can I join in?"
>blank stare
>"I-oh, I was only joking anon!"
>two stops from hotel mention I need to stop at hotel convenience store for drinks
>"oh me too anon!
>1 stop away friend offers fruit snack to kid
>get off tram as kid heads into store
>calmly walk past and never look back.

My friend is too nice and I reminded her that she has had a talkers in the past

>> No.7175776

I too have stories from youmacon

>staying in the sketchy motel with super delicious breakfast restaurant
>70% of rooms full of juggalos due to ICP concert
>4am, lying awake like usual, dead silent
>suddenly comes a loud bellow from the parking lot, "I NEED A BLOWWWJOOOB"
> wat
>trying not to laugh and wake other 5 people in the room up as the guy does it at least 4 more times over the next 10 minutes

>sunday, lazy homostuck cosplay with boyfriend and 2 friends (we were the 4 male kids, i was dirk)
>two giggling preteens run up to us, cosplaying jade and 'fem dave' very badly, ask for pics
>pose for pics, give them some candy we had left over from thursday
>jade bats lashes at me, asks me where we're going
>uh just headed over to cobo to meet some people
>oh we're gonna come too!
>fucking great
>fem dave keeps calling me bro and saying we should bond
>ugh walk faster this cannot be over soon enough
>jade walks up, dragging fem dave, slings her arm around my shoulders
>'heeey dirk, you should come to my bed tonight!'
>stares blankly in horror
>'dave can come tooooo~'
>this girl is literally under 12
>after long awkward silence finally choke out that I only like boys lol
>thank fucking god I was dirk and not dave
>bitch was very clearly serious

>> No.7175793

>doge comments

>> No.7176190

> Anime Central Years Ago
> Wandering hallway in exceptionally bad satin disaster dress
> Run into 4chan people
> 4chan people has signs
> get marched upstairs to the pool to thrown out of con with 4chan
> IRT is too lazy to actually throw us out and we just kinda wander away while someone bitches at us
> appear later in pictures with moot
> feel like a rockstar or something

And another!
> Anime Central Again: Years Ago Edition
> Before the big lobby remodel
> Hanging out with con security people way late at night
> Hotel staff comes up
> Suddenly realize all of the lobby furniture is gone!
> Run downstairs to the basement level
> Behind the stairs a shanty town has assembled itself
> using the lobby furniture
> bunch of people sleeping back there
> Hotel people are SUPER PISSED
> It's bullshit but nobody wants this to escalate further
> Con security people call security ops
> "Everyone is asleep or gone, you two are it for the entire con"
> Volunteer to help out
> Run around with con security people waking up people sleeping in hallways and shit so the hotel people don't find them
> hotel people get butthurt at MAPS people
> MAPS drama happens

What else...
> Hanging out in the lobby, same year as first story
> Friend is with me
> Friend's friend is with her
> Friend's friend is a furry
> IDGAF really
> Dude walks up, "Can I take your picture?"
> Sure dude
> Dude takes picture
> After the con
> Picture posted on internet
> lol @ he photoshopped out the furry

>> No.7176355
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omg I'm pretty sure that is Tory Lund from Pokemon Destiny Deoxys??
>mfw I cosplayed Tory when I was 14
>not even gonna lie it was spot on and took like 2 days
How did she manage to fuck this up so bad, my heart is aching.

>> No.7176434

>Taking the shuttle back to the convention center to get to the rave
>hear a smacking noise then giggling
>there's a girl wearing only a fishnet body suit with pasties and underwear bent over one of the seats
>another girl is slapping her ass then rubbing it as she moans
>there's a doctor who cosplayer illuminating the scene with his sonic screwdriver so he and a bunch of onlookers get a good view
>the moment the bus stops i speed walk the fuck out of there

>> No.7176479
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I found her dA and yep, it's meant to be Tory Lund.

>> No.7176509
File: 85 KB, 637x960, sarah miller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met Sarah Miller from Ink Masters in an elevator at new york comic con last year after my friends and i scared her with horse masks.
>pic related
also met and got my picture with Jessica Nigri at the same comic con, she was actually pretty nice and congenial.

>> No.7176535
File: 44 KB, 540x720, Goodbye Tien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> at this year's Dragon*Con
> waiting for photo with George Takei
> find a spot near the esclator to camp
> as we are about to sit down I notice there is a cellphone and camera just on the floor
> must have fell out of someone's pocket
> phone wasn't locked just have the "Slide To Unlock"
> try to find recent message so I can tell this person's friend their phone is not with them
> first 5 messages are all like just "where u at" and not thing indicate it's this person's friend
> batter is critical red
> I lock the phone and left it with my sister-in-law there (she is waiting there to watch my wife and I's stuff)
> after photo with George Takei we sat down to recharge and waiting to see if this person will show up
> suddenly this girl walking around there looking for stuff we figure it's her
> girl "Ummm, by any chance you guys seen a phone and maybe a camera here?"
> me "What brand is the camera?"
> girl "Canon"
> pulls out the phone and camera next to me
> she was so happy

>> No.7176542
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>other pic related

>> No.7176686

I was glomped for the first time this weekend? Not sure whether to be proud--or disgusted?

>> No.7176962

Do not do this ever again.
It contributes nothing.

>> No.7176963


>> No.7176974

At a con earlier this year I found some kid's phone, and ended up using it to post on their Facebook, "Hey, I found this phone," and their mom came to get it, and was really thankful. It was some expensive ass Android, so I can't blame her.

