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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 524 KB, 1371x1423, 1300470287337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7118908 No.7118908[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The old thread has autosaged, here's a new Lolita General!

>> No.7118912

Does anyone know what happened to the Metamorphose group on Facebook? It's not in my "Groups" list anymore.

>> No.7119029
File: 81 KB, 533x800, Wonder Stripe OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any worn pictures of this? Aside from the official worn ones which are super shooped.

>> No.7119043
File: 194 KB, 500x500, 201305101533164445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Lolita Ladies!

Would you buy lolita themed felted jewelry/hairpieces/broaches like the one in this picture, given that they were cute and well made?

How much would you be willing to pay for them?

>> No.7119045

I possibly would, something like that would be worth around $20, maybe? But I guess it depends on how much work goes into making it.

>> No.7119087

Does QutieLand accept payment plans? I thought I read on their site that they did but I can't find it now.

>> No.7119104

I'd spend 15 euros or so on lolita ones, but if you'd do weeby fandom ones, I'd pay top dollah for felted pokemon hair accessories.

>> No.7119108

£10 or so if it's original.
But there are so many of these two part and two way clips that they're going to have to be cute.

>> No.7119134
File: 28 KB, 240x320, frm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this here since the price check thread is pretty much dead. What's a decent price for the Fragrant Rose Memories bag? It's a dream item of mine but I'd rather not pay too much.

>> No.7119189

I love how everyone answered in a different currency!

>> No.7119246

It's all roughly about the same amount. Maybe the Euro is the highest by a little bit.

>> No.7119360

What happened with the Chicago peasant picnic?

>> No.7119388

£5 maximum.

>> No.7119392

Are any of you guys from eastern / southeastern PA or the surrounding area? Even maybe northern Jersey. There's no comm anywhere near here, and it makes me so, so depressed. The only other lolita I know of is my best friend who doesn't actually have the money to keep up the hobby and had to sell all of her dresses to pay for university.

Please tell me there's someone nearby.

>> No.7119434

There are a couple Lolitas in north Jersey (mostly concentrated around Bergen county, i believe? I could be wrong). I'm from there, but I'm away at college right now, sadly.
Leaving my email up there in case you want to talk. Let's be friends!

>> No.7119588

I haven't seen any yet. The only people I know who own pieces from that brand own the cutlery OP.

>> No.7119590

>Maybe the Euro is the highest by a little bit
Considering VAT and import fees, it doesn't surprise me that the person pricing in Euros was the highest.

>> No.7119640

>not holding the bow properly
jesus, this gets on my nerve. Iv'e never seen a lolita model correctly holding the violin/bow.

>> No.7119642

/r/ lolita models holding the bow/violin correctly

>> No.7119667 [DELETED] 

Oh shut up, it's awkward as fuck to hold one and you know it.
I played violin for years, and continually tried to avoid having to do it right because it hurt, holding it right looks awkward anyway so why would a model care? They're just paid to look pretty, not know how to hold violins.

>> No.7119676


>> No.7119682

Sorry for deleting my comment, it felt a bit too angry and immature.
I can see why it bugs you, it just doesn't seem worth being annoyed by to me.

>> No.7119692

heh, no problem. I can see your point.

>> No.7119697


>> No.7119702

There is a Philadelphia and an NJ comm. The NJ group does take meetup suggestions. I'm more up north and I know several lolitas who are. You should join the comm!

>> No.7119705

Not sure about QutieLand but on Clobba you can pay half upfront and half later!

>> No.7119816
File: 727 KB, 1280x1008, cinema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's probably been close to a decade since I've last worn lolita, but I'm considering starting a wardrobe again. I'm not much for sweet but I would kill to get my hands on the lavender jsk of Cinema Doll. How rare is it these days? And is egl sales the go to place to buy things still?

>> No.7119828

How would one classify a coord that uses a classic skirt and accessories with sweet (brown) shoes and purse?

>> No.7119840

You don't need to classify it, jesus. It's probably sweet classic, like innocent world.

>> No.7119849

I just requested to join the FB page, actually! It's a bit of a hike for me, but if there are meetups that end up being around an hour or so, I'd definitely go.

I saw there's something coming up in a week or two, but I don't have time to call off work for that.

>> No.7119863

do you mean metamorphose temps de maniacs? i still see it on mine.

>> No.7119865

You'd probably find it for a better price on mbok or Yahoo! Japan, but it does come up on the comm sales more regularly. I think. It's been a while since I looked for it specifically.

>> No.7120496
File: 80 KB, 280x373, 01wi_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone own AP's British College JSK and know how accurate the bust measurement is? It says 85cm but it has partial shirring so I'm wondering if it can go any higher than that.

>> No.7120499 [DELETED] 

Wow, it seems I got kicked out of it. Valkyrie_Ryu is the mod and she essentially tried to scam me and got butthurt when I contacted the mods so I guess she decided to kick me out of the group.

>> No.7120500

Wow, it seems like I got kicked out of it. Valkyrie_Ryu is the mod and she essentially tried to scam me and got butthurt when I contacted the mods so I guess she decided to kick me out of the group. Damn, Meta is one of my favourite brands.

>> No.7120501

There is no definite price. On Mbok it could be $50, on the comm sales it could be $150. Just keep looking and pay what you feel it is worth.

>> No.7120507

>someone tried to scam me
>not providing proof and deets

Are you new to cgl or you really didn't know people will ask for more info

>> No.7120509

No, but I've already spoken about it before and most people know what she's like.

>> No.7120582

If it's the girl I'm thinking of, she's posted proof on here before. valkyrie_ryu is crazy anyway.

>> No.7120644
File: 60 KB, 435x656, tumblr_mp8v8aC4Xg1rx7depo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the girls at the Anime North fashion show this year wore it; it's pretty fabulous in-person.

>> No.7120735

I'm having way too much of a problem finding a decent black underskirt to wear under dresses that are a little too short. Help?

>> No.7120741

i must have missed it, any caps?

>> No.7120825

F+F, etsy, etc

>> No.7121051

what a bitch, that's some bullshit.

>> No.7121057

Could it be because of your facebook profile? It seems she just updated the rules to kick out people with super-cutesy/fake names or no "proof of lolita appreciation" on their profile.

>> No.7121307

If you search her name in the archive it will probably come up.

Nope, I've never had a name like that and I have lolita pictures on my page. I had to message her on FB when she stopped responding to me on LJ so she knows who I am. I bet she kicked me out of bitterness as even when I enter the direct URL of the page, it says the page doesn't exist and it doesn't come up in the search results. So, I've been blocked from the group because she is bitter for being called out on her shitty selling practices.

>> No.7121316

Can someone explain Japonica to me? I sent them my form and payment, they made the bid, and they sent me a message saying I won the bid. Though they haven't given me any further messages. Do I simply wait for them to PayPal me a second time now?

>> No.7121322

They will wait until all the items you won are in their warehouse and then they will send you an invoice for any leftover fees.

>> No.7121350


Great, I was worried I was missing something. Thank you kind anon!

>> No.7121360

No problem! What item(s) did you buy? I currently have an order with Japonica, too.

