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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7098616 No.7098616[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/cgl/ + /tg/ = LARP

Do you LARP? Do you want to LARP? Need costume or makeup help?

Renfaire and reenactment welcome too!

>> No.7098618
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>> No.7098620
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>> No.7098626
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>> No.7098625

I've been wanting to try LARPing for a long time.

>> No.7098628
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Where do you live? /tg/ knows most local games.

>> No.7098631
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>> No.7098633
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>> No.7098655

Oh, I know of multiple games in the area. I'm just too terrible with interacting with people to bring myself to go out in public and talk to strangers. When I go to anime conventions I try and avoid people I know because I get too nervous to talk to them.

>> No.7098668
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Well, some games can be.... Alpha nerd mentality neckbeard fests.

Have you tried contacting them through a facebook group or website? Asked about what kind of group it they are and maybe ask about newcomer's meetings?

Most of all, any ideas for characters? There is always a way to integrate a new player based on what they wanna play.

Rule of thumb, avoid groups that use character levels.

>> No.7098669

Never LARPed and have no real interest in it for the most part, but Ren Faires are fun as shit. Just finished my new shield for my Viking outfit a few weeks ago, and I intend to start on an axe soon. I've made two swords for the outfit and didn't like either of the end results, so I'm just going in a whole different direction for the next try.

>> No.7098670

Pics dammit!

>> No.7098673

/tg/ sempai! Any way to ask Gropey to come to the thread?

>> No.7098680
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I'll see what I can dig up. Most are on my phone and I don't have the USB cable at hand.

This isn't the same outfit at all, but just for the sake of a relevant picture, here's a random shot from Texas Ren Fest 2012. God was that a hot day, I think I lost several pounds just walking around.

>> No.7098683
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Do you automatically assume that every LARPer from /tg/ knows each other?

>> No.7098687

Don't even lie, you're probably texting him right now.

>> No.7098690
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...email... My point still stands though...

>> No.7098695
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>> No.7098708
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>> No.7098709


>> No.7098711
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"I'll think about it. Maybe when I get home, if you don't get bitched at."

>> No.7098729
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Anyone lurking?

>> No.7098732

Do LARPers and/or Renfaire people take issue with tanned (not white) LARPers? I'm a half-Italian, half-Chinese girl, and I could pass for a European except for the fact that I have tanned-Asian skin, and I'm always insecure about the fact that I never see LARPers who aren't white, especially the girls.
>at least I'm not ugly

>> No.7098738
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Hey hey folks.

Nope. Why would they? Italians, Spanish, Greeks, Middle easterners, Moors are all present throughout the middle ages, and most games have a "race analogue", like "Persian" turns into "Arabian" and "Greek" turns to "Acropolian" etc etc.

Hell, I'm Italian/Rom, and thus "the were-wop". If I am out in the sun for a while, i'll turn olive.

I don't have much on my phone, but I do have pics of other, darker skinned Larpers.

>> No.7098744

...That's my buddy Jimmy. You get that from an SCA thread?

>> No.7098760
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Its is if you posted it.

>> No.7098767
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>> No.7098772
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G'night peeps

>> No.7098783

Nighty night,


>> No.7098834

I forgot how slow this board is...

>> No.7098995

Hello mister clown. What is a good way to talk my boyfriend into going to a larp with me? He thinks they're stupid but I don't wanna go alone.

>> No.7099184
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Not all but most know each other. Sometimes we even meet at larps

>> No.7099186

I'm not a clown but here is my advice:
show him pics and talk about with him about it, show him maybe a /tg/ thread where we tell stories from larps. If he is still not interested then don't bring him, go alone or with another friend(s) then you maybe can convince him when you have your own stories.
But he don't want to go then don't force it, that could only end bad.

>> No.7099199
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>> No.7099207
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>> No.7099320
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>> No.7099346
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>> No.7099421
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hey hey.

While I totally second the hungarian in >>7099186, I am going to assume you're in the US, because this is less of an issue in Europe.

He's probably put off by what the popular media portrays larp as, and sadly, for the majority it is true that is is overweight man children in halloween costumes with pool noodle swords throwing beanbags and shouting "magic missile".

But that is not ALL larp.

Obviously, we post the best, mostly european larps. There are a few euro-quality larps around, and they tend to be considered "elitist" because they dislike dick-swords and bed sheet tabards. Because of such requirements, most of these larps have a much better "newcomer wrangler" who not only will help answer your questions and get you involved, while loaning you gear to use.

If you want to sell him on larp, you need to show him its not like in the movies.

If you're near VA, I humbly offer my group, Lost Stories & Dark Tales. facebook page is in the email field.

>> No.7099497
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>Obviously, we post the best
I post shit tier quality too if requested. Or if it's funny.

>> No.7099555

shoot away sir

>> No.7099593
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alright but just 5 for now, before everyone thinks this is the average

>> No.7099594
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>> No.7099596
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>> No.7099598
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>> No.7099599
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>> No.7100020

This literally looks like a gutterpunk with a Halloween mask.

Also, Gutterpunk Goblin sounds like good band name.

>> No.7100069
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Anyone care for a dump? Any particular subject?

>> No.7100186
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Do you guys tolerate belegarth fags?

>> No.7100211

Damn, that's good.

>> No.7100337
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The tend to take their dicksword tag and culture of "anything better than a pillowcase tabbard is trying to show off", but individuals have merit.

>> No.7100349

Hey, this seems pretty relevant to the thread so I thought I'd ask here. My brother collects weapons and is into fantasy and military history so I thought I could get him either some axes or helmets for his birthday? Do you guys know any sites that have good quality LARP/fantasy decoration gear?

>> No.7100356
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I do, but as a recreationist first and foremost, I would suggest something historic and more awesome.

Just a wall hanger? Any particular looks or whatnot that he prefers (Single bit, double bit, back spike, back hammer...)?

>> No.7100366
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Also: Whats your budget?

>> No.7100885
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meanwhile, something I've just acquired today

>> No.7101294

Awesome. I need to get a halberd head from you sometime

>> No.7101302

definetly not from me but from another hungarian larpfag, he made these. Also the runes on the spear are glowing blue in the dark

>> No.7101315
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No shit? A little "high fantasy" for my taste, but certainly badass.

>> No.7101334 [DELETED] 

I would make a photo but these kind of things never looks good at a photo. also there are some runes on the blade too, barely visible on the photo. Those glows blue too

>> No.7101337

I would make a photo but these kind of things never looks good at a photo. also there are some runes on the blade too, barely visible on the photo. Those glows blue too

>> No.7101342
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and the full weapon. Somewhere around 180 cm in lenght

>> No.7101344

Any tips for a newbie trying to get into it? I live in San Diego, and I don't have a lot of friends in the area so I'd be getting into it alone.

>> No.7101351

that entirely depends on what kind of larps will you try to get in. Every one has different rules and different people who plays there so only the most general advise would be good for all of them
And those advise could be summed up as "don't be a dick"

>> No.7101365

What different kind of larps are available in my area? I generally have a fixation for medieval themed stuff.. I'm kind of lost as of now. The two groups in San Diego that I found look pretty.. dead.

