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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7123632 No.7123632[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever experienced bullying at con?

>> No.7123648

No, but there's a lot of pressure and competition from other cosplayers on cons, I just want to have fun, not to be the "best".

>> No.7123697

Why don't you want to be the best?

>> No.7123699

not the same anon
competitive nature leads to cattiness. If it has to be between "I gotta look better than everyone there" or " I hope to meet other fans, take photos, and fuck yea swag"
Id prefer to not worry about looking/being better unless Im in an actual competition.

>> No.7123705

Nope. But I did listen to Ashley talk about people at a con who bullied her. Does that count?

>> No.7123708

So basically you don't want to make it feel like a competition unless you actually are in one. But won't there be people who will make it seem like a competition anyway?

>> No.7123711

thats inevitable. Personally I think its best to just accept that not everyone cosplays competitively.
If you do, Im sure your stuff looks awesome- hard work always shows and pays off.

But Ive never been bullied for my costumes.

>> No.7123733

Is it possible to get bullied at a convention? I mean bullying generally only occurs in an environment you have continued, mandatory visitation with.
If somebody tries to pick on you at a con you just walk away. Or jam your foot up their cunt.

>> No.7123772
File: 210 KB, 1280x896, tumblr_mtos9484ik1rom21zo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The closest thing to bullying I ever received was some off-hand comment by some wanna-be pro cosplayer about not wanting to use duct tape in their costumes. I like using duct tape.

Other than that, I think a lot of the people who think conventions are these vitriolic, hostile environments where everyone is standing around judging each other out loud and slinging insults are people who have never been to a con or cosplayed.

The worst shit a cosplayer will ever get will be from facebook or reddit or other social media sites. Sites where normalfags and shut-ins try to be the most clever, snarky, funny guy with the nastiest comment.
>hurhur who put a sailor moon costume on that beached whale, amirite?!

Most cons are surprisingly friendly and nice, and unless you've got that one friend who turns into a complete ass when they get drunk, I don't think I've ever seen anyone outright bully a person at a con in the decade I've been attending cons.

>> No.7123775

I never experienced anything like this (I'm not a cosplayer) but I heard a rumour from my friend who helps with organizing cons in my country. There were two girls cosplaying the same character: Girl 1 was an oldfag and always winning the cosplay contest and Girl 2 was completely new to cons but had much better costume... so Girl 1 pushed her off the stairs. I don't think anything happened to her other than her costume getting messed up.

>> No.7123787

Not exactly. It was my first cosplay, I was in a skimpy costume, and a woman in a slightly less skimpy (but still skimpy) costume pulled my boyfriend aside and told him to make me change. I think the exact quote was "you need to take care of your woman."

My jimmies were pretty well rustled. If you don't like my costume, fine, if you have criticism, fine, but going to my boyfriend instead of me? Christ, this is 'Murrica.

She was super nice to my face, too. I would like to hit her.

>> No.7123813

>muh bullying
>muh cyber bullying


>> No.7123821

is that a dude?

souce pls

>> No.7123828

I hate it when people pull that shit, especially when they're nice to your face.

>> No.7123833

Not directly, but someone went up to my friend to tell her everything that was wrong with her cosplay (that I made) unsolicited, out of the blue, and that she should know since she "judged masquerades sometimes."

Same person had gone up to another friend earlier to give him the most backhanded, passive aggressive compliment followed by crit on his cosplay and would not let go.

>> No.7124890

That's patronizing, isn't it?

>> No.7125461

yes, it was at acen 2005. i wont go into detail about it, but the biggest cosplay bully i ever met was, and still is, animeangel. we couldnt say anything because she hung out with all the "popular" cosplayers. she was all but hurt because she got rejected from playboy, maxim, and tim gunn and took out everyone else.

she is very two faced and gossips, and quite the back stabber. even online. she was even busted on this website for shit talking some cosplayers i won't name. she contradicts herself a lot with "cosplay is a hobby, not a popularity contest" bull shit. she even whiteknighted a cheater. and, she's always desperate for attention.

her chin is even bigger than her ego.

