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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7148920 No.7148920[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does your significant other think about you cosplaying / dressing in egl?

My bf seems kind of off about it, but it's more to do with him being worried about me being alone at cons rather than me cosplaying.

Also, post cute couple costumes / outfits.

>> No.7148925

Honestly, I dunno how I would have time to spend with my BF if he wasn't a cosplyer as well, we spend more then half of our time together working on costumes and going to cons , i dunno if i could balance the two if he wasn't into costuming

>> No.7148930

when I started to work on my costumes for the con my BF got really depressed. I would stay late in the work room sewing and stuff. It really got intense to the point where he said he didn't want to be in a relation ship with me anymore; But now that the con is over and he got over his jealously of the con (thinking I like the con more than him) he has been much better and more touchy. Just means I have to work on my costume in the mornings while he is at work if I want anything for the next year.
He also hate crowds and people in general.

>> No.7148941

He likes it, finds it strange and appealing. He also says all the time that he wants to go to a con with me just to see the "childish adults you talk about"

>> No.7148957

That's how I was with my ex. Tbh she turned out to be a complete jerk, she'd always criticize my costumes as I made them and then make me finish hers last minute. It was pretty lame.

Now I have a lovely boyfriend who thinks all my costumes are super cute! I'm trying to get him into the hobby as well, but if he's not into it, he's not into it. Honestly, it would be kind of nice not to have the pressure of working with someone else on a costume.

>> No.7148969

My boyfriend got me into it, because he's fucking awesome. He's actually working on his armor right next to me right now.

>> No.7148978

Your bf has the right to worry. Even if you are a good person. That does not account for the strange guys who hit on women at cons.

>> No.7148993

i thought most cosplayers were in "open" relationships. Isn't Volpin in one? He flew in Ai-Honey to a convention in the States that he and his wife were attending. It's paying a lot for sex by flying someone in from another country.

>> No.7149009

My boyfriend is really cool about it and cosplays with me. He's starting to learn to sew himself, but I do the majority of the sewing work on his cosplays at the moment.
As for me dressing in lolita, he loves it. He thinks its really cute and has even payed towards dresses in the past. He does get a bit uncomfortable when people stare at us when I'm in lolita though, as he's pretty shy.

>> No.7149040
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My boyfriend doesn't mind it. I'm sure when he thinks of cosplaying he associates it with furries, but he doesn't say anything. I think he's willing to accept it because he goes on 4chan a lot. I'm sure if he didn't have as much exposure to anime and "weeb culture" he would have backed off long ago. I asked him to go with me to a few cons, but he always says that it isn't his thing, so I never forced him into it even if I do attend alone. He usually offers post-con when he finds out I sometimes go solo. Though he isn't the type to worry about men hitting on me. I think he offers because he's just worried that I'll be lonely on my own.

>> No.7149042

My boyfriend used to cosplay but has left the whole cosplay n' geeky convention scene now. I still cosplay and he supports me; though I do miss him being apart of it. As for Lolita; he's alright with the fashion, I dress up in it when we go out occasionally and said as long as it makes me happy, he's happy. Though if he sees my shoes or dresses giving me a hard time when walking around in crap weather etc he thinks I'm suffering for the sake of looking like a doll. It's rather comical.

>> No.7149140
File: 249 KB, 740x507, 587a7a355cbeba5ec814b7c1b6eed78cd085cb12-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually got my boyfriend into cosplay! He's into anime and games and what not so last year I took him to a con with me and he loved it and wanted to get into cosplay. We've done a few couple cosplays and will definitely be doing more in the future. He's always telling me to watch a certian anime so we can cosplay from it. It's super cute. He's all about wanting to make armor and props at the moment so it's really awesome. I really love being able to share this hobby with him!

And to contribute some couple cosplay of Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun!

>> No.7149162

My bf loves that I cosplay. He thinks it's pretty neat that I can make myself look so radically different so easily. He brags to all his friends about my cosplay stuff, and last summer I got to bring some of them around the con while I was in costume, and laughed at how much some of them stared at me slack-jawed when I'd hung out with them before. I'm making his first cosplay for a halloween party we're attending as we speak. Super excited to be dating someone who lets me dress them up!

>> No.7149822

We met at an anime convention (his first) and got together after being friends for over half a year so he was well aware of my cosplaying. He likes it, he thinks it's nice that I do so many creative things. He even wants to try out cosplayinh himself now, so where making a duo cosplay for a con this winter. As for lolita he thinks it looks nice and he always support my fashion choices. As I said, he likes me being creative.

>> No.7149840

Ohhh god, my boyfriend loves it. Every time I show him a new cosplay he just starts going on about how hot it is and how he wants to fuck me in it.

But like

I just spent a shit ton of time and money and effort on that.

I don't want you messing it up.

Bby no.

I just finished up his first cosplay, though, which we're both super excited about.

He says he'll cosplay whatever I want him to be as long as I take care of the costumes.

>> No.7149845 [DELETED] 

Lol, what.

