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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 48 KB, 400x600, best petra cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7096030 No.7096030[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last thread reached the bump limit. >>7086907

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find any rolling_corpse!Petra cosplay (yet), so this will have to do for now.

RIP in piece, my angle ;_;

>> No.7096044

She can't even get the wig color right, what the hell.

>> No.7096086

It kind of difficult color to find; wigs are either too red or too blonde, especially if you are on a budget.

>> No.7096148

Could we not start the thread with a spoiler please? Thanks.

>> No.7096155


Oh my God, keep up or read the fucking manga.

>> No.7096157


Characters dying in SnK is not a spoiler.

>> No.7096163

I'm current, but not everyone is. I'm just looking out for others. Oh well.

>> No.7096188

Motherfucker, Petra died like THREE EPISODES ago, manga spoilers is one thing but if you can't keep up with the show you're asking for trouble.

>> No.7096215
File: 152 KB, 400x493, petra's WARFACE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still a manga spoiler because Petra has *ginger* hair in the anime.

>> No.7096322

But her hair isn't any special, normal hair grows like that.Why does everyone use wig?

>> No.7096355

You must be new here.

>> No.7096360

No, I know that /cgl/ is all about "omg wigs are the best thing ever, people who don't use wigs should die" but I don't understand why you need wigs even for completely natural hair like that.

>> No.7096374


It's 500% easier to style and make it exactly the style and color you need it to be. You really should never *not* wear a wig.

>> No.7096376

Because maybe they don't want to color their hair, don't have that hair color naturally, don't have that hairstyle. What's so hard to understand again?

>> No.7096391

Because dying dark hair to that is a bitch and would cost more.

>> No.7096400

Because /cgl/ is sponsored by wig makers, but don't te-- *gets shot*

>> No.7096435

Doesn't Petra have red hair?

>> No.7096440

It's not like people dying in Attack on Titan is really much of a spoiler. Just about everybody dies. Whole series is about slaughtering humans.

>> No.7096476
File: 1.30 MB, 3199x2140, 000a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's always a winning formula.

>> No.7096563

As much as Goggles-kun is a brunette.
aka, only in the anime, because they apparently enjoy fucking up the hair colors of squad members.

>> No.7096564

surprised no terraformars cosplay at all
i guess it's only popular on /a/?

>> No.7096565


Gotta do something to make the designs more distinctive

>> No.7096571

Japmerica Is Amazing Every Other Country Is Shit: The Series

>> No.7096578

What about Germany and Russia? Okay, so Germany didn't do so well overall but their lead was pretty fucking badass. And ze Russians have awesomebeardedrussianguy

>> No.7096576
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I wouldn't say it's exactly popular on /a/ either, since most of them seem to think it's at best in the so bad it's good category.

It's hella popular in Japan though, so I assume it'll take off internationally if it gets an anime.

As for cosplay... maybe the designs are too ugly? I dunno.

>> No.7096581


China shit, Germany dead, Russia STRONK but dying next.

>> No.7096583

I guess no cosplayers want to have wings and shit like superheroes when it comes to the female characters. I guess it is kind of hokey in that regard.

>> No.7096585

You kiddings?

So many characters have plot armor:

main protagonist + canon invulnerability
Mary Sue [projection of Japan, Japan strong]
>Sascha and Conny
trash one dimensional characters who have "comic relief" plot armor
author's favorite
literally encased in physical plot armor
deserves to die too much to actually die

It's not even funny.

It's like the better a character is, the more likely is he to die or at least get hurt. Since Marvin lost his fap hand in the last chapter, I'm almost 100% sure that one of the good ones (BRACY minus A) is going to die soon.

>> No.7096589


Nah, Sasha's gonna die.

>> No.7096592

If she dies, it's because she bit a titan to death and choked on victory.

>> No.7096597


All the team leads are badasses. That's why they're the team leads.

>> No.7096601


Oh, I'm sure she'll die WELL, but she'll die.

>> No.7096607

I heard that Isayama meant to kill her off in the 'I'm Home' chapter, but scrapped it.
He has bigger plans for her, that probably involve a horrifying death.

>> No.7096610

Not really that many deaths you can do that are titan related worse than what we've seen. We've seen people get stepped on, kicked into trees, swung around, left to die in a middle of a bunch of titans, grabbed and bitten, running into a titan while on their own after the rest of their unit has been devastated, eaten by a titan while their kid watched, hit by rocks out of nowhere (or did that cause them to fall to their death? can't remember), and a bunch of other shit. There's been so many deaths you can't help but be desensitized.

>> No.7096627
File: 27 KB, 221x221, 0 replies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I was redirected here from >>>/a/93221830 and I just came to say that no one else came through the portal, plus our thread is dead anyway, so don't get any bad ideas / blame us for whatever happens ITT. Thank you in advance.

Also, here's a coupon for one free boyfriend.

>> No.7096633

>"that feel when the only cosplay of your waifu is your dead waifu"


>> No.7096635

It can't be any shittier than what goes on in these threads already.
Hell, it might even be an improvement.

>> No.7096650

Hey, /a/nons, this girl obviously >>7096635 wants your D.

>> No.7096666

Those are some weirdass name romanizations.

>> No.7096673

Nice digits.

>> No.7096740
File: 62 KB, 637x960, sasha...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7096745

should have watermelon and or fried chicken

no exceptions

>> No.7096762

Read the goddamn manga. Anime-only fags are disgusting

>> No.7096766

>wig makers

>> No.7096771

Not kawaii.

>> No.7096782




>> No.7096789


We need a hyper Irish potato eating Sasha.

>> No.7096797

I think Potato = Poland (or Slavs in general) is a much more modern meme, and now that you think about it, Sasha has a very Slavic appearance and a Slavic name (Sasha = Alexandra in Russian, IIRC).

>> No.7096803


No. Potato = Irish.

>> No.7096880

Any news on the patches?

>> No.7096909

The thing that really bothers me about this is the horrible construction on that jacket. There's a ton of loose threads and she didn't iron the seams - it's just a trainwreck.

>> No.7096919

you should see the amount of fishwire connecting the 3DMG.

>> No.7096940

Jesus, I just had the >most amazing< idea for a cosplay skit.

>> No.7097086
File: 50 KB, 390x400, 1378679012122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy

>> No.7097090

>>most amazing<

Did it involve killing yourself? Because you should do that.

>> No.7097364


>> No.7097368


Because >this< is the >MOST FAGTASTIC< thing ever.

>> No.7097385

You sound like a mad neckbeard. Perhaps you should go somewhere else.

>> No.7097391


The joke is that everyone dies in SnK. And also that you are a faggot.