>> No.7125464

jessie has always been delusional. she thinks she's a fuggen god because she was in a D-list movie no one saw.

>> No.7125777
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Me and my boyfriend were cosplaying the MC and FemC from Persona 3 at a con a month ago. A shitty Death cosplayer with a Death the Kid cosplayer (Soul Eater) approached my boyfriend. The Death cosplayer asked if he was cosplaying Death the Kid. We were friendly and polite and explained that he wasn't.
The Death cosplayer suddenly started freaking out saying "You'd better not ever cosplay as Death the Kid or me and my friend are gonna beat the shit out of you! I'm gonna kick your ass! My friend is the best Death the Kid." I started laughing so hard, we were shocked. and the Death the Kid cosplayer looked really embarassed and dragged the other cosplayer away saying "Stop it!"
The next day at the convention we saw the Death cosplayer walking around with the head of the costume off. It turned out that they were the other cosplayer's mom. A 40 year old woman approached my boyfriend and started threatening him not to dress up as an anime character.
I don't know if this counts as bullying, it was totally unprovoked though. (And really funny.)

>> No.7125783

YES. Actually, it goes for every local cosplay event. It's always, always, ALWAYS the not-so-attractive ones with the not-so-good cosplays bullying and sneering at the cosplayers who have talent and notariety. It's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.7129763

Sounds like my community. It's always the shitty cosplayers too.

>> No.7129799

what the fuck is this picture and why do I keep seeing it everywhere?

>> No.7129823

So has -anyone- ever actually experienced the "fake nerd girl!" bullying everyone is so up their ass about nowadays?

I've never experienced it, my friends have never experienced it, but every time I tell some girl who is new to the con scene that it's not actually a thing outside of select places on the internet, some broad chimes in with "but it happened to meeee!"

Their examples are always things that aren't actual bullying, but more along the lines of them completely misinterpreting or exaggerating some minor thing a guy did. Like "Well I walked into a comic store with some male friends and everyone talked to my friends and not me! They must think I'm a fake nerd!"

>> No.7129825

I've never had it happen to me, and I've never seen it happen to anyone else. I've been going to cons for about 10 years, been frequenting comic shops, arcades, really anything typically 'nerdy' for years and I've never been grilled about my knowledge of things that I display an interest in (like a tshirt or something). But I'm also the kind of person that I'm really up front with what I don't know. I was talking about Beta Ray Bill in a pizza place once and the waiter came up and was geniunally curious about the character, but I'm not an expert, and I told him that from the beginning. I think the most embarrassing thing is to get caught in a lie about what you know so I don't pretend i know more than I don't.

I think it's really blown out of proportion. if someone knows more than me, awesome, I can learn, if someone doesn't know as much as me, cool, let's talk about this thing we are both interested in!

>> No.7129827

I think a lot of it might be a misinterpretation of either talking to some d-bag know-it-all, one-upper (male or female, have met both) that just want to crush you with their knowledge, and it has NOTHING to do with your gender, it just has to do with them being dicks. And literally the amount of socially awkward kind of aspie people that you probably run into a lot more in those environments, and all they know how to relate or talk about is their knowledge of whatever they happen to be into. But once you realize that and seperate it out from them trying to 'CALL ME OUT ON BEING A GAMUR FAKE GRILL?!' then you realize they are just trying to talk to you in maybe the only way that makes sense to them? And obviously that's only a small % of the people you may run into, but I think it's a bigger % than you would run into in every day, average joe life. If that makes sense?

>> No.7129843

People who treat something like a competition when it isn't actually a competition are called douchebags. Don't give them attention.

>> No.7129847

I've seen it happen to one of my chick friends exactly once, when a guy at my FLGS overheard her talking to the rest of us about how some of the minis for a warhams game looked cool. Long story short she didn't give a fuck because she's not a wuss and we went about our business.