>> No.7150205

My girlfriend is actually my cosplay partner! Most of our cosplays are planned together and we usually pick couples or characters from the same series at least.
One of our last cosplays was couple-y and she did not read/watch the series I wanted to cosplay from but she agreed to do it anyway to make me happy. I paid for part of the materials and I can wear her costume myself, which is awesome <3

Even though we live far from each other and rarely attend cons together because of that, we always plan photoshoots whenever we go visit eachother!

>> No.7150289

Yes, one famous cosplayer = all cosplayers

>> No.7150365

My boyfriend is a "regular" kind of guy (He likes football, beer, etc.) and really isn't into anime but he does love the Final Fantasy games. He doesn't really "get" cosplay but has never said anything about my costumes negative or positive and doesn't really have a problem with me going to conventions. He's been watching some stuff on comic cons lately and wants to go to a convention like that. I'd love to break his con virginity if any of you have any suggestions for a first timer who isn't into anime but is willing to get into other stuff.

>> No.7150372

He enjoys the fact that I cosplay since we're both geeks. As for lolita... I haven't told him I wear it since he'd probably get weirded out by it. I only wear lolita for meetups anyway.

>> No.7150382

He finds it cute, I'm a lolita but i've been wanting to cosplay for sometime and he agrees its something I should attempt.

I wish he was more confident about his looks to do a couples cosplays.

>> No.7150422

My boyfriend is only mildly into nerdy things (some sci-fi, a little gaming like Smash Bros), likes stereotypical man things like beer and sports, and has never cosplayed, but he says I can make him costumes he approves of. He probably thinks the hobby is weird, but he's only said supportive things and compliments me for being creative. And some of his friends are really nerdy, which helped early on. I showed one a piece of armor I'd made, and he freaked out and told my boyfriend I'm way too cool for him, which I think made him happy and made the hobby a little less ridiculous.

>> No.7151517
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I met my boyfriend at a con and we do couples stuff for cosplay regularly. :3 We're going on four and a half years so I guess we did something right.

> tfw qt3.14 cosplay boyfriend

>> No.7151529

Mine likes cosplaying, but doesn't have the confidence. He thinks he's too unattractive, but I think he was just creeped out by the KHR! yaoi fangirls we met at a KHR meet up at Anime North. He was dressed as Yamamoto and well... I tried to help I really did. I was cosplaying as Chrom so they fawned over him in my blind spot. At the time he wasn't my boyfriend so we weren't sticking as close as we are now.

Now he's just content with following me around and helping to carry my stuff. huuu

>> No.7151536

When I got into cosplay last year I asked my SO if he'd like to try and he agreed. We had tons of fun getting pictures taken etc. though it was initially stressful for me because I am the seamstress and I did pretty much everything.

In the end the effort was worth it for me but when we discussed it later he played it off like "lol I wasn't even interested in it but you asked me and I wanted to do something fun with you, doesn't mean I have to be invested in it 100%" which my brain pretty much translates into "you make and pay for everything and I still get to cosplay lolz" it's like it's pretty much his excuse for not wanted to get into propmaking or anything, something with which we both have 0 experience. And when I recruited him to do small things for the last cosplay like painting he kept making criticisms about how this didn't look good and that didn't look good but I had no time to do it differently, and he couldn't come up with a better way either.

I do have fun cosplaying with, especially our/my favourite couples, but I told myself if he's going to be so blah about everything I just won't worry myself sick, put my cosplays first and if I don't finish his for a lack of time and money, then ohhhhh well~ he did say he wasn't 100% invested.

But in terms of being accepting etc. he has vehemently denied being a nerd but he is supportive of my nerding out (and compliments me when I put together lolita/other j fashion outfits together).

>> No.7151541

The two relationships I look back on the most fondly where with cosplayers. My last gf started cosplaying while we were dating and is now super into it but I stopped after we broke up for the most part. The last couple of crushes I had were also cosplayers, I am just attracted to talented and motivated women I guess.

>> No.7151590
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Same here!
Except it's still me who is suggesting what to cosplay next.
He's not the best when it comes to photoshoots and he can't stay in costume for a whole convention-day - but when I am the only one cosplaying he is really cute! He takes care that no tiny hair slips out of the wig, tells me when something is wrong with my clothes and carries around my stuff at a convention (keys, money, changing cloths, etc.).
I get a lot of compliments on my costumes by him, but when I'm wearing one of my >shorter< cosplays (e.g. Bulma Briefs Bunny-Suit) he seems to be unhappy about me walking around like that on a convention without him beeing by my side.
The photo shows our lates couple cosplay.
I am Ranma Saotome and he is Tatewaki Kuno.

(Sry guys, english isn't my mother tongue)

>> No.7151643

>tfw when no qt cgl waifu
>would cgl with her

>> No.7151932

i wouldn't mind to have a gf who would go as a sister of battle while im a salamander techmarine.

