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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 10 KB, 256x197, halp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7127814 No.7127814[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New help thread! Old one is autosaging

>> No.7127832
File: 29 KB, 100x116, Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 8.05.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can find thigh highs like this? Fishnets that are dark underneath. Im already going to be wearing skin colored tights so i'd like to avoid two pairs of thigh highs

>> No.7127860

The larger fishnet is called fence net; looking for "fence net sheer" on ebay brought up plenty of similar results.

>> No.7127912
File: 124 KB, 600x900, costume219_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi /cgl/

do y'all know where i can get an authentic japanese schoolgirl outfit without it being for a specific cosplay? the only place i know that even sells a wide variety is cosmates and i don't know if they're shit or not.

>> No.7127915


>> No.7127927

wow, okay, thanks. i'll look through these

>> No.7127930

no problem :)

>> No.7127931
File: 10 KB, 182x277, aba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What might I make the head of this key with? I'm using a PVC base. Preferably something easy to buy in stores in America, nothing online due to time constraints.

I've heard styrene but as far as I know that's not sold near me at all. Wood would be easiest but I feel like the graininess after painting would look kind of bad.

>> No.7127963

I'm not sure if they will have any that are dark underneath but they do have fishnet thigh highs. I've ordered from them before and just loved the thigh highs I got.


Thought about using either expanding foam or pink insulation foam? You can get big sheets of the pink insulation foam and any home improvement store like Home Depot in all different sizes and thickness. All are relatively cheap, the size I get is about $18 Canadian. That way you can just carve out the shape. Personally I think pink insulation foam would be your best bet because you could just carve out the shape and sand the edges, as well as carve it's scar in. If you do use the pink insulation foam you are going to need to use a sealant like gesso or even paper mache so your paint won't eat the foam.

Also here's a tutorial about expanding foam from Kamui!


>> No.7127976


But thats not help... thats nujd, or nuj4.

>> No.7127980

Yes, I've got expanding foam. I also have a rather large block of crafting foam.

How would you propose using expanding foam for the head? Like, what should I spray it on? Just create a big circle of cardboard as a base, then spray it on, then carve a hole for the PVC base to stick into? Or how?

>> No.7128021

Yeah exactly like that. Then you can make it match the thickness of the rest of your prop.

>> No.7128024

Hmm, alright. Sounds like it'll work.

I put my faith into you, random /cgl/ user. Thanks a lot.

>> No.7128731

How do I go about making Kanbaru's monkey arm from Bakemonogatari? I just would like some insight on mostly the paw part since it appears huger than her own hand and I want a similar effect.

>> No.7129582
File: 146 KB, 270x333, Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 10.07.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im considering using 2 way stretch vinyl instead of 4 way for this (with the stretch going horizontally.)

Is this a bad idea? I feel like 2 way has more support/thickness than 4 way, which is def needed for the shape on the bust.. but I dont know if i'll regret it or not. I dont feel as if the vertical stretch would be necessary but I dont want to waste money to find out.

>> No.7129713
File: 244 KB, 1024x576, CG67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any contacts I can wear for brown eyes for this cosplay? (Noiz/Guy in black and green)

but nothing that looks too fake though.

>> No.7129719

Depends, if you're good enough at patterning, and you add some boning, you might be able to prevent horizontal wrinkling. But I would suggest making a stiff, boned bodice with cups inside, and using 4-way stretch vinyl panels for the outer.

>> No.7129721

You'll want hazel lenses, sorry for no specific lenses, but try mimi lenses

>> No.7129724

The hazel/green lenses I've seen aren't bright enough for that green color though. I'll check that site though

>> No.7129726

No one is going to lynch you for your lenses not having a bright enough limbal ring. Especially since it won't show up in most photos it's such a tiny insignificant detail that can be put off to lighting choices. Just go with the best option you can find.

>> No.7129824
File: 57 KB, 500x330, Animalsuits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably a longshot, but does anyone know where I can get kigus for $20-30 before Halloween?
Cosplay work is on hold until November for school. We probably would have barely finished before the 31st anyway.
Not looking for anything super fancy in particular either.

>> No.7129832

Try amazon, there are few in that price range

>> No.7130610
File: 220 KB, 447x617, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you create a kind of dress like this? With that kind of strange side closure? I'm pretty new to sewing but I'd rather not buy a shitty inaccurate shirt-dress; any pattern links or anything?

>> No.7130616

>find a women's blazer pattern with the same type of lapel
>extend it down and turn it into a dress

Look for something with princess seams because it will create the best shape. Make a mock up so you can fit it and make sure you draft the bottom correctly.

>> No.7130620

I need to make armor pieces that are stiff, with a little bit of flexibility.

I've ordered samples of Wonderflex, Fosshape 300, and Fosshape 600 to see what will work best for me. Anyone have any experience ordering samples from them? They didn't email me a confirmation, and I'm starting to stress out over the idea that they might not send me samples at all.

Any ideas for anything else that might work for fullbody armor that lies really close to the skin? I also need something sturdier for pieces that will stick out away from my body, because I know people will bump them.

I've never made armor before, and what I want to do is fairly complicated (MH3U). I'm starting to freak out a little.

>> No.7130624
File: 138 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my image

>> No.7130637

>choosing the gunner brachy
Taste in games: 10/10
Taste in armor sets: 3/10

Look up the pepakura ironman suit tutorials on youtube. The same principles will apply, although you're probably going to be free balling a lot.

>> No.7130649

hey /cgl/. this is my first post on here because i would have never of thought of asking you guys for cosplay help. (I'm not very bright)
If i take a picture of myself and post it would you be kind enough to find a good fitting cosplay?

>> No.7130653

No because you should cosplay something you like and want to cosplay and is within your budget and skillset to make and/or purchase. Pick something. Have a goddamn opinion of your own.

>> No.7130654

Use the template and post in this thread.

>> No.7130666

looking for a light blue lolita dress/skirt to wear around cons and whatnot
any suggestions/links?

>> No.7130670
File: 687 KB, 959x1000, Nowi-Cosplay-from-Fire-Emblem-Awakening-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need wig help for Nowi from Fire Emblem Awakening. I dont trust myself to gradient dye it, but I can't find a blonde to green wig anywhere. help pls

>> No.7130677

So uhm...
I tried my hand on iron-on printing and the ink went away on the first wash...
Has this happened to anyone?
I am looking forward to scrapping off the leftover paper on the fabric to try and do it again, but I am not sure.. what if the ink washes of again?

>> No.7130680

Did you turn your garment inside-out before washing it?
That helps preserve the ink (and prints in general)

>> No.7130681

Yeah, I turned it inside-out and I hand-washed it in cold water and the softest soap. I don't get it, the ink came off right after putting it into the water.
I am thinking about trying another brand of paper, any recommendation?

>> No.7130717

Linked this last wig thread;

>> No.7130727

I know the set isn't good, but goddamn, it's my absolute favorite in terms of appearance. And Brachy is my favorite monster.

>> No.7130807
File: 753 KB, 1616x2154, Queens-Blade-Grimoire-kaguya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good way to make a layered kimono? Am I just making them a little bigger in size with each layer?

>> No.7130814

For Akemi Homura from Madoka Magica, what color wig should I get? I see a lot of people going for a more greyish black wig, while some just go black all together. But I'm not sure which would look better. (( I'm extremely pale, if that helps anything. ))

>> No.7131182
File: 176 KB, 1280x848, bee2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I want to be Bee, figured I'd make the top out of fiberglass but I don't want the entire outfit to be fiberglass.

What could I use for the bottom portion (i.e. below the boobs) that would match? Help?

