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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 230 KB, 390x313, lacebook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7136244 No.7136244 [Reply] [Original]

Since there was some demand for it in the secrets thread, I figured I'd go ahead and start a thread for those of us hoping to join Lacebook. Since it's invite-only and there are a few specific requirements, here's a template with with everything I know for sure they need in order to send you an invite code (marked with an asterisk) and other information you may want to include about yourself. Apparently there is a limit to the number of invite codes a member is allowed to send out but I'm not really sure what they're looking for as far as community members so I tried to include some general info that would be relevant to your Lacebook usage. Obviously I'm not a member so if anyone who actually has an account would like to help steer this thread in the right direction, that would be amazing!

Your first name*:
Your desired nickname*:
Why do you want to join Lacebook?:
How active are you in your local comm, if you have one?:
How often do you wear lolita?:
Do you post photos of your coords elsewhere online? If so, where?
Any other information about yourself you'd like to include?
(Don't forget to include your email address in the field!!)

>> No.7136255

Much needed thread.
I emailed them last night if I could get an invite since nobody in my comm has an account to let me in either. I guess this is it for now?


Yes you need someone that is already a member to give you an invitation code.
I am very sorry for this but when I started the website I oh wanted it to be for my local comm and my friends from Facebook. I did not expect so many people to be interested in joining ! For now to keep lace book safe I have not listed it on Google or other search websites so creeps looking for "Lolita" can not find the site so easy.

I asked my friends to make the site more open for the general Lolita community without giving up the security of posting in a more private place than tumble or Lookbook.

I will contact you when i have more information.

You can follow the twitter account I made ( because I got so many messages that I could not handle them anymore)

Thank you for your message I hope I could help you :)

>> No.7136283

Ohhh goooooood finally.

Your first name*: Bridget
Your desired nickname*: broberheim
Why do you want to join Lacebook?: I want to be a part of a community; there's not a whole lot going on near me, though we are trying to set up a comm, we only have 6 members so far.

How active are you in your local comm, if you have one?: As stated before. Really hoping to get things going soon, because I want to make some friends who don't think I dress like a freak!

How often do you wear lolita?: Not a whole lot right now due to lack of funds and a busy work schedule. I try to as much as I can, but I work almost every day of the week, and I have a uniform I have to wear.

Do you post photos of your coords elsewhere online? If so, where? No'm, I'm sort of camera shy, but I'd like to come out of my bubble somewhat.
Any other information about yourself you'd like to include? Uhhh. I;m bad at these. So, I guess not. Email's in field if anyone would be so kind as to invite me, though. I can prove I'm not a creeper if need be, though.

>> No.7136288
File: 621 KB, 602x600, cherryribbonjsk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely understand what they're going for as far as privacy is concerned; a big part of the appeal of this for me is how it obviously caters specifically to lolitas (not just neat fashion in general like Lookbook). I don't have a local comm though so I don't have anyone that I could ask for an invite. I guess I'll leave a little bit of info about me here and hope someone thinks I'm worth spending an invite code on, hahaha.

>Your first name*:
>Your desired nickname*:
>Why do you want to join Lacebook?:
To meet new lolita friends and keep up with the lolitas who inspire me!
>How active are you in your local comm, if you have one?:
No comm in my area, but if I can find enough people interested I'd like to try starting one up myself!
>How often do you wear lolita?:
Not very often out of the house, but I'm always putting together coords and taking photos!
>Do you post photos of your coords elsewhere online? If so, where?
I post all of my lolita-related content on tumblr.
>Any other information about yourself you'd like to include?
I have a combination of sweet and classic in my wardrobe, but I really love classic and I think it suits me better. I think that pretty much sums me up!

>> No.7136293

Btw, I still dont know what twitter account they're talking about? I tried to find it on the site as well as the email.. mmm..

>> No.7136302

@lacebookupdates for twitter, dunno about email.

>> No.7136311

Someone just contacted me about an invite, I'll definitely invite some of you guys once I get set up!

>> No.7136318 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130711_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your first name*:
>Your desired nickname*:
>Why do you want to join Lacebook?:
In order to stay up to date with current events, be inspired and to hopefully meet some new people.
>How active are you in your local comm, if you have one?:
Unfortunately I haven't been able to go to a meet for over a year but I am hoping to help organise a meet up to occur within the next couple of months.
>How often do you wear lolita?:
I typically only wear it around the house at the moment as I'm busy with my studies right now, but I hope to change that soon!
>Do you post photos of your coords elsewhere online? If so, where?
Not very often as the lighting at my place is terrible and I'm rather camera shy. But I'd like to change that, too!
>Any other information about yourself you'd like to include?
I first got into lolita 7 years ago but despite being passionate about it still, I stopped wearing it for awhile due to a busy schedule. I am hoping to be able to wear it more and participate more with both my local community and the general community.

>> No.7136320

Thanks, anon!

>> No.7136321

my username is lilachan and you can use my code -- > 5hgV$

>> No.7136325

If she only wanted it to be for her local community, then why did she make the site seem like a global thing? She could have just made another FB page. I think she just wants it to be really exclusive.

>> No.7136326

Then let's do what 4chan does best and destroy her dreams of an exclusive lolita comm.

>> No.7136328

someone on facebook said that they started working on the site as a BETA test version that people likes so muc that they made it global

>> No.7136333

Thanks! I used it and made an account but now it says it's pending approval. I didn't realise there would be another step I'd have to go through. I probably should have written more in the profile form, I'm scared I'll get rejected now.

>> No.7136334

my username kandiloli
my code HGD4

>> No.7136339

thank you! you're the best anon <3

>> No.7136342

This is on the site:

Please use our rating system fairly, we have a 5star voting system going from 1 Star for lovely but developable to 5 Stars for ooooommmgggg!!yusoperfect.

