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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 400 KB, 643x900, korra_s_back__by_metaa-d6mjy4g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7119674 No.7119674 [Reply] [Original]

Does /cgl/ work out to fit character's body profiles or does /cgl/ just choose characters that fit your current body style?

Do you not really care?

Are you willing to change your body for a character (Christian Bale style)?

>> No.7119681

Nah. I just cosplay non-athletic young women.

>> No.7119683

I spent 4 months growing a beard long enough to braid and lifting a shitload of weights before going to a Renaissance Faire as a Viking raider. It's also part of why I've grown my hair out for the last several years.

>> No.7119696

If it's another person's costume I don't care, but how good I look directly affects the fun I have

I'll work out and diet months before a big con, because most characters have awesome bodies and I don't unless I put in some effort

>> No.7119698

I choose characters I already bear some resemblance to (height, facial structure, general body type).

>> No.7119734
File: 80 KB, 576x768, 2013-09-24 17.00.31 (Medium).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is on my wall.

>> No.7119735

I wanna work out to be Jojo

>> No.7119741
File: 31 KB, 400x342, bale1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christian Bale really does have Batman levels of focus and motivation

>> No.7119747

He's actually the first guy I thought of when reading the OP's post.

>> No.7119771

Well since the OP specifically says "Christian Bale style" It wouldn't really come as a surprise that that would come to mind.

>> No.7119776

...a clever ruse.

Yeah, I'd actually forgotten that OP mentioned the name.

>> No.7119805

I have to lose 5-10 pounds for a Shanks cosplay in a month because I'm too buff at the moment and the cosplay looks kinda bad around my chest. Also need to lose leg mass to get my pants looking baggier on me.

>> No.7120464
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I work out for characters and don't eat for weeks for some. It's like life for me. Esp boobwise, I can have great tits but I also need to not eat for some charas cuz I crossplay a lot.

>> No.7120467

lol fag

>> No.7120728


pretty hot

>> No.7120751

It's hard as fuck, OP, but I try to shape myself to fit characters.

Currently working on Kamina. It's a long, long road. I started as a skinny piece of shit and I'm currently working up towards it.

>> No.7120754

Most characters I want to play will never fit my body. I have short legs with wide hips and a big ass. Not to mention that my breasts are still enormous after losing 15 lbs. My favorite characters are almost always the androgynous sort.

>> No.7120762

This sort of weight fluctuation seems staggeringly unhealthy.

>> No.7120764

>dem titties

>> No.7120768

I did it one time. Ran 2 miles a day or did P90X for 6 mos cause I had a costume in mind and their voice actor was coming to a con.
It was mild torture.

The food was bland and I barely got used to it. Though it was nice cutting out junk food cause when you had it every couple months it tasted either like ass and you never wanted it again or it tasted better than it ever had before.

>> No.7120778

I definitely want to have the best body I can for cosplay, but I lean towards more lean muscled or thin characters because I don't want to be all muscles in Jfash.

>> No.7120782

>Though it was nice cutting out junk food cause when you had it every couple months it tasted either like ass and you never wanted it again or it tasted better than it ever had before.
I know exactly what you mean.

>> No.7120789

I want to cosplay as Kassadin from League of Legends till next gamescom (Germany), gotta get those abs for that. Started going to the gym about 3 weeks ago, we'll see how aesthetic i can get by then. Otherwise yeah, I'd love to cosplay other characters like Kamina... thank god my face is already attractive

>> No.7120803

Kassadin would be interesting to see. I gotta work on getting visible abs myself for a Janna cosplay.

>> No.7120834

Bale gets paid millions of dollars to lose and gain weight like that, along with professionals who monitor and help him. The rest of us plebs who have regular shit to do can't afford that luxury. I have lost 6kg recently (60 - 54) and my goal is 48 so I can do Sakizou cosplay. I do like it when people cosplay to their body type, but I've yet to see a Korra with big arms.

>> No.7120862

I try to work out to fit the body types. I have a fairly athletic/average-to-slim build, so I can typically cosplay comic book females with confidence that I'm smoking hot, but with super thin anime girls, I usually try to lose weight first.