>> No.7121363


An older IW jsk, I literally just posted in the coord thread to get ideas for it. I had seen this particular dress on sale a few times, but it was never in the color I wanted, so I'm happy I snagged it.

>> No.7121364

You mean the pheasant picnic

I heard the food was awful, everyone ate like birds

>> No.7121384

What a petty little bitch. Ugh.

>> No.7121492

Post a gtfo about it?

>> No.7121495

Didn't happen yet.

>> No.7121537

It's always a great feeling to finally find the right version of a series you wanted. Which dress is it? I can't see an IW dress posted around when you posted.

>> No.7121541

The satisfaction is sometimes overwhelming. I found three dresses recently that I had been trying to find for varying lengths of time (one for over six years, one for about three, and the other for about four). When they came in the mail, it was the best feeling.

>> No.7121636

Havent seen it in a while but I wouldn't say its too rare. You'll probably find it in 3 months if you check mbok every 5 days or so.

>> No.7121653

Is there a way to give real hair that "rhapsody wig" texture?

>> No.7121667

braid it while wet, i think.

>> No.7121669

Depends on how long/thick your hair is. If you've got long, thick hair, braiding it while it's wet, letting it dry and brushing it out will give you something similar. You could also tease it a bit if you want it to be rougher.

>> No.7121670

Classical Puppets?

Man you missed the 90s, didn't you? Crimping irons were THE SHIT then. If you go to the local library (yes, these still exist) and look for some of those "how-to hairstyle" books from back in the day there are heaps of ones detailing how to use crimping irons and how to braid your hair overnight to get the same look. Unless they've all been chucked out now.

>> No.7121674

Well my hair is short and thin (I wanted to do this to give it some volume and I don't like big curls), so I'm not sure if that would totally work

Haha, no, born in 88! Crimping irons are a bit to harsh for what I want, since the waves are so small and tight and close together

>> No.7121688

How short? Shoulder length or so and you can try french braiding and a bit of teasing. Shorter than that though I don't think you can get that kind of look, there's just not enough hair for loose crimps.

>> No.7121692

It's shoulder length. I'll try french braiding, thanks!

>> No.7121724
File: 75 KB, 400x533, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I finally got my paycheck (god dammit corporate guitar company, pay your employees on time!!) literally EVERY item I wanted from Musee du Chocolat is sold out.

But I've been eyeing pic related for over a year. Does anyone happen to own it or know the actual measurements? If I'm going to buy it I want to make sure it fits.

>> No.7121728

off topic but do you work for guitar center by any chance? haha

>> No.7121735

Naw. I work for a Japanese company. Our main stores are in Shibuya. I've heard they are crappy to work for too though.

>> No.7121746

I know this is a long shot, but does anybody know where I can watch that old video of La Carmina crashing that fashion show?
I stumbled upon the drama years ago, but it was long after it had all happened and unfortunately the video had been made private.
I've been dying to watch it ever since, but I've never been able to find it.

>> No.7121747

It's gone, anon. There are plenty of recaps of it, but the girl who made it took it down after basically admitting that it was all a horrible mistake.

>> No.7121756

Look up triple barrel crimper- they're significantly larger than what you mentioned. I have one that I use specifically to get a rhapsody look. It should work okay with shorter hair too.

>> No.7121793

Nooo, don't tell me that!!
Looks like I'm just going to have to hunt for some recaps then... from what I remembered, it was a catwalk and she jumped onstage, right?
Was it any particular brand, or was it just a locally put-together show?

>> No.7121811

It was the NYCC indie designers fashion show. I can't remember which year. Maybe 2008 or 2009? She claimed on her blog (the post text has since been deleted) that it was a spur of the moment action, due to the 'stiff' and 'boring' show being put on, but it's pretty clear that it was planned from the beginning.

The girl she jumped in front of acted like nothing happened and security bumrushed Sardina off the catwalk while she waved to her 'fans'. I'll see if I can find the gtfo post for you.

>> No.7121817


>> No.7121857
File: 120 KB, 312x750, 0550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A preview of the new "Marie Antoinette" print from Krad Lanrete. Which, oddly enough, only has one portrait of Marie Antoinette on it.

>> No.7121860

... awkward.

>> No.7121859

At least two of them are of her, I believe.

>> No.7121862 [DELETED] 

The centre one is Madame du Pompadour and the one with the rose is definitely Marie Antoinette. I don't recognise the one with the laurels/flowers in her hair off the top of my head.

>> No.7121867

The one on the very left is Marie Antoinette, the one in the center is her sister Maria Josepha, the one on the right is the princesse de Lamballe. The painting in the center is commonly identified as Marie Antoinette but was recently re-identified as her sister although it wasn't very widely publicized... AFAIK the only notification was the change in the painting's plaque in Austria.

>> No.7121869
File: 30 KB, 340x255, AP ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm never sure how much is "scalping" but I noticed lolitadesu posted on the comms. I just bought Musee but since this is my first sweet piece I don't own anything to go with it since I'm classic. They posted up a DS and I want to get the AP Chocolate crown ring. Is 21.50+shipping a fair price?
If it's not I'll just find something to bump it up to 30 for free shipping.

>> No.7121871

>buying from Krad Lanrete

no thanks, I like to actually get the dresses I pay for, when I'm told I'll get them.

>> No.7121873

I'd say so, unless it's hideously damaged.

>> No.7121876

Which SS did you use?

>> No.7121888

Ah, I knew the one on the left was her but I thought this middle one might be here, too. I wonder if Krad Lanrete know this.

>> No.7121915

Well the print is formally called "Queen Marie" and all 3 women /are/ named Marie sooo...

>> No.7121919

But only one is a queen.

>> No.7121944

Do you have a source or something? Not to be rude but this was my period of study (just history, not art) and I'd be really interested to confirm this if I could.

>> No.7122003

Anyone have an answer to the fit of this? Waist measurements would be superb.

>> No.7122083

My boyfriend worked in a really high up job for one of the top names of guitar companies. To summarise, they overworked him so much he had to quit many months later (75 hour weeks were normal as well as sleepless nights).

Also interested in the sizing of this item, trying to decide between the open JSK or the chiffon OP for Moitie's Stained Glass.

>> No.7122104
File: 891 KB, 935x536, innsbruck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, it's literally "they changed the nameplate at Schönbrunn palace" but there aren't any news articles that I know of and since the palace doesn't allow interior photographs for most people, there isn't a photo to share!

Most websites still list it as a portrait of Marie Antoinette and there are even new/fresh merchandise (postcards, documentaries) that use it as her portrait. Then again, I think Wikimedia still lists that portrait of her French aunt Madame Sophie as Marie Antoinette, when that was reidentified in 2007 or 2008...

Here's a comparison of the portrait with a portrait of Maria Josepha by Martin van Meytens, which is located at Innsbruck. There's also a smaller portrait at Caserte that almost perfectly matches the "young Marie Antoinette" portrait as well.

Of course, there are people that disagree with the reidentification. There's evidence both for and against it... there are engravings of Maria Josepha that almost perfectly match the portrait, but there are engravings of Marie Antoinette that look very similar, too. Maria Theresa had the tendency to have matching portraits made of her daughters, which conflates the issue.

