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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 43 KB, 577x348, planning-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7097916 No.7097916 [Reply] [Original]

What are your cosplay goals for 2014 in terms of debuting/reworking outfits. For those super prepared, what cons are you plans to debut these new outfits?

>> No.7097932
File: 246 KB, 1920x1080, 1149254_568269743222430_747113627_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to cosplay this at some point, but I only have like $100 in my bank account right now, and I'm not doing jack shit until actual full body concept art is released.

>> No.7097971
File: 44 KB, 565x492, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rohan I'm gonna shoot for ALA. Joe maybe Fanime but I won't be too crushed if I can't get it out.

Cosplay plans are kept small to save cash and stay flexible.

>> No.7097983
File: 161 KB, 700x1052, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only thing I have more or less confirmed for next year, only because I have like 80% of the supplies to do it already. I'm not sure if I'm found this battle outfit or her regular outfit. Depends on how much money I want to spend.

>> No.7098026
File: 30 KB, 348x555, tumblr_inline_mlew2mv5Rm1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definately this. I have all my fabric ready to sew. Hopefully going to wear her at Kitacon and maybe whatever summer con I go to!
Also have a few others planned, like June from 999, Cheria from Tales of Graces and maybe a new Zelda cosplay.

>> No.7098056
File: 123 KB, 622x400, 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckyeah June! Love seeing more 999 cosplayers.

Soooo far it looks like this. Plans are always up to change. Sir Kay (Eiyuu Senki) and Maya (P2) are for Katsucon. Meiko I'm not sure...but I really want to make her for 2014.

>> No.7098206
File: 51 KB, 460x452, cosplans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clover (Zero's Escape) and Jinouga armor (not sure which weapon set yet) are on my list. Got so much aqua pleather... I really should get started on this since I know it's going to take me a while to figure it out.

>> No.7098240

>P2 cosplay

>> No.7098246
File: 604 KB, 800x800, 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Queen Ashe and Battle Bunny Riven I will be finishing this year but will probably rewear at some point. Then I will be bringing Nausicaa to Sakura Con and probably wear her on Friday. Still fumbling around with ideas for everything else. Just really want to have a kick ass costume for SakCon on Saturday.

>> No.7098263

Well, I don't really have any new costumes so much as remaking old costumes...
I would like to do Injustice Harley Quinn, and Azula as my new cosplays.
As for remaking older cosplays, I want to remake Bayonetta and Lightning from FFXIII-2. Those were absolutely shitty and I don't feel right not redoing them I guess..

>> No.7098282
File: 99 KB, 1011x381, zeplan_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Batman was about 50% done but ran out of time for the local Fan Expo so next year. Slowly building the Pacific Rim suit files but pretty much building this twice with my female buddy as well. Axe I have the game file for but I need to modify it heavily before I can start it.

2014 sure will be busy....

>> No.7098285

Fuck you're in my area, tell me if you're going to bring Ashe or Riven to PAX? I am trying to do Vi next summer and it would be awesome.

>> No.7098294 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 896x532, 2014 plans so far.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally tackling my long-time dream of being the queen of France for 2014. Fran is for when I want to actually fit through doorways.

>> No.7098296

More 999/VLR love! Pleast post progress of your Clover!

Yess. I should have an Ulala with me and maybe a few others!

>> No.7098298
File: 88 KB, 660x600, 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are my plans for now, I'll surely make more, but I'm still trying to finish in time the cosplays for this year.
I finally found a Garrod to cosplay Tiffa with, and I'm rewearing the Mio cosplay I'm actually making for October. And I really wanna cosplay KT, and I want a full Incognito group.

>> No.7098301

>Gundam After War X cosplay

I love you.

>> No.7098305

Seconded! More Zero Escape love! Also I want to cosplay this myself in the future so I'm very interested in your progress!

>> No.7098307
File: 124 KB, 668x379, 2014 plans so far.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's try this again.
Finally getting around to my long-time dream of being the queen of France. Fran is for when I actually want to go through doors, plus I think the scars will be fun.

>> No.7098310
File: 297 KB, 800x1200, MSG 164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping to get Char Aznable (0079) done by ALA. My girlfriend and I have been considering cosplaying the Frost brothers (Gundam X) together, but I think it really comes down to whether or not she'll go through with Amuro or Garma. Lots of ideas we have to weed through...

Some friends want to get a Pop'n Music group together too for ALA but I'm not sure how that's going to go since no one can seem to decide on which characters they want to do.

Everything seems up in the air right now.

>> No.7098313

Wasteland Weekend 2014. The costume itself is still entirely in the planning phase, but probably a Fallout prospector.