>> No.7120946

I'm only 5'4" and I can't decide whether I want to drop enough weight to look kawaii or drop fat and gain muscle to look like and then cosplay a miniature Jolyne Kujo.

>> No.7120956
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Kinda unrelated;

Would Princess Mononoke have obvious muscle definition? I feel that she would, but the art and movie say otherwise. Maybe it's the style and her youth that made Miyazaki avoid giving her definition?

>> No.7120961

Maybe it's the fact it's a non muscle-girl-porn anime that made them avoid giving her definition. Tifa in FF7 kills dragons with her fists, she ought to have arms like Tyson.

>> No.7121031

yeah she would, its mostly the art style that makes her lack any muscle definition.

she wouldnt be super fucking ripped but there'd be definition for sure

>> No.7121361
File: 95 KB, 585x420, ca1_img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been at the gym for a month and a half now. I'm not currently trying to work out for a specific cosplay, but just staying in shape in general and toning up and getting a little bit of gain. Some day though, there will be a point where I will work out to be appropriate for this (Pic related)

>> No.7121463

roids + professional dietitians + doctors on call 24/7 + photoshop + millions of dollars. yes, there's bodily damage, but nothing that isn't minimized or mitigated by therapy, and constantly kept under watch.
>some celebs and pro athletes spend $10 000 USD or more a year in HGH
>all pharma grade, FDA approved gear

>> No.7121465

Bale and Daniel Day Lewis are the only two actors I would be genuinely afraid to be in the same room with. They just seem a bit unhinged.

>> No.7121478

currently gaining mass before i start lowering my bodyfat levels. prepping for Son Goku/jason statham cosplays (already balding, look angry all the time, and have good facial hair genetics so whythefucknot).
starting weight: 175lbs (79.5kg) at 18-20% bodyfat
currently: 180lbs (~82kg) at 16% bodyfat (about a month difference)
goal: 205lbs ~15% bodyfat, then leaning down to maybe 190 @ 8-10% bodyfat. hoping to get there within 2 years
starting height: 5'9'' (actually around april)
current: 5'10'' and some change as of early sept, 18 currently
final height will be around 6'1'' at 20-21
>i personally believe that looking as much like the character as possible should be the goal
>crossplay and unrealistic characters aside
>if you have fun, fuck it. who am i to judge

>> No.7121512

I wish there was someone that could pull off Korra's body type. No one is able to replicate her slight muscle definition and strong back.

>> No.7121515
File: 60 KB, 246x308, 20100125200253!Skinny_nerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic is relevant Anon's been hitting the gym for a month toning and trying to get a bit of gain. cuz doing two things with completely different end results will work out.

>> No.7121569
File: 193 KB, 650x750, Jagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one day I will in shape enough to do this one right( or Toki or somebody)

>> No.7121754


>> No.7121934

i made god laugh buahahahha

>> No.7121939


>> No.7121940


>> No.7121942


>> No.7121953
File: 87 KB, 627x286, hhhehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7121960

The people that can don't cosplay.

>> No.7121963

That's just not true... At least for the guys. A bunch of male cosplayers have abs and pecs and biceps. I've never seen a strong looking female cosplayer though. But I have to imagine she exists.

>> No.7121976

perdy sure outside of a few derds that most buff derds that cosplay were buff before getting into it.

Shit takes too much work to be hugemassive and/or rippedcut just for a cosplay.

>> No.7121989

>poor grammar.
Look, some guys like to cosplay and stay fit at the same time. And that is all there is to that. The circumstances in which they became fit, and the circumstances in which they became fit, do not matter. What matters is that fit male cosplayers exist. What I want to see, is fit female cosplayers. How they come to be, is not a concern.

>> No.7122049

cool off, derd. There aren't as many fit womern in cosplay because there's literally no reason to outside of obsessive concern for aesthetics.

There are plenty of fit womern in cosplay, it just takes multiple times the effort a male puts in for the same level of obvious muscularity. All a derd has to do is be relatively skinny and do some pushups now and again and he's got the definition of most "fit" womern in anime.