This will result in some butthurt.

Please contact a moderator before you upload Ero Lolita Photos.


>> No.7136347
File: 131 KB, 250x367, day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your first name*:

>Your desired nickname*:
Artemis xv

>Why do you want to join Lacebook?:
To make more lolita friends, see other peoples coords and keep up with relevant articles.

>How active are you in your local comm, if you have one?:
I try to attend every meet that I can

>How often do you wear lolita?:
Every week

>Do you post photos of your coords elsewhere online? If so, where?

>Any other information about yourself you'd like to include?
Not really, don't really know what to say :v

>> No.7136349


That would be too easy.
Once one person gets acceptance they will spawn their own members by sharing their own codes. Like a disease.

>> No.7136352

Thank you! I dont know why I said email..

Well it looks like on the twitter page they're trying to make it less tedious
And I did the same haha. You can add more info stuff on this page http://lolitafs.wall.fm/profile/edit

>> No.7136356
File: 248 KB, 623x403, sdfgdfh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used your code too, and I'm like >>7136333 ... I probably should've written more in the profile and I'm worried about rejection too. Lol whoops.

>> No.7136359

Oh whoops, they apparently just suspended my account. Neat.

>> No.7136362
File: 1.28 MB, 245x245, coco.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Sorry your account is suspended. Please contact site administrator."
Did you get this after 5 minutes of your account existing too or is it just me? Wonder what happened.

>> No.7136364 [DELETED] 

>Your first name*:
>Your desired nickname*:
>Why do you want to join Lacebook?:
I really like being able to leaf through other people's coords and get ideas, I find it really helpful. I also love receiving crit on my own coords.
>How active are you in your local comm, if you have one?:
Pretty active. I go to most meets.
>How often do you wear lolita?:
It varies wildly, but relatively often.
>Do you post photos of your coords elsewhere online? If so, where?
Yes. Tumblr, my personal Facebook, and Instagram.
>Any other information about yourself you'd like to include?
I'm still relatively unsteady and don't have that great a grasp of coording yet, but I'd really like to learn.

>> No.7136365

This is what happened to me. Too many people tried using that code, probably.

>> No.7136366

I updated it and now it says: "Sorry your account is suspended. Please contact site administrator."

What the hell?

>> No.7136368

How does this thread work, exactly? Are members gonna email us their codes?

>> No.7136369


Yeah, I'm >>7136362

Sorry :( Must of thought we were bots. I'm sure if we explained the situation they'd let us through. I'm contacting them now.

>> No.7136370

hi love, i used yours <3 my name is allee and i picked ario as my username.

>> No.7136374



>> No.7136377

It seems like it would be best not to have multiple people use the same code and that we should just do this by email rather than posting codes here.

>> No.7136389

poop, suspended

didn't even read above to figure that out, I deserve it

>> No.7136391

Did you get suspended for using the code or for posting it?

>> No.7136394

I used it and my account got supended

>> No.7136397


>> No.7136399

nothing to do with posting it, the head mod is likely still asleep for starters (not creepin', its on her twitter lol) its just the fact that if a tonne of people are using it in a short time it looks like spambot activity and so it gets suspended. Just contact a mod.

>> No.7136407

I did, it sounds like I'm permabanned now, yay.


If your account has been suspended you either shared content of the community outside of the website or used a fake invitation code or name.

Your account can not be re-activated.

Thank you
Lace Book Team"

>> No.7136409

Your first name*: Cailin
Your desired nickname*: Cailly
Why do you want to join Lacebook?: I want to become more involved in the online lolita community and hopefully receive more feedback on my coordinates.
How active are you in your local comm, if you have one?: I go to events put on by AP SF, but not much else; I don't have time for much else because of school.
How often do you wear lolita?: Once or twice a week, assuming I don't have a lot to study.
Do you post photos of your coords elsewhere online? If so, where? I don't currently post photos of my coords online because I'm really shy. I'm hoping that joining lacebook will force me to get over my fear of posting pictures of myself online.
Any other information about yourself you'd like to include? I'm relatively new to lolita (only been wearing it for about a year), so I'm still getting used to things, but I feel like I've been improving steadily.

>> No.7136414

Forgot to add: My wardrobe is pretty eclectic. I have a little bit of everything (sweet, classic, and gothic).

>> No.7136416

I got this email too. I sent a reply but looks like I'm permabanned too.

>> No.7136421

Wow you guys are supid!
Why don't you just wait until a real friend invites you? I hope the admins won't let you join again

>> No.7136423

Is it even worth posting your personal information in this thread? I mean, I doubt the mods of lacebook are going to be over here, reading all of our stuff and sending emails with invite links simply because we made a thread on cgl.

I'm with all of you though, I'd love to post my info in this thread if it'd actually net some results. I guess I'll just have to wait like the peasant I am if/when it ever opens to the public.

>> No.7136424

What did you say in your reply, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.7136427


Well, sorry for wanting to join the new comm after being on egl for many years.

>> No.7136430

I want to join too but anon >>7136424 has a point

>> No.7136433


I hope you suffocate.

>> No.7136434

I just said that I obviously didn't share content outside of the community because I never had access to it to begin with, and that I had no way of knowing if the code was "fake" or not.

The thread was intended to bring in members with invitation codes to spare not the mods.

>> No.7136436

Well, my account is apparently suspended, but I can't contact them because the stupid contact us thing won't show the secure image/captcha deal I need to send it. HDFJSHGDHDJ

This site actually seems kinda like more hassle than it's worth.

>> No.7136437

>Your account will be deleted if you have been inactive for more than 3 months


>> No.7136438


Same, the captcha thing won't load for me either.

>> No.7136439

Can we also post our profiles here if we want friends?