>> No.7098316

Oh, and PROBABLY the Renaissance Faire next summer down by Austin, TX. I forget the actual name of the event, my friends and I just refer to it as "the Texas Ren Faire" and know what we mean. Just finished my new shield a few weeks ago, next up is a new sword or axe. Axe would probably be far easier in every way.

>> No.7098319

... Oh man, if there's going to be a Garrod and Tiffa roaming around then my girlfriend and I HAVE to cosplay the Frost brothers now.

What cons are you going to? Please say west coast. Please say California.

>> No.7098324
File: 21 KB, 640x480, chidori-animestocks[com]-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could, I'm from Europe so unfortunately we'll not be able to meet.

>> No.7098326


Oh snap, I forgot about my 9th man cosplay as well. Our big Fanime VLR group is going to switch to 999 for 2014

>> No.7098329
File: 179 KB, 1500x655, 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I can get both Dizzy and Yuanji done for Katsu. Lisa is a definite, and like Ukriane I'm not sure when I'm gonna do Love Philosophia Miku, BUT I HOPE SOON.

>> No.7098330
File: 312 KB, 400x450, sobbing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah well... have fun though regardless, huh?

>> No.7098364
File: 22 KB, 293x350, sharlto-copley-kruger-elysium-293x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7098376

just remember that all the weird ass neon blue and pink colors on the guilty gear pachinko designs are placeholders.

>> No.7098392
File: 377 KB, 823x491, cosplay plans 2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really excited for blackarachnia. I've been wanting to do something Transformers since I started cosplay but I don't think i'm nearly ready to tackle a project that big
BA is at least mostly humanoid so I think she's a good starter.

I doubt ANYONE will recognize me but oh well.

censored Adiane due to posting on facebook and not wanting people to think my boobs were going to be out that much.

>> No.7098411
File: 229 KB, 600x600, cosplay-2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda varied, Medic is going to be the hardest to do.

>> No.7098427

I assumed they were transparency issues and were suppose to be white? If I don't get 'official' art soon I might make some of her buckles silver, but goodness no hot pink accents for me.

>> No.7098435


Summer time loving? Loving in the summer!?

Dude, you're my hero if you do that :D

>> No.7098449
File: 92 KB, 1024x655, gg-pachinko-21[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, those are placeholders.
note that on the pallets there's that small neon blue/orange block over pallet F and I

also the finalized Xrd designs we've seen do have differences from the pachinko ones so you might just want to wait

>> No.7098464

I'm gonna do Taiga Aisaka for Ikkicon!

>> No.7098473
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x720, Taiga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This outfit!

>> No.7098504
File: 119 KB, 1360x834, 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 2014 plans

>> No.7098511

Ohhhh I see I see, I didn't notice the squares next to the palates! Thanks! I also know these are different from the Xrd designs, I just like it! It's also possible regardless of the Xrd designs these /could/ be future DLC costumes! 3D models have a world of opportunity!

>> No.7098529

You better not forget the fucking cute bandages!

>> No.7098537

I'm going to make a speaker system for the costume and have it playing non-stop while dancing.
Shit's going to be legit as fuck.

>> No.7098539

I won't!!

>> No.7098544
File: 251 KB, 1500x1200, cosplay2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2014 is going to be year of the dream cosplays. Well i'm hopeful it will be! I don't even want to think about how much sister Evelyn is ...

>> No.7098567

What cons do you have planned? I love The Fall.

>> No.7098587
File: 527 KB, 1226x489, maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is mine so far, I've never been to a con and I am changing that this year I hope!

>> No.7098645

Not making a jpeg at the moment, BUT:

Captain Harlock
Ravager (almost finished already)

Not sure what else,.. my first Dragoncon has me thinking way out of the box about costuming now.

>> No.7098721
File: 757 KB, 1161x541, Lookatallthesebitches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to try to head to Anime Expo in LA next year with my girlfriend. Then HOPEFULLY manage to finally buy comic con tickets after.. 4 years of missing out on them? Mainly because I've been too lazy to wake up in the morning to go buy them. I may or may not head back to England again, so there's always the possibility of London Cons as well.

>> No.7098730

You know, I have a medigun that I've been looking to sell for a long time now. I commissioned it from Left_For_Pillz back in the day and it's an amazing prop. Problem is I've retired my Medic and the medigun's just been sitting around since. Would you like it?

Sage for buying/selling shit, sorry for clogging the thread.

