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7103639 No.7103639[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's get a gyaru thread going.

Who's your favorite gyaru/inspiration?
What is your next goal in gyaru fashion?

Mine is Shizuka Takeda and my next goal is to try a more romantic style of gyaru instead of the sexier kind.

>> No.7103732

My favourite is RE:No, and I want to get better wigs so my outfits have the 'big hair' look that I always associate with gyaru. Right now I just have a long, blonde, straight wig, but that's kind of boring.

>> No.7103738
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Nozomi Tsuji

>> No.7103757

hair like this? I remember one gyaru just styling her wig like the girl on the far left. Other than that you could try extensions and bumpits or teasing/back combing your hair. Not sure what type of hair you have.

wigs are kinda addicting, I have quite a few. But I think I'm going to try to play with my natural hair length more and wear it wavy/curly since more people seem to like it that way.

>> No.7103760
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oops forgot picture

>> No.7103775

so i was thinking of getting into gyaru, himekaji to be exact. i've read up on the basics and such of gyaru, but is there anything i should know as a gyaru just starting out--tips/tricks/things to avoid?

>> No.7103776

Does anyone have good advice or guides for a gyaru newbie? I'm just starting out and although I think I have a good makeup and wig collection from lolita, and am okay at recognising the gyaru look, I'm not quite sure how to start my own.

>> No.7103779

Not quite that big, no, but I want something long and curly with lots of volume. My real hair is really short and black, so it's not much good for gal.

Get circle lenses. I was iffy about them when I started because I don't like jamming shit in my eyes, but the makeup really doesn't look complete without them. Also, practice contouring whenever you have a chance, it takes a lot of practice to get right.

>> No.7103782
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hmm, well I like to look at tons of different gyaru styles for ideas about coords and make up. Since you're starting out it would be a good idea to do that so that you can add your own flair.

Look into BBcream, Maybeline has a line of BBcream and a lot of asians use it to give their skin a fresh dewy look as a base.

Please. Circle lenses. Please. It's really a pet peeve of mine when gyaru don't wear them...cause well the point of the make up is to have a big eye effect.

I'm not sure how much you know about make up and applying it, but you're gonna wanna learn how to contour. I can link you to a good non-gyaru contour video so you can get an idea of it, then how gyarus contour. Make up videos have been a best friend too me.

Experiment and find out what works best for YOU!

gyarugal.tumblr.com is my go-to for inspiration. everything is categorized too.

>> No.7103790

try typing in 'wavy wig' in ebay and see if you find anything thing you like. i or you can try going to a beauty supply?

>> No.7103793
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there's a gyaru with a shaved head

>> No.7103794
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>> No.7103804

Already found a couple I like on Taobao actually!

>> No.7103828
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what exactly makes something gyaru if it's one of the less obvious looks? a lot of these gyaru girls i see just look like very trendy young adults. is that the point? or should there be elements in their outfit that make them more obviously gyaru? i've always wondered this.

>> No.7104564

aw, thanks so much for the advice! i've been googling tutorials for contouring and such, but if there are any you'd recommend in general/for gyaru in particular i'd love to hear it!

>> No.7104574


it's the make up that really ties gyaru together more than anythinb

>> No.7104776
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Yesss. It's hard to believe she was once the bratty, deer-in-the-headlights girl I used to watch. She grew up into a wonderful lady.

>> No.7104827


the transformation everyone has to see imo

>> No.7104928
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Any product recommendations for contouring really pale skin?

>> No.7105204

Does anyone know of any good contouring palettes and brushes that I can purchase online?

>> No.7105218

I've heard Diamond makeup makes a decent nose contouring pallet. For my cheeks, forhead and jaw, I just use a light, matte bronzer.

As for brushes, I'm saving to get a set of Sigma brushes; I've heard great things about them. A full set is kind of expensive to some people, but their quality approaches that of MAC

>> No.7105420

I must know where her top/sweater is from or where I can get one similar!
That is fucking ADORABLE.

>> No.7105708

Seconding this.

>> No.7105933
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>> No.7106836
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>> No.7107551

Just out of curiosity, why do you guys think the secrets comm (and the gyaru comm in general for that matter) is dying?

