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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7111362 No.7111362[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or does it feel like the whole drama Monica started was fabricated with the whole Youre lower then me" deal?
It feels like they made her say it for drama.

Even if it is true i dont care much since the blonde girl she said it too is actually really annoying, aside from her cosplay actually being really boring and simple. She always chooses such forgettable/boring charactearacterrs and then acts like "OMG BEING THE CHARACTER" is so important

It was funny to see monica cry though, (thats why Im asking if it was fake or not) You can tell she was because she suddenly put on shades
unless your a autist who thought she did that for the "deal with it" reaction

>> No.7111448

I thought monica was a bitch
and always have thought that

>> No.7111453

she wasnt crying it was all fake

>> No.7111468

I thought that yaya was the biggest hypocrite

>> No.7111482

anywhere to watch this online?

>> No.7111495

>not just torrenting to watch in 720P

there are a shit ton out now
are you 14 years old?

>> No.7111515


>> No.7111519

computer illiterate =/= child
not that anon but i'm just bgonna fess up here
i'm nineteen but can't use torrents (or anything technologically complicated really) to save my life. It took ~3 hours just for me to install a program on my calculator
kill me

>> No.7111535

Despite what bitches most of these girls are in real life, reality TV is always scripted and they usually come up with side plots and ideas beforehand or on the spot. I have friends who have been on reality TV shows enough to confirm this. There is some amount of "reality" behind it, but it's pretty obvious that HoC is in the shit tier end of editing and scripting.

To some extent, they sound like they might have given Monica some kind of fed lines to be bitchy towards Becky, but she probably meant to to a certain degree too.

The way it was delivered though makes it obvious that it was scripted and planned to stir up drama and for the other girls to have a real to take Becky into their skit. Either way, they may or may have not told the other girls about the planned idea, so it's likely that Monika may have felt upset. that and showing for reality tv already can be frustrating in itself.

>> No.7111603

kill yourself

>> No.7111606
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>"technologically complicated"

>> No.7111637

No. As an ATL local I can pretty much confirm not many people like her. She's become less about the costuming more about the body. Her craftsmanship is still amazing, but she's lazy with detailing and making the costumes pop. She's left quite a few friends behind if they're not 'on her level' as a cosplayer.

There are few people that are less liked than her at southern cons, and one of those is Thamm.

>> No.7111793

hi becky

>> No.7111798

>Her craftsmanship is still amazing

I've never seen anything out of Monika that was amazing.

>> No.7111795


>> No.7111808

>hi becky

If only. I'd hit that every day until it broke and then some.

>> No.7111811

chloe is the best on that show by far, girl with tattoo on arm is cool too, yaya is boring

>> No.7111814

except Chloe ruined it for me when she came back again and again on tumblr trying to defend SyFy against the Dr Who group

oh and the weird porn shit that keeps popping up of her

>> No.7111846 [DELETED] 

That Dr who group seemed to over react

fucking blew my fuze when they won....you all know was solely just because the group was so big.

they won the fucking craftmansip award....CRAFTMANSHIP

>> No.7111855

That Dr who group seemed to over react

fucking blew my fuse when they won....you all know it was solely just because the group was so huge.

they won the fucking craftmansip award....CRAFTMANSHIP

>> No.7111857

>Chloe nudes


>> No.7111860

>type full name nudes into google

It is literally that easy. But I'd bet you're too fucking lazy to even look up her full name.

>> No.7111874

whats her fucking last name

>> No.7111921

anyone having the link to the last 3 episodes?

>> No.7111930

torrent them faggot

>> No.7111934

Re-read the last sentence.

>> No.7111973
File: 145 KB, 480x272, 1369700355646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go home out of towners
>b-b-but we made our costumes and spent days on it
>but you're not from kansas city
so silly

>> No.7112109

this seems stupid to me

are people not allowed to travel or something in this community?

>> No.7112147

Seriously it was the most retarded thing ever. I get being pissed about the SyFy plants being there and basically having SyFy pay off the con in order to get what they want for TV but at least use a fucking intelligent arugment and not some dumb "no out of towners allowed excuse".

Both parties in that situation acted seriously retarded

>> No.7112148

I thought that was a dub added in by the editors?

>> No.7112149

They didn't say "go home out of towners." They said something like "I love everyone but the SyFy plants."

>> No.7112156

I was on my way to a photoshoot last year at Hardy Ivy Park( Dragon Con 2013). Ran into some mutual friends of Monika's and I's.
The mutual friends said hello and greeted me 1st, ( I didn't have my glasses on and could not see well, thus why I think I was greeted 1st)
I have known these cosplayers for years. From old school days. I didn't know who she (Monika) was then, but she was wearing her mage costume. I told her how beautiful it was. She looked me up and down, then rolled her eyes and kept walking.
I was not looking for gratification. I just really thought she looked beautiful. Sincerely.

She could have just acted like she didnt hear me. But she took the extra 5 seconds to make sure I knew I was beneath her. HOLY CRAZY BITCH. It's very hilarious in retrospect. I mean who does that?
. She was a complete BITCH. It was so unnecessary for her to act in that manner.
To hear and see her on " Heroes of Cosplay" and the way she acted towards Becky. Well, you cant hide being a rude bitch on purpose. Despite all her success, she must be really angry or upset on the inside to purposely be so mean. No sympathy towards the way she treated her mother on that show. her mother raised her to be a bitch.
Please lets not white knight her attitude on being tired. BULLSHIT. She was a bitch then and still is a nasty bitch now.
I hope someday sincerely she becomes a bit more humble.

>> No.7112160

Correction this was Dragon Con 2012, not 2013.

>> No.7112163

>Despite all her success,
why do I keep reading stuff like this about her? I haven't ever really seen her pop up anywhere as anyone special and I've never seen anything she's made (due to things being posted here because of the show) that made me go 'oh wow'.

>> No.7112165

That mage costume up close was Beautiful. Her work is legit. But her attitude is shit.

>> No.7112173

ok I just looked at her fanpage and I stand by my comment: Nothing I see makes me go 'wow'. Decent work, but nothing amazing. I guess she's 'successful' because of being besties with jnig mostly.

>> No.7112179

Where did her efame come from?
I know she is bffs with jnig but don't they live on opposite coasts so how did that happen?

>> No.7112250

sucking plenty of dicks, one would assume.

>> No.7112267

I met her once, actually I met Jessica who was super nice and was trying to get Monika involved in the convo, she gave her several opportunities to say "hi I'm Monika" but every time she just stood there like I didn't deserve her conversation.
She reminds me of the mean girls from my high school.

>> No.7112433

JNig after Yaya and occasionally Meagan Marie.

Anyone with bigger boobs and a higher chance at the big time.

>> No.7112495

How come she never cosplays with lil krn yuna or that other guy that was always with them?

>> No.7112542

Not from the Southern Con scene, so who is Thamm, and why is she less liked?

>> No.7112550

does jnig actually even like her?

that whole "noidontwanttokishyou!" thing was so fucking awkward it made me cringe.

I dont really know a ton about either off them, never met either personally and dont really follow any of their shit. Just see whats posted here and there. They're both pretty girls, they both have cute costumes. Some of them fucking kill me because I really prefer accuracy, but hell, its their choice, so whatever,
I must say

1. jnig seems much friendlier than Monika
2.I had to give jnig a lot of respect during that whole awkward moment. It seemed like Monika wanted to kiss her to make herself look...."better"? Cuter? Closer to jnig than she actually is? Idk. Seemed like ladder climbing oooooor doing the whole "look its sexy that Im kissing another hot girl..but..i think im going to play it off so it doesnt seem like thats what Im trying to do."

and it made me happy that j wasn';t about it,.

and im done.

>> No.7112575

>"no out of towners allowed excuse"
They didn't use that line retard. That "out of towners" shit was editing in by Syfy. What they were actually called were Syfy plants. Even the "heroes" admitted to this, eventually.

>> No.7112586

the comment was made by a dr who friend, but they show can't reference it self so it dubbed that one line over, the rest was not dubbed. Those dr who girls were dicked and they are trying to use the fact someone elses lines were dubbed to excuse their own bad behavior.

>> No.7112604
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>> No.7112607

Lil Krn Yuna is at Duke now focusing on school and her career and Kurtis (I'm assuming you mean him, he did Syaoran with them) is married.

>> No.7112609

I'm a girl.

>> No.7112614

>the comment was made by a dr who friend

It was a random person in the audience, not by a friend of the group. Most of the audience was pissed off at this point.

Multiple people in the group apologized for what they said and none of them have said that they were dubbed over, just that SyFy was misrepresenting why people were upset, which was a completely understandable reason.