>> No.7098754
File: 78 KB, 495x720, 1230017_722284997800437_1961071554_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, I have no idea what I'm doing next year. Flying blind! This is what I'm doing in a month, if I can make it in time.
Yes to all of these.
I have no idea what that is, but it's adorable.

>> No.7098755

I've seen you post it a few times and I've (coincidentally) been friends with Pillz for a while who mentioned he made it for you. I am tempted but I'd rather make it myself just for the pure challenge (plus it'd be a lot cheaper, especially with shipping!), but thanks for the offer~

>> No.7098996
File: 52 KB, 349x479, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best friend is doing TCC-chan
I'm doing Bikko

>> No.7099040

Your plans are great I
I wish I was your friend

>> No.7099043

I would like to cosplay as Mondo but I have no time with my 4 engineering classes and 1 math right now
I plan to metal work his Musselback in pieces and assemble them on the sleeve of my coat and a glove

>> No.7099045

Skip LoL
it is overdone or at least i am after pax

>> No.7099044
File: 53 KB, 530x700, oka-sakuya-02(2)-435760454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now I only have one set-in-stone plan for 2014, and it's this lovely lady here. Excited to work on the wig, haha!

>> No.7099047
File: 86 KB, 650x400, Mondo-Zappa-in-Killer-is-Dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.7099089
File: 84 KB, 509x538, 1373388539272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7099701
File: 404 KB, 1000x800, 2014 plans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm probably going to only end up with two or three because of my shit ass waitress tips but yeah

>> No.7099714

My nigga.

>> No.7099735

She's Meruru, the protag of Atelier Meruru! The whole art style of the Arland Aterlier games is very cutesy and pretty, and the reason I got into the series to begin with.

>> No.7099772
File: 9 KB, 259x194, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Estimated Time of Completion: AB 2014

>> No.7099776

Are you gonna do it just like that or are you building his exosuit as well?

>> No.7099781

Evelyn is going to be for Costume con in april! i'm doing most of the ontario cons like con-g and AN and con bravo and Otakuthon in Montreal but I really want to get to Colossal con or Youmacon as I've heard a ton of great things about both of them!

>> No.7099798
File: 794 KB, 831x764, cosplay2014maybes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are my maybes for 2014. I go to three cons a year and try to get a new cosplay for each convention. Right now, I'm thinking of picking Nausicaa, Bern, and Gou.

>> No.7099861
File: 250 KB, 414x701, LarsaUOmega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooooh, I don't think I'm going to Kita but I'd love to see you do that cosplay at another con next year, I really adore the design.

I'm also really happy to see multiple people planning Persona 2 cosplays in this thread! It's my favourite game.

Unfortunately I won't have a lot of time for cosplay in 2014, but I hope to work on Larsa on-and-off. It's a pretty big project for me, so I'd be taking my time with it regardless. I also would quite like to fix up some of my past cosplays with my recent expanded prop knowledge...

>> No.7099975
File: 1.16 MB, 1384x620, plans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little bland right now...

DYNAMO is a big project I'm not sure I can handle, but I want to try. Any ideas on what materials would look good to get such a perfectly rounded, metal shape/look? I've seen mascot head tutorials (for stuff that's covered in felt/fur) and worbla/armor tutorials but nothing that's a mix of the two. (ofc I'd just be doing her normal non-missile version)

>> No.7100057
File: 257 KB, 1018x1282, 2014Plans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legit good luck on Vi. A friend of mine is working on her right now and those gauntlets...THOSE GAUNTLETS.

I'd love to see progress as you make the Gypsy suit. Pumped to see more Pacific Rim love.

>> No.7100063

I did something conceptually similar a while back. I used metal rings from the hardware store that I welded together (to get a perfect sphere with a neck hole opening) and I covered the entire thing with upholstery foam. Mine was covered in fur, though you'd need to ask someone else for how to get the shiny look.

>> No.7100089
File: 1.42 MB, 1527x667, 2014 plans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a lot planned. Gonna be crazy!

>> No.7100106


>Dreamclub C

Oh god where do you live? I want to idol with you!

>> No.7100114

Chicago! I'll be at ACen next year as Emm, Yayoi, and Himari.

>> No.7100119

>Summertime lovin
If I see you you're getting a high five!

>> No.7100125


Damn it all, I'll never find West cost idol cosplayers D: Good luck on your costumes, may we somehow find each other someday to exchange idol feels.

>> No.7100129

Which idol do you cosplay? Maybe we're idol soulmates. :0

>> No.7100137


For Im@s, I'm torn between Azusa and Hibiki(and Iori on some random occasions). For Dream Club I like Rui.

