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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.21 MB, 2048x1536, 20130918_005641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7109372 No.7109372[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/ Im going to be going to comic con for the very first time with my friends next year. However, I dont watch anime. Is there any cosplay I could fit into really well? I wanted to do HNK but im not big enough for it.

>> No.7109410

you could seriously be any buff guy in anime who isn't supposed to be white.

>> No.7109409

Stand up straight, that shit's not attractive.

>> No.7109413

>jiggly jiggly jelly

>> No.7109417


no, really. his posture is atrocious and unattractive.

>> No.7109435


I dont know enough about anime which is the problem. Got any suggestions? Also adding im not willing to dye hair but a wig is fine.

>> No.7109442

I have to second the notions ITT, somehow you're very unattractive even though you are an Asian.

The pic just reeks of neckbeardness, trying too hard, bad posture, virginity et al.

Maybe you should've stayed at DYEL-tier, and become good looking instead, I think that's a better option for Asians.

>> No.7109444
File: 845 KB, 2048x1536, 20130815_154742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this a better picture?

Still need suggestions on anime characters

>> No.7109450

Don't fucking cosplay if you don't know about the characters. People like that make me want to dig a fucking knife into their skull. if you don't know about anime, don't cosplay.

Pick a character that you know about, even if its from another show, or a video game, or something like that.

>> No.7109475


Why? It's not like you could tell since id be reading up on it in case anyone asks

>> No.7109480


Learn how to rotate your pictures faggot.

>> No.7109488

because it's a hobby about dressing as characters you enjoy. You don't have to dress as an anime character at a convention, so think about other things you enjoy. Shows, games, movies, books, etc.

>> No.7109525

Yeah, this guy looks much better than the guy you posted in the OP tho. He even has a gf unlike the OP.

>> No.7109539
File: 1.23 MB, 811x1270, SCREEN_Chew02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to comic con and INSTANTLY only considering anime?

My good man, get yourself a suit, a fake gun, a white male blonde friend who's willing to go to comic con as a cyborg, and a can of beets.


>> No.7109543
File: 331 KB, 2031x769, chew6p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting another image to get you a lil more interested into the comic

I won't spam anymore than this since I know /cgl/ is a much slower board than /co/
so if you were the slightest bit interested just head over there and they'd be more than happy to help you out with more on it

hopefully these two images will do

>> No.7109551


Not OP but this is totally my speed, is the comic just called Tiny Chu or what

>> No.7109571
File: 275 KB, 800x933, 003ffxf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's from Image comics and a great read
it's not the newest thing, but I think it was made 08 or 09 so you should be easily able to catch up from issue 1

check places you like for torrents, or ask around /co/ for some help on downloading and reading comics on your computer

>> No.7109581

you're going to comic-con.

Why even choose an anime character if you don't watch anime? Why not choose a comic book character? Or a character from a movie? or cartoon? Or just something you actually have interest in?

I don't understand people sometimes.

>> No.7109583


>> No.7109594


>> No.7109604

I swear to fucking god its a rite of passage for a /fit/izen to say

"YO GRILLS AM I FIT ENOUGH FOR (random character here"

you don't need your own thread to stroke your own dick

>> No.7109605


So did you ever finish your Jon Snow costume? I only saw it in the progress threads. How did it turn out?

>> No.7109607

yeah, it turned out alright. Was hard to wear it at sdcc since I was wearing a thermal, vinyl vest and a fur mantle in 80 degrees.

>> No.7109803

After thinking it through, I decided to go with tiny chew or yusuke from yuyu.

>> No.7113366

well you're going to comic con, which is generally comic books. you don't need to know anything about anime really. do you like video games or comic? try something from there.

>> No.7113415

dont hate me cuz u aint me

>> No.7113432

Ok, maybe I have been on all the wrong sites lately, but my first thought when I saw OP's pic was "fresh body on slab, missing right arm below elbow,".

>> No.7113433

>80 degrees
Go to Dragoncon and wear that shit in 95 degree heat.

>> No.7113445

You definitely need to curl more.

>> No.7113496
File: 139 KB, 720x488, 1344901372651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously, man. if you're not going to take the time to rotate your pictures, all you're going to get is a fuck off.