I think there was a German blog post about the issue, I'll see if I can dig it up for you!

>> No.7122106
File: 425 KB, 1000x640, comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a comparison with the portrait and a portrait of Maria Josepha at Caserte.

>> No.7122115

Couldn't find the German article, but here's a French forum topic discussing the issue: http://maria-antonia.justgoo.com/t27p225-marie-antoinette-ou-marie-josephe

>> No.7122114

I was going to ask this in the last thread when everyone was talking about replicas. At least I think it was the last one but I've been so busy I can't even remember.

I know the community is spilt on replicating prints and this question has nothing to do with it.

What I was wonder was what's the general census on handmade non print non profit replicas. Copying the ascetic of the dress rather than the print. Is this considered rude or is a compliment, perhaps neither?

>> No.7122118

None, I heard the feedback and stayed well away.

>> No.7122119

The feedback of "my SS dicked around and didn't really get a spot and now they're blaming the designer instead of admitting they fucked up"?

>> No.7122147

I think they're talking about Phantom of the Opera not Auralia.

>> No.7122187 [DELETED] 


Copying a non print dress will get you nearly no pain. For one thing, prints seem to be the in thing, and while almost every lolita out there can at least recognise Sugary Carnival, very few have non-print dress designs memorised. So they won't know that your dress isn't your own design right off the bat. Companies actually produce lots of non print dresses every year, AP itself has released one or two non-print designs in between every print design, so it's nearly imposssible to memorize every single design. Plus you can change a few minor details on a dress and then it's no longer a direct copy, but merely an "inspired by" design.

For another, the companies have copied each other quite a lot -- there's a series of A-line tartan dresses (also comes in solids) from ages ago, from both Baby and AP that could be mistaken for each other, they were so similar the headbows from one brand can be used for tartan dress from another (era of store-bought fabrics being used by brand).

A third reason is... without a detailed print to distract from the dress, you're actually going to have to concentrate a lot more on the quality of your dress. If it doesn't fit well or falls badly on you, if the lace you use is eyelet instead of venise/tulle lace, if your skirt or your ruffles don't use enough fabric, if you use stiff cotton instead of something softer and more expensive -- all those things will immediately mark your dress as inferior. So whether you're buying a copy to wear, or if you're making your own, if you can get a very nice, highly detailed copy made with good materials, you're more likely to get compliments.

(Of course, the reverse is true. If your dress is made from cheap materials and looks bad, you will get a lot of funny looks. But it won't be because the dress is a replica, it'll be because your dress looks terrible)

>> No.7122189


Copying a non print dress will get you nearly no pain. For one thing, prints seem to be the in thing, and while almost every lolita out there can at least recognise Sugary Carnival, very few have non-print dress designs memorised. So they won't know that your dress isn't your own design right off the bat. Companies actually produce lots of non print dresses every year, AP itself has released one or two non-print designs in between every print design, so it's nearly imposssible to memorize every single design. Plus you can change a few minor details on a dress and then it's no longer a direct copy, but merely an "inspired by" design.

For another, the companies have copied each other quite a lot -- there's a series of A-line tartan dresses (also comes in solids) from ages ago, from both Baby and AP that could be mistaken for each other, they were so similar the headbows from one brand can be used for tartan dress from another (era of store-bought fabrics being used by brand).

A third reason is... without a detailed print to distract from the dress, you're actually going to have to concentrate a lot more on the quality of your dress. If it doesn't fit well or falls badly on you, if the lace you use is eyelet instead of venise/tulle lace, if your skirt or your ruffles don't use enough fabric, if you use stiff cotton instead of something softer and more expensive -- all those things will immediately mark your dress as inferior. So whether you're buying a copy to wear, or if you're making your own, if you can get a very nice, highly detailed copy made with good materials, you're more likely to get compliments.

(Of course, the reverse is true. If your dress is made from cheap materials and looks bad, you will get a lot of funny looks. But it won't be because the dress is a replica, it'll be because your dress looks terrible)

>> No.7122193


has it right. So glad I didn't order that dress, I was really tempted but didn't have the money. Looks like I wouldn't have gotten it anyway. Never, ever buying from them after all that.

>> No.7122397
File: 556 KB, 1836x3264, IMG_20130927_151226_626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the material KL's Phantom of the Opera dress is made of? Mine just came in, but it arrived terribly wrinkled and I'm not skilled enough yet to judge if is safe to be ironed, and if so, on what temp setting. Pic related.

>> No.7122405


You could use a cloth in between the dress and the iron. Steam and then iron at a low temperature to be safe.

>> No.7122407

Yeah, Phantom of the Opera was a shitshow on the wait. It was also different than how they usually print stuff (ink on fabric vs totally custom design fabric) so it sucked waiting for it to arrive, especially since I heard so many wonderful things about Mozarabic Chant.

I'm not sure, but it says "satin chiffon" on the OP page on their taobao shop.

>> No.7122493

Awesome! Thank you so much. After you said so I went and has a proper look myself, and I would agree it looked more like Maria Josepha than Marie Antoinette. I shall check out the link!

>> No.7122540

lolitadesu actually has decent prices on stuff once in a while. that ring is half the price of a lot of the jewelry on AP USA right now, so if you're going to get something else to help with shipping, go for it.

>> No.7122579

does anyone have some tutorials for longer hair in lolita?

It's too hot to wear wigs here still and would rather wear my natural hair tomorrow

>> No.7122594

Have you already looked through normalfag hairstyle guides for semi-formal/formal occasions, and found nothing to your liking?

What kind of hair do you have, straight curly wavy? Thick, fine? Does it hold a style in heat/humidity or does it go limp as soon as you walk out of the house? Just saying long lolita hair doesn't get you anywhere.

>> No.7122598

Actually, it is quite easy to tell when a dress is a replica of a non-print dress. Especially when it's a rip off of MM or VM.

The companies take inspiration from each other with themes sometimes but they don't "copy" each other, there are no direct rip offs with brands.

Replica anything is in pretty bad taste and the cost normally isn't worth the quality of the dress anyway. You're better off either making an original design yourself or stalking the auctions.

>> No.7122612

If she is just gonna make it for herself I dont see a problem. Her money, her materials, her time, her skills, she can do what she wants with those things

Just go for it

>> No.7122613

The brown one was on sale at AP USA for about the same price, so I would say that's a pretty good deal. The ring is kind of heavy though.

>> No.7122633
File: 1.56 MB, 999x743, chessstorynew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I might be late to the party but I just saw this on Chess Story's tumblr... I really like this, a lot. I might need it more than Krad's Cat Castle.

>> No.7122645

I know one of you has to own this. Please answer T.T

>> No.7122692


Even if she did copy one of the infamous oft-copied VM/MM dresses, I still think almost no one would give her the evil eye for it the same way some lolitas would if it were a print replica (I guess you're in the minority of someone who would). Commonly accepted reasons for copying VM and MM are the sizing issue (it's not about being fat, a few dresses only come in one size and one size only), and simply wanting to practice making a dress of that design.

I'll agree with you that the quality of the item is much more important, there's not a lot of places that can make a replica with good materials.