>> No.7100147

Oh, I have a friend who cosplays Iori with me! If you ever come to Chicago, we should cosplay a Hibiki-Yayoi-Iori group together! They're my favorite trio. As for west coast, have you tried looking for the west coast im@s group, Angel Hearts?

>> No.7100157
File: 550 KB, 1003x639, 2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first time I'm attempting to do some intricate cosplay that isn't Homestuck.

>> No.7100161
File: 554 KB, 2000x1414, Dragons-Crown-pics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing my squats and bulking up for either a Dragon's Crown Amazon or Cattleya cosplay.
Probably the amazon because cattleya's boobs are fucking ridiculous and my legs are already close to my goal and will probably be even better shape by summer of '14.

>> No.7100210
File: 643 KB, 1200x800, monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably going to camp ebay for the raincoat. I've made a conscious effort to avoid sneakerhead culture over the past several years, but it looks like I'll have to get some dunks or something.

>> No.7100289

oh god i know, i made a list of all the materials i'll need to make them as accurate as possible and i'm anticipating at least three breakdowns along the way.

>> No.7100300

How are you gonna tackle the thong? Some conventions don't allow that, even with tights.

>> No.7100305

No idea, and I'm probably not daring enough for that.
Trying to think of how I can tone it down enough to the point where I'm comfortable and that I still feel like I'm cosplaying her.

>> No.7100386
File: 198 KB, 1024x768, 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be a great year.

>> No.7100390
File: 180 KB, 1280x1024, cosplayplans.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna is still a maybe, but these are my plans! I'm definitely most excited to do Kuranosuke, since I've been planning him for ages now.

>> No.7100392

I'm excited for you to do Yolandi

>> No.7100394

Oh well, I look forward to seeing your progress in the progress threads!

>> No.7100396

Thank you,it's coming up next! I may even be able to get it done for Comikaze of this year.

>> No.7100399


Thanks for the words! I'll probably post a lot of my progress of the Gypsy suits on the progress thread as I work on it.


I hardly ever see a Luna so pllllease do her? :D

>> No.7100402

I told my friend I wanted to cosplay someone with armor and she introduced me to Type Moon.

On the plus side...I get to make armor.

>> No.7100405
File: 1.02 MB, 1346x739, Fate stay AWAY FROM ME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would help if captcha hadn't robbed my pic.

>> No.7100413

Like I said I'm trying to get to some US cons next year!

>> No.7100411

I'll try and get her done for sure! No one EVER cosplays her and she was one of my favorites from VLR so I'd really love to!

>> No.7100447
File: 1.78 MB, 1486x1795, 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its ever changing, but these are the ones I 100% have committed to doing.

>> No.7100457

All my boners for a Prototype Saber.

>> No.7101870

Bump of justice.

>> No.7102587
File: 594 KB, 2400x1500, 2014 plans ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Traxex is set in stone, all others (save Birdy) are at the mercy of my friends plans for Megacon. Not sure if I'm gonna do Korra or Azula for Mega, would rather do Azula but I keep being asked to do Korra for a group so meh.
I would like to do Birdy for Dragon Con next year but that's up in the air as well.

>> No.7102639

ALA ‘14
Day 2- Uryuu Minene (9th)
Day 3- George Ushiromiya

Fanime ‘14
Day 1- Tsumiki
Day 2- Shannon/Yasu
Day 3- ??

AX ‘14
Day 1- Mami Tomoe
Day 2- Eva Ushiromiya
Day 3- Featherine Augustus Aurora
Day 4- ??

Also, possible Rei Ayanami, Peko Pekoyama, Minatsuki Takami and Octavia von Sekendorff

>> No.7102679
File: 34 KB, 461x720, Finsished 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made completely from scratch
I'm almost half way through with my cosplay for MetroCon 2014.
Ill get plenty of uses for it in the meant time
> Halo 4 Warrior Armor

>> No.7102704
File: 153 KB, 1920x1080, Gabriel Dracula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be extremely difficult - I need to buy a sewing machine and learn how to sew to even begin to be able to pull this off.
To say nothing of investing and expanding my knowledge of worbla.
But if I can pull it off, it'd be so fucking awesome.

>> No.7102708
File: 48 KB, 487x611, Front_mirrored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I desperately want to make a Lilith cosplay but I have no idea how to approach the vest/vest collar.
So new to the making of clothes thing.

>> No.7102725

indeed it would! Good luck to you!

>> No.7102735
File: 701 KB, 1200x900, plans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always have too many cosplays I want to do so I try to keep myself open until it's time to start on a cosplay. But I have a few that are decided, mostly because they are group or friend duo cosplays

>> No.7102772

Sweet Umineko choices!!

