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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 17 KB, 400x300, help_wanted-neon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7104463 No.7104463[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last one is on auto-sage.

>> No.7104466
File: 84 KB, 740x800, Soul-Calibur-II-Game-Character-Official-Artwork-Render-Ivy-Valentine-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday I want to make an expandable Ivy sword prop, but to be ready for Halloween I just want to make a static whip version. What base wire or tubing could I use for hte cord base that's stiff enough to hold a decent curve without deliberate shaping like a wire.

If I had to describe the rigidity I'm looking for I'd compare it to a Skip-It cord or a thick laptop cord?

>> No.7104723

How the fuck do I get the shine out of my goddamn wig?

Like, I want to expand on this, but I've washed the damn thing like 4 times now in various shampoos and nothing; it's still shiny as hell.

>> No.7104735

talc or baby powder works for some people.. IDK why washing it would do anything.

>> No.7105062


>> No.7105064

I've read that soaking it in fabric softener overnight helps.

>> No.7105067
File: 33 KB, 300x400, Delilah_Display_Photo_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was curious, are there any wigs that are as long as arda's delilah wig (that are from a trustworthy seller)? it's perfect for what i need, but i'm not sure i want to pay the price for it. if it's the only option then i guess that's it, but i'd like to see if there's something like it for a bit less!

>> No.7105073

also i'm only asking cause i've been searching for a while and haven't found anything that's quite that long. i'd only ask if hit a dead end haha!

>> No.7105079

epiccosplay, maybe

>> No.7105086


>> No.7105091


thirding Epic, even if you have to sacrifice a bit on length (and I don't think you will) it will be worth it because their wigs are so much easier to manage than Arda. Arda wigs tangle like a bitch but I have several long epic wigs and they all comb out super easily. I pretty much exclusively buy long wigs from them now.

>> No.7105098

I asked this on the other one but it's on auto-sage so
I want to do a group of lwa but one in the group wants to do a genderbent sucy. I don't have any images to go off of...does anyone have pictures, ideas, etc? I'm mostly interested in the costume as Sucy wears a long robe.
>pic related
>group member is a male

>> No.7105100
File: 102 KB, 600x800, Sucy.Manbabalan.full.1494253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops dropped pic

>> No.7105130
File: 440 KB, 789x378, twilight dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My daughter told me she wanted to be "alicorn Princess Twilight Sparkle" for Halloween, and my younger sister and I decided we'd have a mini group with me as Celestia and her as Luna. I'm trying to design my daughter's dress right now and I want to make sure it looks nice, like a legit dress and not just a costume. Her costume is going to be lolita-ish while my sister and I will have more aristocratic clothing. Attached image is the fabric I bought with my daughter today (she picked it out) and my shitty paint drawing of what I designed after she showed me some dresses she liked. White balance is off, looks more yellow than in real life. Purple is kona cotton, blues are taffeta. Any thoughts about how it looks? I figured I could incorporate more of the cutie mark pink with various accessories within the actual coord, didn't want to overdo it with the dress itself. Ways I could make the cutie mark look really natural?

>> No.7105169

really all you need to do there is make it less form fitting.

the hair i have no suggestions on

>> No.7105186
File: 21 KB, 242x503, Bills2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have an idea on how to make the head for this? (I'm really good with sculpting but obviously at this scale it's not like I can use sculpey) Would you use prosthetics built onto the face or a whole head mask?

>> No.7105205


I have no idea how, but if I see you at a convention, I'll hug you.

>> No.7105201

I had an idea for doing Ivy's expandable sword a while back that invovled using a retractable tape measure as a base...

>> No.7105210

Seconded. I JUST watched the movie last night.
Do us all proud, anon.

>> No.7105214

Thanks! I'm also a girl so it's even more challenging. But lucky I'm a stick so I think I'll suit it If I can work out how to do the goddamn head without looking like a really bad furry.

>> No.7105215
File: 109 KB, 1447x940, SkullMet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's a good place to buy/commission Sentai helmets? I really want one of these Skullman numbers that I can actually wear.

>> No.7105236

Super noob question, but when ordering dresses from sites like taobao, how much leeway should you give your measurements?

For example, mine are 34-27-34 (ugh). Should I be aiming to match those measurements exactly? If not, how much 'breathing room' is adequate?

>> No.7105277

First you need to convert to cm. You usually want the posted measurements to be two or three cm larger. If you are between sizes, or one measurement is right on the border, buy the bigger size. It's way easier to take things in than let them out.

>> No.7105296

Okay, I'd assumed so but wanted to make sure. Thanks so much!

Sage for minimal contribution.

>> No.7105326
File: 1.84 MB, 2388x3496, Guidebook_0048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey helpful seagulls, I have a concept question if anyone would like to offer their opinion.

I'm making a cosplay of Charlotte's second form (pic related). I don't want to go the route of No Face, with the tube body, but something a little more animated. I lack the powers of hover lolis, so I'm stuck wondering what to do with my feet. It bugs me to just see them hanging out there and breaking up the silhouette.

Is there any good way to hide feet? I've looked up naga costumes and haven't seen something quite right yet. It seems like my best bet atm is to really contour it up - make the body dip all the way to the ground and then back up, so that only a bit of the feet show. I've also toyed with creating some of her minions to stick on my feet so that they shuffle with me, but that might just end up looking lame.

>> No.7105336
File: 376 KB, 3370x1904, Revolver-Shotgun_Bandolier_Leather_Brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any suggestions on making an ammo bandolier that DOESN'T involve elastic? Something like pic related.

It's for a post-apocalyptic look, so it's fine if it looks scratchbuilt. Frankly I was planning on using an old leather belt for the majority of it. However, I can't think of a decent means of attaching the cartridges in a manner that they'd be retrievable.

I'm also currently doing stuff like this in my free time while unemployed, so the cheaper, the better. If I can do it entirely with stuff from around the house already, I'll be happy.

>> No.7105425
File: 289 KB, 538x310, arminwig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Armin wig opinion? I've found most of the cosplayers I see with...odd wigs for armin. either the volume of hair is weird or the cut/shape is off or the hair parting is funny. I saw this one while looking on taobao and I think it looks nice, though I'm worried it might be a bit thin? His hair is kinda voluminous - I think I dislike most of the wigs I see for this reason (that they aren't 'big' enough). Should I just get a wig myself and cut it or try this one? It's from lingyisun.

>> No.7105432

If anything, since it's taobao just buy two and put them together for the volume?

>> No.7105448

Do you have something against elastic, or do you just not like the way it would look? If it's the second one, you could try doing elastic under leather or some other material so it's not visible.

>> No.7105447

Can anybody recommend to me somebody based in the UK who take commissions? I need a coat making that is too complicated for me :>

>> No.7105468

Mostly just for appearances, yeah, so covering it up is an option. Also the simple fact that I don't currently have a suitable elastic strap. I assume they're cheap but I don't know exactly how cheap.

>> No.7105469

Don't forget teasing and hairspray

>> No.7105494

You can get wide elastic for like, 70 cents a yard at Joann...

>> No.7105511

Sounds like a plan then. I've never used it for anything, I had literally no idea what it cost.

>> No.7105512

the cartirdges have a lip on them, so make the loops not snug on the body of the shell but not so wide the lip slips through. aka just measure carefully and use leather anyways.

>> No.7105529

Yeah, I'm using a bunch of spent 7.62 casings with wooden dummy bullets. It's actually for a film prop rather than any sort of a con, so there's no chance of people getting bitchy about them being real casings (I don't even know whether that'd be a problem at a con, I just assume it would).