>> No.7097473
File: 62 KB, 468x700, tumblr_msvkon1Bw21so2ydco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not disgusting, but they are the most annoying because they're the only ones that whine so vocally about spoilers. I recently had a friend chew me out for "spoiling" her about someone being a titan, and that she's tired of me always dropping spoilers all over the place and gosh be more respectful. Like, what spoilers? None of this is new because it's been around for a long damn time. There's literally no excuse for anyone not to be reading the manga if they're going to throw a hissy fit about spoilers. And no, not liking the art style because its "ugly" or not having any time to read the manga is not an excuse either. If you have time to watch the anime, you have time to read the manga. Yes I mad. I've had this shit happen to me three times and its getting ridiculous.

>> No.7097481

I'm suddenly reminded of way back when. Had a former friend who owned the FMA series(original anime) on dvd. The series had been out long enough for her to own the series, but yet she freaked out and bitched about spoilers when I was talking to another person about Hughes death because she hadn't even bothered to actually watch it.

>> No.7097678

no you're just being a selfish bitch. If the show is still airing, any part after an episode is spoilers. Even if the manga has been out for a decade. Some people only read manga and some only watch Anime. Dumb cunt.

>> No.7097681

Are you daft? Even though I don't fully agree with "you have to read the manga" I do agree that people whining about giving accidental spoilers is stupid. One of my friends only read the manga and doesn't like anime and got chewed out for thinking that the anime was farther ahead. Who the fuck cares, it doesn't ruin anything.

>> No.7097744

>Who the fuck cares, it doesn't ruin anything.
But it does.
If something is supposed to be a surprise in the show it ruins that emotional impact and sense of surprise if you tell me key plot points before they happen.

It seriously is not that hard to put the phrase "spoiler" before you post a spoiler somewhere.

You can bitch and moan about "read the manga" all you want but there fact of the matter is that the anime is still fresh and it would be courteous to tag your spoilers the same way you would do for a new game or a new manga chapter.

Some people don't know the entirety of the story and are enjoying the twists and turns in animated form instead of manga form. Taking that away from someone is just you being an elitist jerk.

>> No.7097764



>> No.7097801

I think you missed my point. I have no problem with people only watching the anime. What I have a problem with is people only watching the anime, but getting overly upset about spoilers ( I'm talking flipping out and sending me long angry messages about it. This isn't after repeat offenses, this is literally the first one or two times I've done it, where a simple message would have been better received than being scolded like a 2 year old ), but then give flimsy excuses like "i don't like the art" or "i don't have the time" as to why they won't read the manga. Imo those are flimsy reasons, and I won't knock them for it, but I just feel like if you're going to react that badly to spoilers, it would make sense to read up on the subject material.

>> No.7097813
File: 262 KB, 960x1280, 1378999504940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I guess it shouldn't be spoiled yet that Armin is a crazy?

>> No.7097831

Sasha managed to take down a titan with a bow and arrow (yeah i know it was a small one but still)

she's not completely useless

>> No.7097841

Try this shit on /tv/, see how much you will succeed.

Protip: you won't.

If you can't keep up with the series, then get off the internet.

>> No.7097844

One thing that I think should be a common sense rule is that if you haven't watched it up to date, don't go to a thread dedicated talking about it. Just avoid it till you're caught up if you don't want to see spoilers because they're relevant to the thread and are going to come up.

>> No.7097865

He's not crazy, he's just a Gary Stu of the typical Beta male loser who doesn't lift that reads the manga.

>> No.7097872

>bashing my husbando
Oh no you didn't

>> No.7097901

Yes, I did. Also, from the fact that you like an ugly DYEL Beta male with the worst haircut in all of anime, I extrapolate that you are a fat fujoshi.

Either that, or a scene girl who doesn't actually have a husbando, since she's too busy getting dicked by some random guy.

>> No.7097914

jeeze who pissed in your cereal this morning?

requesting jean reiner or bert cosplays? there isn't enough of them.

>> No.7097918

That's because girls like you scare off hotties like God who have the body to cosplay such characters.

>> No.7097938

Fujoshi yes, fat, no. I don't like him for his looks, I'd probably go for... hm, Erwin, looks-wise. I like Armin because of his personality.

>> No.7097941

does anyone have a tutorial on how to make 3DMG?

>> No.7097950
File: 434 KB, 2048x1186, 1370627516200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the question you need to ask is how to look at each piece and break them down into smaller pieces. That's mostly what the gear itself is. Most of my materials were foam board, polystyrene foam sheets, corrugated cardboard and plastic.

This is the closest thing to a tutorial that I know of that actually looks decent. http://maxiburger.tumblr.com/post/51613991677/how-to-create-your-own-three-dimensional-maneuver-gear

>> No.7098162

Good, so he's not your husbando then.

>> No.7098169

So, considering this argument...I want to cosplay Petra, but I'm not sure what wig to get. Some are really red and some are really blonde. I'm afraid that if I get it wrong, people will think I'm just some random AoT oc. How does this look?

>> No.7098231

That's what I purchased, but I've been trying to save as much money as I can. When I cosplay Petra I'm probably going to get a different wig, unless this one exceeds expectations.
Arda's ginger blonde might work, maybe even light copper red.

>> No.7098532

Any patterns that would work for the cloak?

>> No.7098553

Why is she humping a tree and why is there spaghetti sauce on her face?

>> No.7098585

She's dead, Jim.

>> No.7098583

Don't invalidate my love for a non-existent person.

>> No.7098808

She's probably one of them damned treehuggers.

>> No.7098909

Eck, I own both of those arda colors, and I don't really think either will work for her. Maybe ginger blonde, but it feels too goldenrod-y? But definitely not light copper red. That shit is orange as fuck.

>> No.7099196

>mfw someone stole my idea and did it already


goddamn Asians

>> No.7099471

Yeah, you're right. I saw someone suggest them, but looking at it now, how could they think light copper would work?

>> No.7099541

Would people recognize me if I go as Carla Jaeger? I wanted to go as the normal version for one day then possibly the broken leg version, bruised and bloodied up version the next day.

>> No.7099577


>> No.7099578

Eren's mom

>> No.7099595

I dont think so, sadly. Its great that you are cosplaying the mother, but I say you should cosplay with a group or go to a photoshoot gathering so you can be recognized.

>> No.7099622

Darn, I figured that would probably what it would have to be haha. Thanks though! Maybe I should just carry some wood and put myself under it for full effect.

>> No.7099634

Be prepared for people to mistake you for Trisha Elric, too, since they both look so similar with minor differences. It might help to make sure that your wig is dark enough, but people might still ask.

>> No.7099690

If you can find an Eren cosplayer to hang around with, I think that might make it a lot easier to recognize who you are.

>> No.7099699

LOL squashed like a cockroach. Love it when it showed her body stuck to the tree

>> No.7099886


>> No.7099892
File: 54 KB, 500x368, 6f7d5a33e9e89ee6e829cbe443d34e2b1370092099_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are being jews. Anybody know where to find COSPA's magical jacket?

>> No.7099895

Just as note, I already Googled around a fair bit. Can't seem to find it.

