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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 276 KB, 644x403, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7101901 No.7101901 [Reply] [Original]

What did I just watch?
>We will be Lolita Rappers

>> No.7101913

>hey /clg/ watch my shitty video teehee!

>> No.7101927

no one can be that dumb to self promote such shit

>> No.7101929

If they're dumb enough to post it on the web, they're dumb enough to promote it..

>> No.7101932

Oh shit, you're right, fuck. My brain just... doesn't work that way.

>> No.7101994
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Considering it was posted everywhere else I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.7102006


Self-promoting makes this no less unbelievably terrible. This is just a train-wreck.

>> No.7102007

I dunno, but I get so much secondhand embarrassment watching that.

>> No.7102009

>What did I just watch?

i have no idea but this is just pathetic

are they actually pruod of this

these people deserve to be ridiculed and laughed off of the internet

>> No.7102012
File: 11 KB, 215x234, ohlook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terrible Macklemore parody
plz go

>> No.7102013

How embarrassing,

>> No.7102017

>tfw I was the first person to start using that picture as a reaction image and someone's shat all over it with crappy text

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.7102019

>shitty windows media opening
what the fuck were they thinking?
>terrible audio
what the fuck were they thinking?
>ita outfits
seriously, what the fuck were they thinking!!!!

>> No.7102026

>This is a parody and is not to be taken seriously.

No worries about that. No one will ever make the mistake of taking you seriously ever again.

People like this can't be embarrassed because they obviously have no shame.

>> No.7102033

This is just awful. I suppose by them posting it everywhere, they were expecting it to be well received?

>> No.7102043

Apparently so. I see the girl who posted it on EGL posting every so often and she kinda comes off as someone who really wants to be e-famous but can't quite make it.

>> No.7102053

If this is the kind of fame she's shooting for then she is in for some terrible disappointment. This will definitely make her famous as an ita which is all she deserves.

>> No.7102061

That fat girl with glasses... Just no. She looks so unkempt and middle aged.

This was so unfortunate that I had to log into my YT account to give it a thumbs down.

>> No.7102078

Lol me too

>> No.7102086


I meant embarrassing for me, via secondhand shame.

>> No.7102088

who is that glasses girl and why isn't she wearing a bra

>> No.7102091

Glasses girl looks mentally challenged.

>> No.7102116

I find the fact you can hear the paper being turned over/passed around on the audio really bad. I'm sure they had a lot of fun making it and the girl with the red hair does a pretty good job (at the start) matching the lyrics with the mouth movement, but in the end it failed. If they couldn't get it to match then it needed to be cut -out and just be narrator with the lolis doing the action it's being talked about. Also what the hell is it with the moving black borders?

...but I can see this as I'm bored let's shoot this in a day or two summer project and such. So I can see them just wanting to have fun and not caring. It could be better yes, but they're not a professional group (or believe in double takes)

>> No.7102123
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I thought that it was really cool! It was great idea. I don't understand why people are taking it so seriously, it's funny!

It seems like everyone on the EGL community is so uptight. Get over yourselves.

>> No.7102128
File: 85 KB, 601x1011, 1378102281602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't think it's all that hilarious, I personally don't enjoy these types of parody videos.

The music is obnoxious and the production is really bad. And I'm definitely not one of those nofunallowed people, but this is really, really embarrassing. And I mean of all the genres of music that would actually be entertaining, how did the majority of lolitas land on fucking RAP music?!

>> No.7102129

>Boston lolita community

I thought Boston was larger than like 6 people? Was the whole comm involved? What a hot fucking mess.

>> No.7102133

you're one of those people who watches Annoying Orange, aren't you?

>> No.7102146

Way to out yourself as someone who was involved with it. "everyone in the EGL community" shows you're not a usual part of this board.

Your video is embarrassingly bad. Try to at least fucking lip-sync if you're going for that.

>> No.7102189

That special needs girl with the glasses is so gross and ruins the whole video... not that anything would have helped make it better.

>> No.7102214

Nope, IIRC Boston has at least over 50 members. they always bring the drama, it's just a matter of time.

