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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7143695 No.7143695[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, everyone, can we discuss the issue about fat cosplayers again (and again and again)?
Thing is I'm fat and I'm a cosplayer. My cosplays aren't bad, most are made in a way that people can't see the ugly parts of me and etc, but I can't help but feel bad when I'm at cons, because i always end up thinking about how everyone is probably laughing inside when they look at me. I'm trying to lose weight and I'm actually doing great, so yay, but I'm really REALLY fat so I think i won't get a normal body until the end of next year and cosplay is my hobby so I don't know if i should just stop doing it for one year while my friends are having fun doing it or if I should continue doing it anyway.

What i want to know is about your opinion, not only about my case in particular but what you think about fat cosplayers in general too. No one will ever tell what they really think about fat cosplayers anywhere, everyone is just so "When you cosplay, it's the fun matters!", so i want to know, when you see a fat girl/boy on a costume, not the terrible improvised ones, I'm talking about cosplays that are averange or great, what do you think? Do you think that it's good if the cosplay is normal and/or beautiful or do you just laughs at it because it doesn't matters if the costume is well done if the body is fat?

Not me on the picture, just googled it until I found a fat cosplayer that would show what I consider 'fat but hidding the ugly parts'.

>> No.7143706

First off. congrats on losing weight! Hope everything goes well with that.
All I have to say is this: anyone can cosplay but not everyone can do it right. If you want to cosplay but you're overweight, go for it but just don't expect it to come out perfectly and don't claim you look true to the character because you don't. The same goes for height and such. But remember not everyone has the same opinions so some people at cons might be rude towards you. Just keep that in mind.

>> No.7143708 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 608x304, YOU WILL NEVER GET THIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi im from /fa/

fat is illegal thanks

reported to cops

here is ideal woman enjoi

>> No.7143770

There are assholes out there. But honestly, I don't think most people care or really notice all that much. Depending on the convention, a sizeable portion of the people are overweight.

Just cosplay who you like and what you feel is most comfortable and enjoy yourself.

I was a pretty big cosplayer myself, and I'm currently down to a size much smaller than what I was when I started. But I haven't really done much cosplay lately. Once I get to my goals I want to do more cosplays again.

>> No.7143779

You should cosplay fat characters only.

>> No.7143778

I don't get bothered by fat cosplayers unless they cosplay something that has a lot of skin out. Sorry, but no one likes seeing your fat Yoko rolls.

>> No.7143789

Fat German fag here.
I really want to cosplay, so i just look up some fat chars from anime, manga, game and comic books, and try to start next year with it.

As long as you don't try to cosplay Sailor Moon with a ultra short skirt, or , dunno , Zero Suit Samus, you should be fine. My GF is a little bit on the thick site too, and she still cosplay alot of stuff.
And even if you want to do Sailor Moon, just..do it, but hide the "ugly" parts.

Pic. related, it's me. and the old cosplay recomendation thingy from me.

>> No.7143801

The point of cosplaying is to have fun. That's the number one rule.

But anybody who says it doesn't matter or most people don't notice isn't being honest. You will never look as good cosplaying a thin character as a thin girl does, and you would look a lot better doing it if you were thin. If you don't care about anyone else at all then it doesn't matter, but it's clear that you do. People like accuracy and detail and they'll always praise someone for looking like a character over someone who doesn't.

>> No.7143807

since 99% of the characters are extremely thin, I don't explect fat poeple to cosplay something their size. If your costume is not ill-fitting, your wig is styled properly and you have nice make up, I'll probably be pleased, even if you're overwight and don't look like the character. The real issue are hambeasts who smell ,have sweat all over them and their cosplay is falling apart.

>> No.7143812

There will always be assholes out there no matter what even if you were the most beautiful and perfect (insert character here) cosplayer. Honestly, I don't mind fat cosplayers so long as they're decent people. The only time I do mind is when it's a really fat person cosplaying something very skimpy like Thief Rikku while jumping up and down whenever... oh god, whenever I think of that one from Anime Expo years ago I have Vietnam-like flashbacks. I did my best to avoid her but she kept popping up wherever I went somehow.

>> No.7143836

I appreciate costumes where the person obviously put a lot of effort into making it, regardless of their weight. If the outfit itself is bad, I would personally find the entire look to be off-putting even if the person was very attractive. In my mind, a look like that would be equivalent to a hot girl in a tacky Halloween costume.

OP, please cosplay for your own enjoyment.
Otherwise, I worry you will try to base your actions on generalizations of what other people may or may not think.

Whether it's cosplay or day-to-day life, there will always be those cruel people who judge a person's "quality of character" on size, clothing cut, race, etc.

You wouldn't be helping yourself by focusing on pleasing the people who think like that.

So do your best work and enjoy it.

>> No.7143892

hey, anon! don't worry about it so much! the most important part is that you've started putting efforts into losing weight! now all you need is time. don't give up!
i think you should still cosplay if it makes you happy but if you're losing weight you'll be too small for all the costumes from the past you have. then again, it might be motivating to look at them and be able to say "i did what i wanted to do with my body".
you might not look as good as a thin girl does cosplaying a kawaii moe anime girl, but you seem to already be aware of that. just keep up the work and be an inspiration! do your best to work with what you've got and under no circumstances hate yourself!
i used to be chubby and lost 10 kilos by just not stuffing my face and couldn't be happier. fuck being fat, i don't even care about what other people think, i just wanted to get healthy and be happy with my body.

good luck, anon!

>> No.7143910
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Jesus i posted this just before 4chan goes down for a while. Here the picture. happy laughing

>> No.7143918

>don't try to cosplay Sailor Moon with a ultra short skirt,
Fun fact: Sailor Moon was actually meant to be chubby in comparison to all the other scouts because she eats so much, but Naoko's style didn't translate that very well (read: at all).

>> No.7144342
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I'm gonna be straight with you here. Fat cosplayers almost always look foolish. It doesn't matter how good the cosplay is, if the character's not fat and you're fatter than holy hell, you don't look like them and the cosplay is ruined. Sure nobody cares, sure cosplay is about fun, but it still looks like lard-ridden crap and you're not going to ever be a truly impressive rendition of the character. If you are fat and want to cosplay, I suggest finding a fat character or a big character that hides the body well. Here's an example of something, albeit hard, that a fat person could cosplay.

I want to point out that I'm speaking from pure objective honesty here. I'm actually into chubby chicks myself, but truth is truth.

>> No.7144407
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When someone is fat it does not matter if the clothes, hair or cosplay look decent or "made in a way that people can't see the ugly parts of you", all I see is a fat person.
Now I'm not saying fat people are disgusting but their bodies are not nice to look at whether you're cosplaying or using regular clothes, look at pic related and look at the pic you posted, Do they look nice or at least decent? not to me or to someone who likes healthy people, which is the majority.

If you like cosplaying, do it, but then don't cry when someone laughs at you for being fat, face the fact that you look ugly, funny, gross or whatever but don't let it get you, you may think that the girl you posted looks good or at least decent but the truth is that she does not.

Anyways congrats on your decision to loose weight and I hope you reach a normal weight so you can do what you like without feeling selfconscious and having people laughing at you for being fat.

>> No.7144424

This guy has the right idea. It's cool to see fat cosplayers cosplay to their body type. I always cringe a little when I see people cosplay out of body type (for example, I'm basically flat-chested, so I'd never cosplay a Morrigan-type character). I know that fat characters are relatively scarce, so it sucks, but major props to fat cosplayers who use their body type to make their cosplay more accurate.

As for fat people cosplaying thin characters - I think it depends on the character. If the character they're dressing as is explicitly athletic, it's pretty awkward.

In any case, congrats on the weight loss OP.

>> No.7144428

I am a man. Hello.

Who do I want to be friends with? Fun people who are friendly, and social.

Who do I form relationships with? Girls who are not fat.

The two aren't mutually exclusive. I'm not laughing at fat girls at cons unless they're wearing bikinis. But you should just be aware, you'll never be popular or rule the roost as a woman until you're moderately attractive.

It really depends on your priorities.

>> No.7144696

Any trouble I have with people who don't match the character's body type is how the cosplay itself fits. I have seen way too many cosplayers whose cosplays hang off of them, or they stretch almost to the ripping point (not a pretty sight). A fat cosplayer can look as good as a skinny cosplayer, it just depends on how well you can tailor. Making the cosplay fit your body shape will cover a lot of sins.

>> No.7144727

>Fat cosplayers almost always look foolish.
No. Stop.
Everyone looks fucking foolish. We're dressing up as characters with unreasonably huge eyes and unnaturally big hair for the most part. Every. single. normalfag is pointing and laughing. Doesn't matter what your body size is. End of story.
And the people trying to win superiority brownie points over it look like fools.

>> No.7144730

You're a guy so I forgive you for not knowing that plenty of ugly, unattractive women are immensely popular and social. You get your ideas from cgl and gossip girl type movie trailers, it's not your fault.

>> No.7144738

Some people rock it much better than others.
Nobody's trying to be superior here, it's just fact.
You're no more blind to it than I am.

>> No.7144743
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>Nobody's trying to be superior here, it's just fact.

>fat cosplayers almost always look foolish
>not trying to be superior
Pick one, because that's bullshit and not a "fact." Just because there's maybe 20~ hamsteaks at a convention that become lolcows doesn't mean they account for the majority of good cosplaying fatties.
I don't look at a couple butterfaces at conventions and assume "almost every" girl that goes to conventions is ugly.

>> No.7144749
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Neither do I.
But the ones who *are* fat simply don't look good as characters who aren't. A Sephiroth cosplayer should not be obese. Are you invested in this argument because you're a butterball yourself? That's on you.

>> No.7144754

Fat people always look foolish.
Fixed that for you.

>> No.7144755
File: 411 KB, 250x250, goodone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And are you invested in underhandedly insulting people because you have a tiny pee pee and get off shitting up a fat thread on cgl? Sorry, that's on you too poopsie.

>> No.7144758

>replying to your own post

>> No.7144760

Prove it fatass.

>> No.7144761
File: 77 KB, 468x331, laughing hyenas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this upset
God damn just go back to insulting fatties if it's so important to you ffs.

>> No.7144762
File: 171 KB, 500x297, 1358820562496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one getting upset is you, I'm just having a laugh at the upset fatties just like you're saying.

