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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7115875 No.7115875[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone had any experiences with neckbeards when you were in cosplay/lolita?

>> No.7115876

Had a guy keep trying to touch me in school once. It happened outside of lolita, too, though, so maybe it wasn't because of how I was dressed (surprisingly).

>> No.7115889

I was walking around with a friend at a convention and a guy snapped a picture of my butt (I wasn't in a revealing cosplay?) when we were going up the escalator. I can't see well in the cosplay so I need help getting around but I happened to see him do it. I told my friend and she said "How do you really know he did that? Get over it" and I was in shock.
What a friend.

>> No.7115891

sounds like friend is a jelly fatty

>> No.7115905

She was. My cosplay was popular and she wasn't really cosplaying. She wouldn't really help me too much when I really needed it. I should just wear cosplay's that don't block my vision.

>> No.7115937

I had an aspie come up and start "play" fighting me since I was doing a Street Fighter cosplay... except he was actually hitting me. This dude also bitched on the con forums about how he thought Dissidia wasn't a fighting game "because there aren't enough combos"

>> No.7115960

I've learned that pretty much any unattractive man that speaks to me is thinking about raping me. They think that because they have a penis they have some kind of right to be assertive. Each and every one of them is probably a pedophile as well.

>> No.7115964

I posted a photo of a Cardcaptor Sakura cosplay on dA (which showed only about a 1-inch strip of my midriff) and was immediately added to someone's favorites. I usually check out other favorites when someone adds me, so I checked out the account. It was entirely full of fap fodder.

Not necessarily a neckbeard, but I can only assume.

>> No.7115966

Had a gross neckbeard clutching a Mami body pillow ask for a picture while I was cosplaying Mami last year. Then he asked for a picture with me and quietly asked if he could feel my tits. At the time, I was 17 and REALLY creeped out, and I ended up reporting him to con security and got his pass revoked.

>> No.7115975

You left out the part where you didn't tell him anything about the fact that you were uncomfortable and outwardly pretended to be OK with him being around.

>> No.7115997

I went to AX for the first time this year and for the most part it was just me, my friend, and boyfriend. We had a lot of fun running around and I got a few games of MtG in. It wasn't until the rave that the creeps came out.
My boyfriend and I came out of the rave to relax for a bit and charge our phones. He went to go look for some food and I watched the phones, mostly just texting people.
While I was alone, this kid in dirty ass khakis and unbrushed hair came up to me.
"Anyone sitting here?"
"So what's a young lady doing here by herself?"
"Just waiting for my boyfriend to come back with food."
And then he just bounced.

>> No.7116001

I'm tired of you dumbfucks shitting up threads with your stupidity. It's common sense; it's inappropriate to ask to touch people you don't know. It doesn't matter if she didn't tell the neckbeard she was uncomfortable, hopefully con security gave him the memo. I personally don't like that kind of confrontation, so I get away from the creeper and tell con security. It keeps me safe and comfortable and it keeps the creeper from thinking he can get away with behaving in such a way. It also let's him know what he did was wrong, since that's what you're so concerned about.
>TL;DR fuck off. She did the appropriate thing.

>> No.7116015

I was dressed in otome, waiting for my friend at a coffee shop. The neckbeard sat across from me and started filming me with his phone. He thought I didn't notice, but I got up and reported him to the staffs. They walked up to him, and he ran out the door.

>> No.7116017



Rules of the real world also apply to cons. If he pulled that shit at a mall, security would also be called to haul his ass off.

>> No.7116022


If he was hot she would have let him fuck her brains out back at the hotel.

>> No.7116035

Yes because telling them no will make him see how creepy he is being and lead him onto a path of righteousness and better hygiene. Why haven't women discovered this magical phrase yet?

>> No.7116037

sexually frustrated, unattractive neckbeard detected

>> No.7116038

At a recent summer con I was dressed as Hanji from SNK and a guy came up to me several times and started talking to me about how much he loved my character- which I was excited about since Hanji wasn't in too much of the anime at the time so everyone just thought I was Sasha. While I was talking to him he just took his phone out and would take snapshots of me, assuming I didn't notice. I had asked him if he wanted a picture each time and he just told me no and continued to take pictures while I was talking. It made me really uncomfortable, and I would just kind of be like, "wow um okay no really I'll take a picture for you, it'd be much more flattering that way," but he just continued on. I know I should've been much more confrontational about it, but it was just too awkward.

>> No.7116040


I'm sure a significant amount of midwestern convention regulars know of Dion, his complete lack of boundaries, refusal to develop appropriate social ethics.

>> No.7116045

Deep south here. Do tell.

>> No.7116051


Your failure to deny the point has been noted.

>> No.7116055

Fuck you misogynist bastard this is why womyn are better than men because all of you are rape supporters. Every last one of you. A girl is clearly about to be raped and all you can think about is how she isn't being honest enough.

>> No.7116057


>> No.7116062
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>implying hot guys need to hit on girls to get that

>> No.7116067

A non-anime con neckbeard but suppose it still counts

>long time ago, be about 17
>go to "all ages" goth club with friends
>we are all same age but look different ages, I look 13ish and one friend looks 20ish
>am only one who is actually goth so we stick out a bit
>wore a terrible ita mess, thought I was so rori
>we're dancing off to one side since we're younger than most of crowd
>strange dude has been kinda circling us for a while
>looks about 30 and in flannel and jeans
>keeps eyeballin me and smiling
>friends keep squeezing between cus he's getting closer
>he leaves eventually, we all think we're safe now
>suddenly I feel someone trying to pull my skirt up and touch my ass and waist
>before I can even say anything my friend screams
>he gawks at her before running off
>she keeps chasing him right out the door yelling about how dare he touch a 12 year old like that
>still no idea why it worked since I'm a full head taller than that friend

>> No.7116069

What "point?" Going around sexually harassing people is unacceptable. If you get reported, ugly or not, it's your own damn fault and you deserve it. just fucking leave this board, /r9k/.

>> No.7116072

not a cosplay story. but a stall owners story...
my first convention. had a small amount of jewelry on display. more in boxes under the table. hugely fat guy in steampunk getup is standing 5 meters away watching. hes sweating.. profusely. after about 20 min he waddles over and starts talking. he smells like stale urine and sweat.
( i make chainmail. have worked in film doing so) he begins to tell me, loudly, how his friend was a chainmail maker on the hobbit.and how he gave him stuff used in the movie bla bla bla. ( I'm wearing a hobbit crew t-shirt. i worked on that film and know damn well everything hes saying is 100% pure, a grade bullshit ) I ask what "was your friends name?"
he stops and looks at me eyes down to the logo on my chest.. "um.... i forget....u don't have much stock out...." waddles away. comes back half an hour later and tries to convince me to get him a job in movies. cause he "made his goggles himself and it was really hard to do and stuff"
he then waddles away. sadly his smell lingered.

fat smelly neck-beards telling lies and scaring away customers. all of my hate

>> No.7116096

He apparently used to be staff at a few conventions, but I don't know which ones. He's banned from Sugoicon for being a creeper, and maybe some other cons too.

He'll make awkward sexual comments to girls at cons, even if they have a boyfriend, even if they're married (unless their SO is there). If you tell him to stop, he won't. If you get mad at him, he'll just act turned on.

He's hilariously awkward. The best thing I've ever heard from him was "Are you on your period? I can smell when women are on their period." He wasn't even joking.

He started snapping close-up photos of me without bothering to ask. He just assumed it was okay because we had mutual friends.

He also "buys" his friends, and attention from girls at cons using student loan money. I know he has one or two cosplayers whose hobbies he's essentially feeding in exchange for attention and probably nudes.

I heard he got permabanned from /b/ somehow, but that's just a rumour.

>> No.7116143

I just want to ask but do you guys actually have anything to do on here, or do you just come to vent and whine?

Because it's really sad

>> No.7116148
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>> No.7116174
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There is no such thing as rape. Any female who leaves her rightful place in the house and the kitchen is fucking begging for cock in her holes. If she gets the cock she so badly is asking for, it's not fucking rape, it's a damn slut getting what she fucking deserves.

Males still rule this fucking world. In most of the world, a fucking bitch can get killed for looking at a man straight in the eye. In America and Europe, every day dumb sluts get their holes penetrated without their so-called consent, which isn't rape, just them getting the fucking dick they deserve up their asses.

Sexual abuse is on the rise, spousal abuse is on the rise and more bitches die every year. Fucking cunts. I am so glad I was born a man. I am so glad there is a bunch of retarded sluts jumping trough hoops just to get my cock.

Haha, females are so fucking sad. We treat you bitches like shit, and you still spend time, money and effort on trying to look good for us. Way to be a good slave, whores. Now keep acting like sluts and sucking our cocks. And if you change your mind after you leave the house, too fucking bad, you're getting your holes fucked and there isn't shit you can do about it because that's your only fucking purpose in life.

>> No.7116180
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>> No.7116184

*tips fedora*

>> No.7116199

Any deets on Edward Kramer and his trial? Heard he was finally kicked out of Dragon*Con for molesting little boys.

>> No.7116210

>be chubby guy
>be clean, shower, shave, brush teeth/hair regularly
>read threads like this
>never do creepy things like guys in stories
>still probably seen as a creeper

Gonna go cry on the treadmill now.

>> No.7116284

Honestly anon, even if I might automatically think of you as a creeper, if you're nice to me then I'll be nice back. I would be pleasantly surprised if a skeevy looking dude turned out to be a sweetheart.