I'm always so surprised at congoers that give shit back. At my first AWA several years ago, I left my camera in a panel, and aside from someone taking random nudes on it, they did turn it in.

>> No.7176991

Jesus Christ, this is actually terrifying.

>> No.7176993

Wasn't that like last year or year before last? In that hallway near the front, beside the dining area? I swear that guy was there the entire fucking weekend.

>> No.7177340

>be at PCC '10
>friend loses phone
>upset but won't let it ruin her weekend
>go to panel, halfway through see girl a couple seats down take out a phone and mess with it
>"friend... is that your phone?"
> Pretty sure it is, to this day I have never seen a phone like hers, looked just as scuffed up and shit too
>We spend practically the whole panel just watching that girl and wondering
>No one brave enough to do anything about it
We look back on those beta as fuck days fondly

>> No.7177409

>Anime Iowa 2013

Thinking about going next year if I am in country at the time. Kinda sucks living in the middle of everything sometimes. Does anyone know if Omaha has a con? They are close, but I can't find anything.

KC is about the same distance as Des Moines, they probably have a bigger con than Anime Iowa.

Worth going?

>> No.7177834


...holy shit that is so bad

>> No.7177878

>tfw met qt of a lifetime at the Youmacon rave this year

The rest of the con was so bland (it was my group, not the con) that that is my defining moment of it.

That, or perhaps how insane the games room was. I don't know.

>> No.7177887


>> No.7177899

Why would people post stories if they didn't want feedback? Telling people what you think of their story, even if it's one or two words, is a great encouragement and provides an impetus to share. Please think before you speak.

>> No.7177921

No it's fucking annoying.

>> No.7178056

Its less the feedback part and more that you made a fucking long pointless post and quoted every single story. Try sticking to one or two and make real comments on them, not just "cool wow lol"

>> No.7178418

Feedback's nice, but not just, "wow omg lol."

>> No.7178949

The first one made me cringe, hard.

>> No.7179064

If you're fit, you can always cosplay as He-Man!

>> No.7179125

This happened when I was a young weeb, at likely one of my first anime cons. I was around 14~ at this time & I had been partaking in a "glomp circle". When a handsome, male Germany cosplayer happened to pass by the circle.

"GROUP HUG ON GERMANY!!!" shouted someone from the group, I remember us all suddenly rushing this poor young man. Upon his features the terror of a man realizing he is going to die. I don't remember much after that, except running into a wall of fleshy bodies and having many more rush in behind me. All of us squished together in one, writhing, mass glomping. I don't know whatever became of that Germany cosplayer after this event.

>> No.7179825

>2+ years ago, bro has really been getting into cons and really wanted me to join on with him
>mind you, this would be the very first con that i would ever go to, and the very last
>he went as some anime character guy, i think it was the really buff shirtless dude from Full Metal Alchemist. name escapes me at the moment
>i decided to really get into my costume since i would have months of preperation in advance
>so i thought of just going as an Imperial Guardsman. the cannon fodder of the 40k universe
>it was a bit easier than i had thought. pretty much light brown clothing underneath and some plastic to make up the "armor" of it
>gave me plenty of time to detail all of the cool stuff on it, such as adding regiments to the shoulderguard and such
>even went the full nine yards and added some more bits of armor (other friend let me borrow a kevlar vest) and the awesome karskin helmet
>looked pretty fucking cool


>> No.7179836

>even went so far as to 3-D print my lasgun
>cost me a bit of money, but i figured that i would have loved a replica of this lasgun anyways for years to come, definitely worth every penny
>its still sitting right on the side of my closet to this very day

So me and my bro get to the convention and I'm pretty much stunned and stoked at the same time. He's acting all chill, coolaxin' and actin' all cool since he's been to way more conventions than I have. . . But due to this being my first, it was like a dream come true. All sorts of people dressed up in awesome costumes, dresses, armors, and the like. Very surreal experience that I will never forget.

>immedietly start walking around like a 7 year old hopped up on a shit load of candy
>pretty much the only person cosplaying the 40k universe since this was mainly an anime convention, so i felt pretty special and cool when i was walking around with my lasgun and karskin helmet on
>see all sorts of awesome people dressed up from all sorts of different animes and what-not
>not a real avid anime fan so most of them i don't even really know, but they're fucking awesome anyways
>eventually, meet one particular group of girls who were dressed up in very fancy dresses that came down pass their knees, pretty sure they were lolita cosplayers (i'm new to /cgl/, so bear with me)
>friend is chatting up a storm with some of the girls, smiling and just taking pictures like he always does
>suddenly, a wild lolita appears!
>she looks at my costume and gasps a bit, saying that it was really cool
>totally go into beta mode and say something along the lines of "thanks, this is actually my first time at a con"
>she even looked more surprise due to how well my costume was made (which was due to how much my friend helped me picking out better fabric and such)
>not many people dress up as soldiers and the like, mainly dress up as the stereotypical weeb warrior you see in your average anime carrying oversized swords and what-not---

