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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 88 KB, 500x333, V9gOY0S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7124089 No.7124089[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Secrets are up!

>> No.7124099

This is me..

>> No.7124105

>not installing a fart catheter in anus for frictionless silent release.

>> No.7124110
File: 393 KB, 425x550, 5iqNfRN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this made me laugh more than it should

>> No.7124117

Wow, that new comm that was trying to start up hasn't even posted. I guess I shouldn't be surprised

>> No.7124135
File: 1.64 MB, 245x281, graham yea no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That 'Murican complaining about prices being in foreign currency though...


>> No.7124154

Just people being lazy

>> No.7124155

I'm American and I found that comment beyond retarded. Seriously? Use a converter or grow the fuck up. If you can't be bothered to spend an extra 3 seconds of your life typing something into a converter then just please leave.

>> No.7124167
File: 68 KB, 640x421, vJ6TGb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get more cheap giggles like this and less "oink oink fat pig whore" secrets please

>> No.7124174

I definitely love these types of secrets

>> No.7124176

I was pleased, more yurobargains for me. Let's hope more Americans think like that.

>> No.7124185

Nah girl. It's already tough being fake outside. This place is the only place I can fart, make pig noise and whore myself.

>> No.7124207

With the currency thing, I avoid listing things in other currencies besides my own, as Paypal's currency converter can differ from online ones, so I don't want to wind up giving the wrong price.

>> No.7124208

I shouldn't be laughing this hard.

Why am I laughing this hard.

>> No.7124209

What comm?

>> No.7124213

This one:
The person was spamming it for a while on here but we already know it's a failure

>> No.7124220
File: 108 KB, 640x492, rukyRLB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is this?

>> No.7124227

Why are some of the faces not obscured?
I mean 54 is pretty visible and you could tell who it is. 37 was visible for a while too.

>> No.7124228

Anyone got a link for that lacebook thing? I'm one of those cunts who keeps a separate lolita facebook because apparently girls in my old comm couldn't resist posting stuff about my personal life on the internet, so this sounds liek a cool idea.

>> No.7124234

lacebook? Only reason I'd ever get a facebook.

>> No.7124237

phil shinkai, he's been banned in the SF comm for harassing girls and he has a foot fetish

>> No.7124242

I'm also curious about this!

>> No.7124255

Who cares if he has a foot fetish?

>> No.7124270

everyone should

its disgusting

>> No.7124289

>image from tumblr

why was his needed?
it would at least make more sense if it had the OPs name..this tag feels unnecessary and just ruins the picture

>> No.7124296

Probably to specify it's not from daily_lolita which as a rule against using the pictures for secrets.

>> No.7124297

All of that is fine
I'm just sick of secrets that are like "UGH THIS GIRL IS SO FAT"
Like okay she's overweight but did she get period blood on a dress she borrowed from someone else because if not I don't care

>> No.7124329
File: 88 KB, 257x282, 1365032016922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Russian secrets are up

They got two fucking secrets in total.... one was mine.

>> No.7124333

Nia must be disappointed

>> No.7124331

well that's lame

>> No.7124368

Nah she'll just call everyone racist and then publicly argue with her sperg bf some more

>> No.7124374

"Well, bitches need to post. I know there are people out there just waiting to stir some shit up, they probably just don't know this place exists yet."

Haha no. Admit your fail. You spammed cgl for days.

>> No.7124379
File: 110 KB, 589x564, you-tried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only two secrets

>> No.7124384
File: 27 KB, 248x250, 1364883823784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about one of the most common vanilla fetishes

>> No.7124386

Only two secrets and both of them are about how a more aggressive, uncensored comm was a bad idea.
Though I'm happy that a ton of people didn't jump on it right away and start naming and blaming. And I don't think it's an issue of people not knowing it's there, she spammed plenty of threads with the link and lots of people saw it.
I just hope one or two people don't start blindly submitting made up shit for the sake of starting shit.

>> No.7124393

It's also one fetishes that is acted upon most commonly in public, apart from flashers. Where I work, we have two restraining orders against guys who comes in to get their jollies, and I'm sure that there are many others who are just smarter/less aggressive that we haven't caught.

One would come in, pretending to be a technician, there to work on computers or whatever, had the jumpsuit, a badge and everything. He would target women alone at the computers, telling them that he needed to work on their machine, that there was a power problem with the board, etc., complete with fake work order.