>> No.7136440

I looked at the member's list (I had to use another browser for it to let me) and I can't find a lilachan when I look through it. Maybe that anon was lying about their username and that's why we're locked out. I wonder if people who used >>7136374 and >>7136334 got locked out.

>> No.7136441

Well its only new, the mods are still furiously working on it, what did you expect?

You guys are starting to sound real snotty about this, just wait until she comes back and has sorted out the bugs if you've got such toddler like impatience.
It's apparent that the main mod wants to invite you guys, and obviously isnt the one hand banning you.

>> No.7136443

But the site has so many members already. I follow some of them of Tumblr bc I really like their style. How did they get invited?

>> No.7136444

It worked in a new browser for me.

>> No.7136446

whoop, I got banned too. I wonder if they'll let me in if I email them ;_;

>> No.7136445

Or you know, she got banned

>> No.7136449


I tried Chrome, Opera, Firefox and Midori with no success.

>> No.7136447

>It's apparent that the main mod wants to invite you guys, and obviously isnt the one hand banning you.

Where is this apparent? It's not about site bugs, it's about the fact that they're being so exclusive and snotty.

>> No.7136453

They WERE exclusive. But changed their mind. Now look at her post on her twitter 11 hrs ago, and see that she's trying to organise an easier way for all members to join. The only exclusion she wants to make are "creeps" as mentioned in the first reply with the copypasta email in this thread.

>> No.7136451

I don't see the account I tried signing up with in that list either. I'm assuming suspended accounts vanish from the list right away.

>> No.7136452

The codes posted here are fake I'm a member and I got a valid code they look completely different.

>> No.7136456

Does anybody know who I email for assistance?


Oh man! That really sucks.

>> No.7136457

Yeah, just seeing the fuckery in this thread I think I'll wait it out. I'm not in a hurry to join, but I am excited to see a new website for the lolita community. EGL is kind of dead and lame, cgl is anonymous, and tumblr is just awful for communication between people. I haven't seen the interface or anything, but I'm optimistic about this.

>> No.7136458

How so?

>> No.7136459

Try Internet Explorer, it worked for me.

I think they were fake, I don't think the user sending the code would be banned if they were legit. We've been screwed over by someone who doesn't want us to join, it seems.

>> No.7136461

They wrote earlier today that the site had to go under short maintenance cuz so many people wanted to join. This has nothing to do with being snotty

>> No.7136464


No access, I'm a Linux user. I might try on the college computers tomorrow. Thanks, anon.

>> No.7136465

No. Literally, this is a common anti-spambot identifying method - by checking account making frequency and automatic suspension.

>> No.7136467

What are you saying no to/trying to say, exactly?

>> No.7136470

I'm thinking that "omg these are fakes" is actually the troll. Or the format or codes have changed.
It's too soon to tell anything.

>> No.7136472

I love this thread because it's a great idea and I'm glad that a group of four or five lolitas are doing it but 4chan's comments are like

>omg so exculsive waaa
>omg let's destroy her dream

I'm not a mod, but I have been in the beta test for awhile now and there are a few things coming from a web dev perspective that should be mentioned

>so exclusive I wasn't invited so mean

The moderation system is in place for two reasons. To stress test the site, and to make sure only legit accounts are being created. Currently she is using a third party system called wall.fm and the more users and bandwidth the more expensive the system is. If you had ever participated in an MMO release you would know that in general there are a few waves of betas to test the bugs on the game before it is released to the general public, if there are problems currently it's because you've been invited to test the site, there are going to be problems, it is up to you to report them

>I've been permabanned forever it's because the mods hate people

Most likely everyone in this thread used the one invite code over and over again, that's not how it works. one invite code = one person. If you continue to use the same invite code you're not going to be admitted.

I'm glad someone has gone out of their way to do it, but I think a lot of 4channers are just pissy because they haven't been let in yet. It's currently in a testing phase, why don't you let something good happen instead of bitching about how there are problems that are in the middle of being fixed

>> No.7136476

I don't want it to be true but it makes sense judging by everyone getting suspended and receiving those emails about fake codes/names. If it was just that the same code was used, I don't think we'd still be banned.

>> No.7136477


I'm not super pissy, mostly just a little worried I won't ever be allowed to join now because my account got suspended.

Do you think they'll let me join when everything is smoothed out?

>> No.7136478


>> No.7136480

Well I just tested, putting in a made up username and code doesnt even make an account.
Putting in an actual username (i just went with cherryhime) and made up code didn't make the account either.

If it were fake nothing be getting through. Try it yourself.

>> No.7136483

this so much! Thank you anon! I joined today and I enjoy the site a lot. I also appreciate the work that the moderators put into it.
I'm glad there not letting u in:
>lets destroy it

>> No.7136485

Same, I probably shouldn't have used the code but the only reason I did is because I love the fashion so much and want to join the site. I replied back to the moderator and asked if it's possible to sign up again but no reply as of yet.

>> No.7136487

They wont do that to you I'm sure. As said, if you explain the situation to the admin that you were all excited to want to sign up and finally obtained a code from someone, that the mod will understand and let you through. Otherwise if the mod s seriously this much of a dictating god-complex ass and is like NOPE NUP U MESSED UP UR GOING TO NO-ACCOUNT-HELL then this isn't a really great place to be is it?

Thankfully I'm sure the mod isnt like that.

>> No.7136488

That's good to know - thanks! I guess the people who left the codes here must have had their accounts suspended, too.

>> No.7136491

you guys realize the emails the banning, etc is 100% automated, right? A mod isn't writing up those banned emails, they are automated templates they wrote up in the case of those triggers being tripped...

The way it works is, you get three codes per request (member to mod team, this part as of right now is not automated) obivously that means, each code is for ONE person to use. So depending on if they up the limits of codes, each member will be able to invite only three people.

