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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 90 KB, 960x960, piece of shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7128533 No.7128533[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Am I wrong to hate lazy as fuck cosplays and the people who do them? I'm not the best cosplayer in the slightest and for quite a long time i didn't cosplay at all i just came to see them and even back than i used to judge people's cosplays.

I just hate when they feel that they can get away with saying their cosplaying when zero love or effort went into it. for example putting on a finn hat and saying your finn or putting on a naruto headband and drawing whiskers on your face and saying your naruto.

this shit bothers me like no tomorrow am I just being a pessimistic cunt or does everyone else feel the same way

>> No.7128539

Op you're not alone but don't be so bitchy. Some people do it just for fun, not everybody needs or takes cosplay seriously. It's worse when they suck and act like big asses. That I can't accept

>> No.7128555

eh long as they dont tell me how expertly they did their casual cosplay its whatever

good portion of these people dont give the slightest shit, and just enjoy the occasion

>> No.7128563

OP. Stop it. Stop wasting emotion on shit like this.
Stop bickering over what a cosplay is or isn't. Just...stop. Yes- their costume is lazy. I don't think anyone would bat an eye to it let alone even try to chat with them about their costume.
Effort shows in your costume. People know that. People know what effort looks like.
Its not like their getting a shit ton of attention for it.

Shit like this should be abolished though.

>5k for basically equipment to take her photos.

>> No.7128565

this got me mad

>> No.7128575

You're exactly like "m1g" vgame players who rage about noobs on their team, stop being such an elitist.

>> No.7128578

Simple cosplays are good for beginners. The guy you posted is clearly a beginner.

98% of the time if a newbie tries going for a more detailed costume without any skills prior to it, it's probably going to be mediocre/shit tier at best.

So don't be so catty, OP. There are also plenty of poorfags who can't afford more complex costumes either.

>> No.7133604

I hate to ask this, but does anyone have that fucking pic of that terrible female loki who had her boobs hanging out? I cannot find that pic anywhere..

>> No.7133610

You're not 'wrong'. Hating lazy cosplays doesn't make you a cunt. But you ARE giving yourself unnecessary feelings of frustration, which is useless, which in my eyes makes you emotionally inferior. Put that energy into actually becoming a better cosplayer and stop caring about what other people do so much.

>> No.7133612

Not everybody has the time/money/level of caring to put together a "real" costume. I did simple/closet cosplays for a few years when I was just overwhelmed with other things and putting my money into things like saving for a new car & apartment. However I still wanted to see my con friends and I still wanted to cosplay, so I had a lot of fun just putting together simple costumes and still being recognized for it and being part of the con scene.

Even now that my schedule is leveled out and I make more money, I don't feel like putting in hours and hours of time into a cosplay like my friends do :/ I put it to other things like travel and fashion and games.

Basically stop being pissy that some people aren't at the same level of caring & skill as you are.

>> No.7133662


>> No.7134002

you're a shit for trying to tell people they're lazy for not wanting to do complicated costumes. they will like their hobby how they want to.

>> No.7134007

They're doing it for fun?

Cmon, its not like that guys entering a competition or anything.

>> No.7134009

>I'll Post How Amazing U Are!

The sad thing is there are men that are that desperate.

>> No.7134010

There is a regular at our cons who is a lazy cosplayer (Just buys costumes, doesnt even buy wigs or anything) but he seems to think he is the shit because he has his own cosplayer page on facebook and thinks he's on par with the amazing cosplayers who win the cosplay competitions and put months of hard work into their costumes.

I want to punch that guy in the face.

>> No.7134031

Sort of along the same lines...a coworker scoffed at me when I said that if I were to cosplay I'd probably commission somebody to do it for me(I can't sew worth crap). Then she pushed off her entire costume off onto another coworker. What. And she's not even paying her.

>> No.7134040



>> No.7134043

fuck I did but moved it to my computer. On my mobile but if this thread is still alive I'll post tonight. That's shit was disturbingly hilarious

>> No.7134172

a lot goes on at cons other than serious cosplay. so, if it helps, try to separate costumed con goers into two categories: serious caring artistic cosplayers + and people who love the con experience and just want a chance to get in a silly costume to make the day more fun.

I respect and admire everyone here on the boards and at the cons who spend time in their craft, it's half the reason I go anime conventions, but I'm not able / interested to do It myself. I just throw on a gizmonics jumpsuit, I'm not trying to join your leagues. It's just to have some fun.

I get why it's frustrating for you guys who work so hard to see someone in a store bought Mario costume gettin love at a con, but just try to be proud of your own stuff.

/speech, see you @ youmacon

>> No.7134207

>work really hard on my cosplay
>looks like crap despite my dozens of hours
>walk into convention

lazy cosplayers think I am trying to hard
good cosplayers think I am am not trying hard enough

I wore street clothes the next day and made friends.

>> No.7134237

That sucks. I was lucky that I started cosplaying when I was a kid (13), so everybody told me how great I looked even though I couldn't sew for shit at first.

>> No.7137096

You'd be fantastic if you can find it! I tried googling it and nothing can be found. I've searched forever. :l

>> No.7137100
File: 57 KB, 600x800, 1353358726881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.7137265

pic pls? I want to see just how punchable this guy is

>> No.7137560
File: 19 KB, 310x203, 1380087931862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>childhood friend is an award-winning animator
>posts awesome 3D animation trailer to Indiegogo
>mfw he only raised 1/4 of what she did

>> No.7138287

yes! yes! lol. After how many times of seeing this, one would have thought i'd have saved it. Now i have.

>> No.7138326

What sort of mental health issues does someone need to have to think that costume is in any way acceptable? And why is she wearing a towel?

>> No.7138361

Her fucking boobs...what the fuck.

>> No.7138369

I can't be any more upset with them than the men who have the HILARIOUS idea to go as an unshaven Chi/Misty/Faye Valentine etc. etc.

A beginner can be a beginner, but someone of low to moderate skill shouldn't be content with a lame joke costume that's been done a million times already.

>> No.7140210

This kid looks like a total fag.

>> No.7140212

I can draw a stick figure humping a cat and call it art. And I would be right. You can be irritated all day long, but at the end of the day, it's not up to you whether it qualifies as art. The same principle applies to cosplay. I can throw a Deadpool mask on while I wear a bikini, say it's a cosplay, and be right.

That's life.

>> No.7140214

Fuck you and your reasonable statements.

>> No.7140484

Daaamn, looks like she trashed the nearby fabric store's green linen section or something.