>> No.7179849

>this particular girl is actually pretty cute, haven't really noticed before due to the fact that i don't make much eye contact with new people
>but as i look at her, she looks really beautiful in that dress of hers. says that the group that she came with all helped with making the dresses they wore, which all shared the same style, but had minor differences such as color and different patches and what-not
>instantly feel my heart melt at the adorableness of it all as i continue to talk with her
>introduces herself as "jane" (not real name, of course) and says she always like armored cosplay, constantly asking me what character i was cosplaying as
>i sort of joke around, saying that i was an imperial guardsman from the 40k universe, basically regular human foot soldiers in the far future that are basically cannon fodder compared to all the crazy shit in the universe's setting
>she actually seems genuinly interested from it all, still asking me questions on what kind of other aliens and what-not are in the universe
>her friends decide to go and leave. but instead of just waving goodbye, she actually invites me to tag along. bro and i have roomed together and he doesn't really mind if i go along since he can pretty much entertain himself
>so, trying to hold all the spaghetti in my pocket, this lone guardsman, armed with a single flashlight, walks with an adorable entourage of lolita girls, all with awesome dresses and wavy hair
>i begin to ask her about how she got into cosplaying and she basically responded that she just loves to dress up, to be able to look extravagent and be a different person, if only for a day or so
>i couldn't help but to agree, smiling like a fucking dumb idiot as we all toured the convention, looking at all the stalls and dealers selling their costumes and shit


>> No.7179866

>she even goes on to tell me about the other cons that she went to and how all of them were just as equally as awesome, though she did regail me with a few tails of awkward guys/gals here and there
>holy shit, why am i liking this girl more and more
>eventually, it gets to the end of the day and we take a bit of a rest on a bench. the other girls decide to get a little bit of a snack while i'm sitting right next to jane
>i ask her if she had any guy friends to go along with. seems bit odd that she only goes with girls
>she just laughs and shrugs, saying that she never really had a boyfriend that shared the same interests
>suddenly began to inquire about my own love life, if i had a "girl back home" that i write to all the time
>i pretty much just let it all spill, saying that i never really had a girl friend at all. it wasn't because i was ugly or socially akward, it's just i never tried and never had the drive to look for one
>she agrees and says that it can be tiring to try and look for one, that the best ones just sorta fall into your lap whenever you do something that you love
>she begins to inch closer to me, saying that she really had a fun time with me and everything
>holy shit, all this spaghetti, i'm bursting into fucking treats
>i instantly recoil, standing up from the seat and stretching, smile all smooth like and saying that it was getting a bit late
>i just sorta say goodbye to her and make my way back to the room, my bro already there and changing already as we were about to leave in the morning
>asked me how it went with that one girl
>"'eh, she kinda' lost interest in me"

>> No.7179869

I don't know why I said that. I don't know why I instantly recoiled from her. But it's been over 2+ years since that first con and I had never been to another one. But I just can't get her out of my mind. Every so often, my mind lingers back to that awesome convention where I met that girl in the pretty blue dress. I remember how we talked and talked about what we liked, about how a lot of our interests coincided such as video games, stupid pointless lore from books, movies, and games, and a shit load of other things. She was actually trying to be a writer and when I began to talk about "A Brave New World", she basically giggle-squeed due to that book begin one of her top favorites.

I still think of her to this day. Wondering what I could've done differently. Wondering if I actually made a move to try and be with her and make that awesome first convention of mine even more memorable.

But now it just hangs over my head like some sort of embarrassing moment that we sometimes think of. I couldn't bring myself to go to another convention in fear of her reappearing and telling me to go fuck myself.

And that's my story of my first convention.

>> No.7179877

He's 5 months? That's not possible. He's in an umbrella stroller, he's huge and he's able to hold his head up decently. I CALL SHENANIGANS!

>> No.7179889

>Michael Jackson
Do you mean Michael Jordon? That may be more relevant to the whole Space Jam joke.

>> No.7179887

She's not going to tell you go fuck yourself. If you run into her again then maybe you'd get another shot but I think she'd understand that you were too shy to make a move. This is coming from a lolita so you have a girl's perspective. You're being too critical of yourself.

Go out and enjoy more conventions.

>> No.7179905

>attend first con
>get splashed by a car on my way there
>when I get there I can't find my friend
>lost and confused I start wandering around the con hallways
>run into some steam punk neckbeard handing out pamphlets
>he was wearing a very tight corset that his man boobs were spilling out of
>starts going on and on about steam punks
>spent the next 30 minutes unable to break away from steam punk neckbeard

I didn't know much about steam punk at the time, so I guess that was a bit interesting, and I can't say that I've ever spoken with a large gentleman in a corset before.

>> No.7179992


I dunno what he meant, but I think it's funnier if it was Michael Jackson

>> No.7180000

Last year at Youmacon:
>wake up extra early Sunday morning on accident due to DST
>wander around for a bit
>guy follows me around, chats me up
>realize he's trying to sober up, finds me amusing
>eventually buys me breakfast because he thinks I'm cool
>he just wants the hashbrowns

This year at youma:
>wake up extra early on purpose because I'm getting ready to check out
>decide to goof off in the game room a bit before while it's open
>run into girl from high school, remember her as an angsty bitch who made fun of my brother a lot
>she's drunk out of her mind, nicest person on the planet
>follows me around because she finds me amusing
>she almost gave me money, but didn't have cash
>talk her into playing DDR and other rhythm-based games for my amusement

>> No.7180136

>Go to con this summer
>Awkward Asian guy, very attractive(sarcasm)
>Try to make friends by using the "can I take a picture with you?" approach
>End up speaking with a lot of cool people and getting a bunch of pictures, but never tried to connect further than a simple conversation with them
>Feel alittle bad for not trying harder and just shitting it, now I was just left with "what if's"

This year I'm going to cosplay Free and really try to make new friends! Been working out at the gym 5 days a week to get that swimmer's body so hopefully I'll be ripped plenty by then.

I guess the lesson is that it's better to just do thing and be embarrassed for awhile IF it fails rather than to regret never doing it.