>> No.7101372

my US collegues can help you more about what kind of larps you can find there, although google and facebook can help too. Find some bigger, general larp group on facebook and ask around there maybe

>> No.7101376

I requested to be in a group about an hour ago. So I'll ask around when they accept it.
Thanks, man.

>> No.7101382

Contact them and ask about newcommer meetings.

If they don't have one, or someone to help intergrate new players then that should be a warning.

What kind of game are you looking for? Horror? Modern Gothic? High/Low fantasy? Scifi? Post-apoc?

>> No.7101384

I'm honestly not entirely sure yet. I've been lurking the larp threads here, and hovering in /tg/, but I'm not sure what I want exactly.

>> No.7101394


Well, then lets figure out some things:

*What kind of genre?

*What kind of system, practical or abstract?
-Practical systems are based off of actual ability and skill. I hurt you more because I hit you. You didn't get hurt because you are wearing armour. We didn't see him because he's sneaky etc.

-Abstract is based off of assumed stats and abilities. I hurt you because I have a stronger strength score. You didn't get hurt because you have 5 points of armor. We didn't see him because he's holding up his blue scarf which means he's invisible.

*What kind of game?
- social/political intrigue
- combat focused
- suspense and horror
etc etc.

>> No.7101395

Can I request some huntress outfits? I need some inspiration.

>> No.7101402
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I got lots of women in day-clothes and women in armour, but nothing "huntress" like.

>> No.7101404
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LARPing is for people too out of shape for actual HEMA

It is the most shameless of American subcultures and make a mockery of Old World history.

>> No.7101405
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What does Huntress have to do with LARPing?

>> No.7101406

Hi. I am a member of HEMA, The SCA, and one of the finalists from the east coast division of team USA's BotN tryout for 2014.

Go suck a fuck.

They're ARE superhero Larps. Both Marvel and DC.

>> No.7101410

I...don't think they meant superhero Huntress, anon.

>> No.7101412

Anon probably didn't, but again, there is actually a fairly active superhero larp scene. Various super groups competing against each other, good, evil and self interested.

I have a buddy who is real into it. The real drama happens when two separate "good" groups don't agree on the same concept of justice.

>> No.7101489

When its put that way, it actually sounds pretty cool. How do they deal with 50 people wanting to be thor though?

>> No.7101631

Never played, so I can't be certain, but I would bet money that you CAN'T play as existing heros. If its a DC game, and you're on the justice league, you're one of the thousands of heros (IE, whatever character you make), but Batman and Green lantern are NPC plot-characters.

>> No.7101683

I'd love to be able to dress up for Ren Faires/maybe maybe maaaaybe even look seriously at LARP sometime, but one of my largest hangups is attire - and how much that seems like it'll cost.

Like, boots: is the only way to get a half-decent pair of boots to shell out a few hundred bucks for one?

>> No.7101720
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It depends on what think are decent boots. CAS/Hanwei's Get Dressed For Battle line has a whole line of historically accurate, well made and comfy shoes and boots that are between $50-$80.

These Jorvik shoes? Cover viking to mid 15thC, or whatever the fuck you want. Cost? $56.95 from Kult of Athena. I own a pair of these, and they are as sturdy as my $300 knee high riding boots.

The trick is not to pay renfaire prices. Look for reenactor sites. Better product, less price, because they need to compete with "Fuck that, I can make/barter my own" that you don't see elsewhere.

>> No.7101722
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Up your budget to $61.95, and you can get 13thC front laced shoes. Also Kult of Athena. Got a pair of these for my buddy for christmas two years, and he fights in them.

>> No.7101725
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As for clothing, if you give me a look you like (preferably by time period, even if its "__ish fantasy", I can get you patterns or links to cheap clothes.

Hell, I have my generic new person "Shirt + tunic + hood" pattern that you could throw together in a day, and look 1000 times better than any pajama-pants retard.

>> No.7101784

Is it too silly to think of basing a look around a favored weapon type? Spears and polearms are by far my weapon of choice, but that's about as far as I've gotten, really. I tend a bit more towards high-ish fantasy, though that'd be more in terms of how the armor looks (god I love video game armor) rather than wanting to parade around in elf ears or somesuch.

I guess what I'm looking for right now though is something I could wear to a ren faire and ..just fit in, I suppose. Basic clothing to start, and I'll...look into expanding into armor and the like as I go?

But yeah, if you've got some helpful/reliably good vendors to suggest, I'd really appreciate it!

>> No.7101832

Actually, no, its not silly. Again, historic recreation and martial arts is my first love, and lots of people start with "this weapon/armour is badass" and then work their soft kit/material culture around it. Obviously, if you got a murder-boner for spangen helms, maille and round shields, dark age norse clothing would work with that. If you have interest in fancy halberds, then 15th or 16th century clothes would fit etc etc.

Got a pic of the weapon? Having a basic kit that matches the era/culture of the weapon is easy.

>> No.7101919
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>Like, boots: is the only way to get a half-decent pair of boots to shell out a few hundred bucks for one?
then again there are always options to just hide the modern boots without getting an authentic one. Some are better than others.
Example: leather gaiters as on pic

>> No.7101948

Definitely lacking the boner for spangen helms, haha.
I like halberds, but ...I don't particularly care whether they're fancy or not? Halberds, poleaxes, voluges, mmmyes. Wikipedia says most of them died out around the same 14-16th century time period, so I guess that's sort of a lead. Maybe.

Weirdly enough, I don't have a pair of real boots; I never quite got into the habit of wearing them when I was younger, and haven't had any real reason to consider getting them until recently.

Thanks for the idea, though!

>> No.7101952

Also, uh. Probably a weird question, but whatever. Most fo the people in these LARP pictures seem to be white/close enough to pass; I'm asian, and there's really no disguising that. Is LARPing - I realize it's mainly a big thing in Europe, where there's surprisingly more white people than in other places - just less frequented by brown/yellow people, or..?

Er, I guess in other words, I mean to say that since I don't have a particular preference for any specific armor, would cultural heritage push me towards something a bit more racially-accurate?

>> No.7101953
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polearms are awesome indeed. But keep in mind that 200 years are a long time and after the 16th anything that resembles medieval warfare pretty much died out

>> No.7101954
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no. Noone would care about that you are asian. At least in a good group. and a few days before we even talked about this on /tg/, about mostly white people seen on larp pics. IT's mostly because as you said a huge percentage of the pics are from europe where you can find more white people.

and as white people often dress to resemble other culture I see no reasone why should you restrict your costume to your own

>> No.7101961

How does LARPing work exactly? Is there stat tracking involved, or is it more improvisational acting and story telling?

>> No.7101962

there are different ones... like I have a friend that does something called... SOLAR I think? And they literally pack up for a weekend and get fed and stay in cabins and there are lots of rules and stats you keep for months and years while your character is alive. But that's the only one I actually have any kind of knowledge about. It seems to be very rule driven and stat based from what I know of it.