>> No.7112613

I know Monika personally and I can get why she may not be liked by others. She has a tendency to use a tone of voice and body language that comes off as snobby, but I really don't think she is intending to be snobby in 99% of situations. Its just kind of how she is? And she's not like Jnig or Yaya in that she's using cosplay to her advantage to make money to help her with school, she's definitely not making cosplay her future, she wants an actual career.

Just my 2 cents.

>> No.7112625
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Those 3 were cute together

>> No.7112632

Don't give me that shit.

>> No.7112638

Any idea if Heroes of Cosplay will be airing in the UK at any point? Can't be arsed downloading episodes yet but if it never hits these shores then I guess I have no choice.

>> No.7112679

>For those who don’t know which one was me — I was the 8th Doctor.

>Last year I met the Kansas City Time Lord Society group and joined it. I got to know several of the members and one of them started talking about wanting to do all 11 Doctors only done as women. I’d been wanting to Cosplay for a long time and had been talking about different costume ideas with my friend, Codename: Greyhound Leader, so this seemed the perfect opportunity.

>ALL our costumes with the exception of the 10th Doctor and the 9th Doctor were created by the girl cosplaying as the 3rd Doctor — Hilary. And she even did some tailoring for the 10th and 9th Doctors’ costumes as well. I agreed to do the 8th Doctor mostly because I could do Paul McGann’s auburn curls without having to wear a wig.

>Hilary had most of the costume — I just had to provide pants and shoes out of my own closet.

>I picked up the costume just a couple of days before the con because Hilary had to put some finishing touches on it.

>> No.7112681

>And now for real cosplay drama — I tried the costume on and the jacket swallowed me whole. I’m pretty slender and Hilary had actually made the jacket for her sister to wear. PANIC! I contacted Hilary and we arranged to meet after work at a Barnes and Noble. So we’re standing in the Barnes and Noble café with me wearing the jacket and Hilary pinning the heck out of it so she could take it home and tuck and pin it. And amazingly she was able to tuck and sew the heavy, velvet fabric without cutting it so that the stiches could later be removed so that her sister could still wear the jacket. And she did it with just a day to spare before the con.

>The thing of it is that the press release about the show which was published by Planet Comicon (which in their defense was what THEY got from the production company) led us to believe this was going to be a VERY different show than what it turned out to be.

>NONE of us knew we were going to be part of a reality tv show AND we had heard that the Sci-Fi channel people were NOT going to be eligible for the contest… which of course, they were.

>We found out only when we were IN the competition that we were punching WAAAAYYYY above our weight class.

>And that’s also an unfair part of things…

>> No.7112688

> Planet Comicon, while a GREAT con, is still a REGIONAL con. This year was it’s first year in Bartle Hall which is THE PREMIERE convention location in Kansas City. Before that it was held out in the suburbs.

> Planet Comicon doesn’t attract PRO Cosplayers.

> As for the rest — Bert, you’re actually on track with the Fairies — they perform at Kansas City’s Renaissance Festival every year. That’s the only reason why they HAD a skit. One of the fairy girls ran home and grabbed their music when they found out about the skit requirement and they just performed one of the dances they do every year at the Ren Fest.


> "So basically they introduced a last minute requirement, a skit, in order to give an unfair advantage to their performers? Not sure the con has been doing itself any favours there."

> Well, the con organizers weren’t actually running the costume contest — the production company stepped in and started running the costume contests… well, all except for the children’s costume contest because of course they didn’t care about that….

> The costume contest was a bit of a mess with a lot of ‘the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing’ stuff going on. We were not informed of the skit requirement but that doesn’t mean it was exactly last minute — just that the local participants didn’t get the memo.

>> No.7112692

> Obviously it COULDN’T have been last minute because the ‘Heroes of Cosplay’ were obviously prepared. I mean, they had a bloody SMOKE MACHINE! And Yaya’s group had actual SETS, BACKDROPS, and freakin’ STAGEHANDS!


> As for the rest of my story…..

> Our 11th Doctor actually had terrible stage fright so the announcement that we were going to have to do a skit sent her into a panic attack. She was a trooper as you saw though and she really threw herself into it. For a while though it was touch-and-go and to whether she would end up hyperventilating on stage and passing out.

> Oh, and as for the female version of K-9 — again, that was all Hilary. It was actually brilliant because for most of the con K-9 was in ‘male mode’ and then when we prepared for the costume contest she pulled off the regular bumpers and put on a set of bumpers painted pink, took off K-9’s regular plaid collar and put on the pink one, and then added the pink bow on top of the head. She then called her K-9 Mark Femme.

> And, again, the important thing to keep in mind is that Planet Comicon was making a BIG leap this past year. It had been growing nicely but moving up the Bartle Hall was a BIG move and a gamble at that. The con is organized and run not by a corporation or rich people with deep pockets — it’s run by a bunch of geeks who volunteer their time and services. The money made at the cons gets poured back into next year’s con. So it Bartle Hall had been a flop and LOST money it stood a very good chance of severely wounding if not KILLING the con. The organizers — who were ALSO not told the truth about the nature of the TV show — took the production company’s offer because they thought it would help draw people to the con and try to make sure they earned some more money to continue supporting the con.

>> No.7112696

> "Please tell me at least some people told them to go to hell or other words to that effect"

> Some people in the audience did. Our group realized that we were being set up to be the ‘bitches’ of the show so we quickly shut the hell up and refused to give them any fodder but apparently (I couldn’t actually STAND to watch the episode itself) the production company did selective editing to make it look like OUR group booed and jeered and said nasty things.

> But, like Bert said, a LOT of people who were left in the audience, were upset with the result. A LOT of people were pulling for the ‘Iron Avengers’ group… and honestly, we had thought they would be our biggest competitors.


> Oh, and even WELL BEFORE the contest we didn’t KNOW there would be prize money but we discussed the possibility while Hilary was off in the bathroom and WE ALL AGREED TO A WOMAN that if there were any prize money to be won we would give it ALL to Hilary.

> So, yeah, WE were the bitches, right?

>> No.7112698

>Oh, and the whole thing took FOR DAMN EVER! I imagine you don’t see it in the episode but by the time Yaya’s group performed there was almost NO audience left.

>Because they kept having to shoot and re-shoot stuff it ran late into Sunday night. And as Amy’s facebook story attests most of us were tired and hungry. In addition to that I had left my dog alone in the apartment all day and hadn’t been able to run home and let her out and it was after 8:30 already when they had us in the ‘wrap-up interview’ process. It was after 9:00 before I could get home. I was terrified I was going to find a mess on my carpets from my poor dog. As it was the little trooper had done well and held it…. poor thing.

>And then there was the ‘interview wrap-up’ we had to go through. We got interviewed and filmed by what was obviously a ‘B-Team’ and the interviewer kept trying to get Hilary, as our spokesperson, to say something nasty and incriminating, but Hilary knew what she was doing and refused to say anything bad. Instead, we were all sweetness and light. I don’t imagine they used much of THAT footage in the show.

>But basically, the production company did EVERYTHING they possibly COULD do to make the show look staged and rigged to those of us participating. A member of the production company kept going to the judge’s table and talking to the judges — making it look like they were telling the judges how to vote (we found out later, FROM one of the judges that they were not but rather the production person was trying to get the judges to make embarrassing comments and ask embarrassing questions of the ‘Heroes’ groups).

>> No.7112701

>The ‘Heroes’ groups were the ONLY ones who had the real names of their participants announced to the audience and the ‘Heroes’ groups were the ONLY ones who actually got lighting changes to fit the moods of their skits — which also gave them a leg up which we didn’t have.

>In the end, I suppose you might say that the contest wasn’t *technically* rigged but in practice the deck was so stacked against local contestants it might as well have been rigged.

>And yes, we WERE angry because we were in the middle of this before we realized what was going on and saw the unfairness of it. And really, the production company seemed to underestimate the audience’s ability to see the same thing.

>It FELT a lot like a adult having a footrace against a three year-old with the adult holding nothing back.

>> No.7112704

>I probably should also say that I place a LOT of the blame on the production company.

>They obviously didn’t know what they were doing, I don’t think they’d done any research into Planet Comicon, and they’ve obviously edited the footage to create OMG DRAMA! over the weeks.

>I also didn’t know Yaya Han from a hole in the ground either before the show or even really now. And I could care less.

>Even she’s apparently been burned by the editing, though, having gotten accusations of ‘slut shaming’ and ‘weight shaming’ on other cosplayers (and for the record, our group? We had age ranges from teenagers to over 40 and we had body types from 100 lbs to… shall we say Rubenesque).

>I know some of my fellow ‘Femme 11’ Doctors have gotten kind of burned on this experience and want to take a ‘break’ from Cosplaying for at least a year.