>> No.7151954
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>Girlfriend is extremely conscious about her body
>Will only cosplay characters that covers a lot of skin
>Every anime girl wears skirts/pants above the knee, making them an absolute no-go
At least she's up for doing Princess Bubblegum because of her huge dress, but man it puts a damper on doing characters together

>> No.7151958

you basically said that your girlfriend is ugly

>> No.7151959

No, she's just not confident in her body. I think she looks fine, she doesn't.
At least 95% of all girls feel that way with themselves at some point.

>> No.7151962

yes, even scraps are good for a Beta male like you

she is ugly

>> No.7151964
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Only on /cgl/

>> No.7151965

They never said that.

>> No.7151975
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In my past boys were really been in to my Lolita obsession. I guess they were teen weebs, so it played just about enough into the 'kawaii moe maid' troupe for them.
My boyfriend is a gamer sort of nerd though, otherwise he's not interested ainmu or anything else japan-related. He likes when I feel happy with my clothes, and when I'm excited about the drama and the releases. But, he knows it makes me happy, and thinks the classic and gothic stuff is pretty cool.

He's never told me to change but he doesn't like my more "loud stuff" (a.k.a. sweet) or the stares we get if I'm dressed up in public, which I can understand so I try to tone things down.
It's true I'd probably like it more if he was more excited about having a weeb's wetdream for a gf, but it makes me happy that he tries, him telling me I'm kawaii and making jokes about me being a big ita make my day. I'm sure he'd like it more if I actually liked Dota rather than just nodding and smiling.

Whelp this was a long post that isn't worth anyones' time.

>> No.7151976


fug off m8

also your gf is ugly, she should OD on sleeping pills -- a way better fate than being fucked once per month by a beta loser

>> No.7151977

/r9k/ pls go

>> No.7151978

motherfucker, I could literally steal your girlfriend just by standing next to her, dont even need to make eye kontackt

>> No.7151980

Oh sorry, my mistake
/fit/ pls go

>> No.7151983

>Acceptance of my weird hobbies is very important to me.
>Posted some lolita pics on online dating profile to weed out dislikers.
>Found qt3.14 bf with real job who thinks that shit is sexy as hell.

Took a lot of courage, but I'm glad I did it. He's coming with me to the next meet.

>> No.7151985

this board is a sub---position of /fit/ and it always has been

you go, somewhere gtfo or stop being a beta or tell your ugly gf to stop being ufgfly


bitch ass nigga you aint know shit

>> No.7151990

Y-you too!

>> No.7152000

It kind of blows my mind that there are so many of you with boyfriends who are weird about it. Aren't there like five dudes who'd love to date a cosplayer for every cosplayer?

>> No.7152019
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Princess Daisy and Luigi. Remember guys its the year of Luigi.

>> No.7152038

Eat some bread and drink plenty of water or you're going to have one hell of a hangover tomorrow, sir.

>> No.7152114

I'm not technically in a relationship, but I am sort of in an ldr with someone who I plan to finally meet in january. Personally I've always been against long distance shit, but this is just a weird situation right now because I'm at school on the other side of the country and didn't get the chance to meet up with him before I left, but I digress. On to the relevant stuff.

I've talked to him about cosplaying and whatnot, and I'm currently trying to convince him to go to a convention with me in spring. He doesn't seem too thrilled about it but, assuming we're still into each other/our relationship has turned into something more by then, I'd really like to get him into it. He's not into anime at all, but he is pretty big into gaming, and we play games and stuff together online all the time. He just says he's always hated "obnoxious anime fans" and made fun of them in high school (because he was one of the cool hxc kids lol), so I'm not sure how he would like the convention scene. I don't hang out with any really obnoxious people, so I want to introduce him to all my con friends so he can see that we're not all like that, but I have my work cut out for me with the shit that does go on at the cons I go to.

>> No.7152121

>Aren't there like five dudes who'd love to date a cosplayer for every cosplayer?
Yea, me ;_;

>tfw no cosplayer gf
m-maybe ill find her at animenext

>> No.7152165

When it comes to cosplaying, I don't do much. We mainly did couples cosplay, but I think she worries when I dress up in kodona. Mainly due to the increased attention I'm getting from other girls (compared to a regular day). Otherwise, she encourages me to cosplay more, for she really loves to.

>> No.7152182

My bf and I actually cosplay together which makes me quite happy. We also crossplay together too

>> No.7152185

oh the irony of the triforce shirt being nintendo

>> No.7152264

I got my boyfriend into cosplay. He was fine with it before, but he's actually really excited now that he's cosplaying too.

We're planning a Lutece twins cosplay once we can afford to buy or make their outfits. (It's pretty cool, we look fairly similar, so we can get away with cosplaying siblings.) I'd also like to do a Rin/Len cosplay with him, but I have to convince him to wear a kimono first...

>> No.7152509

Pointing out the best post ITT that you harlots choose to ignore.

It's not like your "SO" can choose to dislike it or do anything about it. The 21st century turned humanity into a bonobo society.