>> No.7101966

every larp is ifferent, you can encounter both that you desribed, anything inbetween and even more

>> No.7101976
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>> No.7101977
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>> No.7101978
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>> No.7101979
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>> No.7101980
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>> No.7101982
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>> No.7102041

is it weird if i want her to suck my dick really bad?

>> No.7102233
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Hey Hungarian, do you remember this from last year? I finally finished this fucking thing.
Let's just hope it doesn't fall apart from the first blow

>> No.7102921
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leather spats cover many sins.

Halberds exist as early as 3000BC china. In Europe alone, there are over 200 distinct families. Find me a picture of what you like, and we'll go from there.

See >>7098738. Also, race shouldn't mean much, unless they are dicks. Don't play with dicks. You don't have to play an asian proxie if you don't want to. Play what is fun.

The gods only know how many weebs play asian characters.

Halberds, partisans and pikes were used in the early Napoleonic wars, and even as late as the American Revolution. Officers carried Halberds and partisans as both symbols of office, and as melee weapons as it was thought that they are too busy keeping order and giving commands to load a long arm or fix a bayonet. Pikes were given to reenforcements, levees and siege defenders/attacker. Cheaper, lighter and more affective in melee than a bayonet, but phased out as gun tech improved.

Depends on the larp. I hate abstraction and stats, so my larp is based on realism and practical skill.

-Practical systems are based off of actual ability and skill. I hurt you more because I hit you. You didn't get hurt because you are wearing armour. We didn't see him because he's sneaky etc.

-Abstract is based off of assumed stats and abilities. I hurt you because I have a stronger strength score. You didn't get hurt because you have 5 points of armor. We didn't see him because he's holding up his blue scarf which means he's invisible.

Nope. It would be weird if you didn't. I single handedly gave /tg/ a faun fetish. Hell, my whole larp started after I was contacted by some lovely young ladies from /tg/ who wanted me to hunt them through the woods! What was originally super-intense tag became a european quality larp.

No, I am not joking.

Have more fauns.

Praise Slaanesh.

>> No.7102983

In practical systems, who does stuff like magic and special supernatural abilities work?

>> No.7102999

>Dress as cute little faun
>get hunted and caught by Gropey

Im ok with this.

>> No.7103025

By a mixture of special effects and somatic components/consumables.

The simplest arcane spells are pretty standard.

Hex: by making eye contact, and extending ones pinky and index finger into the "horns" to the target, the caster locks his foe with the evil eye. As long as eye contact is held, the affected may not move, but is free to move once the caster loses attention.

Whisp: The Caster summons a sickly glowing light, which can be extinguished on command. It deals no damage, may be transferred to objects and may be extinguished at any time. Requires a green glow stick.

More powerful spells require bigger, more difficult somatic components/FX

Smoke: The mage creates a cloud of smoke to disorient and muddle the surroundings. Requires non explosive, novelty smokebomb.

Magic also can't be cast in heavy or medium armour.

If you are interested, in my email field is a link to the Lost Stories and Dark Tales facebook page, which includes a PDF of the rulebook. Its a very easy and realistic system, which is under 10 pages.

Only if we click. I have done more faun hunts without "unf" as you so delinquently put it, than with.

20 minute head start in the woods before I start tracking. For extra fun, you carry a baby doll that randomly cries, to simulate a baby stolen by a changling.

Its some intense stuff.... I have awesome stories and pics.

>> No.7103036

Yeah, I contacted both the Vampire LARP and a fantasy LARP in the area and the people I talked to were nice, but I just ended up never going.

>> No.7103044
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Well, sounds more like a personal motivation problem then.

>> No.7103045

Sooo.... No beanbags and screaming "magic missle"? Real special effects for spells? That sounds bitchin'

>> No.7103048

Yep. No dickswords. No halloween masks. No bean bags.

Im bringing a bunch of latex weapons, raiding my closet for extra loaner clothes and armour, and bringing my stage makeup kit for the NPC's who are playing monsters.

>> No.7103054

Yes, that's exactly what I was saying it was. No motivation even though I want to do it because I don't want to be with people even though I do want to be with people... Social anxiety, man.

>> No.7103059
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I could motivate you!

>> No.7103063

A giant spider could motivate me in certain ways, though I don't think the right ones.

>> No.7103066
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Ok.... baby steps then!

>> No.7103070

How does one arrange to be hunted by you, persay?

>> No.7103072

By having a good costume, emailing me, and not being crazy.

>> No.7103079

>not crazy

>> No.7103081
File: 190 KB, 1024x682, NOT FAIL..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you asked nicely....

>> No.7103102

that shit is banay-nays. Where is this game?

>> No.7103121

Probably a stupid question, but how does everyone avoid getting lost in the woods?

>> No.7103131

Well, I was raised by a military land survival specialist.

Everyone else just follows the red tape I slap on trees before the game until they get back to camp.

>> No.7103133

But if they stay where they can see the tape doesn't that really narrow down the places they could be and make the hunt easier?

>> No.7103147
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I only had to do this once, as the other three times, the girls I hunted either knew the area or even owned the land.

If you need to follow the tape back to camp, the game is over anyways. Besides that, I only put the tape around the boundary of the play-area. If you are lost, you keep going north or what have you until you see the tape, then follow it home.

Then of course there is practical guides. I always set camp so you're walking to the setting sun. I always camp up stream. I always camp uphill. etc etc.

Excuse the MS paint the dots around the edges are the marked trees that surround the boundry of the playing area. Get lost? Just find the perimeter and follow it home.

>> No.7103154

And obviously, having a cellphone, compass and light source are a must, just in case.

>> No.7103155

could I bring a cell phone just in case?

>> No.7103161

Yes. See >>7103154

like any larp, its best to keep it off or on silent unless emergencies happen.

>> No.7103166

>marked trees that surround the boundry of the playing area
Ah, that makes sense.

>> No.7103209

This is really nice. A bit like elizabethan portraits.

>> No.7103224
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Funny enough, I saved these to use as handouts to my players for the paintings (photoshop filtered, and printed) in an abandoned masion they were exploring in a table top game.

>> No.7103232

I used to want to do LARP, but the local one was knd of intimidating, rule wise. Youhad to know the (ridiculously long and complicated) history, which was made over the 30 odd years it had been running. Plus there were about 40 races/subraces, many of which were restricted to only 2% of the games population... In a game that only had about 50 regular players max. There were also no non-combat roles (I can't play-fight, not only cus of physical limits but also cus if some big dude in a mask jumps out at me in the dark, I will fucking kill them with the fakeass pool noodle sword).
There was another game that actually had classes beyond the basic rogue/warrior/mage, more people playing, and a way simpler history, but it was too far away.

>> No.7103235

They're really nice! I can't into LARP but wish I could help with the set dressing and makeup.

>> No.7103282

This entire post makes me rage.

Where do you live? LS&DT is much simpler and accessable.

Sounds like being a NPC volunteer is more your speed. You play multiple parts where needed: Villager, Goblin #127, priest(ess) of the local shrine, whatever, whenever.