Then there's the whole cultural stigma against muscled womern or not wanting to lift waits because they don't wanna "get bulky like a derd".

You're basically confused as to why people don't want to put in massive amounts of effort into a generally frowned upon aesthetic for the sake of a detail most people are going to miss entirely because the derds are too busy staring at her boobs and the womern are getting catty over the attention and aren't her knees too sharp?

>> No.7122079


Asura's wrath is one of my favorite games holy shit nobody ever cosplays from it (probably for good reason).

To stay on topic: I cosplay characters with my body type for the most part. I'm pretty petite and a pear shape with average measurements so I can pull off pretty much most anime girls. There is the sector of tall femme fatale types that I feel I don't pull off (a 5' tall, B-cup Fran or Shura is kind of silly to me). If I have to tone a certain body part I will focus on that (eg: working on my legs more for Morgiana from Magi), but I typically remain with the petite types.

>> No.7122099

Fucking saved.
Gonna make my own.

>> No.7122208

>You're basically confused
But I'm not confused. I'm well aware of the factors that make fit female cosplayers a rarity.

I just hate condescending people like yourself who have to explain obvious shit, when none of that is a concern to me.

I said I WISH there was someone that could pull off Korra's body type. I didn't say that I didn't understand why no one has pulled off a Korra's body type yet. So get it through your head "deeeeerd", that what you're saying to me is meaningless and only serving to irritate.

>> No.7122215

why are you so mad, man?

>> No.7122220

It's not that hard to get big arms as a woman tbh, biceps grow pretty fast if you put a bit of work into them and eat right, and your body fat doesn't need to be that low for the muscle to show through. Girls who lift but have high bf% normally have fat covering a lot of their muscle but their arms still look good.

>> No.7122221

>so mad
Just how mad is "so" mad? How mad do I appear?

>> No.7122222

I'm guessing it's the condescension, especially from someone who says "derd". Not that guy though, so I can't say for sure.

>> No.7122226

I'm that anon, and I'll tell you that I'm only slightly irritated. Like when a fly keeps swarming around your face.

>> No.7123003
File: 53 KB, 620x348, 2673ef42268a4e42d02ce5e40470f5f4-620x348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7123225

Going to cosplay Korra for next year, but I definitely need to start lifting...got seven months until convention season.

>> No.7123240

Go for it. I'll be rooting for you.

>> No.7123270

Currently working on getting more fit and giving my body a more toned look, so a lot of swimming and lifting some.

Got some big fit Titan hunters and knights in my future cosplay plans~

>> No.7123281

Lat pulldowns, deadlifts and pullups. Don't bother with curls, they're for wankers. Eat a lot of protein, consider investing in a tub of protein powder if you don't like meat much. Good luck!

>> No.7123863

A training regiment for Korra would just be shoulders, traps and your latissimus dorsi(s) right?

>> No.7123887

Does anyone have any good pec workouts that can be done at home? I have handweights available to me. I really need to give my boobs a boost.

Ass boosting workouts welcome, too.

>> No.7123895

>Chest Workouts

look up exrx dot net

good chest exercises for me:

dumbell flys, pullovers, dumbell press etc.

>> No.7123917

This is some of the worst advice I've ever seen.

>> No.7123964

agree'd with >>7123917, this advice is trash, typical 3 week old /fit/izen.

pullups are fine, but you'll definitely want curls (esp considering you're a girl (im assuming) and girls build less mass, the isolations will definitely help there). throw in some basic compound lifts, overhead press is probably the most important here for shoulders; i would say squats but since you'll be wearing relatively baggy pants your legs are pretty much a non-issue. anyway, don't forget to eat because food builds muscle - don't be afraid to put on a little weight, with 7 months until the con you'll have plenty of time to cut back down to whatever you ideal weight is.
I'd love to say just start a basic beginners weight lifting routine because weight lifting is fun and will make your body look 100x better than it does now but thats something you have to decide for yourself.

>> No.7123977

You are such a faggot

>> No.7124035

Remember to eat well. Lifting weights and exercising means nothing if you eat junk food or don't eat enough protein.

>> No.7124040

>still not being a shredded cunt
