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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7136593 No.7136593[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi there, I know dudes from /fit/ come here all the time asking why you won’t be their girlfriends, and I know dudes from /r9k/ come here and call you all a bunch of bitches and sluts for not dating them, not sure if they’re being funny or if they were serious attempts to figure out your reasoning/logic behind your decisions.

Well, before I get started I’d like to state that this is nothing like those attempts. Yes, the goal may be similar, but the method to attaining it will be much different, and hopefully come with some very different results.

I was coming to gauge your interests to see if any of you lovely ladies would be interested in being my girlfriend. I’ve had a Lolita girlfriend before, and I’d have to say that I really love j-fashion, and all the styles of Lolita, be it sweet, classic, gothic, sailor, or anything in between. I love going to meet ups, cons, checking the egl sales page, staying up late to get things as soon as they hit the Angelic Pretty site. I just absolutely love everything that comes with the lifestyle.

I know it’s not as simple to gain a girlfriend just by simply typing some words on the screen, so I’ll go a little further and give you some details about me: I’m 23; I do have a job and am currently going to school. I drive; have my own car, pretty well off financially, no debt if I might add that.

If any of you would be so lovely to want to chat and get to know each other better I will leave my skype. If things do go over so well and awesome, I’d consider relocating for you, or you can relocate with me, if and when it all gets down to it.

My Skype is: spaghetti.pockets90

So, I hope you ladies have a wonderful night, and we can get this process of finding and officially making you my kawaii desu uguu waifu off on the right foot.

>> No.7136600

Let's get to brass tax bud:
how hot are you? And if not very, then how much brand can you pony up?

>> No.7136602

>if any of you lovely ladies would be interested in being my girlfriend
this isn't an anim--

>Lolita girlfriend before, and I’d have to say that I really love j-fashion, and all the styles of Lolita, be it sweet, classic, gothic, sailor, or anything in between. I love going to meet ups, cons, checking the egl sales page, staying up late to get things as soon as they hit the Angelic Pretty site. I just absolutely love everything that comes with the lifestyle.

You're either really ugly, desperate, or not real. Too good to be true.

>> No.7136609

I think I'm fairly decent, girls tell me I look nice all the time. And all the brand, all of the brand.

I'm real, quite real.

>> No.7136620
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>post selca
>post ss of checking balance


>> No.7136618

These kind of threads generally aren't well received here and the only girls you will attract are likely desperate or gold diggers. Do you have a legitimate interest in the fashion and wear some style of it? If so, continue to go to meet ups/cons and you will likely meet some one. You don't want to be seen as the creeper who wants anyone as long as they're a lolita.

>> No.7136619

Photographic evidence?
Also where are you from?

>> No.7136622

I have a legitimate interest in the fashion. And being a lolita isn't a prerequisite of being my girlfriend, it just definitely helps out quite a bit. I wouldn't date any hambeast just because she can squeeze into AP. You have to look nice, as shallow as that may seem, and also have a bit of a personality that can mesh with mine, I've no fear of that I can get along with a lot of people.

I'm not going to post my face, as I know some people who lurk this board who will come out of the woodwork to troll this thread. Also, I live in Texas.


>> No.7136740

Bumping this before I go to bed, hopefully when I wake up in a bed there's some replies.

Night girls~

>> No.7136762
File: 508 KB, 1834x2769, inLjoQQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wants seagulls to flock to him
I see a fedora over the horizon.

...At least he has a car.

kinda-sorta-relevant Captcha: Sup Eregamo

>> No.7136764

Was falling asleep, then got notifications on my phone. That skype is my throwaway skype, if and when it gets to the point I'll give whomever wants it my actual one. I do not wear a fedora.

But at this time that's a no go because like I said, I know some people on /cgl/ who would get rather upset if they saw me posting this on there.

And that mask is frightening, I don't know why I clicked it ; _ ;

>> No.7136765

Who said it was a mask?

>> No.7136767

>I know some people on /cgl/ who would get rather upset if they saw me posting this on there.

>implying your name throws weight around here.

>> No.7136769

You know, being such a pussy that you're scared of people on /cgl/ probably isn't going to endear you to potential loligfs reading this thread. In fact it seems to be like you have some kind of reputation for being a creep on here and are trying to hide it. Would I be correct?

>> No.7136768

Is the fucking janitor asleep or what?

>> No.7136772

Not this thread again.

Just go to a dating website and sign up. In your profile, write down that you want girls who wear lolita brands such as Angelic Pretty, Moi Meme Moitie, Juliette et Justine or similar. If you write out the brand names you can be sure the ones who answer know what you're talking about (Be prepared if she asks you whether you like Moitie's chocolate whipped cream print to test if you're genuine in return). You can safely post a photo of your gorgeous mug on the dating site so she knows you're not ugly without the whole of 4chan laughing at you.