>For me, it actually hasn’t turned me off cosplaying but it has turned me off competing even just for fun as MOST competitions are. Since I didn’t own the costume I wore this year I’ll have to come up with something else for myself so I’m thinking about next year doing a Kolchak the Night Stalker gender swap and just walking around the con in costume….

>> No.7112705

> In all fairness, there’s been a LOT of back-and-forth on Facebook today and the group we got into it with has apologized AND admitted that the editing on the episode made us look like bitches — which we weren’t. We WERE upset though and stuff got said which shouldn’t have gotten said but at the end of the day I place the blame squarely on the production company — 51 Minds Entertainment. There were NOT clear on what type of show they were filming and they were NOT clear with the details of the competition. If we’d known what they were we probably would have waited a year. We wouldn’t have won any money (Planet Comicon doesn’t usually offer cash prizes) but we didn’t care, we didn’t do it for the money, we did it to have fun. And if we’d waited we would have been going up against other cosplayers who were our speed. And we probably would have lost to the Iron Avengers and we would have been happy about that because the Iron Avengers were AWESOME!


> We’ve also heard from the person in the audience who *actually* shouted “Everyone who isn’t a SyFy plant, I love you!” When the episode aired this line was re-dubbed to say “Out of Towners Go home!” or something to the like. NO ONE at ANY TIME the night we were there said ANYTHING about ‘out-of-towners’.

> Because, hell, Planet Comicon gathers folks from multiple Midwestern states. We get people from Colorado, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Missouri and various and sundry other parts of the country.

>Heroes of Cosplay: you and your production company can go straight to hell.


>> No.7112713

holy fuck

just post a link and delete that shit

>> No.7112715

So people can ignore it and continue to spout the same bullshit the show does? Nah, I wanted to grab your attention.

>> No.7112823

The line was dubbed from the audience but those who girls said what they said. I was back stage with my fritnd who was a contestant and I saw the argument. It was petty and disgusting.

>> No.7112840

>NO ONE at ANY TIME the night we were there said ANYTHING about ‘out-of-towners’.
>"but you're not from Kansas City"

>ALL our costumes with the exception of the 10th Doctor and the 9th Doctor were created by the girl cosplaying as the 3rd Doctor — Hilary.
"did you even MAKE your costumes?"

>> No.7112842

>source: anonymous

I trust you completely

>> No.7112865

Yeah well I have a friend who was in the contest and the syfy producers went up to all the other contestants and spit on them and broke all of their props. They then laughed at them and called them freaks.

>> No.7113025

I heard the dr who girls were really speaking in spanish they dubbed them over in english but didn't have a translator and just made everything up, like samurai pizza cats.

>> No.7113037

>ignoring that SyFy deliberately edited the footage to remove context

>> No.7113055

Is it me or monika always has the same face for every fucking costume?

>> No.7113080

This shit is faker then the WWE. Why do you bitches take it seriously?


>> No.7113081
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so am I you piece of shit

this is why i get shit for "not knowing anything" because of teenage year old female autists like you

>cant figure out torrents
>too complicated

get off of our 4chan

>> No.7113099

>>"Sexy" Cheshire Cat.

...and people are honestly saying that skit was the best they'd ever seen? HOW IS THAT OKAY?!

>> No.7113120 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 640x960, IMG_6971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snagged this from the HOC FB page, would love to hear more from this girl.

>> No.7113128
File: 249 KB, 640x812, hoc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the HOC FB page, would love to hear more from this girl.

>> No.7113152

op of the can't into calculators comment here
i didn't write the "i'm a girl" comment but i intentionally left that out of my original comment for a reason
some people are terrible at certain things
i may excel at textual analysis but tank hard at anything to do with numbers, technology or computers
and that's fine because many individuals are very one-sided
and when you are, something has to give
i don't advertise my computer illiteracy but it should at least be noted that this is an anonymous board
so i don't mind mentioning it

>> No.7113236

I don't see how you can infer that she isn't friends with Monika, as they have each other all over each other's pages, have pictures of them sleeping in the same bed and everything. So I don't think anyone can pretend that Monika is just moseying up to Jessica, they're legit friends with each other

>> No.7113352

>I know Monika personally and I can get why she may not be liked by others. She has a tendency to use a tone of voice and body language that comes off as snobby, but I really don't think she is intending to be snobby in 99% of situations. Its just kind of how she is

If it walks like a fucking duck. It's a duck. I know it's hard reading this about someone who is kind to you. But your argument is counter productive and your basically saying " She's a bitch and she doesn't know it"
That does not, excuse a shitty attitude.

>> No.7113453

I walk like a duck sometimes, so by your logic, I must be a duck.

What does the duck say?

>> No.7113682

what is most embarrassing to me is how little these people make of their own costumes. where I'm from you aren't allowed to enter unless it is 99% made by you. YOU. not your boyfriend, not your dad, not your friends- YOU. they are not being judged, YOU ARE. due to these idiots I will probably end up with a bunch of people in costumes mostly made by other people entering my local contests expecting to be qualified.

never mind that half of the commissioned work isn't even admitted to, like the elizabeth's corset and other costume parts and chloe's first costume. also from what they showed in the episode all monika did for her cheshire was rough up a corset and jacket and make some booty shorts.

yaya is also tacky as fuck entering a competition when she is a professional and has been in the circuit as a judge and cosplay guest this long, its like a winning american idol contestant going to compete in a small town amateur singing contest knowing they'll rake in the prizes.

>> No.7113689

to be fair, yaya is a 'professional cosplayer'. not a professional costumier, designer or sfx artist. she doesn't have a degree in any of those things, nor is she making costumes for other people as a business, so it doesn't bother me much.

in the UK we have sands who is actually a SFX professional entering cosplay competitions and nobody says anything even when she obviously puts other people off.

honestly I find that shadier. to be fair I guess a lot of people don't enter which is probably why no one has said anything yet.

>> No.7113691

>have a degree
Except that's not what being a professional is based on. If you make money on it, you're a professional.

Did you miss her store where she hocks her shitty wings/ears and acts as a distributor for Worbla?

>> No.7113698

yeah but that only makes her 'professional cosplayer' at most. not professional costumier or SFX artist.

if making shitty cat ears and wings made people a professional half of etsy would be professional. and reselling materials means shit.

don't get me wrong, if she was working for an actual costume/props company or even just churning out costumes for other people like god save the queen, I would think differently.

>> No.7113711

I've only seen the show, as stated in my post. In the show monika seemed very much like she was just name dropping.

>> No.7113719


So if you have a degree or something in SFX or fashion school you can't cosplay?
Bitch please.
I understand it can be frustrating to people competing against them but they are on their right.

In my country there is SFX artist or such cosplaying and the same people are always entering in contests and winning. It's fucking anoying. It's not a matter of beign a professional or not, but sometimes giving a chance to the others.
Some people just have the urge to win everything (or at least try)

>> No.7113720

>There is NOT any SFX artist comepting

>> No.7113723

not that you can't cosplay. but those people should be judging competitions not competing in them.

I always think professionals who enter cosplay competitions have big fish small pond syndrome. they know they are good compared to other cosplayers but they won't (or can't) compete in their industry.

>> No.7113799

They did make a good trio

shame the other 2 dont cosplay anymore

>> No.7113801

I'm sorry, but I don't agree with you.
If I like cosplaying and going to competitions it isn't my education that is going to stop me.
If people have problems and feel inferior that's their own problem.
Like I said it anoys me people who are always trying to win everything. But I don't see a problem with a pro sometimes wanting to enter a contest.
Because they like contests. Also skits are becoming more and more important.
Oh... wait maybe they are SFX and actors? LOL

Plus, yes pros should be judges, I will talk about our local contests here most times judges are clueless persons who never cosplayed or make clothes/props because they are friends with organizors, or they insist in inviting "international"(most I never heard of) cosplayers, just because
> IT IS A JOKE. btw

>> No.7113974

once you are a professional and accept offers to be a guest and judge on more than a casual, once in a while basis you should not be allowed to compete with amateurs/hobbyists.

you are obviously considered an expert in the field and on a different level than contestants. you are chosen to be a guest/judge for a reason, because you can bring something to the table your average cosplayer cannot. you can't turn around and then say that it is fair for you to enter a competition against the average cosplayer. if you want to compete amongst other people of your level and experience, go right ahead.

you can't be a teacher, and then go take a test with your students and win the prize. well you can, but it's tacky and all decent contests should ban this. my local contests do not allow professionals to compete with amateurs.

yaya and a few other cosplayers make their career with cosplay, they can't claim they're not professionals.

>> No.7113980

and by professional I mean accept appearance fees and paid travel for cons, make your living off cosplay or costuming, etc.

knocking out a commission once a year and judging your local contest because they ask and not being paid a fee or treated as a professional, doesn't make you a professional. it just makes you an experienced cosplayer.

