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File: 239 KB, 640x523, 5704166251_1183e95c6e_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7152738 No.7152738[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bonus points for not needing a wig. Headgear and unique headbows/cake hats/etc welcome

>image is from goodle lul

>> No.7152751

Someone please post lolitas with short hair.

I'm getting a pixie cut, and I want to know that I won't look retarded.

>> No.7152760

Omg that girl in the middle. Gross. How the hell did she squeeze into that dress

>> No.7152765

>what is a wig

>> No.7152766

Wigs are uncomfortable and make my head break out in hives.

So... I try to avoid wearing them for long periods of time. Unless I'm specifically dressing up nicely for something, I won't wear a wig for just every day lolita.

>> No.7152770

Lolita-tips on tumblr has a beginners guides section.. and in there there are a handful of hair guides for medium/long hair.. as for pixie cuts i think wigs and extentions are probably the best option....

>> No.7152786
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>> No.7152791
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>> No.7152795
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>> No.7152799

She looks normal but has chubby arms.
Ana-chan pls go

>> No.7152833
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ringlets are pretty simple and can be done with just a curling iron and some hairspray

>> No.7152862
File: 23 KB, 500x375, short-angled-bob-hairstyles1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the start of the year I started growing out my angled bob (pic related is what it kind of looked like) and it's now past my collarbone.
I'm kind of missing the style though because it made life so much easier.
I'll admit that it didn't look very balanced with lolita because even though I could get a lot of volume with it it was never quite enough.
But on the other hand having a short cut meant I missed being able to tie my hair back and do elaborate styles with it (although I dont really do the latter even though my hair is long enough for it now.)

I have moved to wearing more casual lolita now so I'm considering re-cutting it. At least it'd look more balanced since my skirts are less poofy.

>> No.7152877

That's the length I prefer to have my hair as, because if I go to something fancy that needs bigger hair I can always slap on a wig.

>> No.7152879

I feel you so much, anon. I'm currently growing out a bob too and I'm so torn. Short hairstyle was flattering and easy to mantain but I have a great need of elaborate hairdos with more complicated outfits.

I started seriously thinking about getting a wig, but I'd probably destroy it with overstyling in a month...

>> No.7152899

The problem with pixie cuts in lolita is that your head ends up looking really small in comparison to the big poofy skirts. Sadly, pixie cuts just don't work in the more OTT stylings, as your head gets lots without the bigger hair to balance it. However in casual outfits, it should work just fine. The best things to do is to wear a simple hat, such as a beret, and wear a slightly flatter petticoat. A-line works better than a cupcake/bell shape. As long as you keep your hair accessories simple (a headband with a small bow or flower, a beret, etc.) then it won't make it look like your head is disappearing into the outfit.

>> No.7152901

I'm more into classic anyhoo. OTT anything makes my eyes sad.

>> No.7152903

Don't do pixie cut with lolita. I had one and it looked horrendous. Do a bob instead.

>> No.7152905

Aww man, when my hair was that short it was super easy to fit it all beneath a wig.

How long is it now? I wish you the best of luck with growing it!

My hair grows semi quickly and pretty thick (my individual strands seem thinish though.)
Regular cuts are a bit of a chore for me but looking back I think it was worth it ( or maybe it's just that the grass is greener on the other side.)

I have considered buying a nice wig but that's still not the same as natural hair. I've also found that I've started to move more towards extensions and other clip ins because they seem more natural. A full wig is also a bit OTT for the more casual look I'm leaning towards to now.

I think I'll work a bit more on practicing styles before I make the cut because it may just be a matter of me needing some practice. In the end though it is just hair and it'll grow back eventually.

>> No.7152910

I have this problem where my hair grows really fucking fast. I had a bob, and it grew out and looked awkward within two months.

Maybe I'll have to just suck it up and wear wigs.

>> No.7152923

Maybe, if you don't like wigs, you can just get other hairpieces, like fake bangs or buns?

>> No.7152929

I would love to see someone wear full old school ringlets. I never see them anymore unless it's old mooks or street snaps. I don't think I've ever seen ringlets done without a wig.