>> No.7152511
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>get qtie korean bf
>starts out super stylish
>loves video games and animes
>take him to his first con ever, he loves it
>"cool this is awesome! "
>try to suggest some cosplays we can do
>"too much money and I got better things to do"
>after months of trying to get him into it even by offering to make him the costumes, give up
>do my usual lolita stuff
>"babe I don't like it when you wear lolita it's too many clothes and too complicated"
>he used to be ok with this
>hate life
>wear lolita anyways
>work on cosplays anyways
>still sometimes try to encourage him to make fashionable changes
>no luck

Yeah, he sucks. It's worse when I want to go to a meet up or meet friends at conventions, he just gets jealous and when he DOES go he doesn't say a damn word and gets butthurt if I want to have girly time to catch up on my hobbies.

>> No.7152513

I'll give you 3/10. I thought you were serious for a bit.

>> No.7152514

That was actually pretty cute. Sounds like you guys have good mutual understanding of one another. It's of course always nice if your SO loves your hobby too, but when you don't, this is pretty much the best way to go about it - just a mutual respect.

>> No.7152515

"too many clothes and too complicated"
oh god thats so stereotypical my boyfriend does the same fucking thing
my sides

>> No.7152516
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I bet he tells you "Babe take it from me, us guys like the least amount of clothes as possible", huh?
Maybe I just want to be kawaii as fuck

>> No.7152519

My fiancé likes it when I dress up, likes to go to conventions too. Generally I will put together what he wants for himself.

>> No.7152537


B-but you girls look better with clothes on.

No offense. I just seriously perfer girls who dress up well as it compliments their body.

>> No.7152561

When I met my boyfriend, I assumed he would be into cosplaying since we are both weeby as fuck, and we ar into cosplay but somehow we have never cosplayed together.
But for lolita,it was completely different. At first he was confused because he thought lolita was just dressing cutesy and pink, but when I explained to him that it was about victorian gowns and elegance, he was very interested, so I explained everything about lolita to him. Now he's a dandy.

>> No.7152565

That used to be me. I thought cosplay and lolita was expensive as hell.... until I started buying stuff for myself. Now I dont bat an eye at large purchases.

It feels like in wearing more lolita than my gf does. It is a shame, for I really want her to wear more lolita in public and in events

>> No.7152569

Is that a guy or a girl in OP's pic..?
Regardless, I'd fuck both of them.

>> No.7152575

That's clearly a girl.

>> No.7152583

>tfw all my boyfriends loved lolita.
My new boyfriend is more into geeky stuff and least into anime etc but we kind of like the same thing. I think he would like me to listen a little bit more of western metal instead of visual or classical sound, but that's it. He is actually a cutie when it come to do some shopping, and he is always ok to help me dressing up. I'm into classic and I love muted pink, but I think he love black better tought.

>> No.7152588
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He's more or less the reason I don't attend anymore. He didn't attend and when he saw the pics of me posing with friends he'd go berserk and accuse me of cheating, start tearing up my cosplays etc.

So yeah....

>> No.7152590

>get qtie korean bf

Stopped reading right there race mixer.

Wipe Seoul out with artillery. Kill Koreans.

>> No.7152595

Dump him.

>> No.7152600

Why are you still with him? SOs dont do that to each other...
...unless they like drama.

>> No.7152606


You don't know she hasn't been cheating.

It's impossible to trust women at something like a con rave, they're led around by their cunts, not their brains.

>> No.7152608

Exactly what >>7152595 said. Unless he's making you his bitch because he's Alpha and desirable. Otherwise, just get a different dick to fuck you, you have always plenty to choose from; even if you're fat and ugly, you can be this guy's girlfriend perhaps >>7151954 or some other 7/10 Beta male's.

Literally the only two good posts ITT.

>> No.7152609
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>projecting the most commonly recognised male flaw onto women out of misogyny-driven irrationality

why this

>> No.7152610

You're just as sexually driven. If you think a dude has a big dick, swag, can fuck you hard then you start to get wet. Very wet. And it's hard for rationality to take hold after that.

>> No.7152614

I don't get wet for anyone dear, depression will do that to you. Will if you're female, anyway. Nothing seems to stop guys from sticking it into whatever's available.

>> No.7152615

It's true though; I am a girl and I would cheat on pretty much every boyfriend I ever had (and I had lots).

>> No.7152617

>I don't get wet for anyone dear, depression will do that to you.

But if you weren't depressed and you were rooming with a guy who was packing an 11 inch dick, rock hard abs, arrogant and rich as fuck... You wouldn't get wet?

lol please.

>Nothing seems to stop guys from sticking it into whatever's available.

Some women, including girlfriends, just aren't very loving and caring anymore, so we go elsewhere for that.

>> No.7152618
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>I am a girl

Oh yes of course you are. A girl who just so happens to chime in to support misogynists. How very plausible that is.

>> No.7152620

>implying that it's a male flaw
toppest kek

women are much, much, much more promiscuous than men; not only does this show every study ever that's been made on sex partner count; it is also supported by a little thing called "common sense"

why do you think that human civilization thrived under patriarchy so much, and then rotted into a hedonistic shithole once the femnazis "won" (read: earned the support of the Jews)?

>> No.7152621


Immediately no. And I don't room with guys I don't know. It's called not being a whore, I'd advise you to try it but you're a man so you'd struggle with that one.