>> No.7105725
File: 63 KB, 379x434, shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What glue (or method) should I use to attach fabric to leather, I found the shoes in pic related but I need to attach the straps.
Any Ideas? I'm probably using white nylon leftover from the jacket.

>> No.7106113
File: 110 KB, 1440x810, 1371734345442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making Maou's demon legs for Halloween, but I'm not sure how to keep them attached to my legs. As you can see in the picture, they stop mid-thigh. I'll probably have my pants go over the stopping point (not cosplaying just underwear, haha) so I could just sew attachments that would be hidden under the pants to hold them up, but I'd like the option to have them just… glued to my legs or whatever to hold them up if possible. I'm especially worried about moving around a lot in them and having them fall off my legs. Any suggestions?

>> No.7106126

You can use sock or leotard glue, though if it's not super fitted to your leg all the way down, the weight of the fur might be too much for it. Sewing them to nude leggings would be the best option.

>> No.7106209

Like stacking? I was worried it might look funny because of the length, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try. If it didn't then I could just do what >>7105469 said and just sell the other one I guess.

>> No.7106261
File: 42 KB, 300x396, KickAss11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanting to do this outfit... However I have no sewing experience. I was planning to buy a seifuku skirt as it has the exact same shape of thin pleats but I can't find an almost exact copy of the tartan style. I found out the type of tartan is or very close to one called 'Gordon Dress Modern', but buying a made Scottish skirt costs around £50+. Are thinly pleated skirts easy to make?

I saw this online: http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n122809685

but it looks like there aren't enough pleats. Should I just compromise on the tartan style? I actually was only doing this for a fancy dress party but kinda wanted to be able to use it as an accurate cosplay for a convention.

>> No.7106313 [DELETED] 

Oh! Nude leggings! That's a great idea, thank-you so much!!

>> No.7106325 [DELETED] 
File: 405 KB, 700x525, cosplayers_166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these girls cosplaying in the nurse style outfits?

>> No.7106403

Oh! Nude leggings! That's a great idea, thank-you so much!!

>> No.7106413

Maybe you can try getting the tartan printed? I'm not sure about the quality, but you can print from places like spoonflower.

>> No.7106445
File: 311 KB, 800x450, 800px-Elizabeth_Midford_Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! I'm looking for a tutorial on how to make big drill curls, I've seen tutorials on how to make smaller ones, like Mami or Catherine, but never big ones that attach to the sides, would it be the same? I'm a little nervous, since it's also four big curls.

>> No.7106463

There's probably a Celestia (Dangan Ronpa) wig tutorial that can help.
Most people use the wire-and-tape method.

>> No.7106475

uhh.....that's a creepy picture.

maybe they're just being kawaii nurses?

>> No.7106478
File: 72 KB, 530x795, wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wig hunting. I'm thinking of this one for Saki Inafune. But her hair colour is frustratingly inconsistent sometimes.

Should I keep looking?

>> No.7106480
File: 1.35 MB, 963x414, saki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The character, for reference.

>> No.7106557

I'm kinda new to the whole convention thing, and I don't want to start a new thread. Do any of you have a list of 18+ cons?

>> No.7106564

anyone have any recommendations for a decent full body open crotched latex/pvc catsuit
color is irrelevant price up to 100$ usd

>> No.7106579

I find myself doubting that this is cosplay relevant.

>> No.7106589

I did not realize help generals were cosplay only, taobao threads allow non cosplay items, i thought a help general would be the same. My mistake

>> No.7106601

Sorry, it was a joke. The internet is bad for tone of voice.
I saged because it was both unhelpful and not to be taken seriously.

>> No.7106627

yaoi con and dragon con are the only ones I personally know of.

>> No.7106712

rubber cement

>> No.7106725
File: 145 KB, 153x431, Screen Shot 2013-09-17 at 7.20.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any tips for making hoods?

>> No.7107453
File: 107 KB, 600x600, TOY-TOK-03018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This costume will probably take me a couple years to finish, just because I understand the amount of funds required to finish something like this are going to be veeerry high. I'm used to EVA foam to make sub-par riders, but for this I want to go all out. I have ideas on how to tackle a lot of it, but I don't really know what I'm going to do for the helmet. At all.

>> No.7107455

Is it possible to make thigh highs/boot covers out of a non-stretch fabric?
I realize they wouldn't stay up and fit quite as well as something made out of stretch material (nothing some sock glue or body tape can't fix), but if it's still possible, that'd be grand.

>> No.7107460


>> No.7107465

Thank you very much!

>> No.7107567
File: 50 KB, 480x345, gunn_ancient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not sure whether you're British or not, but each type of tartan/plaid design is tied to a specific Scottish clan, so for you it'd simply be a case of finding said clans name, purchasing the relevant fabric and creating a pleated skirt from it.

For example I'm a descendant of the Gunn clan and our house tartan is particularly puke-tastic blend of blue/green and red (picture related).

I'll take a peak online for you though and if I manage to find the clan who's tartan design that belongs to I'll let you know.

>> No.7107574
File: 452 KB, 1344x781, Chloe-Moretz-hit-girl-school-girl-outfit-scene-hot-trailer-hd-hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Found it.
This specific tartan pattern belongs to an ancient 12th century Scottish clan belonging to the Gordon clan.

The name of the tartan is specifically "Gordon Dress Modern Tartan", not to be confused with "Gordon Dress Ancient Tartan" or "Clan Campbell Tartan" which are fairly similar.

You're welcome and good luck.

>da moar u kno

>> No.7107578
File: 142 KB, 500x500, skirtsleaford-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ooohhh and look what I just found.


Only £23.00 and you'd just have to adjust the hem.

>> No.7107579


Oh shit, I just looked and they only ship within the UK.
If you're outside the UK and really needed this skirt badly if you want you could mail it to my address and from there I could mail it to you.
Better than ordering an inaccurate one from Japan.

>> No.7107583

If you read my post I did say I had already found it was 'Gordon Dress Modern', but found getting one made by Scottish websites are expensive, and I can't sew for crap to make one from fabric.

This should work actually! I found on John Lewis they used the exact right tartan for Queens Mary Prep School but the skirt was the completely wrong shape. Luckily I'm in the UK so thanks :)

>> No.7107585


Oh sorry, I didn't see your previous post, but fantastic that you're able to get the skirt okay.

I feel I should apologise for the string of posts, I've just had a can of Monster and a little hyper haha

>> No.7107611

Understandable! I've just gotta figure out which waist size to get... Should cost me about £5-10 to get the hem adjusted so it's not super long and looks right rather than frumpy (I'm 5ft1 so 22 inches length would look odd!)

http://p-bandai.jp/phantasien/PHItem/PHSkirt/item-1000009418/ This was the only 'seifuku' skirt I could find with an almost similar tartan (something seems off, I think the tartan pattern is a smaller size?)

http://www.johnlewis.com/girls'-pleated-tartan-school-skirt-green-navy/p235629 Greenish pleated school skirt.

http://www.etsy.com/listing/155057159/plaid-school-girl-skirt-navy-green-white I found this last night but the pleats looked too wide but the pattern seemed perfectly placed.

I also found another website that sells uniform skirts for that school but image looks a little off.

>> No.7108260
File: 99 KB, 640x800, 1365467329415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay this character, however I'm not sure if blonde hair would suit my skin tone. I have skin with yellow undertones that's a little tan from the summer, but I usually have lighter skin.
Would this color be okay with my skin color, or should I try to find a different type of blonde that would better suit me?

>> No.7108276

How would I go about giving myself freckles?

>> No.7108279

draw them on.

>> No.7108282

Is this a legit idol? I don't keep track of the Cinderella Girls stuff, but this looks like some persons shitty devID.