We use real (but harmless) traps in my game, and NPC's help set up and hide them, and loot.

>> No.7103786
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From a battle yday. As one of the small band of Orcs I felt these were favourable odds!

>> No.7104167

it was in Sweden, one of a kind game with nearly 1 million euro budget

>> No.7104674

You're not outnumbered, you just have a target rich environment!

>> No.7104741

although when you win a 5 vs 40 fight usually the other side actively participated to lose

>> No.7104767
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>> No.7105471
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Sorry for the delay, Gropey. Does this point in any particular direction, time/outfit/whatever-wise?

Thanks for all the help and information so far, though!

>> No.7105495
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looks similar to 18th century stuff, not sure but probably ceremonial

>> No.7105882

source on that handbag?

>> No.7105988

home made by her group. They are actually a group that do children camps. Like put on costume fantasy children camps and they provide the costumes for the kids

>> No.7106929
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Yeah, these particular polearms are 17th-18th century, but you wouldn't be odd to look into late 16th, early 17th century clothes.

The simple stuff is very flexible and simple, and is used as a "generic" clothing style for anything from mid 16thC until the golden age of piracy, as the simple stuff didn't change. Blouse shirt, trews (cathered at the knee) or slops (very loose capre shorts basically), hose and usually a doublet.

>> No.7106983

I still envy you guys doing that camp, Hungarian. I would love to show some kids how to adventure!

>> No.7107430

well here is their promo video if you want to steal ideas

>> No.7107768

As awesome as that is, I know I would be too...much for such a gig.

"Remember Jimmy, if you don't drop bambi in one shot, we all go hungry for the day."

"Your watch fell asleep durring the night and you were all killed by goblins. Today's project is making latex life-casts of your faces so that the goblins can wear them as trophy masks."

>> No.7107796

So how exactly do LARP people go about costumes?

Do individuals make their own costumes, or does someone else make them? And do you design your own characters or are you assigned a certain character?

Pardon my ignorance.

>> No.7107797

I would love to LARP, but really I just want to dress up and run around in the woods. I just don't have the patience for rules and storylines and stats :(

>> No.7107835

You can buy or make them, but as a historic re creationist first and foremost, I strong suggest against anything sold as a "costume" specifically. What you want is "clothing". I know this sounds like semantic BS, but its true. You'll pay more for costumes, which are not nearly as comfortable, good looking or strong.

As for characters, you create one to fit what you want to do, and the game setting. Obviously, you need to fit the game and not be a douche. If your playing a dark-ages style game with vikings, trolls and shamans, don't get pissed when they won't let you be a gun slinging cyborg samurai.

That is why you should look into Euro-style larps like the one I started here in VA. No numbers. No states. No abstractions. If you want to do something, you actually have to do it. We're big on realism and FX.

the facebook group is in my email field.

>> No.7107861

You're from Virginia?

>> No.7107864

Not FROM, but it is were I am living at this time.

>> No.7107906

No shit? Im in Newport News.

>> No.7107919

you would be surprised how fast little kids can turn into bloodthirsty little fucks. I know, I helped being an npc in a camp like that.
I think that people tends to forget their survival instinct when they reach 12-14,

>> No.7107936
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Currently in Williamsburg. Come join our adventure! The rulebook is under 10 pages and is on our facebook page!

Oh, I know. My dad is a land survival specialist for the US Navy. The problem is that when I was growing up, people would freak out when I brought a snake skin from one that I caught, cleaned, ate and tanned myself.

Try anything like that with kids now, and they'll think you're crazy.

>> No.7107945

only if they get older. After the first one or two days they are into several kinds of crazy and invent new ones.

>> No.7107951

I mean the parents and authorities. I am great with kids of any age. Here in the US, we have a major issue of over-protective, paranoid parents in the past generation or so

>> No.7107959

>I am great with kids of any age.
that would be a problem. Every senior in a kid camp should hate kids.

>> No.7107962

I didn't say I like them, I said I am great with them. I handle them well.

Its a lot like directing a pack of dogs.

>> No.7107976

I'm from Alexandria but just moved to Rockville recently, so I'm a bit far either way. ;___;

>> No.7107980

I'm interested in the LARP scene, but I live in New Zealand, and I've never even heard of any local games. The idea of 'medieval reenactments' has been mentioned, but that's about it. How do I find games?

>> No.7108096
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In the process of upgrading my kit atm.

>> No.7108132

I really hope it's just a bad photo and that kettle hat is blue and copper. Because that would be totally awesome

>> No.7108246
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and I'm done for the night, although the flutes will get one more layer of paint and I will correct them where it's needed in the morning

>> No.7108361

That only an hour away hun. Besides, I know we got another player in Alexandria, and some events may be held up in northern VA based on available locations.

LS&DT events are also weekend-long and include at least a night of camping. Driving an hour or two either way for a weekend long event isn't that bad.

Still, its up to you, though I encourage that you join and help us make an awesome game.

>> No.7108963

Similar question but for Sydney.
Or some sort of rein fair.

Although I guess walking around in Australian bushland doesn't sound that safe spider-wise

>> No.7109010

google swordcraft, the guys there could help you probably

>> No.7109533
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Alas it's green and black. Colours of the Levy I larp with. Got the idea from seeing some stuff on here and those rather frenetic Wolf LARP videos.

>> No.7111094
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10/10, would gladly defend her honour.

>> No.7112735
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>> No.7112746

Any Florida fags in here?

>> No.7112752


>> No.7112786 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7114008

you mean Talsker Wölfe?

>> No.7114495

Yes the very same.

>> No.7114678

Are LARP events a decent place to meet girls?

>> No.7114706

holy shit you're pathetic

>> No.7114762

What's so pathetic about that? It isn't wrong to use a social activity as a chance to find a love interest

>> No.7114800

I'm not sure if this is a serious question, but I'm gonna weigh in. In my decade of kicking around in 7-8 different LARPs, and my year of being an exec at one (I have a huge variety in my corner of the world) I've seen my fair share of people trying to hook up other people at LARP.

That being said, are LARP events a decent place to meet girls? I would say yes. Contrary to popular outsider belief, there are lots of females who attend LARPs. One of the games that I frequent even has a 50/50 gender split, which is actually pretty awesome. Chances are you're going to encounter lots of girls.

However, I think you're asking (in a roundabout way) if it's either a) a place to meet decent girls, or b) a decent place to hook up with girls to which I've divided (for fun because I'm bored) the most common archetypes of girls you will encounter while LARPing. Of course, not every female will fall into one of these categories but this is a general idea.


>> No.7114806

1) The Married Woman - probably one of the coolest LARP ladies you'll encounter. They always seem to have pretty well thought out characters and decent costumes, and they're mostly there with their husbands to have a fun weekend away from the kids (assuming the LARP is 18+, otherwise sometimes they bring their writhing worm babies with them). Your hook up/date chance is pretty low, unless they're looking for some fun on the side (whether the hubby knows or not). I'd still advise against that because don't fuck with people who have families. Seriously, you don't want that drama.