>> No.7152622

Wut. Women have around half of the average sexual partners that men have. I just read some statistics about that a couple of days ago. You're a tool.

>> No.7152625

Men aren't and cannot be whores. If you give us what we need at home, we don't cheat, end of discussion

>> No.7152626

Wanna show some of these 'studies' you just pulled out of your arse then? Because every one I've read shows than men and women cheat at a similar rate with men slightly higher, but men cheat purely out of opportunity and will do it as soon as they get one. Women are inundated with opportunities and the fact that they even only take SOME of them makes even the super whores better than both men, who will take anything they can get regardless of relationship status.

>> No.7152627

Lol, wait what?

Just because I don't give a fuck about my boyfriends selfish desires to control me and have my rules for my body, *I'm* misogynistic? Fuck off, you prolly some loser who thinks he's going to get laid if he supports tumblr "no-sex!" & "all sex is rape!!" ugly girls. Or maybe you're one of the ugly girls yourself.

I can fuck whoever I want, you can't stop me.

>> No.7152628

My boyfriend likes the fact that I cosplay (even if sometimes he mocks me for the time and money I spend on it). He's a gamer and also likes anime, but he's never been into costumes and dressing up. He sometimes jokes about cosplaying as some character but never does it. He grew tired of the con scene around here (too boring) so most of the times I attend cons with my friends only. Which results in many guys thinking I'm single and myself perpetually scaring them away, haha.

The only time he says that maybe I should quit cosplaying is when he sees me down and depressed about some cosplay drama involving me, but I know it's because he doesn't want to see me sad.

>> No.7152629

Cheating makes you a whore, sorry bub. I beat my men if they cheat on me.

>> No.7152630
File: 826 KB, 1728x2412, you are butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filename says it all.

>> No.7152634

Sorry, but you're wrong.


Here you have it explained by AN AFRICAN. If you disagree with him, you are a racist piece of shit and, hence, a misogynist yourself. Check your privilege.

>> No.7152637

I'm depressed because I have an abusive boyfriend m8.

>> No.7152636


You do realize that a lot of you are depressed because you're in your 20s with no real future right?

You need husbands, more importantly, you needs buns in the oven. You'd be happier if you were pregnant.

>> No.7152638
File: 72 KB, 800x601, women are generally more angry than others because they aren&#039;t getting enough semen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true actually.

>> No.7152639

I am absolutely a racist but more importantly I think the terminally stupid should be euthanized, so y'know, I don't really care what some mentally deficient nigger has to say about cheating.

>> No.7152641

Have you ever thought traits that seem innocuously attractive that you value often belie abusive tendencies? Brash arrogance is one.

Don't say that, it's not really good. I've cheated once and I felt bad about it and it was because of problems with my girlfriend at the time. She was, like a lot of girls here, claiming depression and saying she didn't want much physical contact as a result. It wounds a man's ego to hear that.

>> No.7152643

>I am absolutely a racist
Stopped reading right there.

I'm not reading your misogynist drivel.

>> No.7152646

But girls HAVE TO WORK to get boyfriends too, you basement dwelling neckbeard. Do you know how hard it is to put makeup on? To shave your body hair? To wash your hair? To stay slim??

>> No.7152649

Staying slim as a girl just involves not shovelling tons of food into your mouth.

On our side, we need to be pretty ripped for you to even consider us boyfriend material.

>> No.7152650

/r9k/, why are you so delusional?

>> No.7152653

/cgl/, why won't you be my qt3.14 gf? ;_;

>> No.7152654

Lol. Girls naturally are "meatier" than men. I cannot handle this delusion. /r9k/, go away. Your misogynistic attitude is why you can't get a girlfriend.

>> No.7152655

This so much. Guys don't even know how hard it is for women to stay attractive in today's misogynistic society to appeal to ideals of patriarchy.

>> No.7152656

im not even in this argument im not even in this thread but ive read bits and pieces youre so right bro women have everything including life fucken easy mode

to that woman trying to make it look like growing your breast is something you meditate to do go fuck yourself in the asshole you fuckin dirty mutant nazi hipster

>> No.7152660

This is bullshit. I'm a female who is not fat and at least average in terms of attractiveness and I never get hit on. I never get "wolf whistled" and no one ever asks me for my number. It is not so easy for a girl to find a boyfriend.

I do have a boyfriend but we only met because we were living in a share house together.

>> No.7152664

Eh, don't feel bad about it. The guys who approach random girls they don't know are normally cunts who only want to get laid, so I know it might feel bad that you don't get hit on but trust me, you don't want that.

>> No.7152665

I probably shouldn't reply as judging by your post here, you are of very little intelligence, but life is not easy for women. You men expect us to be perfect and pump out kids and we aren't respected in the workforce at all. Even when we can find a job, we are typically paid less than men and not taken seriously. We are judged by everyone and nothing we do is good enough. But then again you're probably a forever alone neckbeard who has no girlfriend because he's a douchebag.