>> No.7113988

well out of everyone on the show yaya is the only one is in the costume business for a living but she makes money from her ears not her costumes

>> No.7114015

no, she gets PAID to go to cons as a cosplayer and judge, as well as make an outfit for the con. she is even more a cosplay professional than someone in the movie industry, who is used to making costumes but not for themselves and not the con circuit.

I also believe riddle has been paid and judged numerous times as well

>> No.7114061

Pretty much everyone on that show (prior to the show) had been paid to attend cons and judge, etc etc

And obviously they were all paid to cosplay for the show, so I would say that all of them would fall under the category of "professional"

>> No.7114072

There's no rules in the UK stating professionals can't enter, besides Sands has only entered 2 contests in the last couple of years, it's just an excuse when people say they get 'put off'.
It's like how no one enters eurocos anymore because they think Xae will enter.

Man up and make a bad ass costume and win.

>> No.7114078

go fuck yourself

>> No.7114084

I'm confused it is making a living off of, or getting paid at some time for costumes.If its making a living? So people like GSTQ and Volpin shouldn't be allowed to enter? if its making any money? Any girl selling prints of herself or selling props or costumes shouldn't be allowed to enter.

>> No.7114090

I was not talking about "professional" cosplayer, but about SFX and people with clothing/tailorring skills.

Like a seemestress couldn't compete with begginer cosplayers?
Or a SFX make-up artist can't compete with begginer cosplayers?
That's just stupid.

>Man up and make a bad ass costume and win.
I don't compete that often and as I said it is annoying seeing the same faces always getting the prizes. I could make a quiz about the winners before the con and win a cash prize because almost everytime I get it right.

BUT Like the anon said just get some balls and make an awesome costume an give those fuckers a hard time. They just need competition to lower their egos

>> No.7114107

there's no rules against it I'm sure, however it's just tacky. like any professionals competing with a bunch of amateurs. also those 'only 2 contests' were both big ones. and if sands didn't want to put anyone off she wouldn't have announced entering (i didn't know Lex was/had entered till I saw pix of the winner after the con)

it's all very well saying 'man up' but when you're competing with people who have access to a full SFX studio it's far from a level playing field. Xae just works for himself (I think?) if he was working full time for SFX company I'd say the same for him too and whoever else.

dunno man. just my opinion, pro's should be judging contests not entering them, or it just makes them look like glory whores. i stand by my 'big fish, small pond' statement.

>> No.7114122

It is the contest's/convention's responsibility to make categories or decisions based on skill level of contestants. You can't really bitch because someone has a skill or a job that you don't. Any contest worth it's salt should have categories for contestants, so people with more experience don't end up competing alongside first-timers.

>> No.7114123

people who already won best in show with one contest, enter again. It happened at AWA with Amanda willing two years in a row.

Remember when Jasper closet would win AX?
Or when GSTQ and Volpin won best in Show at DC? I see SFX people enter halloween contests all the time

Or when slutty outfits win over some well crafted stuff.

>> No.7114124

Question: I heard yaya-Han was the one who pushed this show. If so, how the fuck did she not at least put a clause with the production company that she have some editorial control, at least with her shit?

>> No.7114135

can't do that for things like WCS, ECG and ECC. there's no novice category (otherwise I would agree - normal cons should have a pro/novice divide and avoid the problem).

a lot more professionals enter contests like Dragon Con and Blizzcon. It's still a bit lame but not quite as bad because they're all competing alongside other pros.

also professionals who work for themselves don't have access to nearly the same stuff as those in industry for the most part.

again it's not against the rules for them to do it, it's not WRONG it's just.. why are they doing it? there is nothing to prove for a professional and the only gain is glory, beating a bunch of amateurs is not impressive to me. that's why it looks tacky.

>> No.7114142

birds of a feather?


>> No.7114144

>why are they doing it?

Because they like contests?

>> No.7114155
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>> No.7114158

Come on guys, who care who enter contest isn't cosplay just about having fun and being with friends. oh right


>> No.7114160


LOL. Have you even been to one ever?

>> No.7114216

They replaced something along the lines of "i love all of your costumes, except for the syfy plants." with the out of towners bit.

>> No.7114276

You guys really need to watch this, then maybe you'll get it.


>> No.7114297

Syfy plants? What does that even mean?

>> No.7114304

You sound like the type of person who uses the lazy excuse of - oh they announced they were entering so what's the point.

I doubt anyone enters costumes to prove anything they do it for fun, I know Sands does, she'd been making her Ravenna outfit for months and it was only because her Cosplay partner Ben said let's enter together that she did it. (Not to mention her costumes have actually been more fabric heavy than 'SFX')

As with Volpin or GSTQ entering together, if the rules state they can then let them. They made an amazing outfit together, and deserved the win. You just sound like a sore loser when complaining about that, why shouldn't they enter, they worked hard too!

Quit whining and make a costume to enter with, ECG and WCS are free from complaining about that now.

>> No.7114317


"I heard ___ was entering so I didn't bother"


>> No.7114335

They won for the very reason this dumb ass show was aired.

Dumb ass out of context drama that makes everyone look bad so the audience can laugh over other people's misery.

The filming crew hoped Yaya and co would blow a fuse over them winning and that the Dr Who group would throw even bigger fits.

>> No.7114460

i am not remotely competitive, I didn't even go to the con they wore that stuff at (seriously.. hyper japan is so dull, went one year cba to go again). so no I am not a sore loser.

there's little 'fun' about competitions unless you know you are going to wipe the floor with other people because the bar is set so low (and even then it's a lot of hardwork). it's not even impressive to win in the uk because you're competing against barely any other people (though congrats obviously to those who placed france and xae winning one of them before).

you're obviously a friend of hers to know so much so i should say it isn't personal. but if they didn't want to put people off they could have kept quiet like lex did. and i still think it's tacky for professionals to enter cosplay competitions against amateurs.

it's no different to heston blumenthal turning up to his local village bake off and beating everyone.. it's like congrats?

>> No.7114471

the only thing cosplay is good for is hot girls in sexy outfits and drama

so it's no wonder that this show is the way it is

>> No.7114472

Sands actually posted that information on her FB page. You certainly sound sore. If you don't think competitions are fun, ignore them, ignore the people who compete in them, and go do something else. At this point, you are just looking for something to bitch about.

>> No.7114498

What did Lex do? Not even from Europe, but I did admire lex's cosplay when I got into the hobby. I haven't seen and thing from her in a long time.

>> No.7114515

It's a bit of a different subject though. Surely you would want someone amazing to represent your country in a competition, so having a professional is a good thing. If it's just a general competition then I can understand why people think it's a bit unfair. Using your Heston Blumenthal example, the village bake off is more like a small convention's general competition.

>> No.7114788

Actually this happens on my local con scene a lot. Here, people has a cosplay shitlevel and when people cames from another place and win something they attack them, badmouthing and sometimes being really jerks to them, so prepare yourself for a week of them crying like babies and being really stupid. You can listen the same "don't you have your own contests in your city?" shit every second when they know you're from outside. It really sucks

>> No.7114817

Are you clinically retarded? It means people planted (inserted) by Syfy (the TV station this crap was running on).

>> No.7114813

I don't get the point of this show, having them travel around with a production company and then "competing" at these conventions. It's like having a MLB World Series player show up at a little league game and pushing little kids down going, "I won! I won!!"

So what, you won. You look like a piece of shit in the meantime.

I will forever wonder why this show wasn't set up like other reality shows and had cosplayers competing against other cosplayers? I've wanted a "Project Runway" for cosplayers for years. I thought HoC would be like that, but I had to stop watching after 15 minutes because it's so bad.

>> No.7114851

Sound's about right, just really got into cons a couple years ago and cosplay last year. But according to my cousin Monica was a bitch in high school or at least became one. I don't know personally though, so really this is all hearsay.

>> No.7115075
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That is how I think of it as well.

The only thing this show has unequivocally succeeded in is making all the participants look foolish. So much embarrassment I have for them.

>> No.7115121

why would i be sore if I don't even enter competitions? doesn't make any sense. also people get stuff out of competitions but 'fun' is stretching it a bit, when it's a lot of hardwork and stress.

she didn't announce entering (or she didn't until the last minute, not sure. going by what friends said). and honestly she didn't have to hide it, she's very good but not a pro. i thought that was p.cool of her.

there are other good cosplayers. in fact unless sands and ben get 1st place in france then they won't have beaten the competitors of last time (since uk got 2nd last time).

and no it isn't. cosplay is leagues under an actual costumier or sfx or any higher level fashion competition. the biggest cosplay competition is still small fry to the biggest industry competition.

