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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7122349 No.7122349[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How much have you improved yourself for cosplay? What do you do?


>> No.7122355

I starve myself. It's honestly the only way you can look remotely like any relevant character without having the amazing genetics required to be naturally that skinny. /coldhardtruth

>> No.7122364


>> No.7122373

When I was fat everyone judged the shit out of me despite being happy and having fun. Now people tell me how good i look and praise me for my eating disorder, it kind of turns you into an edgy bitch.

>> No.7122377

pic of body. I bet you say this online but in reality you remain fat.

>> No.7122378


>> No.7122381

I don't want to be recognized, sorry bud. This thread is infamous for hating fat people, but hating skinny pretty bitches with anorexia even more.

>> No.7122383

That's actually kind of sad. ;_;

>> No.7122385

Take a picture of your body and hide your face you dumb cunt.

>> No.7122386

>post a picture of your torso

>> No.7122387

I guess congrats on b

>> No.7122389

*on being skinny, and malnourished

>> No.7122399

>and praise me for my eating disorder
This settles it. You live/hang around utter assholes and so you too have become one. Tsk tsk.

>> No.7122422

I went from an overweight (for my frame) US 9 to a US 4.

I read the sticky on /fit/ and followed it like a religion.

It was not easy, or fast, but this lifestyle is like second nature to me now and unlike stupid diet tricks and fads, the weight is not coming back.

>> No.7122424

I didn't get in shape for cosplay - I just did it to be healthier, and put on 20 lbs, while dropping in BF%.
Because of this, I was able to comfortably cosplay from a certain KyoAni show that ended this week.
Just started lifting, and counting calories. Made a world of difference.

You may look skinny, but it's pretty damn unhealthy that way.
Take it from someone who's GF was diagnosed with anorexia.

>> No.7122430

Threads about getting in shape go here: >>>/fit/

>> No.7122431

Cosplay is a nice incentive though and every time I go to the gym it seems less and less of an impossible goal.
Still a long way off and I recognise that, but damn it makes you feel happy as shit.

>> No.7122435

Why did you post a Planet Fitness commercial? Are you trolling?

>> No.7122436

Also, I used three tools to help me, that I forgot to mention:
1) /fit/ sticky.
2) Cronometer.com (Track calories)
3) This spreadsheet I threw together.

A body scale is nice to have, but DO NOT solely use that as your one and only point of reference for how healthy you are.
On the other hand, a $15 food scale is a Godsend.

You've never heard of /fit/-Friday, have you?
Mod's approved it, since how we ourselves looks is also relevant to how well we can pull off certain cosplays.

Very true. I was skinnyfat, and always cosplayed suits that covered everything except my face, so as long as I was thin, the rest didn't matter.
Though since I got in shape, it's opened a few more doors with how much I could show off.

Eh, even /fit/ thinks the commercials are funny, despite loathing the gym itself.

>> No.7122441

Your body is part of the costume. Being fat and disgusting will make your costume bad, unless that's how the character is.

>> No.7122457
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>going to planet shitness

you better be fucking joking faggot


Imagine if instead of making fun of ripped guys they would ever DARE to make fun of an overweight female, a gay person or some other minority in their commercials

there would be a HUGE outcry and they wouldnt even be able to run for another fucking day before they would get closed

>> No.7122460

Why don't you try simply dieting to the weight you desire, and then eat normally? You can be 90 pounds and eat 1600 calories a day if you exercise.

>> No.7122461

No. The mods did not approve /fit/ friday. That's why we haven't had any in about a year. Where have you been?

>> No.7122465

Ah - I've never really lurked those threads in particular.
It's just what I've heard. Ignore that bit, if it's true.