>> No.7107558

Probably because most of the 'famous' gyarus left the trend and now they're up to something else. All that is left are new gals that are not very good at all at gyaru(and its fine, because they're starting) and they're the only one to bash.

>> No.7108242
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>> No.7108245

White people can't become "gyaru" anyway. The whole fashion is about asian women trying to look white/western. White women are "gyaru" without even trying.

>> No.7108251
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>> No.7108293
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>> No.7108319

this this a thousand times this. gaijin just need to be trendy! that's the point!!

>> No.7108330

I know, but i made my point clear, i guess haha.
HNG, where are this pants from? i always see them and i cant find them /:

>> No.7108335

I love the "darker" Gyaru like

And especially >>7108251 and >>7108242. I want the jeans in the 1st pic and top in the second pic so bad.

I like her lower half, but not a fan of the sweater.

Only problem is, I never know where to get this stuff for my body type, and I could never actually pull off Gyaru makeup because I can't wear contacts due to my astigmatism. :(

>> No.7108342

So get toric circle lenses?

>> No.7108344
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That is a skirt, just saying, she is just wearing a D.I.A belt.

>> No.7108348

The shredded things covering her legs are a skirt? Wut?

>> No.7108356

Oo, I'll have to ask my eye doctor next time I see her. I wasn't aware those existed, but my eyes are preeeetty bad so I don't want to pick up a pair until I know they'll work.


>> No.7108377

Oh, you mean that under her skirt, those are also from D.I.A. but can be easy done DIY.

>> No.7108393

I'm not a gyaru so sorry if this is a dumb idea, but are glasses acceptable in the fashion? Like, certain styles? You could also always buy some lenses in plano and wear them under your classes

>> No.7108455

Yeah i ws talking about them d:
I made some ripped jeans like those, but they never came out as good as those, that's why i wanted to buy them

>> No.7109078
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I don't see why not. Plenty of western girls wear glasses as a fashion accessory. Get the sort of thin-rimmed shiny ones, big enough to show all the eye make-up.

>> No.7109166

I dunno I've seen plenty that look pretty gyaru to me.

A lot of gaijin gyaru wind up looking shitty because they try to copy the hair, makeup and clothes of models too closely. Their hair styling and the way they contour doesn't flatter their face shape and/or they might choose clothes that compliment the figure of a 87 pound model that might not flatter their 130 pound, pear-shaped frame. Their 'success' as a gyaru is not determined by how good they actually look, but by how closely they can copy what they see on in the magazines.

Most of the really, really good community members moved on with their lives and/or got tired of the online comm's bullshit. So there's not many experienced people to give advice. Those who DO give good advice are usually brushed off with excuses. (That one chubby asian chick with the extremely droopy eyes is a classic example) So the online community remains a den of mediocrity and terribleness.

>> No.7109182

This is only sort of half true. True gyaru fashion is about accentuating features to look less stereotypically asian(not necessarily white there are styles that revolve around looking black), but that's something non-asian gyaru white or otherwise, don't need to do(and kind of can't do)bThere are still a lot of specific styles, himegyaru, himekaji, ganguro, and other distinct styles that don't really fit into western fashion, but gaijin gyaru to me is separate from gyaru as a whole since it doesn't do the same thing.

>> No.7109323

>>something non-asian gyaru white or otherwise, don't need to do(and kind of can't do)

So much this. A lot of the ones I've seen would look tons better if they just eased up on the makeup.

The excessive contouring is the main culprit. That, and the insistence that you should do it a certain way even if it's not right for you. I've seen community members tell girls with strong, high noses to shade the sides and highlight their bridge because that's how they do it in the magazines, even though it was acknowledged that the girl should be doing THE EXACT OPPOSITE with her nose shape.

Then, a lot of them pluck/trim their brows into a really dramatic, thin arch too. That does them no favors, most of the time. Neither does the heavy rouge.

I think most non-Asian gyaru look best when they have dramatic eyes, pale lips, light blush, more naturally shaped brows and minimal to no contouring depending on their face shape. Otherwise, they run the risk of looking like they got shot in the face with a makeup gun.

That's why even though I like models, I get more inspiration from the street snaps when it comes to hair and makeup.

>> No.7109327

Do you have any examples of gaijin gals you'd consider to be doing it right? Your post is definitely some food for thought but it'd be easier to contextualise with some examples.