>> No.7115140

Really just drop it you come across as such a sore loser, I'd be embarrassed for you.

Lex announced it a month or so before on her page actually when she decided to enter quite late, just scroll back on it a while.

I didn't see anything 'sfx' about either of the 2 costumes, Sands was almost purely fabric and anything else she made she gave a full break down and all of it was things you could do at home.

Anyway, the point of WCS and ECG is to have your country represented well so I don't understand what your problem is. If they entered a small time convention I'd get it, but they don't...
I love that we have professionals over here representing our country well and sharing all their knowledge with everyone, it makes for a much more diverse community and one we can be proud of.

>> No.7115145

someones butthurt they didnt win

>> No.7115522


>> No.7115580

more like someone is kissing the butts of their friends. i am not the only one who's said in this thread that professionals entering cosplay competitions is tacky. i think maybe someone is projecting. too bad it's still tacky. U MAD BRO

i have never entered a cosplay competition (i don't even sew shit, i make the odd prop). some of my friends have been put off by this shit, but it hasn't directly affected me remotely.

>> No.7115665

then your friends need to man up and enter and stop making lazy excuses

>> No.7115734

whether they man up or not doesn't change the fact that professionals who enter competitions against amateurs are tacky.

yes some people probably do need to man up, some of my friends are whiny. some of them however are just low in confidence.


>> No.7115771

Oh no I'm sure all the 'professionals' feel so bad about themselves now!

Make a costume and stop making up excuses, that's what's tacky

>> No.7115775

you mad bro?

I like seeing amazing costumes personally, don't really care who made them or why

>> No.7115781

the show itself has more fabrication than the sum of the cosplays featured within it.

>> No.7115783

>HoC is in the shit tier end of editing and scripting.
Probably because it's a poor idea for a show to begin with.

>> No.7115822

I'm so sick of people who suggest that a cosplay show should be like faceoff.

Cosplay is a hobby, who the fuck is going to take time of work to go live in a house for 2 months for a tv show to win what? Being s sewing monkey in some shop? or sweep floors in a prop studio?

The thing about cosplay is everyone has different strengths, faceoff is specifically prosthetic (which is why Half of the work like; Casting, wigs, costumes, etc) by a 24/7 crew in the back half of the building. Also the reason Faceoff people can take that much time off to compete, because they aren't getting any actual work in the industry.

RuPaul is the closest thing to a cosplay show there is. Some of those queens don't even make all their own stuff, they rely a lot on wardrobe they already have.

>> No.7115872

are you actually retarded? i keep saying i don't even enter competitions. keep that butthurt butt licking going. you're making it painfully obvious your either a glory whore or a glory whores friend you know.

and I dunno why you put professionals in comma's when that IS the actual case.

tacky brooooo are you mad.

lol same fag. i enjoy seeing good costumes, that clearly is not the argument here.

>> No.7115902

been watching this, you're both as bad as each other. let people enter what they want who cares

>> No.7115907

and how does me sticking up for a cosplayer make me a glory whore? Doesn't that make you just as bad sticking up for your friends going boohoo its so tacky, not sure how its any different

>> No.7115910

boring drama about the uk that no one cares about can we go back to bitching about HoC please

>> No.7115936

>or a glory whores friend

learn to read. also my opinion is my own, it has nothing to do with sticking up for my friends. i just see this situation because of them and that is my conclusion. honestly they may not even care for all i know.

>> No.7116557

Anyone know how Yaya did the gold on her Queen of Hearts dress? All she said on the show was some bullshit about how it was "~European~" and I haven't found anything online.

>> No.7116579

looked like iron on gold vinyl

>> No.7116632

What >>7116579 said. It's just a form of iron on vinyl. Not sure if it's specifically "European" but loads of people do use it here for intricate patterns on things.

It's not exactly a magic method or anything (in fact there's no merit in it, it makes life a hell of a lot easier), so maybe the product isn't as easily available in the US?

>> No.7117118

Has Chloe addressed the nudes yet?

Also why is she giving a thumbs up to someone getting a blowjob

>> No.7117369

TBH, I'd be willing to give her a pass on that one. It looked like it was in a college dorm, college kids do stupid shit, blah blah blah. People are only making a big deal of it because "omgz she's famous!"

>> No.7117432

She didn't go to college.

>> No.7117440

There's nudes? post em

>> No.7118598

Did you guys know that Syfy put up some extra videos on their Youtube channel that just highlights random people, both on the "whoa awesome" scale to the "did you wake up this morning and put that together?"


It's kinda nice seeing normal people go "I just like not being me for a few hours" rather than have Yaya telling you this is her only way of life and if she doesn't do it she'll shrivel up and die.

>> No.7118618

syfy's youtube channel has a lot of vdeos that arent half bad

>> No.7118626

But they don't win. In most cases, they get upstaged by some random attendee who won't even humor the show with an interview

>> No.7118632

>everyone else is doing it
>therefore its okay

Can't wait til murdering becomes hip and trendy so I can use that excuse too.

>> No.7118636

All you have to do is download a torrenting client and click on the goddamned magnet link.

Just look up a tutorial if that sounds too difficult. You can find all sorts of tutorials through Google to spoon feed you, so there honestly is no excuse not to be able to do something so simple. I don't know why you're acting like there's numbers and technological bullshit involved and that you shouldn't be expected to know how to do it because it "isn't your strength".

What a load of fucking bullshit.

>> No.7118668
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comparing something perfectly legal to something extremely illegal

good logic faggot

>> No.7118707

it's not a legality thing it's a morality/decency thing

>> No.7118798
File: 74 KB, 694x720, edward_kenway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I finally saw this whole show tonight. All I have to ask is this and only because this fucking bothers me so much. I don't know why it does, but it really fucking does and I'm sorry for it!


>> No.7118817

He's a very average looking guy. Maybe even slightly less than average looking.
Having this moustache helps him get compliments from other men and look special.
It's like an average looking girl who has her tits out to get at least some attention.

>> No.7118997

He calls that Edward?? Aside from the leather, the material looks like shit, the weathering is weak to non-existent, and the fool didn't even attempt to shave or get a blonde wig. Fuck this horrible piece of shit!

>> No.7119007

The least he could have done is trimmed down his beard if he didn't want to remove everything, since Edward looks fairly stubbly. But yeah, his costume looks way to clean and new. Everything just looks like it needs weathered. It looks like something you'd buy mass produced.

>> No.7119014

bu-bu-but he wore it in the ocean anon!!!
Which could have been a terrible idea. There's some terrible shit on American beaches and he could have very well wrecked the costume.
People always bitch about slutty cosplay girls that never played the game they are cosplaying from. This guy does it and he's "The first ever Kenway cosplayer" . Jesse was such a whiny little bitch, I wish he hadn't won in the 5th episode so he could have cried more.

>> No.7119106

u don't get brownie points for having a vagina. it aint 2001 no more

>> No.7119131

Has anyone watched Fangasm?
Feminism drama on the first episode.

>> No.7119144 [DELETED] 

Oh, like hell he is.

>> No.7119139

There are appropriate ways to age and distress fabric and leather- walking into the ocean is not one of them. All that does is ruin and stiffen the leather while creating no visual improvement.

Jesse's sewing also makes me cringe.

>> No.7119222

>"The first ever Kenway cosplayer"
Oh, like hell he is. Did the guy even take a look at any of the renders? This dude.. no. Just no.

>> No.7119250
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At least Monika was honest. She didn't make up any bullshit on why she didn't want to cosplay with Becky, and I admire that.

I wouldn't want to cosplay with Becky either
>flavor of the month cosplay
>wants elaborate prop
>roommate works really hard on it, it actually looks really nice
>shitty Elizabeth cosplay, can't even get the damn hair right
>roommate proudly shows her the prop

>> No.7119272

That and Becky's Elizabeth corset was commissioned.

>> No.7119280

Goodness gracious

The hair is what killed me, I just-just look at the cover, it's takes only a second!

She's like 'I styled the wig myself' really? So you're either lying, you just found a short haired wig and threw it on, or you're pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.7119300

People have presumably taken time off work for worse reality shows (dating shows for example). I was just saying I'd rather see the contestants vs contestants. It's pointless to see them go to these conventions where either they're given the means to help them win, or you see all this drama and Jane Nobody walks in and wins it. It's kind of like, either they win and they look like a shithead or they lose to somebody not on the show and it's like "ok what's the point? obviously the contestants aren't that good now."

I guess I'm going to dislike it no matter what. I'm not into competitive cosplay. I just do it for fun as a hobby.

>> No.7119348

I agree, sure the way she said it might have sounded mean but we all know that we thought it. Becky is a shit cosplayer, she'd be the last person I'd cosplay with too. Even if it was obviously planted to create some drama for the last episode, Becky's cosplays have been pretty mediocre and I feel bad for the poor sap who keeps making shit for her.