>> No.7122844
File: 75 KB, 614x960, IMG_132295369590207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if Lief will be allowing the International community to purchase Instruments Regimental directly through her instead of One Day in Paradise group order. The details on their FB page aren't very clear on how you will be able to order it overseas, and ODIP looks like they have already opens their orders.

I would rather not give money to ODIP.

>> No.7122858

they just posted about takign international orders via email on their FB. Also, Shiverling said you can directly message them via facebook to pay for international as well, so yes, there's 2 options to not go through ODIP

>> No.7122860

Thanks for the info anon.

>> No.7123052

oooh, I like this. The JSK is a little weird, but I'm loving the OP. It almost has a qi look to it.

>> No.7123106

>Actually, it is quite easy to tell when a dress is a replica of a non-print dress. Especially when it's a rip off of MM or VM.

How? Besides shitty lace.

>> No.7123111

Most brands have a signature style that you can recognize fairly easily. And most replicas are of the pieces that are most coveted and therefore well known.

Additionally, I'm a lolita veteran who hoards stock pictures so that probably helps in my case.

>> No.7123116

There is always a distinct difference between replicas and the legit thing. Even if it is done by a seamstress, they will have their own style of sewing that is different to that of brands and will use different materials/trimmings. Most of the time, it will look either shoddy or almost good, but note quite. It will likely end up with the same design but different proportions.

>> No.7123123 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 622x481, MM vs F+F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if you're asking how to tell if a dress design is original or fake or how to tell if a design is legit or a knock off. In the case of the latter, there is always a distinct difference.

>> No.7123125
File: 107 KB, 622x481, MM vs F+F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if you're asking how to tell if a dress design is original or copied or how to tell if an individual dress is legit or a knock off. In the case of the latter, there is always a distinct difference.

>> No.7123130

how long does it normally take for non print stuff to show up on AP international after it's stocked on the JP site?

>> No.7123138

Looks like rosarie is actually shipping. Unless shes giving out fake tracking numbers. Which is possible.

>> No.7123170


still misspelling her name, I see

>> No.7123176

I want to know this as well
eyeing some Holy Lantern tights and DDC OTKs

>> No.7123204

Brace yourselves, anon. Sometimes they never do. Apparently non print stuff just doesn't do well for international sales, that's why we don't even get the full range of colours for DDC blouses.

If the Japanese site doesn't sell out of it, sometimes some stock gets shifted to the international site a day or a couple of weeks after initial sale.

>> No.7123295

Is there an active Lolita Pen Pal group anywhere? I found a facebook page but I can't tell how active/recent it is because it's a closed group.

>> No.7123300

So can someone explain what's going on with the Holy Lantern release??? I understand they're trying to avoid scalpers and the like, but what does this mean for the international site?

>> No.7123307

it's not hitting online until the 5th

>> No.7123312

I've also noticed that they don't sell a lot of the non stirred stuff on the international site either. Or any sml. Blouses. When I went to yumemiru paradise in 2009, they advertised special commemorative shirts that they would have there. They did have them..... all in size large. Not a single small or medium. Angelic pretty thinks all westerners are big ass bitches :(

>> No.7123314

This is why I don't buy from taobao brands. Good in stock photos, ALWAYS shit irl.

>> No.7123315


>> No.7123340

Just because something is wrinkled doesn't mean it's shit?

>> No.7123344

Nah, you just need to know which brands are trustworthy. Dear Celine, Infanta and Yolanda are consistently good.

>> No.7123355
File: 154 KB, 761x1208, tumblr_mtii7aGRCn1qb1ugro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone identify these tights for me? found them on tumblr

>> No.7123359


by Lhiannan:Shee

>> No.7123371

Odd question, but is it common for a store that is close to closing time to mark the item you bought as 'sold-out' but wait until the next opening day to send through an invoice?

It seems logical to me but idk if I'm just being deluded and my item has sold out.
I bought a few things at once as well as now they're all sold out but that might just be a coincidence.

>> No.7123750

That sounds reasonable but I can't say I've relevant experience. Marking an item as 'sold out' is best done as soon as possible so others don't try to buy it. However, sending an invoice can wait.

>> No.7124058

I have a quick question about rocking horse shoes, if you guys don't mind.

Is it true that those types of shoes always run narrow or does it just depend on the brand that's making them?

>> No.7124402


You and me both anon. ODIP has fucked me over too many times

>> No.7124420
File: 449 KB, 650x750, style_ama05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know what's name of the print on left?

>> No.7124436

Sweets something ribbon jumperskirt - I can't quite make out one character, if you have a higher resolution picture I could tell you what the middle word is.

>> No.7124437

I should also note that I'm 99.99% sure it's not an exclusive print fabric, especially since they specifically note the one on the right is.

>> No.7124451

Thank you, I found it. If anybody cares it's Sweets Sweets Ribbon JSK from MAXICIMAM.

You're right.I have hand-made JSK made from this fabric. I found this scan on my disc and I was kind of surprised.

>> No.7124544

where can i find angelic pretty's dress to sell?

>> No.7124822
File: 163 KB, 535x800, tumblr_mtur1o0Xa11sfh9mbo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows about this indie brand? I've never seen this before

>> No.7124826
File: 122 KB, 700x469, tumblr_mrn36nmiw91sfh9mbo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Their older print (well it's on the older pages of their tumblr) I like the bows, but I'm not sure that I like the construction

>> No.7124831
File: 46 KB, 700x389, 1237624_567464676654211_1996574996_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And this one is off their fb. I found them via tumblr (http://babyponytail-boutique.tumblr.com/))

>> No.7124843

Maybe the smaller sized items had just sold out? The L sized items are the least popular so it makes sense that they're what's leftover and put on the international site. I think you're thinking into it too much.

>> No.7124846

What did ODIP do to you?

>> No.7124876

I really like this.

>> No.7124998


As strange as it seems, this actually looks like an attempt to cater to international lolitas. With the Royal Chocolate release I noticed the L sizes sold out first and the M sizes sold out a few hours later. So whether you personally fit S, M or L size, it would appear that larger-sized lolitas are the bigger demographic of the international webshop.

As for the non print items, you have to admit, almost nobody takes a second look at the non-print items on egl comm sales whereas the trendiest prints sell for close to retail or get scalped. So AP kind of has a reason for keeping their inventory costs low by stocking what they think will sell well on the international site, instead of putting everything up and then having to shift most of the items back to the Japanese shop when international lolitas ignore all the non print/small sized items.

>> No.7125047

In my experience, most people don't want the L sized items, people would always complain when they got them in their lucky packs and everyone would chime in that they didn't understand why brands made L size as no one wanted it. I know that some people do, but it seems to be a minority in my experience. But this is with blouses specifically that I've noticed this.

>> No.7125112


I actually haven't noticed a lot of comments against lucky pack L-sized blouses, in fact, I see both comments about blouses being too big and too small.

What I do know is that I got to the website a little late when this year's Royal Chocolate went on sale, and all the L sized jsks in every colour were gone. Some of the jsks still had some M sizes left, some were sold out in M size too. But all of the L sizes, in both jsk styles, was sold out in all colours.

