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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7112259 No.7112259[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is Sachie so much prettier than you will ever be?

>> No.7112261

Well, she's a woman... so there's that.

>> No.7112297
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Don't buy into youtube/facebook smoke and mirrors. IRL she's just as ugly as anyone else.

She's also a lesbian so you can forget any waifu fantasies you might have.

>> No.7112300

>She's also a lesbian so you can forget any waifu fantasies you might have.

Don't worry, was going with rape fantasies anyway.

>> No.7112303

She is not.

>> No.7112308

I just wish she wasn't a 5/10 cosplayer at most.

>> No.7112319

She is my favourite cosplayer ever!
She is so pretty and smart and down to earth and lovely!!! She isn't like every other cosplayer girl and its funny because she has a reason to be mean and snobby (because she is so pretty and good) but she doesn't let her fame get to her head!

>> No.7112322

I agree! She is really grounded, she gets along well with her family, and has good values. I met her once and she was so lovely and I was so surprised because I thought since she was such a great cosplayer she would be really snobby.

>> No.7112326

>not being down to earth because you dress up as a cartoon character
WHY would any cosplayer be snobby? Because of all the dicks they get?

>> No.7112328

Something something bought 50 dicks something something sucked them all

>> No.7112330

because she is so pretty, but she isn't like that at all, and doesn't use her being a cosplayer to be a whore!

>> No.7112332
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>retarded half-asian girl with cystic acne tries hard to be an internet idoru
>people actually buying into it

>> No.7112343

Met her a few times at cons through friends and she seemed pretty cool in real life, but I'm a little off-put by her online "persona." I liked her page/followed her on twitter, and she acts as she's some "kawaii senpai-doesn't-notice-me anime life" girl on there. I have nothing against it, but it's really kind of weird to me.

>> No.7112347

>vocaloid dance videos
>doesn't know how to dance
>makeup guru videos
>doesn't know how to apply makeup
>cosplay videos
>barely knows how to make a costume

Yep. She's one of THOSE girls.

>> No.7112353

What normal? lolololjk

>> No.7112354

Her cosplay videos are useless as shit anyway. All she says is things like "wigs make cosplays look good! making craft foam props saves money!"

>> No.7112358
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>> No.7112443

I like Sachie and think she's okay in person but feel like she's kind of an idiot

>from Mississauga
>decides to move to Hamilton for university over downtown TO
>for fucking Communications instead of something McMaster is actually good at
>spends several years saving money to go on exchange... in Leeds


>> No.7112451

> you can forget any waifu fantasies you might have
Unless you're also a lesbian.

>> No.7112456

She isn't a lesbian, knock it off.

>> No.7112458

She's not that pretty. Her eyes are too close together. She's like a skinny version of that cow from "My mad fat diary".

>> No.7112505

>She's not that pretty.
Yeah, right.

>> No.7112522
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when people say "shes not that pretty" they arent always being catty bitches

>> No.7112530

Man...I love Annie, but damn. bleaching her hair was not a good move.

>> No.7112535

> my mad fat diary
I thought I was the only one that watched that.