Face it, fat people are disgusting, no amount of make up and good clothes will make them look good.

Your fat ass is so lazy it can't even check samefag

>> No.7144766
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Wrong image

>> No.7144768

>yer so upset xD
>lawl look how upset you are
....nah I think you're pretty rustled.

>> No.7144769

Congrats on losing weight! So long as a cosplay is done well craftsmanship wise and you look good, I'm going to think it's a nice cosplay. It might not be the best it could be because of your body, but I definitely wouldn't even think about laughing at you simply because of your weight.
If you want, plan a more intricate cosplay for the body you'll have in a year, then just alter your past cosplays for during the year. That way you can save money for an awesome cosplay when you have an awesome body!

>> No.7144770
File: 15 KB, 200x260, 48492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a way to make the (you) disappear from posts.
All you have to do is go to the homepage and the (you) won't appear by your posts anymore.
Did you really think you were proving anything with that? It's quite obvious you're the only one responding. Nobody else is this angry itt. What's wrong with you?
Did you accidentally autism?

>> No.7144771
File: 12 KB, 242x306, 1297465915742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think cosplaying as someone who is similar to your body type is key to cosplay, kind of like >>7143910 did.
It makes sense to try and find a character you look similar to. If you find a character you really like who you want to cosplay and the outfit wouldn't be flattering, look for small alterations you could make to make it flattering or alternate outfits the character has. Alternatively, look at a different character in the series. I understand cosplay is for fun, but I think part of the fun of making sure you cosplay relative to your body type/size makes it so people won't necessarily laugh at you for being big. It fits the character, so it looks accurate. Coming from a fatty, I have no problem cosplaying heavier characters because I know I can pull them off well. I would never cosplay as Yoko because I know I would be laughed at. I find characters I look similar to and make a cosplay to the best of my ability to be that character.

I hope this made sense...

>> No.7144772
File: 18 KB, 140x239, 1380324684424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't make an argument so i will shitpost instead.
You are making the fatties look bad

>> No.7144779
File: 5 KB, 160x220, 1360645267280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OP asked for honesty- that's what she got.
You on the other hand have stooped to childishness in defense of your own lard. I hope you're proud.

>> No.7144784

Different anon but you're really obnoxious.
Pls go and be butthurt elsewhere :)

>> No.7144787

I love how the only way the ham beast can validate itself is by pretending there's only one person who doesn't think it looks good in a tutu.

>> No.7144788

They autism'd.

>> No.7144789

You're showing an example of ill-fitting clothes, which can happen to anyone, even skinny people.

>> No.7144793

>we accidentally 2fat


>> No.7144796

I'm not obnoxious, I'm just saying that fat people look foolish whether cosplay or not, is not my fault that the fatties cant take the truth and get mad instead.

>> No.7144799

was meant for

>> No.7144805
File: 100 KB, 750x500, another round.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second. Waitress, another round for myself and my like-minded gentleman cohort.

>> No.7144811
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>I'm not obnoxious
Like fuck you're not. And stop talking to yourself ITT, it's pathetic. No1curr about what you have to prove to strangers. Cut the losses from your damaged anon honor and go to bed.
>inb4 you accuse anyone else of shitposting when you are in fact the only shitposter here

>> No.7144814
File: 28 KB, 500x250, Tifa_cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brilliant deduction, Holms.
Except not, because it's wrong.


>> No.7144815

If you want to re-wear the cosplays, I wouldn't recommend doing it because they won't fit anymore after you lose all the weight. But if they're just one time, go for it! Other people's opinions don't matter, and it's not like you'll ever see them again. Congrats, btw!

>> No.7144818

IMHO if you want a cosplay to look good and be appreciated, your body type, face, and the costume itself should all be accurate. Unfortunately for fat girls, this really limits their choices on what to cosplay, but the competitive side of cosplay is pretty harsh.

>> No.7144821

>if you want a cosplay to look good and be appreciated, your body type, face, and the costume itself should all be accurate
Well that rules out every cosplay you've ever done ever, unfortunately.

>> No.7144822
File: 72 KB, 500x375, 1350486571613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just stating my opinion which is most people's opinion, fat people are gross and look ridiculous in cosplay.

I you want to accuse me of samefagging and shitposting when I'm not, just because you are butthurt, fat and unattractive is your time I don't really care I'm just having a laugh at the fatties.

You should exercise and eat less carbs btw

>> No.7144824


>> No.7144826

Like that shitty LeBlanc you spam everywhere.
No boobs, wrong face, poor construction, wrong height, wrong body.
Go home.

>> No.7144828

top lel

>> No.7144830
File: 50 KB, 565x640, 98h9vp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>criticize cosplay
>is fat

>> No.7144831
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>mfw people only compliment the staff and bodypaint because everything else is so painfully inaccurate
Ah, well, you're so proud of it it's kind of cute actually.

>> No.7144832

Wow I'm sure the fatties will learn from the girl who violates almost every single aspect of her own advice. Fail.

>> No.7144834
File: 41 KB, 515x600, vo67wh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still criticizing cosplay
>still fat

>> No.7144838
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Voldie put your trip back on.

>> No.7144842
File: 752 KB, 786x644, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a plus size cosplayer, I don't mind plus size cosplay as long as there is good workmanship/wig, good makeup and the woman being aware of her size and fitting the costume to match. I always tell my plus size cosplay friends to invest in good shapewear, because even if you are large having a smooth body really changes how the cosplay will look in the end. If you are cosplaying a thin character and I can see every roll of fat, I will be grossed out. Shapewear/hosiery/corsets are a plus size cosplayers best friend

For example, since people used Sailor Moon as an example earlier, here is a good plus size Sailor Venus cosplay, and a bad Sailor Moon. Venus looks good because there is good workmanship, good wig work and use of good shapewear to keep things smooth. Only thing I would change would be some dancer tights/panty hose to smooth out the leg and maybe a bit more makeup. She may not be amazing, but she looks fine and the costume fits her well.

Moon, on the other hand, looks bad or at least mediocre. Poor craftsmanship, bad wig, bad makeup, the obvious tummy roll.

It's really not about cosplaying thin characters as a big girl, but how much effort you put into the cosplay and yourself looking good

>> No.7144848

There is a difference between being a plus-sized cosplayer and being fatter than holy ham.

>> No.7144854

Fair enough, once you get to a certain size I agree cosplay won't look good ever. But a lot of bad plus size cosplay I see could be good, even great if they put more effort into the things I listed above. I have seen so many cosplays at cons that good be saved by better construction/fit or a good piece of shapewear

>> No.7144855

If you consider the competitive side to be on the internet, e-fame, and getting neckbeards to like your cosplay page and save you to your fap folder, fine and dandy.

To someone who has been in this hobby for 12+ years, I don't give two shits about that, and your e-fame doesn't impress me.

Actual competition? A decent cosplay judge isn't going to give two shits if your body isn't *~accurate-desu~* They're going to care about your construction, craftsmanship and presentation. I'll give an award to a fatty in a well-made costume who doesn't physically look like the character long before I'll give an award to a person who is thinner with mediocre costume.

>> No.7144856

Sorry, *could

>> No.7144867
File: 94 KB, 790x790, tAG_164283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay judge isn't going to give two shits if your body isn't *~accurate-desu~*

>I'll give an award to a fatty in a well-made costume who doesn't physically look like the character

That's 'cause

you're fat

and delusional~

>> No.7144881

Shitposter, Report him and move on.

>> No.7144884


So now, the truth is shitposting.


>> No.7144891
File: 367 KB, 757x564, 1337221941285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone who has an opinion is a shitposter, especially if it hurts my lardass feelings.
Grow up and face it, fats cosplaying look ridiculous, if you take the first step and acknowledge the fact that no one likes your fatrolls, maybe you will stop being lazy and exercise a little, like that people will stop laughing at you.

Though I agree, that tripfag is just calling fat anyone who does not like her cosplay.

>> No.7145091
File: 61 KB, 503x505, 1354361793911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What i want to know is about your opinion...what you think about fat cosplayers in general
Do you really? Alright then. I honestly truly feel that fat cosplayers will never be as good as skinny/fit ones. I will always see them as not as pretty. Fat is ugly to me. I've tried to be blind and all accepting but the honest truth is that I'm just not. Fat people gross me out. I'm not proud of it, I don't say anything about it. But deep down it's just how I feel. And no amount of "your fatshaming" speeches can ever make it go away.

I think you should lose weight. You'll be much more beautiful and you'll probably have more energy as well. Shopping will become easier too. Fat is just really really ugly though and I never take fat cosplayers seriously. They're just something to look at and be glad that that's not me. I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings. But you asked for how I felt and there it is.

>> No.7145148

Holy fuck, calling someone names "4 teh lelz xD" isn't a fucking OPINION god dammit. It's a shitpost. Dense, stupid girls.

>> No.7145194

I don't mind at all, as long as it's well made and fits your body type. As for losing weight, go see a doctor and do what she/he tells you. I think you should give it a shot for health reasons, but nothing's stopping you from cosplaying before you do. Do what makes you happy, but try choosing body appropriate costumes, you won't get torn down as much by immature children. Not trying to be a dick, I used to be underweight and wear bikini swimsuits. Didn't pan out well.

>> No.7145228

When I see people call others fat, I find it rather hilarious, childish, and immature. It's like, pointing out the obvious or trying to find the worst possible insult. If you really want to insult someone, tear down their character, tear down what is important to them. Maybe though, what's important to these people is their vanity. I'll feel really fucking sorry for them once their tits and face start sagging.

>> No.7145244

Cosplaying outside of the body/face type of the character is always a sad thing to look at. I'm honestly more fond of rushed and shitty cosplays when it comes to chubbies cosplaying characters that are stick thin, same goes for horseface-chans trying to pass as kawaii ugus. While they may make me cringe, it's nowhere near as strong as I feel about the hard working cosplayers that will never get it right, no matter how hard they work. I can see the tremendous amount of work you put in your cosplay, if only you could work as hard on getting fit. Those with unlucky facial structure can't do much, but you can. That's why I find obese cosplayers who "do it right" like in
>>7144842 unbearable and manfaced ladies so pitiful.

>> No.7145259

Only post worth reading ITT.

Only post I bothered to read too.

>> No.7145262
File: 953 KB, 380x218, 543245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made my day. Thank you.