The suspensions are automated because either the codes are fake, or they have been used more than once.

The ban emails are automated because the system can see the account is flagged.

>> No.7136492

no they never existed
they trolled you

>> No.7136495

lolitafashionsnaps@yahoo.com is the email account that Contact section leads to - it's the email I used to ask them about getting an invite despite not knowing anyone who had any in my comm.

>> No.7136496

this plus the codes posted here look different to the real ones

>> No.7136497

The sense of entitlement in this thread is overwhelming lolll

>> No.7136499

>try it yourself

>> No.7136502

well that's filed under the part where I said either the codes were fake or had already been used. either way is going to flag the account and suspend it

>> No.7136504

Did you not see >>7136480?

Mine was sent as a reply to my question about being suspended, it doesn't seem automated to me.

>> No.7136506

I contactet them yesterday they said they were working on letting more people in so stfu about them wanting to be exclusive If no one invites you maybe it cuz no one wants you there

so far I only heard good things about it on facebook by ppl that are actually members so I give it a chance!

>> No.7136507

did you use the email you signed up with?

>> No.7136510


She's giving a set amount of codes every day and you have to actually ask her for the codes before you hand them out, but she's reasonable, just either message the mod or find a lolita who does have an account.

if this thread is alive tomorrow I'll leave my contact info an the first few lolitas who message me can have invite codes that way there is no chance of getting locked out.

If you've been banned, message a mod and it will most likely be dealt with tomorrow sometime

>> No.7136513

Thread summery, the only useful posts in this fucking thread.


>> No.7136514

Im a member and I got 3 codes from the admin to invite friends. The codes look different

>> No.7136519

Would it be worth sending another email to that address? It's the address that replied to the email I sent about why I was suspended when I submitted the form but apparently that message might have been automated.

>> No.7136521

Give us a censored version of the code then
I mean like:

>> No.7136522

Yes, maybe I should ask again with another. I don't want to pester, though.

>> No.7136527

How can we directly contact a mod? I don't know if anyone even read my email/if it was automated or not.

>> No.7136529

I think it may be little better (or at least more respectful to their wishes) to try their Twitter instead- as stated >>7136255
Try whichever, but I just made up a twitter specfically to contact her and take a load off her.

>> No.7136539

Try the twitter

I'm starting to think all these emails are automated.
I'm >>7136255, and it kinda seems like the email was automated just because of the keywords I used "invitation" and "Registration"

Do you think you can post the reply you received? I think the automated messages are all templates made by the author, hence why they are written kinda informally with typos and whatnot, making it seem like they were not automated.

>> No.7136542

I have a Twitter but I don't really know how to use it. Is there a way to send a private message on Twitter?

>> No.7136543

I hope someone in charge of the website reads this today or tomorrow and permbans you all

>Then let's do what 4chan does best and destroy her dreams of an exclusive lolita comm.

>> No.7136544

"we are running out of invitation codes! This is scary but I'm happy to see that people like it! 💕"

perhaps you got one of the codes before they ran out, and these new ones are a new batch.

>> No.7136546

This was the one and only reply I got >>7136407

>> No.7136551

Why? There's nothing wrong with us wanting to join the site. We're only so determined because we love the fashion. Don't be so bitter.

>> No.7136547

Not everyones is like that here, some are a bit greedy though. I'll attribute this to just being excited

>> No.7136549

no the codes posted here are fake

>> No.7136552

looks automatedto me

>> No.7136553


I really want to be a part of it, I don't want to destroy it.

>> No.7136554

That's no reason to get pissy, though, we're all gonna get in eventually.

>> No.7136555

If the codes were fake, it wouldn't have allowed us to make an account at all. See >>7136480

>> No.7136556

then how the frickin heck cant i make an account with a made up code then?????

>> No.7136558

I'm not, I'm just scared that I might not be allowed to join at all now after using that code.

>> No.7136559

>>Then let's do what 4chan does best and destroy her dreams of an exclusive lolita comm.

wrong try it yourself

>> No.7136561

you can just use 1111 or %%%%% or whatever

>> No.7136563

You will be. Your actions are totally understandable, and its the shitty settings of the website and not a hardass god-complex bitch punishing everyone for trying to get an account.

>> No.7136565

Just try to be patient guys

If it's any consolation you're not missing anything, just people posting pictures of coords they've already posted to their tumblrs already from months/years ago

It's not designed to be some secret club, as people have mentioned already

>> No.7136564

The only real snot I'm seeing in this thread is coming from somebody who really doesn't want new people joining this site.

>> No.7136581
File: 98 KB, 300x400, whu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> fuck u guys im going to make my own secret club call the lolinatti bye losers

>> No.7136596
File: 26 KB, 150x188, 1373726980419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, this is not how I expected this thread to go.

>> No.7136632

Did anyone hear back from any of the mods?

>> No.7136649

The mod has mentioned that running the site might get very expensive. I hope she sees this - I really do not mind donating a few bucks to help it out and hope she allows us to donate. How long have we tossed around the idea of making a new e-space for lolitas without any feasible solutions? (sorry egl forum-chan)

The main mod is also a mod of egl so we know she's not going anywhere and truly wants to contribute to the community.

>> No.7136650

3 of the lacebook admins are also EGL mods

>> No.7136664

Which 3?

>> No.7136667

ohtralala (i think that's it) is one, dunno the other two

>> No.7136677

Amytheyu Ohtralala and Milkteamilk another owner of Lacebook is the girl that runs the Tea Party Club and Frockon

>> No.7136682
File: 41 KB, 450x600, 1285583453793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crash Bandicoot my childhood. That image is at the very beginning of Snow Go, level 5 from CB2: Cortex Strikes back, and there's a TNT box a few steps to the right and an Aku Aku mask box behind that.
I know these fucking maps like no one's business.
Did you get that image off vidya? I've been on 4chan for 5 years and have never seen someone use a Crash macro before.