>> No.7108295

Legit Idol in the IM@S: CG game.

>> No.7108298

100% legit, dear anon. And please make it happen OP and try whatever makes you paler, Koume is really really pale so yeah

>> No.7108299
File: 26 KB, 219x222, please respond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you have a preferred SS you use for Y!JA? I'm considering using Rinkya but I'm completely inexperienced here.

>> No.7108307

Yeah, she's pretty cute. Her single comes out soon. She has cuter outfits, this one is just her first, normal card.
But that's besides the point!

>> No.7108329

I wanna make simple swords out of insulation foam, but the thing is, insulation foam ain't all that stiff when bare and it won't look very good.
Is there any way to make insulation foam stiff?

>> No.7108331

Hey cgl, we used to have lace threads, but I can't seem to find any of the sites in my bookmarks. What are some good places to buy lace?

>> No.7108425
File: 378 KB, 638x288, Screen Shot 2013-09-18 at 8.07.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fabric would you guys suggest for her "corset"?

>> No.7108493

Also a fabric question since the fabric thread all but died.

Any suggestions as to what to make this out of?

>> No.7108499
File: 195 KB, 2058x732, brienne refernece pics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped the picture

>> No.7108500


My dick.

>> No.7108501
File: 249 KB, 1280x720, SIjXd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I just need some help with the chainmail part of the elite knight armour cosplay i am doing,

What size should i go for the ring 1/2 inch?,3/8 inch? or 1/4 inch? and I make the chainmail myself because its too expensive to import to aus from the ring lord so the wire thickness i can use ate 1.57mm or 2mm which should I choose for it.

Thanks guys

also would like to know if I should just make the standard 4 in 1 weave for it

>> No.7108505

I'm guessing it's made of a low-pile velvet, but a heavy cotton would work.

>> No.7108508

From experience.
1/2 inch without a thick ass ring is going to look super loose. Pic related, 14 gauge 1/2 inch.

3/8 is probably good. 1/4 is getting really small.

>> No.7108515
File: 2.52 MB, 3264x2448, first piece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image didnt go through apparnetly, anyways, I know its woven wrong, first piece I ever made. You get the idea that its very loosely woven though.

>> No.7108518
File: 55 KB, 250x200, sm_jupiter293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you.

>> No.7108531

Thank you very much!
I like you too anon~

>> No.7108537

Between 1/4" and 3/8" would probably look solid with a 4-in-1 weave. If you go bigger, you might have to go with a 6-in-1 to compensate for the 'loose-ness'.

>> No.7108545

I'd think between 1/4" and 3/8" would be good with most wire diameters for a 4-in-1 weave. Bigger than that and you might have t go with a 6-in-1.

>> No.7108552

Sorry one more stupid question, how can you tell it'll be heavy enough from ordering it online? Would this work?


>> No.7108648

Hi! I'm unsure how to hide lightweight wings under clothing. Any suggestions?

>> No.7108732

Not the other anon, but no that's a braodcloth. It's a lightweight cotton which is really only good for quilting. I know it says for apparel on the site, but for what you want it's no good.

Look for a fabric that says heavyweight.

>> No.7108733

Is it part of the character design? Picture for ref?

>> No.7108752

Kona cotton is indeed no good for dresses with any sort of drape. You'll see in the description that it is '4.3 ounces' This is a good way of telling how thick fabric is, as that is the weight of one square yard. So, a standard denim, such that you might find in your jeans, is around 12 oz, while a thin chambray, like in a denim shirt, is about 5oz. If you have a fabric store, the bolts sometimes have this info on them, so you can get a feel for what weights feel like what. Then, use that to shop online.

>> No.7108767 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, picture015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it is.
Sorry for the bad quality.

>> No.7108790
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, picture015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the bad quality

>> No.7108796

Oh, well I take it you're gonna have the wings strapped to your shoulders like a back bag?Because if that's the case, the best I can think of is have 'tears' on the back of the shirt so you put your wings on first and then slip the shirt on and button the space of the 'tears' underneath the wings.
I did this for one of my cosplay, but I had a toga over the teared shirt so there was room for the wings to come out and no one noticed that my shirt that torn at all.

>> No.7108826
File: 102 KB, 433x440, Screen Shot 2013-09-19 at 12.51.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How useful is a serger for cosplay? I do a lot with stretch materials and think I might benefit from it.

Ive seen premade catsuits with edges that are sewn together with a serger instead of a normal machine. Is this a normal thing to do? I worry I'll spend money on a serger and not get much use out of it..

>> No.7108831

It will give you nice even seams with locked edges, and if it has the proper setting it will do stretch stitches without adding too much bulk. I got a pretty expensive serger for a gift one year for xmas, and even though I don't do a lot of stretch work, I use it on pretty much everything I make, at least to finish the edges.

>> No.7108833

What do you mean by finish the edges? Sorry if this is a noob-ish question.

Do you sew it normally with your machine, then take it to the serger and go over it or something?

>> No.7108838

Depends on what you're doing. You can use it before sewing on all your edges just to overcast so they don't fray. If something is difficult to sew, like a sleeve cap, you can do it with your regular machine, and then go over with the serger to trim and overcast. And for stuff like tshirts, you'll generally put nearly the entire piece together with the serger. It won't replace a normal machine, but there are definitely places where it's better than one

>> No.7109794 [DELETED] 

Much gratitude.

>> No.7109808

Much gratitude.

>> No.7110128

any tips on making good masks? mainly i want to make one for a Scarlet Spider costume but i couldnt see shit through the lycra

>> No.7110307
File: 689 KB, 661x1217, DissidiaBartz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to make a pair of half-calf high boots (see pic). Should I go at it from scratch or should I modify some existing boots? It's the only part Im having some trouble planning out how I want to do it. Any ideas?

>> No.7110314

cowboy boots worked pretty well when I did him.

>> No.7110696
File: 37 KB, 389x605, ranma04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning on cosplaying Ranma with a friend, but we're completely stuck on how to tackle the wigs. Is there a way to have that huge hair look (on one side) without looking ridiculous? Or should it just be best to go natural with them?
I've barely seen any recent cosplays of the character so I don't have many ideas where to start with this.

>> No.7111024
File: 446 KB, 884x707, Metal_master_armor_male.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so Im looking to make some raider armor from Fallout 3, specifically from The Pitt. The armor itself is the Metal Master. The set that Mex wears. His stomach is covered in leather and not exposed, which is what Im looking to do. That part is simple enough.
Im trying to figure a way to do the should pads and the tubing around the neck. Pic related.
Should I do paper mache, cardboard, craft foam or some kind of metal? I dont want it to be super heavy. Suggestions, please?

>> No.7111030
File: 137 KB, 640x457, 640px-Mex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is an up close of the shoulder parts.

Ive looked on cosplay.com and fallout cosplayers facebook, but more of the people that made armor did the female painspike ones, which are vastly different. Im going to continue searching, but any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

>> No.7111059

My first thought would be to mold worbla over football pads.

>> No.7111066

I contemplated the football pads, though my issue was how large they are. Is it possible to cut them down?

>> No.7111082
File: 549 KB, 900x720, gamma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, I lied. he wants THIS armor. same thing, essentially.

>> No.7111439
File: 95 KB, 500x485, tumblr_inline_mt6roy982y1qhb2os.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i waited too long to get around to using these glow in the dark fabric pens, and they've gone rock hard! theres a little clear fluid in each pen and mostly a solid rock of paint. What do I do to fix them? Can they be fixed?

I thought it'd be a really nice addition to my evangelion cosplay, damnit!