>> No.7109399
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Sadly, it's kind of hard to find examples that hit every point I'm trying to make. Like someone else said, a lot of the really good non-asian gyaru just don't have a whole lot of presence online these days.

Most of the examples I have either:

1. Hits only a few of the points I'm trying to make about makeup (whether it's because I think they pull off the others depends)
2. Are basically "This is an example of what I think is the most universally flattering ___"
3. A "I think this girl would look much better if ___" examples. An anon even shopped a few of the pics, but I was suddenly called away and didn't get a chance to save them before the thread 404'd. I'm still kicking myself.

For all the shit she caught and all the drama she caused, I think Ashley (the girl on the left) is a good example of a non-Asian gal taking the looks she has and fitting them to the style.

I'll be posting more examples and pointing out what I like about them in a moment.

>> No.7109418
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Here's two Swedish gyaru that I think look pretty good.

In my opinion, the girl on the left has a nose shape you wouldn't necessarily want to highlight the bridge of so dramatically, but she used to be REALLY heavy-handed with contouring and highlighting. She looks so much better in this picture because it's way more subtle than what it was.

Otherwise, I think both of them do pretty well with makeup. Even the low placement of the bottom lashes doesn't bug me since I think they pull it off and they aren't doing that 'excessive tareme' thing, but that's a matter of opinion.

>> No.7109428
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See the difference the more subtle contouring/highlighting makes? The girl in my last post might still be going overboard for some people's tastes, but she looks worlds better in my opinion.

>> No.7109437

Holy shit, that contour really wasn't working for her. I see what you mean now. Thanks for the tip!

>> No.7109478
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Charlotte (pic related) is another favorite of mine. She has what some people would call "European" features and she always looks amazing to me. Her brows are really thin and highly arched, but I think it looks alright here. Like I said, all the points I raised don't apply to everyone.

In hindsight, the 'bitch brows' look worst when they're paired with a nose that isn't contoured right for their face. I think because your eyes get drawn to a double whammy? I might have to re-evaluate my opinion.

Also, there are plenty of gyaru I think are doing great and look good, but I'll occasionally think to myself "I think they'd look a lot better if they tried ____." >>7109428 is a good example. I personally think she looks fantastic except for the way her nose is contoured.

There are also lots of gals that I think are 'doing it right', but don't really have to find a way to make the makeup work for them (EX: their nose/face shape fits the way you're 'supposed' to do the makeup). I can post them too if you want.

>> No.7109499
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Unfortunately, I've seen a lot of gyaru fall prey to that kind of contouring because they think they "have" to do it. Like I said, it looks alright on some of them, but plenty of them wind up looking like this because they don't realize that they're trying to create a nose shape they already have. They've got high bridges and thin noses, so contouring and highlighting them that way makes them look awkward in my opinion.

>> No.7109537

I know pretty much nothing about gyaru other than it is a style that exists

I know the very basics of makeup and even I know that they shouldn't do their noses like that what the shit

why do they even

has no one told them they look like that????

>> No.7109711


Astigmatism means my eyes are oddly shaped. I wouldn't be able to wear plano lenses (aside from those torics -maybe-) because they wouldn't "fit" on my eyes.

Also because of my poor eyesight, my glasses are pretty thick. At the thickest part of the lenses on the outer and inner edges, they're maybe a millimeter or two thinner than my pinkie finger. They'd completely clash with gyaru because they make my eyes too small, and glasses like >>7109078 are a bad idea with thicker lenses because the larger the frames, the thicker the edges have to be.

(though personally, I would never wear glasses that big even with thin lenses)

>> No.7109732

I have astigmatism too. Ask your eye doctor for a separate prescription for non-toric lenses. You won't be able to see perfectly, but they will still fit. They also do make toric lenses, but the selection is limited and they are more expensive. Toric lenses are weighted to hold a certain position on your eye so you will always have the right amount of strength in every area. Non-toric will slide a little and you won't see perfectly. Try wearing them for a few hours and see. Worst case scenario, you wasted 30 dollars and need to get the toric lenses.

>> No.7109760
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I would recommend starting out with toric lenses, myself rather than running the risk of wasting money and/or damaging my eyes. That's just me, though.

>> No.7109775

How would getting a non-toric prescription from an eye doctor ruin your eyes?

