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7104629 No.7104629[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we make a list of Top, medium and bottom tier prints? I'll start:

Top Tier
Day Dream Carnival

Medium Tier
Toy Drops

Bottom Tier
Sweet Jam

(I just want to clarify, if a dress is in the bottom row it doesn't mean it's ita or ugly, it's just less desired among the lolita community)

>> No.7104638

I think toy drops is low tier too. A better medium might be Happy Garden or that one with the sheep.

>> No.7104639

Top Tier: Whip Magic
Medium Tier: French Cafe
Bottom Tier: Little Bear's Cafe

>> No.7104642
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wait what

>> No.7104644

>Whip Magic
Lol can't tell if serious...

>> No.7104647

Where would Queen Trump and Glass Bottle of tears go?

>> No.7104655
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It's beautiful and is actually quite popular, despite lots of people hating it. Plus I had to add it because I know so many people here hate it.

>> No.7104688

middle tier imo

>> No.7104690

Top Tier: Sugar Hearts
Medium Tier: Dreamy Doll House
Bottom Tier: Dreamy Baby Room

>> No.7104701

>Dreamy Baby Room
Is that not very popular then?

>> No.7104792

This a pretty popular dress between itas and newbies because of the price, so yes, lots of people have it

you know you have been to a large meet with at least one dress of this print.

>> No.7104802

It's one of those prints that is WAY better in person. There's so many tiny little details in it that you just can't see looking at it through the computer.

>> No.7104824

Sure, there are lots of shitty coordinates with it but that is the case with any print. There are plenty of people who actually love it that aren't an ita or a newbie.

>> No.7104825


>> No.7104844

Top Tier
Toy Fantasy
Memorial cake
Milky Planet Re-release

Medium Tier
Happy Sheep garden
Freshly Picked Strawberries
Marshmallow Bunny

Bottom Tier
BtSSB Soda Pop
AP Original Print
Love Nadia Bodyline

>> No.7104860

Whip Magic is crazy popular in Japan. It never took off in the west though.

>> No.7104889

nah. a lot of ageplay-y themes. I'm not one of those "ap is ageplay" idiots but that print had really dumb themes and motifs, and the cuts were horrid.

>> No.7104904

Bodyline Edition

Top Tier
Cinderella Bunny L481
Carousel L144
Chocoberry L299
Soft Cream L251
Military Sweets L397

Medium Tier
Macaron L249
Love Balloons L290
Alice Trump L483
Macaron Stripe L191
Marshmallow Cookies L515

Bottom Tier
Birthday Squirrels L391
Gingham Ribbon Frame L188
Postcards L223
Alice Stripe L136
Fairy Forest L226

bottom tier could go on and on though but those were standouts to me

>> No.7104919

Eh, I disagree with all of your top tier prints. None of them are that popular/desired.

>> No.7104925

Top Tier:
Iron Gate

Medium Tier:
Holy Queen

Bottom Tier:
Alchemy Print

>> No.7104926

Yo you forgot Magical Cosmetics. I think that'd be top tier.

>> No.7104932
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Top Tier:
BTSSB Gloria
BTSSB The Rose Has A Secret Scent
JetJ La Biblioteque

Middle Tier:
MmM Stained Glass
JetJ Star Money
AP Misty Sky
Haenuli Royal Kitten/Snowfield Wolf in Frame

Bottom Tier:
Radioactive Cupcake
Dreamy Ageplay Room
Cock Ass Pussy Bitch Dress
Innocent World Pieboob Dress

(Tbh this is based 99% on my opinion)

>> No.7104947

well it's not necessarily all about being popular or desired, but the quality. the prints themselves are pretty good contextually. also, Soft Cream, Chocoberry, and Carousel prints are actually all pretty popular. and Cinderella Bunny has really, really good reviews.

>> No.7104951

oh yeah, that's a nice print. sorry I forgot to include it.

>> No.7104957

Where would you place Love Jewelry?

>> No.7104982

I think it's really cute, but people don't like it because it's sort of ageplay-ish.

>> No.7104986

awww.....i love birthday squirrels.

>> No.7104988

what about indie brands? i assume holley tea time would be bottom tier.

>> No.7105059

shit, is sweet jam really generally considered bottom tier? People went apeshit for it back in the day and now I'm having a hell of a time trying to sell my sweet jam sundress, which I originally paid a fortune for. Ah well.

>> No.7105065

Wouldn't that be rock bottom tier?

>> No.7105085

> top tier
> no puppet circus and lotta
> 29 replies

>> No.7105152

>Cock Ass Pussy Bitch Dress
What is it actually called?