2) The Committed Relationship Woman - I find that these are extremely hit or miss. If they're there alone or say "they're mad at their significant other", you may have a chance if you're hotter than her boyfriend because "you totally get my interests~" and "you're actually so like sweet and thoughtful". If a lady of interest is there with her SO... well, unless you're extremely confident that you could rate higher in attractiveness over the person she's with or the guy is beta as fuck you might have a chance. Most guys will stonewall their girlfriend from talking/texting/chatting with any other dude from LARP because 90% of the time they're insecure as hell, and even if she will talk to you as "just friends", she's probably a cool chick who you wont have a chance with because she actually cares/loves her boyfriend. In general, I'd stay away from these types because of the insane about of drama and baggage that follows, even if it is a pump and dump.

>> No.7114807


3) The Open Relationship Woman - These can be tricky, and they exist in small amounts. Normally they are people who are in an open relationship with someone within the club/organization/out of game etc. Most of the chicks I know are pretty chill, but they're annoying as fuck in some singular fashion that makes me want to talk to them in small doses. Oddly enough, most of the ones I know seem to be pretty hardcore feminists. If there's mututal attraction and they're down, you're almost garanteed to hook up (unless the girl wants you to jump some random hoops first). Just remember to 'bag your shit' so to speak, even if she doesn't care. That's a whole can of worms (stds, babies, crying, etc.) you do not want to open.

4) The Psycho Single Woman - Ah, where do I start? Usually if you're nice to them, and a pretty cute guy, your chances of getting laid (or hell, wanting to date one) is pretty good. Most of these single LARP gals are single for a reason. There's probably a huge probability that they have dated/fucked 1-3 guys per year they've been a member of the LARP. Clingy, neurotic, freaked out, insecure, emotional, irrational... all those descriptors come to mind. These are usually the "special snowflakes" too. They come with more baggage than a 747, a whole bunch of mental disorders, daddy issues, 834729374 allergies, "totally into girls" (aka "I will make out with one if it makes you happy"), so super edgy~ and a whole long list of more stereotypical shit that I can't even bother to list. Seriously fuck at your own risk if you're just looking for some fun (and I mean fun, usually can you do some really weird shit with them because they'll do just about anything you want). If you want someone who will be a fierecly loyal (if not annoying) girlfriend for at least 3 months, then good luck to you, but don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.7114818


5) The Actually Awesome Girlfriend Material Woman - Diamond in a puddle of crazy. Seriously. So hard to actually find someone who isn't batshit and likes to go to LARPs, but they exist. Sometimes these girls are hard to find, but if you take the time to talk to one for a couple weeks, you'll know. If the attraction is mutual, hold onto one (but never too tight) and put in the time and effort because it will be worth it. Word of caution, usually Psycho Singles or Unattainables can be disguised as AAGM women, so don't come on too strong or else you'll be needing to shake a clinger or wasting your time.

6) The Unattainable Woman - Our final archetype. These ladies can range anywhere from lesbians to 'just got out of a relationship so fuck off'. Most of the time they're women who are just smart enough not to 'shit where they eat', so to speak. They sit on the side lines and watch all the crazy social shit happen before their eyes. Usually they are former "LARP sluts" who have learned their lesson the hard way and now know better than to get involved with anyone at LARP. They make excellent friends and will usually be a good ear to talk to, or someone to give you advice. Think of them as a harpy in the shadows, secretly judging you and your vaginal pursuits but doesn't hold it against you. Never, ever make a move on an Unattainable unless you want to lose the good friendship you've forged. Sometimes they'll come out of hiding to become a AAGM or possibly a Psycho Single, but let them lay their cards on the table first.

Honestly, LARPing is an amazing way to meet great people, new friends, and new romantic interests but if you're going in blind, you're gonna have a bad time.

a shadow harpy

>> No.7114832
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dark pic; was dusk

>> No.7114877
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Picked up a new companion.

>> No.7114883
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Looking for clues to the cause of a friend's recent demise.

>> No.7115278
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Politiking and bartering

>> No.7115315
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passports please!

>> No.7115344
File: 108 KB, 960x761, 1186294_10152259395863569_172878630_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent the past few weekends at MNRenFest. Charming the wenches and squires.

>> No.7115375

I LOVE the MN RenFest. I really want to get into volunteering/walking around all day in costume/etc but i don't know if I should just show up? Would be a ton easier if I could meet people that work up there.

>> No.7115439

Man, I would love to get into a LARP scene. Unfortunately the closest thing we have like that around here is a very small yearly Ren Fest (which I do enjoy visiting, but am to shy to actually audition for)... I wish there was some sort of directory, I'd be willing to drive a fair bit for a quality LARP

>> No.7115572
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>> No.7115573
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>> No.7115608
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>> No.7115753
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Hey hey folks.

Recovering from a long weekend!

Pic related. One of the coins King Amos the Pious payed me as part of my service to the kingdom, and on the field of battle. Euro and penny for size comparison.

>> No.7115782
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>> No.7115817

Jesus fuck where is this magical thing held, the local one has fucking bags of glitter and pompoms.

>> No.7115823

We're located in Virginia. Our facebook group in in my email field. Upcomming game is probably going to be in Northern VA.

>> No.7115826

Sorry forgot about this thread. Im both these posts. Used to live in southern NJ. Knew a few people who went to both, and the difference in costume quality and general behavior was pretty staggering. Now I'm in Oregon and don't know if I even want to attempt looking here. Trying to get my boyfriend involved in renfair shit though, because he looks like a goddamn Mongol general and can detail the shit out of some armor.

(Also I'm one of the clown chicks you talked to before. Training to be a pro makeup artist now)

>> No.7115829

>I'm one of the clown chicks you talked to before. Training to be a pro makeup artist now

No shit? Really?

>> No.7115858

Hah, yep. Theres a bit of indie film shit going on here I'm hoping to get into. Haven't done any clown stuff since moving though. All my stuff is in my parent's barn and its a pain to get anything sent.

>mom can you send me my costumes? No not the princess dresses. The poofy ones. No not that one. This isn't even mine where did you find this, no mom thats my prom dress

>> No.7115931

I feel all warm and fuzzy and useful now.

>> No.7117528
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Bump with content.

>> No.7117562

plz for the love of all things holy post more femfaun

>> No.7118914

haha, at first i thought the left arm where cow udders

>> No.7119100
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I'm just starting to get involved. The group I'll be joining wears lighter Roman armor because we live in Southern California where it can get pretty warm. Does anyone have any experience here? I have a ton of questions.

>> No.7119116

That fucking thing is gonna haunt my nightmares.

>> No.7119136
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>> No.7119145
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>> No.7119178

lightningboltthis dot tumblr dot coms

>> No.7122036
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>> No.7122345
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You motherfucker

>> No.7122351

Ok so I do mermaid swimming shit. What are my chances of finding a LARP where a semi-realistic mermaid is useful (probably as NPC as its not exactly a mobile costume)

>> No.7124452


Funnily enough, I have a friend who does mermaid swimming too, and we're planning on doing her up as a merrow for a game, because one of our sites is on priovate land and has a gorgeous creek/pond.