>> No.7131185

use like a neoprene. Think of a sailor scout, the chest protectors are a different material than the actual suit. I imagine her suit like a space suit with the helmet and the chest part and shoulder bubbles being hard, like armor.

>> No.7131190


Yeah, I was thinking that too! Thank you so much for the fabric rec, I figured a wetsuit look would be nice and fit her outfit. I was also thinking PVC but I figured it'd be too shiny.

>> No.7131199

Black or at least a really dark grey. Everyone who uses a grey wig always goes super light which doesn't look good.

>> No.7131218
File: 28 KB, 356x742, tank-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright so I'm going to a Comic convention with my dad this weekend. It is extremely short notice but I would muuuch rather go in costume than out. I figured Tank Girl could be simplified pretty well and I do adore her. My question is how would one get a decent simple Tank Girl costume put together in ohh 2days?

>> No.7131222

No offense, but wouldn't walking in that outfit be awkward with your dad around? Especially if people take photos.

>> No.7131224 [DELETED] 


Question: Do you think a shiny white zentai lyrca would be suitable, or would it just look too much like underwear and I should just man up and sew the bodysuit myself?

>> No.7131225
File: 165 KB, 375x500, tumblr_mokebbpnfg1rd8apoo4_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't want that exact outfit. I just don't want to walk up in there looking like I picked up a bunch of random shit from goodwill and slapped it together. Which is essentially what I'm having to do. Ilike this girls. Simple but you can tell who it is. Geez I don't even know what I'm asking for help on. I think I'm just trying to be not stressed

>> No.7131226

If you've got a Thrift shop near you this would be simple. You can get most of that stuff there. Except for the belt buckle. You may have to make that part.

>> No.7131235

Yay fun part is that I only have a Goodwill. I'll make due though. And if no cosplay then oh well.

>> No.7131244

I would be proud to be the dad of tank girl. But my girl is more of the conform type. But I´m proud of her whatever she looks like ;)

>> No.7131259
File: 75 KB, 500x499, $(KGrHqNHJBUE63VVILHMBO0e5!mfyg~~60_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these three inch heeled boots, but the heels are really thin, I feel like I'd have an easier/more comfortable time walking if they were thicker. Anyone know how I might be able to accomplish this?

>> No.7131354


>> No.7131378

So I placed an order for a pair of shoes with DreamV a little over a month ago. My package was shipped, and everything seemed to be going well until they hit customs at Chicago, at which point they were sent back without ever coming to my town.
I mailed DreamV about this, asking if they could resend them or something. They said no but that I would be refunded.
It's been 2-3 weeks since then, no refund.
What can/should I do?

>> No.7131417
File: 10 KB, 259x194, Jin_234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations for a specific wig plus any technique's for getting it to look like this ?

It's Jin from Yu Yu Hakusho. Should be getting the fabric soon to make the pants.

>> No.7131586
File: 34 KB, 300x376, 1876eed6ebc4bca0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh thanks for the link, but I think I'm gonna risk ordering this from Lucaille and hope I dont fuck up the dyeing process.

Another Nowi question, does anyone know how I would go about doing the scallops on her socks and gloves? I've search for tutorials but the only ones I can find are for big scallops (bigger than 4cm each)

>> No.7131629

Bodyline sells seifukus (both long and short sleeved) in a bunch of colors for like $20. Shipping to the US is an additional $10, but the uniforms are pretty nice.

>> No.7131644

if you live near little tokyo in los angeles, they have a japanese high school girl store that sells stuff like uniforms, japanese school supplies, japanese school bags and more. i don't know if they have an online shop though.

>> No.7131651
File: 258 KB, 268x918, yotsuband.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a Yotsuba cosplay, and I need a bit of help finding a shirt. The only ones I'm finding are the 3/4 sleeve shirts, and Yotsuba just wears an oversized short sleeve t-shirt.

I cannot find any short sleeved ones anywhere that look like hers.

If worst comes to worst, I can cut the sleeves and re-hem them, but I'm kind of bad at hems, and don't want to accidentally break it.

I also can't seem to find a wig that'll work. I asked on the wig help thread, but nobody responded. Since everything else is so cheap, I'd be willing to splurge and commission a wig too.

>> No.7131696

yes. but you can make it "fake" layered if you don't want to use that much fabric.

>> No.7131700

Don't do that, closet tank girls almost always look like complete shit.

>> No.7131714

you can look up some wigs and just use tutorials to style the wig appropriately. about the shirt issue, it should totally be fine if you wear a 3/4ths shirt instead of the oversized one. not many will make a fuss about a small inaccuracy, and it might actually be better since you are, in fact, not the same age or size as yotsuba.

>> No.7131718

there's a good tutorial on deviant art from rufflebutt cosplay about doubling up wigs for extra volume.

>> No.7131802

oh and one more question, for the vest thingy, does anyone know how many scales i should order? I'm ordering from theringlord and they come in packs of 100 but ive never worked with scales before so ive got no clue how many this would take

>> No.7131841
File: 167 KB, 853x1137, 201105181145484120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Question: Do you think a shiny or matte white zentai lyrca would be suitable, or would it just look too much like underwear and my bra and such would show throw. should just man up and sew the bodysuit myself out of the wet suit material?

>> No.7131859

yeah that worked really well for her Alita/Gally (stupid fucking translation name changes making talking about that series difficult ha ha) costume.

>> No.7131868
File: 1.49 MB, 2435x3354, Kosaka.Chihiro.full.1135563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if some kind anon would translate the bottom right hand corner "designer's notes" for me or tell me if they're important details about the costume that i need to know before i start, i'd be eternally grateful!

>> No.7131877
File: 38 KB, 504x400, jin4-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but I can't find the tutorial after searching on D.A. Would either of you mind posting a link ? Also any recommendations for an online wig vendor/style of the wig. I figured to just get a fairly long wig so I'll have plenty to work with ? Haven't worked with wigs before.

>> No.7131880


>> No.7131907

Punky, try amphigory. You could also possibly get away with a Jareth from Arda

>> No.7132635
File: 21 KB, 500x379, Jin_chillin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome. Thanks !

>> No.7132673

It's just describing the character's role and personality, the only thing that's close to a design point is saying she was drawn with smaller eyes as she was originally a side character, but will be drawn with bigger eyes when she becomes a main heroine.

>> No.7133367
File: 76 KB, 600x605, eSWIM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bumping my questions with another question. My friend asked me to make him a Harry Einfeild cosplay. What type of fabric should I get for the jacket? And does anyone know of a good pattern for this type of coat?

>> No.7133419


>> No.7133647
File: 151 KB, 500x700, tumblr_moruyypgif1rl66y8o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea how to do the socks? There's a certain pattern to it and I'm not sure how to do it.

>> No.7133671
File: 236 KB, 247x408, RefArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using tulle for Minty Zaki's skirt and hair bow, to get the see through effect. I have spray starch to stiffen the tule and help hold shape, should I use that before or after sewing?

>> No.7133706

For the tops, just sew a half-tube to the tops of the socks. Unless you're experienced with/confident about sewing stretch knit panels together, I'd suggest doing the stripes and symbol as trim and applique. Remember to pin and pattern things while wearing the socks.

>> No.7133724
File: 75 KB, 570x857, il_570xN.434147660_97z6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time sewer, if I were to add sleeves to the pattern on the left would the dress make a passable Kiki?

>> No.7133792
File: 107 KB, 242x352, rainbeau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What material should Snowanna's hair be made out of? I want it to look frosty like an actual snow cone.

>> No.7133795

Maybe you could take a regular afro wig and spray it with something that dries hard and shiny.

>> No.7133824
File: 607 KB, 2007x1296, SSZeldaConcept3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the proper way to do these gold/yellow designs?
And I guess I should ask the same for the bird design on the shawl and blue hip-thing.