>> No.7152945

>I have this problem where my hair grows really fucking fast

Oh god, I hate you anon

I literally have the opposite problem

Wanna trade? ;-;

>> No.7152982

She's not fat but that dress is just too small for her.

>> No.7152984

I had that problem about growing it out looking awkward, so I got a half wig that's longer and easier to manage than my crazy thick hair. It's way easier than flat-ironing my hair and I can style it easily.

>> No.7153024
File: 69 KB, 300x419, ringlets_2002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ringlets take forever to do, and can really fry your hair because you need to use a lot of heat & product to get them to set. At least, that's what I found the one time I tried them (pic related, the one and only time I managed them, back in 2002!).

Not buying a la Croix Noir wig when they were still in business remains my greatest lolita regret.

>> No.7153028
File: 81 KB, 400x529, 1292885936074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In general, lolita tends to work best with hairstyles that have some body/wave to them, rather than dead-straight hair, I find. Even a slightly messy up-tuck can work with a few hair accessories to give it interest.

>> No.7153079

I love it, any more example of incorporating pearls/chains into a hairstyle?

>> No.7153089
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A little tribal-dancer-ish but still very pretty.

>> No.7153091
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And the last one I have, the crown is a bit theatrical for everyday wear but you get the idea... A good way to find new use for broken necklaces, too!

>> No.7153094

on hair: what are some good products to keep heavy hair from coming out of an elaborate updo besides hairspray

on wigs:how do you get midback-length, thick-ass hair into a wig cap? for long hair i know peachie puts hers in a bun but that would make any wig i wear look like peg bundy hair by default
what the fuck do i do

>> No.7153095
File: 445 KB, 514x674, 1377723625710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll ask again like I did in the last thread. Can I request some hairstyles that DON'T have fringe? I have fake bangs and they're decent, but they don't match my natural color perfectly and don't incorporate perfectly. I'd just prefer using my natural hair for the whole style.

>> No.7153101

There are so many tuts on getting long hair into wigs caps. Come on anon, use your google-fu, I know you can do it.

My preferred method is makeshift cornrows. It seriously reduces the space your hair takes up so much. But, I understand it's a skill not everybody has. So, just google. Typically braiding works in general.

>> No.7153106

i just spent a year growing mine out and recently got myself a super cute oldschool headdress but have no idea how to wear it.
I have a sidepart if that helps

>> No.7153116

what >>7153024 did is super cute, bangless and oldschool, but as she said ringlets aren't easy to manage.

>> No.7153117
File: 57 KB, 440x519, How-to-Style-a-Double-Braided-Headband-440x519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from braided fringe, which can run the risk of looking milkmaid-y if the reset of the hair is up, I don't have any ideas.

Maybe you seagulls could be the new, hip trendsetters by styling your hair without fringe?

>> No.7153119

my hair is easy to do that way(i just have to add water and curl them individually with a round brush)
that's a great idea! thank you.
(but it is almost elbow length and pigtails are long when i do them so i don't know if it still counts as oldschool tho)

>> No.7153121

Just make a fake side fringe with your real hair? Sweep over some hair and clip it into place. If you look at the tutorial in >>7153095, you get an idea. It's similar to that, but instead of your bangs, you'd just brush out some of your hair in a similar place and clip it back behind your ear.

>> No.7153122

For putting long hair under a wig cap, try doing a french braid, or multiple ones if you have thick hair (like two or three or even four). Once the braid moves past your head, finish it up and then pin it up around your head.

You can also do pincurls. Google has a bunch of tutorials pop up, one that comes to mind is by taeliac.

>> No.7153127

My friend had hair past her butt. She would put her hair into two sections, put those sections inside pantyhose, then twist them around her head and pin them in place.
The wig she used was quite large, though, so even if her hair puffed the wig up it wasn't noticeable.

>> No.7153177

I'm so glad you're at least asking.
I see girls with shoulder blade length hair on tumblr talking about how they won't wear a wig because it's too long for a wig cap.

Two tight plaits, pinned around my head under a wig cap normally does me but like >>7153127 it needs to be a wig that looks okay with some 'body' if your hair is past your hips.