>> No.7111442

same difference, right?

>> No.7111446

Very similar. The shoulders are a little different and there is arm plating and more leg armor and underclothes. eh.

>> No.7111456

Yes, but making them is going to be round about the same.
If you trust your handiwork, i've seen some amazing done stuff with foam but I think what the above poster said about worbla and football pads is good.

Of course you can cut them, you'll need tools to do so but if you don't have anything like that you might need to rethink your cosplay plan.

>> No.7111478
File: 174 KB, 900x720, tisconfusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it will be possible.
This is whats killing me right now, though, maybe fresh eyes will help. My brain just isn't grasping this

where the white is circle, it seems like the outter leather shell (hard leather?), which I have highlighted in red, has just simply ended in the front. Am I going crazy?

i highlighted the different parts that seem to go together or be one piece. Its the red bit thats throwing me for a loop

>> No.7111481

If you can get them open, try adding a bit of water and shake it. Leave it to soak for a bit, shake again. Keep doing that until they're good again.
If not, you'll have to buy new ones.

>> No.7111657

A lot of times a bit of alcohol works.

>> No.7111699
File: 26 KB, 273x400, Lechuck_movie_concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the best material for making an exaggeratedly large pirate chapeau? Something that won't look too foamy or fakey and stays nice and stiff.

>> No.7111721
File: 155 KB, 397x720, ThighGapSoKawaiiOniichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7111741

Interfacing between the fabric.

>> No.7111747

What are some female characters that wear a mask/helmet that covers their eyes or face? I've always wanted to cosplay but I'm afraid of my face being shown because I am afraid of being recognized by people I know and want to hide my powerlevel. My height is 5ft 1in.

>> No.7111754

pick your favorite sentai team, cosplay the girl.

>> No.7111767

I love masks. Some suggestions would be Jun from Gatchaman (more like obscured instead of actually covered) any female sentai character, Sailor V, Bubblegum Crisis chicks, Celty from Durarara, Rider from Fate/Stay Night, Fable 3 masquerade outfit, the vast majority of female superheroes. Do you want me to go on?

>> No.7111792

Yes please. Who would be most suitable for my height though? At first I thought of Celty before this thread but her height is 5ft 7in. ;_;

>> No.7111815

99.9% of cosplayers aren't the same height as the characters they cosplay. Unless you're 4' tall and cosplaying the Hulk nobody's going to even notice.

>> No.7111819

4' tall hulk would be adorable though

>> No.7111822

I guess so? I was looking at that and it seemed like it was separate, but i think yours makes more sense. Thank you!

>> No.7111939
File: 25 KB, 235x272, queenofpain_vert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear seagulls im working on QOP cosplay and i dont know how to make the horns, what material should i use and any ideas in general are appreciated

>> No.7112000


>> No.7112125

Look up "ram horn tutorial " they use it for fur suits. You sculpt the horn the wrap in twine then paint. Attach them directly to the wig, since they seem to lay against it. Then latex/spiritgum and makeup them against your head.

>> No.7112132

come.to.think of it, I'd actually make the whole thing, from the eyebrows up, one piece. Then latex and spirit gum it.

>> No.7113220


Same anon here. Any thoughts? I would love to lean more towards making them from scratch. What types of materials would be best for something that would be sturdy and mobile like a shoe?

>> No.7113237

I'd make it a boot cover, then put that collar...thing...over it.

>> No.7113246


the majority of the bootcovers I've seen seem to be tight against the skin, like spandex almost. How would you suggest doing the cone collar thing and blue ruffled portion?

>> No.7113255
File: 254 KB, 968x1296, photo (59).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello all, I'm new here to /cgl/ and I'm doing my first ever cosplay, so feel free to let me know if I'm doing anything wrong.
I take it this must be the general "Help" thread to avoid thousands of help me threads cropping up.

So first, let me start by saying thank you for anyone who offers any assistance.
I'm doing Spike Speigel from Cowboy Bebop for my cosplay, as I have the proper build for the character. I found a few nice pieces at my local Goodwill store (and only spent $7.00, wow!)
Heres all that I need now:
-a shave
-a black tie
-copious amounts of hair gel
-black hair dye with green tones
-straps to keep the suit in the style of how the character wears it.

I've got most of these down save for the last one. Any idea where I might find and apply any kinds of straps that are similar to the character's? Again, any help is appreciated.

>> No.7113270
File: 6 KB, 200x200, 70302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And before I'm (hopefully not) greeted by 4chan's usual parade of insults, just be aware that it could have been this.

But its not. And you are fortunate for that.

>> No.7113286

Anyone know where to get a pair of
"Audio-Technica ATH-EM7 GM Adjustable Aluminum Clip-On Headphones"?
They're the headphones that the MC from Persona 3 uses.
I've tried for 3 fucking days and I've only got 2 different sources;
One that's shady as fuck and one that's for like $88 dollars.
pls respond

>> No.7113290

no, buy a wig. You cannot do Spike's hair without a wig. Buy one.

It's funny we were JUST talking about how nubs mistake Spike for an easy cosplay when it is deceptively complex.

You need to have the jacket tailored and shoulder pads inserted into it to give the Spike typical 'shape' which is an exagerrated triangle for a torso. I know you haven't even bothered to look into altering shoes to his bulbous toe style, so I was suggest that as well. Make sure the pants are pulled UP to give the illusion of loooong legs and obviously have the waist pulled in on the jacket...

Technically the jacket is all wrong, since the lapels aren't big enough and are made in a way that you cannot alter them correctly. You also didn't mention the light blue lining, which I guess you can just... glue onto the lapel.

oh god, it's just going to look so bad altering that terrible jacket into what it should be, you should have someone make it for you.

>> No.7113312


I agree with 'buy a wig' but if you won't, if you refuse, just... don't dye your hair. It'll look better this color than whatever atrocity comes out of a green-toned black. You'll also, likely, be stuck with black hair until you cut all your hair off.

>> No.7113315
File: 402 KB, 400x300, 1370214015574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like Smoker. I'm so sorry.

>> No.7113333

Maybe leather or felt made.to look like leather. Support it with cardboard? Then just make a loose sleeve of the blue fabric and sew it to the boot covers.

I.wonder if.you could use those come collars for small dogs.

>> No.7113336

Or, maybe look up a leather Bracer tutorial and modify it.

>> No.7113337


Information dully noted, thanks guys

>> No.7113344
File: 11 KB, 320x320, 60863303_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can I buy bubble jacket fabric? Or how is this made? Any tips/ideas greatly appreciated

>> No.7113588

Look for ripstop nylon or raincoat fabric, fill with quilting batting or down.

>> No.7114285
File: 32 KB, 475x380, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know a good wig for Tomoko?

>> No.7114458
File: 426 KB, 800x600, Picture 287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on some armsocks for an Aranea Serket cosplay. I'm already running into trouble with the head opening. Its fraying a lot and I keep on adding clear nail polish to prevent it from furthering it's fraying. It goes underneath the dress and luckily hasn't reached the exposed parts. Any tips on a better way to seal the part of the tights that isn't just clear nail polish?
I remember seeing a tutorial specifically to strengthen with some sort of paint for the head opening, but I forgot to save it.

>> No.7114485

Maybe you could have the cutie mark on the left side and add some sparkles/stars around it and have it fade off to the right side?
Pic related, I hope it helps!

>> No.7114486
File: 24 KB, 1146x488, twilightdress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

>> No.7114548

I have a problem with short wigs. Whenever I try to wear them, hair on the nape of my neck shows. Should I just shave it or what?

>> No.7114754

I have the same problem, I say shave it.