>> No.7133834

heat n bond (+ lined with satin stitch if you can be fancy with it)

>> No.7133843

tulle won't take starch. starch only really works on natural fibers. get stiffer tulle if it won't stand up enough.

yes, but if you don't know how to sleeve because you're new to sewing, try looking for a pattern that shape with sleeves. they are more complicated than you probably think.

>> No.7133845

fabric paint while you/someone else is wearing them

>> No.7133846
File: 56 KB, 350x350, ppphoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It reminds me of an ultra tight, thick pom pom type thing
like in some cat toys or something

Not sure how that would transfer to an actual costume though :/

>> No.7133850
File: 516 KB, 800x533, the_smiling_sprite___arda_s_iron_wig_contest_by_xhee_heex-d6nvlfh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask hee-hee for the shape, and then probably lightly frost it with white spray paint

>> No.7133919
File: 58 KB, 479x265, IMG_0097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought I was replying gdi

How should I go about painting the red and blue like the right picture? I figure using tape for guidelines would peel off the white paint.
Also, is there a better way to get flat edges with model magic, because as you can see, this molding is pretty shitty

>> No.7133922

Let it dry for a while until it hardens, then sand the edges down straighter. Then rule very light grid lines with pencil and fill the 'pixels' in, and paint over any lines left later

>> No.7134019
File: 95 KB, 555x236, pokegearart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the best way to go about making one of these?

>> No.7134023

have you tried cutting the roundness off with a knife while semi-hard?

>> No.7134071

The clip itself is pretty small, just an inch across. What should I sand it with, just regular sanding paper? (I'm sorry, I'm pretty new to this)

also drawing grid lines and >>7134023 sound so obvious, but I haven't even thought of doing those. Thanks for the help.

>> No.7134115

How do I make sure that what I apply doesn't fray?
Do I apply before or after sewing the dress together?

>> No.7134119

use a nail file

>> No.7134121
File: 1.51 MB, 1371x2048, 6987732408_f24fd73eed_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heat n bond is two sided iron applique that keeps the fabric from fraying when you then iron it to the fabric you want. Satin stitching the edges also helps with this.

an example of Akuriko's

It can be applied after the dress is put together since it's just iron on

>> No.7134123

don't make her dress too short, it always looks like crap when people do

>> No.7134128


Yeah, I've seen a lot of knee-length SS Zelda dresses and I'm not sure why..

>> No.7134129
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1005, Jinx_Comic[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can i find the right color and length for Jinx's wig? I've looked around, and Arda had a really good length and color, but unfortunately I can't get the wig in the right color :( any help would be great!

>> No.7134130

I bought custom printed tights, and both pairs are too large for me. They gather around my ankles and I just can't make them stay up. They are very pretty, so I'd hate to cut them up into stockings. Any ideas?

>> No.7134137

How would I go about attaching something to my back and making it look like it's floating and following about 1 to1 1/2ft behind me and 2ft above me?
Materials totaling anywhere between 1-3 pounds. I feel like wire wouldn't be strong enough to hold it up.
And how should I structure the harness part so that the floating object is nice and stable? I will be wearing a very loose top, so the only available openings will be the neck hole and lower back.

If this doesn't make sense, I can put together a drawing.

>> No.7134225

it helps if you post a picture of what you're trying to achieve

>> No.7134264

I love you for this!

>> No.7134288

maybe foam sprayed with plasti dip to give off the right metallic shine?

>> No.7134290

try epiccosplay

>> No.7134294
File: 229 KB, 531x608, Screen Shot 2013-10-05 at 12.16.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best/strongest adhesive thats safe to use on skin? I need something that will withstand sweat. Spirit gum isnt strong enough, neither is double sided tape.

>> No.7134314

Well what are you using it for?

Use Pros-Aide for masks.

>> No.7134328
File: 34 KB, 418x600, Ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does any of you seagulls know where I can find a maid dress with black long sleeves and a folded-up white hem. Preferably not too crappy quality and with white ruffles on the bottom. Because I can only seem to find nice short-sleeves ones...?

>> No.7134403

If I'm making a lined skirt, should I was the 100% poleyster lining fabric before sewing?

>> No.7134404

I need to keep worbla stuck to my skin.

>> No.7134419

worbla?... aren't there lighter alternatives?.. liquid latex maybe?

>> No.7134439

For sure has to be Worbla or sintra. I dont really have any other options to work with. If i could do something like cast it out of polyurethane i would, but i dont really have the tools for that

>> No.7134440
File: 328 KB, 2000x2000, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. Sorry for the crap picture. My tablet is being weird and made the lines weird and wiggly too, oh well.

Hope this helps. The blue and purple lines are what I'm thinking I'll connect the object with, but I don't know which would be more stable, or if either would be stable at all. I guess it might depend on the material I use to hold it up, but I can't think of anything other than wire so that it won't be noticeable and the object will look like it's floating, but I still don't think that will be strong enough without maybe packing them on until it IS noticeable, though. Hm.

>> No.7134467

why the hell are you lining a skirt?

>> No.7134946

Because the main fabric is thin, geez.

>> No.7134988

why the hell aren't you?

>> No.7134993
File: 38 KB, 108x212, Screen Shot 2013-10-05 at 10.18.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some urgent machine help.

My machine can sew straight stitches fine, but suddenly its not doing stretch stitches properly (pic related, this stitch). Instead of doing the right stitch, it does a really loose straight stitch. Any idea what could be causing this? tried rethreading a few times already just to be sure.

>> No.7135006

did you try checking the stitch length and tension?

>> No.7135008

I see... could you post a pic of what you're trying to achieve?

>> No.7135019

My machine is computerized, so it automatically sets it so its the proper length/tension. (turned off my machine and unplugged it to make sure i didnt hit some button and changed something)

>> No.7135028

uhhh what machine do you have that you can't change length and width? All digital machines I've ever worked on have those options...

>> No.7135029

because it makes skirts drape badly and you can just wear a slip under it or even those shapewear shorts

>> No.7135032

Oh, sorry. I wasnt saying I cant change it, im saying its for sure not off since my machine automatically sets it. The stitch was working fine all day, then suddenly I went to go sew and it wasnt working.

>> No.7135067

First time poster and amateur craftsmen,

i have a halloween party to attend in about 20 days and i would rather be homemade than anything else. what are the cheaper, but more effective materials for a knights helmet, and the best way to put it together

>> No.7135079

No no no no no what are you talking about? There are plenty of situations where you have to, and should, line a skirt. Show me a badly draped skirt that is bad because of the lining and not just poor sewing practice.

>> No.7135377 [DELETED] 

Can anyone point me to a SS that will buy from Vierge Vampur for me?

I'm seeing a lot of them saying that they won't buy brand name things for some reason, but I really just need this dress.

>> No.7135484


Okay, but my original question went unanswered - do I need to wash the polyester lining material?

>> No.7135489

I just spent the whole of today working on iron on transfer-ing a small design onto an apron, took me forever to do but did the practise attempts easily. got to the real thing and bits are missing and the paper got stuck and ripped in half? (kinda like when you rip a sticker off and like bits of paper are still on the surface? if that makes sense) basically it looks TERRIBLE and I dont know how to fix this I dont have any more paper, I dont have enough time to get a new apron or anything. I'm panicking. do I just give up or what ;(

>> No.7135766
File: 2.02 MB, 3264x2448, 20131006_142341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help! Baby's first prop here.

So I'm making the staff from CCS. I'm happy with how it is so far (2 layers cardboard, back is craft foam for thickness). I'm ready to paint but Im wondering what the best option would be? Gesso? Spray paint? And after painting is done, should I coat it in something like a finish? If so, what brand?