>> No.7102225

>bloopers http://youtu.be/HOcaS8ZDPtc

no one knew the lyrics but the girl that wrote the song

>> No.7102236

Okay, that was super horrible with no lipsyncing... I would not want to be associated with those girls...

I'm going to rate the coords/looks though:
Pink Asian Bodyline girl
Black bonnet gothic girl
Blue AATP girl
Blue Haenuli OP girl
Black Haenuli OP girl (because it seems she planned the whole thing)
Fur girl
Hot pink hair ita
Too much poof middle age ita

>> No.7102240

what the hell is going on with the glasses girl's boobs?
i'm also laughing because they're really off on the timing...
>Captcha: was heckomy

>> No.7102248
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>> No.7102259

watched it mostly muted and i still feel sick

>> No.7102286

who the fuck thought this was a good idea? nevermind the fact it would make them lol internet famousu.

like didn't any of them think, "wow this is awful, we should stop"

>> No.7102285

The girl who organised this video comes across as so self-absorbed and fame hungry. She visited my comm a while back and everything was all about her, baww no money, baww college, and she kept asking girls to take photos of just her posing in her coord. She also couldn't coord for shit, so it's no surprise that her home comm can't either.

>> No.7102289

everyone knows Boston is full of itas

>> No.7102295

because rap requires the least actual skill

>> No.7102297

Boston is not her HOME comm, she is from NYC. She's only here for school and then she's leaving.

>> No.7102327

Are you the retarded one in glasses?

>> No.7102337
File: 39 KB, 444x312, 1369882380409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl needs to put on a bra.

>> No.7102459

Fun concept but horribly executed.
Everything was so amateur and almost all the girls were ita.
Who thought this would be a good idea??

>> No.7102627

The girl in the purple wig apparently.

>> No.7102647

The black borders pissed me off too. It's clearly because they've used a feature to fix their shitty shaky cam. But the next step is to OVERLAY A NEW BORDER TO HIDE THE SHITTY BORDER, U GAIZ. so much fail.

>> No.7102663

Uh, no, the whole community was definitely not involved. Please don't confuse HC slapping the community name on it with everyone's implicit approval or cooperation.

>> No.7102684

Home comm? No, no, no... she is not originally from the Boston comm. Blame New York for that one.

>> No.7102714

yeah i couldn't make it through the whole thing.

>> No.7102765

Sorry, I always thought Boston was her comm, she bitched about the NY comm on occasion so I thought maybe she'd just visited them or something and didn't like them.

>> No.7102793

how did anyone watch the whole thing?

the timing was awful, did they even practice this?

>> No.7102821

I can't imagine anyone being able to put themselves through that more than once, in their defence.

>> No.7102850

Pink haired girl looks like Raven Symone

>> No.7102894

>This was done for fun. None of us are singers or producers. We did this on our free time as a parody. If you have nothing nice or positive to say I would suggest keeping negative/unnecessarily rude comments to yourself.

Obviously. Jesus fucking Christ Ashley/HC, we know that. We fucking know that. It's not about that. It's about the fact this is a terrible, embarrassing video. I feel so embarrassed for everyone who got roped into this. Stop trying to be efamous, it's not going to happen. You literally disgust me. You might call us haters but really, at least there's not a video of any of us badly lip synching out of time on the internet to exist forever and ever. It's absolutely shameful that you used the Boston name, because now anyone who comes across this video is going think this is what we are ALL like, and we're not. We were already the joke of CGL/BtB, and now even more so. Thanks a fucking lot. I can't wait until you graduate so you can get the fuck out of my city, you disgusting cunt.

>> No.7102898

Boston comm sucks anyways.

>> No.7102908

They atleast could have used good parody lyrics. Didn't we have a parody thread of this song a while back? Girl sucks.

>> No.7102906
File: 325 KB, 440x462, awkward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering what this post was about. Seems like the video wasn't even her idea in the first place, she took it from someone else.

>> No.7102909

Good for the girl she stole from, seriously. I'm sure she is somewhere like "dodged a bullet there..."

