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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7114089 No.7114089[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's everyone's opinion on OC cosplay? Weather it be based from an existing series or from their own made up storyland.

Also general opinion thread. Tell us what grinds your gears.

>> No.7114106

Gear grinding:

Friend's first con. I told her that some people are up to haggling. She now announces she will be back to haggle. So many people in the AA getting irritated with her.


>> No.7114139


I don't mind OC cosplay, so long as the person doesn't turn into a prissy little bitch when I mistake their costume for an actual known character.

The only thing that grinds my gears is the same thing that grinds at every convention attendee in their 30's... loud, obnoxious teens running into people, over people, through people.

>> No.7114145

I really want to put together some really elaborate fantasy character and completely make up who they are, what their story is, and what show they are from. And then I want to see how many people go "Oh yeah! I love that show!" when I'll know that they're BSing.

Gear Grinding:
Flower crowns

>> No.7114146
File: 97 KB, 716x960, shuto_con_rave_girl_by_irishshmo09-d60vn8u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ravers. No, not people who attend raves, the people who go to cons and have no interest in anime or anything related and just go for the rave.

>> No.7114147

*Gear Grinding:

>> No.7114156

Does it bug anyone if a character's clothing is... Not OC, but modified a bit? Theres some characters I really like but I'm a chubby, so I alter the clothes a bit to look more flattering while still being obviously them. Like making a belt wider and higher up, lengthening hems, etc? Its not like they're slutty skimpy cosplays to begin with (the skimpiest was Seras Victoria, just added some inches to the skirt and tailored the jacket)

>> No.7114164

IMO the only time OC cosplay is acceptable is if you're sitting in the AA trying to hawk the work it comes from or if you're advertising the website. You risk making the character look like a self-insert, but if you're dressing up as them the character probably is anyway. Otherwise it's just stupid, especially when it's a fan character or from something of theirs that's never been published.

>I'm showing how big a fan I am of my own notebook doodles!
>I'm Sailor Andromeda/Bloomers/Berry the turquoise Powerpuff/Knifesword the Bladehog/the cute Doctor's OTP companion
Get the fuck out.

>> No.7114172

I honestly don't mind what people dress up as, as long as they aren't annoying. So if you are a bit chubby and too lazy to exercise like me then modifying is fine.

Same rules apply for genderbending, but if you bend it just to make yourself look like a slut, and not because that's what you think the character would actually look like as the opposite gender, then kindly leave the facility.

>> No.7114176
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Furries adding their own toony twist to mascot cosplays
This is supposed to be Arcanine.

>> No.7114175

>spoilers don't work on this board

My new is showing...

>> No.7114174

I think it's dumb to cosplay as an OC. I know a girl who does it and it's the most Mary Sue character. It's her own One Piece OC too, and she always asks other One Piece cosplayers to take pictures with her. They always look so confused when she asks them to do certain poses with her and tells them how their characters are friends or enemies.

I think the only OC that makes sense to wear to a con is if it's your character from something like Skyrim or FFXIV or Guild Wars etc. where there's armor sets or styles that are recognizable.

>> No.7114186

That girl you know just sounds like a typical annoying cosplayer. If I did an OC I wouldn't be asking to take pictures with other characters from the same story/video game/whatever, that's stupid.
OC is pretty excusable in terms of dressing up as your character from a game that actually allows you to make our own character.
Oh God why.

>> No.7114585

On another hand if you're doing an OC from a game that allows you to create your own characters [i.e. Fallout 3, Dragon Age, Skyrim etc etc] I think it's a lot more acceptable. Just then, either a piece or armor or a weapon should point to which game you're from.

>> No.7114616

My personal opinion on OC cosplays basically amount to: while there's a chance you can do something awesome and look really cool, there's a much greater chance you'll do something stupid and look like a 12 year old deviantart kid.

>> No.7114647

Depends on how well the OC is designed.

>> No.7115117

I'm not so much into OC cosplay, as for me, it somewhat defies the original meaning of cosplay and makes many people take shortcuts in the realization of a costume by simply changing the original design.

I have, till this day, only seen one group that carried out the design of OCs completely and very well. Won't post here since friends don't post friends on 4chan but I was really sceptical towards the idea at first but then the costumes ended up looking like from some anime I myself just didn't know and they even had props and stuff. I was actually impressed and I am not one to be impressed so easily.

>> No.7116036

If people think that's fun, why not?

If you're cosplaying as an OC for an existing series, well. I wouldn't do it, usually if I like a series there's already an awesome character in it I want to portray. OCs in existing works have bad reputations because of how common Mary Sues are, so there's so many ways for that cosplay to be terrible. Plus it can make it seem like you're doing it to weasel out of doing extra work by saying, "Oh, this isn't innacurate, it's just how my OC would wear this thing" in cases of school uniforms and such.

For games where you design your own character it makes perfect sense to cosplay OCs, especially if you prefer them to existing NPCs. (For example, I liked all sorts of Guild Wars NPCs but don't like anyone much from GW2).

And as for characters from original stories, if you're attached to them enough to want to cosplay them then you should feel free to do that. If you're working on some sort of work, like a comic or book, it can be effective advertising as well.

Couple of things though. Unless it's a great design, you shouldn't get your panties in a bunch if no one recognizes you and you don't get attention. Likewise, if your OC is reminiscent of another character in the series and people keep mistaking you for them, that's your own fault too. It helps if you're not creepy like >>7114174 describes.

>> No.7116052

In general I don't mind OCs, but I don't think OCs belong in contests. I was surprised to see some when watching HoC because our countries don't allow it to be prize eligible unless accompanied with a skit. Nothing's stopping you from making a costume and altering your OC reference picture after the fact to 'make it accurate' since accuracy is a pretty big part of the judging criteria here.

>> No.7116097

if its from a series that features uniforms i dont see the problem unless you expect to be recognized as something other than "random mook"

its a good way to cosplay from a series you like if you dont really fit any of the named characters

>> No.7116123

OC cosplay is only impressive if the costume design is impressive on it's own. No one cares about your character's super special backstory. The ones that are just fun for cons like a traditional RPG party with costumes made from Mountain Dew boxes and Dorito bags I like as well as long as they aren't obnoxious for the lols.

>> No.7116202
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