>> No.7145263

>implying calling you fatties "fat" doesn't make you die inside the most even though you pretend it don't

>> No.7145284

>all this hugbox shit

OP asked for honest opinions, I'll assume he actually wants to know them.
This is mine, and I am pretty sure from talking to other cosplayers and others that I am definitely not a minority with it.

Plain and simple, fat people are not attractive to most. You can argue this, you can say it's not like that, but I'm sure fat people themselves even know that.
When someone sees someone unattractive (to the observing person) cosplaying, including fat people, including otherwise unattractive people, there are mostly negative feelings about it.
The reason for this is that they're most likely cosplaying as characters that are viewed as attractive by the majority (anime characters are very rarely ugly).
I'm no fucking psychologist, I dont know why I and many others are so disgusted by unattractive people cosplaying as attractive characters. Perhaps it is the idea that cosplay is supposed to look close to the original.

Keep in mind I wouldnt bully or laugh at these people, as long as I dont find their costume laughable. I just think it's not at all a good thing to do.

TL;DR for the majority, fat means unattractive. Many many people are thrown off by an unattractive person cosplaying someone attractive.
I really don't give a shit if you're going to call me a bigot or what the fuck ever now, I don't have to find fat girls attractive as much as you don't have to find neckbears attractive.

>> No.7145303

Most people don't care, it's when someone out of shape (skinny fat people too) wear horrible fitting, almost falling apart skimpy cosplays is when people tend to go WTF. If a can see a gut hanging out of a costume folded over their pants or a pair of floppy pancake boobs I'm probably going to say something to the person I'm with. I'm not going to harass the person or even take their photo so that I can post it here.

>> No.7145324

You won't get to feel sorry for them, because by the time their tits and face start sagging, you'll be dead because it has been 30 years and 300lbs.

>> No.7145511

lol at fat people, rlly guys if you wanna cosplay and look good you should work for it and be like "welp i think im going for the fat character". Trust me, being fit will help you beyond your expectations.

Pls dont shitpost on fit, and read the fucking sticky instead of asking retarded questions.

>> No.7145526
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Obvious bait thread aside: I've never had trouble cosplaying even though I'm fat. I get lots of compliments and make plenty of friends at conventions. There has not been one time I've ever been mocked for my weight or told I shouldn't do a character.
Fuck, my very first cosplay was Chobits and even though the dress was a shiny mess, people still gave me sincere compliments and told me it was pretty good. I don't cosplay to make a career for myself or be the most popular bitch, so "being the best" doesn't matter to me or most of my normal friends.

I know it's cgl and nobody is allowed to feel secure or pretty here, but I'm fucking beautiful. And my guess is a lot of girls who feel they're ~*~too fat~*~ to do what they want are beautiful too. Girls, if you put in the effort and have a friendly smile on your face, you're already a good cosplayer so it doesn't matter what your body type is. Just don't let bitter, unhappy people on cgl dictate how you should feel and what you should do.
Why would you take advice on how to be happier from such angry, defensive, and uptight people anyway?

>> No.7145532

>Why would you take advice on how to be happier from such angry, defensive, and uptight people anyway?
You know I was actually going to troll the fuck out of you but that's a pretty good point huh.

>> No.7145535


Fat people should not be allowed to do anything fun until they learn a little bit of self-discipline. ALL you need to do is not eat above 2000 (!!!) calories per day, you lazy, gluttonous fucks. That's ALL.

>> No.7145537

This is a good post.

>> No.7145545
File: 1.87 MB, 300x413, 1374545458869.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat people should cosplay as fat characters, thin people should cosplay as thin characters.
If you disagree, you are delusional

>> No.7145550

That's because girls like to be friends with fat girls. They're nonthreatening and they're glad to have any sort of friends, plus you can feel better about yourself when you're with someone ugly. If you think that any of the guys you've met are your friends, well, think again.

>> No.7145560

I like how I mentioned nothing about being friends with women (?) yet your prejudice forces you to assume that. I'm not even one of those edgy chicks but the good majority of my friends are male.
Second of all I make friends with wonderful ladies who are above vanity-driven motivations and don't think cruel thoughts like you do. I wonder if you maybe feel you've been befriended by others for being the "ugly chick" and that's why you suspect it so much with others?

You don't have to prove yourself to me or anyone else here anon. Nor do you have to waste your time with nonsensical drivel that frankly won't convince me or anyone else that we should be dreadfully scared about our looks.

>> No.7145561

>This is my post.

...okay? But why mention that? It's silly.

>> No.7145563
File: 88 KB, 433x650, 1381636594286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay is not only about having fun. Some people take it very seriously and they do their best to look like their characters. Fat people can put off good cosplays, in terms of clothing and makeup but nothing else unless they choose a character with similar body structure .

>> No.7145566

What is there to like about mentioning that? I mentioned that because I know it's the truth. No guy will ever think of a fat cunt as a friend. Hell, guys rarely think about a normal woman as a friend, since they always want to get inside their pants. No one wants to get inside yours, hence you're not even gonna friendzone them. The ones that aren't complete scum of society, that is.

>> No.7145565

>If you disagree, you are not concerned with accuracy

Fix'd that for you

>> No.7145567


Scanty, what the fuck happened?

>> No.7145569
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>I mentioned that because I know it's the truth.
I just told you that's not the case though?
Yikes, would you like a hug anon? That needless vitriol makes me come to the conclusion that you may be having a very bad day.

>> No.7145570

>implying people can't appreciate posts on /cgl/
Your post is good, too, Anon.

>> No.7145571

And how does that make you anything but the absolute trashiest trash of "cosplayers"? (I put quotes around that because you're not really cosplaying then, you're just wearing a costume that doesn't fit your landwhale body)

>> No.7145573

>I just told you that's not the case though?
No, you told me that you don't think that's the case. But it is, my dear delusional landwhale. I guess all the oxygen in the air was bad for you. Don't worry, litt..well... whale, someone is going to throw you back into the ocean!

>> No.7145578 [DELETED] 
File: 285 KB, 400x600, chibiawa04_s4wp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is, unless you get your photos out there, through self-posting or making drama, no one will ever really see it. You can wear stuff at conventions, have fun, not make an ass of yourself and at the end of the day all you'll really take home is a pretty fun experience. The only time people tear apart cosplayers

That being said I think people should cosplay what they want, but within reason. Best example is definitely godsavethequeen's early galleries full of fat 30 something women in beautiful, well crafted costumes that look pretty ridiculous.

>> No.7145579

Oh hun, let go for your own sake.
Would be a shame if a fattie outlived you because you died from chronic sandy vagina ;)

>> No.7145580

Let's face it.

This thread wouldn't exist if there weren't fat people on /cgl/ to get offended by it.

The solution is for those people to stop being fat or not cosplay.

>> No.7145583

>This thread wouldn't exist if there weren't cunts to bump it from the fifth page every fourth hour

>> No.7145582


Get out

>> No.7145588
File: 30 KB, 340x486, ohsnap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would be a shame if a fattie outlived you because you died from chronic sandy vagina

>> No.7145592

Please get out.

>> No.7145590
File: 285 KB, 400x600, chibiawa04_s4wp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is, unless you get your photos out there, through self-posting or making drama, no one will ever really see it. You can wear stuff at conventions, have fun, not make an ass of yourself and at the end of the day all you'll really take home is a pretty fun experience. The only time people tear apart cosplayers is when they get posted in places like this or on tumblr

That being said I think people should cosplay what they want, but within reason. Best example is definitely godsavethequeen's early galleries full of fat 30 something women in beautiful, well crafted costumes that look pretty ridiculous. And I always find it kinda offputting when fat kids cosplay the Attack on Titan kids because it's a major plot point that food is limited and people had to leave the walls to die just so everyone else could survive.

>> No.7145593
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Can I fucking high five you?

>> No.7145601

>should fatties cosplay
>should fatties cosplay thin or sexualized characters

The same logic applies to any other facet of cosplay. I'm a 34B and wouldn't cosplay Yoko or anything because I'd look retarded. Fat cosplayers that cosplay fat characters are awesome, fat cosplayers that cosplay thin ones are cringe-inducing.

>> No.7145602

Post a picture of your "beautiful" cosplay.
My guess is you're either just passably chubby and can pull off most characters or you're completely in need of a reality check.

>> No.7145606

>I'm a 34B and wouldn't cosplay Yoko or anything because I'd look retarded.
Huh? Plenty of people have cosplayed Yoko who haven't had huge tits. There's plenty of ways to modify costumes so they won't look retarded.
You don't have to be scared and you can do what you want to do, and if someone give you shit for it then that makes them the shitty people.

>> No.7145611

I'm beautiful.
I didn't say my cosplay was ~*~zomg best beautiful cosplay evar~*~
And why would I post myself here just to be subjected to your or anyone else's negativity? Nobody deserves or needs that.

But does anyone else see what I mean about not being able to say you feel pretty or are secure with yourself on cgl without some person construing that to mean you think you're better than everyone else?
What's the deal with that?

>> No.7145614

>What's the deal with that?
Because if they don't feel pretty, nobody else can.

>> No.7145615

Fucking THANK YOU for that last bit about Attack on Titan. There are virtually no fat people in that show, aside from the wealthiest of asshats.

>> No.7145616

But there is a difference between self worth and objective beauty. I could even promise not to comment if I have anything bad to say about your pictures. I'm just genuinely curious to see if you're one of those attractive thick chicks or just another passing whale.

>> No.7145617

Two of the responses to this post are a samefag, two are not. Guess which ones!

>> No.7145623

>Th-there's no way 2 people disagree with me!
Just give it up.

>> No.7145624

>opinion = shitpost

Just because you have a different opinion doesn't make it a shitpost, you know.

OP asked for opinions, we give opinions.

If you don't like it, leave the thread. It's not difficult.

>> No.7145625

I like how this thread has turned into a war of the body types. I think there's definitely something to be said for the fact that it seems that all of the people advocating for fat cosplayers are fat themselves, and everyone who isn't fat is telling them not to cosplay thin characters.

Maybe there needs to be a convention just for fat people.

>> No.7145626

>implying the MAJORITY of these comments aren't intended to lower someone's self-worth regarding their image
There's no loophole, it's very obvious what these comments are intended to do.
And this.

>> No.7145629

Can we all just agree that being fat is bad and that you shouldn't be it?