>> No.7114767


with a bit of styling these could work

>> No.7114803

Thank you for responding. I thought nobody ever would, ha. I like your ideas.

>> No.7114838

Diff short anon, but...
You'd be surprised how many people make comments on my height when cosplaying, it's almost always brought up, and often in a bit of an insulting way (like, your costume would be great but your height...)

I'm on the verge of stopping all together because of this shit.

>> No.7114897
File: 710 KB, 1440x708, srsshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I have thus far

I need the right shoes which I found here

I need the correct Jean Jacket
I found a few different ones but I'm not sure which would be best.

I know that the hoverboard and the hat are from the second movie. I may end up just making that version.

What can I do to really make this look good?

>> No.7115188

I'm working with a pattern and it says to cut something on the fold on the crosswise. Now, I know what crosswise is, but are they saying the fold should be parallel to the selvage when I cut or should it be parallel to the other edge? I'm not sure if the crosswise grain is supposed to go across the garment or up and down.

>> No.7115324
File: 343 KB, 585x837, Lake_Scientist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one go about making a mascot head for this?

I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.7115328

Fursuit tutorial. Green foam and elastic and ski masks.

>> No.7115350

Upholstery foam and motorcycle masks. DO NOT USE ACTUAL SKI MASKS. Ski masks are for cold weather and will overheat you even on a cold day. They absorb sweat. Not a good idea. Motorcycle balaclava, are the opposite. They are also sometimes incorrectly called ski masks, but are a thinner, smoother material.

>> No.7115352

This. That's what I couldn't think of. I always want to call them baklava. Very different things

>> No.7115357

Hey cgl I was wondering if anyone can help me out. Awhile back I found a site that sold a variety of body suits with different cuts including one that was missing the chest. I think it must have been for dancers/performers for under their costumes.

I don't really have the time or money to arse around and make one myself. I was after one since I am making a costume where the character has purple skin and was considering a Lycra suit of some kind to cut down on how much I need to paint myself. Thanks

>> No.7115359

Post pic of character

>> No.7115363
File: 101 KB, 573x1050, ysera (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a lot of skin showing, but obviously her cleavage and stomach exposed. I feel like a lycra suit is kind of necessary especially since I may be alone getting ready and would probably need help. I don't imagine paint your own back is easy.

>> No.7115365

A morphology suit or zantai should.work for that. Just get one that's.not hooded.

>> No.7115366

Morph * wtf phone.

>> No.7115369

Wouldn't cover up my chest though? I can probably modify it. It's more I know something out there like I need already exists and I can't find/remember what is called.

>> No.7115373

Oh I see what you're saying. You could modify it.or you could paint/contour the suit so you would only have to paint your face.

>> No.7115377

Perpendicular to the selvage, aka parallel to the out edge.

>> No.7115382

Alright thanks. It's probably easiest to just buy one and modify it. I've never really painted/airbrushed a suit before.

>> No.7115388

It might be beneficial to look up some scanty and kneesocks cosplays, since they tend to suit + paint.

>> No.7115410

I am considering a leotard instead maybe since my legs won't be showing (it will cut down on some of the heat). I assume it would work the same.

This may be an odd question but I have thought about it a lot of times...Can you use your body paint to paint a nude coloured suit so it will match better? It's just something I have wondered about a lot.

>> No.7115511

Nooooooooooooo. Either white suit and dye it or mix body paint to match suit.

>> No.7115512
File: 511 KB, 1500x830, ALIM8195m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a sword, I made it out o f wood and then I put primer on it, then I tried to sand it with terrible results, I thought that maybe after I colored it it would get better, but it didn't.
Now I have this shit in the pic,
anyone know how can I fix it?

>> No.7115554

You... you have to make sure that you sand it smooth. If need be, apply more layers of primer. It has to be smooth before yu paint it, or it'll just look worse, especially with metallic paint.

I'd suggest resanding it and trying again.

>> No.7115574

Sand it, primer, sand it, primer, just keep on sanding and sanding until it's like the smoothest glass.

>> No.7115586

I tried to sand it for hours but the primer get stuck in the sandpaper and it doesn't sand anymore.

>> No.7115588

Yeah, that happens. You need to keep going. Sandpaper comes in multipacks for a reason.

Also make sure that before you do your final paint, you use a finer grain of sandpaper to make it baby-butt smooth.

>> No.7115595

Ok, will do. Thanks.

Also I buy sand paper in meters.

>> No.7115615

Why does the paint application look so thick? Sand it down again till it's smooth, and ease on the layers of paint. What kind of wood is it?

>> No.7115619

it's not thick, it's the primer.
3 to 7 layers of plywood

>> No.7115621

how the fuck do i make the SNK harness? where to start?

has any one bought a good one?

>> No.7115629
File: 47 KB, 2160x2160, Military-image[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sort of paint should I use for durable stenciling on compression shirts and t-shirts?

>> No.7115640

Screen printing ink

>> No.7115644

What kind of primer did you use?

>> No.7115647


>> No.7115653

I'm going to my first con in march, and am having trouble sourcing a couple of items (backpack, Jacket) due to the high variety of these items. What are some sources for making finding these items easier?

>> No.7115654

it's a solvent based primer, maybe it wasn't diluted enough.

>> No.7115705
File: 523 KB, 870x1400, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good method in getting the holes in his shirt to be uniform and perfectly aligned?

>> No.7115714

Measure and mark it all out before you distress. In this case, it just looks like scissor snips - should be easy.

Ebay, taobao. You aren't going to get specific answers unless you tell us what character/series you are doing.

>> No.7115715

Chalk it.out and use a punch

>> No.7115718

what the fuck i was literally just about to ask this exact question for the same cosplay thats just weird

>> No.7115720

Engie form Romantically Apocalyptic, most parts are easy enough, but hainvg trouble with the backpack and Jacket as I said.

>> No.7115723

Jojo is making a big comeback in the US thanks to the game and more people are reading the manga. "Dice Rohan" is a great middle ground of flashy and simple so it serves as a good starting point for cosplay.

>> No.7115729

true true but its weird its the one time i go in /cgl/ for about 5 months it appears i guess!

>> No.7115754

Thanks. I think someone once recommended outdoor acrylic house paint to me: any experience with that?

>> No.7115896

Anyone has good patterns or tutorials for neck pieces? I'm making one right now and i keep missing the measures, the fabric is either pulling or with to many wrinkles. I've tried to search on-line but my keywords must be wrong, either way help wanted!

here's the project i'm trying http://www.trueachievements.com/customimages/018936.jpg

>> No.7115963

you could get a pattern for one of those Japanese shirts and just use the top of it/cut it to the right shape

>> No.7116376

Why thank you, anon. And you're welcome!

>> No.7116432

this seems like a very simple question, but how do you keep an edge from fraying, like say a cape or a poncho-like thing, or something along those lines. Would you sew two pieces of the same shape together and flip it rightside out, or just fold over the edge and sew it to get a clean edge or what?? i've never quite figured out how some cosplayers have such clean edges on their capes. tell me your secrets

>> No.7116462
File: 32 KB, 144x146, mirror-shield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asked in a previous thread but I feel like I should ask again here to see if I can get any more advice

I won't need this until next year but for now I'm just getting info, so, any way I can make this look well while also being inexpensive for materials?

>> No.7116469

The former for clean seamless edges. And also understitch to keep the lining from slipping out.

>> No.7116473

thank you anon. I'm going to grab some sewing technique books at the library this weekend.