>> No.7135830
File: 84 KB, 614x496, date-a-live-pv-1-2-character-key-visuals-007-614x496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any ideas on how to keep the shape of the ears and hood?

>> No.7135972

wire inside the seam closest to the edge?

>> No.7136041

use a construction helmet as a base and build on top of that.

>> No.7136046

gesso is fine as a primer. but remember to put multiple layers and to sand in between layers. after the final layer, sand until smooth. you can use spray filler or wood glue as well. you can use any clear coat like krylon after painting. it's recommended to use a protective coating after you're done.

>> No.7136050

this. or you can use batting and interfacing.

>> No.7136104


does the Krylon clear coat count as a protective coating, or is it just for aesthetics?

>> No.7136108

this, but make sure the button is lightweight so it actually stays up.

>> No.7136133
File: 269 KB, 507x740, bdc7515776a38a824216b025802ad1268bd7ce2e-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/, first time poster in years because it'll be my first time cosplaying in about 5 years.

Anyways I'm planning on cosplaying My Unit from Fire Emblem: Awakening and am going to try and use the same fabrics as the girl in the photo. Problem is I can only make educated guesses on what's used, and I don't want to follow those.

If anyone can help me figure out what types of fabrics were used in the photo that would be great.

>> No.7136261

yes it does count as protective coating as well~

>> No.7136274

This is gorgeous. You did a great job.

>> No.7136290

I'm starting to work with EVA foam and I've watched a ton of tutorials and cool shit like that but I can't think of something easy to make first... anyone got any ideas?

>> No.7136298

When it comes to heavily styled wigs (thing DBZ tier spikes) where you have to use a bit of G2B glue is it normal for you to simply rewash the wig and restyle it from start?

I ask th is as I noticed that while my spikes drop, simply adding more product would not be ideal as doing so causes the spikes and bangs to loose volume and are generally harder to manipulate. I don't mind redoing the wig each time but I am curious to see if my approach is wrong.

>> No.7136317

>This is gorgeous. You did a great job.

did you even read the post

>> No.7136387
File: 351 KB, 550x740, 0a3755320116efccd80bf01160368949b6d72b14-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeaaaah, not me. Please read the post next time since I'm trying to figure out what fabric she used.

>> No.7136466
File: 379 KB, 867x462, sylveonn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm struggling on fabric choices. I want the white bits to look soft like stretch fabrics, but it has to be able to be stiff in order to be pleated, and also dyeable. I'm really struggling to figure out what materials would be best for this.

>> No.7136528
File: 38 KB, 314x579, Masakaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be firing in the dark here, but would anyone know where to find shoes like Masakaki's? I can't think what they are called and I am trying to find an affordable pair that won't break the bank.

Any help would be awesome and you'd be awesome for helping.

>> No.7136533

Clearly I did not

>> No.7136590

this design is fucking adorable. you could make the bodice out of one material, the skirt out of another that is a similar brightness of white.

>> No.7136654
File: 1.37 MB, 427x4087, 1374272644762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to make two small resin half-spheres.

I am aware of pic related tutorial, but is there a cheaper way to do it? That castincraft shit is going to cost me at least $30 and its a very small part of the cosplay.

>> No.7136661

Not by casting, but resin generally keeps for at least a year if you don't mix it.

>> No.7136668

I probably wont have any other cosplays that will warrant all of that. I only need about 2 tablespoons worth. Should I just give up on the resin look?

>> No.7136674

How big are you needing and what color? Because if you don't need perfectly spherical have you looked at those glass gems they have in the floral section? Or sometimes you can find colored acryllic pieces, or even just sand a chunk of colored acryllic to the shape you need and polish the hell out of it. There's ways to do this without casting if you don't need a really weird color or can compromise a bit on the shape.

>> No.7136683

I just need red. I dont need it to be a perfect sphere but i do need it to be a perfect circle.

>glass gems they have in the floral section?
I honestly have never even seen what you are talking about. Are they just found at joanns or walmart or something?

I do want it to be perfectly symmetrical and a perfect circle, though.

>> No.7136687

They're pretty common, come in different sizes, but usually about 3/4" to 1" try looking for floral gems or vase gems online and you'll see. Joanns will have some, but might not have red.

>> No.7136725

thanks bud.

>> No.7136731

Help! I'm trying to applique felt to canvas with a satin stitch and it seems like the bottom part of the machine keeps freezing. It's a vintage Kenmore from 1983 and I can't figure out what the source of the problem is. Any veteran satin stitchers?

>> No.7136735

there aren't many cheap knock-offs of those pointy ass shoes. you could try ebay for a cheaper pair. not sure what the expensive ones are called, but you could try searching "mexican pointy shoes" which are on the cheaper end.

>> No.7136754

I actually kinda laughed my ass off when I googled that.
They don't have to be incredibly pointy, just something that looks similar.

>> No.7136890
File: 79 KB, 1772x1329, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related
Trying white haired lolli cosplay for first time, make and wig practice, should I go for it?

>> No.7136895



>> No.7136904

Does anyone have any advice on how to get that "end of the world" feeling for clothing. Ideas for rips, fraying and that old look. Especially for shoes. I have an old pair I don't mind beating up a bit.

>> No.7136906
File: 345 KB, 490x746, svenfrontBody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in pretty desperate need of help with this one.
To be exact, I need help with everything that's blue on Sven. His silver/grey bits are already in progress and coming along fine.

What kind of material would you use for it? I can't really tell if I should be using some kind of fabric, or plastic.
If I make it the same way as armor, I won't be able to move my arms at the shoulder, or bend at the waist.

>> No.7136908

Could always use leather.
There /are/ more materials aside from fabric and plastic after all, anon.

>> No.7136913
File: 47 KB, 500x487, gahwtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lord...

You have a LONG way to go.

The wig looks nice, but jesus christ what the hell did you do with your make up? This may be one of those few instances in which I say less is more...

>> No.7136930

Alternative to hot glue for making armour? The summer we are going to have here is going to make any hot glue I use melt again.

>> No.7136976
File: 2.42 MB, 4608x3456, Brisby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having the same trouble as >>7136654

I'm making a costume of Mrs.Brisby from the Secret of Nimh but am having trouble with the amulet. I've looked everywhere for a gem big enough but I can't seem to find any.
Picture is of the clay prototype I made for sizing.

Anyone know where I can find a gem big enough or even a mould for one?

>> No.7136986

What's your size/budget?

>> No.7137006

As I am a guy, I donno shit about make up. Did it for first time using youtube tutorials. So yeah, long way to go

>> No.7137170

I bought my EasyCast from HobbyLobby and it was only $20 for a large container because my friend and I were splitting it, so you could probably get away with just buying the 8 oz for $14. Also, if you don't want to go the route of using paint trays, I just bought the super cheap 2 part plastic ornaments in the size I wanted, and then just broke the mold to get the resin out.

>> No.7137182

there are shorter versions of what you saw. try looking at a discount shoe store for the normal and non-curly formal mens shoes.

>> No.7137184

you could try leather or leather substitute. or you could try any fabric with some batting to give it a thicker look and then paint over the fashion fabric.

>> No.7137490

No one?

>> No.7137495

Have you checked taobao?

>> No.7137503


>> No.7137536

I scoured up and down taobao, but nope. Checked Bodyline too, but nothing. Any more sites that house maid outfits?

That looks pretty good, anon! Except it's much much too long... ;;

>> No.7137540

you could get it altered? :3

>> No.7137551

Yes, but I would rather find one that fits rather than drop some extra cash on alterations (also, the extra fabric ups the initial cost).