>> No.7103021
File: 35 KB, 627x197, Screen Shot 2013-09-15 at 7.18.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She disabled comments after getting two negative ones. Ratings have also been disabled (but then again, there was close to 40 already)

>> No.7103042

Augh my god... this is terrible. I did like the coord on that goth loli in the red skirt though.

>> No.7103050

By "they", do you mean the comm or just the girls in this video?

>> No.7103069

Blooper video isn't disabled yet.

>> No.7103097

Uh oh you guys.

>"Hey so Scarlet Prettycure and I with the help of the girls from yesterday also began working on a lolita documentary. Ours is not as refined as some of the others but I think based on the interviews yesterday I think the material is really raw and fantastic. So we already began interviewing the girls from yesterday but I wanted to open it up to the community if anyone else wants to join. Our documentary will be in three parts: "What does lolita mean to you", "How did you start lolita" and "Tell us why lolita is so significant in your life/why is it important to you" The last question has lent itself to some interesting stories both positive and negative about lolita. So if you would like to be a part of this project we are exciting to get a commentary going from the New England side of the world. Contact Scarlet Prettycure AT (scarlet.rhapsody@ymail.com) to set up a time for taping.

Nevermind the fact that there's a girl in our comm who's been doing one for a solid year now, and this post is directly after it...

>> No.7103106

I'll just point out my critics here

>they should've at least had someone who knows music check up on this, IT'S SO OFF COORDINATED AND ITS PAINFUL.
> or get a music audio editing program like Pro Tools, Logic Pro, or what's included in macs, GARAGEBAND! And since I can see its been done on windows, GET AUDACITY, IT'S GREAT AND FREE!!!
>their video shots are also soooo off coordinated, they. I was expecting better theatrical skills here.
>Lord have mercy, THE TIMING UGH GOD!!!!!
>For the love of God, DRESS COORDINATINGLY

I really loved the concept of this video and its a Macklemore parody but ugh lord, the timing and acting, bad audio editing and Ita colors ruined this shit.

>> No.7103109

Isn't she from LA? What the fuck is she doing in Boston of all places?

>> No.7103112

I'm wondering the same thing. I remember her being active in the west coast anime con circuit so I'm going WTF right now.

>> No.7103120

One of them posted on daily lolita and made us click the link to her blog to actually get decent shot of the full outfit.

The lyrics are posted there. So I'll just leave them here too.

We will be Loli Rappers

[Hook] I want get some brand Only got $20 in my paypal I-I-I I’m hunting, looking for a dream print THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME

[Verse 1:] Nah, walk up to the meet I’m like, “What up? I got the new AP”
I’m so pumped about some new shit from the comm sales
Lace on the fringe, it’s so damn frilly
That people like, “Damn! That’s shit is so fucking loli” Rollin in, headin to the afternoon tea, Dressed in all pink, ‘cept my rockin’ horse those are ivory
Draped in a Baby print, girls standin’ next to me
Probably shoulda dry clean then this, smells like ita shiit (pisssss)

But shit it was on sale (bag it) Coppin’ it, washin’ it, ‘bout to go get some compliments Passin’ up on those MJs someone else’s been walkin’ in
But me and EGL man lovin’ it man I am stuntin’ and flossin’ and
Savin’ my money and I’m hella happy that’s a bargain, bitch

I’ma take your gothic style – I’ma take your gothic style, No for real- ask Mana can I have his hand-me-downs (Thank you)
Bolero, Jumperskirt, and some pettis
Ugly brown lace monster I found diggin’
They had a broken a zipper,
I bought one with a broken zipper
Hella hella not Milano Misako Aoki ain’t got nothing on my frill game,
hell no I could take some, head bands, make them cool, sell those
The brand whores would be like “aw, she got the Moi Memes”

[Hook x2]