>> No.7180173 [DELETED] 

>Impromptu visit to Aki Con
>Get there late, hang out in lobby then go hotel to party
>So much free alcohol
>Wait, why did I even cosplay
>Meet cute girl who tells me she's into martial arts
>Already drunk at this point
>Challenge her to duel and lunge at her on bed
>Does crazy ninja move and flips me over her
>Smack face on bed post

Picture related, it was me afterwards.

>> No.7180178 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 1024x834, ow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Impromptu visit to Aki Con
>Get there late, hang out in lobby then go hotel to party
>So much free alcohol
>Wait, why did I even cosplay
>Meet cute girl who tells me she's into martial arts
>Already drunk at this point
>Challenge her to duel and lunge at her on bed
>Does crazy ninja move and flips me over her
>Smack face on bed post

Picture related, it was me afterwards.

>> No.7180182
File: 198 KB, 1024x834, ow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Impromptu visit to Aki Con
>Get there late, hang out in lobby, then go to a hotel party
>So much free alcohol
>Wait, why did I even cosplay
>Meet cute girl who tells me she's into martial arts
>Already drunk at this point
>Challenge her to duel and lunge at her on bed
>Does crazy ninja move and flips me over her
>Smack face on bed post

Picture related, it was me afterwards.

>> No.7180188

>jokingly "sexting" with friend for shits and giggles
>end up losing my phone
>lost and found gets it, messages my friend whom I was texting before telling them I lost my phone
>tfw i know they saw those texts because of the look they gave me when i went to retrieve it
Embarrassment overload.

>> No.7180214

Anime Nebraskon is pretty good from what I hear, and Naka Kon in KC is always worth it my opinion

>> No.7180215


no you didn't samefag

no you didn't

>> No.7180221

> I'm from /fit/ so the whole alpha shit is ingrained in me


>> No.7180265

I didn't.

>> No.7180350

Shame it ended like that, but chances are, she still goes to that con - especially if she was there with a group of friends.
Just sayin.

>talk her into playing DDR and other rhythm-based games for my amusement
You're an asshole.
That's exactly what I would've done.

Sounds like you found a keeper.

>> No.7180417

This isn't at a con but is related. Also I'm on my phone so sorry in advance if any weird autocorrect.
I'm not going to green text cos my > is difficult to get to.

Anyway, I work at a museum and one of our mascots is a life like baby dinosaur "puppet" (bigger than a human) called Winny.
Sometimes they take Winny out to go visit places.
One day while eating my lunch I see a new video uploaded to our main site of some of Winny's adventures.
Half way through the video is a scene of a bunch of con goers with pedobear dancing around with Winny.
Remember, Winny is a baby dinosaur.

I ring up the Web department and go:
"Hi um... so that video you just uploaded of Winny includes a scene of her playing with a guy dressed as a character called Pedobear."
They don't believe me.
I argue on the phone about it with them.
They google pedobear and say it can't be him cos the colour is sightly different.
I hang up and my asian boss asks "what's a pedophile?"
While awkwardly trying to explain the web team ring back and told me that they googled the con and found a picture of the costume and surprise surprise it says it is pedobear.
They thank me and edit that part out, but now they think I'm a weirdo for knowing about that.

>> No.7180434

How bad has it hurt your reputation? Do they treat you any differently?

>> No.7180440

They asked me how I knew about it. I don't remember what I said but I'm sure it was terrible.

I'm in palaeo though so I don't normally interact with the web team. Hopefully they have forgotten about it by now but at the time it felt like they were judging me.

My boss didn't act any different around me but explaining what a pedophile is was definitely one of the low points of my career.

>> No.7180548
File: 3 KB, 126x116, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what u a fag or somethin?

>> No.7180557

thats what happens when your a speghetti weilding assburger

>> No.7180565

your the worst kind of whiteknight

>> No.7180593

AI is small, but I swear to god the nicest people go there.

>> No.7180599

>Natsucon 2013 afterhours
>Be somewhat drunk with my bro
>Hanging out at the poolside patio, drinking and shit
>Another bro comes to be saying "Police are doing random breathalyzers test on people around here. I hate to sound like a fuckin' liberal but you're black, they're gonna profile you out here. Let's lay low for a bit."
>Agrees to lay low and walk back to our hotel
>Gets to the door, trying to pull the door out to get to our room
>Don't see my other friend pushing the door from the other side
>Our opposite force of pushing and pulling the door breaks the support beam thingy on top of the door
>Friend was like "Goddammit nigga! Go, just fuckin' go with your door breaking self!"
>Hide out in the hotel until I get somewhat sober

20 mins later after I had damage the door, a police officer, a security guard, a maintenance dude, and the manager of the hotel are all looking at the damaged door, each of them with a very dumbfound look on their face. The police officer said "How the FUCK can somebody rip the door off it's hinges?" The other three look at him with another dumbfound look.

>> No.7180605

>You pulling the door
>Person on other side pushing door

That'd make the door open faster surely? I think you meant your friend on the other side was pulling on the other side.

>> No.7180624

>That'd make the door open faster surely?
I was drunk, I'm pretty sure people don't follow the rules of logic and physics when they're drunk.

>I think you meant your friend on the other side was pulling on the other side.

Yeah, that what I meant.

>> No.7180652

>Anime Nebraskon

Missed it! Damn, I guess I was busy last weekend but still.

Small seems good for a first con I guess.

If you see Iron Fist there, it could be me.

>> No.7182155

But he is.