>> No.7129898

Can you give details? Did this guy just try and make conversation (maybe in a kind of socially awkward 'OH YOU LIKE THAT I LIKE THIS WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS THING?!') thinking she was into it and it happened she wasn't and she took it the wrong way? Because I have seen my more sensitive friends do that and I had to let them know that the person was just trying to make conversation, not test them...

>> No.7129900


>> No.7129939

I have never experienced it myself, but I've seen it happen. However it's always targeted towards those who actually represent the flavour of the month tumblr "geek girl" group. Who then proceed to complain about being bullied and shit and need a fucking hugbox support geek girl group for their sims 3 reviews and vegetarian recipes. Some of those girls consider any means to approach them as an insult, such as "he asked me about this series HE MUST BE HINTING THAT I'M NOT REALLY A FAN GAWD I'M SO HURT".

Bitch you're making us all look bad.

>> No.7129948

Yes. At the very first con I went too, I was really happy about my first cosplay. Some "cyber-punk" girls called me a whore. I was not even wearing a skimpy outfit, heck they were wearing less clothes than me. It made me really sad, but life continues...

>> No.7130528

I was wearing a Baby JSK and hanging in the vicinity of a lolita hanging with a group of guys. She raised her voice very obviously, and made comments "to her friends" like, "Did you know that in lolita, you have to wear a blouse with JSKs or it's not lolita? I'd be so embarassed to be caught without one" and, "There are so many itas at cons now that it's become popular."

My friends and I didn't say anything, and went to check out the artist alley. Later in the day, we saw the same girl and her friends waiting outside in a death march line for a concert. Her shirt was damp and clingy with sweat, face half-melted, and 100% miserable.

My friends and I walked past her cool and breezily, as we had dressed appropriately for the record-breaking temperature. I caught eyes with her, she hastily looked away. My friends and I laughed all the way to the front of the line (had special access as friends of the musical guest).

>> No.7130535


and then everyone in the con started clapping slowly and those stupid bitches who were making fun of you cried at your feet and said anon-sama forgive me and you spit on their brand because they were nothing to you, queen of lolitas

>> No.7130541

The more I read lolita stories, the more I get the impression that you behave like rival cliques in high school. I'm hoping that lolita isn't actually cattier than the cosplay community, because if so, that's downright tragic.

>> No.7130544

Have you READ their threads?

>> No.7130550

I've had reverse bullying done to me.

>Be in line
>Girl in front of me cosplaying as [character]
>Compliment her on outfit
>She says thanks
>Try to start conversation
>She says single word responses
>I stop cuz she's boring
>She walks away
>See con staff walking towards me
>"Sir I have a complaint that you're harassing someone, could you please come with me to clear this up?"
>Lost my spot in line
>She gets her spot
>Clear things over
>Have to line up at the back of the line (extra hours wait)
Privilege checked.

>> No.7130547

Another attempted bullying, at a game-oriented con-

Some gAmEr GUrLzZZ kept throwing dirty looks when dudes would come talk to me. The girls finally came over, and tried the sweet backhand bitch thing. Exchange roughly went like this-

Girl A: "It's really cool you made the effort to cosplay, even if it's closet cosplay!"

Girl B: "Your cosplay is cute, even though it's really hard to tell what it's from."

Girl C: "Usually when I cosplay I spend so many hours and work into it, but I should really learn to just take it easy like you!"

Girl A: "There are so many girls that cosplay just to get attention at these cons...it's cool that you're not flashing your boobs and all. So, what are you cosplaying anyway?"

Me: "Thanks! I can see how this could possibly look like cosplay. But sorry, I'm just a fan of clothes and pulling together a look. I thought about dressing slubby to fit in, but I didn't want to change just because it's a "gamer" environment and there are certain arbitrary expectations.