>> No.7116518

I would make the face design out of foam. Make a bottom layer with a very dark color for the eyes and the mouth. Make the second layer with a lighter color, with holes cut out for the eyebrows, eyes, and mouth. Make a third layer of the lightest color, just the highlights of the forehead, nose, and around the mouth to go on top of the second layer.

It'd have some definition and some texture to it, mite b cool.

>> No.7116522

I'm honestly considering dropping a bunch of cash on an Iron Man suit. Now I can't do this myself as I do not have the skills nor the time to learn how with my current job taking up 6-7 days a week.

Onto the next point, who would be my best bet for something like this? A professional, or am I going to be able to find somebody like that on cosplay.com?

>> No.7116525


>> No.7116533

Sounds good, Anon.

Hmm, if it's alright if I ask for a few more things? How should I do the frame of the shield, the golden side parts, and how to keep on my arm, as well as find a way to mount it on my back?

>> No.7116576
File: 123 KB, 600x2960, L_g0026906232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% cotton felt bowler hat.

how can I dye it?
Has anyone tried this before? I don't really have anything that I could use to help reshape it if I use a normal dye bath.

How mushy/misshapen will it actually get?

>> No.7117032
File: 143 KB, 700x1200, img61161787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I want to make shoe clips like these, and I'm looking for the particular type of shoe clip, or something similar.

Searching a DIY tutorial says French Bluette style clips. There's a place on etsy that sells a six pack for $9(and lots of good reviews). But are there any physical stores like JoAnn's that sell them?

Or can anybody recommend and alternative. I just don't want to do the kind that will pierce the shoe.

>> No.7117048


Every shoe clip tutorial I've come across says to use earring findings, specifically the kind of backing for non-pierced ears. You can find them from jewellery-making suppliers, anywhere that sells ring blanks, barette backings, brooch backings, jump rings, etc, will likely also carry earring backings for unpierced ears as well.

>> No.7117058
File: 6 KB, 150x150, ear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh. Thank you. I believe I've actually seen non pierced earring backings sold at JoAnns and Micheals. Thank you.

>> No.7117069
File: 21 KB, 300x225, $(KGrHqN,!g0E8h2LEJ+bBPKg6kDBKw~~60_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've already got an answer, but what about the snap hair clips? You can get a bunch of them in pretty much any store that carries hair things for pretty cheap. Probably dollar stores, too.

>> No.7117090


Be a little careful with these, they bend/unbend in the middle, which might leave a dent in your leather when you snap them shut. In order to grip hair, typically the inside piece and outside piece snap together very, very tightly, so if your leather is thick it probably won't even close.

Earring backings for unpierced ears are gentle because they're made to grip thick human earlobes, no teeth or anything, and it's rare to find shoes made from leather that's thicker than earlobes. The only thing about these is that they might be uncomfortable if the place they clip on rubs against your foot the entire day, but that would happen with any kind of clip anyhow.

Glad to have helped!

>> No.7117173

I haven't seen them in physical stores but I did order some online from rings and things for a good price.

>> No.7117174

Here's the page: https://shop.rings-things.com/cart/search/search.asp?keywords=shoe+clips

It's like $1.50 for a dozen.

>> No.7117716
File: 10 KB, 259x194, angelthingy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping this rather than starting an entire thread.

I'm working on an angel and am aiming to have 5 wings.I don't want fully articulated wings, but was curious if there was something I could use as the frame that I could bend to move them down/out of the way in small areas that would not stay bent.

>> No.7118184

Do you want to fold them back, like butterfly wings, in like bird wings or up/down like arms?

>> No.7118210

Anyone know a good place to get plain buckles?

>> No.7118453

hey guys, I'm a guy looking to buy a pair of pumps like pic related. However, I fit size 12 - 12.5 US male size. do they even make womens pumps that large? My feet also tend to be on the wide side.

>> No.7118454
File: 40 KB, 400x300, boot00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I accidentally my picture.

>> No.7118502


>> No.7118503

Drag sites?

>> No.7118507

attack on titan body harness, so basically rectangle/square buckles that would fit around 1"-1 1/4" straps.

>> No.7118544


just look up some crossdressing sites. Amazon has kindof a limited selection. Trust me, you will be able to find what you are looking for.

>> No.7118556
File: 247 KB, 1280x850, 1359250839.zerda_dsc_2173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spoke to the maker of this suit at a con (Monoyasha, her work is pretty radical) and she said her wings are cored with braided heavy gauge wire. I think it would make your wings a little bouncy, but you could bend them out of the way. This was the best picture I could find of her suit with the wings on :/

>> No.7118561

Not exactly cosplay but I didn't see a thread on it.

I'm doing my first Artist Alley table and I need some help on what fandoms I should do and any help when it come to printing, what I should make and stuff like that.

>> No.7118800

Sculpt a face on a manequinn head, make a silicone mold and cast the head in resin.

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvW2ytWKEus

>> No.7118888

I need a suggestion for a last minute villain costume
-Have wigs at my disposal (very short brown, shoulder length honey with bangs, mid back length chocolate, mid back length brown)
-Access to different prop weapons, holsters, scabbards, etc
-Lots of military style clothing
-Lolita wardrobe split between sweet and gothic stuff

I was thinking of a generic Dracula costume or just chucking a mask +cape over some clothes because I really don't have enough brain power for this atm. (It doesn't have to be too complicated)

Does anyone have any suggestion?

tl;dr villain costume ideas?

>> No.7119343
File: 246 KB, 800x800, Marcy&#039;s Wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm a bit of a noob so don't hurt me. How do I tell if a wig is good quality over the internet? What are some things to look out for? Is it better to try to find a wig online or should I search in stores?
Pic related. I want to do a Marceline and this wig is about as long as I need it to be.

>> No.7119347


>> No.7119349

I always try and see if they have pictures on ACP. http://www.acparadise.com/acp/wigs.php?n=63 I don't trust potentially photoshopped or stolen seller's picture.

>> No.7119358

Hmm. I'll have to consider other options then. If I can't find anything else then I guess I'm stuck with this one.

>> No.7119481
File: 136 KB, 774x459, d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of fabric should I be looking to get for a robe?

>> No.7119515

Something with a good weight and drape. They don't make "robe fabric" and if you ask in the store they'll probably send you to the fleece or terry cloth. IDK where you're planning to shop, but if joanns has their linen-look fabrics in the right color it would probably do nicely. If you're looking for fancy/shiny, try a dull satin or velveteen.

>> No.7119521

you can try buying rope and wrapping that in vinyl/pleather.

>> No.7119525

it should be fairly easy to do. ditch the skirt for pants. keep everything the same (including accessories) and have a shorter wig with the same color.

>> No.7119535

you could sculpt it in clay first and make some kind of liquid latex/silicone cast with it, then blend it onto your face with make up. some tutorials on basic prosthetic + make up should help ya. to make the ears stand up, maybe some wire and cardboard can be inserted into the ears if the latex/silicone won't stand up on its own.

>> No.7120731
File: 258 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mtqnat0Kof1qdzv0ao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bootcovers ended up not working, not fitting, just an all around mess. Now I need to find a kelly green boots (with or without a glossy shine to it) in a day and a half.

Am I totally fucked?

>> No.7120758
File: 4 KB, 130x200, greenboots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you live in the US, fall is here so you might find something in stores.
Do a search for Shoe in google and it should show you all the stores near you. A lot of the time you can look at their stock online.

If that doesn't work hit up the local Goodwill and buy some boots that look like the style you need. Then go to the Michaels and get some green floral spraypaint and paint the boots.
It will do in a pinch until you can get some boots you really like

>> No.7120769
File: 89 KB, 1000x900, take-mikazuchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm going to be making a Take-Mikazuchi cosplay out of primarily expanding foam. I've never made armor.