All people should strive to be in a healthier BMI. (Please don't argue that being fat can be healthy... Please.)

>> No.7145631


>> No.7145633

You can be overweight and have no pressing medical issues besides being heavy.
Know what else is really bad for you? Getting old.
Nobody should be old.
Know what kills almost everybody? Old age.

>> No.7145634

But, being overweight increases your risks for all kinds of problems, including heart issues, joint problems, immune issues, and a ton of other stuff.

Being overweight is something you can help. Getting old isn't. If there's a way you can take care of your body better, why wouldn't you do it?

Christ, it's like saying smoking cigarettes is no worse for you than getting old.

>> No.7145637

It's healthier to be a little bit overweight than to starve yourselves to death like most seagulls do. If you want to be thin you should be going to the gym not starving yourself.

>> No.7145640

Being alive increases your risks for all sorts of shit.

But more importantly: Do you have some sort of disease detector that knows which fattie has the diabeetus, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol and which ones don't? Just a thought: But maybe you shouldn't assume every overweight person is at risk. It's no shittier than a fat person assuming that every petite person must have a slew of health problems due to an eating disorder.

I'm just trying to teach you to be a decent human being so you won't accidentally embarrass yourself irl.

>> No.7145641

>It's healthier to be a little bit overweight than to starve yourselves to death like most seagulls do. If you want to be thin you should be going to the gym not starving yourself.

Why do fat people always bring up the opposite end of the spectrum if you bring up the fact that being overweight is unhealthy?

no one's fucking asking you to starve yourself and become anorexic.

>> No.7145643
File: 12 KB, 289x292, 1363034072414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nailed it

>> No.7145646

I can't account for other people's posts. But I'm being genuine here. I'm not out to get anyone, and I do think there are some cases where a chubby girl can do a very good cosplay, but there is a limit.
>>7144842 is a good example. The one on the right is not beautiful and if she claims to be she's deluding herself, but I think the one on the left is doing just fine.
So which are you? Beautythick, or lardwhale?

>> No.7145658

I don't give a shit which one you think I am.
You're awful for looking at the person on the right, who looks like they're having fun with their cosplay, and trying to degrade them because they don't look like everyone else.

Calling her "lardwhale" is belittling that person's self-worth based on what they look like. If you want to be "genuine" then try actually pretending like you give a crap about humans (who aren't always the 10/10s you want them to be)?
You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.7145661

This basically.

Except I consider fat people the epitome of sloth.

>> No.7145663

Holy shit your face must be all sorts of red.
Angerham Lardwhale confirmed.

>> No.7145662

Bit, every overweight person IS increasing their risk. It's not like it's some myth. Being fat makes you a lot more likely to have all kinds of problems.

And again, I can't help that I was born. But I sure as shit can help from getting fat. You're telling me that fat people shouldn't worry about their health, because they don't have to worry about any health issues other than those that everyone else has to deal with.

And it's entirely false.

If you're fat, you're at a greater risk. Simple as that.

I mean, I'm a healthy weight, and I have my own share of health problems passed down through genetics. But if I let myself get fat? I'd be fucked. I'd be dead by the time I was 40. Heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, dementia, all of these things that I'm already at risk for would become exponentially more dangerous.

Honestly, anon, don't pretend it's not an issue. Maybe you'll get lucky, sure, but you're completely overlooking the risk you're taking with your own life. Don't call me stupid when you can't even realize that.

>> No.7145664


Being overweight is a medical issue in and of itself. Just because you (most likely) aren't going to have a heart attack TOMORROW does not mean it is healthy for your body.

Saying retarded things like "yeah but we'll all get old anyway!" is fucking idiotic. You're being willfully ignorant at best, and downright foolish at worst. Why put your own body through extra hardships, bring scorn upon yourself, and be weak-minded just because "we get old anyway"? What a pathetic line of thinking.

>> No.7145667

>implying they actually give a shit about anyone's health or well being
That's a convenient excuse they retreat to whenever someone calls them out for being egoistic, condescending little bitched that blow dick for skittles.

>> No.7145669

>Why do fat people always bring up the opposite end of the spectrum if you bring up the fact that being overweight is unhealthy?

Because they made themselves delusional with their mental gymnastics, in their desperate attempt to feel like they're actually choosing the healthier option.

>> No.7145670

Because they assume that anyone thin MUST be anorexic, of course.

God damn, if I had a nickle for every time someone's insinuated that I had an ED, I'd be fucking rich. And 90% of the time, it's a fatty.

>> No.7145672

We don't blow dick for skittles because skittles make you fat.

>> No.7145677


They aren't always extremely lazy, but they are almost always ignorant, and if not, delusional. There is a lot of misinformation out there about weight gain and weight loss: people think you can't do it without exercise; people really seem to think they "only eat 1000 calories a day but just can't lose weight!" (a medical impossibility); people think that eating a 2000-calorie diet daily and doing no exercise, while being a 5'2" 30-year-old female is okay because that's what it said on a candy wrapper. All of these things are very common misconceptions down to simple ignorance and the amazing capacity of the human mind to trick itself into feeling better.

Fat is ugly and disgusting and people who understand all of the above, don't try to change, and actively try to claim that being fat is HEALTHY or "just as good as" being healthy are a plague upon the face of the earth. At that point, it truly is beyond ignorance; it's gluttony, pure and simple. Calories in, calories out. Not difficult.

>> No.7145675
File: 927 KB, 1431x810, 24741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm perfectly healthy.
I have no blood sugar issues.
I don't have high cholesterol.
My bones/joints are fine.
And my blood pressure is normal.

I exercise, and have been involved in sports, almost all my life. You're still going to sit there and try to scare me, or anyone else like me, that we should be deathly afraid that our weight is going to kill us in 10 years? If I were morbidly obese you may have a point, but you're grasping at straws with that one.

Also I think it's fun to notice that you've managed to switch this conversation from the insults and venom that was spewed earlier to a debate over "health." Is this what you tell yourself when you insult someone's weight?
>"Teehee I can call them lards because I'm only trying to help them lose weight after all xD
Priceless. Like elementary schoolyard bullying.

>> No.7145679

Luckily I don't get that problem

they do however call me a steroid junkie because I have above average muscle mass

fit females have it even harder though, they're constantly discouraged and told they look like men as a reward for being very active, while fat females are told they're beautiful as a reward for being overweight.

>> No.7145682

I just got here, I wasn't part of the shitposting.

And yeah, maybe you're okay now. But you're screwed in the long run. A young body can handle the weight better.

But fucking listen to me. My grandmother was perfectly "healthy" and overweight her whole life, and then suddenly, she almost died due to heart disease. She was in the hospital for months, she dealt with multiple surgeries, including liposuction to reduce her weight, and she had to fight off MRSA, all because she was too fat.

And you know what? She dropped over 100 lbs. Because she saw what she'd been doing to herself, and she saw how bad it was.

You're fine now, anon, but when you're older, it's not going to be so easy to stay "healthy" with your weight.

>> No.7145685

>I'm perfectly healthy.

If you're fat, you aren't. Overweight is by definition a detraction from peak physical health. Period.

Even if you don't currently have blood sugar or cholesterol issues, you may very well develop those in the near future if you consistently eat sugary of carbohydrate-ridden foods. The body simply cannot cope with an overabundance of food for a long time. Your organs are not any better equipped than a thin person's just because you have extra layers of fat.

Your bones and joints are already under extra strain and depending on how fat you are exactly, they are probably already being pushed this way and that out of their correct placement. Over long periods of time, this causes a lot of issues.

I bet if you lost weight and ate healthy - ACTUALLY healthily, not "I ate a salad before I ate my daily chocolate bar, I'm so good!" - you'd notice the differences in your life very quickly.

>> No.7145683

Because usually females who do have large muscle mass ARE using roids or body performance supplements.
Females are not genetically built to put on loads of muscle. It's a biological fact.

>> No.7145686

I'm male though, and I'm not even that big. I just go for the practical strength and have been excercising for years. Don't even care about bodyfat, bearmode if you want to call it that.

And yes, I am very much aware females can't get big without hormones as a rule, but I said FIT.

>> No.7145687

Well, I'm a fucking twig, so I guess I should expect it.

Naturally high metabolism. My mom was the same way until she had 3 kids.

I even did gymnastics for 10 years, and didn't put on a whole lot of muscles. (my ass and abs are really nice though. Really thankful for that.)

I guess people assume that a thigh gap = eating disorder.

>> No.7145692


They say that about thin girls with a low body fat percentage. For those hardworking women to be insulted by slobs who circlejerk about "fat acceptance" and how "tolerant" they are is just disgusting.

>> No.7145689

>But you're screwed in the long run.
Lol, how?
The most obese person in my family lived until her late 70s, and the only reason she died was because of a faulty operation that tons of old people have.

It's really, really sad that you keep trying to push in my face how "ZOMG U GUN DIE" when I'm pretty much spoonfeeding you details of my lifestyle which so obviously don't add up to mean I'm immediately at-risk--that's IF I continue to live how I do and don't binge on junk food and stop exercising.

>b-b-but when you're older
Oh sorry, weren't you the one telling me that "getting old" is a silly argument to use?
How many times do I have to say it: Getting old IS BAD FOR ANYONE.

>> No.7145694


Medical science is trumped by the power of a strong fat womyn's anecdotes.

Thanks for the newsflash, fattie. Be sure to submit your findings for peer review.

>> No.7145695
File: 19 KB, 300x300, ww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how the world can have preferences for what they find attractive but fat people can't.

Any more double standards in that big bag of bullshit of yours?

>> No.7145696

>actual evidence including genetic history, current health, and current habits
>ur just using anecdotes
Nah, I don't think so. Nice try.

>> No.7145697


Saying "real men like curves [fat slobs] only dogs like bones!" even to people's faces is not just "having a preference".

>> No.7145703


Well I had a grandmother who smoked from age 12 and died of natural causes at 101, smoking two pack a day the whole way there. That doesn't mean I'm just peachy-fine chainsmoking.

>> No.7145701

>hurr I am immune from obesity-related disease and can recommend being fat to everyone else too, because I have a fat family
>medicine is fatphobic

>> No.7145702

Because every fat person says that, right?
I don't say that about anybody.
Why are you blaming me for what other people say? Should I blame every thin person for the insults in this thread? Is that fair too?