>> No.7137561
File: 826 KB, 920x1150, doctor-doom-marvel-vs-capcom-3-fate-two-worlds-picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome a help thread haha. Alright so I'm wanting to do a Dr. Doom cosplay. I've never made armor before and I was wondering if you guys could help me find out where to start and what kind of stuff I'll need for the armor.

>> No.7137578

Asking again, can anyone help me identify the fabrics used for this costume?

>> No.7137595

Not really. There's some kind of cheap velvet being abused, and I can see her bra through the white, and maybe you should take a reference photo of the actual character and hit the fabric shops until you find something you like there.

>> No.7137735
File: 2.11 MB, 1191x2119, hylia1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering what kind of fabric I could use for Hylia/Zelda from Skyward Sword, I've seen a lot of girls used some regular white fabric and it doesn't look bad, and I've seen other girls use other fabrics that have some shine to it and it also doesnt look bad, what would look better?

>> No.7137794
File: 288 KB, 800x800, AoT-cosplay-idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone said I should cosplay as eren in titan form and I don't like paint so Picrelated: I was thinking of having the main teeth out over my lips and slightly over my real teeth, then have them go back a bit and be attatched to the backrow of teeth that are slightly higher than the front. The part where they change will be covered by fake skin and my cheek would be painted black behind the teeth.
That way when I open my mouth all the teeth move in one motion, the fake skin stretches, and my cheek is painted black or to look like the inside of my mouth.

So does anyone have any ideas on how I could make the fake teeth, how to glue it on my cheek, and how to do the fake skin? I feel like this would be a good idea if I knew how to make it.

>> No.7137852
File: 121 KB, 847x459, wighelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that Arda is restocking, I'm going to get my wig for Roxanne. Problem is, I don't know which one to get. I know I'm going to get Ferrari, but I don't know if Pumpkin
(left) or Dark Copper Red (right) looks better. Which one do you guys think?

>> No.7137854

The right one looks like it has more volume and looks a bit more natural. I'd go with that one.

>> No.7137856


>> No.7137890

Not that it's meant for skin, but if you really want it to stick, look into double sided tape meant for fabric.
They sell it as JoAnn's and I once mistook it for normal boobtape. I was stuck in my prom dress for much longer than appreciated and only got it off with much unfortunate pain.

I think it's for lazy people who don't want to bother with sewing real hems, etc. So it's meant to stick really well.
Not sure about it in regards to sticking to Worbla, but for fabric to skin, it's super strong.

>> No.7137903

This will look stupid. Just fucking facepaint or don't do it at all. Seriously this is as dumb as a homestuck trying to use a bathtub full of sharpies to get grey skin.

>> No.7137923
File: 85 KB, 1024x768, Princess-Mononoke-6-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about sewing the cape plus attaching the mask and ears? I just bought 2 yards of husky/wolf faux fur online and I don't want to mess it up right off the bat and have to buy some new fabric. A link to a tutorial would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.7137928
File: 279 KB, 700x700, killer_is_dead_mondo_zappa_by_armachamcorp-d6g80ia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What could I use to mimic the biosynthetic-y blue veins at the start of the arm? My first thought was 3d fabric paint but I couldn't find it in a translucent color. What's something that goes on like a gel and hardens like a resin?

>> No.7137930
File: 69 KB, 640x480, 5550dfe949cd651a92f9febb8ffec9a41379734268_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a pattern for this type of school uniform? I'm not sure if I'll have to put a low hip seam separating the skirt for the pleats? Also should it be stretchy so it slips on, or should there be a side zipper?
I've searched for a real life uniform of this style but no luck

>> No.7137925

Dark copper red looks the closes. The pumpkin is too bright.

>> No.7137955

I would go with plain white.a shinyer fabric might look fucked up with a camera flash
there are tons of tutorials out there just check deviant art on google
heres a craft foam tut for you anyway :http://entropyhouse.com/penwiper/costumes/helmsdeep.html
though finding the right size metal mold might be hard. maybe a small metal bowl.

>> No.7137962

Build the mask with ears as one piece. Cut holes in the fur to push the ears through. Just make it 2 pieces because if you try and do the cape and head attached you're going to rip your hair out.

>> No.7137984
File: 1.32 MB, 1529x1400, 32421678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on doing a genderbent Demoman, but all the tutorials I'm seeing for the explosives on his chest say to use aluminum cans. I'm not sure what materials to use to cover them if I use them as a base.

>> No.7137992
File: 21 KB, 512x384, pvc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning the same thing and I think cans are a bad idea. What I plan to use is PVC pipe with end caps, something like pic.

>> No.7137998

Yeah, that's why I didn't want to do it. Thanks!

>> No.7138214
File: 177 KB, 980x660, Kiryuin.Satsuki.full.1570293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorta looking for the same style of skirt. A full dress with a pleated bottom. Not sure how to go about that without pleating too far or making the skirt a separate piece.

>> No.7138228

I don't think it's possible to make it so the pleated part and the top join without a seam. Look for Project Diva 2 Kocchi Muite Baby uniform cosplays, it has the same design. They just make the pleated part separate and sew it on. The seam is still visible, but not obvious. If it bugs you just photoshop it out.

>> No.7138229

thanks. at most, i could probably get a wavey ruffle but yea, the heavy pleats wouldn't turn out very well.

>> No.7138230

maybe try inserting like those cheerleader panels between the pleats?

>> No.7138464


but srsly, pls respon

>> No.7138510

You'll save so much time by just using paint. I have a complete makeup tutorial on Titan Eren from cosmode; want me to post it?

>> No.7138732

plain white, lightweight fabric would do. it looks really flowly, kind of like a light tunic.

>> No.7138801

Is there an easy way to fix jacket sleeves that are too low in the shoulder and too tight?

>> No.7138822
File: 107 KB, 1024x1055, 20100727_ps3_Ar Tonelico Qoga Knell of Ar Ciel_flip_saki_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tips for these socks?
I was thinking sew skin colored and white tights together in a jagged fashion, or is there an easier alternative?

>> No.7138841

If it's too tight you might have to put a panel of fabric in between the seam

>> No.7138893

Saw someone else do the same thing, this was their technique. Make the top part out of white craft foam, gold part out of elastic, attach elastic to socks, wear.

>> No.7138900

That's a great idea, thanks!

>> No.7139034
File: 1.61 MB, 3264x2448, 20131008_151318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished a base of foil, styrofoam, and masking tape. I'm looking to cover it in either paper clay or hearty clay (and possibly paper mache before that). Anyone have personal experience with these methods? I've never done it before.

I just want something that I can sand down to make it smooth.

>> No.7139142

I've decided on paper vs hearty clay.

To those who have used paper clay, would it be best to do paper mache on it first? Or can I just use it straight on the masking tape?

>> No.7140538

paper mache and paper clay are kind of the same thing. just use the paperclay

>> No.7142437
File: 457 KB, 747x1024, medic_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea what I can search for to find a coat like the Medic's?

>> No.7142442

... paperclay is clay with paper fibers in it.

Paper mache is paper strips or bits dipped in a paste and stuck together in layers.

How exactly are those even remotely similar?

>> No.7142462

If I took an LED and covered it in a clear glue, would the entire resulting blob glow, or would it just be a single point? How bright?

>> No.7142537

Depends how clear the glue is, how thick you put it on, etc. The thinner/more transparent the glue layer, the more it will be obvious that the light is coming from a single point. If you use translucent glue it will 'glow', but less brightly. Can't you get some frosted bulbs?

>> No.7142584
File: 277 KB, 732x407, Hairstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there /cgl/, does anyone know the name for this updo, pic related that is? And is there any tutorial for it? Can wigs pull off such a look without looking costumey or I will have to resort to my own hair?

Sorry for the bombard of question, I'm not sure how to handle her hairstyle so yeah...