Well, he's almost six months now, gonna give him a lemon soon, which will be the cutest and most hilarious thing ever.

>> No.7182163

As Unit-01, I can guarantee you my offspring was only 5 months old in the picture and will, in fact, be 6 months tomorrow.

>> No.7182305

oh haha i remember getting some fun dip at anime boston or katsu (can't remember which)

i'm an artist so i just ended up keeping it in my cashbox and forgetting about it and then throwing it away........... (i appreciate the gesture though!)

>> No.7184496
File: 591 KB, 767x1100, 1371124133391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expected a happy ending

>> No.7184528

no frealz, look it up its in the bible, oh wait u cant cause ur hell spawn.

>> No.7184600

>armed with a single flashlight
did you design the model for the gun in blender or download it from somewhere?

>> No.7185957

>Cosplaying Jaune Arc
>Really close to the end of the Con
>Need to take a phone call
>Leave bag with friends
>Step outside
>Con staff draw the barrier over the exit
>Get locked out
>Con staff laugh because it was in character

>> No.7187499

I would like to formally apologize for the acts of my fellow bronies. There are many different kinds of people in the Brony Fandom. Please know he isn't the majority.

>> No.7187505
File: 37 KB, 640x480, [LIME]_His_And_Her_Circumstances_01.mkv_snapshot_05.20_[2013.03.22_03.39.52].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I first cosplayed this year at Ohayocon as Garterbelt

My costume wasn't even all that great but the
amount of attention I got was fucking phenomenal

Hugs, high fives and shouts of approval all around. I even got to hold this lady's baby and got along really well with the child

I was overcome by the kindness and camaraderie I experienced there that weekend. I cried like a bitch when I made it back home, though out of joy.

>> No.7187794
File: 189 KB, 500x281, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have 2 stories to share, separate posts though so I can include pictures
>Anime Detour 2010
>With "neckbeard that can't grow a beard" boyfriend at the time
>No costume this time, first convention ever
>Walking around con trying to find a panel to invade
>Somehow get caught up in convo with a group in the hallway
>Conversation turns to lesbian kissing
>Boyfriend pipes up that I've never been kissed by another girl before
>Tall girl in front of me leans down and lifts my chin like in picture
>Suddenly kissed
>Too stunned to move
>Girl stands back up and says "Well, she didn't back away so there's hope for her yet. Attend a few more conventions and see what happens."
>Her group walks off
>Bf looks like he's going to pass out with a nosebleed
>Rest of con uneventful

>> No.7187924
File: 134 KB, 333x500, 7898757798_477f46169d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story 2
>Anime Detour 2012
>With present bf who is not a neckbeard
>Cosplaying as Yoko Littner from Gurren Lagaan
>Last day of con, chilling in the lobby til our ride picks us up
>Get approached by a tall male Cloud cosplayer for a picture with me
>I'm cosplaying his favorite character apparently
>He seems a bit nervous
>Bf takes first picture with Cloud cosplayer's phone, generic side by side pose
>Bf gets a mischievous look on his face
>Tells the cosplayer he wants to pose us differently for another picture, so the cosplayer will always remember this moment
>Cosplayer goes along with it
>Bf puts us in pose like in picture, minus laughing, more staring into his eyes and close to face
>Cloud cosplayer is noticably shaking
>All I can think is "damn, he's got really green eyes"
>Picture taken, Cloud cosplayer takes back his phone, thanks us and wanders off
>Wonder to myself if that was the first time he ever got that close to a girl

>> No.7188021


Now how did you feel about the kiss?

>> No.7188051

I'm noticing a pattern here

>> No.7188063

Meh, no strong feelings one way or the other.

How so?

>> No.7188092
File: 768 KB, 1280x1819, tumblr_musd9oKJsJ1qkd06po7_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Small con
>Dress as creepy Redead from LoZ
>Scare lots of people that day, that's another story though
>At a cosplay event where you're given material and you build a costume around a theme in teams
>Not participating but have some friends who are, sit around to cheer them on
>One team is a mother and father duo who are building a costume for their kid.
>Meanwhile I'm just chilling, not trying to scare anyone
>This kid in a captain america costume would keep running up to me sprouting gibbering on the lines of "im not fraid of uuu!"
>I would slowly turn to him and stand up from my seat
>he giggles and freaks the fuck out and runs back to his parents hiding behind seats
>this repeats a good dozen times
>Eventually he would get more courageous, walking closer, not being as scared when I would get close to him
>We'd play on the ground, I'd crawl to scare him, or just mimic his actions for fun
>Eventually he's cool with me, we're buds. He picks up things on the ground and gives them to me as gifts. We highfive and stuff.
>His parents would always have to call him back so they could fit his costume on him (pretty funny stuff his parents were working so hard to make a costume for him, but a good 70% of the time he was always chilling with me)
>At the end I let him beat me up with his captain america sheild, I'd play dead on the ground while he smacked me. He enjoyed it so much.
>Kid automatically won "Kid's division" of the contest
>We say goodbye, parents thank me for amusing their kid and compliment my costume

Fun times. I love kids. Pic related, near the end where we became cool with one-another

>> No.7188373

>Staying in hotel room at PMX
>Invite friend I kind of know to come hang out
>Ends up being a total mooch
>Complete embarrassment
>Everyone is pretty upset with him as he is a belligerent drunk
>Drinks so much he blacks out
>His friends show up to come up and drive him home
>He gets shaken, slapped multiple times with a wet blanket, and has water poured on him, doesn't come to
>An hour later his mother shows up
>Hear her kick him square in the gut
>Hear a loud ass BZZZZZZZZZZZT that wakes everyone up
>He is being tased repeatedly and just rolls around, still asleep
>She storms out
>He comes to about an hour later
>He doesn't remember being tased
>He then runs to the bathroom and has projectile vomit
>Blacks out in room again
>We fall asleep until checkout

Needless to say he's never coming along on any other trips. I forgot to mention that he didn't shower any of the days of PMX and he wore the same clothes and stunk so bad we could smell it when he was on the other side of the room.