>> No.7145707

You know, why do you have to put words in my mouth?
Did I say I was immune? No.
And I quote:
>"don't add up to mean I'm immediately at-risk--that's IF I continue to live how I do and don't binge on junk food and stop exercising."

You're not getting anywhere with this. Why don't you be a good girl and give up?

>> No.7145711

Did you follow the conversation?

It's not about fat people saying these things.

It's about fat girl acceptance being more common than fit girl acceptance, despite this being infinitely more healthy.

>> No.7145715

Source? Because that's a LOAD of shit.
Talk about anecdotal argumentation.

>> No.7145717

Except "healthy living" columns, diets, commercials, and editorials are fucking everywhere.

>> No.7145719


Yes, because fatness is not healthy.

And 'fat acceptance' wants to reverse that attitude.

>> No.7145721

"Acceptance" movements annoy me in general.
Not necessarily because of the people behind them, but just because it's easy for others to marginalize or exaggerate certain messages when it might not represent everyone in the group.

>> No.7145723

but I'm not making any arguments...
seriously, go back and read the conversation. It's not argument. Just sharing experiences.

>> No.7145725

I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Are you trying to say that because these colums, diets, commercials and editorials are everywhere, it somehow makes being overweight healthy? Not to put words into your mouth, I have troubles comprehending the meaning of your post.

>> No.7145724
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>> No.7145727

Didn't you read the post it was responding to?

Person 1: Fat acceptance is more common than fit acceptance.
Person 2: But aren't a lot of healthy living tips and techniques perpetuated everywhere in everyday life?
Person 1: Yes.
Person 2: Then I guess "fit acceptance" isn't really less common.

>> No.7145731

Jesus christ, stop being so zealous. That's not even me.

media doesn't actually encourage being fit, it encourages that yoga-vegetarian-cardio lifestyle.
As soon as a girl puts on a bit of muscle (and I'm talking aesthetic natural amounts), it's suddenly "wow looks like a man"

As I said, I really just had troubles comprehending your post.
Read what I wrote above then.

>> No.7145733

See there's your problem. The vast majority of what you're referring to has been simple statement of fact, which is what the Op asked for to begin with.
You're just feeling insulted because you don't like those facts and don't want to do anything about yourself.

>> No.7145736

>media doesn't actually encourage being fit
Are you shitting me right now?
So you've never seen ads for workout routines like p90x?
You've never seen the ads for "get out and play and hour a day?"
You've never seen those obnoxious Bowflex or treadclimber commercials?
You don't see the fit, healthy women in grocery store magazines touting healthy recipes?
You don't see sex tips meant to 'burn more calories' in Cosmo?

Seriously? Seriously?
The only time I ever see anything remotely related to "fat acceptance" is here on cgl where girls bitch about tumblr, or how some fatass snickered at their cosplay.

>> No.7145737


If the dominant message of your group is zealous or exaggerated, that is the message of your group. You'd probably laugh at someone in the Westboro Baptist Church who said, "We're not all that bad!" and refused to leave them because "not everyone is being represented", right? Same thing.

>> No.7145739
File: 45 KB, 500x594, bwaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man. Lardwhale just went full capslock. Shit's about to go down.

>> No.7145741

I see you chose to ignore 70% of my post. Let me do the same.

>The only time I ever see anything remotely related to "fat acceptance" is here on cgl where girls bitch about tumblr, or how some fatass snickered at their cosplay.
It's all over facebook aswell. I have defeated you in this argument. I am victor. I will now leave.

>> No.7145745

Then I guess every normal gay, bi, or transgendered person should distance themselves from the LGBT movements if they don't want to be associated with obnoxious, flamboyant queers who don't have morals, correct?
Oh wait, life doesn't work like that.

I like how everyone else must be naive and it's not just you being willfully ignorant and presumptuous.

>> No.7145746

This. I don't care how "good" you think your cosplay is. If you cosplay a thin character, but are fat, then it is automatically an inaccurate cosplay.

>> No.7145747


I wonder if typing that frantically angry post counted as her cardio workout for the day

>> No.7145748

>I actually get examples from real life
>you resort to what's in the internet, again
Why can't we just agree to disagree?

>> No.7145751

That sounds like some serious fatty logic. The same way people say Marilyn Monroe was actually a bbw. (she wasn't)

>> No.7145752

>Then I guess every normal gay, bi, or transgendered person should distance themselves from the LGBT movements if they don't want to be associated with obnoxious, flamboyant queers who don't have morals, correct?
>Oh wait, life doesn't work like that.

Yes, they should. I am certainly not associated with them. Pride parades are negative.

>> No.7145757
File: 60 KB, 500x583, tumblr_m5bjxymMRB1r04xyvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fat fucks hijacking Marilyn Monroe is just horrible

>> No.7145758
File: 14 KB, 407x286, 390394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, they should.
Wow, yeah, I think we're done here.
You're set in your ways and I'm set in mine.

>> No.7145755

because I dont get what the fuck you're so angry about.

>> No.7145760

They should actually. Not gay myself, but even my gay friends (mostly lesbians) hate the LGBT community.

>> No.7145761


I made a point and you literally replied with another example of the same situation, and are now acting shocked that I remain consistent in my opinion. You're a fucking retard and there's nothing else to be said.

>> No.7145764

>The only time I ever see anything remotely related to "fat acceptance" is here on cgl where girls bitch about tumblr,

You must not go outside a lot. I'm tired of people telling me to eat a sandwich when I am overweight for my height. I've had professors lecture for ages on fatism and fat persecution.

I think they point this person is trying to make is that we hear about fat acceptance all the time, but then make fun of bodybuilders and very fit women for being too manly.

>> No.7145763

Why are you so upset? Why are you trying to validate your opinions on fat people to me?
You don't have to work so hard to impress me you know.

>> No.7145765

>bawww you're retarded
Oh look, more insults from you. That's new.

>> No.7145766

This so much. If you're "thin" but not because you were going to the gym you are anorectic.

>> No.7145769

>facts are wrong because I find them insulting

And that's a whole thread in a nutshell.

>> No.7145770

>when I am overweight for my height.
What's your weight and height?
>I've had professors lecture for ages on fatism and fat persecution.
Let me guess: Community college?
>I think they point this person is trying to make is that we hear about fat acceptance all the time, but then make fun of bodybuilders and very fit women for being too manly.
People get made fun of. The point that I made from the very beginning is that you shouldn't let this shit get to you.

>> No.7145772

The answer is almost certainly yes.

>> No.7145775
File: 101 KB, 640x425, tumblr_m80hec6tfn1qa64bjo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I didnt try that, I just thought it was interesting how fat acceptance is a thing and it's generally not accepted to make negative remarks on it, but often it's totally fine to call a muscular girl a "man with breasts" in some places and occasions.
I dont say it's a rule
I do seriously not get why you are trying to argue about this, there is nothing to argue about

>> No.7145776

>I like talking to myself

>> No.7145778
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If you are fat, you are not healthy. I don't care what bullshit you have read, or how much sugar coating your doctor has done (if you even have one) but fat is not healthy. You are increasing your chances for all ranges of diseases, including cancer, and are doing gradual damage on your organs, bones and joints. I also think it's pretty funny that when someone comes to you trying to help and show you how you are killing yourself and offer you an option to get your health back and live higher quality of life as a whole, you refer to it as "bullying". That right there just shows your own immaturity and insecurity.

>> No.7145780
File: 72 KB, 368x437, toby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did fat acceptance even sneak its way into this discussion anyway? I know I didn't bring it up.
And I don't know what planet you're from, but people mock the shit out of fat acceptance all the time.
>mfw that pic is on my timeline from last year
Yep, fatties like me don't care about fitness at all.
We just like our McD's, and getting offended on 4chan.

>> No.7145782


Close but no cigar, son.

>> No.7145783

My doctor tells me I am healthy, and that all I need to do to be healthier is to lose weight.
I trust the words of someone who went to medical school over some angry girl on 4chan trying to put down -my- hard work to lose weight and eat better. So thank you very much for your spiel, but I'm good. Really.

>> No.7145785

Women have been jealous of one another since the dawn of man. Only few have the will power to actually do something about. Myself? I won't even think about getting in a relationship with girl unless she has a gym membership and works out regularly. And I mean really work out, not just sitting on the leg press machine while doing calf raises at 10lbs and reading a book.

>> No.7145786

uploading a picture of a fit person to tumblr doesnt make you not a fat sloth

>> No.7145788
File: 317 KB, 800x800, 1360394303938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every time two or more people are in agreement against the fattychans they are one person, this is a fact that will remain consistent throughout the entire thread because there's no way two or more people could possibly disagree with me!

>> No.7145790
File: 2 KB, 126x122, 1343630236931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right.
Exercising five times a week and eating healthy doesn't make me a fat sloth.

>> No.7145791

Either you or your doctor is full of shit then.

>I trust the words of someone who went to medical school over some angry girl on 4chan trying to put down -my- hard work to lose weight and eat better.

Except I'm a dude, and have a master's in forensics.

>> No.7145792
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 30094809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can either go for flattery vs "not caring". If you don't care about accuracy, and don't fit the character's body type, be confident and prepared for backlash.

I usually go the flattery route, which is using shapewear and adjusting things so I'm not totally gross.

>> No.7145795

>My doctor tells me I am healthy, and that all I need to do to be healthier is to lose weight.
This means your doctor is indirectly, but obviously telling you that being overweight is not healthy no matter what.

... so your doctor holds the exact same educated opinion as the people you're responding to right now.
What the fuck, you retard.

>> No.7145796

Pics of the degree or gtfo.
Also, keep being mad son.

>> No.7145797


If you're actually trying to lose weight, then good job, and keep it up. But if you start spewing bullshit like saying "I'm just as healthy for being fat!", you are potentially damaging other people, and you're coming across as a delusional idiot with no understanding of health.

Don't forget, too, that fat fucks nowadays are likely to be in a much worse condition than ones who grew up in the '50s, when unprocessed, more naturally healthy food (even in overabundant quantities) were staples of diet, not processed foods with dozens of additives, many of which have proven to have negative effects on the health of test animals in large doses.

Encouraging the acceptance of obesity as an "alternate healthy lifestyle" is ignorant and the height of irresponsibility and self-delusion.

>> No.7145801


And being a fat sloth makes you a fat sloth.

