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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7134494 No.7134494[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you go to a convention that was only men?

>> No.7134500
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Honestly, I imagine there'd be a lot of arguing.
Like you're just walking through the AA and hear a guy shout, "GOKU CAN TOTALLY KICK ICHIGO'S ASS, EVEN WITHOUT HIS SUPER SAIYAN FORM."

>> No.7134501

Better yet, one room is just arguments about who would win, Goku or Superman.

>> No.7134503

2 panels per day, one for the morning crowd, one for the evening crowd.

>> No.7134502

no because i am a woman, hurr.

>> No.7134626

There'd be so many great panels

>> No.7134645

This already exists. Wargaming conventions.

If it was only men, I wouldn't be allowed to go to it anyway.

An all-women convention would probably just be everyone complimenting each other and being nice as fuck, then blowing up Tumblr and CGL afterwards with passive aggressive nonsense.

>> No.7134649
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I would go to this

and i would jump in on this with this

>> No.7134650

>all-women convention would probably just be everyone complimenting each other and being nice as fuck, then blowing up Tumblr and CGL afterwards with passive aggressive nonsense.

That already happens at conventions with men anyway.

>> No.7134669

>Wargaming conventions.
But I go to those (//・_・//)

>> No.7137043

They'd probably kill each other.
Actually that's a good idea. Call it Thundercon and offer a prize to the last person left alive.
We get one good cosplayer and hundreds of dead males, win-win

>> No.7137068

>imbliehing I would go to ANYTHING if I don't know there isn't going to be distractions from my loveless relationship T_T

>> No.7137095

No, even if I (a woman) was allowed to go. I don't want to be discriminated for my gender, alone. Plus, women smell better and are generally friendlier I find. An all-man con would be gross.

>> No.7137104

Would there be traps? I'd go if there were traps.

It would make finding them easy for once.

>> No.7137111
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>> No.7137180

>Sausage fest 24 hours for the entire weekend.


>> No.7137188

the smell would be amplified and there would be barely any cosplayers

>> No.7137190

I agree. If I were to go, I would probably crossplay. Maybe I could arrange some attractive gay orgy that I could film.

>> No.7137195

Huh? Why would you need to find traps?

>> No.7137198


>> No.7137202

Calm down, autismo.

>> No.7137775

Aren't Brony conventions predominantly male?

>> No.7137785

Wasn't there a massive creepy orgy?

>> No.7137803

You know why

>> No.7137888
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>mfw imagining a massive brony orgy

>> No.7137905

>imagery of a bunch of pale, writhing, euphoric nerds neighing and whinnying as they--
I see what you mean.

>> No.7138430

I don't get it...

>> No.7138434

Because they look like women you dumbass. With no women the only women-like people would have to be traps.

>> No.7138435

Well actually there's no talk about it being exclusively for men. Let's just say for the sake of conversation that it merely happened to be only men attending and you'd be the only femme there.

>> No.7138438

That's how you would find traps you dumbass, not why.

>> No.7138437

It would probably only be full of neckbeards and mouth-breathers. None of the hot guys would go to a all male con.

>> No.7138440

yes because i would be the only woman there so i would hella strut like nobody's business

>> No.7138629

You would find traps so you could cuddle them and make sweet love to their girly little rear ends.

>> No.7138748

o-oh my

>> No.7138865

If I was in one of those bubble things, sure.

>> No.7138914
File: 85 KB, 1277x725, Hz2hgaR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These anons have the right idea. Go AS a trap knowing full well that there is no penis under there. Then seek out traps to make into my comrades, and by the time they knew something was amiss they'd still be too weak to do much but sissy-hit me and cry delicious tears. You'd booty bandit all the desirables until only fedora-wearing leddit-tier nerds were left, those fags can have each other.

So yes, I would to go to a male con, to pilfer their, uh, womenfolk.

>reverse reverse trap on trap rape
>best convention
pick two

>> No.7139321

The number of casuals would be cut down by 90%

>no bros who just wanna get laid
>no "nerd girls"
>no boyfriends of "nerd girls"

>> No.7140222

Yes. And I would go as a Trap, wearing a mobius.

>> No.7140355

Wait, you lost me at 'no penis'. I just want to put my dick in some adorable butts~

Joke's on you, I'd still be going specifically to get laid.