I think only AP themselves would have the info on whether the L sizes outsell the M sizes, even based on that day, I don't know if they stocked less L size jsks. But, if it really bothers you, why not get a message to AP through AP USA? If they see that people will buy the smaller sized items from the US branch then maybe they'll stock more of them on the international site as well.

>> No.7125474

Hello! I have a question relating to Closet Child, the question being what the fuck do I do here, could anyone help me out?

>> No.7125478


Looks like their procedure has changed and they want you to pay for item + shipping at checkout by pressing the big Paypal button.

>> No.7125481

Oh, I see. And am I correct in believing that once I've completed my payment I send them an e-mail with my order information and the address I want the items delivered to?

>> No.7125483


I don't think so. From memory, it'll ask for a shipping address during checkout. If you're already registered and logged in, it'll take the address from your account details.

>> No.7125502

Okay then, it seems the Closet Child guide I read that in was outdated. I just went through with payment as I would with any site and am now hoping to God that my bangle comes. Thankyou for the info!

>> No.7125503
File: 479 KB, 1045x828, tumblr_ltdoopiOSb1r49z8yo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happened to me recently too. I just paid by clicking the "big red button" or whatever, seemed pretty easy, and just as a safety precaution, emailed the automated CC email back saying "YO, I PAID!" but they haven't replied and it's been 4 days. I thought they might send an "Okay, we'll send your package!" or something but no luck yet.

Keep us updated, anon! We are in the same boat.
pic unrelated

>> No.7125514
File: 52 KB, 480x640, 0731AC83_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sent my own "YO, I PAID!" right now. I will come back to the Lolita general and let you know if anything comes up, even if it is just a confirmation e-mail! I only got one small thing for my first order with Closet Child, pic related :3

>> No.7125719

Just make sure after you've sent your details, click the orange button to pay, and then you'll get a confirmation email, and then about 2 weeks later an email saying your order has shipped.

>> No.7125730

2 weeks?! Wow thank you for telling me! I would have been really worried if I hadn't found out it takes that long. Thanks anon!

>> No.7125757

That looks like three penises.

>> No.7125811

I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw it

>> No.7125892

Well it's at least a week, felt like 2 for me. I only have ordered with them once and that was around the beginning of September.

>> No.7126000

I'd like to request some pictures of coords using parkas/hoodies, like the ones AP releases. I just got one, and I'm not so sure how to best use them in lolita, or if I should.

>> No.7126070 [DELETED] 

How difficult would it be to turn a halter into a jsk?

>> No.7126077

How difficult would it be to turn a halter/jsk into regular straps?

>> No.7126110

That would be a ridiculously easy alteration, but why not just pin them?

>> No.7126162
File: 49 KB, 410x185, Screen shot 2013-09-30 at 12.50.20 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else loling at this check on the FB Sales? She's making weird posts all over the place (war flash backs of that one mentally slow girl in the SoCal comm)

>> No.7126164

>shuggery carnavil
>by bodyline

Is she on drugs?

>> No.7126191
File: 96 KB, 500x418, ohgodno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>bodyline shuggery carnavil
>>shuggery carnavil

oh my god i'm dying. just fucking say that out loud. SHUGGERY carnavil.
fuckin SHUGGERY.

>> No.7126200


> Are you a large?
> I am a large.
> You are a small then.

She's intoxicated with SOMETHING.

>> No.7126215
File: 165 KB, 969x969, 1270286817579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7125503 Here.

I got a confirmation email from them about an hour ago, saying they received payment and will email again once the items are ready to ship! I am excite

>> No.7126248

I know! Fabulous, isn't it?

I haven't got my e-mail yet but I'm feeling a little more confident now.

>> No.7126308
File: 59 KB, 500x454, 1298884688342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this image.
here is a similar one that i've had for years but haven't had the chance to use recently.

>> No.7126319

I'm laughing so hard I'm going to have a fucking aneurysm

>> No.7126323


>> No.7126346

I laughed so hard I choked on my food.

>> No.7126348
File: 8 KB, 660x245, Sans titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7126378

Yep, that was the email I got earlier! This went better than expected.
Internet high-five!

>> No.7126382

If you have an Innocent World halter JSK in mind, stop right there sistah. Even if you dart that bit of the straps near the bust that pops out, you will still have terrible sideboob showing. I speak from the unfortunate experience of owning 3 of em. It's like they took a fucking apron pattern to makr that shit; noy enough fabric for the width of the front.
I just wear mine not-loli as sundresses or put a cardigan over it to hide the popped-bust-strap-bit thingies.

>> No.7126401
File: 141 KB, 266x350, Octavia JSK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IW is the king of the boob loaf and side boob.
I own pic related, and whilst it is gorgeous it shows some major side boob. It's far too pretty to let go of though.

>> No.7126403
File: 141 KB, 266x350, Octavia JSK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God dammit.

>> No.7126406
File: 43 KB, 250x333, TieredJSKwithPearls-Navy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this JSK has horrible sideboob
IW what are you doing

>> No.7126422

Haha I am the anon you replied to and that is one of the 3 halter JSKs I own. It is very pretty but looks so dumb undet a blouse. Awful cut.
>captcha: oftnsee aside

>> No.7126423

Meanwhile, I have heaps of their halter JSKs and loooove them. Maybe it's a cupsize thing, because I feel like sideboob hasn't been a serious issue with any of them except for Beluga.

>> No.7126444

That's beautiful.

Octavia anon here, and I totally second the blouse thing. It's such a shame as well because I'd wear the dress all the time if it covered my chest properly.


Funnily enough I've had next to no boob trouble with the Beluga JSK but it does bunch up around my waist on one side because my torso is uneven. Super weird.

>> No.7126489

IW are very much designed for smaller cupsizes. I have friends with larger busts who struggle with IW whereas I don't at all, being on the flatter side.

>> No.7126790

Lucky! I have a flat chest but a wide ribcage. I mostly stick to their skirts if I like a print because their JSKs don't fit me so well, but their skirts are quite small so look nice. VM skirts are wonderful too.
Why the hell does AATP make such huge waistbands? Their skirts look fucking awful on me.

>> No.7126837

I'm doing a payment plan for the first time and I'm wondering about the installments that are paid but are pending. Can I mark them as 'order processed' to get the money into my account to use? Or do I have to wait until the very last installment is paid?

>> No.7126851

All IW has terribad sideboob. They just assume you are going to wear a blouse and don't bother with making the sides cover.
I have this dress and it is gorgeous, but NEEDS a blouse or a bolero to not be obscene.

>> No.7126860

I wear all 4 of my halters ( twinkle carnival, the non Octavia IW pictured below, an ETC jsk, and an AATP dress) with the straps pinned straight or straight with a cross cross at the back.
It works fine. There are some halters that look weird if the straps aren't worn as a halter but I haven't had any from loli brands.

>> No.7127059
File: 116 KB, 480x640, photo (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just got my first dress and have a question.
>otk socks(even thigh-high always show a sliver of leg near the top - how much is too much? Should I just go with tights?But I am tall so tights (usually) don't fit in the crotch...
>pic related

>> No.7127060

That looks fine to me.

>> No.7127069

It's hard to tell from the angle but I think you should be ok.

