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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7118412 No.7118412 [Reply] [Original]

Commissioner thread!

Horror or happy stories from both ends (commissioner and commissionee)

>> No.7118420

I hired someone to make something for me by a certain time and she didn't meet the deadline

>> No.7118444


did you bitch about her on /cgl/? WHAT'S THE DRAMA

>> No.7118457

I get some REALLY stupid requests, especially this time of year. but thats about it. The worst ive had is someone refuse to take measurments.

>> No.7118470

Maybe they were self concious

or 12

>> No.7118473

>Customer on line : Thanks, sending you measurements
>Me: Remember to take pictures of the measurements for added accuracy.
>C: I don't have a measuring tape but hope this will do.
>C:(sends picture of her waist in through a shoebox)
>M: any chance you could get at least a ruler?
>C: I don't have one but I can measure it with my hands
>C: (posts number of pics of little finger to thumb measurements around her waist)
>M: I have to go. Please have a tape measure tomorrow.

>> No.7118509


>> No.7118748
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>> No.7119002

>make kigu for art trade with friend
>friend asks if I can make on for GF
>friend rate $55, covers materials/some labor
>that's a bit too steep, partial art trade
>GF is graphic designer
>sure, have event coming up need flyers
>GF's designs are shit

I don't know how to respond.

>> No.7119011

Bugs the hell out of me when people ask for "sexy" versions of the cosplays I make.

Someone just asked me for a sexy Kiki.

Bitch. No.

But, it IS money, and it IS a paying customer, so... I grit my teeth and slowly die as I make the skirt 4 inches shorter than it should be and sew a v-neck.

>> No.7119012

Tell friend his GF is a shit artist and you can't actually use those, so he's going to have to pay the difference.

Seriously, anon, never accept a partial art trade until you see what the person has done before.

>> No.7119032

Around this time last year I contacted an American Lolita designer to make a commission for me. In the beginning everything was nice. She got the measurements, drew up a nice detailed design of what I wanted and everything seemed peachy. She told me the price would be 220 for a high waisted skirt and a matching caplet. I didn’t realize how hard she was assfucking me until I got price quotes from other commissioners after-the-fact. I asked her if she had time for my commission and apparently she did. However, she also decided that she wanted to take orders for a printed skirt she released a few days after accepting my commission. Two months passed without much word from her so I finally contact her and she explains she has been SO busy. Within a few days time she throws up the finished product on her facebook page that lacks the scalloped bottom that I specifically asked for and was the main reason I commissioned her for this piece. She knocks the price of the outfit down to 160 dollars and 20 dollar shipping. I receive the thing in the mail and I suck it up… disappointed that the caplet she made looks like a tent on me and is way to huge/broad. Very unflattering.
Side story: I try taking the caplet to get hemmed at some local seamstress… I took it to TWO different Asian spots where both times they assured me that there was nothing wrong with the item and it looked fine. I’m like… do you want my money or NOT?! I didn’t offer either of those two separate bitches my money because they were being so thoroughly rude. I ended up taking it to one last seamstress, a sweet Hispanic woman who took one look at it on me and recognized that it looked like a tent. Needless to say she received my patronage.

>> No.7119033

>Commissioned to make corset
>Discuss fabric with girl
>Insists that I use satin
>'But that's not going to hold shape, and it's going to look cheap'
>'No no, I saw someone else do it, it looked fine! I want satin!'
>When she gets the corset she's confused as to why it's so shiny.

>> No.7119036

Cont.- Now it’s close to a year later and I’m commissioning a woman from my Lolita Comm to make the design for me again. I originally wanted this design in a light blue/white combo but the entire situation the year prior left a sour taste in my mouth so I ended up changing the color combo to be tan/white. We recently had a crafting meetup for my comm and I was blown away at the quality of the skirt. The woman brought the partially constructed skirt with her for a fitting and it was just right. It looked sturdy and was stunning. Needless to say, going to a ‘popular’ indie designer for a custom commission wasn’t wise on my part. The woman I ordered from my group only wanted around 120 dollars for the skirt. I’m sure if I asked for a cape it wouldn’t have been much more and better quality.

>> No.7119053
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Last October I commissioned the outfit to wear to a con at the end of January. The girl I commissioned said that it would be no problem at all since it's such a simple outfit, and it should arrive before Christmas. I give her my measurements, and she contacts me a few times to get some extra info she needed.

Then December rolled around, and I stopped hearing from her. Christmas passed, and still no response. On January 3rd I told her that if she didn't respond in the next 48 hours, I'd report her to etsy. She responds saying "OMG so sorry I was soooo busy! Your stuff should be there in a week."

Week passes. Nothing. Message her again.

"Oh, anon, I'm sorry, there was a minor setback blah blah," find out she JUST started sewing it together.

I accept the fact that I'm not going to have my cosplay for the con.

The DAY BEFORE I LEAVE, the fucking thing gets here, and it looks like pic. The hems aren't finished. She just straight stitched them, and they're actually unraveling as I put on the damn thing. The legging / boot covers were WAY too long. Like, 6 inches longer than my legs. And the colors are clearly completely wrong. I had to fix most of the hems myself because they were just coming undone everywhere.