>> No.7124477

I keep hacing this weird desire to put an old claw foot tub on wheels and make a mer-transport out of it. Perhaps set on wheelchair wheels so it can be moved independantly.

>> No.7124483

While that would be out of place in my game, That sounds like something totally fucking awesome for a more light hearted and whimsical game.

Row it with a boat oar for maximum whimsy.

>> No.7124587

Wait, you have a larp?

>> No.7124663
File: 135 KB, 500x682, tumblr_llnqmbloF61qkrtqeo1_500_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. A while ago. Mentioned earlier in the thread.

>> No.7125491

Is 1x1 LARPing a thing?

>> No.7125506


>> No.7125636
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Yes, and no.

Actually, the whole catalyst to start LS&DT was was an off hand comment about how sexy faun girls are, "I'd hunt HER through the woods!".

Well, /tg/ is well aware that I am a historic hunter. Suddenly a bunch of ca/tg/irls messaged me about being hunted. So we met up, I got in my fancy medieval hunting gear, and I chased fauns through he woods in a glorified game of tag.

Obviously, a 20 minute head start followed by me tracking hoof prints is all well and good, but some of the more experienced cross-country faun girls opted for a greater challenge. For this, I bought a crying baby doll, that cried when jostled too much, or just randomly. This was the "fae stealing a baby for a changeling" scenario.

I got some damn good stories from the hunts. Because of how simple, personal and outright frantic the hunts are, its impossible to do with a group. I did one hunt where it was a couple from /tg/, and after we tracked her down, I left them to their own devices, but obviously, me teaching a novice woodcraft added to the hunt.

If any of the /tg/ fauns are here, I encourage you posting your costumes and makeup! You all looked amazing.

>> No.7125675

This either ends in clown rape or a IRL fairytale come true.

Either way I want to know.

>> No.7125680
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I sometimes get together with some 18th century enthusiasts for fancy dinners! I wish I lived in France so we could do rent out an actual chateau like some of the reenactment groups there get to do.

Pic not me, I just love seeing historical dress in historical locations

>> No.7125710

Well you're in luck!

For the fairytale. Not the clown rape. Sorry.

I met up with this young lady who is about three hours away from me
We meet up the night before, have dinner, and chat. Break down the basics and logistics, and generally have a good time. We end up doing this in the acres of state woods behind her nieghborhood, about three miles in. Not a soul in sight, and with a still slight crispness to the air.
I dress in my hunting attire, and her in her costume. After making sure her phone was charged and she had everything she needed, she sprang off into the woods before I could say a word, skittish as the deer she played
I gave her a full twenty minutes head start before I gave chase. Tracking her dash through the woods from the hoofprints, broken twigs and bent plants left in her wake.

I followed her over fen and glenn, through creek and brush, not yet having laid eyes on her.I was on her trail for an hour when I took a break by a small spring creek. I pull out my pipe and a canteen of watered wine, to relax for a minute a take in the scenery.
Across the creek, I see a pair of eyes watching me, so I get up and dash through the water to catch whats watching me...

It was a real doe.

As it sprang away, I hear as small gasp, and a crunching of leaves and twigs. She was watching the deer and me, and for a moment, we were all watching a play of nature and man.

I turned to chase back after my true quary, and the game continued

There is NEVER need for an excuse for fancy tea parties! I go to them all the time! Both historically accurate and whimsical.

>> No.7125723

S-stop trying to make me like you clown...You baka...

>> No.7125737

Awwww.... Sorry.

>> No.7125736

Is your email the same still? I must be crazy for even thinking about it.

>> No.7125745
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Whats wrong with liking me? Everyone loves clowns!

I havn't changed it, but its iIn my email field

>> No.7125747

I wish more groups did this! So much historical reenacting is battlefields and balls. i just want a fancy picnic. Even used to work at a small Victorian era museum and invited people to have picnics or tea but unless it was a ball, the local women were just not interested.

...well the steampunks were but they're like the Homestucks of the history world. No goddamn class.

>> No.7125753

Huh. Thought that didn't post. Oh well.

They do happen, but happen as an unofficial thing.

I used to go to civil war reenactments with a friend of mine, dressed as well-to-do picnickers. We would eat a picnic and watch the battle. This was a real thing that happened historically.

>...steampunks (are) like the Homestucks of the history world. No goddamn class.

I think I am in love with you.

>> No.7125829

Steampunk events are for boozing up and hooking up while using terrible accents and nerf guns. That and I'm the one from the steampunk guido story in the chuunibyo thread so

I have done Civil War (trying to get in the pretty classy group here) but like the 1870s-80s fashions more. Always wanted to do colonial too but thats an East Coast thing, miss the history over there terribly.

>> No.7125837

Im currently stuck in VA, but home is Louisiana, so as a Napoleonic Curriassier, I feel you're pain.

Hell, we even got the tail-end of pike and armour era with Jamestown (I used to work there as a historic interpreter years ago).

>> No.7125839

Your*. Stupid phone.

>> No.7125853

Hometown was founded by Quakers and my family first settled in the area around 1700... House I grew up in was circa 1800 and museum I worked at was considered recent at 1850. Where I live now, a 1920s house is considered old.

>> No.7125858

I live in Boston. B)

>> No.7125864
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Big question, as I have lived a good deal in Chelsea, and a big chunk of my family is from up there.

Do you REALLY live in Boston, or do you live in Boston in the "I actually live in Jamaica Planes, but no one would have any idea where the fuck that is" way?

>> No.7125895

Anyone have stuff from non medieval/renn larps?

>> No.7125897

If you want modern larp, /k/ usually has an airsoft thread

>> No.7125899

This makes me sad, actually, because I think steampunk events could actually be incredibly FUN if done right.

There was a group at my local cons who tried to do sort of a weird how to host a steampunk murder event thing, but they moved to a themepark or something.

>> No.7125901

Actually my ideal would be something like Shadowrun in LARP form, but I'll check it out.

>> No.7125904

Not on this memory card, but I DO have some pics of bronze-age, near future/cyberpunk (using painted nerf), and post apocalyptic.

Avoid steampunk an WoD/neogothic larps like herpes.

At the risk of sounding like a hipster, my friends and I were doing neovictorian stuff ages before it was a "thing". Difference is, we are actual steam/metal smiths and clock workers.

After seeing a gear from a pre-great war pocket watch glued on to a cheap pair of pleather boots, I lost hope. That gear was worth $200 alone, and she butchered her grandfather's heirloom....

>> No.7125906


>> No.7125908

Yeah, I can get that.
I feel like for some reason no one involved in steampunk wants to BUILD shit, and it's like, "dude, this is a fandom basically about people building trains, plans, automobiles, and airships in their basements and holding them together with ductape."
I kind of lost interest in Steampunk as it got to be more fashion oriented and less "the steampunk's guide to the apocalypse." I've always loved victorian anything as well.

>> No.7125912

I will post pictures when I get to my comp, but we actually built working gadgets and props. Even if its just a spring-gear driven multi-tier lazy susan for snacks at out tea and hookah party.