>> No.7136686

>give it a chance
well i would if i could fucking join

>> No.7136689

I became a member yesterday and I alread love it so much. Just give it some time I had to wait too to get invited but it was definitely worth it. My username is lalelu

>> No.7136693

all the efamous bitches are members already Cadney, Octavekitten, Chokelate

>> No.7136695

Silly human! You meant level 2, not level 5! :)

>> No.7136701

I still don't know what I should do about my account being suspended, can those who contacted the Twitter account let us know here when you get a reply and what it says?

>> No.7136702

I think it's a really neat idea, and look forward to it being opened up more for more people to register.
If it works, it'll be the first successful not-livejournal international lolita community since Lolita Snap a zillion years ago, which would be SO NICE.

>> No.7136704

are you really that lazy... go and read it yourself

>> No.7136705

The site won't load at all for me now, but DownForEveryoneOrJustMe says it's up...

>> No.7136706

What? I don't know if the reply would even be public and it would be nice for everyone to know.

>> No.7136708

Yep, according to their Twitter Lilachan is fake. >>7136321 is an asswipe and fucked us over.

>> No.7136727

Wonderfuck isn't admin? Hallelujah.

>> No.7136729

How the hell do I find this site??

>> No.7136730

Hi, we are looking into why you guys got permabanned - sorry, but at a guess if you used the fake usernames and codes our system might have just got pissy and said no thanks.

That's great to hear, yes, there will be an expense to Lacebook and we are hoping that members will be willing to contribute so this is great to hear.

Each member gets three friend codes a month so it isn't smart to then post them on here as you have no control who will use them. The reason we are using friend codes are to try and keep the site as troll/creep free as possible so posting your username and codes here isn't smart and will only come back to bite you in the arse as the codes are linked back to your account.

Please be patient with us, this has blown up much quicker than anticipated and we are still working things through.


>> No.7136756
File: 44 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mrwpuqlrel1qeus1eo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope I can be member of lacebook (I am content to wait till it's possible)

I am really interested to see where it goes as a new online forum. I think it's quite exciting that it has created this much interest and so many people want to be apart of it.

Good luck to you guys. :D

>> No.7136815

I hope they don't let you join

>Then let's do what 4chan does best and destroy her dreams of an exclusive lolita comm.

>> No.7136827

It would be neat if they held raffles of some sort every now and then to help raise money to keep it running.

>> No.7136830

That's a good idea. Raffle off an all expenses paid trip to tokyo and dinner with mr yan... oh wait

>> No.7136832

Can you just delete the banned accounts so we can try again with the same usernames/e-mails when we get a real code? I have no lolitas in my city but maybe some of my facebook friends would be willing at some point :c

>> No.7136881

Or maybe just remove the suspension and have it pending until we get a real code?

>> No.7136898

I reckon everyone should just pay a small fee to join. Otherwise expecting donations will get you nowhere. I know some popular sites that have tried to run like this but could never survive on donations to keep up so they die.
Raffles may work... may.

>> No.7136901

....but only do this when the site is firm running.

>> No.7136903

Too much work to code that.
is easiest.

Perhaps introduce paid features, like if you donate that month then you don't have to use a captcha or you can upload more files/send more messages than a non-donator?
If they keep it like below $5 then people will be more likely to do it.

>> No.7136914

Something low like 99c/month would keep out the itas and get more paid users opposed to $5/month.

They could add unlockables and stuff for small donations ie brand "buttons" for your profile @ $5 each, more image hosting space etc People paying such a low initial price point will splurge more on other digital trophies

I would really like an invite as well. I hope a general open comes as my comm is really small, I doubt I'd get an invite due to so few members and minimal interaction

>> No.7136925

Yeah, something like a cash shop to pimp out your profile would be a good idea, I think. I'm not sure I'd want to pay much of a monthly fee because I'd want to try out the site and see if I liked it first.

>> No.7136940

The more this thread goes on the more I feel like we should just make a new website because of all the changes we want done. 0.o

>> No.7136952

I agree, I think 99c/2$ would keep a lot of people interested in getting the plan. I'd still probably probably wouldn't mind paying 5$, but it depends on what you'd get in return.

>> No.7136964

You really think it would be a good idea to abandon a brand new site that's already drummed up a lot of interest and excitement on the pipe dream that some magical person might come along and implement all of the things mentioned in this thread?
...come on now.
Also don't use emotes here.

>> No.7136998

If I post my email here will anyone send me a real code?

>> No.7137033

I would not pay for this kind of website. Not even an ita, I don't think people should be paying to use a glorified private tumblr/facebook mash up. I mean I want to join and it's a good idea but it is just that.

>> No.7137037

Then don't use it. See, simple.

>> No.7137065

Not interested in paying for t his site

I would donate when I could, but if paying is mandatory then Im out

>> No.7137080


$5 a month adds up. By the end of the year I could save enough to buy a nonbrand skirt with that. Or some nice headbands and badly needed accessories, or a blouse. A good secondhand brand blouse.

... yes I'm a cheap fag and I fully realise it's to keep peeps like me out.

>> No.7137103

Nothing wrong with that. That is pretty much how I afford all my brand.

>> No.7137106

Same here, sistas.

>> No.7137112

They keep updating their Twitter but won't reply to my email still. Gah. I just want to join. They said they are giving away 100 codes, do I just email again and ask for one?

>> No.7137143

whats the twitter?

>> No.7137172

A cash or points from money sort of deal for extra customization would be the most likely, along with paid ads from lolita shop sponsors. If it works with free cell phone games, it's worth a try? i would really prefer not to pay a ton for the site when there are free alternatives. However, it would be a great place to network.