>> No.7109791

They may not fit your eye properly. You could maybe get away with it if you have a very low astigmatism, but why risk it?

>> No.7109802

That is why you ask for a prescription. Your eye doctor will tell you if you can't wear non-toric lenses. If you're still concerned about damaging your eyes, bring them to your eye doctor.

>> No.7109830

>what is personal preference
also the you sound like you're in Jr High. How's gym class?

>> No.7109879

I was talking about with circle lenses. It was my understanding from the post that Anon was suggesting you try to get a pair of non-toric lenses from your eye doctor (which they will only do if you have a slight astigmatism) to see if non-toric lenses would fit comfortably and if they do, to upgrade to non-toric circle lenses.

I was saying it would probably be better to start out with the toric lenses instead for circle lenses. Even the smaller diameters are still bigger than plain contacts, so even though the plain contacts were comfortable, the same might not be true for the circle lenses. Also, circle lenses are pigmented which means less oxygen gets to your eye. Since you already have to deal with that--as well as the circle lenses being more prone to drying out--I would personally want to minimize any extra discomfort that I could if I can help it. Even if it's so slight as a lens not fitting quite right.

From the way you worded your post, it sounded like your astigmatism is pretty strong. So that's why I suggested you just bite the bullet and get the torics.

If I am completely misreading this or my post is hard to follow, I'm sorry. I'm heavily dosed with heavy-duty cough medicine and my brain probably isn't operating right. I originally typed 'coffee medicine' and kept confusing astigmatism with 'autism'. So that's probably the case.

>> No.7109906

Well, yes, you are quoting my post. >>7109732
And I was also talking about circle lenses. My eye doctor let me try on a pair of non-toric at the office for free to see the difference and I don't have slight astigmatism. You speak as if I haven't done this. The person asking just needs to do her research. But I personally wouldn't try the more expensive ones first, especially since there is less variety for the toric lenses. She might find out she doesn't even like contacts. And wasting $20 is better than wasting $50 and 2 months of waiting.

Seriously though. I've been wearing contacts for 11 years. If you don't know what you're doing, ask your eye doctor for help. It's their job.

>> No.7109937

>suggests a new contact user get circle lenses that might not fit right and be less effective in terms of vision correction because lol cheaper
>seems to think what works for her will work for a new user
>doesn't realize a new user should probably go as by the book as possible
>seems to think 11 years experience putting shit in her eye means she's not retarded

I'm with the other one. s/he's high and makes more sense. but then one of us is stoned

and the other of us is but a lowly cosplayer

>> No.7109941

oh by the way no I'm not in grade school

and yeah it's called ~*personal preference*~ but they have got to know that when they do that

it makes their nose look like a motherfucking beak

if that's what they want for themselves thats their prerogative but I thought the point of this fashion was to look hot

>> No.7109967

Sry but I've been wearing lenses longer than you and I think it's better to go with the correct lenses from the beginning. And if the difference between $20 and $50 is wallet-breaking, maybe one shouldn't be so concerned with a kind of extreme fashion and focus more on making ends meet

>> No.7109970

Reading comprehension.

I suggested she do her own research and talk to her eye doctor. I included my opinion of what I would do, but that's just it. It's my opinion.

>> No.7110026

>Non-toric will slide a little and you won't see perfectly.

I've already asked my optometrist and tried a pair of plano they had at the office. She said none of the coloured lenses currently in production would fit on my eye without posing a potential health risk. They slid around a noticeable amount, which means they didn't fit right, which could cause a scratched cornea.

>> No.7110214

Would you happen to know the name of the girl on the right? So cute!!

>> No.7110734
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Unfortunately, no I do not. All I know is she is a Swedish gyrau and really cute.

>> No.7112501
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>> No.7112578

Newish Gal here. I have a few questions.

Is DreamV scorned by Japanese gyaru in a similar way that Japense Lolitas look down on Bodyline? (Doesn't matter either way; I'm just curious)

More importantly, what do you guys do for nails? It seems like most gaijin gals get nailsets and tape/glue them on. My nails have always been pretty plain, so I'm fairly new to this. I was looking at some of the nailsets Lhouralai makes, but they look kind of...crusty in the photos. Is that just my imagination?