I also did some prop classes at a local con years ago when they did a steampunk theme. Back when it was young and idealistic.

>> No.7125915

And thats why I hate em. That and most have no idea on actual Victorian era history, clothing, art, etc., they just copy what everyone else is doing and it turns from alt-history to a Tim Burton movie painted brown.

>> No.7125917

I play WOD as a tabletop game but usually play characters it might be physically impossible to larp at my budget level.

From what I've heard, though, a lot of WOD larping devolves into people trying to bone.
When I'm not a tsimize I'm an asexual malkavian, so that doesn't work.

Would love to see this or the near future/cyberpunk stuff.

>> No.7125919

Available at Target(tm)!

>> No.7125929

Last time I went on a steampunk forum there were more flirting/hookup/dating/romantic rp threads and "sexy" pictures than there were actual things being built. And out of the built things, the two most popular were dildos.

>> No.7125936

.... link?

>> No.7125954

I would but I'm banned from it for life. It was on BrassGoggles.

>> No.7125957

steampunk dildos, the dildo I never knew I wanted to see until now....and how did you manage a lifetime ban?

>> No.7125966

Hey Gropey - halberd-anon from way back when. Been looking into getting a pair of boots from that kult of athena, but they don't seem to have any info on how their shoe sizing is done. I'm hoping that I can just use sneaker size and go from there.
As far as pants go, I couldn't find any like the ones you had in your picture - would their renaissance dueling trousers fit the overall look, though?

>> No.7125978

OH MY FUCK. I remember when BG was brand new... And I just tried my old log in. It still exists.

Shoe sizes are fairly standard, If you need to exchange, KoA will bend over backwards for you.

Which pants did I post? Link?

>> No.7125985

I posted a public message in a dating thread about a prominent member who pressured me into having sex with him. He is not banned.

>> No.7125996

I think I saw you

>> No.7126010

This one! >>7106929

>> No.7126235
File: 388 KB, 889x1237, the_warlock_necromancer_by_manzanedo-d5m7jrz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to LARP a Warlock so bad.

Be badass to have someone dress up as a demon for me too. That would be the icing on my cake. I love Warlock regalia.

>> No.7126493
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>> No.7126497
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what do you want? I have a few things like airsoft milsims or postapoc larps

>> No.7126501

a few years ago someone asked for advice for a steampunk larp and he posted the webpage of the one where he played so we can see the rules and stuff. It took only a few minutes until /tg/ as a whole realized that in the gallery section the admin of the site for some reason left more than a few porn pics

>> No.7126915

Like I said, steampunks are just brown nerdy goths.

>> No.7126954

Texas Ren Fest is quickly approaching. I am very excites. Anyone going?

>> No.7127003

Six years in the Military just so I can go back and experience eating food out of a bag?

I think I might have a mental problem because this sounds like fun.

>> No.7127109

Hey, this seems like the right place to ask. I was just commissioned to make a few wool cloaks for renfaire use. Except I've never sewn wool before and I'm a little nervous. Any tips?

>> No.7127114

Going to a firefly-themed larp soon. I'll be going as a ships mechanic, and thus need some inspiration.
I'm male, btw.
My ideas were a beige vest, black dress shirt underneath, a leather belt and some jeans. Welding goggles and a scarf (possibly one of those shemaghs).

>> No.7127130
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Been LARPing for 13 years or so but took a break. Started back into it and started making my own leather gear.

>> No.7127135

And then suddenly everyone had costuming questions: Anyone know of any place to get/make fairly inexpensive chain mail?

>> No.7127137
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>> No.7127142

Only thing off the top of my head is no steam iron. Other than that it really depends on weight and weave.

Oh and do keep watch on your skin. You might get a bit of a lanolin buildup on your skin from handling it so much and some people are allergic to it (its what makes some people find wool itchy)

>> No.7127146

ebay. Seriously.
Or if you have a fuckton of time you can make it yourself, It's really easy but time consuming

>> No.7127153

I was hoping to avoid things like ebay but ok... How would I go about making it? I keep hearing that it's easy but I've never done anything like that before

>> No.7127155

Incorporate some pouches or a satchel of some kind. Simple small leather pouches are easy to make. Leather loops on your belt or on a baldric too to carry props. Make everything practical and have some loops tailored to your weapons, tools, goggles, etc. You're a mechanic, everything should be as useful and practical as you can manage, and son't fall into the trap of "this looks sciency/spacey/cool/shiny" that a lot of scifi costumes run into.

>> No.7127164

Definitely some old military pouches/garb. I use and sell a lot of stuff that would fit perfectly with the theme.

>> No.7127168

Theres plenty of info out there on making it yourself, and some decent books at Barnes and Noble and such. I remember my dad once turning our living room into a chainmaille shop after a trip to the renfaire, and it was fairly simple to pick up.
Our setup had:
Different gauge wire
Foam scraps and t-pins for holding the links in place while working
Thick machinery bolts (wrap the wire around the bolt, twist it off, cut straight up it, ten links in perfect size at once)
Soldering iron (a hammer if you wanna be super historic authentid, but thisnis LARP not living history)
Metal polish and possibly some form of sealer and antiquing agents

We'd just work on stuff while watching tv. The basic four in one style is easy and after a while you can do it on autopilot. I made some jewelry and a high necked "anti bite" collar for some vampire LARP thing.

>> No.7127173

Never really gave pouches any thought. A baldric (had to google that one..) could also be pretty damn cool.
Thanks, really appreciate it.
Do you have links to shops that sell these cheap? Or contact info? Bear in mind I live in Denmark and thus shipping needs to be relatively quick.

>> No.7127176

I'm in the states so it all depends on time. https://www.etsy.com/shop/AlptraumeCreations is my shop so feel free to take a look.

>> No.7127181

Oh and let your shit get dirty. Age those motherfuckers. Maybe swap the jeans out for some old coverall type pants. A mechanic should have obvious signs of his profession, like stains and holes and frayed hems and maybe a good burn mark or two. Tossing some leftover coffee grounds at your gear and leaving it in the sun for a few days is actually a pretty good simulant of mechanic gunk.
(This is coming from someone with an autoshop and welder's shop in their backyard, and a hell of a lot of greasy overalls to wash)

>> No.7127184

I think I might try that, thanks. Any other helpful tips as to the type of wire?

>> No.7127191

Very cool shop you've got there. Definitely bookmarked!
Hmm, yeah coveralls would suit the looks better. I'll see what I can get for cheap.

>> No.7127194
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Check thrift shops and possibly military surplus, biker shop or gun/weapon places. They're also very easy to make, google leather belt pouch tutorial and I bet you'll find something.

Pic related, obviously a well made piece but some damn good inspiration

>> No.7127195
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Also theres a sort of "wallet holster" that seems to be popular with bikers like this.

>> No.7127203

Wish I could help ya on that one but it was years ago. I think he picked it up at a hardware store so a bit tougher than the average craft store plated copper. I know pro-made maille tends to be either steel (for combat) or aluminum (for show).