>> No.7099921

Ketchup on the face really sells it

>> No.7099922

I got mine through amiami. They do run pretty big though, as they're a unisex item.

>> No.7099965

It's obviously not just ketchup.

>> No.7099985

Actually, looking back through Arda's colors (I was on my phone last night), I think their best colors for Petra would be somewhere between Ginger Blonde, Salmon, and Peach. It all depends on how blonde vs. orange and natural vs. unnatural you want to go.

>> No.7100999
File: 151 KB, 1024x683, shingeki_no_kyojin__mikasa_ackerman_ii_by_itchy_hands-d6jw66l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7101001
File: 297 KB, 740x740, 79f31912c1bf0bbf14d1cef4c461d92a679da5b1-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7101111
File: 46 KB, 450x675, 255399-attack-on-titan-cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7101113
File: 62 KB, 640x427, eren titan cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7101152
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>> No.7101212

Nice spoilers asshole.

>> No.7101229
File: 36 KB, 400x660, titan21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/10 terrible try

>> No.7101251
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>> No.7101253
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>> No.7101291

I was just on the episode where Ellen joins the Survey Corps to fight the Eoten outside the walls but then the big Eoten attacks again.

>> No.7101321

That's a good episode Anon, enjoy the series.

>> No.7101354
File: 29 KB, 500x276, annieberterenReiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7101385

HAHAHA I Laughed way more than I should have.

>> No.7101398

wait is that a dude cosplaying the female titan ?

>> No.7101409
File: 47 KB, 500x672, tumblr_mnezekVt631s5qv67o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the bulge, I'd say yes.

>> No.7101428
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>> No.7101438
File: 107 KB, 720x480, 4e3b12a90997bb271010168ddaae1782c8f6a8f5-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7101441

Hey, you fucking DUMBASS. I HATE PEOPLE LIKE YOU. Guess what? Not all people get into Anime at the same fucking time in their lives. I know people who are JUST getting into Lupin the 3rd, is it their fault? No, it's not you god damn retard. Stop acting as if everyone works around YOUR time and YOUR expectations. Just like how there are now 12-13 year olds that are just discovering Deathnote, your shitty as FUCK excuse of "OMG ITS BEEN OUT FOR SO LONG HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW ABOUT IT HURHURHUR U DESERVE SPOILERS I AM ANIME QUEEN"

holy shit you're so fucking annoying and your shit egotistical know it all tone is obvious from all the way over here, get a fucking clue you god damn retard


>> No.7101449
File: 263 KB, 740x494, c22011db3e6a123b5ceb0177e53b8f2dfac533c6-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7101454
File: 266 KB, 740x502, 66aac930ac82967af13c9ce5b9315814b834131d-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about you getting to it right away.
It's about you not throwing a bitchfest over "spoilers" that were 30 chapters and like 5 episodes ago.
You're probably a troll, though, so I'll throw a cosplay in to say I'm contributing.

>> No.7101457

I bet your one of those people that got mad when they got spoiled for Les Misérables.

>Sage for no contribution

>> No.7101464

Snape kills Dumbledore.

>> No.7101466


>> No.7101472
File: 153 KB, 740x425, b608288400c8d13f411653f1562d8e86b66ef17d-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even get why people assume that just because it's cosplayed, it happened in the actual plot.
Pic related: Spoiler alert, Levi/Eren becomes canon because it was cosplayed omg!!!!!

>> No.7101474

There WAS a track of them supposedly having sex on the Drama CD. I think it got removed.

I didn't listen to it because I don't care to.

>> No.7101478
File: 248 KB, 740x493, a96d5a6dd3cda2205065da1fafac54c7b01028ee-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard about something like that on tumblr. I don't think it was on the actual Drama CD, though; it was the two voice actors doing it outside being the actual characters.

>> No.7101477


I'd like to add that I don't think a 1-2 minute minute track of what I can only assume is awkward heavy breathing makes them 'canon' and I'm not trying to defend it as such.

I'm not sure tumblr knows what 'canon' means anymore.

>> No.7101482

But now you spoilt it for me because I now know that Ellen is an Eoten too.

>> No.7101490
File: 183 KB, 740x493, 98b21aeadbd8cb08ecea97e17ce9d0c291c81ed5-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So's Ymir, Bert, Reiner, and Annie.
Possibly Grisha, Mike, Nanaba, Connie's mom, Petra, Aruro, and basically any other dead/missing soldier or villager outside Wall Sina.

>> No.7101504


I kind of want to cosplay the "moe" Titan in a school girl uniform. And when I take pictures, I'm going to pose like I'm running to school. But instead of a slice of toast, I'll have Mina hanging out of my mouth.

>> No.7101509

Petra and Oulo can't be missing, both their bodies were safely delivered and burned at the stake in the monga.

>> No.7101517

If you do that I will shower you with roses and adoration.

>> No.7101524
File: 78 KB, 454x740, c2f00de4ad68270ae55bcc36601d3e0bb879dfdc-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I need to reread if that's the truth, because I don't remember that.
I know that people pointed out that there were a mysterious few titans when Erwin first lured them in to attack the Armored that looked like Aruro and Petra.

>> No.7101594

Whoa that tripped me out that I had to go back and re-read the new chapters.

I didn't notice them, but I noticed one looked like Mike. In the middle http://www.onemanga.me/Attack_on_Titan/49/5/ kind of has the nose and stache.

As far as crazy theories go, my worries are that Annie will somehow explode out of the crystal and harm the people inside the wall or that the ape titan is a person wandering inside since you see it scale the wall and..that's about it.
A friend and I tossed around the idea that the ape titan might be Annie's father. Another theory I read was someone thought it was Eren's dad but, idk.

Cosplay wise, if I see an ape titan cosplay, I would probably cry. That thing gives me nightmares.

>> No.7101609
File: 233 KB, 740x495, cbaf51052fd8c45b9bd84d89ec20175dccd7d851-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually meant before that chapter. I meant right when we see him leading them in, at the end of 48:
As regards to the Mike titan, it appears a few times. Almost grabs Christa. There's one that looks like Nanaba that eats one of the Military Police members, too.
I don't really think Annie's dad is Monkey Trouble, and personally subscribe more to it being Grisha. My friend pointed out the other day that the Ape and Rogue titans are the only titans with pointed ears, and it could be a familial thing...
I'd love to see someone try out a Monkey Trouble cosplay, though. Or a Dancing Titan. The non-humanoid ones would be amazing...

>> No.7101619

cant be grisha, monkey trouble didnt know about the 3dmg.

>> No.7101636

Oh! Awesome, sorry about that and thanks for the link! I'll look in to it.

Those are pretty good theories, too. I think the main thing is that there's still SO little answered sometimes people grasp at straw for anything that might make sense [hell, might be reasons for mine too!] but I'm eager to see how it all plays out.

I am kind of wow'ed at how much psychological manipulation Armin's done. What he did in 49 was pretty dangerous that it could almost be considered a colossal mistake.