Finally, what do you do when you want to look casual/toned down but gyaru or at the very least gal-inspired? If I'm spending a day doing errands, I don't necessarily want to be dressed to the 9s. I ask because it seems like wearing anything other than heels and tight, sexy clothes is a big no-no in the western community.

>> No.7112617

>Is DreamV scorned by Japanese gyaru in a similar way that Japense Lolitas look down on Bodyline?
It's more just seen as something younger girls wear, when they don't have as much cash to burn. DreamV/Yumetenbou is featured pretty regularly in teen magazines like Popteen and Ranzuki.

>what do you do when you want to look casual/toned down but gyaru or at the very least gal-inspired?
Wear what you want? No one says you have to post it online or tag it as gyaru or whatever. Personally, I wear gyaru brands almost daily, but I don't call myself "gyaru" among the Western community because the fallout isn't worth it. I still get called gyaru in Japan, because to them it's just about being super on-trend and looking put-together (whether that means wearing circle lenses or not).

>> No.7112710

>>what do you do when you want to look casual/toned down but gyaru or at the very least gal-inspired?

Like the other anon said, you don't have to post it anywhere or tag it as anything (I don't, but then I don't really post online in the first place). But I DO try to wear as much of the style as often as I can. It depends on what I'm doing that day and how I feel, but I tend to have different 'levels' when it comes to how I'm dressed.

On my idgaf days when I'm just bumming around or doing errands but want to look cute, I keep my hair pretty basic and usually just fluff it up and curl the ends under. Sometimes I'll clip/tie my bangs back. I'll wear smaller, more natural lenses and do my makeup like I normally would. Except half the time I don't wear lashes, just my lash extensions. I'll wear a track suit or some other kind of athletic gear/lounge wear--not the kind I actually wear to the gym--and a pair of engineer boots or something.

If I'm just hanging out with friends for a chill day, I'll do a more to my hair and spend a bit of time styling it, as well as put on lashes and more dramatic lenses. My clothes range depending on the activity, but are still pretty comfy. No track suits here, though. Graphic tees, cute tops, shorts and distressed skinny or boyfriend jeans are usually what I go for here. I wear more accessories and almost always have a d.i.a. inspired belt. If we're going to be doing a ton of walking, I may stick to the boots or wear low heels. Otherwise, I wear a cute pair of pumps. I'll either paint my nails or put on a simple nail set.

Then it gets progressively more flamboyant. If we're going dancing or it's a special occasion, I go all out. Huge hair, long stiletto nail sets, dramatic lashes and large lenses. This is where my clothes are usually the most revealing and flashy.

>> No.7112845

I feel like this's a pretty realistic approach since that's how people with normal type clothes are it would make sense that gals do the same thing. its sad but I dont think the lj gals feel the same which is why I don't post anymore.

>> No.7112893
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Secrets are up!

They are as lackluster and catty as always. It's so funny that we were just talking about contouring because there are a ton of Anons bitching about "uh omg u didn't contour ur nose betch u rnt gal" in the comments

>> No.7112969

Diet tips?

>> No.7112972

If those are fake nails where the hell do people buy such long nails?

>> No.7113006
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Extra long stiletto press on nails are available in bulk on ebay. Lady Li did a youtube video about how she does her nails and where she gets her stuff. I'll see if I can find it.

Otherwise, they get them done at the salon.

>> No.7113017

best diet tip I've found is this: instead of worrying about what you can't/shouldn't eat, instead focus on trying to eat more good stuff, mainly vegetables. If you try to fill up on the healthy stuff first, you'll eat less junk

>> No.7113059

This. Just get lots of protein and eat lots of fruits and veggies. I try to have fish at LEAST twice a week for dinner.

Exercise is important, too. Do cardio and lift weights. No, lifting weights will not make you "bulky" you aren't going to do some shoulder presses and wake up the next morning looking like Vin Diesel.

>> No.7113171
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>> No.7113709
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Kozue Akimoto
>simple make
>cool hair
Hate most of her style though

I've lost 15 lbs in the last 2 months
I'm 140 lbs now
Still fat
Want to look like Kozue so bad and I'm willing to do it the healthy way
...not her clothes though.

>> No.7113757

whats the difference that i'd want this palette specifically for nose contouring?