>> No.7142604

If you google "braided updo" you can find some similar styles. There is unfortunately not a name for that particular hairstyle but I suspect if you follow some link trails you may find a tutorial. I think you will probably need to use your own hair as the skill required to do that with a wig is probably greater than that required to do it with your hair, although extensions/fake hairpieces etc. would probably aid you in keeping it neat and polished.

>> No.7142669

I'm afraid you will say that actually as I prefer to use a wig, I shall experiment on the hairstyle while looking for similar tutorials for aid. Thank you for the info!

>> No.7142700

It looks like it's based around a french plait which is pretty damn simple to do with your own hair, although I suppose if you aren't used to doing your own hair it'll be much of a muchness whether you use a wig or your own hair. I just can't imagine getting the right volume in that braid without quite a few wefts in the wig.

>> No.7142727
File: 121 KB, 1000x1470, alisa-ttt2-bonuscostume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about making the leg parts for these somewhat comfortable to walk and stand in? I'm an ex-ballerina but not really keen on walking around on pointe inside these all day.

>> No.7142734
File: 98 KB, 665x703, 121009-0101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a back view.

>> No.7142843
File: 251 KB, 1536x2048, har .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am making a cosplay for arma next week end, I will be sewing the clothing on the week end. I've left it too long to buy a nice wig though so I was possibly think of using my own hair. I will be going as Yui from Yuyushiki and mu hair is about the right colour and length as the anime version but I have no fringe (picture related). Is there some way I can make a faux fringe? I do have some hair extention I would be willing to sacrifice but I would prefer not to. my other option would be one of these 2 wigs but the colour is a lot lighter than i would like.
If I did go with a wig would it be easier to creat a fringe on the pre parted one or part the one with a fringe already? In the tutorial thread I posted a picture to the method I would use to part one but I don't know how I would add a finge to the other one
I ussually always thing wigs look better ebcause tehy are more acurate but I don't know what I should do in this situation.

>> No.7142853

I would say make something like this >>7139856 but make it come down into more of a point so your feet just end up higher from the ground.

>> No.7143002
File: 63 KB, 620x1018, Ashiok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have ANY ideas, how it would be possible to execute this head?

>> No.7143176


false shoulders where your real head resides and then put the fake neck and head on that.

>> No.7143326
File: 388 KB, 1886x2314, goodwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for help finding a wig that would be suitable to cut into a style like this. Preferably from Arda since their wigs are the only ones that don't constrict my fat skull and give me headaches. If you've got personal experience with this, I would very much appreciate the assistance. I wouldn't mind needing to sew in extra wefts, though I would much prefer needing to thin the everliving fuck out of a super thick wig.

>> No.7143336
File: 236 KB, 304x294, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Probably what you want.

>> No.7143338
File: 100 KB, 500x280, tumblr_static_3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I'm making a Monobear hoodie. I've figured out exactly how I want to do pretty much everything, only thing I'm stuck on is the tail. Basically, I'm thinking of using a fuzzy type of material, but do you think it'd make more sense to use the fabric I'm using for the hoodie? I'm also wondering if I should make the tail detachable, or if I should just sew it on and leave it be. Finally, if I do make it detachable, what would be the best method to do so? Like, Velcro, snap ons, button on??

>> No.7143341
File: 316 KB, 1600x1200, SANY2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Blue Steele? I was just looking at someone's blog and they had one on. Pic related.

>> No.7143354


Use Jett

>> No.7143385


Jett seems like it just might be a little too short in the front to be flattering on my face. One bad pixie cut in the past with too short bangs left me looking mighty ugly but I suppose it could be worth a try and if that doesn't work, on to Blue Steele. Thanks!

>> No.7143393
File: 358 KB, 400x301, terry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ggot here. I'll be attending Comikaze and I've never cosplayed before.

There aren't many /co/-related characters that look like young asian males so I've settled on Terry McGinnis, who is very asian-looking in the animation.

I'm clueless: what do?

>> No.7143400
File: 522 KB, 922x692, 20130605_watamote01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sort of shoes are these? I'm not sure what sort of search terms I'm supposed to be using to find them. They're kind of like workboots, but I'm hoping there's another term that isn't as expensive as workboots are.

>> No.7144634
File: 96 KB, 200x334, 200px-Th12Shou[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a smoother finish with fabric paint? I was going to paint the design on Shou's skirt - image related - but I tested the paint I got and ended up with kind of a rough texture.

Any suggestions on other methods of doing it would also be greatly appreciated. I only bought a tiny bottle of paint to test it with, so I can still change plans pretty easily.

>> No.7144640


You can try thinning it with fabric medium?

>> No.7144645

look kinda like hiking boots.

>> No.7144863

both made out of paper. lol.

>> No.7144886

Those are definitely just hiking boots.

My mom has a pair from walmart from a few years ago that look just like those.

>> No.7144943
File: 131 KB, 500x700, Mw0PR1w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought a shit ton of Styrene. I need to make the shoulder armor, which is a dome shape. How would I go about getting the dome shape with styrene + heat? Anyone had luck on this front?

To give context, I'm making a Jamie Lannister King's Guard armor. I am skilled with foam, but thought Styrene would be better for this costume.

>> No.7145011
File: 56 KB, 1024x576, Kyoukai no Kanata - 01 -18[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have an idea where I could find a cardigan like this? When I went shopping, a lot of what I found seemed not plain enough or the wrong color. Help?

First, you should not worry about what ethnicity the character is as long as you love them. It's great that you want to be able to look like the character, but don't let that limit yourself! Just have fun!

>> No.7145097

on the ebay search for "Solid Cotton Short Sleeve Raglan Baseball Jersey TShirt Crewneck Vintage Shirts"

>> No.7145107

Hiking boots! Thank you! I have no idea why I didn't think that. I was thinking work boots, but with the steel toecaps they were pretty expensive. Thank you guys!

>> No.7145115

Why are you trying to cosplay her? The series is only 2 episodes in and so far it's not looking good. It's cute to look at, but it's all over the place plotwise. Slow your roll and wait until you're at least half way in you fuckin simpleton. The worst mistake cosplayers make is cosplaying a series that's just started before they have time to realize whether or not they're suiting up in honor for a series that everyone's laughing at and dropped. Unless you're just trying to be tumblr kawaii. Then go ahead. Because everyone knows tumblr girls have the literal worst taste in anime and just like to reblog gifs and pictures from the really really cutesy KyoAni looking ones.

>> No.7145465

I'm trying to plan a cosplay of her because so far, I'm really enjoying the series~ I was going to wait until it finished to start actually buying anything, but I thought it'd be fun to plan out~ I don't care if the series ends up being popular or not, I just want to start planning a cosplay of a character that I really like so far.
I'm sorry it bothers you that I'd like to cosplay her!

>> No.7145469

I like KnK already, there's not much worse it can get if it got off to a good start.

The biggest thing you're missing here is this concept called an opinion.
Maybe you think KnK blows out its own ass, but not everyone does?
If she's 2 episodes in and likes it enough to cosplay it, who the fuck cares. At least she watched it.

Back to you, ahh, Claudie. If all else fails, try to find a white cardigan and dye it?

>> No.7145476

Thanks, anon! Do you have any recommendations on what dye I should use? I've never tried dying fabric before.

>> No.7145478

I sit actually worth making a cosplay of a character with an outfit that didn't appear very often?
I am talking about the 7/2 outfit of the Doctor.

>> No.7145483

How do I make my face white without the makeup getting all splotchy and coming off throughout the day (especially around my nose?)

>> No.7145488

Would a Flyyn Rider cosplay from Tangled be recognizeable? How popular was that movie even? I never heard much about it, but I watched it a few days before and no it's one of my favourites.