>> No.7116288

Mami anon here, and holy shit. Uh, yes, I apologize, I forgot to mention that I was absolutely terrified to do anything other than saying "get away from me" quietly because he was twice my size and this wasn't in the middle of the con floor or anything, I was by myself and I was in a small hallway. All I could have done, realistically, was politely tell him no and report him afterwards. So no, I didn't give the full story, but under no circumstances would that ever be an ok thing to do, attractive or not. Like the other anon said, not everybody's brave enough for a confrontation.

Oh, jesus. Fuck off.

>> No.7116311

>But attractive guys are all good on the inside and don't have any undesirable sexual fantasies
AHAHAHAHAHAHA you've regressed to medieval levels of logic, let me laugh at you some more: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you stupid fucking bitch

>> No.7116316

don't feed the troll.

>> No.7116320


I'm not the guy you're responding to, but a tremendous amount of girls are still cunts even when we go the extra mile to be kind. Especially ugly girls.

>> No.7116337

Guys can be tremendous cunts as well when being nice, this isn't a female-only problem.
PEOPLE are cunts, not just girls.
Your attitude is probably what turns these girls you perceive as cunts off.

>> No.7116344


Eh, I'm a big guy and its all about how you present yourself to a female.

Dressing nicely with a button down shirt, some slacks and a nice watch and you'll be good to go.

Having a command presence stance kinda helps too...

>> No.7116363


Um... probably the attractive men too, on both counts

>> No.7116361

Its all in how you present yourself. I've encountered 2 larger guys at cons who are total bros and have never had any issues with people considering them a creeper.

Like this guy said, confidence helps a lot. Typically creepers are the type that just emit an air of awkwardness and low confidence.

>> No.7116366


Thanks for that wonderfully deep insight there, Dalai Lama, but for reference I was explaining that ugly girls do this to ugly guys with higher regularity.

>> No.7116388

Why do you make a big deal out of it? Its not like he bothered you. He took a pic and then fucked off.
The way you're talking its almost as if he raped you.

>> No.7116389

Probably because ugly girls know that they are ugly and wonder why you're even bothering talking to them. They probably feel like you want something from them because they know they aren't attractive enough to be actually hit on/gf material. It's about insecurity.

>> No.7116400

Oh I don't know, maybe because he took a picture of her butt without her consent? How does that not seem wrong to you? Just because someone is in cosplay doesn't mean you get to snap pictures of them, especially if it's some butt shot for your fap folder.

>> No.7116406

So he didn't ask permission. So the fuck what. He didn't do ANYTHING else. That's probably the most tame story ever in "con creeper" threads.
The only reason it bothers her is because she chooses to let it bother her.
Many people are going to see her cosplay online and many more are going to fap to it online. If your concerned about ONE pic of your ass, you need to chill out or you're going to have a stress induced heart attack at 30 years.

>> No.7116409

It's rude.

>> No.7116410

no problem, ghandi, go be a nice guy in a fedora somewhere else. I'm so sorry you're always in the friendzone, you're not ugly, those bitches don't know what they're missing.

>> No.7116414

Rude people aren't going to go away. So you can either deal with it, or not leave the house.
In either case taking a picture of someone's ass without their permission is so low on the level of rudeness compared to say, the other anon's story of a dude asking to cop a feel. That's rude. Someone taking your picture is just a minor annoyance. Nothing worth getting so upset over.

>> No.7116415

I'd be fucking honored to know I'm sexy enough in cosplay for women to shlick to me.

>> No.7116424


It's not about attractive or unattractive. It's about personal space. Taking pictures of someone's underwear while they aren't looking like >>7115889 or trying to grab at someone and running away like >>7115876 isn't being "assertive." It's the most cowardly thing you could possibly do.

>> No.7116425

>in sweet lolita
>a man comes up to me, already getting a weird vibe from him the way hes looking at me
>asks to take picture, I say sure

How are you?
"Im doing quite alright, yourself?"
Oh good.. Hey I was just wondering, are you into card games?
>at table top convention....
Say, I was wondering, I have this new game I made that Im putting out on on kickstarter soon, would you be willing to go back to my room and try it out? Game play only lasts about 30 minutes.
>entire time he is too shy to look me in the eye, or is just staring at my tits
Sorry, I dont think Ill be able to, we are going to a panel here in a few and I dont want to miss out on it.
>fiance came back from a demo at that same time and I noped the fuck out of there.

>> No.7116429


It's not what you look like, it's how you act. The one thing that ties these guys together besides their horribly BO is the fact that they stand way too close and make creepy comments. As long as you stand a reasonable distance away, don't talk about how you can smell her period, and wear deodorant/body powder, you should be fine.

>> No.7116431

The person who posted the story didn't even say much about how they felt, I don't get why you're reading into it so much.

>> No.7116434


>the fact that he creeped on you is your fault because you didn't follow the How Not to Get Raped Handbook that I have open next to my computer right now

Do you have any idea how fucking stupid you sound? Why does she have to be responsible for his behavior? He's a grown-ass man, not a 5 year old. It's up to him to figure out how to act acceptably in social situations, and if he can't or keeps right on doing so despite her saying "no," then he should have to deal with the consequences for his actions like any other grown adult.

>> No.7116437


>you wanna go back to my room

Eugh augh augh augh augh augh I feel gross just reading this. It reminds me of this time a guy wanted to "give me a ride" when I was going for my walk. Those kinds of creepy, predatory guys are the worst.

>> No.7116440

I read stuff like this and I get jealous of girls getting attention from the opposite gender so much, but I realize they probably don't want it as much as us guys do.

Ugh, that made me cringe as well. I'd hate to come off like that. Was he a stereotypical fedora type or did he just look awkward?

>> No.7116441


What if they post it onto the internet without your permission, and then some future employer ties it back to you and thinks you're doing panty shots for random strangers? You have no idea how these kinds of pictures can fuck up a person's life.

Plus when someone takes a photo of you like that without you knowing, you feel really gross, like your body isn't yours anymore. It's not something a guy would understand.

>> No.7116443

>ITT women pretend they even get hit on
Silly legbeards. You're not getting hit on.

>> No.7116442

So you all actively take part in a pass time that you know will be dominated by societal outcasts/weeaboos/autists and you complain about it?
Woman really are fucking stupid and I bet most of you are no better physically or socially than the autists you feel intimidated by.

protip most normal manga/anime/comic/vidya men think you're retarded for dressing as the fat version of some obscure manga character that no one has heard of.

>> No.7116445


>some chick breaks up with you because you won't give her enough money to spend on new shoes every month
>it's something a guy wouldn't understand

>> No.7116447


>How dare you dress in cute outfits that you worked hard on and have fun in public!
>And without a male chaperone! How scandalous!

>> No.7116449


>I want to hang out with creeps!

>> No.7116448

lol @ legbeards getting mad at attracting socially retarded neckbeards
get a job, stop dressing up as japanese cartoon characters, and generally act like a normal human being if you want a normal bf

>> No.7116450


What the fuck does that have to do with creepshots?

Besides, it's your fault for not dumping her the second she started trying to mooch off of you.

>> No.7116453

Women tend to not like attention that's more than subtle. Attention can always be positive or negative, but it can be easier for men to defend themselves if that attention turns out to be negative than it is for women. I remember once when I was in an elevator at a con when I was returning for the rave and I got in with a guy I had met at the con previously. He grabbed me almost as soon as the doors closed and I had to push him away to get his hands off me, telling him no. He stopped and asked me if I wanted to have sex with him. I said no and bolted as soon as the doors opened again. I was friggin' stupid at 13, never get into an elevator where you'll end up alone with somebody you don't really know.

>> No.7116451


Nobody wants to hang out with creeps, and most guys at cons are nice, non molesty people. The reason we talk about creeps is because they're the exception to the rule and that's what makes them really goddamn creepy.

>> No.7116452


It's your fault for hanging out with creeps and dressing like a shitty anime fan-service character.

>> No.7116454

Good job entirely missing the point dumb ass.
The only fucking people who go to cosplay events are creeps.
You dress up as their waifu and you dont think they're gonna want to make sexual advances at you?

>> No.7116455


>They're the exception to the rule.
The the bitching about it surely isn't.

>> No.7116456

>non molesty
who writes like this
fucking why
get a job

>> No.7116458


Except your average anime nerd isn't a creep.

What, do you think that all geeks are hormonal, frustrated assholes with mommy-issues like you?

>> No.7116457


>> No.7116459


>Except your average woman isn't a moocher.
Two can play the double-standards game.

Oh, and: check your Daddy-issues for good measure.

>> No.7116460

they actually are, or they're beta hormonal, frustrated assholes with mommy-issues who will hoverhand you if they get a chance

>> No.7116464


Don't blame yourself for him being an ass. I wish we didn't have to live in a world where we'd be afraid of getting into elevators with strangers, but it is what it is.

>> No.7116466

you should have pulled out your concealed carry and smoked his bitch azz #smdh

>> No.7116465


>not mentioning he was also 13

>> No.7116471 [DELETED] 

< tfw you're a good looking, issue free male anime fan and all the neckbeards make you look better in comparison

>> No.7116472

He was 20, I think. Maybe 19?

>> No.7116474

>can't green text
>issue free
Sure thing

>> No.7116477

>tfw being a good looking, normally adjusted male fan
>mfw neckbeards make you look even better in comparison

>> No.7116476


>I met him before.
>I don't know how old he was.
>He was definitely and adult! probably...
>... Maybe.

>> No.7116478


Why does it matter how old he was? What matters is that he was bigger than her, and could easily have overpowered her in a small space like that, and the way he was acting made her feel unsafe and scared.