>> No.7119967

check out this shitty damage control

>> No.7119969

the roommate doesn't get anything for the props, but she pays the people she commissions the actual costumes from.

>> No.7120573

and then doesn't give them credit during competitions.

>> No.7120576

Why are we not mentioning Victoria??
She BULLIES her fucking boyfriend to make all of her shit and then tells him it's stupid and doesn't look right/isn't working/ a disaster/etc. and then when asked who made it she doesn't even mention him.
"oh I uh made this little piece here yeah i glued this sequin on yes"
what a disgraceful bitch. I hope they're just making her seem worse than she actually is or I would cunt punt her so hard

>> No.7120602

We've mentioned Victoria for weeks bullying her bf, but Monika is a bigger cunt with a massive ego.

>> No.7120610

Yeah like I almost felt bad for her until she turned out be a milder victoria.

>Didn't make the most difficult part of the costume
>Styled the wig horribly
>Didn't make her prop at all, didn't even HELP with it
>Always pulls the "but i'm a method actress so it doesn't matter!"
and yet
>Complains and bitches when things aren't exactly the way she wants them to be

If you put 25% of your effort in the costume you have no right to whine when it isn't up to your standards. I feel bad for her roommate because he seems like a cool guy and what he did with the rose stand was fantastic. He deserved way more credit for putting that thing together in the amount of time he had. Seriously I'm with other anons who wouldn't want to cosplay in a group with her either.

>> No.7120710

I actually feel kinda bad for the contestants on this show. I’m sure that due to the fast-paced production schedule of most television reality shows, they were forced to make all their costumes for entry in what? A week? It’s no freaking wonder they keep losing. The other competitors have probably been working on their costumes for months, if not longer. Especially since at the cons, SyFy would try to rope more people into the contests to compete by saying “Win $1000 and a chance to be on TV!” So people who had no intentions of competing came out of the woodwork… And I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the winners commissioned their costumes since it must not have been against the rules if Chloe, Becky, and Victoria did it.

>> No.7120718

Except most of their costumes were made years ago.

Like half the costumes in the show were worn for previous conventions months and years in advance.

>> No.7120866

Oh, well, I certainly can't blame them for that. Mostly it sounded like they kept saying "Well, the con is in a week, so I'm buying my materials today..." and I kept thinking "Wow, good luck finishing a competition-ready csotume in a week... sheesh."

>> No.7121042

Yeah, they were lying about it.

>> No.7121152

Whatever happened to yaya being a flight attendant for Delta Airlines? Did she get fired?

>> No.7121154

she quit that job to focus more on cosplay

>> No.7121156

Are you serious? What is she going to do in five or ten years when no one cares anymore?

>> No.7121197

Probably get another job?

>> No.7121200

Age: 45
Skills: Fame whoring

Enjoy your McJob. On the other hand, there's probably a market for old asian strippers.

>> No.7121203
File: 13 KB, 170x300, wonder-woman-dog-costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will forever wonder why this show wasn't set up like other reality shows and had cosplayers competing against other cosplayers? I've wanted a "Project Runway" for cosplayers for years. I thought HoC would be like that, but I had to stop watching after 15 minutes because it's so bad.

I would love to watch a show like that, or something similar to FaceOff. At least FaceOff focuses more on the work/art and less on the contestants and their personal drama.

>> No.7121565

Maybe she was a tiara toddler?
Maybe she was raped by her dad?
We can only hope.

>> No.7121567

I don't think I've ever hoped someone was raped, and I don't think I ever will. How crass.

>> No.7121572

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it's a duck. Monika IS a snob. Get over it. You have a shitty friend.

>> No.7121640

nobody worry, Yaya is still with Delta as of this past dragoncon

>> No.7121739
File: 181 KB, 640x280, A-TeamTransit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The issue i'd would see is IP rights. Disney alone would nix any cosplay of it's core stuff. Marvel and DC would be iffy. And don't get started on Japanese stuff......

>> No.7121740

>On the other hand, there's probably a market for old asian strippers.

Nope, we like 'em young.

>> No.7121937

>thinking disney would nix any cosplay.
>Riki cosplayed the Rocketeer
>Rocketeer is Disney IP
>Taffyta is fron Wreck-It Ralph
>WIR is Disney IP
>Monika and Victoria cosplayed 2 animu characters
>Nnows nothing about laws and likenesses.
>Knows nothing about anything

Go be a gamur gurl elsewhere. you make stupid look like a spectator sport.

>> No.7122495


>> No.7122515

But would it be different if this show was a competition? I'm thinking it would be, as Heroes of Cosplay was billed as a "documentary".

If there was a competition where they had to dress as a specific character, assigned to them by the show, then there would probably be more legal hoops to go through.

>> No.7122621

face off does original characters or what they bill as original characters they would do that too if you created a face off cosplay show. but lets be honest who will care about sewing. prosthetic attachments and makeup actually look cooler for tv

>> No.7123182


The point given was for a cosplay competition, it's mostly recognized by the utilization of characters that are copyrighted by a third party. These third parties will usually turn a blind eye to your average otaku seeing that the main intent is not to profit on said character.

For a TV show competition, one would surmise that having a specific theme based on a particular show or property would entail a legal nightmare. Even going the "generic" route would be a palava given how OC characters are.....

>> No.7123221

clearly you dont get the fact that they wouldnt have a problem getting the rights to have their people make costumes. the big bang theory and other shit tier shows get rights no probs.

>> No.7123269


And clearly you don't know if one situation is equivalent to another situation. Just because Big Bang can do DC Heroes cosplay doesn't mean a podunk SciFi reality show can get the same access.

>> No.7123362

Did anyone see yayas reasoning for the alice skit to fail on fb? Stupidest reason I've ever heard.

>> No.7123369

>In my country there is SFX artist or such cosplaying and the same people are always entering in contests and winning. It's fucking anoying. It's not a matter of beign a professional or not, but sometimes giving a chance to the others.
>Some people just have the urge to win everything (or at least try)
wait, what country is that? in mine this happens too.

>> No.7123430

and it's a small con with no important international contests.

>> No.7123433

This scenario happens in almost every con scene.i've traveled and it's true.
Plus, I'm from Portugal

>> No.7123436

Also keep in mind Disney hosts it's own cosplay contests at D23. They don't want to lose support of the community because it's another money tap for them.
Pic related, this guy was totally snubbed for the award.

>> No.7123438
File: 45 KB, 233x350, d23 haunted mansion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, dropped pic

>> No.7123439

I'm from Portugal and I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
Sounds like you're butthurt.

>> No.7123480

No. Deets?

>> No.7123495

Oh you are a SFX? I don't remeber anyone

>> No.7123505

1st check the topic before just calling the only word you know as an insult which is buthurt
We were talking about SFX artists competing with cosplayers.
Also my dear friend I don't see a problem with us as a small comunity it is pretty obvious there will be the same persons winning contests often. I didn't say it as a bad things but as portuguese as you are you take everything as an insult don't you?

>> No.7123531

>same people are always entering in contests and winning. It's fucking anoying.
Oh I'm sorry, You didn't sound butthurt at all, I apologize.

>> No.7123551

anoying doesn't mean bad. As long as the best one in the contests wins is ok.
Don't jump to conclusions my friend, think with me. If we are debating pros vs begginers am I mistaken to say that in here we get almost the same winners in contests? I think not, and as I said it doesn't mean it's bad, it's just a fact and there's nothing wrong with it. Sometimes it is anoying yes for you it isn't? It's nothing personal but you can't deny that we get always the same persons in contests.
Dont take everything as an ofense or as a bad matter it's bad for you.

>> No.7123558

Don't be in denial just because you like the persons, try to see as an outsider and be honest.

>> No.7123618

Besides Leandro I don't really see the "same people always winning"
That's why I said I don't know what you're talking about.
I don't even care about him, nor anyone in specific, because this community is rotten to the core.
And its their fault no one else participates in the competitions?
Did you even see the participants of the ECG preliminaries? Everyone sucked. I mean everyone, even the ones who won. That's what you get when people who aren't experiment participate.

So tell me again, who's always winning everything?

>> No.7123621

not experiment

>> No.7123629

OMG ANON we are soulmates! we belong together because I agree with you in every single point!

I never said it's someone's fault, no one is to blame by the lack of cosplayers in contests but I see people get intimidated just because somebody more well-known is going to the contests it is stupid! I didn't see ECG only pictures costumes sucked, I just liked the solo girl one but it wasn't a wow, for the rest of the costumes they were bad? at least in photos.
It's not just winning, You know what is happening here. Small con contests nobody gives a shit, it's mainly noobs who enter. Everyone just wants ECG and now WCS. And as an example the girl who won this year had already participated last year. the contestants hardly ever change.