Alternatively, join fetlife so you can find someone willing to don a poofy dress. It doesn't have to be about sex, if all you want is someone cute and skinny who runs around a closet worrying about dressing up for a meetup, you can write out such a script and negotiate someone willing to roleplay it with you (though you're likely to have to repay her with sex)

I don't advise joining a lolita comm because if this thread is any indication, you'll probably come off as a creeper with lolita fetish, and quite frankly we don't need another one of those.

This thread isn't going to get you anything of quality, because 4chan is full of trolls and the sane lolitas know better than to take this thread seriously. Heck, I'm answering seriously and I still think you're a troll.

Now, I'm going to wish you the best of luck, because I'm going to hide the thread and never think about you again. Good night.

>> No.7136776
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let us call him 'Fedora -san'

>> No.7136780

Never said anything about my name carrying weight. I wouldn't want a certain ex and her group of friends finding this thread and bad mouthing me for no good reasons.

See above statement. I don't want people that do know me, coming to this thread, and ruining shit.

I'm hardly a creeper, I've nothing to hide, I'm not trolling either like most of the other dudes that have come to this board, because I've been here for quite a while. I'm just honestly looking for a girlfriend, not a fucktoy, or a sugar baby, or a doll to play dress up with.

>> No.7136786

You type like a douche.

Join a fucking community and go to some meetups. Gawsh.

>> No.7136787

can't imagine a lot of successful relationships start with "So we meet on 4-chan when he had an open casting call..."

Relevant Captcha: Screales Married

>> No.7136795

How do I type like a douche? That seems like a bit of a judgemental statement.

And I have friends in two communities. I wouldn't wanna show up uninvited every weekend, and they get the wrong idea of me.

>"Who's that?"
>"That's anon, he comes every week and sits in the corner in hopes that one of us notice him and be his waifu."

>> No.7136793

>implying the guy in that picture isn't attractive
>implying he doesn't get mad pussy

>> No.7136804

>"That's anon, he comes every week and sits in the corner in hopes that one of us notice him and be his waifu."

Yup, that's 'bout what we were expecting, Fedora -san.

>> No.7136807

not op, but i haven't been in the fashion for very long and i have no idea what Moitie's chocolate whipped cream print means. could someone enlighten me?

>> No.7136810

You just do.

>Admitting you just be sitting in a fucking corner
Jesus, you sound disgusting. Start a blog about the fashion and network, go to a meet and talk to people.

Many relationships start online but tbh you seem bottom of the barrel, and it's easier to get find chemistry in real life. If you're part of the community and you like the fashion then every event is a valid invite, go along and try to make friends. Only losers wait to be noticed.
Maybe something will come of it, but if you come here crying 'friendzone', there will be blood.

>> No.7136812

and why would she be badmouthing you? did you cheat on her or something? people aren't going to leave this shit alone until you dish the dirt.

>> No.7136813

>admitting I sit in the corner
>not being a joke

Lighten up, all that anger you're spewing will hurt you in the long run.

>you seem bottom of the barrel
You hardly know anything about me, especially if what you're basing that on is a post on 4chan.

And who the fuck crys "friendzone" besides autists and man children?

>> No.7136814

She'd badmouth me because that's what chicks tend to do when you walk out of their lives. And she cheated on me, long story, not discussing on /cgl/.

>> No.7136816

If you like the lifestyle, just live the lifestyle. No need to be fucking creepy about it.

Sage for disgust

>> No.7136819

You're Nia's ex, huh?

You two need to stop shitting up the board

>> No.7136820
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>> No.7136824

moitie doesn't make sweet prints

>> No.7136829

Uh... huh. Whatever you say. You sound shady as fuck so don't expect any joy from this thread. Also, nobody wants to deal with ex drama.

>> No.7136834

Um... Hi OP, I just wanted to say that you sound really sweet, and you shouldn't let the jelly landwhales and itas of /cgl/ scare you off of your journey.

I hope you find yourself a nice girlfriend, it's the least life owes you if you were indeed Nia's ex c:

>> No.7136838

How do I sound shady? You want me to sit here and give you blow by blow details of how it went down or something?

>> No.7136840

The fact that you're simultaneously secretive about it and maintain that her apparently hating you is something you do not hold any blame for at all suggests that you're not being 100% honest here. If someone hates you there is usually a reason for it.

>> No.7136841

Fine, you wanna know everything? Yes or no?