>> No.7102955
File: 806 KB, 1827x1567, what the hell is wrong with me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhhhh, next year is going to be bananas. Callisto is really the only maybe out of the bunch though.

>> No.7102958

Just curious, what's the girl in the green bunny hoodie from?

>> No.7102975

Yoshino from Date A Live

>> No.7102980

What character is the one on the bottom-right?

>> No.7102987

All that saikizou. Dat Odin sphere.

And is the top right from Xena?

>> No.7103008
File: 79 KB, 596x691, Sakizou-4db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Relm from FF IV! Sakizou did a couple of illustrations of her! Here's the other one that I have.

Yes she is!

>> No.7103022
File: 74 KB, 500x321, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome. Also forgot but legend of dragoon too. You got good taste.

>> No.7103028
File: 1.32 MB, 991x753, 2014 plans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this might be my last year cosplaying. Hopefully this time next year I'll be in graduate school. And I'm just...I dunno...losing interest in the cosplay scene? It's just so different now.
I'll also probably be rewearing my Princess Serenity with a few alterations at Katsucon

>> No.7103034

That is a hell of a lot of complex supers costumes to make in one year.

>> No.7103039

Bah I meant purple wedding. I'm so mad they didn't show it this season.

>> No.7103049

That's who I thought it was! You're awesome for cosplaying that design.

>> No.7103057
File: 187 KB, 800x1090, 1377741842774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend and I are gonna be Little Witch Academias! I'm going to be Akko, my friend is still tied between Diana or Sucy. A third girl is playing with Shiny Chariot (maybe) as well. It shouldn't be too hard to get done by Ohayocon. I'm pretty excited!

>> No.7103088
File: 1.32 MB, 2244x764, 2014cosplayplans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully for ALA and Anime Expo

>> No.7103089 [DELETED] 
File: 1.48 MB, 1600x1000, just about all tumblr shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7103143

For Katsu:

-- Kanade Tachibana (Angel Beats), Hand Sonic Version 4 and maybe wings if I can manage it
-- Tanaka Punie (Dai Mahou Touge)

At some point:

-- fem!Medic (TF2)
-- Asuka Kazama (Tekken)
-- Snowman (Homestuck)
-- Sasha/Aleksis/whichever one is the lady out of the Cherno Alpha team, maybe drivesuit if I can gather up the courage to work with EVA foam??

And I wanna throw together a Starter Jade Harley so the next time I visit home, I can take pictures with my parents' white German shepherd and pretend she's Becquerel.

>> No.7103462
File: 120 KB, 891x617, 2014 plaaaans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only one 100% set in stone ones are Meenah and Rei since i have a group to go with for both of them, but hopefully i can get the rest done

>> No.7103531
File: 212 KB, 596x298, cos2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I am planning at the moment. Two hard, two easy. Will probably add one more throughout the year but leaving it open for now.

>> No.7103547
File: 318 KB, 800x541, 1373620666694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7105423

Can you give me a complete character run down? All of these look awesome, but I only know a couple of them.

>> No.7105436

Can someone please list these characters? I know Princess Bubblegum and Rapunzel but not anything else. Thank you!

>> No.7105453
File: 566 KB, 1023x737, tumblr_m3y1sk1G0E1rtmholo1_1280[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>>implying I have the time to even do any of this this year

>> No.7105576

It's FFIII or FFVI, but not FFIV. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fantasy_VI

>> No.7105701

you move that Hibiki on over to decided. There needs to be more Idols, there are never enough Idols.

>> No.7105717

Sylvanas and queen of pain. both in progress

>> No.7105719

Do you know which con your Neptunia Group going to be at? (also are you going to post progressed if you do plutia?)

>> No.7105951

From left to right
Decided side - Plutia and Blanc from Hyperdimension Neptunia, Kanaria from Rozen Maiden and Suika Ibuki from Touhou.
Undecided Side - Fille Chintreuil from End Breaker, Painwheel from Skullgirls, Hibiki Ganaha from Idolm@ster, Yoshino from Date a Live and Cure Rosetta from DokiDoki Precure

A cosplay friend of mine wants to do Miki so it's very possible that i will be doing Hibiki

I live in Sweden, so it will be at the Swedish con Närcon, though I can definitely upload progress pictures. Who i will do will mostly depend on if I here is someone who wants to do either of their Godess forms (we want a group that is Human and Godess forms combined) but if we won't find anyone who wants to make either Iris Heart or White Heart, I will do Plutia because I like her more

>> No.7106055

Curious how are you planning to pull off Yasu that is. Manga version?