>> No.7152667

no you are bull shit.... a girl who is attractive but sits at home all day complains no one ever notices her :/ (what the fuuuuuccccccc.... really? shes gotta be retarded) especially when shes having sex with someone and doesnt even go out...you seen it right here on 4chan folks women have life easy mode....lets count how many guys can stay at home and find someone to have sex with

>> No.7152670

>no you are bullshit

You sure know how to make a convincing argument.

>> No.7152671

last time i checked we were making points not having a spelling test maybe if youd pull your head out your vagina youd notice this is about ideas not words

>> No.7152673

Um, what. I do not sit at home all day, I am a full time uni student. I wasn't complaining, just negating your claims. Umm, by your logic, my boyfriend has it easy as he stays home more often than I do. What the fuck are you talking about? Seriously, it is hard to understand you because you write so poorly. You sound like you are mentally retarded.

And my life is not easy, but I won't tell you about my personal life.

>> No.7152675

Neither your ideas or grammar are commendable. And if you want someone to think your ideas are good, you kinda need to make it flow with a logical structure.

You have no one to blame but yourself for being forever alone.

>> No.7152676

lol so everyone in the world who doesnt type english on 4chan with punctuation is retarded...oh good lordy lordy how will we ever survive now..no youre an idiot a college campus might as well be like staying home or did you think it would be like walking half naked through a construction yard everytime you go to class.. lol women my god it should be legal to beat your kind again

>> No.7152679

To be honest, I find slutty girls to be hot on a raw, sexual level.

Is that bad?

>> No.7152680

if i want people to believe that 2+2=4 i have to gramatically come at you in a certain way for you to understand this face? lol good for you buddy your eggo finally consumed reality

>> No.7152678

Newsflash: not everyone is American. I don't go to college, I'm at university. I live away from uni and walk there.

>no youre an idiot


>or did you think it would be like walking half naked through a construction yard everytime you go to class.

What the fuck is this incoherent rambling about? You need to be euthanized, for real.

>> No.7152681

>guy can't get a girlfriend
>guy spews misogynistic ramblings because he's bitter
>guy is delusional and bitter and a waste of space

That's sure going to help you sort out your forever alone situation.

>> No.7152684

that rambeling is facts you walking fever blister lmao seriously how can yo ujust deny facts and then still continue to move yoru mouth...look be angry that youre a tart as much as you want but all males want you to shhhh when you do it mmmk lil girly :D thankkkkssss

>> No.7152685

I don't think it's bad to like anything anon, you like what you like and as long as you don't hurt anyone to get it that's fine. Even if you're a paedo it's fine as long as you don't actually interfere with children. People can't help what they like, and someone needs to appreciate the sluts.

>> No.7152686

Someone needs to make caps of this guy's posts. His stupidity is too funny.

>> No.7152689

This has to be a troll, no one can be this stupid. Also, I have slept with 2 guys and only because I was in a long term relationship with them at the time. Totally tarty.

>> No.7152687

in reality im at work right now :)
make more money than you :)
dont care to green text because im on the new galaxy note
has a gf with pics to prove it that im sure make you look like a moose :DDDD

>> No.7152688

Is this Boris again? Or whatever I called you last time. That fourteen year old Russian from /r9k/. It might have been Misogyninsky.

>> No.7152691

But I'd find it hard to date a girl who wasn't a bit of a slut.

>> No.7152692

Lol, you should have left out the last line, it would have been more believable. If you had a girlfriend you wouldn't be here whining about ~how mean and horrible and slutty dem girls r i wish i could beat your kind~

I can smell the forever alone kissless virgin from a mile away.

>> No.7152693

and exactly explain which part is stupid again? because right now youre doing a ass rectum worm of a job...youve actually only backed my fact and the only thing you have to throw back are shitty low class 4chan comebacks lol they arent even original lol "must be troll hes really stupid and doesnt use proper grammar" lol yeah i dont and youre still wrong hahahahha

>> No.7152697

I don't see anything wrong with that either, it's nice actually, most men don't want to date sluts so it's good that at least one guy prefers them. You seem like you expect women to hate you for having any kind of opinion about sluts. Don't. We're not all rabid feminists and having a fetish isn't a sin.

>> No.7152699

little girl im popular everywhere i go ive neve rbeen called ugly in my life and get hit on everyday i am the omega...my dick is 6 and a half inches i aint never had to lie about a damn thng lmao youre funny tho i feel bad i bet youre a cute one

>> No.7152700

You have really bad autism and a cunty attitude to boot. Enjoy having to shell out for a prostitute because no girl will willingly go near you.

>> No.7152701

No, it's okay.

Virgins like you find any girl sexually attractive.

>> No.7152702

Sure, in your fan fiction starring you as the Mary Sue you are.

>> No.7152703

I love you sisters

>> No.7152704

You misunderstand me. I want a girl who is both a slut, and not a slut, if that makes sense or not.

>> No.7152705

>everyday i am the omega
Well you got that one right. Especially if you think the distinctly average dick size is supposed to impress anyone lel. Men with really big dicks don't brag about them, the only men who know my boyfriend's packing eight inches are the ones who've seen him in the shower.