>> No.7136842

Yeah, spill the beans.

>> No.7136843

Alright, I am Nia's ex boyfriend. I didn't wanna mention that because of the stigma that comes from that.

>ohh you're Nia's ex you're just as awful as her

And her hating me? I deleted her tumblr, anyone that's so obsessed with that thing is gonna throw a bitch fit once you delete it.

>> No.7136844

Christ. Yeah nobody is going to want anything to do with you, you're immature as fuck. I don't like Nia either but I would never date a drama-stirring egotistical twat like you.

>> No.7136845

Drama-stirring egotistical twat? I wonder where that came from.

And immature? I fail to see how, but okay.

I don't recall coming here and starting threads bitching about her or anything. I keep things in house, I don't air much dirty laundry for everyone to see.

>> No.7136846

>drama-stirring egotistical twat
That's why they dated though, they match each other.

>> No.7136847

You came and shat up the Animal Crossing threads, where nobody wanted to hear about your relationship drama at all. Complete manchild and now I completely understand why you were being cagey, anyone who's familiar with your past activity here would run a mile.

Well you're not wrong there, but that doesn't mean other lolitas have to put up with his shit.

>> No.7136848

Oh my fucking god.

Go away.

You AND her have been shitting up the boards with your petty, shitty drama. You just made this fucking thread so you could get Nia mad and you could both have another bitchfit.

You know perfectly well this thread wasn't going to go anywhere, so get off the superiority horse.

And fuck you.

>> No.7136849

I "shat up" one Animal Crossing thread, I can go back in the archive and find it, it happened once.

Past activity though? You make it seem as if I lined a petticoat with bricks of cocaine and snuck across the border. Me "shitting up" an Animal Crossing thread hardly counts as being an awful drama monger whose sole purpose in life is to do just that.

You know nothing of me, just snippets and blurbs you hear about from others, and what limited "evidence" you do have of me being an awful person.

>> No.7136853

Well m8, you can get on your high horse about it all you like, but a quick search of her name on the archive brings up a whole lot of shitflinging from you and the fact of the matter is that there are way more guys who want lolita girlfriends here than there are lolitas who want boyfriends, and you just knocked yourself out of the race, because nobody wants to associate with a known drama whore like you and then have to deal with shit from Nia to boot.

Don't forget to delete the thread on your way out!

>> No.7136855
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I think constant shit posting would count as shitting up the board, not posting once every blue moon. And Nia get mad and check the board? She hardly comes to /cgl/ anymore.

I made this thread with the actual intention of finding a new girlfriend to shower with affection and brand, but since everyone is here judging me based off of hearsay and what they think, I'll just go hang out with my friends in the comm and find a new girlfriend there.

Your loss /cgl/, it could've been amazing.

>> No.7136859

And there's the flounce. Beautiful. 9/10 for form, and I think I can award you a full 10 for butthurt content.

>> No.7136856

>it could've been amazing.
Okay Romeo Rose.

>> No.7136860

Hardly butthurt, I'm not losing any sleep over this stuff.

>> No.7136863
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Of course you're not.

>> No.7136864
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Whatever you say, doll.

>> No.7136867

Does anyone have pictures of Nia and this guy? I can't even remember where the drama with Nia started as it's so petty, anyone care to fill me in again?

>> No.7136868

Well Nia's drama in general is way too fucking convoluted to recount here, but the drama relevant to this thread is that this guy got super butthurt when she left him for someone else and started joining in with people bitching about her on /cgl/, happily derailing otherwise ontopic threads, like so: http://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/S7091757

why he thinks anyone from /cgl/ would want to be his girlfriend after knowing how immature and petty he is is beyond me.

>> No.7136871


You'd probably be all those things as well if the person you tried to make so happy for the past fifteen months cheated on you, and you spend tens of thousands of dollars on someone who turned out to be a lying cheating cunt.

>> No.7136872

>tens of thousands of dollars
Ita enabler

>> No.7136875

oh god I lol'd

not our problem, not something we're remotely interested in, fuck off out of /cgl/ already. nobody wants you or her here.

>> No.7136874
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-especially on case of potential husbando material-

>> No.7136876

I just tried to do right, I had no clue she'd turn precious brand into ita fodder ;_;

>> No.7136878
File: 41 KB, 500x405, 1377019390716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time, dropping my actual skype


If anyone's interested, well awesome, if not, you're a fucking grubby ita landwhale who has to buy two piece of brand and sew them together to fit your massive body in

>> No.7136880

For gods sake stop posting. Nothing you say will change anyone's opinion of you now.
Best thing you can do is leave and delete this thread to save the janitor the effort.