>> No.7137242

Your first name francisca
Your desired nickname: fuustar
Why do you want to join Lacebook?: i want to socialize with other lolitas around the world
How active are you in your local comm, if you have one?: very active planning meet ups
How often do you wear lolita?: 4 times a month
Do you post photos of your coords elsewhere online? If so, where? tumblr and facebook
Any other information about yourself you'd like to include? nah

>> No.7137397

For funding, I'd say optional account upgrades, or dumb shit to pimp a profile out with. Personally I wouldn't use the site if there was a monthly fee just because I won't bother if it's not easy for everyone to join. Like said, it's a glorified tumblr and what not, it's just nice to be only lolita.

>> No.7137421
File: 26 KB, 365x330, 1358998368418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Account was suspended because someone gave me a fake code
>Can't delete account because my account was suspended

I just want to wait until I can get a proper code, but also use the same username. Just let me delete the suspended one, is it so hard?

>> No.7137420
File: 41 KB, 630x493, 1361861166807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww man I joined and uploaded a few pictures of myself and someone went through and marked them all with bad scores... They aren't even all mediocre coords, in my opinion at least, some just don't have great photography...

I wouldn't care if they had left a comment on what I could improve or why they felt the coord was so bad, but they just ghost-rated it.

>> No.7137430

I did the same thing, it's our own damn faults really.

Email them honestly about the situation so they know what's up, but don't expect any action within the month. The website is backed up to fuck with all the sudden activity and problems, so that will come first.
When the website is working properly, they most on to individual user cases.

I emailed them about this, they're lovely.
Shame that I used a fake code and shame that it's a large task they have ahead of them, but I look forwards to when it's ready.

>> No.7137434

I think they probably want to keep the numbers low, they can't deal with the high traffic right now even if there's the option of people funding the hosting in future etc.

>> No.7137469

why does everyone keep saying that they charge monthly fees they said numerous times that they wont

>> No.7137476


they won't be charging fees but eventually they're going to have to monetize the site to keep up with fees and bandwidth costs, whether it is through advertising or other means, it's just the way the world works. No one wants to spend $50-$100 each month on hosting forever

>> No.7137487


That happened to me too, anon.
A close-up photo of me wearing a bonnet from another one of the photos got down-rated (as did the coord photo) and yes I am butthurt because I don't find myself to be particularly attractive.
Thank god I had some 5 stars to average it out better.

>> No.7137501

I like the site its so much better than lj I love how it seems that we are getting a new int. comm !

>> No.7137514

but one star is not bad, NO star is bad

>> No.7137516

you guys realize you can make your photos private so they aren't even rated, right?

>first thing I did after joining

>> No.7137519

It's true, one star means "This is cute but could stil use some work." You shouldn't expect five stars unless you look like the lolita messiah.

Everybody is so buttmad about the ratings, I knew this would happen.

>> No.7137522

I'm not actually and I like the rating system. The top rated photos are all pretty awesome imo. This way I can filter the good stuff out

>> No.7137524

I'm >>7137420
and I'm not at all buttmad, I just was hoping for some actual concrit. Just leaving a rating like that, especially when it's a poor rating, doesn't tell me how to get better. And judging by the recent activity, it does seem that the only comments people are getting is asskissing, not even compliment sandwiches.


>> No.7137528

Awe man, I really want to join. :( None of you lovely anons can give me a code huh? I can leave my email (I read the whole thread but I am confused if some of you who are already members who have a spare code can let me use one of your codes or not)

>> No.7137531

Codes should only be given to people we know not to anon chans.

>> No.7137534

I don't have any RL lolita friends because I am pretty new though D:

>> No.7137538

On Twitter they said that ppl that have no one to invite them have to wait a few days they seem to be working on a way to let u join.

If you give out codes to strangers u have no contol over who joins the site u know

> Hi, we are looking into why you guys got permabanned - sorry, but at a guess if you used the fake usernames and codes our system might have just got pissy and said no thanks.

>That's great to hear, yes, there will be an expense to Lacebook and we are hoping that members will be willing to contribute so this is great to hear.

Each member gets three friend codes a month so it isn't smart to then post them on here as you have no control who will use them. The reason we are using friend codes are to try and keep the site as troll/creep free as possible so posting your username and codes here isn't smart and will only come back to bite you in the arse as the codes are linked back to your account.

Please be patient with us, this has blown up much quicker than anticipated and we are still working things through.


>> No.7137539

Go back to tumblr with your emote bullshit.

>> No.7137638

1 is lovely, 5 is incredible. And the pictures really should be of decent quality. It's not your mobile uploads folder.

>> No.7137650

LOL they aren't mobile pics but some of them were taken by my roommate or my fiance, both of which don't really care to flatter me with the camera or make sure the lighting is fantastic. You can clearly see the coord no matter what, I just might look a bit sallow or washed out in some. And you know damn well nobody is using a 1 to mean "lovely". Not that I care either way, my gripe is that if you're going to take the time to visually say "needs improvement", tell me what I can do to improve! I'm not gonna jump down your throat for suggestions. I want to be incredible, not just "lovely" and obviously left to my own devices I'm missing the mark, so guide me.

>> No.7137723

Who are you if you want concrit?

>> No.7137728

Are the ratings anonymous? I would not want to be the first person to leave a 2 or 3 but if someone else has already voted it's easier.

>> No.7137748

pretty sure they are.

just want to reiterate... you can set your profile so that your photos are not public, so they will not be rated.

>> No.7138002

Twitter Dot Com Salsh Lacebookupdates

>> No.7138004

>I emailed them about this, they're lovely.

Wow, did you actually get a reply? I sent two messages and I never got a reply at all.