>> No.7116479

I love the attention I get from people at cons. If I'm not dressed in something skimpy and I am getting attention from "creepers" and other people, it really is actually pretty flattering.
I know some stories are worse than others like when guys corner girls in places (like the elevator story) or if a weird guy tries to grab you, but other than that, doesn't anyone else think the weird stuff people say and creepy things people do are kind of nice?
Because they wouldn’t be doing that to you if you weren’t desirable.
>inb4 I'm a slut for liking the attention and bluh bluh extreme hate
I feel like I'm alone in this

>> No.7116484

>doesn't anyone else think the weird stuff people say and creepy things people do are kind of nice?

No. No they aren't.

>> No.7116483


Because if they were both kids... then they were both kids. Simple enough. Even if he was bigger.


>Hurr durr he should act like a grown up if he was 13, while a 13 chick goes to a rave dressing up as fan-service anime characters.

This whole thread is just a legbeard circle-jerk, dwelling on their *perceived* fear of men that isn't justified.

>> No.7116485

He just turned 29, I looked him up. He's a somewhat known cosplayer in my area. Well, was.

>> No.7116487


But that still doesn't make it okay. How would you feel if someone cornered you in an elevator and started trying to grab your dick?

>> No.7116488

Aaaand I forgot to add that this happened Megacon 2004. You can do the math.

>> No.7116491

>fat legbeards act like they're better than neckbeards
>both anti social and awkward as fuck
>neither can handle social situations effectively.
>feminists infect the female cosplayers with dysentery.
>autistic cosplaying males who already struggle to approach women get put in jail for rape for even looking at a woman.

This is the future you chose.

>> No.7116492


>some chick "corners" me in an elevator and grabs my dick



Is this still at an anime convention? Who's the waifu?

>inb4 stop beinga creeper!
Grow up. It's sex. You'll be alright.

>> No.7116493
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>> No.7116495


I hope you get creeped on or badtouched, just so that you understand how it feels. There's a big difference between a guy coming up and telling you you're pretty, and a guy trying to molest you on an elevator when you're 13 fucking years old.

>> No.7116496

would depend on how hot she was

>> No.7116497


If you can handle the compliments (barring harassment) then it means you're a well adjusted and mature woman.

>> No.7116499


I meant like a guy.

And it isn't "sex" when the girl doesn't want to do it, or isn't expecting it.

>> No.7116500


>alleged guy

>implying random women haven't groped me

You'll live. It's not even rape.

Fucking hell.


>No no, make this a yoai... yeah...
Creeper. Stop it.

>> No.7116501

I also later found out that he was dating somebody I would become friends with at the time. Nowadays I just take it as an aggravating life lesson since I was lucky enough that it happened with a guy who took no as an answer.

>> No.7116503

People I've seen in conventions, even the neckbeards, were completely harmless, though I suppose there is a reason for the big amount of rules concerning sexual harassment. Probably something grand happened in the past.

So long they're at distance, the only thing they have are good intentions and thoughts about you being beautiful and sexy - but when they get close, it might be too late to take a step back.

>> No.7116504


There's a big difference between a compliment and harassment. If you want to compliment a woman, just go up and tell her that you think her outfit is nice. Don't try to randomly grab her or say creepy things about how much you want to fuck her. You wouldn't do that to a guy or a female coworker at the office, would you? Then why do it to a random stranger at a con, even if she is wearing a sexy outfit? It's common fucking sense.

>> No.7116505


Tell us about the whole, "I met him before," part.

>> No.7116508


Yeah, because the part where I said...

>(barring harassment)

was so fucking hard to understand, right?

Jesus. Get off the man-hate/fear-train.

>> No.7116506

Who writes like this
are you trying
to write a haiku?

>> No.7116509 [DELETED] 


I hope you get raped by a random dude in an elevator, and then slowly bleed to death on the floor from internal injuries.

>> No.7116511



Someone having themselves a little self-badtouch time?

>> No.7116513 [DELETED] 

fedora brings luck
i move, neck-whiskers swaying
my preteen waifu

>> No.7116514


Creeper peeper popping creepy in the pooper.

>> No.7116515

it's actually relatively hard to get raped as an adult male because you have more upper body strength than a small child, unlike women

>> No.7116521

I met him at a previous con where he was crossplaying badly. He came to hang out with my friend and myself because we were cosplaying from the same game as him. Not really much to say, we sat together with him and other cosplayers in an upstairs lounge area at the student union where the con was taking place. I then met him again at the con where the elevator thing happened. He talked to me at cons a couple of times after the elevator thing happened, acting like nothing happened. He dated two of my friends, never said anything about what happened to them.

>> No.7116517


Now that I think about it. This is this tread in an nutshell.

>> No.7116519


I suppose. He took a chance on a girl he liked. She said no. He stopped.

Its hard to blame him for her subjective reactions. Its easy to imagine a similar circumstance where the girl was really into it (in that case, she's unlikely to tell her friends or the internets about the experience).

>> No.7116523


cons are so much tamer than Da Club. But the people are so much more awkward.

>> No.7116524

He was actually already dating a friend of mine at the time, although I wasn't her friend yet and I had no idea. He also tried to hook up with another friend of mine that same night, but she was actually interested. We were both 13, and he was 20. He didn't like me, he just wanted to fuck me.

>> No.7116526


>but why are men so misogynistic?

>> No.7116530
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Women have been nothing but corrupter of man since ancient times.

>> No.7116531

but who was misogyn

>> No.7116532


> He talked to me at cons a couple of times after the elevator thing happened, acting like nothing happened. He dated two of my friends, never said anything about what happened to them.

Erm... because nothing happened?

He sounds kind of charming. He took no for an answer. He has lots of social proof if nothing else.

>> No.7116534
File: 43 KB, 398x241, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 year old man anime man who attempts to molest 13 year olds

this forum is gr8

>> No.7116536

Stoe is that you?

>> No.7116535

He did grab me, and he was dating someone else at the time. He did also ask me to have sex with him even though I was super underage. Or did you not realize that when I said he grabbed me in my first post it was an easier way to say he groped me?

>> No.7116539


>> No.7116541
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>> No.7116540
File: 1.90 MB, 620x4385, bloody_miku_by_weeb_horrors-d4xmxhn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You dress up as their waifu and you dont think they're gonna want to make sexual advances at you?

Are you stupid? that doesn't give you the right to be a creep.

>> No.7116543

anime macro, le epic meme from a shitty casual game
this is living

>> No.7116546 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 585x600, spcry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be 30+, large dude
>not smelly, dress nice, no beard, no fedora
>like anime anyway, go to cons
>at a large con
>drinking a bit, its 3am, end of rave
>woman accuses me of inappropriate touch, brings over con security
>I am calm, think its a misunderstanding
>End up talking with local cops who sweat me, ask if I should get a lawyer
>End up banned for life by con chair supposedly for being inebriated
>never saw my accuser before, hope I never see her again
>sad I can't go back to con, it was awesome otherwise

>> No.7116548


mfw this thread

>> No.7116551


>> No.7116552

>drinking a bit

hey you need to be careful, what if you did shit and don't remember?

>> No.7116553

yeah buddy! i know that feel

>> No.7116555
File: 79 KB, 829x588, heebdogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adult male who dresses up as animés

>> No.7116556

i dont know if the guy you are replying to was serious or not but he/she is clearly making the point that a lot of you posters are being ridiculously hypocritical by pointing out how grossed out you are by the ugly guys hitting on you or getting too close. their being ugly should have nothing to do with it. if its weird, its weird

>> No.7116560


>> No.7116562 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7116561

>critiquing the culture of a group of which you are voluntarily a part of


>> No.7116566

Yeah this is most likely the case. An unattractive girl knows she is unattractive and is definitely going to be confused by what appears to interest of any kind

>> No.7116575


>> No.7116574
File: 4 KB, 81x199, 133750120922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you dress up as sexy anime characters, people who like sexy anime characters (neckbeards) are going to be drawn to you.

I don't know what you expect, this is like a stripper complaining when men oggle her on the pole. Yes, I compared you whales to strippers.

>> No.7116577

I just want a sexy animé man who wants to settle down with, even if he is 30 years old and charms 13 year old girls. Where else is an anime woman to look?

>> No.7116580

im not sure why it hasnt been commented on yet but...
Like, oh hey female person I dont know you and me are my OTP, squee can I kiss you for a picture?"

Although the lines are somewhat blurry at a con. Ive let people like pick me up for pictures if they asked first, or have a hug. So even though boobtouching is obviously not ok ever in public in general, its hard to say what is "creeperish" and what isnt.

>> No.7116584

I hate to break it to all of you but uhh
You dress up as anime characters
The only type of guys who really really LIKE anime enough to go to one of those conventions are generally beta/creeps and have 0 experience with girls.

They really mean well but you all really expect too much.

>> No.7116586

>I personally don't like that kind of confrontation, so I get away from the creeper and tell con security.

And millennial women wonder why millennial men are becoming increasingly misogynistic. No one likes passive-aggressive people.

>> No.7116587

Huh, i dont know why you wemen cant be assertive or speak your mind when someone creeps you out somewhere and just let him do whatever and then complain afterwards.

Fuck im a dude, but i used to be tiny and weak, and havent gotten beaten up or into trouble once, because i just told people politely i dont want no trouble while backing off.

If you dont let others know how you feel about a certain situation what makes you expect that they will know. And if every single girl will do the same thing neckbeards will never know what they can do and what not. How should they if you dont tell them.

>> No.7116589

>>implying hot guys need to hit on girls to get that

What? Shy guys don't get any action no matter how hot they are. Hot guys might find it easy to get laid by approaching women, but they still have to do the approaching.