>> No.7152710

wouldnt have to i make 18$ an hour havent even got my raise this year....thier escorts....and no no autism im quite sure my gpa stunts yours quite proportinally anywho ohhhh yeah virgin? lol yeahhhhh now thats comedy right there
id fuck your little rice wannabe ass so good youll go boring holes in condoms dont play with me lil un

>> No.7152708

Why do girls constantly act like size doesn't matter?

>> No.7152709

I don't get it, no. You said you find slutty girls attractive and you couldn't date girls who weren't a bit slutty, what's the contradiction there?

>> No.7152712

It doesn't matter if the person treats you well and if you genuinely like them. My boyfriend's penis is 4 inches at the most, it's no big deal.

>> No.7152711

Well I meant slutty for me only.

Not actual sluts.

The only thing I am dead set against are girls who pretend to be dominant.

>> No.7152714

Because to an extent really doesn't. You can tote around your big dick all you want but if you don't actually give a shit about pleasuring your partner then it doesn't matter.

sage because this is so far off

>> No.7152715

Oh. You're just an average guy then, nothing interesting about you. Shame. Insecure men who can't accept dommes are ten a penny.

>> No.7152717


Surely you must fantasize about bigger. I mean, look at porn.

>> No.7152716

Thanks, /r9k/ forever alone kissless virgin for ruining the thread for everyone. You're only making things worse for yourself, anyway. Such delusional is not healthy.

>> No.7152718

Protip: the only porn most seagulls are interested in involves cute boys getting fucked in the ass. Big dick porn is aimed at men.

>> No.7152720

I can accept it, but it just strikes me as so weird why she'd even want it. It seems like, how can I describe it, an act I guess.

I'm not trying to offend, I just like honesty.

>> No.7152722

This seagull loves big dick and pussy abuse porn.

>> No.7152724


I hate the interracial element.

>> No.7152725

Some women just love dominating, beating and pegging guys. Some women only like that, some like that but are open to different dynamics. I can have fairly vanilla sex and still enjoy it but fucking skinny, squealing boys in the ass and hitting them is what I really love. It's like a foot fetish, yeah it's weird and makes no sense to most people but that doesn't mean it isn't legitimate.

>> No.7152727

Oh goodness. I'm guessing from that comment you're a certain tripfriend who used to have a "H" at the start of her tripname years ago.

I meant no offense. I can understand why you'd enjoy it, but to me, as much as it sometimes has its appeals, it makes me worry that the girl in question may have issues with men as a whole. Perhaps those are also understandable to a degree, but manifesting them through sex could be... problematic.

And there also seem to be a lot of females into the domination aspect who ultimately want to be dominated themselves, which strikes me as sort of odd too.

Again, you've struck me as generally likable in my dealings with you, so I don't want to offend.

>> No.7152729

Yes, that's me, and I believe your name starts with N. Either that or your online alias starts with A.

You don't have to hate men to like dominating them, it'd be pretty retarded to say all men who like dominating women hate them so I don't get why people are so prejudiced when it's the other way round.

As for the second thing, those people probably just like violent sex as a whole and have slight preferences within that field.

>> No.7152732

post pics or stfu lol yeah and im sure your bf drives a rocket ship house that mines planets and yataa yatta etc etc lol the point is....when i fuck you.....youre going to squirm youre going to dig your nails into whats closest real big dicks brag because we know bitches like you are liards now shut up already before i unzip and graze your giant honkey nose from here

>> No.7152735

>6.5 inches
>replying half an hour later when the thread has long since moved on
I don't even know which is more pathetic

>> No.7152734

>You don't have to hate men to like dominating them, it'd be pretty retarded to say all men who like dominating women hate them so I don't get why people are so prejudiced when it's the other way round.

Fair enough, if you get real enjoyment out of it and the guy does too, I don't really think it's hurting anyone ultimately. Well, not outside of any physically immediate pain.

I can't explain it any other way than what I've always found a little strange are the internal contradictions, but I think from how you describe it, I'm basically grouping a lot of people together and making it look like idiosyncratic/contradictory behavior when in reality its just individual preference.

But I'm rambling. I can see the appeal, confusing though it is.

>> No.7152737

damn that was an ice cold-

>> No.7152740

I think it's best not to generalise when it comes to sexual preferences because it's such an individual thing and thinking 'oh this whole group does x' isn't helpful to you when you're presumably only going to be fucking one ember of that group at a time and her preferences might be entirely different to what you expect. It seems like setting yourself up for a blunder.

>> No.7152741

lol you can stop green texting now it hasnt made you cooler anywho what did you think i was going to stick around and be engulfed in your femmenist bullshit? lol please woman i have a job hush now men are speaking

so brother how goes thou?

>> No.7152742

and hey dont talk down....youd like it

>> No.7152744

Yeah, I more or less agree. But there's a personal element in it for a lot of us, I know you'll probably bristle at this, but the idea of my masculinity being "compromised" makes me uncomfortable. In layman's terms, how do you go back to doing normal coupley stuff after such inverted sex.