>> No.7188391
File: 250 KB, 462x768, 1384076210632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at Bris Supanova
>mate cosplaying SAS, I'm a STALKER
>hear "GET OUT OF HERE STALKER" yelled across a crowd
>scream back "CHEEKI BREEKI IV DAMKE!"

>walking back from grabbing lunch
>two cutest kids walk up and tug on my backpack
>"can we please have a picture with you army men?"
>"sure little dude, hold this"
>mate and I hand them our rifles and pull out sidearms
>kneel down his mum takes photo, my AK is as god damn as tall as him
>both kids thank us and run off
>turn around and run straight into a motionless slendy

>> No.7188412

>Redead cosplay
>being this cool
I like you, anon

>> No.7188417

Went to the MCM Expo jn London a couple weeks ago dressed as Byron (Steel type Gym leader from Pokemon) and this happens:

>Just enter after getting wristband thing and guy taps me on the shoulder
>says he likes my costume
>I have a Shieldon plushie on my shoulder, he motions to an Infernape plushie he has
>I smile, tell him I'm glad he likes my costume, wasn't sure anyone would recognize who it was
>Walk off with friend
>Guy follows and asks for a video and for me to say something
> Asks if I can say "I love Bastiodon!" (the dub for some reason included this as an actual line...)
>Due to all the noise think he said "I love Bastion (the game)"
> After four unsuccessful takes notices I'm saying it wrong
> After about six or seven takes I do it right

I felt like such an idiot, I'm cringing typing this.

>> No.7188675

>be at Sunnycon 2012
>be cosplaying Asuna marginally well
> swimming in bitches, about 4 Kiritos were there
>3 of them were nice
>1 was creppy
>followed me around calling me his waifu and asked what would happen out of game with Yui and stuff
>laugh and talk to him nicely but creeped out
>follows me around and pulls me out of conversation with friends all day
>adds me on facebook
>still carried on asking about Yui

>> No.7188744

>at local small con
>Cards Against Humanity fuck yeah
>guy sitting across from me is a little (like, 5'2" tops) middle-aged Asian man with a buzzcut and earrings and really thick glasses
>next day
>see same little buzzcut Asian man wearing a pastel-colored store-bought fairy costume and a really cheap looking blonde wig
>he walked with a limp
>friend kept pointing him out, had to punch him a few times.
>Asian fairy man was always alone

>> No.7188869

Your boyfriends put you in precarious situations. If the pattern holds the next story would involve ntr

>> No.7189712

I see...well the closest story I'll have on that is the threesome I set up for this New Years. Don't know if anyone in /cgl/ is gonna wanna hear about that though.

>> No.7189844

>Don't know if anyone in /cgl/ is gonna wanna hear about that though.

Everyone always asks this. The answer is always yes, we want to hear your story. Especially if any part of it involves a stalker, is embarassing, sexy, or funny.

>> No.7189850

>>first full covered cosplay
>>hot girl flirting with me
>>rubbing up against me
>>starts rubbing my crotch
>>.... pauses
>>see two other guys dressed in the same costume
vanished into the crowd faster then you could blink.

>> No.7189880

that's a really mean thing to do to a kid, just saying

>> No.7189895

if you asked me for a hug i'd be scared too

>> No.7189979

>dressed as a generic assassin from AC:B
>chilling with friends who weren't in cosplay
>suddenly I gotta pee really badly
>run all throughout the hotel to find either huge lines or out of service washrooms
>I try my luck at a line while doing the "don't-you-dare-pee-on-this-costume" dance
>overhear people in front of my mentioning only a single stall working
>suddenly, it's as though my cosplay inspired me
>pull hood up and bolt
>weaving through the crowds like no one's business
>exit door,
>jump over railing
>land awkwardly so I roll
>somehow manage to recover
>find a washroom 3 blocks away
>return to friends, they inform me that I was so quick they didn't even realize I was gone
>person runs up from behind me begging me for a picture of me running and rolling again. They saw me zoom past them.

I felt so cool that a couple of weeks after the con, I joined my school's parkour club

>> No.7190266
File: 50 KB, 328x480, halolz-dot-com-teamfortress2-nope.avi-obama-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Small, one day con
>Tries on friend's Kagami Taiga cosplay from KnB for the lol the night before
>Decides to go as Kagami last minute as a joke, never crossplays, doesn't even watch KnB
>Even funnier because I'm a petite 5'3'' girl crossplaying a 6' basketball player
>At con, crosses paths with Homestuck group
>All teenage girls, start gushing over Kagami
>This one girl keeps repeating Kagami's her favorite
>''Uhm thanks, I gotta go.''
>''Later gorgeous.''
>Uh k
>Later, walking alone towards con room my friends texted me they were at
>Stumble upon same Homestuck group
>Kagami fangirl grabs me
>''We're gonna go play spin the bottle, you're coming with us.''
>Starts dragging me with them
>Nopes the hell away from them
>mfw almost kidnapped by chubby Homestuck girl and her posse

Shame on me for cosplaying from a series worshiped by teenaged yaoi fangirls tho.