>> No.7145799

>indirectly this
>implication that
Oh boy, you girls really hate being wrong about shit don't you?

>> No.7145802

Fucking this. It's amazing how fucking dense fat girls are about this. I can't tell if it's just a severe case of denial, or the fat somehow blocks certain sections of their brain off.

>> No.7145804

>"I'm just as healthy for being fat!"
I didn't say that though?
I said despite being fat I am healthy. I didn't say being fat means you're healthy.

Just because a person is thin doesn't make them healthy either. They still have to eat right and exercise just like I do. And if they're immobile and binge eat on junk then they're at just as much risk for developing problems than a fat person. That's the truth.
And I'll tell other fat people the same thing I'm telling you.

>> No.7145806


You're literally insane.

The next time you talk to your doctor, talk to him and ask him, "Dr., in plain and simple terms, am I unhealthy for being overweight? Am I putting myself under extra strain? Should I make a lifestyle change today?" and sit back and enjoy hearing the answers to the above questions all being "yes".

>> No.7145805

Okay, let's make a step for step

>doctor says you will be healthier if you lose weight
So if you lose weight, you are healthier.
Logically, this means you are not as healthy right now because of your excess weight.

Direct conclusion: your doctor says that being overweight is not healthy. period.
And you tried to use it as an argument against that point.

>> No.7145808
File: 272 KB, 1116x825, 1380150050048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I be mad? I don't care at all whether your decide to lose weight or not. I don't know you, nor do I have any emotional investment in you, plus I'm on my way out to the gym right now. I only look up and come in fatty threads on 4chan before I leave as motivation so I don't end up like people like you.

>> No.7145810

>not as healthy
But where in that logic of yours does this implicate I'm unhealthy?
It only means I could be healthier, he's not saying I'm desperately unhealthy now and that I'm going to die in 20 years unless I change.
The fact of the matter is due to my lifestyle and choices, and medical test results, he has NO REASON to put me in the "high risk" group of people (re: obesity).

>> No.7145812

>I said despite being fat I am healthy.

That's the same thing, retard. "I am just as healthy (as a thin person), despite the fact that I am fat!" Have you really never heard such a phrase before, or are your mental gymnastics making you stretch this much?

>Just because a person is thin doesn't make them healthy either.

No, but BY DEFINITION they are healthier than a fat person in the exact same physical condition! This is not rocket science.

If they binge on junk, they're almost certainly eating above their maintenance calories and WILL BECOME fat eventually, too. This isn't rocket science either. All you're saying is "a thin person eating a fat person's diet is just as bad as a fat person" - no shit.

>> No.7145813
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>> No.7145814

if the doctor says that being overweight makes you less healthy, this means that being overweight is not healthy.
jesus, you're one dense motherfucker.

>> No.7145817


B-b-b-b-but they didn't directly spell that out for me! Leave my illusion alone you fat-shamer!

>> No.7145815
File: 253 KB, 737x578, 1374545644844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking screenshot. Going to post this for a /fit/ thread later.

10/10 if this is a troll.

>> No.7145818

>just as healthy as a thin person
I'm healthier than a thin person who never exercises, eats indiscriminately, and spends their whole day on 4chan. Yes I am.
Body comparisons are circumstantial and depend on factors. Am I healthier than every thin person in the world? No, but by definition certainly quite a few.

You should probably stop calling others "retard" when you can't even think about what you're saying.

>> No.7145821

Screenshot >>7145818
for good measure too.
I doubt fit cares about girl drama on cgl, but I don't think there's a thing you could post to make that board any less shitty. Knock yourself out.

>> No.7145823

>I'm healthier than a thin person who never exercises, eats indiscriminately, and spends their whole day on 4chan. Yes I am.

You are not actually. If we're talking about terms of different sides of the spectrum, a thin person's joints and bones and cardiovascular system is going to be leagues better than a fat persons.

>> No.7145824

>I'm healthier than a thin person who never exercises, eats indiscriminately, and spends their whole day on 4chan. Yes I am.

Wow, congratulations, what an achievement. That's like me saying, "I'm healthier than a fatass who weighs 300lbs." It's a sad state of existence when you actually take pride in that and use that to justify being a fatass, as you are doing now.

>> No.7145825

What you say certainly makes sense, but none of this means being overweight doesnt have a negative impact on your health.

You can't deny this fact, and you're trying to tip-toe around it. Just face it: no matter what you do, being overweight is objectively NOT HEALTHY.

>> No.7145826

/fit/ likes /cgl/ actually.

>> No.7145834

>joints and bones
I already said...so many times now...that I don't have joint issues or bone problems. And I know what you're referring to because I know fat girls my age that do. I'm sorry to inform you that I'm not one of them.
If I don't have bad cholesterol, bad blood sugar, or high blood pressure there's very little outside of genetic factors that could mess with my heart at this point.

The only thing I worry about is blot clotting, but that's what my diet and exercise is for.

.....I'm trying to understand this post but it doesn't make sense to me. You're mad at me because I'm a fattie that tries to exercise and eat right? All of my what?

>> No.7145835
File: 52 KB, 605x550, T7G2p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that obesity is a lethal disease.

>> No.7145836

Should be blood. Heh.

>> No.7145838


And /cgl/ loves us. That's why you call us for help every time to deal with the fatties, giving us sexual favors in return.

>> No.7145839

Why are fat people in real life always more pleasant than you motherfuckers (with a few exceptions)? Every time I see these threads, I need to take a deep breath and tell myself of all the pleasant people I've met who have a BMI>30 and then I get calmer.

>> No.7145840


Obesity - even being overweight by a small amount - leads to these problems that you say you do not have.

If you do not have them TODAY, you will almost certainly have them EVENTUALLY. By virtue of being overweight.

>> No.7145842

>Why are fat people in real life always more pleasant than you motherfuckers (with a few exceptions)?

I think plenty of fat people could be nice on cgl if cgl were nicer to fat people.
You really can't compare irl to what goes on here, especially after they've been provoked so much.

>> No.7145846

I've been overweight for a good majority of my life and I haven't had these issues.
I'm doing things like diet and exercise to prevent them.
Thanks for reminding me what I've read in books and what my sports coaches have taught me? But as I've said, and repeated, and repeated, I'm really not worried.
Thank you for your concern.
When I'm 50 I'm sure a lot of people will have health problems besides pudgy old me.

>> No.7145848

Are you fucking shitting me?

Fat guys can be bros, but fat cunts? Literally the worst "human beings" on Earth. There's no such thing as "ugly on the inside, pretty on the outside" with women.

>> No.7145853

fuck I meant "ugly on the outside, pretty on the inside"

but the reverse is probably true too

>> No.7145849

>I already said...so many times now...that I don't have joint issues or bone problems. And I know what you're referring to because I know fat girls my age that do. I'm sorry to inform you that I'm not one of them.

I don't know what fat people you've met (and it also could be I live in Austin, one of the healthiest places in America) but almost all the fat people I have met, especially chicks, are fucking awful. They usually have low education, act uppity and entitled, and fucking complain about every little thing. They also are hell bent on ruining everyone's time at concerts and festivals by shoving their girth into everyone just so they can have a prime spot to watch the show without even dancing.

>> No.7145857

>When I'm 50 I'm sure a lot of people will have health problems besides pudgy old me.

Statitistically, no, you are wrong. A healthy 50 year old can still be as vibrant as a 30 year old.

>> No.7145859

Well I'm happy to inform you that I'm in my graduate studies, don't think I'm better than anyone else, and am only arguing because of what some girl said to me 100 replies ago.

I'm sorry fat people are so horrible to you, but nice fatties who like to have good times exist.

>> No.7145864

>A healthy 50 year old can still be as vibrant as a 30 year old.
You think statistically that there's a majority of people who are 50 who have the health of someone in their early 30s? I'm sorry, I need the source to this literature.

>> No.7145865

>When I'm 50 I'm sure a lot of people will have health problems besides pudgy old me.

Again, this really isn't a good point to make. In fact, it's a completely shit point.

If you lost weight and managed to become a healthy weight, I can guarantee that you'd notice a difference in your health, energy, and generally how you feel. Even if you think you feel great. Becoming healthier, not merely the bare minimum to prevent noticeable problems, is a goal that everyone should always strive for. The fact that other people are terrible about their health reflects only on them, it is nothing to comfort yourself with at all.

Losing weight is simply about calories in vs. calories out.

>> No.7145870

Well statistically speaking there are more fat people than there are healthy people so...

>> No.7145871

>I can guarantee that you'd notice a difference in your health, energy, and generally how you feel.
How do you know I haven't? This is what I don't understand: You're assuming because I'm fat I must eat like shit and don't make any attempts to lose weight.
I've lost 35 pounds since May.

The reason why I get offended is because the weight isn't going to melt overnight. It took me years, since childhood, to get fat. It'll probably take years to come off too if I diet reasonably.
I'm just tired of people assuming I don't work for anything and don't want to have nice cosplays or wear nice clothes just because I can't shed 50 pounds overnight.

>> No.7145873

See I would be more inclined to believe you if it wasn't for the fact that you people always think your special snowflakes that act completely different than reality.

>> No.7145875

A couple of months ago, I was around 200 pounds. This was in the midst of depression, and I tried to get into the whole FAT IS BEAUTIFUL fad. But I was exhausted all the time, and miserable, and hated looking at myself in the mirror.

I'm down to 170 now, and fit size 12/10 pants depending on the store. And I haven't felt better in ages. I'm still overweight, yes- and still have a ways to go. But just this difference has improved my energy, my self esteem, and pretty much everything in my life. More people are willing to talk to me, since I actually go out of my way to take care of myself.

You can love yourself when you're overweight, I suppose. But you're still killing your body. After everything I've experienced, you will never convince me that being seriously overweight leads to a better lifestyle- it just doesn't.

And I hate to be mean, but people who stop caring about their weight/claim to love themselves and be happy in their skin are just lazy. If you have to constantly justify your looks, you aren't fucking happy. If you have to put other people down on the grounds they make you feel uncomfortable, you aren't happy.

If you were happy, you wouldn't bitch at people for wanting to make themselves happy. You also wouldn't put them down for trying to take care of their bodies and be positive, just because it's different from the way you're doing it.

So shut up and stop trying to make drama to justify your own shitty attitudes and laziness.