>> No.7116590


Awwwww yea i hope thats some protein-kun, he is kawaii desu

>> No.7116591

ITT Lies

> bunch of women claim to be getting hit on
> not a single photo of themselves posted

ITT landwhale fantasies

>> No.7116592

>Look at me. I'm being silly! Are you you upset?

>> No.7116593

>Oh I don't know, maybe because he took a picture of her butt without her consent?

You don't need consent to take a picture of someone's butt in public.

>> No.7116597
File: 163 KB, 450x304, 1369701813837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey if it's legal you can't judge me!
You can also fart in public but don't expect people to like you.

>> No.7116599
File: 31 KB, 356x374, 1369059817901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've dealt with neckbeards and creepers hundreds of times, and still never blow up about this kind of bs. Might have something to do with actual communication, self control, and some common sense? Something a lot of people seem to be lacking in this thread IMO. I'm not saying harassment is acceptable, but it's easily avoidable if you're not looking for it. Not that hard to take control of situations and block that shit from your life. Then again I'm probably just too old for 'drama' now. Call me when there's actually a real life or death problem. Not some 'creeper' commenting on your fake giant implants when you're wearing a bikini to the gym.

>> No.7116603


>Rape fantasies

Admit it, ladies, you go to the second natural habitat of neckbeards precisely because you dream of one or two of them taking you.

>> No.7116605
File: 250 KB, 764x1024, homosex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one time i peed in a girl's butt when she wasnt looking

shit was pretty cash

i hear she joined something called SRS a few years later but i dunno what that is

>> No.7116604

What form of autism drives a man to endlessly shitpost?

>> No.7116606

lol what a stupid cunt

>> No.7116608
File: 170 KB, 290x720, feminist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im detecting a distinct aroma of radfem delusional override disorder itt, which is ugly/fat chicks who get no attention say things like EWW UR CREEPY or when they go out and say "LEAVE MY VAGINA ALONE WOMEN ARENT SEX OBJECTS" to create a fantasy world where theyre desired

>> No.7116609

>Nowadays I just take it as an aggravating life lesson since I was lucky enough that it happened with a guy who took no as an answer.

Do you think people get raped in elevators? Think of the logistics of that from the perp's perspective.

>> No.7116612


he was 20 at the time

work on your reading comprehension

>> No.7116613

>>Honest young nerd with a healthy attraction for women and strong conviction about his hobbies. Eccentric, intelligent, misunderstood. Approaches women he likes despite social stigma and fear of rejection, in the face of derision and years of bullying he shows bravery and spirit.

Ew, creepy pervert! Looking at me with impure intentions. Definitely a rapist. Deserves life imprisonment at the very least. He touched my boob with his elbow when we passed in a hallway, I'm calling security!

>>Old man with more money than sense, no social skill whatsoever after years of soulless working, loveless marriage with children he barely knows.

It's not prostitution, he's just my sugar daddy! I never let him fuck me... well, only that one time. And the rest was just oral! His wife is a bitch anyway, I'm not a homewrecker, and it's the only reasonable way to pay for my clothes. Besides, he's handsome in a kind of grandfatherly way, you know?

>> No.7116616

>I hope you get creeped on or badtouched, just so that you understand how it feels.

You realize this happens to men? A lot?

The difference is very few men respond to it by crying incessantly about it and other almost-rapes on the internet. There is no need for a fucking hugbox.

>> No.7116618

>Be 19
>Go to first con
>Be dressed as my own made up character because my imagination is the best
>Walk in and see a few largish guys some obviously paid cosplayers and a few legbeards
>Legbeard comes up and smacks my butt, asks who I am
>Excuse myself politely
>Get security to kick her out
>Never go to a con again

What the fuck is wrong with women there? The models were nice and were obviously not interested in anyone there, but the single, fat, legbeard women are like animals on a piece of meat they like.

>> No.7116620
File: 20 KB, 500x317, how horrifying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend had her costume completely destroyed by a neckbeard. She was cosplaying from the sailor moon artbook and some neckbeard came by and literally ripped off part of her fucking outfit because "IT WASN'T ACCURATE". The beading and stuff all came off and it was pretty much ruined.

needless to say we got him kicked out of the con and threatened to press charges (but she never did)

>> No.7116622
File: 661 KB, 848x900, 1375722951790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying all women who go to cons secretly want to get fucked by every man there.
You know, there's these things called lesbians.

>> No.7116623
File: 14 KB, 317x309, 1337346233302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single thread.

>> No.7116626

There's this thing called shit posting and trolling which what this thread seams to be composed of.

>> No.7116628

the way the women in this thread write up the stories where they were accosted and harassed by neckbeards seems almost like bragging. As if they are bragging to make other women feel worse if they are not attacked. Women, some of you are truly the worst.

>> No.7116630

someone post the bloody miku story pls

also /pol/ pls go

>> No.7116634
File: 119 KB, 604x340, 1347410743973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ew, creepy pervert! Looking at me with impure intentions. Definitely a rapist. Deserves life imprisonment at the very least. He touched my boob with his elbow when we passed in a hallway, I'm calling security!

Female anon here. This shit really has to stop. I've watched two of my friends do this at con.
Both reasons my friends called them a creep were due to the fact we wear makeup, and they're fat with pimples. Bitch I know what you look like without foundation caked on and a fucking corset. And all the boys were guilty of, saying "Hi!"

This abuse makes it harder for those of us who have been previously been raped, to respect you, much less be taken seriously any more by anyone. Thanks.

>> No.7116635

>also /pol/ pls go
Hang on, I'm still reading the thread.

>> No.7116636

>Oh I don't know, maybe because he took a picture of her butt without her consent?

You're cosplaying and complaining about someone taking pictures, are you stupid or something?

>> No.7116637

I went just wanting to make some friends with secret hope I could meet a qt to cuddle with or hang out with.

I was saddened when a lot of 6or7/10 women were being kind of aggressive and looking at me that expectant way. When I blew them off, as politely as I could, they gave me looks like I had hurt them. Some of them were a bit over-weight and still wore really tight clothes, so i could see bits of fat hanging over waist-lines - this also upset me quite a bit. It was as if they were showing off a fat body on purpose.

>> No.7116640


omg I got boys attention it was so gross and creepy, so many guys were looking at me and trying to have sex with me.

oh, you didn't get that attention too? hmmm

>> No.7116642
File: 98 KB, 400x400, shutitdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> A woman trying to stop the devaluing of the term "rape"

You're the real enemy of the patriarchy

>> No.7116643


This scarrs me most. Fat people who wear tight clothing, and females in yoga pants. God i hate yoga pants.

>> No.7116644
File: 1.33 MB, 620x4385, miku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7116647

try not being a whore next time

>> No.7116645

if you're fat, just be respectful, just cover it up, no big deal - maybe with a cape or a bigger character that you look more like. HOnestly, everyone is better off that way. I don't have to be mean (like i'm sort of being now) and you can have a better time.

>> No.7116646
File: 19 KB, 200x200, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post picture in public

Fuck you whiny first world womyn.

>> No.7116649

No do you see what she did? She just told everyone in the world how with only showing a bit of midriff, she was hot enough to make a folder full of fap material.

she is bragging, trying to hide it behind sympathy. Disgusting.

>> No.7116650


I just got here. I didn't come all this way not to creep for a bit.

>> No.7116651

>omg so creeepy

unless it's a hot guy

>> No.7116652

Sounds kind of fun. I might go to a con and grope some unassertive shy chubby cosplay girl knowing she'll just whine on the internet about it.

>> No.7116654


The point of being pretty is to show it to others, attracting beautiful and fun people, while making ugly ones jealous.

Not that fat loser who shitposts in this thread would knot any of that.

>> No.7116655

well it's true. If a not-good looking girl is being all touchy and too aggressive it is Not Okay.

But if an attractive girl does it, or even worse, it is very endearing and can even be hot as hell.

such is life. and it is depressing really.

>> No.7116656
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, 1379379369177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not their looks that make us hate them it's the behavioooor

If attractive guys acted like the neckbeards you so hate you'd be on your knees for them in seconds. "Creeper" is an ugly man who's as confident as an attractive one. And note "man", because ugly women are excused from molesting cosplayers or smacking them with paddles. Double standards are great.

>> No.7116662
File: 246 KB, 1515x1600, 1379073274025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dressing up and being literal whores

tell me i was asking for it!!!

women never change

>> No.7116664

This thread was linked to /pol/ some time ago. You might want to abandon it if you're not interested in a flamewar.

>> No.7116665

Wow, didn't know /clg/ was actually SRS.
Don't y'all know cosplay girls only attract neckbeards and betas ? Get over it.

>> No.7116667

Travel with friends you dumb twats.

You're not strong independent adults. You're females vulnerable to rape and molestation. Especially when you dress sexily around horny virgins.

I know this was a cute "omg gossip squeee" get together thread, but really. You shouldn't ever be wandering alone. Islam has the right idea.

>> No.7116668

I'm wondering why fat legbeard weeaboos think they're entitled to anything but neckbeards.

>> No.7116669

mashallah brother

>> No.7116675


/pol/lack detected :D
That's not what I call kawai :/

>> No.7116673


Of course it's SRS.

This fucking board is a woman majority. If any SJW crusade will arise from 4chan, it will be from this fucking board.

>> No.7116676

as a proud post-structuralist marxist /lit/ poster, I too fear SJW crusades coming to 4chan.