>> No.7113822

Obviously, it can be used for the rest of your face, but they state it's specifically for your nose. Most gyaru seem to prefer to have their nose contoured more dramatically than the rest of their face. From what I can tell, this product provides that.

What is probably the most attractive though is that it comes with everything you need and is cheaper than most sculpting kits that offer the same. I like that it has two contouring shades as well; it lets you create more depth.

But like we've been discussing here, the shape of your face depends on what kind of contouring you should do--if any.

>> No.7113854
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Can I just say I'm so glad to see so much concrit in the secrets this week? One Anon even photoshopped a girl's picture to show her what she needed to improve.

If I had photoshop and could use it decently, I would do that every week with girls that post on the lj comms/tumblr and submit them as secrets.

Sometimes all it takes is people seeing how they would look if they followed some concrit to get them to actually do it.

It would also negate the "Well you don't look perfect yourself so your concrit is totally invalid" attitude that seems to prevail amongst the gaijin gal community. When there's concrete evidence that they actually WOULD look better, they can't say very much in that department.

>> No.7114225
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>> No.7114400

She looks more street goth than gyaru in this pic compared to what I found on Google, but I like her style.

I'm considering going back to straight cut of v-fringe, but I have a hard time maintaining it.

>> No.7114444

>Kozue Akimoto
Her style isn't quite my thing either, but I like her dark hair.

Good luck on your weight loss!

>> No.7114538
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>> No.7114884

>wish there are more pics like this

>> No.7114921
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>> No.7115351
File: 212 KB, 404x570, tumblr_lkvvcxXU2Y1qeksebo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Soul Sister so hard to find scans for? Sucks because that's one of my favorites.

Anyway, even though I do my makeup well enough, I need to find a way to be more creative with my hair. I usually wind up doing it like pic related and that's getting kind of boring. I feel so uninspired, though. Maybe it's time to try something new.

>> No.7115354


>> No.7115408

Ugh iktf, I love Soul Sister and it's such a pain.

>> No.7115453
File: 315 KB, 1022x1382, egg1208_030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could only find volume three!

I love a lot of the simpler, casual styles a lot of the more ora ora-inspired gals wear. It's good inspiration for days when I feel more laid back.

>> No.7115464

I have volume 10, but I don't remember where I got it :c there's also a Facebook group that has scans from 4 and 5, I think? If you can't find volume 10, drop your email address and I'll see if I can email you a zip. My internet is shite right now though, so no promises.

>> No.7115821
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>> No.7117312
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short hair. any more like this?
love this, idek why.

>> No.7118097
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>> No.7118137
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>> No.7118149
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>> No.7119000
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>If I had photoshop and could use it decently, I would do that every week with girls that post on the lj comms/tumblr and submit them as secrets.

Who would be game for doing something like this?

>> No.7119010
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>> No.7119050
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That's literally just plain punk/rock style.

>> No.7119071

What is the best type of liquid eyeliner?
Because I don't know wether to chose the 'pen' one or the regular one which comes into a 'bottle'

>> No.7119077

Don't get the pen. When you hold it up to your eye, all the liquid runs to the bottom, and it dries out and doesn't actually go on. I've had this happen with every pen I've bought, straight out of the packaging.

Also, any suggestions for false lower lashes I can get cheap / on ebay?

>> No.7119079


It's really a matter of preference. I found the bottle way easier when I was just starting out, but now I like to use the pens as I like the extra control. The pens seemed less likely to "melt" off too.

>> No.7119083

Blerk. Does this look really stark and cartoony to anyone else? I just can't deal with that much liquid eyeliner without some black/grey shadow to soften it up.

>> No.7119090

I use chocolatey black eyeliner for the top then draw I'm the bottom with dark brown eyeshadow and it looks more soft.

>> No.7119225

Same. I at least smudge my lower liner to soften it a bit.

>> No.7120037

Are you me?

I can use a pen now with ease as oppose to when I first started and would take 20 minutes on one eye

>> No.7120057

what exactly MAKES a gyaru?

do you just dress like black chicks do without being black?
never understood what a gyaru was

>> No.7120099
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>> No.7120594
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>> No.7120597

Now that I have encountered Barbie Watermelona Johnson, I can say with certainty that is not true. Applying that attitude to gal gets you... that.