>> No.7127078
File: 34 KB, 500x500, best-photos-of-the-week-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great! Thanks

>> No.7127105

Congrats on Unico, I love that print.

>> No.7128282

Hello, I am looking to buy my first petticoat. As I'm new to lolita I'm worried about getting the wrong thing, would this make a good A-line petticoat? http://www.amazon.com/FS00027BK12-Hoopless-Multilayer-Petticoat-Underskirt/dp/B00D5M140A/ref=sr_1_1?s=apparel&ie=UTF8&qid=1380620070&sr=1-1&keywords=A-line+petticoat+knee

>> No.7128287

Why not buy from somewhere better known like victoriangirldress on ebay? That one you linked looks a bit long for most lolita dresses, more below-knee than knee length and not that full.

With victoriangirldress their girls 12-16 size stretches from something like 25-50" so is pretty much one size fits most, and is slightly cheaper than that one if I remember correctly.

>> No.7128341

I actually had not heard of them, but I think I'll go with that! Thank you.

>> No.7128370

ODIP just posted on their tumblr saying that they still hold the international distributorship of Lief. I know it's to piss off choke but not I'm seriously worried that my order is going to be funnelled into ODIP.

>> No.7128380


>> No.7128515

I received a petticoat from them recently; the petticoats are pretty nice with a decent poof. I would recommend them.

>> No.7128520


Explaination on Choke/ODIP drama? I know of the wig drama, but surely they're over that by now?

>> No.7128720

I thought the girl who runs Lief said on her fb that you can order directly from them still?

>> No.7128727

Not according to recent tumblr posts.

>> No.7128748

Welp guess I won't be ordering from Lief. Korean SS might be the better option if you can find one.

>> No.7128751

That's what I thought too..

>> No.7128911


I dunno, I think she's just blowing smoke. I would contact the designer directly on fb

>> No.7128918

It's all smoke as you said. You can email direct for order! So relieved!

>> No.7128958

you can order directly via Lief's FB or Email instead of via ODIP.

>> No.7129073

What are the size options?

>> No.7129100

retard here
can someone please point me to the white dress in op pic

>> No.7129108



Good luck finding that though. I've seen their stuff in Closet Child Shinjuku like once or twice. Finding that dress could become the bane of your existence.

>> No.7129114

fuck ty anyways

>> No.7129119
File: 455 KB, 1060x1540, witch coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the coord thread is dying and I don't want to start a new thread. Trying to make a witch coord for the fairytale boutique party(and other halloween stuff in general) Decided to go mostly white with black and bits of orange. So far, I've got a couple white long sleeve blouses(the one in the picture is a stand in), white lace tights, and the basic black heels in the picture.

Since I don't have a lot of time/money. I'm going into more handmade territory. I was thinking of making a capelet, hat, and skirt. A skirt in a similar style but different fabric. The capelets and hat are ideas. I could use better suggestions on accessories, since I've only got the earrings idea so far. I was thinking of getting one of those fake book boxes that looks like a witches spell book and make that into a bag.

Also what should I make the capelet out of?

>> No.7129687

You might have an easier time recreating that look with a VM chiffon underskirt and corset top, but making sure the whites match could be hard.

>> No.7129706

Oh, I actually have that dress in black. Keep an eye out on Japanese consignment shops; that's where I usually see the most MF/MN. Tokyo Alice usually has some, and I've also spotted some on Alice+Fururun and Usagiyouhinten (not as much, though). If you're interested, there's one right now in black with bows down the front instead of lacing on Tokyo Alice here: http://item.rakuten.co.jp/tokyoalice/a54995/

Here is the dress, but in a bordeaux colourway: http://page16.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/u50070647

>> No.7129938

How long should one wait after posting a DS/DA/DT at egl_comm_sales? I had posted mine for days but I did not get any rejection PMs.

I had sent a PM to a mod about it but never received a reply... I am sure it is not my LJ blocking PMs because I had sent and received PMs in the past.

Any advice?

>> No.7130080
File: 21 KB, 682x425, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone of you ever bought something from Antique Beast?

I try my best but there is one point where I need to choose a payment method. The problem is,there is none displayed.

>> No.7130090
File: 192 KB, 500x367, toomanythings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice on getting a back zipper to close on an unshirred AP dress? I might slap on two sports bras or a binder and call it a day because my DD's don't seem to want to be tamed with just one bra. I'm not that big other than the titties, not even chubby.

Should I suck it up and get it altered, maybe put a matching back panel in to allow some extra give?

>> No.7130126

sell it and buy one that'll fit?

looking like a sausage about to burst out of it's casing is not very kawaii uguu, anon

>> No.7130154


Even if you could squish your tits into it, I'd still recommend a sports bra and binder to help avoid the boobcake look.

A trick I learnt recently was to put my arms in the armholes, put with the dress at my underbust, and sort of work the zip closed, then pull the dress on upwards into place. Obviously it only works on dresses with open necklines, or with shirred sleeves. With the recent Musee onepiece the buttons on the fake blouse can unbutton, so I used the same trick to get into the dress.

Also kind of obvious, but if you're are just too big, do like >>7130126 suggests and sell the dress.

>> No.7130155


Hah, I typoed in the second paragraph
*put the dress neckline at my underbust

>> No.7130206
File: 41 KB, 500x283, catdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait fuck this, I figured out the problem. My shoulders are like an inch too wide for the OP. Fuck being tall

>> No.7130297
File: 92 KB, 500x464, nightskyparasol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone identify where this umbrella is from? I've been trying to find out for awhile now ):

>> No.7130317
File: 283 KB, 827x1600, P10504851_meitu_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he coord thread has pretty much autosaged so I hope you don't min me posting here. Ie ben working a lot on my Gloria JSK and so far it has ben the thoughest dress I've worked with.
A couple days ago I tried my final coord and Im still not satisfied with both the head bow and the shoes.

>> No.7130313

I don't know if it's the same one, but I found one on ebay:
Although it's more than likely a replica of some description.

>> No.7130322

Can't type for shit

>> No.7130340

Thank you.

>> No.7130345

That coord is lovely, Anon! What do you think is wrong with it?

Perhaps the shoes are a bit too platform-y and plain for my tastes (and maybe you need a yellow-er shade of gold), but they look fine overall IMO!

>> No.7130365
File: 417 KB, 626x560, gloria3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the headbow's shape is bothersome and generic imo. Also, as you stated the shoes seem too plain.
Overall I feel like it needs more wine.
Im consdiering getting some red shoes to make this coord instead

>> No.7130379

I suggest a fancier blouse. Possibly wine shoes, but the gold is fine if you don't wanna buy another pair

>> No.7130420


hey guys!! check out the trailer to the parody some of my friends and i from the washington lolita community are making!!

>> No.7130423


>> No.7130442

Anyone? Come on!

>> No.7130479

rejection messages are usually sent as an email notification, the mods only send a PM copy if they feel like being nice. do you have email notifications turned on?