>> No.7123639

That's true, but the winners are always different. The only one who won twice already was Leandro tho. But that's it in a nutshell. People tend to want to either avoid drama or simply not bother when they know they probably wont win.

In itself I'm sure its a nice experience to be in a competition, I for one would like to participate once, but hence, my life/job/etc wont really let me.

Saphira is the only nice one we're sending this year, and her skit fucking sucked balls. Just go on youtube and look up for the skits this year, you'll find them all already. That's how I watched them.

>> No.7123676

Anon, I really like you. Seriously.
I like her because she makes different things from different series. But I think she was better when she was more "low profile" I'm affraid she will catch the diva sickness.
As for the duo neve seen the boy before and the girl... I don't know I have my doubts about her. SEND ME THE LINKS DEAR ANON!

>> No.7123796

You guys are still watching this?

I think I watched 10 minutes of the first episode before turning it off. Seriously. Just let it die.

>> No.7124096

holy shit thats amazing.

>> No.7124343


Sorry I had to go to work, but here you go. Wondering if we should let this thread die and make a new one for the portuguese community? Nah, too much drama, divas would start throwing shit at each other like monkeys.

>> No.7124349

Also. I don't think you have to be a diva of cosplay in this community to win. The simple fact that you were in a skit contest before is enough to upgrade you, and give you more chances to win for the ECG or the WCS. At least that's what I heard the judge said last year to the girl who placed second or something in the ECG. Or just rumors. But its still nice to have a few skit contests under your belt, I think.

>> No.7124355
File: 50 KB, 1088x307, Screen Shot 2013-09-28 at 4.46.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is cgl all bolded

>> No.7124391

It's the entire site, fuckwad.

>> No.7124434

to emphasis the anger of 4chin

>> No.7124443

Link is dead, what was it about?

>> No.7124516

does anyone actually know? i'm curious now.

>> No.7124529

It's on her facebook page

>> No.7124592

There is no new episode of Heroes of Cosplay tonight, but as I just returned home from Germany and have access to my computer again, I can finally share a proper photo of my Red Queen costume from Alice: Madness Returns!!

The only photosho...ot I did with this costume was for my 2014 calendar, as the costume was made for Planet Comic Con and I wasn't supposed to show any photos or re-wear it until the episode aired. So you get a calendar sneak peek as well as the Red Queen photo!!

>> No.7124593

Regarding the costume: I made this costume in 7 days, which for me meant binge crafting for most waking hours of the days. The trick to marathon making a costume "quickly" is to be prepared, get all the materials required in your house, and not make too many mistakes (saves a ton of time). I ordered the gold heat-transfer vinyl in advance as well as bought all the fabrics and wig in advance. Then when it was crunch time to finish the costume with a camera crew in my house, I could focus on just cutting and sewing and ironing and worbla-ing.
The bodice and skirts are made with a heavy weight satin (same type as my C.C. costume, it's the only satin I will work with these days), and all the gold designs were drawn out and vectorized by me, then cut out of hot transfer vinyl, then iron formed to the costume. That probably was the most tedious part of the costume, and the most nerve wracking because once a design is down, it can't be moved. I bought my vinyl from http://heattransferwarehouse.com/
The crown is made out of Worbla and has magnets embedded inside to click to matching magnets sewn into a pouch in both my wig and Riki's Alice wig. That allowed for the transfer of the crown on stage. In hindsight I should not have used another sheet of Worbla for the bottom of the crown, but stiff felt. The thickness of the Worbla weakened the contact of the magnets to my wig and that's why the crown fell when I whipped my head dramatically lol.

>> No.7124597

The claws are extremely modified Halloween skeleton monster hands which I've had since last Halloween. Yes, I'm one of those people who buys random stuff at Halloween stores the day after to get the 50% off deals... Chris kindly covered them in the same red urethane rubber that Riki's dress is made out of to achieve the same gooey flesh texture as within the game.
My makeup is really freaky in person, and I think I did a better looking makeup job for this photoshoot than in Kansas City. Second time around everything goes a little better
Progress pics: <blah>

>> No.7124600

Regarding the skit:
You can watch the Alice skit Riddle's Messy Wardrobe, Monika Lee and I did at Planet Comic Con here:
http://www.y ou tub e. c om/ watch?v=Ti-CYi-S4-Y&feature=youtu.be

I wrote the script with input from Riki and Monika, and we specifically created a skit that was understandable to audiences who have NOT played the game. Skits are very short theatrical performances and, to me, they are more enjoyable when they tell an overall understandable story. We know the Queen is not the "true villain" in the game, but for the purpose of this skit in a contest called "Heroes vs. Villains", the Red Queen fit the archetype character of the villain. Cosplay skits do not always have to be complete re-enactments of their source material, that would be boring, and very confusing to the audience. Be creative with your skits as you are creative with your costumes.

>> No.7124602

We had a wonderful support team for the skit, and the credits are as follows:

Sound track editing - Kevin Spooner (with Yaya fretting next to him)
Voice of Alice - Jen Spooner
Voice of Cheshire Cat - Laura Sindall
Voice of Red Queen - Kelly Jean
We really were so very very lucky to have 3 amazing British girls willing to voice the characters for us. And Kevin was such a great sound guy to make the track for us
Backdrop printing and insertion of lights - Riki
Backdrop frame build - Brian Boling and Bill Buckley
Backdrop curtains made by Yaya
Stage handlers - Brian and Luke (the latter was a great kind guy who stayed with us the whole day just to help Brian get the backdrops on stage and move them at the right cue. Such a gem!)
Costumes made by each of us - Riki, Monika and Yaya

Regarding the calendar: I knew as soon as I chose the Red Queen as a costume to make that I wanted her to be October for my 2014 calendar! Halloween theme!!! The photo was shot is by Benny Lee Photography, and the calendar was designed by David Terres.

You can find out more info on the calendar and how to purchase it here: <blah>

Fuck, moot. We need longer fields

>> No.7124805

>you go. Wondering if we should let this thread die and make a new one for the portuguese community? Nah, too much drama, divas would start throwing shit

Thank you kind anon we should totally trade contacts one day. Yeah entering contests is great to get experience. What I meant is that a lot of cosplayers in here who go international turn into divas and think they are a big shot, just because they're going out of their country.

>> No.7124873

Link to our Podcast were we talked about this bloody show. We even had a chat interview with one of the doctor's from the Doctor Who group you saw in the last episode. Link: http://www.muscletower.com/podcasts/nerd-rage-does-heroes-of-cosplay-e719/

>> No.7125099


b-but muh pirates

>> No.7125108

BBT is a WB production.

>> No.7125849


Satisfies my point. SyFy couldn't do it without some sort of arrangement with DC Comics.

>> No.7126903

They only did that this year.

>> No.7126931

This show is /cgl/ before the janitor and moderators change. Just useless drama started for no reason and bitches acting like bitches.

>> No.7126937

The fuck? Thamm is one of the nicest people I've ever met! You've got to have some sort of vendetta.

>> No.7126955

Late, but what is the product?

>> No.7126990

Nevermind, I just needed to read farther.

>> No.7127132

...whoever the crazy one that dates Jinyo is, why is no one noticing that she clearly doesn't make her own costumes and lives off of her boyfriend?

That girl shouldn't even be on the show.

>> No.7127151

I like that Yaya Haan found out that some other company was selling cat ears at her local convention in the dealers room...


She's a stupid bitch out to make money off of her husband's labor. He does everything for her. Bought her tits, made her costumes, does her photos, makes her cat ears.

All of the people on this show are total frauds.

>> No.7127190

Even if she won in the Tron outfit early on, wouldn't she be inellgible for the award at most conventions?

Someone mentioned this earlier but most conventions ask that you or someone ON STAGE with you in your group made the costumes.

>> No.7127188

A lot of the stuff on the show is scripted to an alarming degree. The Planet ComicCon 'Femme 11' group scandal actually happened and was later edited by SyFy to look far more dramatic than it actually was. Tumblr of course blew a shitfit about it even after Chloe Dykstra posted to clear the air about some of the stuff. I personally enjoy the show and treat it as any other reality tv thing. The costumes are what matters to me.

Speaking of costumes... oh sweet god that 'Cheshire Cat' monstrosity... there was nothing 'sexy' about it. That character isn't even supposed to BE sexy in the American McGee's Alice games.

>> No.7127208

So why is if victoria gets help from jinyo thats bad, but chloe gets help from holly/jessica on her sand worm, doesn't sew her bettlejuice outfit. then doesn't make her BL jacket and gets her dad to help her on her robot, thats not a problem?