>> No.7138019

So do I have to be on twitter to get a code? How do I get one of these codes that they're making?

>> No.7138021

Apparently you have to have a friend's username and then they'll send you a code rather than having them send it. I don't know, it's so messy.

>> No.7138027

tfw peasant me has no friends on lacebook.

>> No.7138047 [DELETED] 

How did you pass, then?

>> No.7138050

How did you get in, then?

>> No.7138072

I didn't.

>> No.7138172

I can't believe how desperate some of you are, using fake codes and such. Of course lolita community wants lolitas to join. It's just so new that it needs lots of work. There isn't much new content yet so no one's missing anything.

I agree, the rating system isn't a very good idea. Comments only or "like" button would work better.

>> No.7138175

Don't be so condescending, if you didn't have an account yet you'd want to get one, too. No one intentionally used a fake code so stop talking as though that was the case. No one knew that people would get suspended.

>> No.7138439

I just don't upload my photos in the public gallery so no one can rate them but I like the idea actually Im in love with the whole website

>> No.7138447

yeah because people KNEW the codes were fake when they entered them...

>> No.7138453

but they KNEW that you need a valid invite by a FRIEND not some anon

>> No.7138461

no one entered those codes knowing they were fake, they were given a 'member' name and a code, get over it lol, no one was intentionally trying to route the system, they just thought that's how it worked. Geez you're sandy.

>> No.7138460

But you have to start somewhere, and how many people have friends that have friends that are friends with someone that has a Lacebook? How many degrees of separation are you expecting them to go through, when it's easier to just ask /cgl/? There are honestly nice people here that were willing to give out codes, and it's a lot easier than asking fifteen people.

>> No.7138477

theyre just trying to make it safe. yall should appreciate their work or leave and keep uploading ur photos on tumblr or elsewhere

>> No.7138480

If you don't like it go back to Livejorunal.
I'm on this website for less than 1 hour, and I found it already fantastic ! This is such a wonderful community, with so much to do and people to talk and share with, I love the idea, I'm enjoying my time over there ! Just wait a few days they keep saying that they work on letting more people join

>> No.7138484

With all their strictness about only allowing actual lolitas and no creepers, I can't wait until the creepers like brolitajenny get wind of this and start desperately trying to get someone to send them a code. Comedy gold.

>> No.7138488

I would love to see him begging for a code hahaha

>> No.7138512

I've been emailing some of the lacebook admins back and forth now about solutions on how to improve the invite situation in my area.

I'd just like to ask you guys to be patient.
They're obviously working very hard on this and are getting a lot of angry emails from girls that were sneaky (like myself) in trying to get in.
They made this for a small sized audience and the rest of the internet got upset, they don't owe us anything and they seem to be trying anyway, it could take a couple of months of hard work for them.

Let's all be nice to them. Thanks.

>> No.7138528

Could you maybe pass a suggestion onto them?

If they posted in some of the big national/international facebook groups and asked everyone who's the head of a smaller comm to contact them, they could then invite those people and let them deal with filtering codes through the group. That way it's more accessible without them having to do much.

>> No.7138533
File: 41 KB, 400x473, 1351884600802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm just high but why the hell are people freaking out about invitation codes when they'll probably be able to register in a few days anyway?
Is this site just that irresistible? Do they have acid macaroons?

>> No.7138538

I think they seem to be taking a somewhat similar approach. It'll take some time.

Pretty much this.

>> No.7138657
File: 19 KB, 500x281, 969646_360761074054989_1352337037_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'know, for a while there I was worried that my photos and coords weren't up to snuff with the rest of the pretty girls' on here, but then lolahbell came and posted herself and made me feel much better. Thx u based itas 4 shifting the attention away from the plain and slightly-off with your outrageously ugly senses of style.

>> No.7138777

I used the code lilachan provided and got suspended too just now :(

>> No.7138785

Wow you're an idiot.

>> No.7138856

What email address of theirs are they replying from? I sent them a message 3 days ago and they won't reply.

>> No.7138875

Your first name: Jessica
Your desired nickname: Celery
Why do you want to join Lacebook?: I want to meet other lolitas on a more personal level (I hope that doesn't sound creepy) and seek advice and give soft opinions and just...be freaking girly.
How active are you in your local comm, if you have one?: No comms in my area at all...I AM my comm.
How often do you wear lolita?: At least once a week, but growing. Sewing my own dresses.
Do you post photos of your coords elsewhere online? If so, where? : I don't post my photos, but occasionally post designs. My tumblr for it is dead now, though.
Any other information about yourself you'd like to include? ...I... am 21?

>> No.7139158


same happend to me! I used
kandiloli and HGD4 this morning and now I'm suspended

>> No.7139181

holy shit you guys are retarded and i don't want you to be a part of it if this is the kind of intelligence you display.

>> No.7139228

why do i feel like lolitas are just desperate to get in on this?

>> No.7139256

Because that's the honest to god truth.

>> No.7139269

and why is that?
what about lacebook that makes them desperate?
is it the exclusiveness of it all?

>> No.7139273


I feel like the whole invite code thing was genius

Lolitas don't want to be part of something just anyone can do, unless it's something that's already big like tumblr or LJ.

Make something exclusive and lolitas start foaming at the mouth


>> No.7139275

probably the community aspect, the possibility of talking with people, and having real live discussion, without the mask of anonymity. Let's face it, /cgl/ is really the only place on the internet to have some active discussion. That's why I've been here so long, but I keep my seagull status from my small comm, because I"m sure they'd shit their pants, thinking I'm a drama whore or something.

>> No.7139282

Does anybody have an invite code they can give me?

>> No.7139285

No. Stop asking.
Nobody has any spare invite codes. Everyone will be invited in a couple of months.