>> No.7106149
File: 237 KB, 800x488, PossibleCosplay2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these depend on whether or not the group comes together. Shino I'd do on my own, and he should be pretty easy (though I sorta want to do his Fuse form), and I've been putting off doing a modern-ish version of Kitaro for nearly five years, so I'd like to finally get that done.

Unfortunately, Meliodias, Astro, and Kitaro are all supposed to be pretty short and I'm very much average height. I still want to cosplay them, but it makes me a little… weary? Sad? I don't know.

>> No.7106272
File: 624 KB, 455x373, 1376400864781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My poor american heart weeps at this news. I will stalk the progress thread for you.

>> No.7106503

Yup! The manga has enough references of the hair I think, and it's become pretty much general consensus within the fan base that Yasu basically wears Shannon's default outfit.

>> No.7106570
File: 134 KB, 1055x919, my cosplay plans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to suck it up and put together Altair and Heihachi because I seriously just need to. Kumori-con was really hot this year, so I figured a Gerudo would be a nice, cool cosplay for next year. And I recently rediscovered my adoration for my little red mage when I picked up my old Final Fantasy game again, so I might get one of those done. I just really want a cosplay with a cape.

And I might put together one of the faggots from the Litchi Hikari Club. I'm not sure which one though (as long as it's not Jaibo).

>> No.7106649
File: 113 KB, 1185x611, rsz_2014_plans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one set in stone is Miranda. I would like to add a Xenosaga cosplay to the list but my heart is set on E.S. Zebulun and there's just no way I could make it at my current skill level.

>> No.7107584

don't know who that character on the far left is but they have a badass costume, can't wait to see your finished product.

>> No.7107590

Is that last one the Sailor Moon villain/MotD that's at a themepark?

>> No.7107592

maybe a little? But there are just so many characters and variations within those characters (through skin and fan art) that I really don't see how it can be overdone.

>> No.7107608
File: 84 KB, 720x631, 533785_495548057198124_562118680_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me ALA is Mamimi, one of those Hanekawa's, Chun Li, and the Manager from DMC.

Sakuracon is Hanji, Milk from Pop'n Music, and also Gum from JSRF (which I don't have pictured)

Fanime is probably going to be the other Hanekawa and Raffine.

And then PAX is Patty Wagon~

Hells yes Nausicaa. I know someone doing a big studio Ghibli group for Sakuracon and they don't have one!

Yes yes yes yes Frankenfran.

I'm happy you're gonna do that Dizzy. You're gonna look so cute~

SKULLGIRLS!!!!! I want to see progress on these.

>> No.7107662

Can you please name the top middle and top right character?

>> No.7107698

Top middle is Patricia Wagon from Mighty Switch Force
Top right is Raffine from Puyo Pop Fever!

>> No.7107759
File: 726 KB, 1000x1000, 2013cos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my costume 'pool' for 2014, basically what I'll be picking and choosing from, size is relevant to what the priority is in terms of getting it done sooner than later.

I'll be happy if I get 5 of these done...

>> No.7107769

Please tell me you have a DMC group because I would love to see that so much.

>> No.7107799

Please do Elly or Lenneth!

>> No.7107849
File: 171 KB, 619x614, 310px-IronArmorSkyrim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on making this out of 1/8th inch hot rolled mild steel. I'm hoping I have enough spare time to at least get it done before november.

>> No.7107854

I should have mentioned I'm doing the one on the left, also I won't be doing the helmet anytime soon.

>> No.7107862
File: 840 KB, 592x888, Thor-A-Dark-World-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If all goes as planned, THIS

>> No.7107875
File: 42 KB, 310x389, 5688-908192218.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please cosplay Loran please please PLEASE. If you go to Fanime especially? Because I've always wanted to do Baker!Keith.

>> No.7107885

I will likely be taking Loran to Sakuracon, Fanime is potential if I can afford the flight... will have a harry in swag ball outfit

>> No.7107887
File: 52 KB, 700x632, med-rah-blackrx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7107912
File: 1.73 MB, 1936x2592, IMG_2125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first year building a super intricate cosplay

I've built most of Gilgamesh's armor from the fate series and have been growing my hair out to gel and bleach it.

I've got an old Dai Li costume as backup

Picture is the armor a few weeks ago
here's closer to how it looks now >>7107292

>> No.7108104

I have at least for sure a Negishi for ALA, since my boyfriends doing it and I'll force him to buy a shirt, a wig, and bring his guitar.

But I've also had people say they are going to do Krauser, Jagi, and Camus when we do it. I am super hoping they all pull through.