>> No.7103122

[Verse 2:] What you know about rockin’ a bow on your noggin?
What you knowin’ about wearin’ a fur collar
I’m diggin’, I’m diggin’, I’m searching right through that comm sale
One gal’s bodyline, that’s another gal’s first dress
Thank your grandma for donating that Victorian shirt
‘Cause right now, I’m up in her strutin’ I’m at the Baby store, you can find in the (OTT)
I’m not, I’m not age playin’ It’s just a fashion (OTT)
Your grammy, your aunty, your momma, your mammy
I’ll take those frilly dresses, second-hand and rock that motherfucker
With the built in corset I’ll rock that motherfucker
I hit the meet up and they stop that motherfucker
They be like, “Oh, that AP – that’s hella tight”
They be like “yo- that fifty dollar for a cut sew”
Limited edition, let’s do some simple addition
Fifty dollar for a cutsew – that’s just some elitist bitch (shit)
I call that getting swindled and pimped (shit)
I call that getting tricked by a business
That shit’s hell cute though
And having the same one as six other people in the meet that a twinnin’ yo

Peep game, come take a look at my bloomers
Tryna get frills from a brand.
Man you gotta have dough
Man you gotta have dough

(Second hand, get that brand, ya)


I wear your great grandma’s clothes
I look incredible
I’m in this big ass poof From that Comm sales on the web
I wear you great grands clothes (damn right)
I look incredible (now come on girl)
I’m in this big ass poof (big ass)
From that comm sale on the web (let’s go)


Hey are you a cosplayer?

>> No.7103125

This is the girl who wore Moitie backwards and everyone thought it was a replica.

>> No.7103127

She moved to Boston last year.

>> No.7103129

WAT. How in the hell does someone do that!?

>> No.7103136

Of course, it's Ashley's blog. She really tried so hard to post this shit everywhere.

>> No.7103134

Do you have photos? I would love to see this.

>> No.7103141
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>> No.7103150
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>> No.7103158


>> No.7103164

wait, wait, I'm not familiar with MMM at all, are you saying she's wearing the dress backwards?

>> No.7103174


look at the top of the bodice; it is higher cut and has a ruffle on it. The back is lower cut without the ruffle which is clearly what she is wearing in the front

>> No.7103179

Christ almighty what a fucking dingus.
This belongs in a brand ita thread.

>> No.7103186

I'm going to write a better timed version of this. If it fucking kills me, I will do it. It's not even to be funny or anything, just because the timing on most of the lines make me want to tear my ears off.

>> No.7103195

It's been done already though, check the archives.

>> No.7103196

I'm actually kind of sad because I've had this idea with a friend, and we wanted to do a really good version. Now, I feel like this has ruined the idea for me.

>> No.7103219



>> No.7103221

Wow I'm glad I wasn't apart of this. I was really tempted to go to the filming. I had no idea this is what it would be like...they really didn't put that much effort/planning into it, did they? The event date for this was yesterday/the 14th...I think it would've been mildly better if they took their time with editing and trying to find someone with a good camera and better locations and did this over a period of a week or two rather than just in a few hours. Maybe it was a lost cause, I dunno.

>> No.7103231

They did the recording separate from the filming. So they at least did 2 meets for this. Apparently, they weren't told it was going to be for public consumption either.

>> No.7103237

Naw, you still can. Look at those shit lolitas say videos - Lor made like 2 and then that Australian dude came in and made a better one and everyone loved it. I wish that guy had quit making vids with that one because I haven't seen anything entertaining from them since then but that's unrelated.

>> No.7103243
File: 4 KB, 208x242, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw hotshot will never watch your shitty video

>> No.7103247

>Lor made like 2
She's on number five now, anon.

>> No.7103466

Really, I still enjoy their alpaca cooking show.

>> No.7103862

this actually could have been really good with better production. :/ shame.

>> No.7103877
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>> No.7103885
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>tfw you will never leech off of hotshot ;_;

>> No.7103918

But there already is a lolita rapper, with much better co-ords too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQEg-_0JbYU

>> No.7103987

Yeah, I think that's what they were aiming for, sadly. Mind you, I think MC Melody Doll's pretty cringey, as well.

>> No.7104278

so who has the best coord in this video...?