>> No.7130566

I have a self harm scar on my arm and it draws a lot of negative attention to me so I'm looking for a way to cover it up. It's a little more than an inch in length and a 3/4 inch in width (there are two lines perpendicular to each other). I was considering wearing wrist cuffs but the scar is 3 inches away from my wrist. The cuffs would look awkward there. Would an additional random wide bracelet work? I would consider makeup but the scar is raised. But that may be the best I can do. I'm saving for one of those laser treatments.

>> No.7130580

Why promote it here? Nothing should ever be promoted here.

Anyway, I don't see any connection to it an the Blair Witch Project. It's not vaguely horror like, or even parodying horror. It's clips of friends with music in the background with an occasional fakin missing poster.
Get it together.

I was excited, lolitas in lo-res, screamy in grainy dark forests would have been nice.

>> No.7130590

I see zero of anything Blair Witch Project in this. And next time, clean all the dirty laundry off the back of your couch before filming

>> No.7130605

Sounds like some kind of lewd dance style.

>> No.7130609

Love the dress, and the socks should be fine, but about tights, I'm kind of tall, but I have really long legs and I can find tights that fit so long as they're not the one size fits most tights

>> No.7130618

Can I ask what makes a co-ord really stand out for you? In particular co-ords with famous prints like Sugary Carnival, Iron Gate, Vampire Requiem, Lotta, etc? Thank you.

>> No.7130700
File: 59 KB, 400x600, infanta-chiffon-lolita-blouse-inf-160-3_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, dumbest question on the face of the earth.

I have a black chiffon blouse that I love, but I really wish it had ties so I could tie a giant bow at the neck. I don't want to buy a whole new blouse that includes one, so is there anywhere I could just buy the bow part?

I realize what I'm essentially looking for is a rectangular piece of chiffon (though I'd really love if there was also lace on the ends), but I can't be assed to buy the materials and sit down and try to make the thing myself. Should I just look for your typical black chiffon scarf and mod it? Or could I post a WTC on the sales comm for something like this?

>> No.7130714

Anyone have any ideas where to find a light green blouse? Mostly just wondering if anyone's seen one around. Checked Modcloth and Etsy and they have tons in mint but none in just, like, spring green.

>> No.7130986

I'm going to Japan the week after next, and do you guys know of any cool shops I should check out? I'm going to the lolita shops at Harajuku and Shibuya. I'll be around Tokyo most of the time, and am also visiting the Kyoto/Osaka/Nara area, too.

>> No.7131007

I'd also add to try looking on maidenclothing
Atelier Pierrot's corset dresses would be pretty similar too.

Commission someone local - it would be way easier and since vintage fashion/pussybow blouses are popular it'll be pretty easy to explain what you want

69th department on taobao

>> No.7131106
File: 454 KB, 1914x732, Screenshot_2013-10-03-13-27-30_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time using treasure Japan and I'm confused. Im using the shopping service, no auctions involved. on the 29th I noticed that all my items arrived. So i made a shipping invoice request and ticked ems, SAL, airmail because I understood that's what I do if I want to compare different shipping types. A few hours after I submit my request I receive an email telling me to submit my shipping request. I thought it was an automated response and did nothing about it. It's been a few days, I have no new emails. Under the "shipping request history" page I see pic related. I clicked on the date and it shows me the details of my shipping request but nothing about payments or shipping costs. am i missing out on something?

>> No.7131116
File: 6 KB, 205x245, miriam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any brands/dresses/coords that look good on sort of fat girls with big boobs and broad shoulders?

46-36- 39 BWH
shoulders: 16.5 in across
5'7" 175lbs ish

Is there any hope for me or is my only option to lose weight because I'm a fatty chan?

>> No.7131131


princess cuts mang. I'm 38-28-39, with similar proportions. Princess cuts are incredibly flattering, even with my big ol linebacker shoulders.

>> No.7131169

It's all good anon, I just went through the same thing last week (that was my first time using their service after another helpful person in the lolita general suggested them.)

So basically all you have to do now is wait for them to send the final invoice. It'll consist of the shipping cost, bank transfer fee, domestic shipping cost and their commission. After you pay it they'll ship it out and inform you via email that it's been sent.

Don't worry too much about the delay in invoicing because I had the exact same thing happen. Turns out they're pretty busy atm but they were really apologetic about it.

I hope that helps!

>> No.7131197

Treasure Japan is a one-woman service, so she takes a while getting emails sorted out. If you're in a hurry, you can reply to her email saying you already made the request. Otherwise, she'll get to it once she gets that far down the queue.

>> No.7131215

I'm not in a hurry, I didn't know they're run by one person alone though. Thanks for the help, I was worried I missed something out!

>> No.7131232

That's honestly why I never recommend her to anyone. Ever. I really like her service and I don't want her to become the next Mai or Mukunoki, completely overrun with orders and suddenly shutting down her service. Greedy of me, I suppose. But there it is.

>> No.7131255

Where's the banner voting for this month egl lj, it's October already! I don't remember it ever being so late before?

>> No.7131289

Fair enough. I know I've been in similar scenarios before.

I only used the service because a seller kept rejecting my fromjapan bid for a dream item.

>> No.7131340

>tfw I'm pretty sure the person I was trying to buy from is dead
>tfw I have no face

Seriously, she hasn't responded to any of her buyers for almost a month.

>> No.7131342

Is there a site where people show off their dresses and accessories?

>> No.7131345

Poupeegirl? Not strictly loli, but a lot of lolitas are on there.

>> No.7131356

not to mention no themes in September. Do the mods even care any more?

>> No.7131367

They've closed new registration, sadly. A lot of people are predicting the site will be closed within six months to a year. They got rid of their real-cash items system in August, they've stopped producing new items (and released a lot of old ones again), so it's not looking good.

>> No.7131411

They are currently not accepting orders at the moment but they will re-open for orders sometime this month. you just need to keep checking back or if it's urgent maybe get an instore ss.

>> No.7131412

As far as I know, AB isn't stocked in stores. The owner opens for orders usually once a month for a few days. If you sign up for the newsletter you can find out the date/time

>> No.7131413


Hi, thanks! I had been wondering what's wrong. I found the rejection message in the e-mail.

>> No.7131645

I've read somewhere leg avenue petticoats are pretty good, but I'm confused as to which leg avenue petticoat. Does anyone know?

>> No.7131659

No, they aren't. Leg Avenue is terrible.

>> No.7131662

Oh ok thanks. Do you know of a good medium poof petticoat. I already have a CP petticoat but it's too big for some of my skirts.

>> No.7131669

Legs avenue petticoats are okay in an emergency and you have to layer at least two together to get decent poof. At the cost of buying two of them(which usually run $20 a piece) you're better off investing your money in one decent $40 petticoat.

>> No.7131690

get a target halloween petticoat, it has good poof

>> No.7131695

Not gonna lie, my favorite petticoat is from target. It's soft so it doesn't itch, and it holds its shape well. If I want more poof I just layer it with my old dance petticoat.

>> No.7131765

Quick Question, how long does it generally take Angelic Pretty USA to reply to their emails?

(Wrong address, haven't shipped it yet)

>> No.7131893
File: 83 KB, 480x480, mDPYixA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could swear that either AnTaiNa or Seasons had replicas of these shoes, but now I can't seem to find them in either store. Does anyone know where I might be able to find them?