>> No.7145879

>implying people still don't consider you an obese fatass at 170
Shut up you fat accepting lardo and get back to your fat den.

>> No.7145881
File: 23 KB, 569x428, 4393994930302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you have to put other people down on the grounds they make you feel uncomfortable, you aren't happy.

So......pretty much everyone making fun of fatties itt?
Welp, can't argue with your sound logic.

>> No.7145882

>I've lost 35 pounds since May.

Congratulations. I hope you can keep it up and keep the weight off. That's the most difficult part, as I am sure you know.

>The reason why I get offended is because the weight isn't going to melt overnight.

In other words, you're offended for no good reason, and claim that being overweight is healthy because sometimes people have unreasonable expectations? That's stupid.

You literally have no reason to say such silly and irresponsible things, like claiming being overweight is not unhealthy, when you yourself obviously realise that it is less than healthy and that you've had such success with weight loss.

Even if you're losing only half a pound per week on average, that's great and you can be an inspiration to others, rather than an inspiration for people to stay fat. Talking like losing weight is not a goal that should be worked towards encourages people to be negligent with their personal health and all in all contributes to a disgusting culture of modern life that we are going to be seeing the rewards of on a mass scale pretty soon.

>> No.7145885


No, that's not what I'm saying at all. I've just never met a fat person who doesn't go out of their way to "wonder why skinny people are unhappy" or pull that Skinny Minnie shit PixiTeri does. If you're so happy in your own skin, why do you have to justify it?

Wow. Yes. Way to overlook the part where I say I know I'm still working out and working on it. Stellar work at picking just the parts you wanted to focus on.

>> No.7145888

Honestly, maintaining weight is actually pretty easy and it makes me so mad that in the periods where I have been depressed I let myself gain so much.

>you're offended for no good reason
Well, you see anon, when people on cgl tell me that I'm "worthless," "unattractive," that I should "die," that I shouldn't be allowed to have "fun," or cosplay what I want--it becomes a good reason to be pissed off at them. Evidently, even when I say I diet and exercise they still assume I must be horribly unhealthy until I specifically state how much I've lost and show them my routine. Do you think it's fair that it boils down to me having to explain like that because people can't let go of their assumptions and prejudices?

I don't advocate people to stay fat (in fact, I never have which is why the fat acceptance thing was so weird?) but I DO NOT advocate for anyone else to berate them and make them feel worthless. That's inhumane, not right, and shitty. Point blank. Period.

>> No.7145896


You're literally getting mad that people agree that being overweight is unhealthy, while agreeing with them.

You are getting offended for no good reason.

>> No.7145895

>I've just never met a fat person who doesn't go out of their way to pick on skinny people
It's nice to meet you anon :)

>> No.7145900


Good post anon.

>> No.7145904

>You're literally getting mad that people agree that being overweight is unhealthy, while agreeing with them.

No, you missed it:
>people on cgl tell me that I'm "worthless," "unattractive," that I should "die," that I shouldn't be allowed to have "fun," or cosplay what I want
-These- people make me irritated. Not you.
And if you're implying these disgusting words are a good way to motivate people to lose weight, then yes I vehemently disagree.

>> No.7145907

>These people make me irritated. Not you.

Take it to them then instead of trying to start some shit about obesity not causing health problems, jesus.

>> No.7145908


Find me one overweight person who doesn't get aggressive on justifying why their weight is okay. If you can show me one that doesn't laugh at you for wanting to go to a healthy restaurant, or question why you're skipping cake at the office, I will honestly shut up on the issue. If you can introduce me to an overweight person who doesn't comment that they're allowed to eat more because of their size, or make comments on your wanting better clothes or wanting to work out, I will shut the fuck up on this issue.

But so far? They've all done this to me. And it irritates the shit out of me.

>> No.7145911

>Take it to them then instead of trying to start some shit about obesity not causing health problems, jesus.

#1 I did until /fit/ invaded and the discussion got off topic.
#2 I never said obesity was good for anybody. (note the difference between overweight and obese)
#3 I specifically stated that health is circumstantial and depends on individual factors that is the business between the medical experts and individuals.

We have nothing to argue here.

>Find me one overweight person who doesn't get aggressive on justifying why their weight is okay
I personally only justify it when I'm asked.
Like what people itt asked me to do.
I like healthy food.
I pass on sweets.
And I like zumba and have a body sculpting class three times a week.

Again, it's nice to meet you. Hello, I am anon.

>> No.7145917


This whole discussion has been about whether or not being overweight is acceptable; since we are, in fact, in agreement, despite all evidence to the contrary in the past, there is no issue.

There is no need to excuse yourself when you ARE trying to improve yourself. Excuses just make you seem like you need to be persuaded to not damage your own health. When you claim that you are perfectly healthy and that any illness you might suffer from in the future because of being overweight are negligible because other people are fat too, that sort of thing heavily implies that you are attempting to say that being obese is a perfectly normal and unavoidable condition that everyone should both put up with and encourage. Those suggestions are abominable and should be fought whenever a person sees them. They encourage ill health and disgusting - even destructive - social attitudes.

Since, it seems, and I am taking your word as truth about your weight loss even though all of these previous statements lean the direct opposite way, you actually do not believe these things, then there should be no issue. Why get offended when people say that obese people look terrible in cosplay? Maybe you do/did, maybe you don't/didn't. I can hardly tell, can I, and what precisely does it matter? That isn't the discussion at hand.

This manner of deflecting topics and then revealing that a past topic was misrepresented from the beginning is very strange.

>> No.7145913


Has Zumba worked for you? I've been debating trying it, honestly, but just hate the idea of working out around other people. I'll weight lift with my trainer, but just... dancing in public freaks me out.

So I run and do Just Dance for cardio.

Have you had success with Zumba?

>> No.7145923

I have the same issues about being around people when I work out. I used to feel ugly and disgusting when I sweated so being around people in a gym setting was torture.
Zumba is cool because you realize everyone else pretty much has the same anxieties as you do, but the environment is super friendly.

It also helps to know that everyone is doing ridiculous dances the same as you. I highly recommend it. My class is roughly 50minutes~ but I work up a sweat. Your results will be as good as the effort you put into it. Give it a try.
(I'm also doing it as a class for college credit so the absence policy helps me to stay motivated to go too)

>negligible because other people are fat too
My god I didn't say this though! I didn't say obesity was normal either, like where are you getting this?
Just look at >>7145911
for reference.

>> No.7146088

I gave my opinion about fat people but the this>>7144811,>>7144758 got mad and started accusing me of samefagging and shitposting, landwhales can't take the truth and start crying which I find rather hilarious, childish and immature.

>> No.7146107

You have no room to speak about immaturity or playing childish games. You really don't.

>> No.7146122
File: 73 KB, 704x528, 1349900589752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats on your weightloss, keep working on it.

>> No.7146133


OP asked for an opinion, I gave my opinion, and the a person got mad and immaturely started to shitpost.

My opinion was, fat people look foolish cosplaying and loosing weight is better than crying in and imageboard about people making fun of you for being fat.

>> No.7146147
File: 115 KB, 435x435, 1381658826494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because saying anything looks "objectively" foolish with no exceptions isn't a childish and immature stance
You sound like you're five. And then you come back and whine more about how someone argued with you on cgl? The shock of it all I tell ya.

>> No.7146151

I think a mature person would have let it go tbqh. Why are you bothering responding now?

>> No.7146157


If you're not having a good time at cons, then maybe you should take a break. It really is the fun that matters most, and if you feel you can't really have a good time until you lose weight, then do that. Don't voluntarily subject yourself to feeling self-conscious and shitty.

That beings said, as long as you really do try to hide the bad parts, 95% of people just will not give the slightest of shits. Yeah, you're going to run into the 5% who get shitter-shattered every time someone isn't 100% accurate, but you'd have that 5% no matter what. If you were super thin and pretty, that 5% would be jealous bitches. Not everyone is going to like you, but if they really can't look past weight to be the very minimum of polite, then fuck them.

>> No.7146161

I'm not a fattychan but I really liked this post. Thanks.

>> No.7146174

Read the thread, fat cosplay looks bad all the time, cause cartoon characters are not fat, is not an objective truth but the majority agree.
Show me a fat person that looks good cosplaying or not, you may agree that it looks good and so will a chubby chaser good but not the majority of people, Pic related I Googled good fat cosplay and all I got was images of funny looking landwales in costumes.
I was just giving my opinion, though I agree that if cosplaying makes you happy do it, but then don't cry and ask for opinions on 4chan.

>You sound like you're five
We are discussing fat people not my mental state, this will not change the fact that fat people look funny in cosplay. Cry more fatty.

>> No.7146182
File: 74 KB, 800x552, jill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I always forget my pic, sorry about that.

>> No.7146191


I've lost a lot of weight, I used to be over 200lbs, and I'm currently working on getting a fit body. But I'm doing this all for me, nobody else. Certainly not to become cosplay famous. It doesn't matter if you're 90lbs or 290. People will pick apart every aspect of your body no matter what you do, and especially if you are female. Go eat a sandwhich, stop eating and kill yourself already, get a nose job, because your nose isn't accurate, hurr hurr lost all that weight and you're still ugly, still fat!!! hurr

Haters gonna hate, no matter what the fuck you do. But if you make choices about your life for yourself (be it to lose weight, or just be happy with who you are now) and are confident in those choices, people's opinions matter a lot less and make a lot less of an impact.

Everyone wants to be liked, but you're not going to please everyone no matter what you do. So fuck em. Do what you feel you need to do to be happy with yourself.

>> No.7146200

>Fat cosplay looks bad all the time

See, black and white thought processes like that are just shitty. I personally don't mind when other types of "flavor" are added to costumes (zombie x, fem!y), so why get so bent out of shape over a fatter version of the character?

>> No.7146202
File: 197 KB, 500x335, Studio+Killers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being fat, I'm using it as an opportunity to cosplay characters like Cherry, who I'm planning on doing for next year.
I just need to get the courage to wear a short dress. It seems like no matter the length, dresses and skirts can't hide my fat ass and I'm always worrying.

>> No.7146207

Oh, and as an addendum, there's an ENTIRE thread of pretty good thick/fat cosplays active right now.


Not being able to find good fat cosplays is a YOU problem.