>> No.7153524
File: 126 KB, 1000x1500, 858984_2828081437942_874022688_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short hair can look really good with classic. I wear my own hair and wigs about 50/50 for lolita. It just depends on the outfit and the state of my hair at the time.

The secret I found was to stay proportional and keep a "slimmer" silhouette. If your skirt is too fluffy, your sleeves too poofy, or your collar too big (peter pan collars will make your head and neck look tiny) the hair will look bad. But if you balance it out it can be pretty classy.

>> No.7153540

>I have this problem where my hair grows really fucking fast.

Honestly then a pixie cut isn't for you. The grow-out stage of that looks awful and you have to take a lot of care of it/get it cut often to make sure it looks good.

>> No.7153545
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>> No.7153548
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>> No.7153551
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>> No.7153556

This. I'm having to trim mine almost daily in order to keep it in place.

>> No.7153876

That doesn't look nice, imo. She looks like a teenage boy in a dress. The thing with pixie cuts is that for them to work in lolita, you need to keep them looking feminine.

>> No.7153878


troll harder. That dress is too small for her in every way. She looks bad and she should feel bad.

>> No.7153881

protip: that's a soccer mom haircut, it doesn't suit lolita at all and just makes you look old.

>> No.7153889
File: 67 KB, 292x500, long_healthy_hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have short hair for lolita. Lolita is a super feminine style, and few things are more feminine than long beautiful hair.

Don't tell me it's too difficult to deal with long hair; you're walking around in 5 pounds of lace and ruffles.

>> No.7153896

short curlyhead here.
and I look absolutely awful with bangs.

what can I do?

>> No.7153929
File: 59 KB, 450x800, IMG-20130406-WA0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my lame first attempt to do ringlets on my own hair. I've gotten a bit better since this pic was taken but I was stupid and didn't get any new photos.

>> No.7153932

Little ringlets, a cute up do (if you have enough hair) or a braid?

Do you mind growing out your hairt?

>> No.7154003

That's cute!

>> No.7154006
File: 148 KB, 740x500, 1337534871044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna have to agree with this anon. Pixies can look ultra femme, but you have to work with them to make it so. The generic fifth grade spiky look doesn't work at all with lolita. I tend to think a slicked down look, with a few accessories works best.

>> No.7154145
File: 102 KB, 270x700, 1316615604023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are all forgetting the queen

>> No.7154316

Neither look good.

>> No.7154798

What is with that make up?

>> No.7154861

I dont mind growing out my hair (cant do up-dos)

but my main problem is the bangs. I look horrible with bangs and most Lolita hairstyles have them.

>> No.7154867

I dislike short hair with lolita very much. I just don't think it suits the look at all.

>> No.7154892

I am a lolita with short and thin hair. Honestly girls, if your hair is shorter than a bob or thin, just wear wigs or invest in some extensions. I had hair a bit above chin level and just clip in ponytails or buns half the time. If you don't like long hair a bob wig will do, it just looks better in lolita. Especially with how overpowering lolita dresses are in general with poof/detailing, short and thin hair will just make your head disappear

>> No.7154915

I have very thick and curly hair with full, straight bangs and little poofy sidebangs. For lolita, I generally go with a side pony (Which is my favourite, and it's super easy just to put my hair up into a mid-height one and just go.) and occasionally twintails, but unless I'm wearing a big headbow, I tend to avoid twintails.

I can't really get a handle on any complex hairstyles, I find it really hard to figure out what to do, and my hair is all different lengths (Grew back that way.) so a lot of the hair doesn't cooperate. I also can't wear clip ins, as they don't make them for redheads (Or at least, I really struggle to find them!) so I tend to alternate between very basic hairstyles and wigs.

>> No.7154964

I tried this hairstyle on my own hair a few days ago just for normal wear, and I thought that it would be really cute with country style lolita. If you get your hair -just- wet enough to make it work it will frizz out in a super cool way. It has to be wet to make it work, though. I tried about 10 times on dry hair and I just couldn't get it.

>> No.7154974
File: 234 KB, 427x339, Hrrrrrnnnnngggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah! Torrinpage on youtube is super good at long hair styles. I think that a crown braid could work nice:
And if you want to be super daring in more of a punk or goth/punk loli, this would be fun:

Sorry about the amazing face I paused on.