>> No.7105200

Top Tier:
Chocolate Rosette
Cat's Tea Party
Puppet Circus
Day Dream Carnival
Claudia the Fairy Tail Princess

Medium Tier:
Starry Night Theater
Sugar Hearts
Toy March
Honey Cake
Glass Bottle of Tears

Bottom Tier:
Whipped Magic
Jewelry Jelly
Dreamy Baby Room
Little Bear's Cafe
Sugary Carnival (Simply because I think this print is overrated as fuck)

>> No.7105208

>Toy Drops
>Medium Tier

>> No.7105217

Top Tier:
Puppet Circus
Iron Gate
Cat's Tea party

Medium Tier:
Dream Sky
Midsummer Night Dream
Sugary Carnival

Low Tier:
Little Bear's Cafe
Happy Garden
Whip Magic

>> No.7105216

Is Little Bear's Cafe really on the level of Whipped Magic?

>> No.7105227

These are mix of my personal opinions and the prices these dresses go for on the comm sales. But to me Little Bear's Cafe is hideous. Just an opinion.

>> No.7105237

I would say yes. LBC is somewhat of an attained taste. It might be too sweet even for lolitas who wear sweet regularly.

>> No.7105329

Is meltchocolapin really that sought after? It's expensive, sure, but I don't know if it belongs in the same category as puppet circus/iron gate. But I might just be biased because I don't like the print.

>> No.7105339

It's not that it's "too sweet" (what the hell are you talking about, Sugary Carnival is the epitome of a sweetness and it's super popular), it's that it's butt ugly.

>> No.7105351

Wut. AP prints are of consistent quality. And I don't know why you put the re-release of Milky Planet there because the original is superior and far more popular. What are you talking about in your second sentence? You seem to have gone off on a tangent.

>> No.7105360

>honey cake
>medium tier
wtf is wrong with you

>> No.7105364

the print is cute but the lace on the jsk is horrid

also i forgot to add the clocks jsk, probably medium tier. like birthday squirrels the print is ok but the jsk designs are awful.

i'd place it at top tier or medium tier because it its a nice print, fairly popular, good quality etc.

>> No.7105370

i think you replied to the wrong post, anon
to clarify, i meant that the bodyline prints i picked were imo decent quality contextually i.e. among bodyline/comparably priced prints

>> No.7105372

No I didn't, I replied to a post about Angelic Pretty prints. I think you need to check the replies.

>> No.7105379

wow i totally replied to the wrong post. sorry i cant words ive been up for 20 hours.

>> No.7105380

I don't think you understand the concept of the word "opinion"

>> No.7105381

no i think i do
im just honestly wondering wtf is wrong with you that you think honey cake is medium-tier when its extremely sought after and sells faster than $10 ass in Tijuana. its extremely popular, unique, and well-designed.

>> No.7105553

>unique, and well-designed
See, that's the opinion part I was talking about.

>> No.7105561

Nooooo... there was Sweet Jam sitting around on the sale rack for ages. Nobody liked Sweet Jam

>> No.7105569

It was never popular. You probably just got scalped.

>> No.7105614

Magical Cosmetics and Love Jewlery tho?

Also, by Love Balloons do you mean Balloon Bears?

>> No.7105615

is it wrong that I really hate Day Dream Carnival even though I'm a sweet lolita

>> No.7105619
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mfw everything i own is in everyone's bottom tier..

>> No.7105620

the original milky planet is much more popular than the re-release

>> No.7105622

the special purple JSK was nice but other than that it's fugly

>> No.7105624

Top tier
Cat's tea party

Middle tier
fantasic dolly

Bottom tie
uguuu baby room

>> No.7105640

this, this, this.
i bought squirrel party as babby's first lolita dress, as it was both cute and cheap (so I could figure out how I actually felt about wearing the fashion out and whatnot). However, I was a bit horrified when I received the dress and saw just how horrid the lace is and just how much of it BL piled on.
I think the print is super cute, and I love squirrels, but holy fuck, I can't wait to get rid of this dress.

>> No.7105641

Can we have a gothic edition?
Top tier:
Iron Gate
Silent Moon

Medium tier:
Cathedral print
Ruins Cathedral

Bottom tier:
Most new prints by Moitie, Archangel print, Alchemy print

>> No.7105650

Someone else already did one.

>> No.7105651

Also, the cathedral print is way better than silent moon.

>> No.7105889

Yeah, agreeing. Fortunately I don't own it, despite how cute I think it is precisely for that reason. I saw a girl wearing it at a con, and it was frightening.

>> No.7107399

tbh lotta, iron gate and puppet circus are the only top tier prints

>> No.7108166

What about Cat's Tea Party it has gone for over $800?

>> No.7108253

shit well, that's one expensive lesson. I still could have sworn that people were still paying quite a lot of money for sweet jam at places like egl sales - that said, it was only for a brief period, their value just keeps on going down. So um, may I ask, what do you think a perfect condition sweet jam sundress is worth these days?

>> No.7108261


Fuck you, I love Pieboob dress.

>> No.7108290

Oh hush, it is not that ~*~*amazing*~*~ of it print. It's fucking breakfast and an Aunt Jemima box for a bag.

>> No.7109751
File: 34 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I totally forgot about balloon bears, I'd place balloon bears in medium tier though.

by love balloons i meant this print.

>> No.7111153

mfw when I don't own any any lolita wear.