A dancing titan would be pretty bad ass with all those teeth and claws.

>> No.7101644
File: 278 KB, 491x740, 3d2c090a990bc9fecc297659ca5bc243888c5191-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's what people always say. But I still think he's the most likely one, especially with his resemblance. There's many ways the author could work around it. I don't think the average civilian would know every name for every piece of gear a soldier wears, or how they specifically work, after all.
Then again that's why it's called a theory, it could be wrong.

Eh, I don't get why people are surprised. Armin's been psychologically manipulating for some time now. That's how he got Annie to follow him, even if she brought the ring and implied she thought he was leading her on.

>> No.7101646

One of the theories surrounding Grisha is that Eren actually ate him without knowing it yet.

Rather spoilery but here's the read if interested. http://calorescence.tumblr.com/post/61065865654/if-you-were-wondering-what-that-popular-theory

>> No.7101706

Connie's mom is definitely a Titan, no "possibly".

>> No.7101711

That would make me very sad.

>> No.7101735
File: 1.90 MB, 1590x897, titanbutts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And a rear view for good measure

>> No.7101738

mostly because real hair doesn't hold its styling as well as a wig will.
After 6 hours of wandering around a hot con your real hair would be gross and droopy

>> No.7101748

It looks like armored titan woke up with shark week in full force

>> No.7101765

Wait wait wait are you implying something about the origin of the titans?

>> No.7101771


I'm kind of expecting the creator to pull an NGE on us and have it all be a dream/coma dream in the end. Which would explain the beginning.

>get in the fucking robot Shinji
>become the fucking Titan Eren

same thing really

>> No.7101782

>>Armin's been psychologically manipulating for some time now. That's how he got Annie to follow him, even if she brought the ring and implied she thought he was leading her on.

Yeah, I don't get why people have been going on about what Armin did, either. I remember someone on tumblr going "OMG ARMIN WENT BATSHIT IN THE NEW CHAPTER OF SNK!" and upon realizing that no other chapter had been released, I re-read the most current one and couldn't figure out what they were talking about.

But you're right. He's been psychologically manipulating people for a while, so I'm not really surprised he tried it with Bertl. He's the most emotionally/psychologically vulnerable one of the three and he had Eren. It was necessary for him to be distracted long enough for someone to make a move and take Eren back. So Armin used his weak points to do just that. Could that have been dangerous? Maybe. I still thought it was ingenious, though. Same with how he manipulated Annie.

I think people are just having a hard time reconciling this behavior with the image of him as a "precious shota He-Man" that the fandom created. He's a tactician. Headgames are sort of his bread and butter.

>> No.7101787


>I think people are just having a hard time reconciling this behavior with the image of him as a "precious shota He-Man" that the fandom created. He's a tactician. Headgames are sort of his bread and butter.

You've hit the nail on the head
Catpcha: alsisub THIS

>> No.7101798

I honestly have no idea where this image of him came from unless it's his appearance. Sure, he had low self-esteem and was vulnerable and scared at the beginning of the story and he's not particularly strong, but his character has developed a lot since then. So I'm not really sure where that characterization of him came from and why it hasn't changed.

The way they've portrayed other characters have changed. Early on, the fandom as quit portraying Levi as some sadistic BDSM automaton with OCD. Now it seems like some of them are swinging to the other extreme, though. It'll be interesting to see where they go with that.

>> No.7101812

*early on, the fandom was portraying Levi

man I need to go to bed

>> No.7101974

Man that last episode. It almost made me fall in love with Annie, but then I remembered she's a merchant.

>> No.7101975

Ooh yeah, I knew about his manipulations as early as saying that Annie was a kind person during their 3D check ups. I apologize for not making that clear, that was my bad! I was just a bit wow'ed that he took it as far as he did in the new chapter and it was a smart move in order to drop Bertholdt's guard but that's still a potential 60 Meter bear he's poking.

I sometimes think Reiner has to really be suffering out of them, too. He got to the point where he split his Warrior side to his Soldier side and I remember first reading the manga and at his confession that really kind of came out of nowhere [for me, I guess I'm just a slow reader and wanted to get through it at first, then go back over everything more thoroughly] I was like "wait, wait, did I read that right? Is that an error? Why, why would they hurt me like that."

I do kind of like that Isayama had to tone back Armin's crazy face in the new chapter from what it could have been to what it was. He really did look a bit scary to the point it could of been the whole new "What is it Eren?" to "What is it Bertholdt?"

>> No.7102095

Yeah, I get you. I wasn't saying you specifically, more other people in the fandom who tend to act like Armin is some sweet, docile little lamb. You're right, though. If Bertl shifts, then they're all probably fucked seven ways from Sunday. I don't know if he will though. He and Reiner are in pretty bad shape and he moves pretty slow.

I think all of them are going to have a crazyface by the end of the series. I felt so bad for laughing at Levi's face when he was attacking the female titan, but it was hysterical to me. It reminded me of how my friend's cat looks when he's stalking/fighting beetles.

I really feel bad for Reiner, too--especially when you go back and re-read earlier chapters knowing what you know now. The way he and Bertholdt play off each other is also pretty sad. I think they're all suffering, just in different ways and for different reasons. Honestly,I find all three of them to be sympathetic characters. Isayama is really good at tugging on your heart strings, and these three are no exception. I also really like how he handles moral grey areas.

Even though a lot of people call this anime "mainstream" and "pleb", I still really like it because of the above reasons. Though I'd be lying if I said I didn't originally get into it because of the opening. I stumbled across it on youtube and really liked the song. Then when I saw the Colossal Titan, I was like "WOAH WHAT IS THAT THING!? I HAVE TO WATCH THIS NOW."

>> No.7102114

back to >>>/r9k/ and >>>/a/ neckbeard virgin friends

>> No.7102135
File: 132 KB, 740x493, 60335c3c74eccec2af2a92cab56a68a28e655ebe-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said 'it looks like my mom' not 'it is my mom.'
It's heavily implied, but still not a fact.

>> No.7102142
File: 268 KB, 493x740, 5f6f9ad97b41757217d970c828636757cb574ee2-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly,I find all three of them to be sympathetic characters.
I agree. Tumblr doesn't seem to, however. As usual, they leap onto one part of a character and make it seem like it's their entire personality. BRA are the evil supervillains that love to kill in the eyes of everyone I've seen, because 'THEYVE KILLED SO MANY.' Uhh, so has the Legion. Erwin is famous for leading his soldiers to their deaths to get what he wants.

>> No.7102149
File: 232 KB, 493x740, 0142a702fc83ea9f9942d1d62dc7e0ee59d30062-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7102181

It called out to him. The Titan talked to him and said "Welcome back".

>> No.7102185
File: 254 KB, 740x475, c9ca3c4823e1e23deac381bc4849b0b3427e481f-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I'm saying it's heavily implied. I'm not fucking stupid.
But until she fucking comes out of the nap of its neck and says 'HEY CONNIE ITS UR MAMA' then it's not a 'definitely.'
For all we fucking know, when a titan eats someone they gain their memories or some shit.