I'd hate to substantiate negative stereotypes of girls compromising themselves just for attention or for pointless approval from strangers. Or perpetuate images and behaviors associated with so-called "gamerness" which are representationally limited, non-progressive, and just kind of dumb. Why buy into a shitty way of living if you don't have to, right?

Anyway, I'm wearing Westwood, Dresscamp, Margiela, and Dannijo, if that helps at all. Sorry, it doesn't really answer your question since it's not cosplay. Fun talking to you, see ya!" around!"

>> No.7130557

>implying you actually said that and didn't just reply "t-thanks" and walk away

>> No.7130559

Yes. Yes I have.

>> No.7130568


I'm in a STEM field that requires me to be around guys literally every day all day and about 80% of the guys have been raised like human beings and if you say you like something won't question you. 20% however will, and will do it publicly in order to humiliate you because STEM is a supersekrit club no girls allowed.

I usually just go with it, I don't know how to deal with it other than answer all the questions as best I can and hope that earns respect somehow.

>> No.7130575

OP from story here. There's as much of a clique culture as there is in any general, but specified demographic. Lolita cattiness exists, but I think it's strongly exaggerated by its prevalence and visibility on the internet. I have never felt the communities to be any more hostile or discordant than other communities or environments I've been involved in.

Personally, I don't even have lolita friends, and the only reason my (non-lolita) friends and I reacted bitchily to the initiating aggressor was to discourage her from that behavior. I noticed her pulling the same shit on other, more easily affected girls, including one who I came upon crying in the bathroom.

But the exchange we had, and that particularly bitchy lolita, were not representative of the majority of the interactions at the con. Everyone else was really nice, including another lolita who also came into the bathroom and hugged the upset girl and assured she was beautiful and courageous.

I hope this additional info helps balance the negativity. Hope this doesn't come off as defensive, but I wanted to compensate for my contribution to the unfortunately perceived reputation of lolitas and the community.

>> No.7130581

Yes. Though it was one specific guy at one specific comic book shop and he was basically an all-around douchebag, so it was easy to not take it personally. He was eventually fired because his shitty attitude was pissing off customers regardless of sex.

He loved to make "is this for your boyfriend?" remarks, scoff if answered with "no, it's for me" and follow up with "This isn't very girly." I once heard him tell some girl she'd be better off spending her money on make-up than comics while ringing her up. She looked like she was going to cry going out the door.

He only got away with being a dick as long as he did because the shop was small and the owner didn't witness any of his bad behaviour for a long time. As soon as enough complaints got in, he was gone.

>> No.7130583

Yeah, it's totally impossible someone could have the confidence to not be cowed and clearly articulate their thoughts on the spot. All nerds are socially dysfunctional basement trolls that gasp like fish in public, right?

>> No.7130584

Jesus, these people actually exist?

Fuck me sideways, that's terrible. Glad he got fired.

>> No.7130587

You should have been like, well you're not very manly either so have fun watching MLP

>> No.7130592

Things like this scare me from actually wanted to give cosplay a shot. I know it will be ass but I just wanna chill & meet people.

>> No.7130593

I'm pretty sure the dude had some kind of personality disorder. He was a dick to the male customers too, just in different ways, generally pertaining to his "superior" tastes.

One of my friends refused to shop there after her first few run-ins with him and started ordering all her stuff online. I put up with it because it was near where I worked, which made it convenient to just walk in, and I've got a pretty thick skin. Most of what he said was eye-roll worthy and just trying to get a rise out of you, so it wasn't that hard to just ignore him most of the time.

>> No.7130645

Uh yeah, no. No one is able to talk that much without their target just interrupting them or walking away. I'm also p sure you didn't memorize every single word of what you said of all three of those paragraphs.

My friends and I had something similar happen, but the guy wasn't a dick, just a really, really stupid shut-in.