>> No.7145492

If you're cosplaying the character just because you love it or the design, then go for it! However, if you want to be recognized a lot, don't cosplay it since you would probably only be recognized by avid watchers of the show. Still, it's up to you!

Again, see what I wrote above. It depends on how much you like the character. I think, though, that a Flynn Rider cosplay would be fairly recognizable; it would be more recognizable with a Rapunzel, though.

>> No.7145506
File: 113 KB, 480x640, 2013-10-13 12.35.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm going as Minna from SW for Halloween

I have this jacket, gonna get the panties sometime
How hard would it be to modify the jacket? Only looking to do the gold/black bow, not the pockets


>> No.7145509
File: 99 KB, 480x640, 2013-10-13 12.35.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7145510
File: 193 KB, 956x1136, Minna_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7145519

Actually, both the golden stickers as well as the pockets should be really easy to do. If you can't do it yourself, get the fabric and somebody who can even sew just a little and that person will do it in half an hour.

>> No.7145531

RIT has a pretty nice color guide on their website, at http://www.ritdye.com/colorit_color_formula_guide
It'll tell you which colors to mix to get a specific color.

RIT's the only thing I'm really familiar with, but I haven't had any problems with it.

>> No.7145542

I know how to sew, and I can find a few guides that'll help.
Sound doable, thanks!

Also, I'm a dude and she's a girl that wears a jacket and panties and nothing else.

Do I just shave everything off down there?

>> No.7145549

This depends on whether you want to do it for comedic purpose or you really want to look like her.

>> No.7145559
File: 368 KB, 850x478, sample_d92a09da2087c877eb233316ce6cf2f8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comedic purposes, but I want to keep my decency
I've never worn panties before, and well she doesn't wear much

>> No.7145647

from what i have *heard* styrene should NOT be heated with a heat gun. although i'm not sure if this is entirely true... google.com?

>> No.7145649

did you wash the fabric before hand? some people also use a hair dryer to dry in between layers of fabric paint for a nice finish. also you can try using airbrush instead...

>> No.7145890
File: 279 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mfvhu5U0KL1r6w8wbo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so much!!

>> No.7146162
File: 42 KB, 424x547, dafuq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this armband thing, cgl?

>> No.7146171

not familiar with the character but it looks like bandages

>> No.7146205
File: 9 KB, 582x300, larg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the best fabric to use for the bag?

>> No.7146218
File: 141 KB, 605x900, 1381352892130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get measurements to make a set Naotsugu's armor If I know how tall he is? I'm the same height as him so I shouldn't have to go scaling anything right?

>> No.7147455

Heavier canvas type fabric.

>> No.7147891

I'm trying to find this funny YouTube video where a guy walks around a convention and says hi to all the cosplayers but gets their characters wrong. No idea what it was called or who it was. Can someone help me find it?

>> No.7147934
File: 79 KB, 401x466, AudreyHorne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need a wig for audrey horne. any suggestions?

>> No.7147941

I love you forever if you actually look like her. Are you going to do the One Eyed Jacks outfit? As for wigs, sorry I don't know.

>> No.7147969

Amphigory has a curly, flippy style like that which I can't remember the name of, and they stock a lot of natural colors.

>> No.7147972

heheheh the reason i'm dressing up as her is in part due to the fact that i've received some comments on the resemblance, and also because i'm in love with her.

for now i'm going with the classic plaid skirt/oxfords/pink sweater outfit, but if this works out i'll probably do the one eyed jacks outfit. i'm just nervous that i can't pull her off >:

>> No.7147974

I just worry unless you're with an entire TP group no one is going to know who you are in the normal outfit (I'm a straight grill fyi, wasn't trying to be weird with the one eyed jacks outfit!)

>> No.7147975
File: 23 KB, 328x300, Scotsman_300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was looking for any advice on the machine gun peg-leg. Was thinking of scrapping a cheap pogo stick to make it easier to work on. Anyone with a better idea ?

>> No.7147982


I accidentally ordered these lenses with the default prescription.
I am new to ordering lenses and I'm not sure if these lenses and just colored lenses or actually contact lenses.
Will I still be able to wear these if I have perfect vision?

>> No.7147984
File: 17 KB, 200x212, flip-1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooh, is it this one? this could work (in a lighter shade of course). thank you so much!

hahahaha no worries. i have a coop & a log lady so far, hopefully we'll manage to convince some more of our lynch-loving friends into doing this w/ us.

>> No.7147987

More info:
The default description it had for the left eye was -3.75
and for the right -4.0

What does it mean?
Should I be worried?
Will I still be able to wear these?
Please respond fast so I can cancel my order if I need to.

>> No.7147992

Yes, you have accidentally ordered prescription lenses. you want PLANO/0.00 lenses if you have perfect vision.

>> No.7147996

It doesn't have an option for PLANO/0.0
Where else can I buy them?

>> No.7147998

Then they are out of stock. Try Honeycolor.com, kiwiberry1collection, or just google around for 'G&G GBT blue aqua'

>> No.7148190
File: 136 KB, 757x854, 0_(77).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what I could use to make an MSF Sneaking Suit, or even if there is something out there? The big problem is the gloves and legs with the paracord/drawstrings

>> No.7148196

Looks like Zebra stripes. Could you get like... Zebra stripe stockings and turn the end into a glove?

>> No.7148198
File: 68 KB, 1500x1500, billabong-solution-sg5-6-5-4-chest-zip-hooded-wetsuit-black-black-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would recomend starting with a wetsuit and building on top of that. The harness you can make from an ALICE belt and a climbing harness. The pouches on the sneak suit are just regular ALICE M-16 magazine pouches. For the mask you can use an ordinary wool two-hole ski mask but if you really want it to look rubber-y you're going to have to make it yourself

>> No.7148201

Would patches work on a wetsuit or would I have to find fabric appliques to get the MSF logo on there?

>> No.7148211

Ive personally never worked with wetsuits or other rubbery material so youre going to have to ask someone else for advice on that

>> No.7148220

>The pouches on the sneak suit are just regular ALICE M-16 magazine pouches

Nope. That's an M1956 magazine pouch.

>> No.7148222

I did wash it, and I only need one layer of paint to begin with? Can't really do anything between layers if there's only one.

I haven't got access to an airbrush, so...

>> No.7148228

Make sure you get closed cell neoprene, open is a lot harder to work with. I've never done any cosplay stuff with it, but have made custom wetsuits for myself. Btw you're going to sweat like a mother in any neoprene suit since the material is waterproof and very insulative.

>> No.7148230

Ive dealt with latex suits, and goddamn if that isnt the sweatiest thing ive ever done.

Im still confused on what to use for the string on the arms and legs. Other than that, I think im good.

>> No.7148280

When is does a wig become too thick?

I'm currently double wefting a long EPIC wig. Looking at my reference I'm worried it'll still be too thin. But, my friends advise me that the wig is going too thick and will look unrealistic and odd.

>> No.7148293
File: 152 KB, 553x829, WASTELAND_WEEKEND_2013_0152_P_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met this guy recently and really really dug his make-up but never got a chance to ask him what sort it was- his buddy I met later couldn't remember the name and I've been wanting to do something similar ever since. I don't want cheap party city cream make-up but something of this quality that can hold up to a little abuse - I'm going to a maker's fair soon and Its sure to have harsh weather and long hours spend outdoors.

I don't know how many Seagulls attend events in costume outside of conventions but being on here has taught methat a lot of you know your shit when it comes to make-up.

in short: What's a good black make-up like the one pictured that can stand up to long hours of wear?

>> No.7148751
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, xtcyk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these look more like they're made out of corduroy or striped denim?