>> No.7116677

i feel Tthat term changes after being happily married. Now 'Creeper' in general means opposite sex trying to get close to me and often flirts even though he already knows I'm taken. Regardless of attractiveness lvl because I'm done dealing with bs.

>> No.7116678

How does one know if they are creepy?

>> No.7116681


Are you a 10/10 with a lot of cash and females are literally throwing themselves at you?

If the anwser is a NO, then you are a creeper.

>> No.7116680

Go back to reddit then

>> No.7116682

Girls love to get together and whisper gossip to each other:

>omg have u heard about that total creeper liek wtf.
>oooh juicy, indulge me! tee hee

They should do a study on why women love drama and social conflict so much.

>> No.7116683

/pol/, I'm thinking about doing a happy merchant cosplay.
What brand of Yarmulke should I try to get for maximum authenticity?

>> No.7116684

Not even close. /co/, /lgbt/, /tg/ and /pol/ are far more srs infested than /cgl/ is.

>> No.7116685

unless you're also aspy, you should be able to tell when someone thinks you're creepy.

if you are aspy, give us some examples and we'll try to tell you how creepy you are.

>> No.7116688

the cheapest one.

>> No.7116690

My sister wasn't feeling well at a convention so she sat on the stairs leaning against the wall, and this guy tried to take an upskirt. At first I thought he was just taking a photo of her, which I thought was rude, but because the angle he was moving into it was definetely an upskirt.

>> No.7116691

>go on 4chan
>complain about neckbeards

>> No.7116692
File: 93 KB, 724x833, 1348218027346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7116693


I am aspy and I tend to avoid people when I don't have a particular reason to talk to them. I indulge in free hugs when offered at cons though...

>> No.7116694

Stop bragging!!!! Not only did you just make a post that adds nothing to the thread, you had to tell everyone that you're happily married YET still get hit on by guys.

>> No.7116695

Just act like a normal fucking person.
If you are taking pictures of someone or touching someone without gaining permission first you are probably really creepy.

>> No.7116696

the fuck is lolita

>> No.7116697
File: 29 KB, 252x291, 1365146447619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad advice, go- girl. You'd better buy the most expensive one to support home-grown Jewish businesses.

You don't want to be an antisemite do you?

>> No.7116699

ITT: Entitles, narcissistic attention whores reveal that they're nothing but 90210 extras dressed like faggots

>> No.7116704

seems alright.

>> No.7116700

What are you doing /pol/? Did you guys forget that they're our allies against der jude?

Remember when that huge group of kike yoof ruined their convention at the hotel? And they promised to make us Nazi uniforms?

Let them get angry at creepy neckbeards.

>> No.7116701

Women adore the top 20% of men and absolutely despise the bottom 80%. This is how it's always been.

All women would be happier living in harems with the top 1% of men.

>> No.7116703

Depends, do you have the connections to use child labor and not get demolished by the government?

>> No.7116706

lolita is essentially pedophilia, it was a book written by a russian child molestor about a preteen girl who has a relationship with an old man. its come to mean weeaboo faggotry over the years.

>> No.7116707

>just act like a normal fucking person
>cosplay conventions

>> No.7116708

asking for permission to touch someone...
GEeze whose the real autists here?

"E..excuse me s.sir can I shake your hand" No wonder you can't get a real fucking job

>> No.7116713


HAH that cat.

Oh man... seriously... that cat.

>> No.7116711
File: 24 KB, 390x556, Mr. Greybeard and I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw no gf

>> No.7116715


Okay, so that's really creepy. What makes someone like... regular creepy or just slightly creepy?

>> No.7116718

Stuff like handshakes is obviously alright, no one thinks that that's weird. It's just common sense and you obviously know what I mean.
The problem is people who come and grope, pull at peoples costumes, the so called "glomping" and so on.

>> No.7116719

>If you are taking pictures of someone or touching someone without gaining permission first you are probably really creepy.
Unless you're physically attractive. Don't deny it.

>> No.7116722


Dude, if you will interact with a female, and she wont be attracted at all to you, you will be creepy. Its as easy as that.

>> No.7116724


Err... in that situation, wouldn't you just put your hand forward as a gesture for the other person to shake your hand? Nobody just grabs a guy's hand and shakes it, that would be fucking awkward.

>> No.7116720

I can understand the strange attention if you're wearing something revealing, but I've only ever crossplayed and I still end up shooing away weirdos of both genders. While creeper guys tend to be a quiet shuffling presence, that tend to book it after the first sign of aggressive behavior, I have to say that the women tend to be more forward about it and much more persistent. Probably because lolyaoiz or something. I don't know. All I can say is that any serious issues of social retardation and personal boundaries I've had has been with another girl. Yelling at them to stop doesn't help because "oh you're being tsundere so kawaii!", and they also don't seem to understand what a long committed relationship is and that you can't just "change my mind" about that. There's so much more I could say about this regarding what I've experienced, but I'm just genuinely confused and very interested in how these people exist.

>> No.7116721

it's usually the tone of the conversation or the body language.

don't treat someone like you would fuck or kill them if you could get away with it, and you'll probably be fine.

>> No.7116725
File: 7 KB, 296x171, images-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these comments
Pic related.

>> No.7116726

I never believe any of these.
Or I believe most people don't care enough about themselves to get security up in everything.

Its either a big deal or it isn't.

>> No.7116727

>book written by an arab child molester about a preteen girl whos has a relationship with an old man and loses his virginity to him}
and now we have mohammed, the quran and islam.

>> No.7116728

You sound like a needy attention whore, get over yourself.

>> No.7116729

yeah, there is still an "asking" it's just nonverbal.

>> No.7116730


>My cosplay was popular

The fuck does this even mean?

Your purple skirt and frills were better received than a pink one?

>> No.7116733

Stuck-up bitch.

No wonder you have shit friends.

>> No.7116731

dumb bitch logic anon, dumb bitch logic.

>> No.7116732



>> No.7116734

Cosplay isn't only shitty lolita dresses you know.

>> No.7116736

>my dress up was better than the other dress ups

>> No.7116735

what is it than?

>> No.7116737
File: 7 KB, 210x240, assburgerking2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-Bernd here,

How easy is it to find gf at cosplay cons?


Assbuger king

>> No.7116739

>Not engaging a firm handshake with managers or employers
Its like you dont even want to be considered a real person?
I understand your point that its wrong for people to touch you inappropriately and it can be weird to have people violate your personal space if you're not into that kind of thing (I don't mind people getting in my face or touching me but maybe thats cause I'd want to touch me too if I was someone else?) but the people you are around ARE NOT THE MOST SOCIALLY MINDED PEOPLE.
This is the problem you know those girls who actually go around yelling OMFG THATS SOOOO KAWAII xD XD XD and jumping around and shit they don't know any better they think thats acceptable and cool same with the men but they seem to be less over the top.
You're hanging around retards dont be upset when they act like retards.

>> No.7116740

A lot of cosplays are going to be better crafted, put togheter and worn than others.

>> No.7116742

/pol/ here
I'm kinda okay looking, how easy is it to get laid at a 'con'? Are girls there down with stuff like deepthroating?

>> No.7116743


Depends how concerned are you with STDs?

>> No.7116746

What the fuck does managers and employees have to do with anything.
A convention is a completely different enviroment.
You actually have a fair point though, there are a lot of retards and probably more stupid women than men when it comes to the cosplaying crowd at conventions.

>> No.7116744
File: 7 KB, 251x242, pepeisannoyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't defile my pure cosplay qts with your degenerate /b/-tier shit.



>> No.7116745

I'll wear a condom if that is the case. Are cosplayers generally dirty in bed, or pretty vanilla?

>> No.7116747

>yfw it becomes a thing for outsider guys who look better than you, and know very little about cosplaying 'right' start showing up at cons and taking all the women. Similiar things have happened in other subcultures..

>> No.7116748

don't get trolled so easily, breh.

>> No.7116749

The majority of cosplayers are underage, anon. Those who aren't are usually ugly, in a relationship or not interested.

>> No.7116750
File: 33 KB, 400x388, pepe crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So... It's hard?

Pls I just want a qt gf ;_;

>> No.7116751

Implying /fit/ couldnt just show up and take your women anyway?
Wouldn't even have to cosplay.

>> No.7116754

well age of consent is usually like 16 right? (here in canada it is )

>> No.7116755


>not having an autistic shitfit
>being able to look walking vaginas in the eyes

Get a load of this chucklefuck

>> No.7116756

ahahah fucking white knight faggot

>> No.7116757

yeah that is what im saying. some dece guys will just start showing up wearing like a blue tshirt and a hat claiming they are Pokemon or something. pick up girls super easy, and just toss off the hat like w/e and be on there way. Don't tell me that wouldn't happy cgl

>> No.7116761

Suck a dick, we're talking about what's you're allowed to do by the letter of the law, not whether or not people "like" you. Security doesn't throw you out of a convention because people don't "like" you.

>> No.7116759


Wouldn't you just bring a fucking condom?


Actually it's more like telling them. You throw your hand out there, the ball's in their field. Either they shake your hand or they sound like a social fucking retard.

>> No.7116760
File: 1 KB, 100x100, bait2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Claims to be from /pol/
>Sexual degenerete

0/10 you're not even good at this

>> No.7116762

Well yeah, actually have. I was dressed up as a slaaneshi daemonette.
Dude walks up creepily and asks if he could take a picture with me. I just shrug and say "yeah, sure." He puts his hand on my hip and pulls me into him. Well he follows me and my friend a little while longer and just keeps talking, will not take the hint that we find him creepy as fuck. Even telling him to his face like 3 times..