>> No.7102192

My impression is that Annie was always the one who most believed in what they were doing, while Reiner and Bertholdt may have been coerced.

>> No.7102195

I will concede your point.

>> No.7102231
File: 138 KB, 368x550, 644388bc5cab24dac16540f3794a4639ce47f0e6-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7102293
File: 35 KB, 809x323, loliateurmom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, pretty much. Annie seems to catch more hate than the other two though. Apparently, she doesn't seem like she's 'as sorry' as the others. But given how stoic she is, it makes sense that she wouldn't show it as much. A lot of people thought the same of Bertholdt at first, but it turned out he was more conflicted and remorseful than he seemed. Also, I think tumblr has more sympathy for Reiner and Bertl because they ship them together? I don't know. I think all three of them are resolved to complete whatever mission they're on even if they're feeling guilty or whatever else. Reiner definitely seems to be the most emotionally compromised of the three, though.

Yeah, I don't get that either. Irwin might be sorry for doing it, but he still sacrifices a lot of soldiers to achieve an objective, so he's not that different from BRA. There's also some speculation that he sent Levi to 'refuel' because he knew what was going to happen and wanted to save him. Which logically makes sense since he's the strongest (human) soldier they have, but still. Like Armin, he's a tactician and has to make difficult choices that might not always be ethical.

It's also heavily implied that the whole village was turned into Titans because there was no breech in the wall. That, and the village was destroyed but there are no bodies. A soldier also pointed out that the Titan that looked like Connie's mom had such puny limbs there's no way it could have moved on its own.

Still, who knows what Monkey Trouble is up to and it could very well be a red herring. It wouldn't be the first time Isayama pulled such a stunt. Either way, I'm curious to see where this and the BRA plot is headed.

>> No.7102300
File: 308 KB, 740x555, 4599578a6bb3b4eeb95bd85d21fe821bc8665860-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of where the plot is headed, does anyone have any theories? It's clear that Hannes is going to go up against the titan that ate Carla to save Eren and Mikasa again next chapter, but I mean the arc as a whole.
I thought we would make it to the Titan Village, but now I'm not so sure. It might get pushed back to a later arc where they retreat and then go 'okay we have to find that village they talked about.' Any theories on how things will go down?

>> No.7102332
File: 110 KB, 461x523, 1345090620656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never have RussianxJapanese genetics

>> No.7102343
File: 207 KB, 493x740, 2c67e251bcbe28c083d71441be4ea9cce3218985-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's got the perfect little nose for Hange. It's amazing.

>> No.7102358

Whoops, I meant to quote >>7102332

>> No.7102360

>I find all three of them to be sympathetic characters
I can't really find them sympathetic yet because, while it's heavily implied they're being threatened into doing this, all we have right now are the implications of their own words. As soon as that reason comes to light I probably will sympathize, but if it turns out they could have just done like Ymir and hidden then I probably won't.

>He's a tactician
I think it's pretty clear that the Scouting leaders are foils for what the main 3. Irwin is the strategic genius just like Armin and Armin was the only one of the newbies to figure out the Female Titan plan with next to no information and the only one who agreed with it out of logic rather than blind trust. Since Armin has already been making plans that Irwin agreed with, and with Irwin's injury, I think we're likely to see Armin heading up some upcoming operations. We've also got Levi teaching Mikasa how to be a better super soldier and Hanji influencing Eren towards curiosity towards Titans instead of raw hatred.

>Any theories on how things will go down?
After this arc we should get some exposition from Historia and the Wall Cult, possibly Ymir, and maybe something with Annie. Hopefully this will actually clear up some of the myriad questions raised in the current arc. Depending on how shocking that is we might do some more reactionary stuff (investigating the Titans within the walls seems likely) or we might go back to the original basement plan

>> No.7102363

>dat perfect Hange face

>> No.7102441
File: 229 KB, 740x495, e890aa299f97d85fdd7d906e557fbd26d9d5c14d-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think it's pretty clear that the Scouting leaders are foils for what the main 3
I actually think you've got it totally wrong. Eren didn't hit it off at all with Hange, but Armin did. Eren got bored of her theories, but Armin's the one that listened to them all and helped her form other theories. Considering the brain power > brawn with the both of them, I think he's going to take Hange's place.
I actually think Jean's going to be the one taking Erwin's place. And Eren... I don't think he's going to be involved at all.

>> No.7102457

He did ask her about them and stayed up all night listening, I think he was just disappointed by the fact that she had nothing new to tell him. He is the one who first decided to go to the basement in order to discover their secrets, and he seemed genuinely interested when she talked about why she thought about them differently.

Then again, Eren hasn't done shit so far so you might not be wrong. Jean seems to be the bridge between the supersoldiers and the normal guys so I can't really see him as the one calling the shots. More likely he'll be a squad leader who tries to make those suicidal decisions understandable to the men.

>> No.7102462

Best Christa cosplayer I've ever seen.

Then again, it's also the only good one.

>> No.7102471
File: 212 KB, 740x393, a5865895c3767c8e957f2d467fa841c019d3c5e1-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He asked her because he was interested at first. And he stayed up out of politeness and in hopes it would get interesting. It didn't, and he was horrified when Hange said she'd go through it again with her theories on the matter.
Armin's the one who actively speaks with her with her theories and even helped her get to the idea of 'the titans made the walls.'
Jean was originally supposed to be a 'normal' guy, but I actually think he'll become Commander because he's growing from that. Armin telling him about 'sacrifice' I think was supposed to foreshadow it, and we see him changing from the man who says he would never run into a whole mess of titans, to an actual man who DOES run into a whole mess of titans. I think by the end of his character development, he's going to be fit for a Commander position, and his humanity and honesty is actually part of why I think he's going to. He's the bridge between heroes and average Joes, like you said. That makes him a motivator-- his speeches make the other soldiers follow him, because it's coming from the mouth of a guy that's just as scared as they are, instead of someone like Mikasa.

>> No.7102488
File: 170 KB, 740x493, ea6fb162c393638baf0899c3d0434bd857f549b9-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also wanted to add, being a tactician isn't what would make Armin like Erwin. Erwin's in his position more for being able to make people do what he wants--like we saw just in this recent chapter--than being able to think critically.
Hange's far more of a tactician; she's the one who's able to control multiple squads at one time, rather than just as a whole group, and do it safely rather than just sacrificing them for the good of the mission.

>> No.7102506

>able to control multiple squads at one time,
That's a good point, so far Erwin has stuck with a preconceived idea, Hanji has shown a bit more adaptability in her fight with the Colossal and Armored Titans. Although Armin has done both, kinda has to when Eren and Mikasa act like idiots.

>> No.7102516

Mikasa sometimes acts like an idiot, Eren just plain is an idiot.