It wasn't at a comic shop, but a shop that sold different collectables but was 50% comics. I walked in with 2 female friends and 1 guy. We started sifting through the comics, and the shop owner asks me if he can help me find anything. I start listing a few titles, including well known stuff like Deadpool and The Dark Phoenix Saga X-men books. He gives me a confused look and says "Well we have women's comics. I think we have some Wonderwoman."

My friends and I just look at each other in disbelief and immediately begin to leave. as we're walking out the door, the guy makes a comment to my guy friend about how he's lucky to be surrounded by beautiful women.

>> No.7130698

>shut-ins try to be the most clever, snarky, funny guy with the nastiest comment.
>>hurhur who put a sailor moon costume on that beached whale, amirite?!
>implying this isn't accurate quite often

>> No.7130699

No, but what sounds like what happened is, you were dressed nicer than the average con-goer at some gaming event, some girl came up to you and asked if you were cosplaying, you gave her the side eye and probably said 'Um no, I just like to look nice.' and she walked off while you mentality congratulated yourself on winning one for the imaginary 'team' you are always playing for. And when you re-tell the story, you obviosly are the main character in the made for tv movie 'Gamer Girls Are (Not) Easy!' where you fight off the stereotypical catty girl types that obviously frequent all gamer halls with your wit and sass!

>> No.7130743

Duct tape weapons are my biggest cosplay pet peeve. Props that're just duct tape+cardboard+spray paint can pretty much ruin the entire rest of the cosplay for me - I get that not everyone is going to be OMG BEST PROPMAKER EVER but seriously? Uggghhh.

Case in point: A fantastic-looking Abel Nightroad that had an enormous decorated scythe...that wobbled and flopped and needed to be held carefully so it wasn't obvious just how much it was bending in the middle.


>> No.7133248

I heard some offhand comments from passersby about other people at the last con I was at. The best one was by someone not actually in a full costume, just wearing one of those SNK jackets, correcting another cosplayer who was in full costume. As he passed her I heard him say "That's nice and all, but the straps are supposed to be leather."

>> No.7133835

oh man how ever can she hope to recover from such abuse

>> No.7133853

to be honest i wear superhero tshirts and the like all the dang time and i'm not even into the whole marvel/dc scene i just like how they freakin look and i don't pretend otherwise
i am the true fake nerd girl it's me
yet the only comments i've ever gotten were "nice shirt" where are these mysterious villains who are going to quiz me on spiderman when i walk past gamestop we just dont know

>> No.7133865


>Be working cashier at Arby's
>Some neckbeard comes in with his landwhale friend and strange looking girfriend
>He's wearing a sweet-ass companion cube shirt.
>"Hey, I like your shirt!"
>He mumbles his thanks, takes his food, sits in booth closest to counter
>"OOoooh I like your shiiiiirt! It has pretty hearts on iiiiit!" in fake girl voice. "Stupid girl probably doesn't even know what portal is."
>Posse laughs. I fume.
>Can't say anything because I'm on the clock and don't want to get fired.

I went into the lobby to clean tables, and as I walk past the table he once again says, "Such pretty hearts!" in the girl voice.

I just wanted to punch him. I didn't think shit like that actually happened.

>> No.7134038

Reading this made me mad as fuck.

>> No.7134145

>being rude and alienating for something that wouldn't matter even if it was true

This is why people hate neckbeards. Socially awkward assholes.

>> No.7134175

That's fine, but then there are those who look like shit and expect everyone to say that they look great and so sugoi and so kawaii desu. What do you do about those folks? Because if you say nothing they think you're rude and if you say that they don't look good well then you are just a big bitch.

>> No.7134185

I'm anticipating it.
Braving it in grey and orange horns.

>> No.7134188

Yes, you can. Mentioned in some con horror stories threads, but only on the odd occasion thankfully.

Even if theres a fandom you dont really like, or someone dressed poorly, I cannot bear understand the emptiness someone would have to be to still make fun of someone at a con - not something like 60% of the general population would make fun of our "geek fest" cons anyway.