So we go to the bathroom, he comes out and he is waiting.. My friend at this point turns to me and says "I'm sorry, you're gonna have to forgive me. Love!" Knees me straight in the balls, causes me to drop my voice and the neck beard freaks out.


Despite me never saying anything about myself other than I was an entrepreneur.
Fat star wars shirt wearing greasy haired fuck..

Still give my friend props for doing that though.

Oh if this confuses you at any point.. I'm a transexual.

>> No.7116763

This pretty much.

How insane can you people be? Do you like adding gasoline to the fire? You can't expect much more then neckbeards going to these conventions. Why are you women going in the first place any ways? There are thousands of other hobbies you can take up. Especially if you want better quality men.

>> No.7116765

More like
>not just mirin other /fit/izens
>not just all going back to the hotel room for squats and oats no girls allowed.

And /clg/ spends another night alone.

>> No.7116767

>Shy guys don't get any action no matter how hot they are
false. it's just that introvert asspies over exaggerate how attractive they are. they all have an inflated sense of self worth. it's part of their "autism spectrum" or w/e stupid phrase they made up for themselves to feel special.
if a female finds you attractive enough, she'll approach you. unless she herself is an introvert asspie, in which case you'd wanna avoid those weirdo losers anyway.

also whoever linked to this thread on /pol/ is a faggot. this board is terrible and i'd like to go back to pretending it doesn't exist.

>> No.7116768

/clg/ has secret crush on /fit/
/pol/ + /lgbt/ have sexual tension

/lit/ all alone

>> No.7116770


>> No.7116769

>Implying he didnt know you had a penis
>Implying talking in a higher voice is convincing
What are we 12?

>> No.7116771

a transexual calling someone else a creepy as fuck.............................

>> No.7116773


what kind of respectable man would even want to have sex with a fat girl dressed as a fucking pony or some dumb slut with daddy issues in a loli dress.

let's be honest here. the only attractive people involved in the cosplay scene are doing this shit professionally, you know models. amateurs are either hideous as fuck or complete fucking lunatics.

>> No.7116774

No that /pol/ + /lgbt/ is pretty much forced srs trolling.
and anthropomorphising forum boards is pretty homoerotic in general.
This board is dildos I'm out.

>> No.7116776

There are appropriate places to glomp strangers at cons:


If they are in the circle, they are fair game. If they are not in the circle, you don't hug them unless they're carrying some sort of sign saying free hugs or some shit.

>> No.7116777

>Implying your bait isn't garbage.

Thing is I'm actually a /pol/ browser. I identify with /pol/ despite you guys labeling me a degenerate. Retards like you are going to get the board wiped.. Course I bet you're JIDF

>> No.7116779

>I identify with /pol/


>> No.7116778

now that this thread got advertised by the misogynists in /pol/ it's gone downhill...


>> No.7116781
File: 473 KB, 297x212, Jaws Lauging at James Bond.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7116782


>> No.7116783

today /pol/ learned girls are mean, if they dress up in costumes additionarlly, it become absurd

>> No.7116784

Ah, well creepy has been applied by one person before. Guy didn't think I was tooo creepy until he invite me for a dance and I told him. He was not a neck beard though.

Real creeeepy.

>> No.7116787

Any jewess here that can cosplay as Anne Frank?

>> No.7116786

>Think womanchildren are pathetic

Get real pls

>> No.7116789

>its only gross when ugly guys do it
>obviously you'd never refuse the requests of a good looking stud

>> No.7116788


Extra points if she's completely silent during sex

>> No.7116790


>> No.7116793

10/10 would pay for

>> No.7116794

>implying you wouldnt let a beautiful lady grope your dick

I would.

>> No.7116796

Daily reminder that human women will soon be replaced by virtual reality porn and Female Sex Robots.

3D Porn Demo Part 1
Part 2



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Android brothels could be reality by 2050

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3D Porn


Virtual Reality Pony Joke

Virtual Reality Dance Club

>> No.7116797

>the only argument females find
>is muh feels
and obviously,whenever they hear something they don't like

>> No.7116798

OP, just delete the thread.

>> No.7116799
File: 563 KB, 374x354, ・ω・.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you want to argue with us? its fun

>> No.7116802

>expect to draw the attention of anyone who isn't a beta autist

>> No.7116801

Solid cosplay

>> No.7116803

If you go out in a skimpy costume, then your ass is public domain. If you don't like neckbeards hitting on you, then don't go to the fucking convention. Jesus Christ. The logic area of women's brains must be shut off.

>> No.7116804
File: 82 KB, 531x293, renton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the first thread I've read on /cgl/, /fa/ reporting in. it's funny because you guys are just as or more hostile to each other than we are.

>> No.7116805

How DO you know that's what he was doing? Did he have a laser sight on his camera or something?

>> No.7116806

anyways,thread carpet bombed

>> No.7116807

>The logic area of women's brains must be shut off.
>implying it exists
Are you trying to make me laugh, anon?

>> No.7116809

Janitor, aren't you suppose to nuke threads like this?

Jfc. I wanted a silly thread while we all rehashed the obvious "what not to do." If you can respect people's boundries you're probably a socialyly-adjusted person and wouldn't be shitposting in the first place.

>> No.7116810


>> No.7116808
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>> No.7116811

Accurate, objective observation of a certain type of male
Misogyny! Wait what?

>> No.7116812

>aren't you suppose to nuke threads like this?
>getting told
>ooooh vey stop the oppression
What is this, leddit? Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.7116815


but it would be totally ok when an attractive guy comes up to you talking.

>> No.7116816
File: 10 KB, 166x135, 1351276301312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt that there are any good looking girls here, but all I would be doing on a convention like this would be taking ass pics to post on /b/.

>> No.7116818

So because you don't find someone attractive they must be a creep? Go an hero. You are to shallow to have any real friends anyways.

>> No.7116819

top keks all damn day

>> No.7116817

It would be okay if an attractive woman came up to you talking too.

>> No.7116820
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>> No.7116821

Oh shut up you stupid kunt.
I don't even believe this. You had someone thrown out because you didn't like the way he looked admit it. You're a stupid whore.

>> No.7116822

fuck off faggot

>> No.7116823

If an ugly woman approached me I wouldn't assume she was a pedo rapist

>> No.7116824

I had a decent looking girl randomly stick her hand up my ass once.

It was not okay

>> No.7116828

>all this unmotivated hatred for a bunch of socially anxious,low confidence neckbeards
why don't you try to be better than them instead of hating them?
you're no better than them rly

>> No.7116826
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>> No.7116827

I don't see anyone being told. I see a few dudes from /pol/ going way out of their way to make fucking morons of themselves. As idiotic as extreme SJWs.

>> No.7116831

Oh yes he was so evil. Such an evil person.
Shut up slut you should have just said no and moved on. You just only want people that you want to flirt with you to ever try like we are psychic and are supposed to just know what you want.

>> No.7116829

I went outside naked and this guy kept looking at me, I felt totally raped.

>> No.7116830
File: 16 KB, 331x382, 1351180510882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw getting piss drunk and going to a cosplay convention asap

>> No.7116835
File: 1.85 MB, 2736x3648, 1378423132113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I have a cosplay planned that shows off a bit of cleavage and thighhighs
So am I supposed to just let all guys take upskirts of me? Because apparently going to security or telling them to fuck off is being a bitch.

>> No.7116836
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>> No.7116833


You just asked a cosplayer if they're stupid

>> No.7116834
File: 16 KB, 300x100, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All I see are a few logical thinking men trying to stave off a slavering crowd of legbeard trannies dressed as Chinese cartoon characters.

>> No.7116838

>trying to stave off a slavering crowd
But this is the board of the so called ledbeard trannies, you don't need to stave off shit. Just go back to your own board.

>> No.7116837


You're being a double standard though. If it was a hot guy you wouldn't have objected

>> No.7116839


You are going to a public convention full of horny rejects who are there to look at and take pictures of girls, picture taking being an essential part of the culture.

You are choosing to wear a revealing outfit.

This is the part where you claim you had no way of knowing how it would play out. You were set upon by these brutes.

Just do me this favor. For your next cosplay, walk down Harlem with a sign that says I HATE NIGGERS.

>> No.7116840

Who said she wouldn't?
Being attractive doesn't automatically make it ok, for some women it does but the "it would be ok if he was attractive" arguement is stupid because it really isn't ok if he is attractive most of the time.

>> No.7116841

She wasn't about to be raped you are just a paranoid nutcase.

>> No.7116843

So, what if an underaged girl wears a revealing outfit? Would you guys still look up her skirt?

>> No.7116842
File: 499 KB, 400x302, 1353242550925.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So am I supposed to just let all guys take upskirts of me?
Yes, it's for the greater good.

>> No.7116848

>Going to a rave
>not a whore
Pick one

>> No.7116849

Of course

I'm underage too I might add

>> No.7116850
File: 138 KB, 570x483, 1351544454046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a rhetorical question?

>> No.7116847

No, I'd show her the way to the candy van.

>> No.7116846

>cosplay girls thinking they attract any other male than betas and omegas

toppest of lels

>> No.7116854

Hey kid wanna fuck a anime?

>> No.7116855

Im not a bad looking guy. And i dont have a inflated ego or something, im just pretty ok looking.

How do i not spill my spaghetti at a con? I mean im totally socially akward, and i want to make some friends, female or male. But goddamn if i don't come over totally retarded when i have to talk to people.

And i wont get a gf anyway because im to dense and never notice that a girl is hitting on me.

>> No.7116851

So in other words you hate him because of his looks. Way to be shallow.