>> No.7190323
File: 1.90 MB, 320x200, 1342494751028.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This story makes me happy. Glad you had fun with it anon.

>> No.7190382

were any of them cute?

>> No.7190403

>someone cosplaying tales of the abyss in 2013

I thought it was only me. I love you anon.

>> No.7190535

This was like two years ago at Fanime
>first day of the con, was super excited and was with my bf at the time
>was Yuffie (advent children version)
>Went to a photo event with a few dozen other FF cosplayers
>I'm only 5'1 in a sea of tall people
>bf was in the crowd taking pictures
>people start taking photos, but I end up in the back feeling lame as shit
>out of nowhere Cid cosplayer picks me up and puts me on his shoulders, I can see over everyone finally
>had a super fun time, we were being silly as fuck
>he puts me back down and I thank him

I'm surprised I didn't freak out and fall off his shoulders, but he was being very nice and didn't do anything weird. That was a great con.

>> No.7190731

I fucking called it. Story time

>> No.7190752


this is a real story guys 100% true

>> No.7190755

Are you being sarcastic? That story doesn't seem at all unrealistic.

>> No.7190762


Yeah random guys just pick up strange girls and put them on their shoulders.

>> No.7190784

I've had that happen to me, though not on his shoulders. It's always tall guys who have about a foot on me doing it.

>> No.7190786

Um...yeah, shit like that does happen. I'm not that anon, but strangers have picked me up a handful of times for a variety of reasons. Sometimes happens when you're short.

>> No.7190802

I have a few.
>be at Danish convention.
>haven't been cosplaying for years, but decided to give it another try and dress up as Rabbit from Steam Powered Giraffe.
>meet cool american dude who tells me that he didn't expect to see a SPG cosplayer at a Danish convention.
>talk to him for like 15 mins. or so about SPG before he decides to move on.
>my friends moved on to the gaming room so I catch up with them.
>be later in the dealer room.
>cool american guy suddenly comes up to me again as I'm talking to some friends who have a stall in the hall
>he tells me that he has a friend who adores Steam Powered Giraffe and ask me to follow him to meet up with her
>I get excited and follow him
>extremely cute girl sits by a stall and she starts shaking when she sees my cosplay
>she even trembles over her own word
>take a few pictures with her and smile for the rest of the day
I met her later on Facebook where she said "You probably don't remember me.." and my only reaction was "OMFG YOU WERE LIKE THE CUTEST THING EVER, OF COURSE I REMEMBER YOU!"

This is not mine, but one of my friends experienced this at our last convention.
>be last day of convention
>everybody is sitting around playing werewolf
>my friend is dressed as Castiel from Supernatural
>she wanders around the con trying to find me and our other friends
>suddenly a few girls in a werewolf circle see her walking by and start screaming "OMG TENTH, TENTH, TENTH!" (referring to the tenth doctor)
>she turns around and shakes her head at them
>"that's not tenth."
>they go back to playing werewolf
>my friend turn around and walks away
I love how my friend always go extremely in-character when she cosplays. She gets the funniest stories!

>> No.7191005

>Go to convention a few months ago.
> I don't interact well with people much so I try to do it here with people with somewhat the same interest.
>All I get as soon as I look at people is annoyed, or disinterested faces.
>Give up and don't even try anymore.
>See a Girl with green hair charging her phone in a corner.
>Immediately look away stone faced.
>See out of the corner of my eye that she looked up at me and smiled.
>Probably looked like a stuck up asshole barely acknowledging someones presence.
> Feel bad about it to this day.


>> No.7191323


If its any consolation, she probably doesn't remember it at all. No reason to beat yourself up about it. Try to have some fun at cons, that's what hey are for. Also alcohol makes you more relaxed (in moderation.)

>> No.7191324


Spill it missy.

Also 4-somes are better, just sayin.

>> No.7191330


Man you gotta read the moment and play along. You could have been Paul, damnit.

>> No.7191332

It hasn't happened yet, I just set it up. I have no story to tell until after new years.

>> No.7191371


Well, you better update us then. And pics!

Also, 2 girls or 2 dudes? And, how does that work? Just seems odd to plan to have sex with someone in a month and a half.

>> No.7191397

2 girls. 2nd girl doesn't live near us, but she's gonna visit around New Years so that's when we have the chance for the 3some. Don't know if 2nd girl is okay with pictures, I'll have to ask.

>> No.7191405

I was on stage for a dating game as Solid Snake at Anime Boston this past year.

I showed up late to the meet and was probably sweaty and disheveled looking from getting lost in the expo. The organizer kind of looked me over and said, "You're my Snake?" My costume was purdy okay-looking (though definitely not horrible), but I have a sweet Snake voice so my confidence is at about 5/10 going into it. I get backstage and there's all these kids talking about anime and I've only seen Bebop and Samurai Champloo so I kind of just nod at them and make minimal conversation with my heart racing.

Toff from Avatar was the bachelorette and myself, Phoenix Wright and some demon person (girl as a guy character) were the contestants. Once I got on stage, I don't know what it was but I rocked every question with perfect MGS related puns and quotes. I've done improv before (you might have heard my Otacon Futa vocaroos before), but damn it was magical and made me feel amazing when the audience laughed.

"What's your favorite ELEMENT (hurr hurr)?"
"... Err, anything but water. I don't like Liquid."

I also had my friend in the audience call my codec-ringtoned phone during one of the questions, which got a huge laugh.