>> No.7155168

How does one do this sort of thing with their hair, the hair itself not the pearls. I know it must be simple but I always have a hard time figuring it out.

>> No.7155170

This. I actually used to wear my hair short all the time and once I grew it down to about shoulder length I noticed a real difference. It's crazy what the look of lovely longer hair can do for an entire outfit.

>> No.7155173
File: 46 KB, 500x750, 0117a0a6ca251b137bdd0566c3aada5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love bobbed hair in lolita.

>> No.7155190

I love bobs in lolita as well, but any sort of boyish cuts or really short hair looks bad in it.

>> No.7157744

>ultra femme

Wth are you talking about? That one just looks like some hipster guy in a dress.

Butch head on a lolita body.

>> No.7158273

since when do "butches" wear makeup or lolita in general?!

>> No.7158304

god forbid that any of us like the things that you don't like.

you can't deny that these girls have some serious coordinating skills, though. kat in particular was one of the first lolitas that made me think short hair looked cute with the rest of the fashion.

>> No.7160802

The difference is that you can take off your dresses at night and wear shorts and a tshirt.

>> No.7161037
File: 177 KB, 435x580, 1357188431171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tutorials on those pinned up double braids? I can't wrap my head around securing them in a neat and unnoticable way... Can those even be done on a shoulder-length hair?

>> No.7161070

>hipster guy in a dress

I have to say I agree with you there, anon. While the coord is pretty nice, I can't say I'm a fan of her hair. I find it rather edgy/modern-looking and a bit too masculine for lolita. (Not that lolita isn't edgy in its own way, just not in the same vein as that hairstyle.)
That blush (read:clown makeup) though, is absolutely terrifying.

>> No.7161075

She's definitely not fat but that dress don't fit. If she tried putting a blouse under it she'd just pop right the fuck out.

>> No.7161118


You need to have a braid long enough that you can loop, I think you'd just end up with a braided bun if you tried it with shoulder-length hair. Best thing I can think of is to put some clip-in extensions to get your hair long enough, use curlers and a bit of hairspray and kind of go for the messy look (if you curl your hair at least the shorter bits will curl up instead of sticking out perpendicular to your braids).

As for securing them in a neat and unnoticeable way, rather than putting the end of the braid against your head, make a sort of hole under where the braid starts, tuck the end in there and then pin it in place. (goes without saying, tie off the braid neatly before you do this)

Or, just pin it any old how and hide the mess with cute bows and flowers.

>> No.7161121

It's not so much a braided bun, the loops are really high though. Also the best way to hide it is to french braid and then put the ends in there.

>> No.7161128

What I do is curl it then brush it so it goes kinda fluffy. It just softens the look and makes it look very feminine.

>> No.7161132

Honestly, I think that modern cuts of any kind, especially short hair look bad with lolita. It really just doesn't fit with the style. All the examples of pixie cuts so far look really awful.

>> No.7161171

I kinda get what you're saying, but I wouldn't consider a big chunk of lolita hair as "classic" styles. Pink hair, split wigs, twintails, etc are all pretty modern styles (and half the time uglier than the examples of pixie cuts shown here). I think it's all a matter of tastes and trends. Remember when Hime cuts and ringlets were a big thing in lolita?

>> No.7161173

As far as split wigs and sweeter trends go I really dislike them too, but I think sweet lolita is different from goth or classic in a lot of ways, and even so, most times the coord would look better with a different hair style. Even so, I've never seen a boyish or modern style look good with any style other than ouji.

>> No.7162221


If she has hair that's just brushing her shoulders, the braid she makes is going to be so short that there won't be a loop, just a braid folded on itself, it'll look like a braided bun.

You don't need a french braid to have a space under your braid, most braids (not the inverted ones) have a bit of space under there, enough to hide the tail end of the braid in.

>> No.7164044
File: 12 KB, 308x385, Rachel Maddow 08.grid-4x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I said butch head on a lolita body genius.

I have seen butches wear makeup before. That hairstyle is seriously the epitome of butch hairstyles though. It's mom's new girlfriend/middle aged gym teacher butch. Mother fucking Rachel Maddow.