>> No.7152750

Not liking it is fine but so many men deny the existence of dominant women because the idea of it makes them uncomfortable. I can see why it'd be unsettling, I feel the exact same way about the idea of a man dominating me. I think whatever happens in the bedroom can stay in the bedroom quite easily as long as you're both mature about it though, I've known very typical-seeming couples where you'd never guess that she was regularly railing his ass.

>> No.7152754 [DELETED] 

uhmmm mean lady that hates me can i ask uz a questums :( uhm id like to know if you can post a pic....? i want to play wack a mole and i love chicks who hate me

>> No.7152756

I see no reason to disagree with you H/E. I still find it a little unsettling, but you've clarified it fairly well.

It wasn't my intent to wind you up.

>> No.7152762 [DELETED] 

Janitor, get off your ass and ban this underage idiot. You spend enough time deleting ontopic threads.

>> No.7152763

No worries. Easily wound up at the moment. You always sound like you're trolling though, something about your tone. You just type absolutely identically to the resident neckbeard.

>> No.7152768

In what way? I just tend to get pretty formal and when discussing anything about sex tbh, I'm usually a bit more laid back in how I type, especially given how my laptop is positioned.

If you're easily wound up at the moment just give 4chan a miss. TES generals on /vg/ are making me a little irritated at the moment so I just avoid the whole board.

>> No.7152767

>mfw I single handedly started a massive shitstorm ITT when it was still on topic

god, /cgl/ girls are so easy, I didn't even *try*

>> No.7152769

im not underage so that would be in violation of his contract and im sure he hates being called a janitor....anyone what wrong with wanting to see a woman...especially one as fiesty as you

>> No.7152772

where do you get all? it says most cosplayers. and who's famous?

>> No.7152773

It's funny because /cgl/ girls are easy in more ways than that -> they're also easy girls to fuck if you're ripped. :-)

They are sluts for cock, as long as you have visible abs, you don't even need to lift. Last year I totally banged this 7/10 chick who used to dress as fucking Barney the dinosaur but it's okay it was still jackpot because I was her first and I ripped her hymen good. :))

And when I dumped her she became like a totes crazy bitch, I lol'd so much, bitch will now do anything to have a guy cum on her face. I hope she still posts here, I know her loser friends do.

>> No.7152774

i just love mean women especially the argumentative ones...i bet youre a sexy little bastard you can continue to be angry if you wanna imma just keep trying to experience your warmth

>> No.7152775
File: 658 KB, 800x1066, frank_castle_and_rachel_cole_alves___the_punisher_by_jillian_lynn-d5dpkg0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Husband isn't all that into cosplay himself, but he's supportive of my cosplaying habits. He likes going to cons with me, though lately I've been attending without him just because he's too busy with grad school to take off for a whole weekend. I have gotten him to cosplay with me a couple of times though. Pic related. He and I as Frank Castle and Rachel Alves from Rucka's run on The Punisher.

>> No.7152776

and this...its true their all whores its just funny they believe that using good grammar on a message board that no one gives 2 fucks about matters enough change who they really are......thats right girls you just type and spell away your infidility

>> No.7152777
File: 32 KB, 720x480, 1395189_243130975839855_1413198684_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7152779

Seriously? It's the douchebags from /r9k/ who shitted this thread up. They just want to think girls are "whores" to make themselves feel better.

>> No.7152781

Matt Nixon / DerpQueen's brother, please go.

>> No.7152782

this thread has been witness to the brothers of gilgamesh all of you can go fuck yourselves and mean bitch your destiney is to become an even greater dumbass after college by acting like your short term at a no name university makes applicable for all eternity enjoy your curse

>> No.7152789

man what the fuck did i just write? i gotta go to work fuck you lol

>> No.7152787

This douche thinks that only one girl was insulted him, haha.

>> No.7152792

women are whores it doesnt matter if they all insulted me? lol god one day i hope your parents let you out of your house

>> No.7152797

I hope one day you can become a seasoned shitposter and troll like I was, but your skills leave a lot to be desired my friend. Subtlety is the aim of the game if you're looking for reactions from people.

>> No.7152798

I feel sorry for you. You will never know the touch of a woman.

>> No.7152802

Huh, didn't know you liked TES. Good taste. Yeah I'm drawing right now so I can't be arsed to point out all the little syntactical similarities, but you just sound really similar to the guy who is constantly trolling here.

>> No.7152808

If you can actually cross-compare random posts syntactically then that's impressive, I've got a good handle on Latin, Classical Greek and a bit of Mando, but I couldn't do something like that.

I don't think I'm that person though, the only other thread I've recently posted in was some veiled vendetta one where it just looked like a bunch of people ganging up on some random spergy girl. Seemed a tad harsh so I decided to defend her.


Of course. Since Daggerfall. The universe has some of the best lore in any Western RPG, too bad the games don't always convey it so well in the main plot. The nerevarine one in Morrowind was the best so far, but even then it had its problems.

>> No.7152814

>implying what he says matters
>implying you wouldn't want to marry him if he said the same things but looked like Zyzz