In the end, I won the audience's applause and did an awkward Snake-hug with Toff. Gah, I can't imagine myself having a funner time. Even the questioning organizer caught me at the end and told me how impressed she was.

I'm not going as Snake this year, but damned if I'm not tempted just to relive it.

>> No.7191414

I have always wondered how those dating games work. Are you supposed to act in character or as yourself? And what happens to the contestant that wins, do you get any sort of prize?

>> No.7191419

You act and answer as if you were the character, at least, you're supposed to. The other two contestants looked a little bit bewildered when they heard my Snake voice, because they had answered their questions in their normal speaking voices (we had all talked a little backstage).

But yeah, acting as the character is a big must.

>> No.7191655

>Dressed as a Disney Princess (Belle)
>Took a break to read something on my e-reader
>Hear a squeal from a little girl
>See a little running from her mother to me
>Girl: "You're Belle from Beauty and the Beast! I love that movie! You're pretty!"
>Me: "Thank you!"
>Girl: "I like your beard too! Can I touch it?"
>My fellow Disney "Princesses" find me with a little girl pulling my beard.

>> No.7191668

>due to that book begin one of her top favorites.
Ahh, I remember high school English class as well.

>> No.7191691

Yeah I agree with you, it's just that I realized that by me immediately turning away I became the very person I disliked and created a viscous cycle of cold, rude individuals. If anything it taught me not to regard everyone the same light because there are people out there who are kind and by treating everyone the same way a majority of people have treated you, you ruin your chances of connecting with someone. But I don't drink so I don't have that to help me out unfortunately.

>> No.7191692

that's hilarious

>> No.7192356

I had a revelation that people who go to parties at con's in a big group and who don't try to mingle with people outside their group are the worst people and shouldn't come to parties to begin with
they kill any kind of mingling
make it harder for people to meet other people
Went to blizzcon and outside of the first night where i wanted to mingle with all sorts of people so i talked to everyone i could and met a bunch of cool people by being inviting and inclusive
but when i went to the other two parties and wasn't as inebriated I just saw circle jerkers
and it really pissed me off. Especially at the hilton final night
people who want to be in their comfort zone for an entire party by standing in a circle with people they already know should not bother to go to parties
its such a fun killer and them being there serves no purpose but being hurdles for other people who know what mingling and having fun really is

>> No.7192995



I doubt it.

>> No.7193351

It's possible.

>> No.7193675

It's possible, but not this time.

>> No.7194060

(not that other anon) aw man, makes me wish I went to it this past year.

>> No.7194664

S-sorry anon
I'm not very good at mingling because I'm too akward to make eye contact and speak louder than a mumble unless I'm really drunk ;_;

>> No.7195322

What I'm hearing from you is that there was a group of people that didn't pay attention to you and you think they shouldn't go to parties anymore.

>> No.7196402

It's really just a running joke that lasguns are flashlights in the 40k Universe

>> No.7196416
File: 70 KB, 428x800, Best Light Ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At Otafest a few years back>Walking accross campus to get to car with qt3.14 Meguca GF, and friend.
>See large girl waving in our general direction
>See large girl sprint in our general direction
>Think, "OH SHIT, she's trying to glomp my meguca."
>Position to intercept glomp
>Girl stop in front of me, beaming
>Woah wut, she's talking to me?
>Look nothing like light.
>Look like caveman in a shirt and tie. Pic related.
>Tell her as such, she walk away sad.

This sounds like a rather innocuous happening, but it gets much strange.

>> No.7196423

>Be animethon later in the year.
>I'm not there, I'm at work.
>My friends are there.
>My friends run a con horror story panel.
>A girl at the back of the room talks about how her friend stalked a Light cosplayer.
>Her friend got a crush on the Light cosplayer, and found a dropped scheduel of his, conveniently with panels circled.
>Her friend continued to stalk the Light cosplayer all day.
the girl, and her other friends were getting fed up with stalker girl's shit, but kept getting dragged along.
>Always staring from beyond the shadows.
The girl explains how near the end of the day the Stalker girl ran to the light cosplayer, and came back disappointed.
>MY friends in the room stop the story right there.
>My friends in the room ask if this happened at Otafest.
>The girl nods it had in fact been at otafest.
>My Friends ask if it wasn't actually a light cosplayer at all.
>The girl nods that was the case.
>MY friends all burst into Laughter.

TL;DR I was being stalked the entire day by this girl, and didn't even notice.

>> No.7197125

lul I kek'd

>> No.7197149

>Anime Boston 2011
>be cosplaying Fluttershy, hanging out with friend who is cosplaying Princess Tutu
>sitting on bench in mall outside convention center, figuring out where we should get food because we're low on cash
>old lady walks by and starts gushing, "Oh you two look adorable. You're just the right color for Easter."
>she asks what's going on and we explain the con to her
>she's very delighted by the whole thing, and asks us to wait at the bench for a moment so she can get something
>she comes back with a cup of soup for each of us and a flower for each of us, a yellow and pink one for me and a white and pink one for my friend to match our costumes
>we thank her, gush a bit
>seriously the sweetest old lady ever

>> No.7197164
File: 138 KB, 600x399, 12.03.23-Cookie-Mind-Bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Princess Tutu
Fuck yeah.

>> No.7197230

>NYC Comicon 2013
>Friend and I get loaded up before we go
>Waiting with her for the bathroom line
>She drops her bag
>Small bottles of vodka rolls out

And the people on the line all just had a hearty laugh with us. Cons are better when you arent sober.