>> No.7146215
File: 119 KB, 399x477, 1342118743443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a cunt.
>Look at how mature I am ya'll

>> No.7146219

Muh nigga
I really want my bf to be the bouncer ;____;

>> No.7146224
File: 178 KB, 472x550, 3848393292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cause cartoon characters are not fat
I don't know if anyone actually said this or if you just made this shit up, but it's a full retard statement.

>> No.7146229
File: 347 KB, 800x1200, ll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because fat people cosplaying or not looks bad, once again you may disagree and a chubby chaser may disagree but not the majority of people.
I also like other types or flavor for example those rugged looking man cosplaying touhous and loli characters.

A lot of them are just chubby not fat. But I think that most would look bad irl without the Photoshop, now I'm not saying that thin people don't Photoshop either but their boobs would look saggy and the stretch marks would show just like pic related. But once again they are mostly chubby meaning they have curves not a 'curve' if you know what I mean.

Haha, look at the fatties being mad.

>> No.7146236

>because everyone who thinks you're being a cunt is fat
Whatever helps you sleep at night girl.

>> No.7146237

Keep stroking your pencil dick, skippy. nobody cares.

>> No.7146239


>The majority of people

The majority of people don't give a shit. Prove your statement more correct than mine, or stop acting like you're tapped into some collective consciousness and know exactly what other people's opinions are. It drives me insane when people can't even consider the possibility that their shitty opinion isn't a universal fact.

>> No.7146240

Get over yourself.
My girl is 5'6 and 120~ and I can still admit that a fat girl can look good in certain cosplays. Why are you you so mad? No1curr about your big fancy opinion.

>> No.7146249

Here is a great article about fat/plus size cosplayers? what do ya all think? http://leagueofextraordinarycosplayers.com/2013/08/10/does-size-matter/

>> No.7146250

I'm a female.

Same thing I tell you, your opinion about fat is not a universal fact, if op is so selfconscious about her looks if because she gets funny looks in her cosplay by the majority. Fat does not look healthy especially outside the US.

You like her and are in a relationship that is why you don't mind certain aspects of her appearance that is why she looks good to you, I'm not saying is all cosplay but most of all characters don't fit fat, like>>7146224 posting that one character in the sea of skinny bishoujo.

Why are you so mad then? Is my opinion you can choose to ignore it.

>> No.7146256

>because she gets funny looks

Are you seriously saying that nobody ever feels self-conscious for no reason? Are you just retarded?

>> No.7146258

Yeah because "Hey fat-ass stop eating!" and "Go on a diet fat fuck" are "helpful advice" and "opinions on a better life-style". This is middle school grade logic at it's finest ladies and gents.

>Masters in Forensics
I can small the fresh Texas Bull Shit in that line!
I am a Psychologist and I can see your insecurities, yet I still cannot see why children like cinnamon toast crunch...

>> No.7146266
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>a Psychologist and I can see your insecurities

>> No.7146273

So you're saying she does not and nobody makes fun of fat people then? are you just delusional?

>> No.7146276

This being pointed out amuses me, because I've been through the insomniac route and around 70% at least of all channels in the wee hours of the morning are advertising exercise machines. I'm sure it's because of just time slots but I like to think it's because they expect people without jobs (or insomniacs) or whatever to be up at that time and say 'shit man, what am I doing with my life? TIME TO FEEL THE BURN'

>> No.7146281


I'm saying I don't know, and you sure as shit don't know any more than I do. Seriously, why are you making all these assumptions about the person when you don't actually know a damn thing about them? Why are you making such broad sweeping statements when broad sweeping statements almost always have exceptions? Why is it so goddamn important to you that the "majority" agree with you? It's a shitty opinion to have, most people aren't assholes about stuff like that, and you're a shitty person for letting it have as much influence over your view of other people as you do. Deal with it, and make the necessary changes.

>> No.7146285

I actually quite like this character. It'd be cool to see a chubby girl cosplay her, but she'd have to be cute to pull it off.

>> No.7146286

all they see is either " hey good costume!" or "not impressed and on to other things" its when you constantly give out that vibe of low self esteem and tgat people are only looking at your weight is when people will pick up on it sub consciously and look at you badly . But there's always the few exceptions of people who are ridden with thier own self esteem issues who will call you out about being fat. But honestly who gives a fuck what they think, the only stuff that hurts you is the stuff you let hurt you.

>> No.7146290
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Posting my favorite Psycho to go with your adorable girl! There are definitely fat/ plus size characters in anime and manga you just have to look for them.

Honestly as long as you are cosplaying your body type, and doing costumes that aren't showing every little roll and is tailored to flatter your body, go for it!

>> No.7146294

I know this thread erupted into garbage a long time ago on both ends, but I'll add my opinion anyway.
I don't have any negative opinions about fat people cosplaying. Nearly any size, someone is going to shit on you for your cosplay, so live with it and move on. Usually the shit is something you can legitimately improve on and if you care enough, use it to better yourself. But if you choose not to that's fine, but it won't do you much good to complain about it on the internet either.
There's almost always a way to make your costumes flattering on your own body, so that helps too. A fat person squeezed into a costume that's noticeably too small for him/her looks just as bad as a thin person who looks like they're drowning in their potato sack of a costume. Just make sure your costume fits your body specifically and it's alright, imo.

>> No.7146312

>but I can't help but feel bad when I'm at cons, because i always end up thinking about how everyone is probably laughing inside when they look at me.
She gets the feeling and is selfconscious because she knows she does not look optimal in her cosplay that is why she is trying to loose weight.
>Why is it so goddamn important to you that the "majority" agree with you?
I don't pretend that, just stating my opinion as I said before, not my fault people get defensive and mad, and I have my opinion because I have my standard I once had a BMI of 24 and felt disgusting in clothes it was not aesthetic, once got to a lower one I felt better looked cuter everything was good with the world, and everyone should strive for a healthy weight.

You are asking me to change my attitude and opinion because it hurts the feelings of heavy people that need a change in their eating habits, if that does not sound rude and defensive of you, I don't know what does.

>> No.7146334

So again, you don't know people were actually looking at her. It's equally likely that she just felt self-conscious because that's how people tend to be. Not everyone feels great about themselves regardless of how they actually look.

And obviously it is important that people think that the majority agree with you, because you've insisted it multiple times. And people aren't jumping down your throat just because you don't find fat attractive. It's that you seem to have so much damn venom for them. It's just not normal and really unhealthy to harbor that much resentment at people that haven't actually done anything to you.

>> No.7146344

Blah blah I'm fat and angry blah blah why aren't you all in favor of fat cosplayers.

Fun fact: people disagree about fucking everything. Deal with it and move on. You're never going to change the mind of everyone who doesn't like fat cosplay and, obviously, fat cosplayer's gonna fat cosplay.
Let it die.

>> No.7146353

I don't hate fat people, as I said before, I you like it and feels good do it.
I don't really care about fat people, fat acceptance of fat cosplay, but OP requested for my opinion and I gave it, and after reading this thread it did not changed, now I see how delusional fat people really are.

What I'm not OK with is people crying and shitposting just because they don't like other people's opinions.

>> No.7146355
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Wateva nigga. I do feel sorry for you, but i mean, this is shit you should've mastered in kindergarten.

>> No.7146357
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>when the fatter lolita looks way better
actually i want her skirt ._.

>> No.7146370


That's not even possible.

>> No.7146382

they're both cows

>> No.7146759

Congrats on your weight loss, but everything else you just said resonated with bullshit. But then again, you're still a fatass and the fact that you hopped on the fat acceptance train at all shows that you can't into common sense anyway.

>> No.7146801

>mfw 295 posts because of some landwhales' buttravagement

Once again, only post worth reading ITT was >>7143779

>> No.7146833

You're fat. Obviously you aren't fun allowed. Only skinny people are allowed to have fun and do things they like.
Fat is gross.
Get skinny or die of sadness (and diabetes).

>> No.7146835

One thing that seems to get lost in this is confidence.

I don't mean being proud of being fat or thin. I mean confidence in your personality. Confidence and friendliness go a long way. Also, just enjoy the experience. I don't take pictures, for example, I just make memories.

Good Luck! Have fun!

>> No.7146932

Landwhale's buttravagement? More like a bunch of people jumping down a fattie's throat because they called themselves attractive. Now that put a few hornets up peoples' asses.

>> No.7146950

>if you're healthy now as a fattie then you will have problems once you're older anyway

Look kids, this is one of the most stupid self fulfilling prophecies I've ever read. I'm 32 and there's not many friends and acquaintances I have who don't have a medical issue of some variety.
Some of my thinner friends have type 1, and my best friend who's been underweight a good majority of her life has a hip bone problem.
A guy I was close with from high school who did track and cross country has cardiovascular issues, and another girl from my cheerleading squad has scars from nose rot because she got into some bad drugs.

I even have high blood pressure. It runs in my family. I do cardio five times a week and have even done things like substitute my breakfast with a cup of cheerios and some water. It's difficult to keep it in check. Bad shit just happens to people when you get older, it doesn't matter if you're fat or thin.
I used to scold my friends when they would say some of the shit like what's itt and I have to laugh now because one of them had a stroke at only 29, and she has never been overweight.

>> No.7146958

>Everyone looks fucking foolish
>Every. single. normalfag is pointing and laughing. Doesn't matter what your body size is. End of story.

Now this is delusion. Just because cosplay is weird from an outside perspective doesn't make all cosplay equal. This is like the people arguing that because everyone is entitled to an opinion, all opinions are equally valid. Context is everything. It's always a case of being better at something than others, not just being "the best in absolute terms".

>> No.7146972

>Nobody should be old.
>Know what kills almost everybody? Old age.

You're equating something under your control to old age? Brilliant. Next you'll argue you should go ahead and smoke a pack a day, because there is a chance you'll get cancer anyway.

Statistics are a thing, and anything that decreases your odds of living a healthy life is generally a bad thing.


>> No.7147039


They're both fat and look silly.

>> No.7147130

a lot of characters eat too much and doesn't get fat... that doesn't mean nothing.

>> No.7147133

I love you both

>> No.7147134

that character always remind me Mami and then I remember all those fat people cosplaying from Madoka Magica...

>> No.7147239

Before the wall fell there were some (mostly garrison & background characters since they sat around and drank and ate all day) after the wall fell there was significantly less, probably because they couldn't run/get away from the titans.

>> No.7147487
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There are fat characters too OP.