After helping them move to a new computer, he would "make them comfortable". This involved attempts to get them to "relax" and put their feet up, literally. He would try to take their shoes off, put them up on a stack of books or his tool case, that sort of shit. We got repeated complaints about our "employee" being too forward and creepy before he actually was caught.

Another guy we had problems with actually would go so far as to pretend that women at the computers/desks had their shoes untied, so he could offer to crawl underneath and fix it, then fondle their feet in the process. He was caught considerably faster, because he tried to "tie" the shoelaces for one of our employees, and she was wearing a pair of pumps.

>> No.7124405

I always wanted to date a foot fetishist.
My thing is just to be adored and found insanely attractive, so if I could do that just by baring my heel or being bought new shoes rather than having to bother with sexy lingerie and makeup, I'd like that.

>> No.7124413
File: 93 KB, 251x534, 7Bg3wzc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me laugh so fucking hard. And all the butthurt makes it even better.

>> No.7124416

i'm in that picture and he seemed fine to me. i guess if he was banned that says a lot, but he behaved himself afaik

>> No.7124441

The circlejerking in the comments is amazing. I'M ATHEIST BUT MY FEELINGS ARE HURT THIS IS NOT OKAY

>> No.7124454


I'm atheist and I lol'd. Those people probably aren't atheist at all, there's no reason we'd find a fictional character wearing a dress offensive.

>> No.7124478

I don't find it funny cause I don't even understand the joke. Is it saying lolita Jesus died for the sins of itas?

>> No.7124579

Sorry for being noob, but whats the link?

>> No.7124636

for the secrets comm?

>> No.7124635

Does she do this often? I saw it happen once in an Animal Crossing thread, and one where she was complaining about breaking up with him then he got there and they both shat up the thread some more.
Hope that dumbass doesn't find her way into the SoCal comms.

>> No.7124660

Don't do this. It sends trolls to the secrets. If people ask then tell them to get their ass to google.

>> No.7124667


>implying half the secrets community aren't trolls

Seriously, it's not a fucking secret.

>> No.7124732

same thing in the end.

>> No.7124772

To be honest, things priced in euros are usually way overpriced. But I agree, her loss. It's easy to guesstimate what the price will be in USD if you browse regularly, anyway.

>> No.7124778
File: 19 KB, 499x373, 4405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck cares about shit like this?
Jesus is a bro and doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.7124879

True stuff

>> No.7124882

Nah, looks like an anon wants to help her . How cute

>> No.7124939

It's because there's so much import tax here. Even if a dress from a European seller is expensive, it's still cheaper than buying it from America and paying fairly high shipping plus like 30% tax.

>> No.7124946

Pfft, I'm Christian and I lol'd.

I want to believe that this is what it's about, I'd lol even harder.

>> No.7124974

/tv/, pls go. No one needs your degeneracy.

>> No.7124979

Often enough that pretty much every time she posts people tell her to go because it's only a matter of time before she shitposts or Shippou does. Often enough that people who aren't even in Orange County were groaning because she announced she had moved there and wanted to join the comm. Often enough.

>> No.7124982

Dunno who the fuck it is but I like middle's wig, does anyone know where its from?
Same!! Someone please spill the deetz!
The fact that people know about it is the problem. Assuming this wasn't information that was leaked by an untrustworthy friend instead of him spilling it on everyone himself
I like how the first secret is a blatant selfpost of the page owner.

>> No.7125069

__ifwinterends seems to be having fun samefagging it up in the comments.

>> No.7125078

Speaking of this dress, is it that one from Rococo Soul? I saw this and checked their Taobao, but it isn't for sale. Will it be or is it already sold out?

>> No.7125082

No it is handmade, but rococo soul uses the same fabric for their new dress.

>> No.7125092

>30% tax
see this is why we broke away from england in the first place
goddamn it gb

>> No.7125371

Isn't this the guy that harassed that one BTSSB shop girl, and that's why he's banned from BTSSB SF?? Or am I thinking someone else?

>> No.7125380

.. is he wearing the toy march jacket?

>> No.7125508

For some reason whenever I see secrets like this, I assume they're being made by my drunk Aussie brethren.
I have no confirmation tho

>> No.7125597

Secret maker here, and not Aussie. Guess again.