>> No.7108763
File: 726 KB, 1920x1200, FLCLHarukoSmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All those choices

Fuck yeah mate. Hell yeah.

I hope you find a Haruko/Mamimi/Ninamori along your way to do the FLCL with.

>> No.7108766
File: 62 KB, 720x681, 935992_10200502884669132_1042313307_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when I've always wanted to dress up as Haruko and ride a yellow vespa all the way to the con in costume.
>It will never be a reality

>> No.7108768
File: 45 KB, 225x317, InfernoCoppin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Little Witch Academia


I will also be reppin' Trigger. INFERRRR COPPU

>> No.7108781


We seriously need more KR cosplay so I hope you do this one day :)

>> No.7108791

I'm actually from Canada so I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it to PAX but really going to try!! Will definitely be cosplaying league if we get to go!

Oh really!! I'd love to be apart of their group if they need a Nausicaa!

>> No.7108998
File: 233 KB, 1089x733, flcl_carsplay___haruko__s_vespa_super_sport_180_by_boomerjinks-d4xe78n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I do too! I always see a few Harukos at the cons when I go each year so it'll be fun to call them out

I really wanna mod a Vespa 180SS out just for kicks... but they're so expensive.

Please get photos of your Inferno Coppu

>> No.7109026

Leia from Tales of Xillia
I'm thinking of doing Hajime from Gatchaman Crowds, but I kind of want to do something more complex since I've done a lot of simple costumes lately.
My bf wants to do a couple cosplay,but isn't 100% sure what he wants yet. So far it looks like it's either me as Illya in her magical girl outfit, while he cosplays Kiritsugu wearing the same, or we'll each pick a FE:A character.

>> No.7109162

Anon are you going to be bird mode Hajime? I will kiss the ground you walk on if you are!

>> No.7109832
File: 656 KB, 598x875, Phantasy Star Portable 2 Material -012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna start on Cosplaying the Default Human player (the male) from phantasy star portable 2, i plan to make the weapons (at least the sword) light up. not sure about the gun and the outfit in general. would it be looked down upon in contests if i didn't style the wig myself? im shit at styling wigs but if its better to do it yourself i will.

>> No.7109856

Leia yes my precious baby. Easily my favourite character in Xillia. I hope to see progress and photos of this.

>> No.7113669


>> No.7113678
File: 225 KB, 474x640, dio-brando-allstarbattle[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For like March or May next year and I can't wait.

>> No.7113710

holycrap la pucelle, YES

>> No.7114049
File: 1.22 MB, 1000x1000, 2104 plans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7114266

Raistlin Majere from DragonLance Saga. I'm in the process of figuring out how to implement some small pyro for my non-staff hand. Ideas?

>> No.7114268

Your head better physically be on fire or else I'm disappoint.

>> No.7114277

At my next con I'm going to do either the Kid from Bastion or Lemeza from La Mulana, or maybe even both at the same time. I'm looking forward to the two people that would recognize me.

For the con it would either be AnimeNext or Otakon, but going to Otakon depends on whether the group I go with wants to go to Baltimore (I live in New York). AnimeNext is more likely but it's such a small con and I've already gone twice.

>> No.7114392 [DELETED] 


That girl is the paintbrush girl from 4 though??

>> No.7114497

I'd like to cosplay for the first time this year.

My goals are Archer from Fate/Stay Night and Serpico from Berserk. I'm going start hitting weights, especially to get Archer's lats and delts.

I have a bearmode friend who wants to go as Berserker and Guts respectively for a group cosplay.

>> No.7114535
File: 1.19 MB, 1876x1012, katsuconnnhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like all boys again next year. i'm finally growing a little more confident in my abilities, so i want to try some more fancy stuff in the next few months. katsucon's gonna be busy.

>> No.7114555
File: 349 KB, 517x875, clay_sstarman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to be Starman Super, but it seems like I might have trouble with the head, chest and feet.

This is also my first time cosplaying, any tips or anything?

>> No.7114557

I love Asuka's concept design! I really wanted to cosplay it as well, but I'm worried no one would recognize it.

>> No.7114565
File: 36 KB, 328x328, Laughing Rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm relatively new to cosplay in general as my girlfriend just got me into it. I'm getting into better shape so I can do pic related. I already have the design/plans for the costume laid out.

>> No.7114573

As long as you have the hair clips I doubt anyone who knows Asuka wouldn't recognize you. Maybe not as "concept Asuka" but they would still know you were Asuka..

>> No.7114593

Use foam padding to make the shape like how you want.