>> No.7131937
File: 152 KB, 436x723, tumblr_mu28d6Jo2t1rmp8l1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find a larger sized deer cardigan?

>> No.7131975
File: 6 KB, 183x275, monkey arms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got in an order I made with Bodyline today. I was in desperate need for a blouse and decided on l474 in beige and l228 in offwhite. Like an idiot I only looked at the bust and when they came in the mail sure enough the sleeves ended in the middle of my forearm. Only slightly upset because I really liked the design of 1474...
>pic related, how i felt trying on the blouses

>> No.7131996

that particular one is a collab by Felissimo x syrup bambi and I own it and it is pretty big (she's wearing the actual cardi, that's how much stretch it has) if that helps at all.

>> No.7131997

Layer that over a CP bell petti and you have instant AP cupcake shape. It's perfect!

>> No.7132001

noob here, what exactly is a princess cut? is it the op with giant sleeves, or is it the sort of square neckline?

>> No.7132005
File: 51 KB, 500x362, ps-aline-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princess cut is a dress where the seams follow the line of your body. Not a lolita example, but this shows how the seams lie in general.

It prevents the bunching effect that you get with cupcake skirts, which can make waists look super bulky.

>> No.7132018

At your measurements, you'll probably have to go with custom-made to get anything that looks good. Otherwise, it's full shirring and that doesn't always look too great. For brands though, I'd try MAM's lovely size or Chantilly since I think they do have items that should go up that high but they don't always look good on really large boobs.

Losing weight does help though, even a little. If you can get yourself down to about 40-41, there are a lot more options available (even better around 38" and below but that might be a huge amount of weight loss for you). I found my shoulder measurement went down a bit after losing weight due to fat and toning up a bit.

>> No.7132065

I think this coord is a great everyday coord. Wouldn't have necessarily chosen those tights, but I'm 100% on everything else. And the tights are still pretty darn nice :3

>> No.7132161

you look great!!

>> No.7132192

I keep my wardrobe organized on there and I also follow other lolita wardrobe boards.

>> No.7132207
File: 69 KB, 640x407, secret_shop_shoes_9807_-_light_pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to sell a pair of secret shop tea parties, but I've never shipped a pair of shoes (with original box) before. How much does domestic (US) and international shipping (let's say to EU for example) cost for tea parties?

I don't have a postage scale and I'm paranoid about under or over charging for shipping.

>> No.7132209

whats the size, you might get a quick sale here...

>> No.7132210

Uh, so I JUST paid for ground USPS within the US for a pair of Bodyline RHS and it cost 21usd with tax. So considering they are probably double the weight, that might be a good estimate for you? around 10-13ish?

>> No.7132213

Size M, but they're actually red with detachable bows.

I have nothing red in my closet any longer.

>> No.7132214

oh so they are the other model of TPs, not the pictured ones.

>> No.7132222

If you want it to be super simple, just ship them in a flat rate box in the US, $12.35. Otherwise I'd say probably around $7-8 for regular post.

If you plan to sell other stuff, though, I seriously recommend getting a postage scale, they aren't that expensive and will make everything so much easier.

>> No.7132379

your boobs look weird but I think it is because you are a little hunched? but the coord is 8/10 would switch blouses and tights but its pretty anyway. Shoes are lovely, also!

>> No.7132468

It looks cheaply made tbh

>> No.7132469

Add wine floral shoe clips to the shoes, and I would go with a fancier blouse too

>> No.7132511
File: 2.34 MB, 3264x2448, 20131004_013456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pink antaina tea party shoes I've been planning to sell if youre interested. I belive they ate a 7.5 W USA. They have a few scuffs but that's all.

>> No.7132510

Sudden influx of cheap stuff on comm-sales, is it because of the holy lantern release?

>Captcha: stedta perhaps

>> No.7132552

I have a feeling that I might have been scammed by a seller on Mbok again. The item sold on the 25/9 and it's now the 4/9. This happened before and Japonica just said that they couldn't do anything about it but I was a doormat and just left it. Is there anything I can do to get my money back if the item never arrives? I don't want to be out $70 because of this.

>> No.7132558

paypal dispute, go

>> No.7132562

But it's not really Japonica's fault it the Mbok seller was dodgy, it's just that they say they can't do anything about it. If I open a dispute with them I won't receive the other item I bidded on which actually did arrive and they will probably ban me.

>> No.7132567

So it ended on Sept 25 and is now Oct 4? I'd wait at least a few more days, & ask your SS if they've heard anything from the seller

>> No.7132577

Hope it shows up, anon.

Does scamming on Mbok happen often?

>> No.7132578

I can't believe your SS wont deal with this... they're the fucking intermediatary. Couldn't they make a dispute to MBOK to fix the problem too? Not like you can contact them yourself.

But sometimes shipping and "processing" (ie seller is slack and only bothered posting in the mail numerous days later) takes a while and shizz.

>> No.7132598

Yep, I just realised I wrote the 4/9 and not the 4/10, oops. I had an item end after that one and it arrived before it so I'm getting a big nervous.

Thanks! I've had 4 orders with Japonica and this is the second time I might have been scammed, so I guess it happens a fair bit.

I understand why they won't, they say that they can't as the seller will probably lie and leave bad feedback for them and then they won't be able to use their account to bid anymore. But at the same time, they should at least contact the bank.

>> No.7132603

I ordered from them recently and it took them about two weeks to ship my item. Don't worry, they're probably just swamped, since they stopped holding things recently so they probably have a backlog of stuff to ship.

>> No.7132616

I think Mbok has some security for payments, like there's an option to pay where the money is held with an intermediary until the buyer gets their item or something (sorry I can't remember exactly). Maybe next time ask the SS about payment methods and their safety so it won't happen again?

>> No.7132700

So, has holy lantern come out yet?

>> No.7132793

Would it be redundant to post a worn photo of my coord after posting a pretty picture of it laid on my bed to tumblr? worth mentioning - it'd be a few weeks/months between worn and not.

>> No.7132795

Not at all, that's totally fine. People like seeing co-ords on actual people.

>> No.7132798


it comes out tonight on the JP site, does anyone know how long it takes for them to get it up on the international site?

>> No.7132804

Generally they get stuff up within a few hours.

>> No.7132831

Who cares? It's your blog, not anyone elses.
I've posted the same coord from one event in like five different ways now.

>> No.7132840

Anyone have any info on how Baby's tight's fit? I'm only 5'5" but all legs so I'm nervous about buying a pair.

>> No.7132863

Ok thanks! I'm waiting for the international release, do you guys think it will be cutthroat? DDC all over again?

>> No.7132900

Personally if this was me I'd do a paypal dispute and then never use Japonica again, however it's only the 4th?? Give it until the 25th October then file it, some people are just slow at shipping, it took me nearly 3 weeks for something to arrive 1st class within the UK because the person on ebay was being a lazy arsehole.

>> No.7138321

Never go with Japonica again, trust me. I ordered a simple anime poster through them, seller shipped the wrong one, tried to contact Japonica about it and got the typical "Oh no!! That is so horrible!!! I'll fix it right away!!!"... and then never got a single response again. After several e-mails asking how it was going.