>> No.7116852
File: 127 KB, 550x413, WHY the fuck man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I remember riding a greyhound as a 13 year old. I sat beside a nice looking blonde-had to be in her early 20s. As the night went on, we were talking about where I was headed and stuff. She eventually asked if I wanted to play "house". She ended up holding me tightly to her chest, and running her fingers through my hair for the rest of the ride.

I'm now 23 and I'm still fucking confused about that shit.

>> No.7116853


You realize there are underage boys?

>Would you guys still look up her skirt?

I was more interested in looking up skirts when I was underage. So yes.

>> No.7116861


Of course I don't have to, but I choose to do so because the entire rest of humanity is being dragged down by your sub-human IQ. I'm doing you a service by making you realize how wrong you are. If I don't do this, you'll merely persist in your ignorance.

>> No.7116862

Nice self-post brah.

>> No.7116857

>this is the board of the so called ledbeard trannies
It wasn't always like this.

>> No.7116858
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>> No.7116860
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, 1351527683717.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would you guys still look up her skirt?

>> No.7116856

This sounds like a bunch of BS. You are just a gossipy whore.

>> No.7116866

u wot m8

>> No.7116863

Honestly underagers make me go soft everytime. If I'm fapping to something that has a really young looking girl in it, I feel physically ill. I hate that kawaii shit.
Somewhat normalfag here

>> No.7116864
File: 1.06 MB, 250x166, 1378684970124.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once kept looking at this girl at an anime convention, I don't think she noticed me. She was fucking cute. Would it be a problem if I had spoken with her? I am not a neckbeard though but I am pretty fucking weird.

>> No.7116865

so you admit to being a shallow bitch that judges people by the way they look?

>> No.7116869
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1351544936085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking for advice
>on cgl

>> No.7116867

How underage? In my country 16 year olds are fair game

>> No.7116868
File: 1.07 MB, 773x4014, The reality of polgbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ + /lgbt/ have sexual tension

>> No.7116872

I miss the days when this could actually be a story thread without all the cross-boarding neckbeards turning it into troll fodder.

saged, hidden, hope all you guys have fun talking to each other.

>> No.7116873


>mfw I realized /cgl/ is full of mentally deranged vaginas

>> No.7116874

You started it, faggot.

>> No.7116871


>be 18
>been going to clubs since I was 15 because I look about five years older than I actually am
>encounter this one creepy 40 year old cross-dresser, Phil
>I got talking to him at a club once because I was wankered and thought he was my age, but an older woman got him to fuck off and warned me to stay away from him
>be at gig
>see Phil, dressed like a teenage cyber slut as usual, with a couple of cronies, a girl about my age and a bloke about his age, also wearing a skirt
>he comes over to try and talk to me, I ignore him
>a little while later the girl comes to talk to me
>'hey, my friend thinks you're cute and would really like to talk to you'
>'sorry, but I really don't want to talk to Phil and he knows that'
>'no, it's not Phil! come with me'
>excitable and incredibly lonely me follows her to wherever this mysterious admirer is
>it's Phil's fucking friend
>he's as autistic as Phil is
>I make polite small talk, Phil appears to enthusiastically recommend his friend as a date
>I go to leave, friend grabs me
>asks me if I wanna go out some time
>I politely decline
>'well you're about the same age as my daughter, but that's okay, she says she doesn't mind as long as it's not one of her college friends'
>Girl friend of theirs screeches in rage and slaps him, calling him a paedo
>I escape in the ruckus

I didn't feel threatened or anything because it was a crowded place and I'm more than capable of looking after myself, but man, what a pair of creeps. Fucking Phil. He's absolutely notorious in the London goth scene. I wouldn't be surprised if more people here have stories about him.

>> No.7116870

Don't start that shit

>> No.7116876
File: 28 KB, 600x360, 1373295501090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She had a son once who died and you reminded her of him.

>> No.7116877

Only if she gives you the single to

>Looks at you for extended period of time/ gives you the elevator eyes
>"Accidentally" being near you or touches you

>> No.7116880

>implying that wasn't an attempt to be on topic by my shitposting self

>> No.7116881

>/pol/'s voice
I hate to say it, but you clever motherfucker

>> No.7116882

*the signal to

>> No.7116878

If you dress like a civilised human being, have good hygiene, and don't ACT like these guys, no decent girl is going to automatically assume you're a creeper. There are skinny creepers too, anyway. Bad hygiene is a wayyyyy better indicator than weight.

>> No.7116879

You go girl :)

>> No.7116885

>be at con at night (not too late around 11 or so)
>with friends all in kigus
>be walking back to hotel to chill for a little
>group of guys starts to trail us - obviously intoxicated
>all are in either old zelda shirts/anime girl shirts,overweight and unshaven - the classic neckbeards
>one guy bold in a pikachu kigu comes right up to us as his friends hang back
>"hey girls can I take your picture"
"say okay whats the harm in that
>he poses with us and whispers in my friends ear "I'm really into girls who dress in kigus"
>kinda weird-ed out but we start to leave again - him and his friends follow
>suddenly he starts saying things like "I will take you to Japan if you go down on me" and "one blow job one trip so simple"
>laugh it off like his friends but slowly start to creep away
>friends and I run across street as the light changes do they can't follow
It was weird and kinda gross but at the time it was more awkwardly funny than scary.

>> No.7116886

i crid

>> No.7116883
File: 34 KB, 429x435, 1351428651719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting for permission to approach

>> No.7116889

>being a nigger monkey

>> No.7116890

I'm a guy and I act like a huge asshole when people bother me because of this.
I'm not a fatass/neckbeard at least, but king of manlets skeleton man is probably on the same level.

>> No.7116887

It's not about seeking permission it's about not wasting your time

>> No.7116888

>daily reminder you're a faget

>> No.7116891

That wasn't even bad you oversensitive cunt.

>> No.7116892
File: 118 KB, 349x389, Omosley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when you surround yourself with degenerates. I hope you learned a valuable lesson.

>> No.7116893

You are the cancer, anon.

>> No.7116894
File: 74 KB, 479x435, 1351342170210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't attempt to fuck her the same day, it won't take more than 5 minutes to get her contact info.

>implying anyone wants to date someone who cosplays

>> No.7116896

like my post if you cry every time ;_;

>> No.7116897


Wow, what kind of beta faggot takes someone like you as a wife. That's fucking terrible. He has a cuckold/NTR fetish, doesn't he?

>> No.7116898

"You hurt my feelings and creeped me out! You should be thrown out of this facility by force!"

I don't hate women, I hate you

>> No.7116895
File: 404 KB, 245x118, 1379955389212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize all vaginas are mentally deranged

>> No.7116904
File: 209 KB, 838x983, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 23 year old male and I've only been to two anime conventions before. One was for a smash bros tournament. That's the only reason I went. I met a lot of super obnoxious people. There was some dumb bitch there who didn't know who Ganondorf is, so I made fun of her for it. I played a few rounds of Smash with this Asian girl who was pretty awesome and not one of those mentally deranged cosplayers. And finally there was this really cute petite girl who was talking nodding to some annoying neckbeard, but she kept looking over at me like she wanted the D. I feel bad because she probably went home that night and cried because she couldn't have me. It was a sweet time I guess, but I got my ass kicked in the tournament.

>> No.7116905

>look guys, i'm projectin

>> No.7116903
File: 860 KB, 1280x720, edited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except your average anime nerd isn't a creep.

am I really reading this?

>> No.7116900
File: 150 KB, 500x500, 1296376200167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice to see someone finally caught the reference.

>> No.7116901


>> No.7116902

Phil voted for Obama

>> No.7116899

>expecting 4channers to have social skills.


>> No.7116906
File: 259 KB, 700x700, Dinosaur_Balance_Patch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking disgusting loser men should all die for even thinking they have the right to speak with me. They don't even check their privilege before coming to cons and most neckbeards aren't feminists which means they are all misogynists. The saddest part is they try to turn around and say we are sexist which is bullshit because it's impossible for womyn to be sexist because to be sexist you can't be oppressed by the patriarchy my wimmynz studies professor at college told me so.

>> No.7116910

You are one paranoid bitch.

>> No.7116911

w...whats the reference then???

>> No.7116907

You're on fucking 4chan, you cunts ARE neckbeards, fucking privileged females

>> No.7116908

I dont know if youre mad about how I abbreviate the word or the actual wearing of them.

I say kigus because its easier and my friends and I had only worn them for a couple hours after changing out of cosplay for a couple panels/hanging with friends

>> No.7116909

I guess you don't have reading comprehension

>> No.7116912

Go take your daddy-issues elsewhere you paranoid wackjob.

>> No.7116913

I work as a porn star so i actually do this

>> No.7116917

Go an hero you will never get over your daddy issues.

>> No.7116918
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, 1379961987804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7116914

yeah that happened alright

>> No.7116915

>Except your average anime nerd isn't a creep.
If you're talking about "nurds" then yeah sure, if you're talking about actual nerds, then fucking lel.

>> No.7116916

He probably didn't have social skills. I think sometimes the way some people talk down to other people is completely rude and anti-social, do you think they should be removed from the property by force?

Usually they're cops or private security or people in authority, so it won't happen. That's how private property throwing out social rejects works. Why don't stop fostering your hate for this guy who in reality has no intention of raping you.

>> No.7116923

Are you... frustrated?

>> No.7116919

You're on 4chan you dumb fuck and try to preach how to effectively use time. Kill yourself.

>> No.7116922
File: 89 KB, 375x375, konata-cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>yfw /fit/ will never look your way /cgl/
Enjoy ur neckbeards and aspies.