>> No.7120603

No. Although it's true that there are a couple of gyaru substyles that admire black culture (or a Japanese person's interpretation of black culture at least.) Gyaru itself started out as a rebellion against the standard of beauty and femininity in Japan, morphed into what it is today and diffused to the West where girls liked the aesthetic and tried to imitate it.

Many girls who are asked why they like gyaru answer because it takes our standard of beauty/concept of femininity and hyper-exaggerates it. It's sort of rebellion in its own way in that respect. Though more often than not, they just like the way it looks. Clothes don't really have to 'mean anything'.

Oh my god that chick is my favorite drama cow. I hope she stays forever.

>> No.7120614

>Barbie Watermelona Johnson

is that her name or a racist joke?

>> No.7120618

>Barbie Watermelona Johnson
Wat. Pics?

>> No.7120652


Here's some drama involving her in the Lolita comm (she's cancer there, too). Pics of her are in the first comment.

>> No.7120661

That's...not very cute.

>> No.7120678

I learned nothing
what japanese fashion didn't start out as a rebellion tho

>> No.7120715

You weren't meant to learn anything other than what she looked like from my link. Someone requested pictures and I provided them.

As for your Japanese fashion and rebellion question, I agree with you; most of street and alternative fashion--not just in Japan--started out as some sort of rebellion.

I was trying to explain to you (I'm assuming you're also >>7120057) that while there are some gyaru substyles that emulate black culture, it's not really "dressing like black chicks without being black". You had asked what 'makes gyaru' and I tried to explain.

>> No.7121090
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>> No.7121380
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>> No.7121413

we JoJo now

>> No.7122182
File: 32 KB, 367x400, oh m'eye line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try the Etude House Oh~ m'Eye Line, it's seriously fantastic. It comes in a huge bottle, tons of product and the brush top is long enough to be held comfortably. And it doesn't melt, ever. It's pretty much bulletproof, not to mention water or smudging. You can get it for cheaps on eGay. Best. Liquid. Liner. EVER

pic related

>> No.7122370

Do you all think kawaiigyarushop is selling secondhand items from auction sites and mbok at retail price? Most their items aren't from current collections, so the claim of 100% authenticity only means that it must be from auction sites.

>> No.7122380

Looks more like a taobao reseller to me since all products are the ones you can always find at Taobao, special because of the mass pre-order options.

>> No.7122393

How do you do hime gyaru hair? I'd like to try it out sometime but have no clue to start.

>> No.7124088
File: 87 KB, 500x351, tumblr_lt0gkcbYg61qe0bcho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7124107

which color do you have?
i thought there was a dark brown from the bottles, which would be perfect for me, but the sellers are saying it's grey.

>> No.7124120


>> No.7124145

Butterface implies a bangin' body.

>> No.7124170

oh god, didn't see her beerbelly...

>> No.7124187

No, she's fat. Beerbelly is a term used for like, relatively thin people but then a giant gut. Almost looks like your pregnant. She's giant everywhere.

>> No.7124266

>there are a couple of gyaru substyles that admire black culture
I thought there was only B-Gyaru.

>> No.7124445

im new to gyaru and was wondering where I can get good bottom eyelashes?

>> No.7124504
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>> No.7124614


Ebay is your friend..I like using Dolly Wink (expensive, but lasts five-ever as long as you take care of them) or Diamond Lash (cheaper, shinier, but comes with 5 pairs and lots more styles).

I live in Canada personally, but I recommend a seller based in Hong Kong called 'Prettypoint'. Ships really promptly!

If not..if you have a Daiso near you, they also have some cheap bottom lashes too!

>> No.7125361


The thing is, I'm kinda lazy at doing my make up at mornings, so i was going for an easy eyeliner to apply (algo goood quality).
Besides, i kinda suck at applying it, so I thought that the pen one was better for noobs.

And thanks to the last annon! I'll look for it! :D

>> No.7128530
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>> No.7128549

Tutorial for hair like this?

>> No.7128556

Does anyone have any good eyeliner tutorials for gyaru? I can never get the shape right

>> No.7133203

seconding this

>> No.7133232

It's just looks like a bit of hairspray and teasing to me. You can find lots teasing videos on youtube.

>> No.7133233

Use a spoon or eyeliner guide tool.