I wore it anyway, because god damn it, I paid good money for this, and I'm too stubborn to just throw it away.

Some other person bought it from me on ebay for 75% of the original price for some reason, so it wasn't a total waste.

I did REALLY like the cute little wings on the back of the shirt though. I was impressed with those. They were armature wire covered in purpley black spandex, I think.

I really just looked like shit at that con, I'm really glad it was small and local. I made my own staff, and my dad fucked it up the day before as well.

>> No.7119057

still wud fug tastefully/10

>> No.7119065
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Happy Commissioner Story:
I loved making it.
I love how it came out.
The guy loves it.
And he gets love wherever he wears it.

Now if we can just nail down a Guilmon to have our trio at some con!

>> No.7119066

Real moral of the story is hard working hispanic tailors > lazy asian tailors

>> No.7119068

That's pretty kawaii. You wouldn't happen to make kigus, would you?

>> No.7119073

Sure, I've only made a couple so far, but I'd love to make more. I enjoy working with fleece in general.

>> No.7119075
File: 74 KB, 1000x1000, Monobear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My contact information is in the email field. I'm interested in a simple monobear kigu - your work is lovely, so if you're interested in the job let me know!

>> No.7119082
File: 173 KB, 640x960, 72373-29fa28fbb9bbea2ad59b3af8bb3e32ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satisfied customer here, posting a relevant example of something similar he made. Not a full Kigu but still helpful to know of.

>> No.7119089

This post >>7119075
intended for Oshi, if that wasn't apparent.

Yeah, this is really nice.

I'm also sorry for hijacking the thread. Offer stands, though!

>> No.7121848

Who did you commission from?

>> No.7121877

I would also be interested in commissioning a kigu, my email address is in the field, so if you could let me know how your pricing is, that would be great. Looking for a Scrafty or Nidoking kigu, whichever seems more practical to make.

>> No.7121883

could've used casa satin though...It's a nice sheen and very durable

>> No.7122021
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I might end up making the Nidoking one to sell regardless if it's for you, just because it seems like it would be such a badass kigu, heheh.

>> No.7122063

Tell them the materials ended up costing a lot more than you thought and you need the cash, not.art

>> No.7122091


>> No.7122103
File: 171 KB, 640x480, DSCN1214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a Scrafty one once! It was my first major sewing project, so it needed a lot of improvement (this was from 2012, I've since trashed it and am starting over from scratch) but it was super comfy and fun to do :) Good luck getting your kigus anon!

>> No.7122112

Scrafty is a hard pokemon to design a kigu for, given that he's wearing baggy clothes himself, but it looks like you gave it a good shot and it looks very soft and comfy. Post version II when you've finished it? I'd love to see it.

>> No.7122121

I will! I'd like to have it finished by Halloween.

>> No.7122458

This might be a good place to ask. Anyone know where I can commission a custom catsuit/leotard thing? I have an idea that's been in my head for a while, but I don't have the skills to make it happen. Most commissioners I see that could make this sort of thing use latex only, and I'm allergic.

Sage for no story.

>> No.7122769

What do you guys do when you have shitty customers?

I have a girl who opened a claim because she took the wrong measurments, and the sleeves are too short. I double/triple check all my measurements, I know for a fact she simply took the wrong one - but she refuses to accept that and is filing for a full refund because I dont want to fix it. If she asked nicely I would have, but she jumped right into calling be a bad seamstress.

Another question, how do you figure out labor charges? Ive had a few times where ive under quoted. I.E I estimated around 4 hours of work, it took 6, but Im not sure if I should change the final cost to reflect that or not?

>> No.7122771

Whats your email? I basically specialize in catsuits, Im at the point where I can make them drunk with my eyes shut.

>> No.7122776

I have an email set up specifically for 4chan.
I won't be wanting the suit yet, I have to buy materials for a big costume this paycheck. But it would be good to keep in touch.

>> No.7122794

AnekoCosplays on Etsy.

She had a few other listings that looked pretty good, so I thought it might be okay. But.

>> No.7122801

Nah, you calculate your labor costs, and if it takes longer, that's on you. You can't charge more just because you thought you could do it faster than you really could.

Or, you can, but that's a dick move.

As for the customer, just explain to the third party on whatever site, show them that she gave you certain measurements, and ask her to take a photo of the garment with a tape measure up to it so they can see that you're right.

>> No.7122811

Problem is, paypal doesnt give a shit about that kind of stuff. Paypal ALWAYS sides with the buyer.

>> No.7122890

Or, you could do what any good contractor does: Give an _estimate_ and not a quote, where final price will vary depending on material and labor at the end, and give them an actual invoice detailing the costs at the end.

>> No.7124943

I'm wondering if there are any commissioners around that could craft Asuka's yellow dress for me? I wouldn't need it until Megacon in March, but I'd love to have it sooner just to wear.

Email in field!