>> No.7125644

Hey, just so you know,
you're great
Never forget that, anon

>> No.7125687
File: 617 KB, 757x2175, stoppit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, did anyone else see this shit in the lolita fashion tag? This isn't a btb secret but I'm thinking about making one about it next week because this girl's attitude is really grinding my gears right now.
Basically she went on this long, pointless rant about how her mom saw that bit on NHK International about different kinds of gyaru style, and then GOD FORBID HER MOM HAD THE BALLS TO SUGGEST SHE TRY IT OUT. Can you believe that? A concerned mother, seeing her teenaged daughter hide her confidence behind limp petticoats, actually dared to recommend trying a style more like what's popular right now. And I'm not projecting there, she actually says "I want to be me, the reserved, shy, somewhat scared of men, gloomy piece of shit I am", which roughly translates into "I'm sexually/romantically inexperienced and I don't want to make a fool of myself, so I'm just going to play on this fantasy I have about pure maidens from a time long past because that justifies me not putting myself out there".
"I have always been the daughter some mothers could only dream in terms of attitude. I never smoked, I never took drugs, I haven't brought many men homw, always left news in the rare occassion I'd be over the sinderella-time when going out, and always had good grades in school." Wow, fucking pretentious much? Newsflash, most parents don't dream of having a prudish weeaboo for a child, especially not one who would write a huge fucking rant on her blog just because her mom suggested a change in wardrobe. "I don't want to look rebellious" is her next fucking line, as if describing yourself as a "parodical incarnation of the well-behaved, 19th century virginal maiden" (her words) isn't a kind of rebellion made almost entirely out of fear.

>> No.7125690
File: 522 KB, 564x1631, getonmylevelnerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking holier-than-thou attitude in some younger lolitas is actually physically nauseating. Seriously, your clothes don't make you a better person than anyone else and acting like a little prude is only going to make you miserable. If you're happier in mixmatching blacks and black rachel lace gloves, fucking go for it. But don't think that makes you any better than the girl wearing short shorts and a tank top you little twat. And seriously the photo she linked of "actual gyaru" is pretty much the exact opposite of slutty and is showing the exact same amount of skin as her "gothic lolita" photo. Jesus fucking christ.

I also find it funny that she reblogged this comic.

>> No.7125734

That's an awful lot of butthurt right there.

> Babby is still pissed that mommy wouldn't let her ass cheeks hang out when she was a tweenager.
and > I won't wanna be a rebel, but look at me I'm rebelling so HA!
are pretty much the two messages that I got from this post.

>> No.7125809

>And seriously the photo she linked of "actual gyaru" is pretty much the exact opposite of slutty

That made me roll my eyes. Most people see long shorts+tights as extremely conservative. The only skin on show is her hands and maybe a bit of skin on her chest. Heaven forbid her mother wants her daughter to dress in a way that won't make people stare and point.

>> No.7125927

Please make a secret, ugh.

>> No.7125937

Will do, anon. Not sure if she browses secrets or cgl but at least it'll make me feel better lol.

>> No.7127803

just confused, what does this have to do with Nia?

>> No.7127944

its funny, she could write this shit and just not fucking tag it so that it doesn't clutter the tag and have the rest of us see her bullcrap, But noooo she has to share thoughts like these with the world.

>> No.7127966




>> No.7128470

I think a lot of people tag for themselves and their own blogs, though.

>> No.7128474

Moral to children: maybe you should go and talk with your parents instead of throwing a public bitchfit on tumblr

Holy fuck.

>> No.7128493

Usually when I tag things for my own blog and my own reference, I tend to add my username to it and the tagword just so that it stays out of the tags that people commonly browse.

>> No.7129659

how does one do that lmao

>> No.7129692

Though Homestuck are pretty fucking disgusting alright.

>> No.7130016
File: 105 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is dis? Ad what's the story behind this?

>> No.7130018

God dammit

>> No.7130051
File: 84 KB, 556x534, SECRETS ARE UP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be male who doesn't have anything to do with /cgl/ besides once dating a cosplayer/lolita
>mfw secrets are up

>> No.7130125

Or use a silly name for it so it doesn't show up in the main tag. Like tagging in progress stuff or drama posts "rufflefluff" instead of lolita. Blog readers can still easily search it but it won't pop up on everyone's dash.

>> No.7131053

A prominent Houston comm member. Judging from the BtB comments, part of it was due to when somebody in the DFW comm asked a really generic question about sewing, and she replied with a LMGTFY. Somebody liked that comment, and it's the girl in secret 53.

10 bucks secret poster for both was the generic question girl.

>> No.7132472

I'm confused as well.

with Nia I'm pretty sure its just her ex making her look bad. its weird not seeing her around in every thread. wonder what happened

but I'm not one to judge unless I meet someone in person