>> No.7102664 [DELETED] 

>chink cosplaying aryan character

>> No.7102685

oh christ, not this again. go back to fucking /a/

>> No.7102688
File: 157 KB, 700x467, 6afb2e02cf0ab4440ca2f4e2fd70d9c8c9025bf1-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still adorable.

>> No.7102693
File: 143 KB, 467x701, ffe9e1c2f4bb7d2b4dbd2de972e5e45eaae7a2ae-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7102697
File: 263 KB, 493x740, 1a229c7dc36271e80c74a6c6260425a108a64126-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7102705
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>> No.7102719 [DELETED] 

Why do gooks always looks like they have the downs?

>> No.7102724 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 312x305, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7102729

Someone call a doctor, I'm bleeding! I think I cut myself on how edgy that anon is!

>> No.7102736
File: 293 KB, 450x675, 4c809f44c2b65f5da912672a2e89dc7d2b922266-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7102740

Mod confirmed for UFO

>> No.7102741


>> No.7102743

I, for one, welcome our new extraterrestrial overlords.

>> No.7102746 [DELETED] 

UFO means ugly fuckin oriental right?
Huh I never realized how much Asians really do look like aliens with the weird eyes and all...

>> No.7102751

Aliens mating with humans created asians

>> No.7102756
File: 80 KB, 500x333, levi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally try not to get too caught up in fan theories, but it's fun to speculate. I think someone is going to die by the end of the current battle they're in. Bertl and Reiner are either going to get Eren back and escape or retreat and remain a distant threat that may or may not return at any moment. Assuming one or both of them doesn't die, that is. Then Monkey Trouble may or may not get up to his usual cryptic shenanigans while they try to work on Annie and/or figure out why the hell Titans are in the walls. (That may be delayed some since Christa appears to be the key to that and she's probably going to escape with Ymir. I think this will probably be when Ymir's history will be explored, too.)

What happened to Connie's village will probably be addressed once that plot thread is wrapping up. Then Reiner and Bertl will come back (provided they're alive) and the mystery of their home town will be revealed. This will all most likely have something to do with the key to Eren's basement and the location of his father. Either that, or there's just a post-it note down there that says "Made you look".

That's my guess based on the story so far since a lot of the big reveals will probably be left until the tail end of the arc. Though, given how casually the identities of the Armored and Colossal titans were disclosed, that might not be the case.

>> No.7102775
File: 161 KB, 416x740, 7d6bb2f102c3d5c8c251fad4c17f575e121dab42-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7102778
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>> No.7102782
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>> No.7102787
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>> No.7102789
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>> No.7103064
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>> No.7103183
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>> No.7103218

I hope all the fucking fujoshis gayfags and other deviants will finally let go of camping him up after he lost his arm in the new chapter.

>> No.7103260
File: 209 KB, 700x467, 735d9510ac4bd47ade1f19f26831dc03f265c27c-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually seen a load of fanart come from it. Saw a bunch of Levi and Erwin roleplayers who ship it say how it gives them 'Eruri feels.'

>> No.7103287
File: 287 KB, 800x1131, 38038050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you stupid? Him losing his arm will only increase the gay art and fic. Which I am glad about.

>> No.7103348

god fucking damnit.

>> No.7103421

okay i can't even tell who these two are

>> No.7103439

It's Ymir and Christa right after they pulled Ymir out of her Titan form at Castle Utgard.

>> No.7103713

Why so many people like Petra? and took her death so hard? I mean everyone in the squad died and only Petra is the one everyone cares? >.< *sigh*

>> No.7103762
File: 217 KB, 740x493, 151a39eff83d288ff6f722df5a009c51bcba73cc-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else looked at the prequel manga of SNK? It's called Before the Fall, and is apparently set 70 years before the events of the current time line. It's going to focus on two different characters; one who apparently is the guy that may be credited with making 3DMG, and the other seems like he might be some re-hash of Eren.

It seems like it might be interesting, and might answer some questions about how all this shit got started, but my concern is that the questions we have now won't be answered in the present manga ever, and will just be "explained later" in this one. I'm hoping that isn't the case.

>> No.7103884

Petra was always so cute and caring. It kinda gave me the idea she was the glue that held this bunch of complete weirdos together.

>> No.7103891

That, and she may have been harboring a crush on Levi who is a fan favorite.

I'm hoping that's not the case either. I still really want to read it, though. As well as the spin off that delves into Levi's past a bit.

>> No.7103897 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 500x353, cackling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're actually not a samefag responding to these posts

>> No.7103970

>I mean everyone in the squad died and only Petra is the one everyone cares? >.< *sigh*
She was a woman. No one cares about the deaths of men, they are just statistics. To quote the wise and benevolent Hilary Clinton, it is actually their mothers/sisters/wives who are the primary victims here.

>> No.7103972

>the glue that held this bunch of complete weirdos together.
That would be Ravielli. If anything, Petra would be like "the boss's girlfriend" that everyone has to tolerate and that always ruins the mood, just like the average seagull when she goes to pester her bf's friends and tries to "fit in" with them.

>> No.7104150

>theories about BRA
I think their motives will be the most important thing, and what solidifies the issue. So there's some Titan society that has a good reason for hating and attempting to destroy humanity, and I'm of the opinion that when we find out why everything will click. The shifters obviously had motivation aside from coercion and "KILL KILL DESTROY" and it'll be interesting to find out what it was.

>> No.7104173

I just thought that was going to be some side stories in SNK when I saw it. It's a whole separate manga?

>> No.7104197

Pretty sure there will be no motive and instead an evangelion ending.

>> No.7104214

I think Kaworu made it pretty clear in the new movies that what happened at the end of the series isn't the final ending.

>> No.7104224


I-I cared about Orou ;_;

>> No.7104241

The only other guy who gets much characterization is that idiot who keeps biting his tongue

>> No.7104331
File: 198 KB, 493x740, 9718a293b3e399706c0dfd72ca121345d8ccd948-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the whole war might actually make us sympathize with the shifters. The way Pastor Nick acts, and how Hange said 'maybe there's something more important than preventing the downfall of humanity,' it might be more than just predator vs prey.
The King, that cult, and maybe even Erwin probably know it.

>> No.7104397

You mean the most competent and best written character in his entire squad?

If Annie didn't get hard, he would solo kill her, that's how good she is.

Petra should've married him instead of Ravieversailles.

>> No.7104399

*how good he is

Ololol, I mean

>> No.7104423
File: 255 KB, 740x491, 93a6d3aedfe0ef0fae4199ad0ee0b82911f4549e-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He had the highest kills for solo, didn't he? The others had up in the 40s-70s for team kills and then like 10 for solo, but his solos alone were super high if I remember right.

>> No.7104457


>>7098231 here. I just got that wig in and it is pretty orange. If you need a wig quick, go with this; it arrived a week before expected. But if you can, look around a bit more.
I'm eventually going to sell mine to someone and find a better choice when I more money and time.