>> No.7116931

Reading this thread makes me want to stop washing for a few days, grow a neckbeard, dress with a trenchcoat and fedora, go to some anime or vidya con and try to act the part for shits and giggles. Wud b laff

>> No.7116927

but anon
/cgl/ is the legbeards and aspies

>> No.7116928
File: 21 KB, 456x302, 1371827091892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7116930

>Creeps should be punished with expulsion from property

Creepy does not actually have as much do with likelihood to rape you as you may imagine. It is also not illegal to be creepy.

>> No.7116926

>who will hoverhand you if they get a chance
If he doesn't hoverhand, he's molesting the girl, amirite?

>> No.7116932

No, are you?

>> No.7116933

/fit/ can have better than 4chan cosplayers.

>> No.7116934

Pfft, who cares. Some vile old kiddy fiddler isn't going to stop me going where I want.

>> No.7116936

this. I'll write /pol/ on my right wrist, so people know I'm there for a reason.

>> No.7116937
File: 111 KB, 666x666, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7116938

/fit/ is a bunch of gay homo loving faggots
they worship faggot steroid impotent dik

>> No.7116935

Get some shades with a camera on them too, and get a black van.

>> No.7116941

I just got linked here, and it seems like a good place to ask:

On a scale of 1 to 10, how creepy is a shaved head and large beard?

>> No.7116942


>> No.7116943


1. Gets laid more than you do
2. Is better looking than you

>> No.7116940
File: 37 KB, 500x281, 1369540670355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7116939

>cosplaying as a neckbeard
I can dig it

>> No.7116947


>> No.7116948

Welcome to America

>> No.7116944

>Being motivated and caring about your health is a bad thing now
Fuck off m8

>> No.7116945

Girls at anime cons are just fucking weird. They're usually super autistic and don't know how to behave in public. They yell and scream and act like they're 7. I feel bad for them because they must be so fucked up in the head.

>> No.7116946


>> No.7116950

>gets laid more than cgl
sadly untrue - 70% of cgl are sluts and sleep with a lot of people while fit is too n-no ho-homo to be classified as a board that gets laid consistently

>> No.7116951

Ok. Does my sisters jean fedora work, or does it have to be black leather? Also how 2 acne temporarily?

>> No.7116949

Might as well wear upside down glasses and draw a mouth on your forehead.

>> No.7116953
File: 267 KB, 472x708, 1368061845398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you stop for me? I can carry you like a princess.

>> No.7116957

I am actually thinking of doing this. Regards from /fit/

>> No.7116954
File: 38 KB, 400x300, 1353173360014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>70% of cgl are sluts and sleep with a lot of people
So they do sleep with the neckbeards. Hahahahaha

>> No.7116955

Any fedora works, also just rub cooking oil all over your face, I don't know how you can simulate acne without looking like you have chickenpox.

>> No.7116956

>tfw no creepy cute girls to grope you at cons and actually want to fug
Being lesbian is suffering

>> No.7116958
File: 50 KB, 600x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All is revealed.

>> No.7116959


>> No.7116960

And this is probably why I never talk to women.

Also why I never talk to men.

Hooray for insecurity, i'm competely alone. ;_;

>> No.7116963
File: 68 KB, 680x682, 1353150511402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our work here is done, /pol/. We should leave this circlejerk now.

>> No.7116966

are cons good places to fuck cute girls with daddy issues?

which cons are the best for this?

>> No.7116967

...is that N dressed as a pseudo-Nazi?

>> No.7116964

What about gassing the kikes and lynching women?

>> No.7116965

Please, anon. I want a real girl, not a girl who says she's a boy because she watches a lot of yaoi.

>> No.7116968

Fuck off.

>> No.7116970


Dude, don't listen to these whores. Show them up. If they say you're a creep, say bitch I'm not the one with blue hair and a retarded ass costume on. They don't have to be your soulmates, just practice talking to them. Did you hear that /cgl/? You're practice girls.

>> No.7116969

>lynching women
fyi, /pol/ is not anti-women per se.

>> No.7116972

I don't think i'm enough of a mysoginist to get a boost to my self-esteem by talking about 'practise girls', thanks for trying though.

>> No.7116975

>Did you hear that /cgl/? You're practice girls.
This sounds pathetic. /pol/ here, btw.

>> No.7116973
File: 339 KB, 1024x701, 1373742153856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We saved the day again.

>> No.7116974
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>> No.7116977


It's called being a man. Do you want to go your entire life without fucking some pussy? Because that's what your dick is for, not for rubbing the skin off to Chinese cartoons.

Manhood lesson: over.

>> No.7116978

>not everyone agrees with you


>> No.7116980


Well im a guy, but if you want i can try beeing feminine and we can hang out. Its hard to be friends with a woman that is interested in men ;_;

>> No.7116982


Holy fuck there is no hope for you. May hitler have mercy on you.

>> No.7116983

What is wrong with you? Stop this faggotry.

>> No.7116984
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>> No.7116986
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>> No.7116987

THIS this right fucking HERE

>> No.7116989

>lynching women?
jesus fuck we're not /r9k/ you dumb nigger

>> No.7116994
File: 133 KB, 200x200, popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplayers complain about creepers
>Autistic neckbeards claim that it's their fault for always putting the nice guy in the friendzone.
>I enjoy this popcorn.

>> No.7116990

It happens we just don't go crying about it. I've had gays try and get me drunk to take advantage of me before. Do I hate gays and get paranoid delousions about it because of that? No, I hate gays because they are degenerates.

>> No.7116992


>lynching women

Whoa, easy. That's /r9k/. We're in the business of lynching feminists.

>> No.7116996
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>> No.7116997

>pushing the guy in the friendzone
No one ever said that aspie shit.

>> No.7116999

The story keeps changing. You are a liar.

>> No.7117000

>making shit up because your a man hating hag.

>> No.7117003

Most cosplayers are 5/10's at best i am surprised they are so picky neckbeards are the only ones who will want them
Prove me wrong if you can find above 5/10 cosplayers

>> No.7117004


>> No.7117005

well this basically ends this thread and starts another named:
>BAN IT!!! MUH WOMAN OBJECTIFICATION! ( oh god i'm becoming useless,don't leave me!)

>> No.7117009

/pol/ have a look at this

"What is your dream cosplay to put a qt bf in?"

>> No.7117011

Well, no matter how I try to look at it that's just kinda sad. It just means all of humanity might die out unless they figure out how two males or two females can make babies.

>> No.7117017

Mah negro

>> No.7117018

We'll keep trying and keep you posted on any breakthroughs....

>> No.7117019

Here let me fix that post for you; ITT: Netorare fantasies

>> No.7117022

>some guy creeping a girl out
>she knees her friend in the balls
How fucking beta are you to think that was acceptable or does being a tranny make it hurt less?

>> No.7117023

ITT - women calling all men rapists. Idiocy of the highest order. All cos players dress up for attention. No you are not unique and that does apply to you even though you have a set if ovaries. Learn to deal with the Attention before automatically assuming rape. It's childish sexist and highly ignorant.
Besides females on the chins? I'd rather fuck a neck beard.

>> No.7117024

All this is making me want to do is go to a con dressed up as Detective /pol/.

>> No.7117028

but he ASKED to touch her. he didn't outright touch her. how the fuck are you gonna snitch on someone and have them thrown out for asking a question. this is absolutely pathetic. i bet if a hot guy ASKED to touch you, you wouldn't call any security. fucking hippocrite, you and every other female on this board

>> No.7117029


What a total bunch of faggots

>> No.7117034

He's in a con for a hobby with a high density of autists and you think throwing him thrown out for asking socially inappropriate questions is acceptable?

>> No.7117035

Breivik pls.

>> No.7117040

no shit, im not a homo

>> No.7117043

Well at my old school the uniform for girls had a skirt and I sure looked up when walking up the staircase.

>> No.7117044

Isn't this guy one of Chris Chan's trolls?

>> No.7117047

what a depressing thread

>> No.7117050

Now it's even worse.

>> No.7117051

Only just skimmed through the thread, and I don't really come on 4chan much.

Are /cgl/ women even good looking? Isn't this one of those weird boards like /jp/, /d/ and /a/ that only massive losers go to?

>> No.7117052

>Are /cgl/ women even good looking?


>> No.7117053

that is correct. the women on this board (and website in general) are 3-5/10s and a good percentage of them are either chubby or fat

>> No.7117054


Piss off ennui. Most are ugly. Just like in everyday life beauty is rare.

>> No.7117056

go back to /pol/

the thread leading here should have been deleted hours ago

>> No.7117057

no unless i see proof otherwise

>> No.7117060

Kill yourself, ennui. Pls do it.

>> No.7117065
File: 58 KB, 594x596, 76706_472166212225_351749002225_5483631_1301198_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder: ennui used roids for years, but never made it. Had a shit body and shit lifts even with roids.

Even so, he was one of the better tripfags, and now that board is complete shit.

R.I.P /fit/ ~2009 - 2011~

>> No.7117067

once these entitled womyn hit 28+, there will be less and less 'creepy' anons around

>> No.7117068
File: 817 KB, 200x233, iprobablygotthisontumblrtoo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had an elite raw total

>> No.7117074
File: 748 KB, 286x155, 1373808933235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lold i can totally see that happen

>hey bro this con sucks, not even traps. you wanna go back to my hotel? it's got a sweet gym
>fuarrk that sounds sweet bra and we can shower together afterwards, n-no homo, lets do it

>> No.7117079
File: 474 KB, 720x478, 1363811348132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And HE, will not be allowed to come!