I've been giving this some thought and I'm unsure how to create armor that goes completely around me. Namely his fuckhuge pauldrons and those thigh armor pieces, but mostly all of this.

I see most methods involve just spraying it on cardboard, which I have plenty of, but I don't see how this will wrap around my body. Creating 2 halves of it doesn't make sense to me since the cardboard is still there. Do you remove the cardboard somehow?

Basically, how might I go about using expanding foam to create pic related's armor?

>> No.7120824

Thanks, I really appreciate it. I've just been stewing in anxiety since these didn't turn out, but I think I can have this done in time now, thank you so much.

>> No.7120831

what look are you trying to get?

>> No.7120847
File: 121 KB, 1058x1046, PrincessIolandeGreenLanternSector14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need pretty basic green boots for this costume. The green in my costume is a medium green with a bit of shine to it, and I wanted the boots kind of close to it, but I'm not really going to be picky if I have a day to get it done, haha.

>> No.7120852

ahh i see. i know someone who put strong interfacing + batting and sandwiched it between lining fabric and their choice of fashion fabric for their boot covers. it didn't need a zipper to stay up because it was really stiff and strong. although not sure if you have enough time to do that.. it's pretty quick, as long as you have the materials.

>> No.7120863

I wouldn't be able to get to a fabric store until tomorrow night, it's a bit far from my place. I'll definitely look into that for a more permanent solution after this convention weekend, that sounds like a great idea.

>> No.7120900
File: 123 KB, 1000x400, mugers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to decide on a prop.
I have a keyboard- and I have a keyboard bag.
The bag would be wonderful, since it could double as an actual bag to put my shit into.
How important is a prop to this character?
thanks in advance.

>> No.7120919

>How important is a beard to this character?

>> No.7120924

i'm obviously going the shave the beard

>> No.7120970
File: 87 KB, 600x600, FIG-MOE-0769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Seagulls.
How would I go about attaching a big bow to the back of my cosplay? I've been thinking of using buttons to attatch it, but I'm worried it could pull/weigh other pieces of the cosplay down.

Pic related.

>> No.7120977

Try those little snaps, they're light and hold well.
Seeing as it's a waist bow, it shouldn't weigh it down too much. Just make it something that snaps to itself or to the dress.

>> No.7120982
File: 2.17 MB, 1590x900, Immagine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to sewing and I'm wondering what could be the best way to refine the edge of a cape.
I made some test, which one do you think is the best?

>> No.7120987


1 is the most traditional but personall I like 3... It depends what the character is like, 1 is a finished /classier looks and it gets more homespun and adventurey as you go down

>> No.7121014


>> No.7121088

Does anyone have a good method/tutorial for crossplay make up? Deviant art isn't helping too much. Even better if you have a tut that could work for a teen/young boy!
Thanks in advance

>> No.7121320


Go with poofy bangs on the entire front. They are pretty easy to do too.



>> No.7122325
File: 34 KB, 418x600, Ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey seagulls~ This may or may not sounds stupid, but how does one go about attaching a belt-thing to a cape? I can't seem to wrap my head around how it's supposed to be attached without it looking utterly retarded...

>> No.7122439
File: 78 KB, 500x576, kitaro01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay Gegege no Kitaro (i doubt anyone knows it) and I've got everything but the shoes. He wears traditional Japanese Geta sandals, and I have no idea where to find some similar to his in my size. I have small feet, size 5 mens, 6 womens ...can you guys help me find some or give me suggestions? P.S. They're needed by halloween.

>> No.7122466
File: 94 KB, 606x597, 1367189175742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /clg/ I want a gf and since this board is supposed to have a somewhat large female population can you tell me what I would need to do to be your bf?

I really want a gf ;_;

please respond

>> No.7122473

find an attractive overnight prostitute and ask for cuddles instead of sex

>> No.7122478


Geta are pretty easy to make if you know how to do basic woodworking. Also, obviously use cloth, not the shoe strings they use in this tutorial.

>> No.7122483
File: 104 KB, 500x484, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but I dont want to pay for it. I dont mind spending money on my gf but I want her to honestly like me ;_;

Please tell me your secrets. how does everyone else get gfs? Why cant I? What is wrong with me? ;_;

>> No.7122513

You're nice to everyone, probably.

Just being completely honest. If you're nice to everyone, and then nice to a girl, she doesn't feel 'special.'

Even if girls don't want to admit it, almost everyone feels that way. Which is why girls go for assholes. Because assholes are dicks to everyone, then turn around and are nice to a girl. This results in the girl thinking "wow, I must be better than everyone else, since he's only being nice to me."

Also, money.

>> No.7122530

Maybe because nobody likes whiny twats

You mean the thing closed at the neck? It doesn't look like a belt, just a buckle.
In that case you'd have to attach a piece of metal to a leather piece, then to stitch the leather piece to the cloth.

You have to stitch two pieces of leather, one with the metal buckle, the other with something to maintain the buckle.

>> No.7122535

This, and a lot of little girls are damaged by mothers who have told them "If he's mean to you sweetie it means he actually likes you".

Find someone with your same interests, and BE CONFIDENT. Same goes for her. If she's not confident and very wishy-washy, find someone else.

>> No.7122550

wow really?

sorry if I ask so stupid but are you female? Because this is actually pretty brutal ;_;


I am 21 and never even kissed a girl. Its hard to be self confident in my situation ;_;

>> No.7122553

Not her but I would agree. If a guy's just as nice to you as he is with anyone else, it's hard to tell if he actually likes you or if he's just being friendly and girls with low self esteem such as yours truly will assume he's not interested.

>> No.7122829
File: 1.04 MB, 1360x768, 309-1-1364556700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I create this scarf? We tried with my friend who knows about sewing but we didn't get it fluffy at all..

>> No.7122884

Has anyone here had any experience with making large props out of paper mache? I want to make a huge rocket launcher out of it, but I'm worried about the durability of the medium on this scale. I was thinking of using a metal can or two (like the ones that oatmeal come in lol) as a base, and a heavy wire base for some of the parts that are more... unusually shaped. I'll probably make the smaller parts coming off of the launcher with model magic or something.

Also, general paper mache-ing tips? I'm a newbie at it.

>inb4 ref pics pls
I'll never tell.

>> No.7122914
File: 196 KB, 385x583, Screen Shot 2013-09-27 at 8.09.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can find a wig like this (long, straight, no layers no bangs) but maybe in a more ash blonde? And not 40 dollars like epic cosplay has it for

>> No.7122925

it's worth 40 dollars if you are getting a wig that long. Epic wigs are the most tangle resistant wigs I've ever worked with.

>> No.7122928


Most of the "fluff" looks like folds that could be achieved through careful draping of heavy-weight fabric. Good luck!

>> No.7122950

That's pretty much what I expect to pay for a long wig with no bangs no matter where I order. You might find something cheaper on taobao, but probably not much if you have to use a shopping service and one wig is all you're buying

>> No.7122988

Us the stuff for shower heads.

>> No.7122989


I agree with this anon. Even Arda tangles. Epiccosplay though, really doesn't tanlge. I got one that is past my butt for a konata cosplay, put in some oil sheen, a light mist of hair spray, combed it out and I have NEVER had problems with it tangling.

You want a long wig? Spend the money for one that won't tangle into a monster

>> No.7123002

Look up the general greivous cosplay. He has his feet hidden amongst a cape. Maybe.you could do something similar

Or, at the bottom, leave a hole but have it rimmed in.wire/ small hula hoop so it kind of hovers around your feet

>> No.7123015

Jedi robe tutorials

>> No.7123021

That looks like.it'll have to be a.combination of things
Pepekura, foam and fiberglass

>> No.7123061 [DELETED] 

Any suggestions for a wig for Chihiro from Dangan Ronpa? Thanks.