>> No.7139313

Main reason why I hang out around here. Though I know a lot of people from my comm and locally post here, but we kind of keep it under wraps because newer members might think we're drama llamas and we'll post them up in an ita thread. When I really just like to respond to questions and try to help (or call people out on bullshit from time to time). I'd like to be able to chit chat about Lolita somewhere less anonymous and worry about knowledge of me being on here getting out to some people who might not like it. So I'm pretty excited for this. But I'll patiently wait.

>> No.7139319

You sound familiar... I joined a comm close to me recently that called me out, and one of the girls said the same thing.

>> No.7139320

facebook comm, I suppose I should clarify. I've yet to attend a meet.

>> No.7139329

Probably not, it's not happened to me yet personally, but it's something I've been a little wary about.

>> No.7140345

We're growing very fast here over at Lacebook! What was originally intended to be a private group between a small number of Facebook friends for the purpose of sharing outfits with each other, in the spirit of sites like Daily_Lolita or the old Lolita Snap, has quickly grown into something much larger than it ever planned on being! In the past week our membership has really taken off, with over 150 new members being added in 24 hours, and we're still getting around 100 new accounts awaiting approval a day.

Membership is currently done via an invite system, with current members able to invite a limited number of non-members. From there, individual new accounts are checked over by the
admin to make sure everything is in order and they were invited by a legitimate member. We encourage members to only give their invite code to people they personally know, and not to random strangers who might be asking for one, we track invite codes and members may be held accountable for other people that they invite and may lose invite privileges if they're found to be giving their invite codes to people they cannot personally vouch for. This is done to ensure that the site stays a safe place for Lolitas to share their photos, free from the prying eyes of creepers or trolls.

Another reason for the limited membership is because of the expense of the site, which will cost between $400 and $500 a year. Limiting the number of people who join keeps this cost from going any higher. While membership is completely free, we will gladly and graciously accept contributions of any
amount from whoever is kind enough to offer. A contribution button will soon be on our site.

In the future, once the site is up and running, there will be a way for people who may not know anyone who's already a member to be able to request an account. But this is something that's still being worked on.

Continued in the next comment

>> No.7140349

If you need to contact any member of the team please email lolitafashionsnaps@yahoo.com, and we will try to answer any questions you might have, but because of the overwhelming volume of messages we are receiving, it may take upwards of a week to respond. We are very open to any suggestions you might have to make the site a better place for everyone!

Currently, we're still in the Beta stages and are making a number of changes to things and will continue to make changes to Lacebook in order to make it be the best site it can be and to provide a safe and welcoming space for Lolitas. The best way to keep up with what’s going on in Lacebook is to follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/lacebookupdates

This Thursday membership will temporarily close until Monday while the admins are on a brief vacation. The site will still be active and modded, but no new invite codes will be given out, or accounts approved, until the following Monday when they return.

The Lacebook Team

>> No.7140375

Thank you so much for your hard work!

>> No.7140395

Thank you for the information and for your work on the site! We've needed a new comm for sooooo long.

>> No.7140428

Are you thinking of doing ads for extra revenue?

>> No.7141246

I signed up with your informations 30 minutes ago now my account is suspended

>> No.7141278

Dear fucking god, read the thread, there is no excuse for this anymore.

>> No.7141281

I have a real question, are you illiterate? Did you not think to read like 3 posts past that one to see that everyone who used it got suspended?

>> No.7141340

What if you don't know any IRL lolitas and don't have a local comm? So just SOL with ever getting an invite?

>> No.7141346

>In the future, once the site is up and running, there will be a way for people who may not know anyone who's already a member to be able to request an account.

I don't want you to join if you don't have the ability to read the entirety of what she typed without throwing a hissy fit halfway through because you feel you're being picked on for being a loner.

>> No.7141616

uh, did anyone else cringe when they saw that person posting 'nigga you rad' on mc melody doll's status and then getting a warning from CherryHime...

>> No.7141652

No, because none of us have accounts

>> No.7141803

They just posted a post explaining what was going on over at egl, including how it will work if you don't know someone who can give you a code.

tbh, once everyone all gets in we'll get sick of it in a few months and it'll die out.

>> No.7141932

can you share another code please?

>> No.7141935

Read. The. Thread. Codes don't work that way and using codes randomly posted will get your account suspended.

>> No.7142138

What's mc melody doll's username?

>> No.7142162
File: 34 KB, 223x166, 1370805065264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This obviously isn't urgent, but if there's a member of the team around, what's $500 accounting for? like that's actually really reasonable considering a ~$40/month virtual machine, do you guys use Amazon S3 for long term storage of images? I'm guessing that'll be the biggest load of the site and it would help to outsource the bandwidth. If you have someone running your SQL you should consider it, you don't have to run your VM on EC2, but considering the weird amount of boom the site's experiencing it wouldn't hurt.

>> No.7142986 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 476x476, senpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your first name*: Stina
>Your desired nickname*: Noburin
Why do you want to join Lacebook?: I'm not active on livejournal antmore and lacebook feels like such an easier way to communicate to other lolitas.
>How active are you in your local comm, if you have one?: I attend as many meets as possible, althought we only have meets about once a month,
>How often do you wear lolita?: A few times a week... But lesser during the summer.
>Do you post photos of your coords elsewhere online? If so, where? I've posted some to my tumblr and facebook but never to dl or anything like that.

>> No.7148060

Does anyone on Team Lacebook have any knowledge about this? Are they looking for some? I'd be tempted to consult in exchange for an account.
(Yes, am a (cis)girl. Yes, am a lolita (a blossoming one at least), Yes, am a loner)

>> No.7148074


You didn't read upthread, someone said they're not hosting it, but using a service called wall.fm, that has to be hosted and paid for through that site, look up the prices