>> No.7104474

Being good at your job doesn't mean you can't be an idiot

>> No.7104491

Yes it does.

>> No.7104641

>Levi's past
Someone told me it was going to be a shojo manga. I'm not sure what to expect from that, but I'll keep my mind open.

It looks like it may be its own manga, but it's only got one chapter out, so it's hard to say at this point.

>> No.7104719
File: 403 KB, 480x720, c925a39a1f4bfe76df7877deb92ce823cb4e7533-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't the chapter come out like months ago though...?
Ah, and about Levi's spin-off. It's running in a Shojo magazine called Aria. But the manga it serializes doesn't seem to be typical shojo all the time...

>> No.7104946

are you retarded? you can be great at doing your job but be a total idiot with other people. just because you're talented in some areas doesn't mean you're a+ perfect

>> No.7104987

I'm willing to bet money on this.

>> No.7105002

Pssst, stupid Arda anon here, if you did want to buy from Arda, I have a color wheel back at home and I can take some pictures of the colors samples I think might work?

>> No.7105500

Any word on pattern anon's jacket pattern? It's been way past AX and I'm dying to give them my money.

>> No.7105527

>implying /a/ likes SnK

>> No.7105544

>months ago.
Dang, really? The date stamp on the one I read was August 31st. If there are more chapters floating around, I haven't run into them. Or rather, I haven't searched for them.

As far as Levi's story goes, I'm glad to hear that. I was imagining lots of Gaussian blurred bubbles and floral borders.

>> No.7105907

That sounds good!
She's been having a rough time since AX.

>> No.7106097


Is there a timetable on it? I recall it being near done and I know a number of people who'd be interested in buying it.

>> No.7106385
File: 136 KB, 800x533, 20130816_Burg_Drachenfels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awright, I'm gonna make a SnK shooting right here this fall!

>> No.7106386
File: 147 KB, 800x526, 800px-Schloss_Drachenburg_Luftbild_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here. :3

>> No.7106404
File: 499 KB, 500x186, tumblr_mewy6yNRM01qleu8g.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you lucky bastards

>> No.7106585
File: 827 KB, 500x335, 113545436634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She hasn't been in the threads, last I heard she was avoiding them. Just give her time.

>> No.7107270
File: 326 KB, 1280x960, levitertailgroup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back from NDK wooo! There were plenty of SnK cosplayers, though only two Titans. The female titan was surprisingly good!

The humidity and a broken table saw sort of messed up my 3DMG plans, but it worked out somewhat. I'll make sure to give Katsucon plenty of room time-wise.

Casting the thigh pieces half an inch thick, running an internal harness from them up underneath the pants, and bolting the boxes to the anchored thigh pieces actually worked pretty well. Hopefully there'll be decent pictures of that later.

For now, I'm the middle Levi with the crooked skirt bit ahahaha why.

>> No.7107304
File: 87 KB, 404x300, 3157667_1361211608156.73res_404_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am actually Japanese
>Porkin Russian chick will give child RussianxJapanese genetics

>> No.7107701

That group looks....horrible.

>> No.7107810


The left-most Levi's pants look incredibly weird. Why are they bunched up like that ?

>> No.7107900

Not tight enough on the person's tiny legs I suspect, the pants are too baggy to have the harness over them and look smooth

>> No.7107941

You look all right but you should really consider heat styling the bangs in a curve so they don't just fall straight into your eye, and working on posing.

>> No.7108018
File: 356 KB, 864x1296, tumblr_msl4z6dyUK1qgw90po1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7108030

That Ymir is perfect.

>> No.7108108

And the Christa is pretty meh again.

>> No.7108188
File: 122 KB, 600x900, Img_1579b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average age in the room was probably about 15 so I wasn't surprised.

Yeah, still working on that. I got it to a pretty good point Friday morning, then by Saturday the humidity killed it and I was rocking emo bangs. I'll switch hairsprays at the very least.

>> No.7108238

Okay that's deeeeefinitely a better angle and pose. You look fantastic. Were you the Levi in the contest?

>> No.7108274
File: 338 KB, 740x494, 98241fe541eef45855aff3900ac9a4faa9e901ca-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7108478

Those eyes of yours are mesmerizing. N-no homo, bro.

>> No.7108511

Patch Anon is a girl. Unless you are also a girl saying this I guess. Hmm.

>> No.7108546

I would like to second this, but say y-yes homo.
>btw im a grill

>> No.7108618

Thirding. ALL of the homo.

>> No.7109148

That's a pretty good Mikasa cosplay. Too bad she couldn't get a black haired wig.

>> No.7109256

what the hell is an Eoten?

>> No.7109360

No one knows that yet. Information That Can Be Disclosed At This Time suggests that the Eoten like to eat Humans and they disintegrate into steam when they die. Also they are not good against sunlight.

>> No.7109385


fuck I'm laughing

>> No.7109398
File: 175 KB, 887x668, sburdo and waivu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imblying that wasn't just a thinly veiled attempted of you trying to get inside Patch Anon's pants by pretending to like her eyes instead of her massive tits and complimenting her painfully horrible makeup/costume by pretending that you can't tell it's obv. a chick

even Jean could do better hitting on

like in that one time he told Mokasa that "HEY YOU!** you have pretty hair!" and Mokasa said "Domo!" (like in that song, "Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto") and then he saved her from Eoten and became her prince/future husband in last chapter

**he said anata which is considered a rude way of addressing someone as "you" in Japanese, I am a 6th year student of Nihongo I know best

>> No.7109438

It's funny but it is actually true. If the only thing separating you from looking exactly like another character is the color of your wig, then you're doing it wrong. At least if she used contacts and dyed her eyebrows, but nooo - that would be too much work for SnK cosplay.

>> No.7109529

Nice thinly veiled vendetta-chan. You just jealous you're not as cute as Patch Anon. :3

>> No.7109549
File: 112 KB, 600x885, 596589-eccb485376afb85ce6f82c9917c0ed4c9e9209e726a107f9f4fecc32_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Complaining about not wearing contacts
Manga-Petra has eyes that dark.
>Complaining about not dying eyebrows
Number one, that'd look fucking ridiculous. Number two, Manga-Petra doesn't have light eyebrows.
>Complaining about 'only a wig differentiating you from another character'
Seriously, all the fucking characters have one goddamn soldier uniform. That doesn't even make sense for this series, unless it's like, Grisha vs Erwin.
If you're going to be an anime-only fuckass, at least don't pretend like you know what you're talking about.

>> No.7109550


I see no evidence of "massive tits" in this thread.