>> No.7127222
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well depends if you want to make your own chain or just assemble the them, for assembly you will need two pliers and a lot of freetime, If you want to make the chain part yourself then you will need wire, something to coil it up (or whatever is the phrase) probably a powerdrill, and something to cut them up, either a metal cutter thing or an angle ginder

>> No.7127238

... Just assemble? You can buy the rings without them being attached?

>> No.7127250

yes, there are shops for that, http://theringlord.com/
for example
or sometimes local reenactors sell them. Although they usually sell whole chainmails too

>> No.7127256

Found a seriously cheap retailer in Denmark for a cool looking tool belt. I'll be weathering it a bunch when it comes in the mail, but that's the price you pay for buying new stuff.
Thanks, once again.

>> No.7127272

I took a look at that site and it looks like the separated rings are all sold by the pound/ounce. How would I figure out how much I would need?

>> No.7127279

wild guessing. Also it depends on the type of chainmail you will make, the type of "knitting" and the parameters of the chains

but rest assured you will need 10 kg at least if you use normal stuff not some ultra light or aluminium rings

>> No.7128649

Sorry folks, got busy

Those are 17th century gathered trousers. Mostly sold as "pirate pants" generically. Most of the "MC hammer" type pants you see are based off of real patterns, but are mistakenly worn around the ankle rather than the knee, which gives the gathered look.



If you want to go fancy...

I totaly forgot that GDFB (one of my favorite brands) makes a nice pair of "generic medieval pants" out of the same wool as their joined hosen too. You wear these just as you see in the pic, not around your knees.

these are my personal suggestion, and come in brown and black.


>> No.7128652
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Also: KoA, cheaper, better service etc.


>> No.7128692

Not that guy, but these are perfect to finish my costume. Thanks based clown.

>> No.7128743
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This is going to sound weird, but pants are something of an interest to me. One of the things we do in the SCA is group studies/classes on everything under the sun. After taking a class on the evolution of legwear, I have been absolutely baffled by the changes in not just design, but suspension methods.

You'd think "held up at the waist is the natural idea, but most pants were suspended by being pointed to other clothes.


>> No.7128928

if they arn't fitted right (or elasticated/belted) things don't tend to stay in place at the waist, so it was probably a convenience thing

>> No.7128938
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But the whole point of hosen was that they were stretchy and tight fitting. Wool cut on a bias is great for that.

And you're forgetting drawstrings. The fact is, the Goths, Gauls, Spica, Romans et all, had wait-tied pants.

In the 10th Century, europe pretty much said "fuck all that", and went crazy with pointed pants. Waisted pants existed, but as a rare thing, seen (rarely) in remote parts.

Then BAM: 16thC, we start seeing them along side pointed pants, and then eventually pointed pants disappear.

Its bizarre.

>> No.7128957

command from the pope?
would fit with that switch back time

>> No.7128967

Very belatedly, thanks, based Gropey :B
KoA inspected my boot order and found that their box had two right boots, so I'm gonna try and tack an order of pants on as well while I can.

>> No.7128969

Probably not, seeing as historically, and modernly, all the church wears under their robes are their underclothes and shoes (tall riding boots permitted for horseback only on journeys of several leagues away)

Fuck yeah! KoA is awesome.

>> No.7128975

I was thinking more the pope making some insane edict about waistbands

>> No.7128978

Not to my knowledge. Fashion is just a fickle mistress.

>> No.7128995

most people gave as little fuck about the pope as they could. And most of the "banned by the church" myths are high

>> No.7129012

Seconding Hungarian. The pope was more worried about being basically king of Europe.

>> No.7129019

Fair enough, just a thought that cropped up given the dates

>> No.7129143

Nah. Its just another "common fact" medieval myth. Shit like "they took baths once a year and only the rich had soap!" or "swords weighed 20 pounds and were blunt iron bars!" kinda crap.

>> No.7129198

> 3) The Open Relationship Woman

ahhh... our group has like, three of these, and they're all bitches. They will all fuck you, but at the same time, they'll fuck anything, including each other. Don't think you'll change them, you won't get them to give up the lifestyle. And be prepared to be hated- Guys who have been with them in the past get jealous, and girlfriends of the guys that they have tried valiently to fuck will see you as a dumbass who's just going to get butthurt when they get dumped

>> No.7131638
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Sweet christ, this thread still lives?

Well, BUMP.

>> No.7131699
File: 61 KB, 532x399, 1333671533161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, /cgl/ is a slow board, although we are near to autosage...

>> No.7131940
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bumps for the bump god!

>> No.7131946
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I want this so bad!!

>> No.7131962
File: 374 KB, 900x1385, faun_by_ulltotten-d38ukz6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we post more fauns? Would really like to make some legs with digitigrade stilts at some point.

>> No.7131982

Looks cozy as hell.

>> No.7131985

I want some hoofyboots but they are impractical as all hell and I will be just too goddamn tall. But it would be so awesome for a demon queen.....

>> No.7132002
File: 171 KB, 1000x620, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want something like this, and maybe some kind of weird hoof gloves?

>> No.7132113
File: 440 KB, 853x1280, tumblr_ms40a41qLw1rf3m8zo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...If you want me to.
Obviously, I have a thing for cute faun girls and chasing them through the woods.

>> No.7132119

Im super interested in being a cute faun girls and being chased through the woods. How do I know you won't rape me though?

>> No.7132120
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>> No.7132126
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Tons of seagulls have met me, without molestation. Its just not my "thing".

My email is still the gmail one if you got questions.

>> No.7132858

This. Bump

>> No.7132949

If this is not yet in auto sage, then I would like to ask Mr. Clown a question.

I know you've been to Alabama (you mentioned in one story how you've hung out with the 5 Points hobos; they're pretty chill). I live here, but I was wondering if you knew of any practical larps around here? Well, any that aren't dicksword and stat-heavy.

>> No.7133178

Even if it is, we'll run the thread into the ground.

To answer your question: I have no clue. I avoid other american larps like herpes. I haven't been to one that dosn't suck except for a couple cyberpunk larps in MA.

I would offer for you to join LS&DT, but we're in VA.

>> No.7133561


Aah, I see. Thanks :) I go up there often enough during the summer to visit family members, so if I'm ever in a position to where I have a semi-permanent residency there, I would love to look you guys up. I wish I could start one here (we already have a ton of historical reenactments, and most of us are pretty knowledgeable when it comes to nature and the like in general), but since I haven't been in a legitimate larp before, I feel I would be a poor candidate for founder.

>> No.7133593

Well, I have tons of loaner clothes and gear.

Our game is based off of practical skill and realism. Puzzle locks, real (harmless!) traps, minor pyro and FX for spells, etc. No numbers. No levels. Not hitpoints.

If you're interested in looking over our rules and learning more about the group, the facebook group address is in this posts email field.

>> No.7134601

Perhaps local branches of the same game could form? It might be an interesting chance to have several games set in the same "world" akin to the SCA and its kingdoms.

>> No.7134786

Eventually, once I get this group established, and have people who understand the setting and rules perfectly to spread it.