>> No.7127708

Because Victoria and Jinyo keep is a secret

>> No.7127721

Not really. She talks about peoples costumes behind their backs, friends or not. She gets competitive when people do the same costume to the point it's sickening.

I also don't like how trashy her photos look, but I'm not sure how hotel room photoshoots look not like you're watching a cheap cosplay idol DVD. I am honestly surprised she's not a CosDev girl yet.

And I /hate/ her Uranus costume and photoshoot. She made Uranus look more femme than Neptune does. All that aside, she has improved a lot, and is a lot better now.

But girl's attitude needs to change.

>> No.7127755

Uh Chloe never said she had help.

>> No.7127865

When Chloe did her Beetlejuice skit, she told the judges she didn't make the costume. She really only entered to do a skit and see what competing was like. She made that clear in one post of hers, and a few people that staffed at the con backed her up on it.

>> No.7127973

So if she didn't make the outfit and didn't make the sandworm, isn't the point of competing that you made mostly everything yourself? Also I didn't hear her give credit her BL costume?

>> No.7128315

The whole thing is a total joke filled with terrible people.

>> No.7129023

which is why she should have been tossed or at least clarified to the audience that she's not actually competing

>> No.7129026

>tfw Monika goes to your school
>tfw the school is home to you and several other cosplayers
>tfw school sent out email to everyone saying "let's wish Monika good luck on TV!"
>tfw Monika is making us look super bad

Way to go.

I haven't met her, but every time I see her booth at convention she always looks pouty and bored (and no one is paying attention to her.) Dramarama.

>> No.7129274

She said it was for her blog. I don't really know what the deal was there. Though to be honest, the scariest part of a competition is getting onstage.
The show is heavily edited for brevity as well as dramu. They might have cut something like that out.

>> No.7129432
File: 49 KB, 1518x137, cra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaya posted a new Xmen cosplay photo on her DA and I saw this comment earlier.

>> No.7129481


>> No.7129564


>> No.7129579

Plot twist: Adella made the Lydia costume for Chloe.
Not kidding.

>> No.7129930

What was messed up is one girl was like, I'm redong some parts of my costume that's already been done and the voice over says she is making a new costume, GG SYFY.

>> No.7129954

Does Chloe have a tumblr or twitter? To be honest, I actually kinda enjoyed her.

>> No.7129955

check out this ad hom

>> No.7129961

post those nudes mang don't be gay
>fuck HoC
Just to keep this thread on track

>> No.7129968

I know that feel. I remember getting that email and thinking, "hoo boy, they have no idea." I have opinion on Monika one way or the other, but I know enough about reality TV to know HoC would be a shitnado of drama and terribad.

>> No.7129972

Just google 'Chloe nudes'. They're not a secret.

>> No.7129973

She has both. Her tumblr kind of ruined her for me. She was super butt hurt about the retarded dr who tumblr drama. Should have just stfu and ignored them.

>> No.7130031

Na, she kinda stepped into that one still thinking she was an "authority" on Who. Same way her BF got her on one of the BBCA Doctor Who specials so she could show off her 11th cosplay that she didn't even put together herself.

>> No.7130033

In her defense, most Who fans DON'T make their own stuff... The ones that do are the minority, not the majority.

>> No.7130078


>> No.7130083

yay I'ma minority o/

>> No.7130621 [DELETED] 

she made almost all of JNig's costumes for a while and JNig agreed to plug her as long as she never revealed the truth to JNig's fake geek cred.

>> No.7130704


Could I get a link to her tumblr page please?

>> No.7130707



>> No.7130789

Oh god it's so bad I can't even handle it.

>> No.7130948

I disliked her a bit after seeing her on the show. Now I just fucking loath her

>> No.7130987

She's really very insecure, which is why she's so rabidly defending people on her tumblr and asking everyone to play nice. She genuinely seems devastated when people say even mildly bad things about her after she willingly posts her photos to reddit herself.

She seemed cool on the show because everyone else is just so much more awful by comparison, and Chloe is enough of an actress to understand how to not make herself look like an ass on camera. On the internet though it's a different story.

>> No.7131548

I thought Yaya put her crown back on in the show. In this youtube video her crown falls off and she doesn't put it back on.


>> No.7131580

They did about 2-3 reshoots of each skit to make sure they got the right angles. Once the crown fell off they had them do it again so she could be seen putting it back on.

>> No.7135779

Why has no one pointed out the most obvious flaw in this show?

They spent. No. Budget. They paid for the cameras, and that was it. They rode off of every convention they visited's dime.

If they had set this up like a CONTEST it would've been alright, at least. But this is clearly just lazy, shitty work by SciFi to occupy a low-end time slot.

And that's what sort of girls they chose to be on the show. Low end slots.

>> No.7135798
File: 43 KB, 419x467, doubles-guy-pointing-up-lkJ2oV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And that's what sort of girls they chose to be on the show. Low end slots.

jinyo is alright
just a pussy and needs a better girlfriend

>> No.7135827

Everyone's aware that season 2 is coming, yes? Just checking.

>> No.7135909
File: 46 KB, 447x380, 4857919905_fc847c31b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does I find this information?

>> No.7135926

probably because they've been filming segments at dragoncon (local to half the cast) and possibly two more shows.

>> No.7135988

They've been contacting cons for permission to film and be a part of their events if any of the show participants seem to be attending them,

>> No.7136190

I came. Holy fuck I cannot wait.

I wonder if the 'heroes' will all be watching their fucking mouths now. Also... have enough of them made new costumes though for them to pretend to make for a second season?

>> No.7136257

If I see any of them at NY ComicCon I fee like I should be an ass somehow...but I don't know what to say.

>> No.7136260


Not true. Those cash prizes? 100, 300 and 500? That I think they did...three times? Twice? That was SyFy.

>> No.7136315

Pretend to not know them? Ask them if their like Jnig?

>> No.7136354
File: 37 KB, 676x367, shutosyfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my local cons posted something about this.


>> No.7136489

Daaaaaamn that's brutal.

>> No.7136582


in regards to the girls, i actually thought the duo girls were pretty normal and reasonable, aside from a few instances. they weren't exactly catty bitches and they seemed to really just... have fun with it. most of the times that did seem like they were bitch seemed super edited

>> No.7136614

It was most obvious wtih Yaya's CC Red Butterfly gown. On moment she's cutting out butterfly shapes to fabric, smash cut to her doing finishing stitches on a complete dress on the form.

>> No.7136771

too much selfplugging their shit compan no one uses and really unsafe tips/tricks shown. if they didn't suck up to chloe + hardwick for the nerdist spot they get, no one would care. they'd be too nobody forum mods for a game company that doesn't even like them

>> No.7136774

My local con's been looking to get some cosplay talent in as a guest. I myself actually suggested Yaya as recently as a year ago just because
1) Normalfags like tits, even huge ass fake ones
2) She does it for free as long as you give her a hotel and vendor space
But after Heroes of Cosplay, no fucking way. She's managed to totally destroy her public image.

>> No.7136781

>> they'd be too nobody forum mods for a game company that doesn't even like them

Wait bioware hates them? Then why do they send their asses everywhere? And why did they fire the old community manager that actually lives in Edmonton and has worked there for years and keep Jessica who lives in the states? Oh they like her.

It must be embarrassing for them to make bioware cosplays build up their costume company to be amazing and then have random non professional fans come up to their booths with even better costumes then the shit they make.

>> No.7137580

tumblr? URL please

>> No.7138236

Go the fuck away Thamm, you are a fat ass bitch. Get lost.

>> No.7138238

Because the china girls are her job are making the shit for her.

>> No.7138309

I am so glad I'm not the only one thinking this.
Like, I'm sorry, if his work was so terrible, Becky, why don't you try building and dressing a podium and rigging air canisters to it in a hotel room.

>> No.7138315

Um. Didn't Yaya knock points off Jess and Holly's scores for buying and modding horns in the first episode.
What a hypocrite.

>> No.7138324

But the fingers didn't obviously look like cheap halloween skeleton hands in the end though, and she could have easily done the same thing with regular gloves, she just had them around for cheap. With the horns it was still obvs a store bought cast, it would have been different if they just used it as a base and built something completely different on top of it. If Yaya just spray painted halloween skeleton hands, THEN it would be the same thing.

>> No.7138334
File: 48 KB, 642x481, 138092453213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might be a little late to the party, but

Who's this?

>> No.7138491

Glad I'm not the only person wondering about "wardrobe malfunction" Morrigan. Hot.

>> No.7139784

>wardrobe malfunction
I dunno about that, it's clearly a burlesque routine to me. Regardless, it's on video somewhere and I want to see more.

>> No.7141291

I found video of the costume contest from Planet Comicon, she's not in it.