>> No.7148966
File: 32 KB, 250x292, SG_Filia_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations on how to go about doing Samson [hair] most of the costumes I've seen have styled the wig into spikes making it look quite bad. Wondering if making the spikes a separate entity like as you go about making wings would work better?

>> No.7149017
File: 132 KB, 323x750, tumblr_mod3xkXzHV1rhbmj5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good base wig for Rohan and how the heck would you make the headband. I'm thinking craft foam might be a good start, any ideas?

>> No.7149058 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 394x591, Black-and-white-mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have never actually used it myself but don't they call this type of paint black grease paint?

>> No.7149110

so, a friend's girlfriend wants to cosplay sheva next year and she's coming from out of state to do it. as in she wants to coome with us to a con.
it's all cool and stuff and she's wondering what she should do about the props. (most likely a gun) she's flying in here and suspects that the airlines wont let her carry her props into the plane.
ideas or are props alright to fly?

>> No.7149158

so put it in the checked luggage.

>> No.7149169

they won't confiscate it?

>> No.7149173
File: 42 KB, 720x960, antlers3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I'm not too sure how to go about attaching these antlers. they're real and as you can see pretty small (light also) I was going to just put them on a headband but I thought they looked better as though growing out of the wig. Is there a way I can do it without damage to the wig? if not then hat is the best method for making them into a headband

>> No.7150053
File: 607 KB, 780x800, Ashera - FE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit stuck, how should I make these feather like additions on the bottom and sleeves of her dress?
Should I sacrifice exact looks by just adding the details after or is there a way to make these feathered bits directly onto the dress?

>> No.7150063
File: 29 KB, 320x600, antler headband.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can try starting with a wide, neutral colored headband and screw the antlers on from underneath (like pic related)
If not, various kinds of superglue could work.

>> No.7150481
File: 66 KB, 600x514, Kyousogiga.600.1107931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooray a help thread.

Wanting to cosplay as Koto from Kyousogiga; but the mallet...what do I do?

>> No.7150492

For some reason I'm imagining those magic water balls inside of a water or gel filled inflatable stool.

>> No.7150516

Hm. I was thinking of like, clear beach ball material with like Styrofoam painted balls that are wired in place....but I wasn't sure if that was a good idea..

>> No.7150521

Have the outer layer of the dress and sleeves be gradient-dyed and sheer, and make the ends feathered. Then have an inner layer be dark fabric with feathers or similar feathered fabric attached at the ends.

>> No.7150544
File: 44 KB, 480x381, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! I'm looking for a fabric to make this dress. I want something cotton with a bit of stretch, but I don't know what term to search in English. I could not find anything in my country's shops.


>> No.7150557
File: 296 KB, 465x1048, Akihiko_Sanada_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys!

I'm looking for a sweater vest to pull off an Akihiko costume. Haven't been able to find a close enough match online or around town. Any one got any ideas?

>> No.7150563

Definitely make it with the same material of the fabric. I wouldn't make it detachable either. I'd sit on it and it'd get pulled off and I'd lose my precious tail. If you're set on it though, I wouldn't recommend snap ons. That's going to be a pain in the ass. If you want to go for a 'plushy' bear look I'd go for the button.

I don't know much about Styrene, so this may be a huge miss, but I found this video to be interesting when I was researching which thermoplastic would be best to use.

I'd say striped denim.

>> No.7150569

Does anybody have any simple methods for creating a base pattern for chest armor? I need to make a full-torso piece of armor but I just can't think of how to do it. I've looked up a few guides but they're all vague in some way that I just can't grasp it.

I'm seeing this method on tracing a shirt for the pattern but it's not turning out too well.

>> No.7150571

I'm sure that could work, providing you can figure out a way to make the mallet head sturdy. I'm not sure how strong beach ball material can get, but if it can get sturdy on its own it'd work I feel. A clear lining of some sort might be needed, perhaps some clear plexiglass/plastic of some sort?

The ball/wire idea may work if you can really securely get the balls in place with wire. I've never worked with that kind of stuff, but I feel it's possible.

>> No.7150572

Wrap yourself (or have someone else wrap you) in saran wrap, and then wrap yourself in painter's tape. Draw the pattern while it's still on and then have someone cut you out. I usually add a few centimeters on the edges in case of mistakes.

>> No.7150591

That's actually pretty genius, thanks a lot

Do you have advice for cutting someone out? As in where on the form to cut?

And is the painters tape on saran wrap actually like.. sturdy enough to just wear? As in, spray expanding foam/papier-mache over and wear?

>> No.7150590

Yeah I'm having wonders about these materials...I've also never done anything like it.

>> No.7150596

I'm not too sure about it, but if you can find clear styrene it'd likely work best. It's very flexible and used in a lot of props/armor. There's lots of tutorials about it. It requires some heating and working but it's fairly simple.

Whatever you choose to do, research like mad before you do it. Theorycraft your theories and just keep thinking what may go wrong and to compensate.

>> No.7150633

Oh hey! That material looks pretty good for this project. I'll need to do some curving of the sides to make it look more cilander-y vs rectangular-y but that sounds alot better then cutting apart beach balloons and findkng ways to blow them up haha.

Absolutely. I always somehow make it through regardless, but I'll take extra care on this one. I wanna make it look fantastic.

>> No.7150708

I usually do it from the back. I always have my friend helping me out with stuff like that, but really anyplace you can get a straight line.

You could try doing the paper mache while it's still on, and wait for it to dry? If your armor has a front and a back, I would recommend doing one side at a time, otherwise you'd have a tough time getting out of it. Just connect it with straps and velcro. There's tons of tutorials online! Kamui's are great. She works with a lot of thermoplastics, but her expanding foam tutorials are pretty great too.

This site helped me out with patterns:
Here's some quick and dirty patterning tips:

>> No.7150782

Kind of late, but thanks so much. My armor is just one piece, front and back, so this method will help a lot. And I love Kamui, but her method on this stuff for torso armor was really.. untouched in the video she made on patterns. It was one of those vague things I mentioned earlier.

But, thanks again

>> No.7151652

Bump with question


>> No.7151719
File: 289 KB, 460x1417, 1366703875814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sewing question:

i have seen tutorial on making a sleeve pattern. i have seen tutorials on sewing the sleeve onto the bodice. but i have not seen a tutorial where it shows how the measurements taken from the sleeve are translated onto the pattern paper. to be more precise, where do the measurements of the sleeve go when making the sleeve pattern?

i do not use commercial patterns, and the sleeve i am making doesn't have to be super exact, but a nice clean sleeve would be awesome. could anyone help? it would be much appreciated! thank you.

>> No.7152163

I am so confused by what you're asking. What do you mean by where do the measurements go? Doesn't the tutorial tell you how to measure and draft the sleve?

>> No.7152748

I bought a lace front wig from wigsupplies and the quality is decent enough for cosplay, but the wig cap is so small! For the cosplay I need all of the hair brushed back from the face, and there's no way I can manage it with it being so tight. Is there anything I can do short of disassembling it and sticking it to another wig?

>> No.7152823

http://www.alleycatscratch.com/lotr/Fabric/Distressing.htm has a bunch of great tips, and a couple of stupid ones. Please use your judgement.

Ben Nye also make powdered dirt products that resemble soil, ash and dust. If you can't afford that, just get a cheap pallette of matte eyeshadows in brown shades and brush that on hems and cuffs.

>> No.7153506

so, two things, /cgl/. If it's my first time ever sewing, and i attept to make a suit jacket? Isn't it likely to be shit? And when picking out a wig, do I go for one that's a look alike, or do I have to pick one that's close enough and style it to my needs?this is more for a halloween costume then cosplay, but still.