>> No.7123062


>> No.7123102

Wear a dancer belt or do the tape and tuck method?

>> No.7123187

I dont give a shit if it tangles. Its just for halloween. If this were for a serious costume i'd gladly spend the extra, but to be worn one or two nights and probably be trashed, its really not worth it.

>> No.7123219

I never said it would tangle or not, just you're not going to find much that long for cheaper, especially without bangs. If it's really just for halloween and you give no fucks, buy something at the halloween store.

>> No.7123288

It seems entirely done in velvet

>> No.7123364

This anon >>7122513
Yeah, I am female. I didn't realize I did it, until I sat down and thought about it, since I repeatedly went into shitty relationships.

I kind of hate myself for acting like that, but such is life. I can't help how I feel.

>> No.7123410
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, WELLWHATISIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic question here, but Ibodypaint. The paint is Snazzaroo/Party City, and the powder can be either 'silky soft skin' or 'gently absorbs moisture to keep skin dry and soft'.
It's too late to pick a higher quality product and get it shipped over, so are there any warnings or instructions for using this?
>pic unrelated

>> No.7123413

Fudged my post, I meant to say I'm using baby powder.

>> No.7123605
File: 224 KB, 728x1140, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok cgl I seek your guidance
I just started an eternal sailor chibi moon cosplay and Im having a really hard time deciding what fabric to use for the skirt

I know most people do Satin, but I dont want to deal with the wrinkles or the added reflection the sheer of the fabric gives to it,
I originally wanted to do chiffon, but I don't have a serger to do the ends, and I think hemming it would look like shit

Would broadcloth look terrible, or take away from the costume?
I know allot of people really dislike broadcloth, but ive always liked using it, to be honest

any suggestions/ recommendations?

>> No.7123654

I always, always, think a matte satin look the best on sailor fukus. Especially if you want to do the Manga version becasue those are much shinier looking than the anime versions. Choose one that is a bit thicker so it won't wrinkle as much because really, it will look a lot better. I did a Chibi Moon cosplay this year, and I got a nice thick satin at Moodfabrics for 7usd / yard, and I just love how it turned out

>> No.7123674
File: 887 KB, 4092x2841, 1372591518285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want my boyfriend to cosplay this character (and me as Mayuri) but I'm worried about proportions, he's incredibly thin and has the face for it but he's like 6 feet tall, is that too tall for the character? His shoulders are somewhat broad too.

My backup plan is me as mayuri and him as okabe but I really like the idea of trapping him up.

>> No.7123718
File: 157 KB, 640x360, e3300bce96bc687d44f20eb11838fa111367296824_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if he wants to do it then fine, if he doesn't want to be some pansy femboy and would rather be the "So COOOOOLU" Mad Scientist Hooin Kyouma then that's fine too.
Did you already ask him? or are you just sitting around with your fantasy?

>> No.7124066

Bumping for help please

>> No.7124168

Hello, does anyone here have enough experience with Closet Child to help me out? There is an article I'm interested in but the criteria is too vague for me. I seem to understand that they rank the condition of a used item out of 5, with 1 being almost new. But what do Closet Child mean by "general usability" and "conspicuous damage"? What qualifies as a "small" scratch? Thankyou.

>> No.7124179

No, 5 is the best rating and 1 is the worst.

>> No.7124181

Thanks for the correction!

>> No.7124762 [DELETED] 


>> No.7124887

may i ask how are you going to do your makeup???

>> No.7124985 [DELETED] 

Bumping this question.

>> No.7125200

Best way to paint Faux leather? Anyone?

>> No.7125206

Angelus leather paint

>> No.7125393
File: 66 KB, 442x800, LeiaRoland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stumped on how to do the petals on the bottom of the coat, any patterns I could use or advice?

>> No.7125401

try using maths to do the circumference so that it looks circular and symmetrical. then split it in half for the opening in the front. this method worked for the petals on a madoka skirt.

>> No.7125404
File: 32 KB, 958x408, hkpsg1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I make one of these? Any tutorials?

>> No.7125471
File: 38 KB, 591x323, closet child.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god what

>> No.7125524

Buy a G3. If it has an incredibly high bench accuracy select it and take it. Then replace some of the parts with the uprated parts for accuracy. You then have a PSG.

Additionally no one will be looking at the gun, only your boobs on display.

>> No.7125612

So this is for lolita more than cosplay, but my google fu is failing me.

I had to chop my hair to shoulder length after years of having it close to waist length because I started losing it due to a medication side effect.

I still have my hair in a ponytail and would like to turn it into extensions for thickness but how the fuck do you make wefts?

>> No.7125622

you could try snaps, or just sewing it on there directly

>> No.7125627

if the core is gonna be something stable (wood, durable metal shape, etc) then covering it in paper mache is fine. but some people seal the paper mache with more glue to make it more durable.

>> No.7125685
File: 197 KB, 274x705, Vvpd1kR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How on earth do I balance a hoop with this weird half-hiked-up thing?

>> No.7126282


>> No.7126294

Can anyone suggest wigs for Chihiro or Fukawa from Dangan Ronpa?

>> No.7126314

Try twill, bottomweight or casa crepe!
Personally I don't like the look of satin, it's way too shiny.

>> No.7126466 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 177x365, CI_73908_1360005645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me figure out how to style a wig for Kotone? And what wig I should use? I'm kind of new to the whole wig styling thing, haha.

>> No.7126488

How should I paint on a red fleece jacket? I need white stripes on it and they turn out pink. I figured I could just do coats on coats, but is there a better way?

>> No.7126701

What kind of paint are you using?

>> No.7126708

I am done with commissioning people to do the clothing part of my cosplays (I do weapons, and armor) I want to start sewing so I am starting with something simple. Bolin from Legend of Korra. My question is, can I sew without a sewing machine? With something this simple I feel it could be possible.
I skimmed the thread and found this
so Would this be a reasonable was to make Bolin's Knickers? Does anyone have a basic jacket guideline when it comes to sewing? I am thinking of using a thin material so I can roll up the sleeves but something that will look nice a pressed.

>> No.7126803

Tulip Slick fabric paint

I saw another method that said you could mix acrylic and texture medium(? if I remember correctly), would that be better?

>> No.7126847

>can I sew without a sewing machine
No, everyone went around naked before the advent of sewing machines.

I've been told by a professional seamstress and costumer friend to use latex paint for stenciling, maybe you'll have better luck with that.

>> No.7126957

Anyone knows a GOOD brand of iron-on transfer paper?

>> No.7127362
File: 77 KB, 235x352, isabelle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dithering over what to do for my wig for Isabelle from Animal Crossing. The wig I currently own is a golden blonde shoulder-length curly one. It's the same colour as the ears so making ears would look a bit silly
Should I use this (without ears), or should I buy a lighter blonde one and make ears?

>> No.7127585



>> No.7127592

theres plenty of tutorials out there. just google how to make wefts and there are tons of results.

>> No.7127597


>> No.7127948

This is a pattern question. I just wanted to know where most people get their patterns for their cosplay? Any Toronto cosplayers know of any shops downtown to get patterns?

>> No.7128888

You don't put the hoop at the bottom, you put it up a few inches. And that skirt's not full enough you need a hoop anyways.

>> No.7128888,1 [INTERNAL] 

You can purchase some off of amazon, just search skullman cosplay make sure it doesn't redirect to skull man cosplay. There are helmets with and without leds.