>> No.7114644

I'm currently working on a cosplay of Natalia in her Adventurous Princess outfit from Tales of the Abyss. I'm not sure what con ill wear it to, but it'll be in Florida. It's my first cosplay, so I'm excited to se how it turns out.

>> No.7114720

Yeah, but I think more people would just think you'd be inaccurate or lazy for "not having the right wig length" or the uniform without the top.

>> No.7115475


I always wanted to do Farnese, she's such a crazy bitch...

>> No.7117566

my boyfriend is working on a unit 02 mechsuit that he is making out of papercraft, and is getting stilts and everything
tentative debut: ACen 2014.

>> No.7118389

>What are your cosplay goals for 2014 in terms of debuting/reworking outfits?
As of right now, I only have two for sure cosplays I most likely will debut next year, and those are preggers!Eureka from Eureka Seven AO and Kuroyukihime from Accel World. In terms of what I'd like to find the time to finish, but I'm not sure if I can, that'd be Francoise Arnoul/Cyborg 003, Princess Serenity, Fana del Moral, and maybe another Teto Kasane variation, since I'm getting back into the Vocaloid/UTAU fandom with making MAIKA.

>For those super prepared, what cons are you plans to debut these new outfits?
Hopefully, if the time and money is right, then I should have finished Eureka by IKKiCON/ALA and Kuroyukihime by Anime Matsuri. I'd actually love to debut 003 at A-kon or AX, but who knows how busy I will be to work on anything.

>> No.7118677
File: 192 KB, 640x455, BlackKnightforcosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be cosplaying next year(hopefully) as a Dark souls Black knight.
The armor from this picture is the one i'll be using as a reference , however i'll be making a different sword without shield.

>> No.7118765
File: 509 KB, 1221x635, Caesar_Concept_Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archer definitely, as I already have the swords made.

I may go as Ceaser, because my friend might be planning to go as Joseph. Depends

>> No.7118785
File: 2.00 MB, 2552x3504, Design Works0081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As Souls fan do you want a bigger reference pic?
Also for 2014 doing Dark moon knightess and another amour from GARO.

>> No.7118859

Oh thanks this comes in really handy.
good luck with your armour

>> No.7118878

I'm pretty much done with trying to cosplay. I always end up feeling self conscious and awkward and not having any fun. I'm just going to start focusing more on the photography side of things. Might wear a kigurumi or something, but that's it.

>> No.7118889

Glad to help and good luck with your Black Knight.

>> No.7118898

Are you doing the bk greatsword then?

>> No.7118899
File: 314 KB, 824x1200, 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insane BRS male version

>> No.7121666

yes sir i wil be doing the greatsword i always was a big fan of the BK greatsword

>> No.7121694

replying to you

>> No.7122162
File: 176 KB, 1600x900, 423-1-1370100264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great! I'll be looking out for you.

>> No.7122167
File: 47 KB, 300x300, celes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My plans for 2014 include doing Celes from Dangan Ronpa. I'm really excited because my friend who is an excellent prop maker is going to help me do the wig. I have other cosplays planned for 2014, but this one is going to be the most challenging for me.

>> No.7122581
File: 80 KB, 800x600, Tiberius1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Tiberiius project starts soon.
Since I'm no professional, I can only hope it'll turn out well.

>> No.7122936
File: 211 KB, 908x597, cosprays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7122994
File: 658 KB, 1247x730, 2014 Plans copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are my scheduled plans!!

Genderbend Bianca is for ALA. Also Lee Pyron (Who isn't on the image)
Ampharos is for whenever I find the time.
The Vocaloid is for Fanime.
The Ulgamoth Gijinka and Hero of Time are for AX.
Sasahara whenever I can get it done.

There's also a Zangoose Gijinka for Colossalcon.

>> No.7122998
File: 81 KB, 235x383, Zangoose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also gonna work on and touch up my Lugia Gijinka since EDG is finally gonna finish his Ho-oh! So excite!

>> No.7123019
File: 390 KB, 1278x2048, 1375336174882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning on trying this but having problems locating pictures of the back other then me making screen caps. I'm excited for it!

>> No.7123215
File: 26 KB, 480x960, 998563_10202023453854108_963442914_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd make an image but I'm lazy and I should be working on essays but...

Lucina (FE: Awakening)
Hot Pants (JJBA: SBR)

Eva-Beatrice (Umineko)
Kido Saori (Saint Seiya)
Isabeau (SMT IV)

Kuroneko (Oreimo)

I'll be going to local conventions again- Otakuthon and MTL Comiccon-, as well as AN and G-Anime and possibly ACen if that works out.

>pic related, Isabeau, my main goal for 2014