>> No.7109552
File: 219 KB, 493x740, 155cf3078841dde6fb3de3bb1ae61bac45fb1fcf-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7109555
File: 6 KB, 300x168, eren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw anon got Stone Told Steve Austin

>> No.7109564

So is this a bjd, CG, clay sculpture or just shit tons of shoop

>> No.7109572
File: 511 KB, 531x800, tumblr_mseyivsaAB1rbvzvuo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cosplay side of AoT has a shitton of shoop most of the time, especially for male characters. I saw a picture of a Levi with hilariously photoshopped abs once, even.
But I'm on the end of my AoT cosplay folder, so I'm spewing out whatever.

>> No.7109573

Wait a sec. How do you know that was Petra?

>> No.7109574

...Who the fuck else would it be? No other character has that style hair. Closest it could be is Christa, and her bangs are different.
Also, the site I got it from tagged it 'Petra Ral.'

>> No.7109576

Is this ever going to stop?

It's really like the omens were true and this truly is Homestalia ver. 2.0.

>> No.7109582

Well how the fuck was I supposed to know? Not that it matters, it's just as bad if not even worse than before the fact. She has none of Petra's facial features and the wig doesn't fit her hairstyle (compare to pic in OP's pic which is mostly correct).

>> No.7109589

just quit now you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.7109595
File: 204 KB, 462x317, tumblr_mokimn1PVK1qbgj2zo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck was I supposed to know
Maybe by, I don't know, looking at it? Seriously, it's like seeing a cosplayer wearing the Legion uniform with goggles, and brown hair in a messy ponytail, and not knowing it's Hange.
What even... Seriously, you're digging yourself a deeper and deeper hole.
Pic related, she has the little nose and the face shape down flat, even if her wig isn't completely A+(though it still fits). None of your complaints make any sense.

>> No.7109602
File: 106 KB, 326x445, e0a34c3a69cd5d4c487f5efb01b285fcc16683d4-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7109606
File: 249 KB, 532x740, 4299fab5da163b9ae9941861da8923eea63e4720-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7109610

I'm not, she actually kind of resembled Christa at least, but if she was cosplaying Petra then it's even worse.

But then again maybe anon just has this photo from Tumblr where some retard tagged it wrong, so there's sitll hope.

>Maybe by, I don't know, looking at it?

I looked at it and the first thing that came to my head was - "oh, gee, another of those lazy Christa cosplays - but hey at least she's original and has the Scouting Legion outfit". She doesn't even have the elevated forehead and retracted mandibles that Petra is supposed to have. She might as well change her hair color to brown and say she's Hanji and Sasha at the same time, because apparently the fandom couldn't give the slightest fuck about resemblance.

>> No.7109616

>her massive tits
I am flat as a fucking board, yo.

In other news, patches are in! Shipping starts today, shop will be restocked over the weekend hopefully.

I've got 25% off my next order so I'm kind of considering a small run of Garrison patches since I want to cosplay Rico...

>> No.7109619
File: 135 KB, 580x870, attack on naptime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The world needs more Titan cosplay. Shifters don't count.

>> No.7109628 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 469x750, 1369196144409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She doesn't even have the elevated forehead and retracted mandibles

>being this much of a faggot

>> No.7109630
File: 183 KB, 493x740, d306d027ab426501de3aa06ccb09217880cb5eed-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She doesn't even have the elevated forehead and retracted mandibles
Confirmed for troll. No wonder you seemed like such a retard. 7/10 for keeping me going so long.

>> No.7109631
File: 601 KB, 824x706, 1357271287659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She doesn't even have the elevated forehead and retracted mandibles that Petra is supposed to have

>>>>>>being this much of a faggot

>> No.7109644

I was talking ABOUT PETRA. She's the one with the massive forehead, you moron.

God, why am I even wasting my time talking to such ignorant philistines. You're the reason why /cgl/ died.

Actually, I am a girl but w/e, I don't want nothing to do with you no more.

Pearls before swine.

>> No.7109654
File: 257 KB, 493x740, 0d7761406148820bf97f7493eaa7c061b991c6fb-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were confirmed for a troll, why are you still talking?
4/10 for trying to keep going.

>> No.7109655

It's "Anta!" not "anata".

>> No.7109659

I think the massive tits part was a stealth insult.

>> No.7109661

Is that Marco? He looks like half the man he used to be.

>> No.7109676
File: 39 KB, 480x302, 3niik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses words 'philistine'
>don't want nothing to do with you no more
>doesn't realize that 'faggot' in this instance isn't referencing homosexuality
>buttdevastated because multiple people have pointed out their nitpicky bullshit is irrelevant

You are either a troll or a youtube comment come to life

>> No.7109683
File: 66 KB, 375x500, Photo on 2013-09-18 at 16.39 #3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I've been working on my Jean cosplay. My jacket hasn't arrived yet but I figured I could work a bit on the wig and the makeup to get the face right. Picture related, my best result so far.

>> No.7109689

This is perfect. Do it.

>> No.7109759
File: 251 KB, 740x490, b05199474a491327b990f747d06ce494cd13ede6-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7109834
File: 184 KB, 740x493, 2dddd8890713ae88e63f7e158298ba4cf2380357-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7109850
File: 371 KB, 600x800, jan kissu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O-ok, I'll try my best.

H-hey Patch Anon, there are 21 letters in the Alphabet, r-right?

>> No.7109899

This would be the best Christa ever...

...that uses Photoshop.

>> No.7110243

Nigga, is you stupid? There be 25 of 'em.

You ain't gonna get none of mine booty if you can't even get yo' facts all straight, aight? Now git yo white ass outta my face.

>> No.7110251
File: 237 KB, 740x493, f3956eafb0a26371687f16d6910b3c6dca275f27-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're doing a dumb pick-up line they saw from tumblr.
Christ, can you at least sage?

>> No.7110263

>missing the joke that badly
though i do agree on the sage

>> No.7110268

Do you guys have any recommended places online to get belt buckles? Preferably at low prices.

>> No.7110272
File: 85 KB, 720x960, is that...tape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7110279

Jesus H. Christ.

>> No.7110284

>is that...tape?

On her eyes? Because those eyes are clearly the worst part of the image.

>> No.7110291

phan's fault. Oh god her bangs

>> No.7110312

I will forever hate that woman for making that fucking video

>> No.7110319

this...this is a man, it must be

>> No.7110709

Google Images says it's a cis-female.

>> No.7110745
File: 236 KB, 750x3128, snk-bat-hoodie-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ newfag here

what do you guys think of this?
cute? terrible? so-so?

I'm planning on buying it this weekend

>> No.7110857

if you want it for cosplay get the cloak unless you're buying it because you want to go to a meet in your jeans, wig and a hoodie but if you use it at a con for serious cosplay expect to get slated here, these threads are really bitchy and it's not accurate.
if you want it because it's merch and it's adorable and you want to go out in something from the series do it they're really cute and comfortable.

>> No.7110870

thanks for the input
I'm just planning on using for the merch

>> No.7111283
File: 337 KB, 740x466, 4a46e19fa8a9e2e8bed3a4a27f35dc0a6b7adca7-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, isn't that a thing on etsy or something? You should link where to get it. It's so adorable.