>> No.7104281

hey, that was me. she unfriended me either yesterday or today without any indication why, so i'm guessing she might think i'm behind this thread.
personally, i think it would have made more sense that if i was going to post it, it would've been a month ago when i posted that comment in >>7102906. besides, i've been taking a break from the Internet this past week and only started using Facebook since so many people were messaging me about this video.
i'm more worried that she might talk behind my back to my friends in Boston, but hopefully it won't come to that.

i say go for it! i can send you the lyrics i wrote for mine if you would like some ideas, since i won't be making my video. email is in the field. good luck to you guys.

>> No.7104297

If they are truely your friends, it won't matter what she says to them.

>> No.7104303

The thing that bothers me most about this is that she is using the term "parody" like it's some sort of magical criticism deflecting shield.

Parodies are just as open for criticism as any other video or piece of creative work.

I am so sorry for anyone who has to deal with this woman.

>> No.7104326


All this stuff is really lame.

>> No.7104352


>> No.7104419

I wouldn't worry so much. She has ruined her rep, especially with her new "documentary" idea. She is pissing a lot of people off and it appears that she cannot realise that other people hated her video outside her own comm.

>> No.7104496

I got your back-bow. They will have to come through me to fuck with you, bb. <3

>> No.7104529

This is seriously disgusting. I had to put down my soup for a bit to recover.

>> No.7104556


Response video is up. I'm sorry but if she wanted to let the topic die she should have just deleted the video or stopped drawing attention to it. IF she wasn't "bothered" by the said comments or peoples views then she shouldn't have banned comments and ratings, because now she's drawn more attention to herself and the group. She should have trolled along with the comments and gave positive responses to each comment. Troll them back or "kill them with kindness" as the saying goes.

It may have been for "fun" but instead its caused a shit storm and the best thing to do is to walk away from the situation and NOT MAKE A VLOG COMPLAINING ABOUT IT. Way to paint a red cross on your head. How stupid are some people? Its no wonder people get 4channed these days.

>> No.7104578

Yeah I've seen em all, just meant that Lor had finished 2 or so when technotropism made his.

>> No.7104585
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>> No.7104590

>being nice
choose one.

>> No.7104598

>I want this to stop so let me fuel the fire more

>> No.7104640
File: 231 KB, 499x374, tumblr_mr323a8kUT1sb5k4jo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That hot pink wig.....

>> No.7104691

What an insufferable ita. She is revolting and encompasses every embarrassing thing about being a Western lolita that (some) Japanese lolitas judge us all by because of people like her.

>> No.7105107
File: 108 KB, 1069x483, omg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like she deleted the EGL post and the video and retitled some things. Was fun while it lasted, guys.

>> No.7105982
File: 241 KB, 297x397, 1377047214810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's not be bullies
>Lolitas - Having Fun! What a Shock!

>> No.7106006

ugh, it's like they took the original lyrics and just threw in "misako" "mana" and "loli" where they could.

>> No.7106008

yeah, i've had all sorts of ideas to make parody videos with my local comm, but none of us know much about video or audio editing so we've held off.

>> No.7106016

Me too, but we just seem to run out of steam when it gets down to actually filming, probably because it's hard to know what the end product will look like. If it sucks we'll have to scrap it. If it's just ok we'll get ripped on cgl. Even if it's great we'll still all be posted here and analyzed for looks and loli levels anyway so you can't really win.

>> No.7106020

>If it's just ok we'll get ripped on cgl. Even if it's great we'll still all be posted here and analyzed for looks and loli levels anyway so you can't really win.

So what? I think that was the problem with these girls' attitudes. They couldn't deal with the criticism and if it was really fun for them they should have said fuck it. But acting as if "having fun" or "being parody" is some sort of magic spell against negativity is childish. People need to learn to deal with negativity.

>> No.7106370

>I think that was the problem with these girls' attitudes

Diff anon but you mean the ONE girls (the ringleader) attitude. All the other girls involved have kept quiet about it.

>> No.7106472

In the 'making of' video you can see that she is wearing a bra, it just reeeeeeallllllllyyyy sucks.
Looks so bad.